Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1902, p. 2

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Sa Modem Savannak, Lis, ¥ wr - "tie birth of my Sept sad oorg age I have suffered weancly sot bring myrell 10 binr te of a wwrgdeal operation, Pyra Sure #uddee] Suna! me For sale Seu 8, Causes gind Cure" Prrunid Drug Co., Marshall, ets, 5d Carpe os Linoleums. Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found' el« ewhere in the city. We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock "at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. a In Linoleums we show *y largest, line to be found d dt prices that mean 3 genuine money-saving R. McF aul Kingston Carpet. Warehouse. Furniture, Carpets, Qil Cloth, Curtains. Lb. FURNITURE«Woll: seleciud, will your, Hall lg very asmeactive to aod "first he lasti YOu sunk of Ho oe ure As lerge We have. Hall by, at $5, od » wp i wp. and uj iy som. CARPETS Now stook just areiving, New in terns, mew in colors aml good in ----. esti Relate lox: at B00. and 60; OIL. CLOTH In Floral aml Block 'wbry © "Wey effects, 330. wp. per have EEE = pd Sitar The if AR, WINTYAE IS CHARMAN FILLS OFFICE FOR A SECOND TERM. Isaugural Meeting For 1902 of the Board of Health--The Spread of © Diphtheria And Cause Thereoi--Princess Street Sewer Extension Again Reviewed. The inaugural meeting for 192 of the * bord of health was convened wednesday afternoon in the city clerk's oftice. '1uvse' attending were Jobin Meintyre, KU, Capu © Gaskin, is. Meek, J. RK. bonaldson, J. D. Thomp- som, W. J. Simmons, medical health officer Fee and sanitary inspector Gor don. Upon motion of R. Meck, seconded by J. D. 'hompson, John Melntyre, IC, wis re-eiveted chairman. Nir, Meek made paming reference to the of Helens work perfgprmed last yeor by Mr. Mcintyre. in posepting office, Mr. Melntyre re- tdrned thabks but refrained from mak: ing an' addréss, asking his' colleagues to consider thut he had spoken © two hours in offering his thanks. Regarding jfon pipes purchased fox sxtension of Queen and Printess strect sewers into the harbor, chairman Mc Tityro tated that he had asked the city engineer for a report upon the pipes and had been promised onc, Fwhich, however, was not fortheoming. Mr. Méck pointed out that the board of works hud reported thot the pipes were too small for the purpose for whieh they had been prepared. Capt. Gaskin: thought it strange that the pipes, prepared under specifications of the late: engineer, should now bu found too small. Princess street sewes was larger at the! top than at the bottom. At any rate, the pipes were originally intended to be used to carry off the refuse from the Queen street sewer; the drain was to be carried from the foot of Quegn street across to Princess street, and thence the pipes were to carry the refuse out into the harbor. Some years ago $12,000 was secured. from the Ontario government for the construction of the Princess street sewer, which had not been built full size all the way through. In his opinion the pipes were plenty large enough to earry off the sewage from Queen and Princess streets sewers. The city engineer was called in, and in answer to questions, replied that he had been unable to find any record of the improvement under discussion. The pipes were now stored in the city yard, Ontario street. Capt. Gaskin stated that coal tar and other filth accumulating in "the Queen ~ street slip greatly damaged boats lyiffg therein. Chairman Mcintyre and engineer Kirkpatrick promised to look into the matter and report. Richardson Bros, complained that an unused sewer running beneath Leahy's store, King street, gave offense, us foul odors arose therefrom. The eity engineer stated that the sewer in question was a very large one, running under the eity buildings. A man could walk up. it from the city ida which drained into it. bomen advised proceeding ae towards filling up the sewer. It might be dangerous to interfere with a drain running across private pro perty. Mr, Gordon explained thate some time ago 'a blockade had been medied, since when nothing offe had found its way into Mr. Leah¥'s cellar, The matter was referred to the sani- tary inspector, medical: health officer ond ¢ity engineer; to examine into and eport. The ice limits, as laid out last year, were recommended for adoption' by the medical bealth officer and sanitary hispector.. They were accepted on mo- won of J. BD. Thompson. Medical honlth officer Fee reported thas during. December there were 1 ported. these cases of contagious cide cases © Searlet fever, four; aiphtheria, four; typhoid fever, two; total, ten. Mr. ' Thompson favored stringent measures being enforced to prevent the spread of contagious di-eases. In his opinion the poorer-classes were the greatest respectors of the law in this particular, and he cited several cases to hear out his theory. He would prosecute everybody guilty. of a broach of the health laws. He felt entisfiod school teachers (ried 10 their duty in the matter of preventing sproad of disease. Mr. Meek did not want to prosecuts, but he woukl like to educate the pea ple to standard of the necessity of 'observing the "heslth laws. : Chairman © Molntyre read the law vovering the neglect of persons to. re pore contagiovs disente cases. Jt provided that the parents of chil- | dren, ill of contagious disease, must notify the medical health officer, ete. and not allow other children of such aficctad household to pind school, Meek Supietod lishing a swnmary of the law and deking pa- the same. dodger in the hands of lar, beating a condensation th Meck and Thompson stated That the they had been privately told of several cases of measles that deh It was decided to ave enndensa- THE DAILY RE. pr INCIDENDS or THE DAY, -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up my Reporters on Their Bounds. Princess street is now aliwost pass able. The snow banks have been re moved, The tory executive promises "to hold the seat now lost," ete. Say, has not the sent bean lost for ten years past? Last evening the glee and mandolin clubs of Queen's university, gave a id concert ot Harowsmith. Af ter the concert the students were ten: dered a dainty supper. Mayor Shaw denies that the conser valive executive met in H. Skinser & Co's store on Tuesday evening as re ported; be states that the conserva- tives have never met there. Funny isn't it with all "the local jéalousics and dificrenced in the reform ranks in this city" the tories have to dwell upon, two _ liberals have been elected to perliament within a wonth. The police have seeared the nawes of several boys who vesterday wtole some wittens from the front of W, C. Mit- chell's hardware store and rubbers from Sutherland's boot and shoe store, The two young men lor whom sum- monses were issued for disturbing the solemnity of a religious service mm a church én Division street, were located yesterday and made a satisfactory settlement, so the summonses pgainst them were withdrawn It is pointed out that the improve ments are not only required to the intérior of the post-office huildiog, but also, to the exterior. The surroand- ings have been sadly neglected of fate. Such a fine structure should be kept in proper condition. « It is -not me you have to thank mum, it's Eastern Balm. 1 ohly re commended that to cure that terrible cold you had, so thank Eastern Balm that you are in the hapry condition you are to-day. Largest bottle on the market. Every battle guaranteed. Fifty of the Kingston True Blue lodge, No. 16, accompanied the local contingent of Oddfellows to Ganano- (ue last night and joined in a conce in the hall of their Gananoque bre- thren. After the concert, refreshments were served by the ladies of the Gan- anoque True Blues. The repairs being made by Selby & Youlden to the steamer Roremount, now lying in the dry dock, are en gaging the attention of about forty mechaniés. A new steel bottom is be ing 'placed on hall the hoat. It will be six or seven wecks yet before the work is completed. H. H. Gildersleeve, manager of the Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte steamboat companies, says that the steamers North King and Caspian will attend to the bay route this smn: mer, in place of the old steamer Hero. The steamer Aletha will run between Kingston and bay ports during the spring and the fall, PERSONAL MENTION. Iovements Of The People -- What They Are Sayidg And Doing. John E. Heaslip, Lansdowne, is moving his family to Kingston, hav- ing secured a position in the cotton mill. Hon. William Harty has so far re covered that he hopes to be able to drive out to-morrow fos the first time since his recent illness. The Pastime club, is scheduled to meet at the home of Mrs. Ross, Cler- gy street, where the young folks will spond a pleasant evening. ficitae is dangerously ill. To dey he was-removed from his board: ing house to the general hospital. He is suffering from a complication of dis rases, The Owen Sound graduates of Queen's university bave asked that the name of E. H. Horsey, M.P., be plated in nomination for Queen's uni- vavsity council, the elections jor which will oceénr shortly. The Misses Tena and Gectrude Campbell, of this city, rendered scine very fine music at a. convert in: Sun bury, on Monday evening, January 27th. The latter sang 'The Hol City," her effort being much appreci ated. Commander Spain, chairman of the investigating commision now sitting in the city hall, is very fond of - ice boating. At. the conclusion of the court's work each afternoon he. we joys a spin in one of the many y& to be found in the harbor. 0. Pease, who for the pest ten years has been the digtrict passeiger agent of the Grand Trunk railway has left for Wisconsin. His former frienls remembered him on Tuesday night hy tendering him an address and a purse of gold. J. P. Hanley, Kirgsion, was a contributor to the purse. His ser vices were also recognized by the _ management in a practical manner. HANDY HUSBAND. How to Get Part of the Breakfast, Anyhow. "* '1 kmow ofié dish 1 can prepare fof breakfast as well as any cook on eatth,'" id ty husband one day the cook was ill and he had vol anteered to help to breakfast. He a with his and T discov- ered it was GrapeNuts which, of 'course, was to prepare for it was ool at the factory, but Wiwase a illustration of the con venience of having Grape-Nuts about: We just ndded a little cream and, of course, had a. delicious bit of food. Knew WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY CANADA'S TURN COMINC. NG PERIOD OF WAITING 1S AT AN END, Prof. Shortt, of Queen's, Speaks on Canada's Relations To United States--He Has Some Plain Things to Say. of the politics club of Queen waday efternoon, Prof, Shorrt spoke the t of the relations between Canada and the United Staks. In bis opesing re marks the professor pointed out a de fect in all public disgussion of = guess tions of a political nature, the ab sence: of absolute frankness. The op posiag partis, whedher they with in one country belong to different countries, have more than a were sciant interest in the problem which in bring discussed. The practical poli ticiun, or the dramatic agent, ix like a man meking a bargain; he wants to get the best of his opponent, and he iv not particularly interested in the facts of the case, except in so far 88 {bey further his purpose. The jdeat of political dizenssions or of internation: al relations is perfect candor, but the ideal is at prosent impracticable. From this, Prof. Shortt passed to the consideration of of the psychological questions favolved. It 15 this element of the savage nature; lingering wn the civilized an, which is the cause of party or national jeal- owsin. The whole progr of rel gion and mortality has been mimply a. getiis away the basis of savage life, and a reconstruction of civilization another foundation than that of primitive socisty. The constant recrudescence of the savage instinct is (he bug bear of the relations between Canada and the United States. Th is particularly the case in the political arena, where much of the powder and shot used is nothing more than petty national ealousy. For ' this reason neit tountry gets - a fair hea in other. In actual fact Canada - has Leen much more critical of the Uni ted States than the 1 States of Canada, the reason g that the States was too busy to 'think snall mutters. Still, at the time, the attitude of Cane to the United States is of importance in determiving the relations Letw the United States and Great ita Dealing with the political e of thie subject, the speaker 'pointed to the fact that our whole system of laws is assimilated to that of the Umted States. Especially noticeable ia this inct when a comparison of the educa tional sysvems of Ontario and New Yairk state is made. ln the same way, wil along the border, from the time provinces to British Columbia a process of assimilation has on until there is no 'essential differor tween the various provincial and those of the adjoining stats habits of life, in specch and n gtho lo of thinking the similarity is sven mor striking. But why Great Britain not our shandard in all matters 7 | cause there is too little contact lu tween the two countries. By a geo graphical necessity Canada will al ways rely upon the United States, und not divectly upon Great Britain, for the standard of mueh of its life, There is a further reason for ouy, imitation of the United States in the matter of our laws. The conditions in that na- tion heing the same as our own, their experionce is what Canadians want, It would be folly to copy the institutions of Great Britain, for in many respects they are built upon a foundation which does mot exist in this country. But in taking the cue from the United States, Canadians must not ufiect to be ignorant of ~ the identity of the leader. Instead of pretending to ignorant of the source of \ their Canadians must. face the and get the value of the exper © of the United States. In contrast the shabby method of the Canadian people, the new Au stralian commenwealth borrows open ly from the United States nine-teath of the articles of the constitution. The new conunonwoalth- has. ne -hesitaney in giving credit where it is due. It ex ercisés a wholesome discrimination, doking only such élements as hid "fair to suit its conditions. This frank ness is donbtless owing Peiore a meeling signee and d uriveryity We upon subje be or Soma an ring the mars Fone w n be laws, situation, to to the dis tance which separates the two coun tries; there is less occasion for peity jealousy than between Canada and the United States Coming to 'the economic relations between Canada and United States the speaker described this aspect as the "'sorest" of all. In this Casula has not been to blame, for she has al ways been more or Joss willing ta en ter and remain in close ecomomic con tact with the United States. Nut the latter country, being a great nation. paid no attention to the small trade of Canada, small to it, but ev thing to" us. From this persisteut ne glect, Canada has suffered much: There is. no doubt that Canada; #8 a part of the United States, would have been more prosperous, and the union would + have benefited the United States also. But now the time of annexation is past. Prosperity is coming and there is no lomger apy peed on That score for political union with the areat republic, Our wirn is coming, said Prof. Shortt. The long peciod of our wait ing = at an end. The result of Can ada's 150 years of parading of its undeveloped resoyices. 1m. beginning to be apparent, not that the ay for capital was particularly effective, but simply that the modeveloped resowrees of the United States are hard to find, ancl the eapiial of the country is turn ing its attention to us. Canada had 10 wait ite inmings. Such great come 1 panies as the Gener! Eleetrie, the Bo- winton iron and steel, are the Joro-ron- wers of a movement of capital in the divectidn of this county. Along with America's capital will come the skill and experioncs i did not imvolve unity ganhsations. FATHER AND SON Will Be One Of The Teams In A Pedestrian Race. Cunadian spedd skaters are gather ing in New Jersey dor the championships. Winnipeg has a beat rink, and everything is in keeping with is. They have & Sheet of ie about JO by Wi, and it is always in good shape. Yale wn are {alking ding their cight to England ti The negotigtions with Harvard for § sries of rao drag, und a trip to England is being talked up. A. Queen's hovkey team ile on Saturday night, e peuple are fairly del e a King h sympathy to sacrifice as ing in the sictping town the Coruwall senior hockey feated Morsisburg last night by goals to dour. lt was mecessary play ten ertime tinal gonl was scored. Morr faster than their opponents, in scoring. Wellington Boulter, Picton, a great lover of sports of all kinds, vith a ial fondness for hockey. snys that next season he will present a cap the Quinte hockey league, to outright by club winning the championship Father and son will | bination of one of the teams that start in the six-day pedestrian which begins at Madison Square den, York, February 9th. seniof member of the partnership teran "Lepper" Hughes! a popu ure in the old days, and one whe could keep up the monotor plod, plod, day after day, with grit and speed His mate ie his Wil liam, a strapping vouth of nine n Lady Constance Mackenzie, noted as the chan non woman swimmer of Eng I, has arrived New: York, . and will tour Canada the west. Lady the the duche erland, of the seonis to per She Constance of = i r. plays in and the dhol ston orgamzation has even. team de hive minutes ov before but weak Re be won Quint o the odd com race gar The Now 0us rare in and niece of and Const f Sut siat Cromarty Shu pride in her than in her blood. = Lads nineteen vears ready travelled through much Asia and northern Africa tern Jeapve haschall cham on the Ist 20th of games 1d Wore colintess of take more athletic formance Reotch v only ioree age She ecason will ; and will end A total As Tor : clubs that do at home, the them to work in do ubl the part of the as to put them on an equal footing regarding games played. This discrepancy 8 yoars practically Rochester and Syracuse clubs their pennants Either Vietovins of Montreal or the Montreal hockey will challe or the Stanley enp open the of } int Sep will ter the only Sunday ball cided t low headers during latter season, m rey gave Providence, am Napanee Curlers Defeated. One of the el thes of the last t contested curling won was that fought botween Kingston , in the Quinte dig Skilful playing all characwriaed the match, was won. by King hy a score of thirty-two to twenty-five Fhe Napanee curlers were keen sports men and good shots, but had several runs of poor luck, which let them out of a victory. The rinks were King Ne. 1.--E. Lyons, F Shaw Watson, A. Strachan, ship 12 Napanee, No. }.--Dr. Leonard, Smith, J. Robinson', W. Bel gkip.~190. Kingston, No. 2.-P. Slater, L Sutherland, W mat onl evenin and Napanee tes trict through which goeries, ston ston, Dr. W Ihoise, To Play Of To-morrow. Clarke has notified the. OLHLA. exeeutive cotimities has disa. lowed the by Queen's HI team against the He wherove tonne te Monday hi, | i he remembers that the puck =plit two and Queen's scored with one As the rales the sive of the puck, the ove commitiae had to the As the round now stands a te, final mateh will be played off HTOW ght at the conch + Ramblers Deseronte Ih been that goal scored i ni in hald preseriis ptive goal, the disallow ni st giveh for one price adn Clasgifying Convicts. Dr. Platt, warden of the Kis jeaitentiary, has submitted to Paster of justice a # g Jor of the convicts ioto three atcording to. the nature of the crime for which they wrre senten- ced and their demonnor since incar ration, the fst cia lecigna tec by a brass star on the left gide of the collar, and the end third classes by figures poe and {wo respec tively in the same place. First class convicts would be comsidered oligible for parole at all tines; ned class in special cates only; d class not eligible. Clerks, messonpers and or rhies would be eletted 85 far ax pos dible from the firSt cides; nore to lw taken from tHe third class. First clogs wight write oftener and rekpive visits of ever than: other classes, apd secomd class would have more privi liges in this respect than third class, It i= aise islenced to ask the mins ter's appitival of the extarsion of pri vi'ogos antl semaval of restrictions in the come of frst apd second elas Serious Results Follow, Codd, clavsmy hands and feet. and pains in the back result from im. poverished blood. Serioss consequens es. follow wpeglect. Wade's fron Tonmie | Pills make pew. rich blood, tone up the swam, add vitally to wasting tisewes and Strengthen weak nerves Each box contains seventern days' $ & t stem the the Hvision uses, ® to second Oe treatment, Price 25¢., at Wade's sirog store. Look Around First. Never mind the ade. "look nround Amencan ------------ o rotrtes IKINGSTON FAIR DIRECTORS. THE NEW OFFICERS ELECTED] LAST NIGHT A Surplus of $75 From Last Year ~Treasurer -Bartells Thanked And Tendered a Bonus of §50 --The Financial Statement. al meeting of the Kinston] sas belo in last evening. ent : Ex-mayor kent, hair; mayor Shaw, Starr, Allen Chad James Daly, W. De. G. H Toner and and trea The annu fair association icitar's office bert Meek, J. Mela Godwin, Col count y land, Hunter, COEIMSS Ono's rotary Edwards Bell, Sproule, se surer Bartel treasurer's report showed a very ition of afiairs. ht & first annual re port, and it was a credit to him. He returned thanks for valushle assists ance rendered. to all those associated with him. We started," he said, vith liabilities from the previous ¥ about $250, and, notwith- nding our many misfortunes, we have by a united effort managed to hiquidate this and all our current ii lities, and come out with a surplus Our creditors were generously and with the exception of a coup cases, choerfully accepled what we bad to offer: 1 beg to pre sont the following report Receipts--Balance on January Ist, 1001, $20.08; membership fees, 1961, #101; grants, Frontenag choose béatd, 25: of of Kingston, $000; govern: went, $20; government grant, town Kingston, $140; horticultural 825, making total grants, I'he of 83 kis of hip of ooety, » hoeipta, $1,808.50; shand making, $2,072.45 to township of King £36.50; to horticultural entry $360.25 race fees sol a and priv tickets vertis prive li ! 1 al prizes, Kent y Spe hr surplas 852.83 Subs riptions per ut of dining halls, al prizes ar iomations riis deposit irom on Oct i'otal receipts, 85.8 ist Sundry acconmts of prizes, Si 943.64; races, $2.95; attractions, pay list, $171.50; $457.14; printing bill posting, fence, el ex-mayor TNO.T5; x £55 mrantee . shor 15th, 82.86 sports georatary spay and advertising, ; repairs to platio rm, judges' expenses, 850 14th mental SH12.50; 47th regi band, rencral expenses, posta otal, 85, 5s N5. outstanding cheques ance of cach on hawd, ¥ ash on hand, vet paid, S40; collections in secretary of collectable overpaid Oetober band, ital 3 Bal Assets é vileges not Amount of ¢ hands, $14.2% accounts Si; to horsemen © at 15th, #19, Toial, amount amount ports, S148.) Liabilities 223.15; « Neville, slice constables Dr. Buchannon, race Graham; $1.50 3 STIS Balance The able Outstanding che fued jal prize, 812 Maka de len, feos, 86.25: H tal liabilities, urplus, B80 mova intion also consider property which sheuld valuell and properly entered in the ble reference to the receipt of baly the horticultural Kent stated thatthe was to get the entire members apparently The directors agreed circumstances, there ge ot all in taking the mn it the trea yeterred wanagament, The was seconded by Mr, McPar ocd n paid a orth of 1 only that irom vou etved 'ahd board of to the treasurer Bar E60 for his he receive a win. Monk, Me terms of Lreasurery #8 sor tribute pok n Vices, was ananumously nt, in eonformity with the hip fe which vote in olact The treasurer move | their metibeors them to a board. tho motion of now Mesers inted to usd all to further Mesars of thanks to ex mayor Kent HR proces follows presidents,' the members for pnd city: first vieeprosi James McParland: sscond vice president, Allan Chadwick: third president, D. E. Starr: board of dire tore Aldermen Kent, Marson and Mcleod, representing the city council James Rodden and H. HB. Gildersleove, representing the citizens Messrs. Tomer, Ryan and Fair, repre sewting the townships 0. V, Bartells was _ again elected seeretaryv-ireasutet as required by sta tute He will, in reality, be the tres sirer only At & subsaquéet gieeting, when it is oped there will 1 o better attendance of dirvelors, a sebretsiy or manager will he appointed. The meet ing then adionrsed until February 1th. : wd power fal fod to sleet ard aw Honordry the dent, county vice Spoor, The Case Dismissed. The charge prolarved bw counly § quar. imapector OF Rislly against WRB Westlake, proprietor of the Lake View | hotel, gt Portemonth, of selling li Th during prohibited hours, on Novem | ber 24th last, was beard at the village on Wednesday sftermoon by. maps! Seater Reynolds and Simpson. 1. Melntyre sppearsd on behalf of atpomed. Several witnesses were ex: amined, but the churge woe not pro. | ven, and the cuse was dinmisnsed. ! A Cause Of Happiness. Wiltiam Murray, Hamilion. The Pbersly 630 of Haass, With jov amd glee intra, Uiuren that Kingpeton has svomrod Ln A rrderr semue or silier woes EEE ET | ft a ve ponies wa haprys No Argument Needed. Every Sufl rer Fromy Caturth Knows that Balves, Lotions, Washed, Sprays and Dcuches Dy Nob Cure. . Powdust Jot Sh WRI aprays and © Be a Po b, on ag ahatrh, Pe this ge wh and applications, If they secomplish any all, simply give transient rai fhe catarchel potsen is in the. the mvecas membrane of the and trachen % to mlieve reting large guantitied of moose, (he dis verge sometilnes closing up the hostels, dropping Ingo the throat using den k losing the Ewdachion aed alter 6 time causing cetarch of Somath or seri ous thront and Toby troubles Aowmedy to veully guse satarch unt be pn Interval remedy which will hiood from emtarvhal pois fover snd conjesion rues brave The best and most wal the i" Lmodion for ¥ yeientifically Banpuinaria modorn this pe Are iseptivg koown twoalyptol, Gualseol and Hydrastin, and while each of theses. have twen successfully used separately, yet it haa ben difficult, 40 wet them All combined in obe puletable, convenfent and eficient form, 1 mandaciurers ¢ Stuart's © sjureh nee an roach the meth, thus of the mucous membrane of wi and finally the stomach pliks many - catorrh re mm, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain po "gine, opiate or apy in us drug whatever and are equally bemefisial for little phildven ae for, N.Y. says ave suffered ax io uw . Remiwandt, of Rock "I know of few people wh much as 1 from Catarrh of the bead. throat and stomach. 1 used sprave, inhalers and powders for months at a time with only 4 relief, and bad po hope of cure. | the means to meke a obangs of which seemed my only chance of sorount of some made by Stoart's Calarerh ptly bought a Rly" cmd otaiond sah package that until 1 pow from the die. my head in otk Jul my i ax a result sed until ¥ They are a " Lost spr I road an remarkable Tohlets amd box from my positive benefit . continued to we mi dail ecomsider mysell Treo ance of ark clpar, one die stion all T eould hearing, which hat begun to | of the coatarch, has greatly fw wl 1 en as woll as ever in my family - Tablets new wold by amin complete | treat: nvemionon, safety atl prompt wntoubedly ti omar Jon househok Sinart's Arugwints nt ment al for rewmlts théV ar for ootarrh cure 0000000605600 s "Your ® The Doctor" It's for vou to decide what kind of cog! you wart, boast and enitd 1 other hiade In the no more than & JAMES SWIFT & CO. 3 'Phone 135. 0000060000009 HONEST ¢ COAL." Coal list wil of your aumwy kid that 1a clean he way which every pamy warmth sad comiort Con! for grated, shack of svory Rigd All Riude of of atl The throughéiiia for full we vabue is the © Pay counts wreers, wid sloves Sood ard Kind , Nogw. Foot of Queen St. 'Phons 9. SCHOOL of ART. Classes will be resumed after | cation on SATURDAY, JAN. an, r Other classes usual Bouts. * A NEW LIVERY BUSINESS. HAVING PURCHASED THE LIVERY

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