Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1902, p. 4

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Wedron, of Bavansak, Ow. i "Heer wince the birth of my first wiz years , 1 have suflared greatly not bring moved to bear cughts a wurgienl operation, Pyre- le Cure entirely cured me." For sale | drugivts. "Piles, Causes snd Cure" froe. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, tir - ie ft --Can't- Afford to lay up with GRIPPE The active business man is just as liable to take cold as anybody---and because he feels he. cians. afiord to 0" "wi t, he neg- lects and a neglected cold leads only to Grippe-- and Grippe to the open grave, . UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE nips a cold in the bud feels its good effects in a jiffy, and it cures like magic --n0 need of laying up--it heals while you work. F. W. Walsh, & prominent Ottawa Urania Capes SRL Er Four-Square Plan. The Jour-square Flan means that all oustomers, regan r or sta tion, receive the same careful attention treatment at our store. We are as particular with the child who is sent to purchase some small article as we are with the experienced adult. We never substitute inferior drugs when Blling ~ wour dootor's on. We never wocommend the "something just ae good." SURE AND UNFAILING. Under all circumstances of sickness ond diwsse Paine's Clery Compound is safe, sure and unfailing. 1% cleanses and purifies the blood, braces the meres, correcls dige<tion, and buikle who are weak and run down. your are nervous or sleepless, try ons bottle; the results will surprise Be stock of Paine's "Celery is always fresh and pure. HOAG, Druggist, Kingston, Ont. THEBES EVIDENCE OF POPU- LARITY IS THE EVER- INCREASING DEMAND The ever increasing demand ior the Mat and Bug Patterns a sure and Series indication of pir popularity, fascinating art mat and rug making in the home now enltivated by women of all and classes. The Diamond Dye at and Rug Patterns, combine Lean- and simplicity. Afwr securing one ~of these can easily pov, valuable The i [in the United Stites, and if the trade ter. tory which iaviies occupation and THE WHIG 08th YEAR. | Ere TRE EE PL STR | aig 18 gaa, 5f, hn bgt Job Join Ts assamon (IIE DAILY WHIG. *Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' MR. WHITNEY IS SILENT. Where does J. Pliny Whitney stand upon the prohibition question? It is not something that can be confined to one side, the government's, but is something that affects all classes and conditions, end, therefore, reaches within the domain in which the leader of the opposition is recognized as a leader. The opposition press is greatly con- cerned about Mr. Ross' Views and po- sition. Tt ought to be as much con cerned about the attitude of Mr. Whit- ney. What does he think shout pro- hibition ? Does anybody know ? It will not do to say that he is not the pre mier, that he is not responsible for the legislation of the' house for the time being, that he has not made any promises. The answer is that he and his lieutenants are very eager to intro: duce bills with which to capture pub- lic favour. There is nothing to pre vent Mr. Whitney, or Mr. Foy, or Mr. Carséallen, from proposing a prohibi- tory measure and declaring that so far as the party is concerned they de- sire it to take effect at once. Mr. Whitney is very 'anxious that his friends shall know that he expects to "be premier after the next election. How important. it is, then, that he put on record now What he will do if the people Vote confidence in hint. How has he managed to evade the Alltance folks, the church deputations, and the Royal Templars of Temperance so far? And if accessible how is it that he has been overlooked ? THE DRIFT OF TRADE. The Whig has already said that the address. of Charles A. Gardiner, be- fore the New York Credit Men's as sociation, was a remarkable one, and it is bound to suggest thought on the part of all who read it. The question was the expansion of America's oomumerce. It was pointed out that more than half of the Unit ed States trade was doe with Great Britain and her dominions, that dur- ing the pawt third of a century Brit- ish expansion had been phenomenal, snd that the American-British trade had increased in gxact proportions. "But," says Mr. Gardiner, 'England demands no reciprocity. She has ad: justed hersell to our protective sys tem, and so long as that poliey is substantially maintained with her and her European trade rivals, so long will she give us free trade, and she can do nothing more. Hence our British commerce, if expanded at all, must be expanded by other means than reciprocity." Mr. Gardiner refers to certain hostile movements in Europe, but congiders them of no serious account. He looks to Canada, however, for a great growth in trade, The preference tariff adopted by Canada did not build up a British trade at the expense of the American. Canada, in 1900, bought 275 per cent more than she sold to the United States, while all the rest of the world bought only fifty per cent. more. "We thus put Canada in our debt $60.912.545," said Mr. Gard. ner, 'and this, too, although we tex: od her on dutiable goods 49.66 per cent. or just double what she taxed us, 24.83 per cent." Replying to the remark of a certain senator, that there was no ocdasion to make any conce sions to Canada, Mr. Gardiner says his countrymen must pot be living in false secur ity. 'Canada will not stand the dis: 'ciimination against it very long, and its antogonism is the very thing Nr. Gardiner desi es to have avoid: ed. Canada is thé one field and direc tion in which Amaican trade can ex- pand in this continent, and he holi: ly asserts that the Unied States should abolish every commercial bar: rier, and the loss of the home markets would be made up a thousand-fold in the esormous growth of Canalion commerce. Eventually Canada would be so. enamoured of the sitasim that she would voluntarily seek an nexation with the United States, with the consent and bles:ing of England. Mr. Gardiner sketches s great North American republic, with its immense for expansion that is not ta be had bar:i rv were removed "hundreds of direct that trade so that it will have the effect of empire building. EDITORIAL VIEWS, Colonel Matheson is disturbed be cause the people do not become pan- icky*at bis financial bogeys. They have become used to false alarms. The Canadian Temperance League has ventured to give several hints to Premier Ross. What about Mr, "Whit, ney ? Does be not count for any- thing ? The asylum accommodation of the province has been doubled since the liberals took office. Is fault to be found with the government because it provides for the mentally and physi cally defectives ? According to the minister of educa tion's latest reports an imcreasing number of high school students de: vote their attention to agricultural pursuits. Education tells everywhere, and the educated farmer is the better equipped far successful service. The anti-British of Chicago and dis- trict want Kruger to visit them and accept their devotions on the same day that Edward VIL is crowned These people must be doing up some body grand, and Kruger will look as pretty in their midst as anybody else. -- The Montreal Gazette notes the in- crease in insanity and the promise of the government being sustained and reasons : "There is evidently much madness somewhere." The conserva tive opposition in Ontario may see a compliment in this, and they may not. The Sandfield Macdonald surplus, about which we hear so. much, was pretty well apportioned or involved before the Macdonald government met defeat. A million and a half were promised to railways, and the Central prison was begun and left for the li- berals to finish. The Canadian Journal of Commerce denounces the po#tal arrangements. which militate against the freest in- terchange of Canadian and English literature. If anything can be dome to change the situation in the inter- est of this exchange of good reading let it be attended to at once. The Australians are kicking because the mother country sends to the Un- ited States for the meat the new com- monwealth can supply. That's right. England is being insulted by the Am- erican people, and all things being equal England should give her pat ronage to her friends. The conservative member for Lot: biniere, in the Quebec assembly, is so well pleased with the management of the Pareiit government, (liberal), that be has ennounced his intention of supporting it henceforth. This reduces the opposition to six members, and they are alleged to be very lonely, solemn and dry. FOR A WORTHY CAUSE. Splendid Entertainment In Ports- mouth Orange Hall. Despite the cold, blustry weather, the Orange hall, Portamouth, was fill- ed to overflowing last evening by an a) sdiativg audience, gathe for wwo-fold purpose of being enter tained by a splendidly-arranged pro- gramme, and to help. by their contri butions, a worthy charity--the home for friendless women and children. To Misses Germaine and Bell, the two nurses in charge of the home. wnch credit is due for the success of the ing. They went to consider able trouble in arrangiog the lengthy programme a exciting interest in the entertai t. Prof. Nicholson a chairman, his witti- cisms between numbers being a feature "he programe isted of sol conms of solos by i Miss Su'lens, - Betts, ? J. Crawford; reditations by Misses Cor bett, Bawden, Sullens, Dutton, Buck; readings by J. B. Walkem, Rev. Alex- ander Laird; quartetie by Mrs. Ev- ans, - Miss Mooney, Messrs. Philp and a Highland dance hy McKay, and a pantomine "Rook of Ages," by four young la The iropressible "Billy" Shea, ap peared on prograbune several imes, but the audience could not get of him. His comic songs were vew and rendered. Miss Cor bett's © tion was cleverly given iate tn the listlo Mise | A Fortunate Province In Respects--The Mea Who Controlled Its Destini The Past Thirty-Five Yi Toronto Globe. Untario is a fortunate provi more respects than one. In phical situation the chain of provinces, c conditions that produce strong of men and a wide e of © products, and in a population of British extraction, with the of other nationalities mente tario is still entitled to her ted family. None the less fortunate has th vineo been ia the men who hav trolled her destinies during the ty-five years since confederatio) deed, they have been typical, i intel igence, probity and ship, of ber manhood. The members who have belonged + various provincial cabinets i tario since 1867 form an honor citizens of whom any country: well be proud; men whose char have survived the storm and str party warfare, men who served country weil and truly, men wh not betray their positions of trust for personal aggrandizen As a natural" sequence of suc interested and capable service o part of those who gave their thought and energy to pro problems, Ontario has--os is sally "acknowledged--attained a asicion among her sister pro She is a pioneer and leader in cipal development, in education. pansion, in advanced agrionltor thods, and in the exploitation d rich heritage in natural resourc A few months hence the elect will, for the tenth time in thei vincial history, select their rey tatives for another legislative and through them the cabinet td duct the affairs of government. opportunity is an important on trust a sacred one, and the vo the ballot thus expressed may much for the continued prosperit good government of the provinc Thus the 'Ross government will their record before the 'people. honorable record it has n, a cord of strong men serving in adr trative capacities, a record ol gress, a record in which the tradi.ions of liberal continued confidence tibly a stronger, reason why should be sustained at the pol's- tory of tative and experienced ties of the immediate future. Ontario on the lines of internal velopment and material Ontaris," the best energi s, of the premier his ministe:s, and as experience in muni ipal, and possibilities of development can predict ? New streams of settle: ment are pouring into the rich leys of the provincial northland; centres of civilization up; new markets are -being for ' commmerce. And sympa the railways are extending their of steel, highways are being created to take the place of the biased path through the forest, nature's rich serve of waterpower is beginning be utilized, and the schoolhouse, church--the twin adjuncts of civiliza- up side by side the pioneer. Able, honest, courageous administrators will still be needed to direct these great energies and to assist in and control the foundation-laying of mew counties tion--are springing with the home of and cities, . We are undoubtedly on the eve of great expansion in our natural sources. Never before has Ontario's mineral wealth attracted so much at tention from men of capital and ex- pert mineral knowledge. Much may re- sult, for example, from the deep in- terest recently shown in the Sudbury district by Thomas E. Edison, has ex indications of wealth are discovered. Strong i this wealth, We are, moreover, on the aye of even.) ter develop in with the pulpwood industry] Another decide will see many new mille work, employing an army of men and for. . The exploratory surveys of 1900 EE EE ---------- present generation are eotitied to | Te Be 'Whe Odelsthing government the past have been fully: maintained. We believe the voters of Ontario will say that the present cabinet deserve on their record alone. But there is another, and pos ~ the reason of the future. Never in the bis the province--creditable as that history has been--has it been so essential to retain a strong, represen- cabinet power, having in view the possibili- Never has the futwe looked so bright prosverity. The governmental motto, "Build calle for the best thought, men of pyoved legislative and administrative life, they are the best qualified to still further add to the commendable record of the past. What of Ontario's future ? With only one-sixth of its area having passed from the possession of the crown, an empire in itself remains to be develop- ed. A hundred million acres remain in the crown, with what untold wealth are springing tically with this northward and westward ex- pansion within provincial boundaries himself as greatly pleas the examinations there made mineral men are still needed to legislate wisely regard- is department provincial the middle hf blie. is repored t a large su e. on. 8. N. Parent was the citizens of night. wim Gould, C. Rat Portagg, shoo.ing. . H. Fitzhugh likely to rejoin the GT hristiana, has le women as jurors. 3 'vince Antoine, 8 second cousin duke_of Orleans, has been refused any conscript." NF ronch a "are being taken to Steps are De t conservative um ven voles has resign: Prof. ; he offer of the post of prof lessor snomies in Leland Stanford uni Ly. . The first class cruiser 8,018 metric tons dis veloped a speed of 21.56 knots 8,400 horse-power in her trials. The king of Sweden is prep ~Lueyal hich } On in | vised census returns. - on continental account. many burglaries by night. they A $1,000 package stolen store. in years. to de- ada duoring the month of up | of Dawson City. ciation will rend a special north-west to open a thoroughbred sheep. and largest press in the world. city of this big piece of Cardinal macy of Australia. He Camila Urso, the who | violinist, died on Thursday val- new | age of seven. John Gallagher, red ot and killed George E. lines re- | increase in beart diseases to and high schools. Hands and re- Woman Whom Dr. who Welland, Ont, ton 25 hd gh Ht & £ iL 1] Fi il i i i : E if i f 1 | fF i a2 £ ¥ i i i £ £ fF i fur- ties that the C. P. R. will AT hotel as Rat banquated Quebec on We Ines P. R. ticket agent committed sweide is in Montreal, and official staf of : * (second chamber), passed a bill admit revive the on for the conser Ontario elestions. 8. J, Mel can has accepted Chatesuren- displacement, the most personages in Burope. | o,,red) will die. Ontario cities, according to th . South African mining stock i ing readily on the London exc A printer at Kankakee. 111, while long at at bis trade by day and com bottom it Jum liott's store at Crandall, Man. lately found in a snow bank nea Robert Green, for forty-seven verger in St. Paul's cathedral, don, Eng., died recently, aged ¢ Nine unions were organived in one being in the Yukon--the pri The Dominion sheep breeders' The New York Herald is to hav will be 145,000 copies 'per hour. Moran has re ignec archbishopric of Sydney and the seventy-=econd year and desires famous wd York infirmary, after a short il She made her debut in concerts a horsaman Shorting man, Syracuse, N.Y., = backnan, was sentenced on Frida fifte'n years in Auburn prison. Cigarette smoking is beld re sible by the medical examiners of Chicago school board for a star vous eilnents among pupils in Feet Swollg The Serious Condition of » Wel Backache Kiudoey Tablets Cure Mrs. Joseph Young, Division sé CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Exert Potent Influence in Political Pur, Washington, Jan. 30.~Ous ane can women can conteibuts mare 10 om of ilipinos the relormation 3 ican : "sok manding the Ro i i iti wives m lever in on duty in the Philip: nes to join their , declar- ing" dial women exert a most po tent influence in our political purpose with regard to the islands. cd General Bell says that in his © volunteer 3 t, the 2h induntey there were twelve young Ww s of officers. He encouraged them loge ys' and Girls' : . it ckings ft and comfortable, made of ribbed, the kind like grandma to buy them than to bother the . i nds to the towns with their Jusbangs 10 and the peo- so devoted to em time came to depart the natives, ir wept like chil- thay when the for the United States respective of.age or sex, dren. < > <1 Bell says that the American ------rh anor their influence through the Filipino women, the latter having more influence on public opinion than the men of the islands. of -------------------- CARS DASH DOWN HILL. Trolley Road. Pittsburg, Pa. Jan. 30.--Three peo ple killed, two fatally burt, and score of others more of on the Monongabela branch of Pittsburgh railway company night. The dead are: John den, eged twenty-four years, MoKeesport, Mary Kinkaid, East McKeesport, passenger OR cond car; Robert on | conductor, Pittsburg. Of the injured, Charles motorman and Alexander las of fer ing i h washed dow Rh i ond a ra he cide of the depot and tearing satiorm. hs Huts erowd gathered about bwreck, und twelve minutes later 4 Lecond runaway Car came tenri down the hill "and plowed into lcrowd with death-dealing force. from Dorel Newfoundland Takes Action French Shore Question. agen onial government bas undertaken tray renew, for the present year, French shore modus vivendi, expired on December 3lst. r. Chamberlain wired government a 16uest jor th urging his desire to dispose of Boer war before reviving ; wich France respecting the New land shore. The colonial cabinet acquics ing, recorded the fact tha was done as tion towards the i {robles in South Maes, Kew d. being unable to send me et eR scans of tostifying her operation in the imperial policy is confident that the redress of sievances will be nek fi is generally understood that th The mach is in in the Seiker the last time this me newed, snd that it = only done for the foregoing reason. A. ------ /BOY GIVES HIS LIFE. and Employet's Money. , Jan. 30.~Horace Sel . dead, face downward, hole in his heart, (. Burns' grocery store. e body was nd a bag of coins bills, the change used in the gre Nearby lay a revolver, jour of which bad recently was his duty " i H i each morning. og bh the window of the and a number of holes in the work and showcases imdica the boy had defended Piteb ted tife. colonial governorship, he to the United States to interests of the United sailed on the steamer rish F skys - '| ON THIS := THAT WHEN SEND LAUNDRY THAT WiLL BE DON FACTION. HO ABOUT A TRIAL? ; Se | Fatal Accident On Pennsylvania McFad East nineteen, | wo Thrush, twenty-nine, Wright, Sanders The wogident hap the foot of a long hill run Wilmerding from MoKees- swt. A car without pas engers got eyond control of the motorman and itl arter of a n the hill s 4% At the ped into the Pennsylva ilroad station, carrying away the | the 8t. John's, Niid., Jan, 30. ~The col Y. 1" T nva~ which the colonial is action, negotiation found the colony's contrib solution of imperial abil: Newfound: "pro- ther, sn. be undertaken. js are measure will be re ---- Murdered While Fighting to Save and found on the floor of Beneath chamberd and been emptied hich boy worked for Burns and fog Tig wo open the place the property aling his employer from robbers with hibeir Vice-Admiral Appointed. London, Jan. 30. ~Vice-admiral H. Lawson, has been appointed got' ernor of New South Wales. This is tH first time in history 3hat dhe gov winted an ira I er which had lo been a sore point with the navy: ---- Messrs. Redmond and Devlin, Cymric for Ney, A sey Bitter oranges for marmalade ang. Lyons weediess oranges, at Carmovy,, YOU CAN DEPEND t stocking in Canada for t in. foot, 20c. pair. foot, 25¢. pair. 18' YET OF WINTFR. for Winter Jacket wear. Better ne you've been trying to make ind buy one of our up-to-date Half Price. s in Black, Navy and Grey, |e. yard. } SUTCLIFFE, |Itroet, Kingston, Ont. | | | a or less injured is the record made by two runaway ori e i \ t IS WEEK IND THROWING ON THE BARGAIN » AND ENDS WE COME ACROSS | Shoe Bargains EADY FUR YOU. 1 EE - 70 RENEW MODUS VIVENDI On to Women Have Found The True Fountain of Health. Paine's Celery Compound A Sure Banisher of Peculiar to Women. the}. th s M0 toi hu-| lead Ils titi andi the her| been co a Dr. Phelps proseription, Paine's Celery has and is now frecly prescribed by many of our ables ian for the ills peculiar to women. They have found the. wonderful remedy 10 be exactly what is claimed jor | I hat Painc's famous Comper is isfy re andl, been nowy as Pun slid in a ress physic bas been proved again and ag Celery Compound is for that form of ner to woilggn, and give down and sullering and robust who suffer from teria, prostration ver and kidney troubl rl should once gi P I ery Compound 4 tris Jt Hes are happy and permanent, Jessie M, Ross, Quyon, Que 'It affords me much tify to the great good Celery Compaund has done was completely ron and a victim of femal after using thre Celery Compound | was cured It ie the bes know of." the « cat curs petit § the hroe jet ec a perfect All. women hve haemin, ood dis ine's Ce womanhood irregulanties, AeTY ous cases, ery at jeffec os on bullethey storpses, woodven, thahers tow Paine's fur me. 1 health and Paine's otpletely arifier | ure {to hottie liey are, of or st" ond NOTICE. THE BAY OF QUINT NAILWAY COM pany will apply to the Parliament ade ot its mest Session for su Act conf mg 80 agreement between the pany amd Hathhue Company the lswue stoek parties nly as | tor . ithe going, te tH, feng and the rights aad poss ard authorizing the and + the C stork of the o of the * ed to extend ts Tinos « onto By a heidi soross Quinte from Dessronto or from s point west of Deseronto to the shores of the County of Priove Edwand, Whetew southerly to 8 point on Lake Dutario via Picton, or with a5 son wertion fine $0 Picton end for other pur poser. : C. A. MILLENER Recretary, the in E WELL, REASONABLE AND TO YOUR SATIS-

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