Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jan 1902, p. 2

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-- Ed | If You Could Look | Shiloh's Consumption Cure tion, and .all Lung Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. 25 cents, Guaran *ie Write to 8. C. WrLLs & Co., Toronto, Can., for free trial bottle, arpets, inoleums. Portier Curtains, Lace Curtains and Draperies in exclusive styles and not to be found el-eshere in the city. We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest' buyer. In Linoleums we show the largest ljue t+ be found and at prices that mean a genuine money-saving to you. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Furniture, a : Carpets, S Qil Cloth. ~~ Curtains. HALL FURNITURE Wel make your Hall look tucks, Suits, Chairs visitors, sod D tock of Hall # large and varied. We biave Hall very pretiy, at $4.50, 85, aud sume designs $7 sind $9, and wp aerivivg, New and good in w sedocted, will very attractive to wxbon 1 Tasting." CARPETS Now stock just in Raitorny new" in colors omy FLOOR OIL CLOTH-In Floral and Block designs, Jers pretty effects, 2a. wp per yard. Topesteivs at 50, nud 60¢.; price. Lita CURTAINS Largest importation we jave ot brought out from Austria and Switrer: Jad, Thess are great values, I careful of this line when using it 1 and afternoan, MIRNE UY DISASTER. THE EVIDENCE SUBMITTED YESTERDAY, The French Wheelsman Tells His Story--John Muchmore, Fire- man, Swore That Capt. Ma- lone Ordered the Yawl Boat Back To the India. When thé Marine City investigation was resumed yesterday sfternoon, the first witness called was Louis Lavoie, wheelman of the steamer hidia for two years. He could mot speak knglish, 80 Joseph Nadon was called in to act as interpreter, Witness said they saw the barge about eight o'clock in the morning, and picked her up about ten o clock. 'this was on wednesday morgng, © No vegiber 12tn. 'the tow rope had been in service two and one-half years, and the first mate had told him once to change end for end as he wos doubtiul of the Tepe, It was not very good in a storm, but might do in calm wea ther. Withess wouldn't depend on it To Mr. Adams witness said this was the best line the India carried, It wa dark when they reached Goderich; they | could not see the range lights, so dia nit etter the harbor. Witness saw the rod light on the end of the pier, but could not we the range fights About one or hali-past one that night could wee the light of the Marine Uity only once iu a while; then shi broke loose, ft would not have beca sale 16 go on the rescue of the men in a yawl boat, The steamboat might have gone, how- ever, The captain told him that the jen were fn no danger. Fhe second mate, however, told him they were in great danger. Witness eould see the men on the Marine City pumping wa ter and throwing over pulpwood. Af ter the Tudia had entered Goderich the captain told witness that there were then stationed every twelve miles he tween thers and Port Hurén looking for the four sailors. The distress flag oft the Marine City could have been seen from the shore. A whistle could hardly have been heard on shore. Wit ness got scared the second night, and when he asked the captain if there was any danger, the letter replied, "Yes, o the boiler heads blow out, we'll all go down." When asked if it would be dangerous to go across from the India to the Marine City, the Frenchman stated that it would be very "inconvenient. Witness Cross-Examined. Cross-examined by G. M. Macdonnell, witness said he thought the India could have run alongside the Marine City on Thursday morning. 'The India could have got within twenty fet, so that "a line could have been thrown and the men taken off. "Was it your duty to see the range lights?" asked the counsel, "When the captain can't sce them, he sometimes asks us,' was the reply. Witness saw two davits on the Mar ine City, one was crooked and the other was leaning in. John Muchmore's Evidenc: John Muchmore, fireman on. board the Indian for two months and a half, was the fourth witness called. He told the story of the picking up and subse- quent loss of the Marine City. He heard no orders given to lower the boat. Did not know who beat the line on the yawl. Heard the captain call out, "Bring the boat back." The sec ond mate pulled on the line and wought the boat alongside the. In- din. Thought the tow rope not good enough to tow a vessel in rough wea- ther, Bld not "know 'how 'long this lino had been on board ship. Never heard the captain tell the men to fbe or snubbing in the canal. Did not see the range lights when near Goderich. Did "not think the Marine City was strong enough to stand a big sea, and considered that the men were in 'dan- ger. Saw distress flag on the derelict and would have gone in a boat = to their rescue, if there had been another man to accompany him, It was the general opinion of the crew, after they yenched Goderich, that the four men were lost. Didn't hear the captain say he wishod the men would get a void scorching. This ended the evidence jor the day, and the court adjourned. Daring to- day's proceedings Francis King was present as one of the solicitors for the relatives of the deceased seamen. At The Investigation. Targe erowds visit™ the city hall ench morning and afterncon to witness the proceedings of the investigation in- to the loss of «the four men on the steamer Marine City. Most of those in attendance are sailors or friends and relatives of the deceased seamen. Conepicuous on the front seats at each sitting ore Capt. Gaskin, Capt. Dix and other well-known mariners. H. A. Calvin, owner of the vessel on which the unfortunate sailors had shipped, is to be seen in the hall each forenoon He takes a seat near the cotmsel for the defendants, pulls a paper out of his pocket, and ing to read. Then, ter a fow whispered words with hi legal adviserg;y he re- tires. And ne for the commissioners, © it would be difficult to pick another three pienso diffrent in oll respects. Com: mander Spain, the chairman, is a most "man, and the first glimpse of eonvigees you 'that be is a Hgoad He is Sarpy clear headed and has as remarkable good grasp of marine matters. At the same time he is always fair and impartial; and when' he savs a thing he gives you the im- jon that be means it. a I a stern, something witnes tle use He is tall) ------ He. like commander Spain, relies more upon the capacity of his memory. Mr. Adams makes, it a point of requir ing covery witness, irom the captain down; to tell the whole story as = happened on each particular hour of every day: and night. 'He gencraily manages to gel a preity good narra tive every time. Mr. Adams is an wld Kingstonian, Tuesday Morning's Session. My. Muchmore, the fireman of the In dia, who gave his evidence yesterday, was agein under cxamination this morning. To Mr. iced, on that the Marine City bad gouve down about two feet, In the afternoon witness stated that he could se¢ that she was constantly going down, Saw Connolly making motions that the boat was going down. The. sea was pot in sony wey ugly on Thursday morning, November 14th, and witness would have willingly gone to the men's reseue. "Thought they could have been tescued ins yawl. Had crossed the Saginaw bay in as heavy a sea. Didn't sec that the captain made much effort to get the men off. Heard men on the India 'say that '"'the Mafine City couldn'® stand it." Saw o#ly 'one da- vit on the derelict. Heard the cap- tain shout to "'haw! the yaw! back." ! Cross-examined by R. T. Walkem, witness related no new points. Macdonnell he said he ho James Ewart Testifies. Janes Ewart, master mariner, was the next witness summoned. Was cape tain of the Kosedale that entered God- erich harbor while the India was-out- side. Saw the lights oi the India, and thought he saw. another light as- tern: of here. Did not believe that a yawl boat could have lived in the seca at that time, three o'clock in the morning of the 1th At midnight on the 14th, the water came over the bad not sen before for fourteen years. Knew Capt Malone for about twenty years, and considered him an experienced seaman. Witness could not see the range lights till morning. The sea was too heavy to go into the harbor even if they had seen the lights. Commiiseioner Adams then took the witness in hand, and gleaned the fol jowing additional information, If wit- ness could not see the range lights, and his crew could, he would not have gone in. Might have heard the In dia's whistle at Gederich if she had blown it. Witness said he had on thh Rosedale a tow line that had been in use for fourteen yesrs. One taken caie of would easily last two years. Cross-examined by G. M. Macdonnell, witness said he didn't believe a yawl boat could have lived after 10 a.m. on Thursday. There would have been lit- in attempting to go to the rescue of the men. "This is a landlubber at the helm," remarked J. L. Whiting, as G. M. Macdonnell became hopelessly eon swshed in a multiplicity of marine matters, and got his terms mixed up. Continuing, witness stated that the India might have worked over to the Marine City, though it would have been dangerous to get too near. A snub line would last witness about two years in the canal. If witness had been in command of the India, he would have tried to turn her around in the trough of the sea, though he wouldn't have considered it very prac ticable. - Dr. Walkem conducted a brief amination of the witness for the fonce, To J. L. Whiting witness said it was the heaviest sea he had seen on lake Huron in his fourteen years' experi- enve. Capt. Malone ought to be the most capable man to judge what should be done on such a day. (Continued on page five.) ex: de- {Are You A Mason ? "Are You A Mason 7" the farce suc eos of the year will be procented at the Grand Opera house to-morrow night by a caste of uncommon clover ness and repute. It is the same com pany that fest played this amusing comedy in Ngw York and Chicago. 'As 'America laughed so heartily and sttended - in such numbers, Charles Froham decided. to take "Are Yon a Mason 2" to his Shaftshury theatre, London, The English papery have pro- claimed' it the most laughable farce sown in years. The farce was adapted from thé German by Leo Dietrich: stein, who appears in the company in one of the important roles. -------------- A Clever Stenographer. The official stenographer who is reporting the proceedings of tke com- mission, now sitting in the city hall, to inquire into the Marine City dis- aster, is W. C. Gordon, a native Picton, N.S. When Sir Louis Davies was minister of trade and commerce, he was that gentleman's private secre: tary. During the conservative admin istration he was seorctary to Sir of [Charles Wibbert Tupper and jor a time to Wis father, Sir Charles Tup- per, during that gentleman's tenure of office. as premier of Canada. Mr. Gor: dow, though voung in years, is old in experience, and is an exceptionally clever stenographer. Register ! Register ! ! The old registravion lige are tot logan! or avuilsble for any new On tarde cloction, Al entitled to man hood sulirage should register. To- morrow is the-last day. - Smith's White' penetrating li + knbwn, care for spr the morning of the 14th, | Liniment 4° the most | second half. If the disputed point is | ifowed the moore for the round will to five in favor of Queen's. iy. NG FoR THE CUP. nee--Other Sporting Notes. a surfeit of he legs than three xing played. Kingston had last evening, Do duled league games Quinte leagy , through & gnderstanding, was brought om, Licyele club not expeciing put the word seeins Owing engaged for come, gone astray. rink being to be pulled offi on th ituk. The weather was disagreeable, but many lovers of sport braved the cold In spite of drawbacks, however, el yery interesting. Unly Jeeace work of the bicyclists them from a eevere drubbing, as searching first continually The visitors -weee the puck their goal. store, the bicyclists, who tallied twice, the homie team at half time. sin the second bali: the Picton st in three and the bicyelists the final sc as announced bw referee, being four to three for Pie The yelists claim] but the re would though the goal fudge and play was afterwards resumed the middle of the rink; had this counted the score would have lwen tie. The teams were ! Picton--Goal, Wilson; point, cover-puint, Gerow; centres, Avers;. wings, Chad, Shorev, Bicycliste~Goal, J. Devlin; another g roe not sllow Ferr Ashley, Laird. Referve--J. It looks as ready on its team has not this season. After the match entertained at the Wellington Boutler sport." ton team, braved t watched the game at Rockwood with evident pleasure. The team were alvo accompanied by T Hess, P. Pulver, W. Carter, Smith, J. Geddes, F. Fralick, ¥. N. Boultr, and others, all héads." Seale: wings, Vanhorn, Nelson, Picton though the cup was to Picton; match way lost a the visitors ig a true He came down with the he elements tion It is a pity the match could have been played on the big rink, Cadets On Top. Il. The military men "put it over" the civilian collegiams, and looks as though Queen's. team so far this season in every particular. the first of home The geaue or belore ty of the cadets being: allowed that they will, it is hoped they not relax practising for coming come to Kingston. ing three times, only ¢laim two points were thus coniposed : Cadets~6Goal, Deyell; Harris; cover, Rantson; Trotter; wings, Dunlop, Waldron, Queen's TH --Goal, R. Mills; Milden; cover, Sutherland; Knight, Wilson; wings, Scoti, pic. point, \ + A Peculiar Happening. Frontenacs 11. and al match. MH a goal scored by hali tonacs, the puck split im two, half goinr+in one direction and { the count even "for the match, giving them ope of a lead on round. The = exegqdtive a puck is permitied to score. | The match was very spirited, Fron the Letter of the play, and Queen's strong defence only sav. fod an overwhelming defeat. At hall time each team had ope point oeunt- tenavs having od up. 'each scoring another in be mix {The teams were ; Frontenac: Beschgroves, Goal, Seal Robinson; cover, Harold centres, Herbert Clarke, Pot- int, Clarke: or THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28. THEE MATCBES PLAYED.':: PICTON CONTINUES REACH- Cadets Defeat Queen's II--Frorte-' nacs 13 and Queen's III Flay a Tie Match--A Strange Hap- pening--Horse Races at Napa- che i the 3) the game, as Pi ton had been sent word not to to have to the Kingston two O.H.A watches, the Quinte league match had Rockwood stormy and the blasts which ewest up Rockwood avenue and were on hand to cheer for their respective teams. Neither team wes actust uned to playing on a small rink, so bril fant work was out of the question. i the math was keenly contested and prov the strong saved the fast forwards of the Picton team kept out to owed & Tew Tiinutes later by the score standing two to one in favor oi team goal, i raised kis hand at is; Pulner, point, Donnelly; cover-point, Evans; centres, J He that sir far were hicvele club rooms "old Ii ed and rink | broke the wi Picton fs. Charles E. | dian "rood Referee Nelson gave general satisfao not Cadets didn't do a thing to Queen's all will have to be satisfied with honors won Cadets played a superior game and surpassed Queen's was and home matches ordered played by these two teams on the 3st nat. The lateness of the round is due to the uncertain- to play by the O.H.A. li cadets win out, and' there is every reason to assume will con quests, so that the championship will In the first half | 1.0 he last cadets satisfied themselves with scor while Queen's ¢ould In the second half the cadets loosened another link in their belts and waded in, piling up three more pointe while Queen's man. aged to get one more only, the game ending with the score six to three in favor of the military men. The teams Care- ntres, Biggs, point, centres, Gilles Queen's 111. tomo do not exactly know where they are at as a result of last night's fin puck is counted, then Queen's win the | round; if not, the teams are a tie on | the round. A most unusual thing hap- pened during the game. With the score standing two to une in favor of Fron one- the other in another diréctian. The play- ers also. divided, vach section chasing a portion of the puck. Then it was {thas Quioen's tallied a score, making 4 but the committes of the OHA, will he asked to settle i the dispute, as to whether or pot half nin 1 3 Ki Bou, W, drawn; Sidney : { Portland, 5. Napanee, 3. 4. iD. Miller time, 2:30. 2:20 class--Annie Gould, FE. Toronto, 1 ; Sir Irons, i drawn; Barnes, Johmmie P.. C. H. {larke, Napa: 6. 4 Wax ford, Jr., E. P. Branigan, Kingston, 3 5 drawn; time, 2:36 Kingston Beat Napanee. Kingston and Napanee curlers play of on the Rapaney rink last might in , 1 tha Crs match of he Qu league eries. Kingston won by twelve shot the teams and scores were Ringaton, - No. I=Baiilie, Suthecland, Dalton, skip--24 Napane, No. I--Templeton, Maybee, Haun, skiph-12 hingston, No. 2-+~Roberteon, Less ie, Leury; shap--17. Napar No. 2--Suih, inson, Pe lthouse, skip--17 te Lyons, Boyer, Power Cliff, Sport In General. At Pittsburg, Pa. the key rales gre in vogue King Edward hes been enjoy thg him self for tho past few days on the gol linked at Windsor Bat formerly second baseman of Toronto baseball wid £275 a month from Cleveland. Fromtenacs' uniforms of light blve and white wore the prettiest wyer seen at the Duquesne skating gardehs, Pittebur Pa 'i'he Thornoyeraits, of Glasgow, will build Shamrock 411 jor Lipton, They buiit Shamrock. 1, which stood the wear better than Shamrock 1. Foronto Wellingtons may challenge the winning team of the Quebes and delight the Telegram un Blaster by routing the proud eastern rs. In Pitt called ics Quebwe h non, Lonm, reset ¢ league horn Curtin i the the h Jorey" } { ke i rg, Pa, feria Queen's, he but be uldn"t play t, At "Indians," key. Waterloo hockey club has a V:shaped goal tlare was one pet, which opposing teams de hes the faculty of things which inure at times to the home team's Ihey say is the most funny porLune Nasturtium, of eful hors hi 1 les along y turd the s0 smoolhly barely " ground, and that the rider action M scracely al anager Sathe did not r sk ticks last Weel Ihe checked at the railway t had been place However, the skat the 'team at Bull cEavhern, tennes tion, the train tiel not Pl distance in record was 801 15, © » : beast: Michael, the Welch rider, in this race. These tw ment veek in a Liteon rac Ryeaking of Frontenac-1 A( watch on Saturday night, Post The Kingston tion demonstrated to the spe that they are capable of play ing elegant hockey, for in two halves of twenty minutes each, and an extra period of ten minut hey the PAC. chamgiions an awiul chase. The Frontenac fi look upon and drew round after round of thunderous applause. Powell was giv en. a rest | be had tried uns lly to chop Curtin's log off with his stick. Probably game playéd to-day enti claim a prouder lineage or a more ancient origin, than pe it been tuintid with so suspicion of fs vious © will text the hockey the ay ators gave it good differs wes to OCA USY no Never has much nlism as a It is sup} 0 Persian-origin; } hed that they play 2 primitive way, of yiirs age pr in Canada ¢ years; they Toronto pole club and the club de Montreal, by ns has wen life two are polo de established two VEArs go French-Canadians Mr. Freeman Made Chairman. The directors of the Sydenham Waterloo: toll road met at the co house on Monday end appointed J. E. Freeman, Hartington, chairman for 1902. The board of directors is com posed of the of the various townships. In Mr. Freeman they havi a capable chairman: he the right man in the right place, ag he fully in tends to be a county man for term of years. 'The reeve of Portland and rt reeves is quite a new chairman township. Was Made Bandmaster. At the issuing of commissions to the bandsinen at the Salvation army bar racks on Satubday night were pleasantly surprised Mayel made bandmaster been time in the band, el his his. services merited appre many people dohn n | a long { friends say aation ---------------- itis not me have to thank mut, it's 'Eastern Balm. © only re commended that to eure that terrible cold you had, so think Fastern Palm thet you are in the happy condition you are today. Largest bottle on the market. Every bottle guaranteed. voz Send me no money, but simply write a postal for the book you want, F will send with it an order an your druggist 1o Jes you have 6 bottles of De. Shoop's Restorative. He will Jet you take it a wonth. I it cures, the cont will be 85.50. If it fails, he sends the hill to me. This remedy strengthens the inside perve power that operates all vital or gans. It brings back the only power that can wakes the organs do duty. 1 have spent a lifetime of it. 1. sometimes fail, but only when the trouvkle is organic--sotne trouble like 5 3s : {: r Hy che ne tl ga hi il fin FEREEY % afr i LH frst - INCIDENTS OF Knight, W. J.1 pc Rody Health for | Cent. THE DAY. { PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY BEPORTERS, Spice of Every Day Life™ What the People are Talking Abount--~Nothing Escapes At- tention. How's Lev morn The eos) the ile hanging out? thermometer this your uv said an who said he had heated his two { this wise has had cold satisfaction, we arc on tons of coal } BUIG Since the crosiing has become goed, American mail at the local office be closed at 1.45 p.m. instead of 1] ann Tospight Queen's dramatic club will present "Ha * at Rockwood hos pital for the 'insane for the benefit of the. putionts. Hon, Wiliam Harty had by the will of the eléctors, one of the 1s knocked his 111} And that same day wont and caught another--paeumnuia. A large number from the city dréve to Sunbury Monday night to. attend the given by the Knights of the Maeccates. J. H. Metadlie was chairman. Ihe private tobogganing party of Col. Reade and Ma) Straubenzie, set for to-night; has been postponed until further notice, of the Mm tense cold. For any case of nervousness, sleop weak stontach, islirestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerto Pills. Relief ia sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in murket. The Kingston ice yachtsmen will be invited to the Masonic ball at Uspe Vincent" on February 0th, and the next day will race for the Sackett cup at the Cape I'he conduct of the young men and boys who occupy the theatre "gods" just improve, i the high-class visit the has he cunecert on account lesness, ing companies are to be given a good impression of Kingston A man 'naped E bought fron and paid a farmer named Hogan for a quarter of pork on Satardul The address given was insufficient, and the farmer loft the pork with the markeu \ clerk Hoes Kingston lodge, No. 89, 1.0.0.F, number of "fake struments for the benefit of the They will be nt to-morrow for first has purchased wu band i used the rientalists Lananogne Hime The we der May the 14th arn attendance of was last wl Vif skly cla un ut The en in mgtruction, Galloway, resumed Oouries evening. much those and ted hy wi thusiasin wa attendance About half evening, the to Barrie street, church, to binge 1 he brigade arrived The K, & P. tained HOVE last was called Chalmers chimaey the fire past five o'clock brigade below fare extinguish out a fire was ere RR. express 'was do on hours. Inst night, ots of Sharbot Lake, breaking of one of the driving wheels of the i The train reachod het Jackache aldost immediately re hoved by wearing one of Carter's Small Weed Belladonna Backacke Pls tors, Try one and be free from pain Price 25 cents. To-morrow night Kingston | and Catargui of Oddfellows go down to Gananogue, where they will be entertained by their hrethrem of that town. The former lodge will puf on tha initiatory degree, and the lav ter the second degree Arthur Ellis, architeet, notification fr the department" of public to with = thorough renovation of the post office building. The be cleaned and peinted throiighout and electric lighting instituted. The exterior will also ba painted PERSONAL MENTION. engine hefore n ight in lodges has received works proce inferior wi Tovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Scott, Napanee, i# in town the mest of Ruelling, Colborn Mrs street The Mills ment Mrs Gov and dinner at on January of Ontario vitedd to Otta bishop were § or Howe Brickwood will Frontenac He leave to will to mor look wy be north laws offenders aly ton days MeComb, DD is to condoet St sent Prof versity, Queen's uni the anniversary serviees in John's church, Drock- ville, on February 16th, The Ottawa Journal says Prof. Jor university, occupied Andrew's church, morning and dap, Queen's the with aceoptanc evening of St pnlpit Sunday TAKE BROMA. For Nervous Troubles, Or When In Need Of a Renevator. tonic compounded of pep- phosphates, nux voniea, Paweriul tonized beel ete 3 oma is the great medicine of the day, containing all the elements neces sary to hfe. Weakness, anaemia, tabaraulosis, ners depression, dys pepsin, eic., are radi ally cured by the use: of this incomparable tonie, Convaléscents 1 their strength women their health and weak men the energy and courege which they re quite in their work firome has a delicious t Appetite to some, helping di others, ae Thousasds of testimonials come to we frown all paris from persons euro or 'greatly relieved by the wuss 'of Broma. . The best doctors of the courily pro scribe it. MM. Ernest Parcheron, of Cover giving sstion in d | Montreal, cured of anaemia and gener: y {al debility by taking it. + Register | Register ! ! The old regitration lists are pot { Lgal or available for any mew On: | varin election. All smtitled to man Lied © salvage morrow is the last day. -------- Hamlet, Plan' for Shakespeare mcital by [ theen's dramatic club, opened at Ui | Over half the | low's thiv mening. hovee is now reserved. but thers are Catill sote good seats left for the should register. To | 0000000000000 "Your ® The Doctor" i It's for you to decid: lat kind of coal you waut, + wift's ¢ a-- Scranton Coal : ® [s tho best aud aosta no more than other kinds, JAMES SWIFT -& G0. » "Phone 138 RTA RA oo a Sa Wa. eww A GOOD FIRE Will sake cheerful mony of the evenings of he Now' Year. Wel sll you the comb good conl-and plenty of it. Wa don't sll you dirt for coal, We don't. rhoth wensuse. Wa want Your oval trade alwawe. wll you %) Foot of Queen St.--'Phone Wedding Necds. In our handsomely illus- trated catalogue you will find full lines and prices of ail that is. newest in » wedding rings, bridal presents, bridesmalds' - favors, wedding lavita- tions, etc. __A copy of this catalogue will be cheerfully sent you upon application. Ryrie Bros., Yonge and Adelaide Sta. WH PREPAY CHARGES AND REFUND MONEY IF DESIRED, Burdock Blood Bitters Makes Permanent Gures Of such severe diseases as scrofula, running sores, salt rhenmor eczema, shingles, erysipelns and eancer, as well as boils, blotches, pimples, eon- stipation, siek headache, dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. We have proved by the dozens of testimonials published lately that Bardock Blood Bitters always does its work thoroughly and completely, #0 people know that when B.B.B, cures them they're cured to stay cured. 2 CHOOL of ART Classes will be resumed after va- cation on £ SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, * Other classes usual hours. CHAS. E. WRENSHALL, Principal ANEW LIVERY BUSINESS. | HAVING PURCHASED THE LIVERY ! busttons and good will from RN F. MeFar- Tanw, foot of Prindess street, § will sodenvor © to codes ison feel dems prinsighet Good | horns, pod rigs. corel drivers. in sonstont i attendanos. "Phone 10. R. BE. Wilson, Prop. i -------- --r ----_. --------. ----T--------_------_.. BTAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS oF ALL KINOR aril Dato, Saale, Slenelie a wl Officn Kapa /

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