Nursery and Toilet Peware of Tanti otions ns We are carrying at this season of the year a very 5 ¥ - complete stock at prices appeal to the closest . p Linoleums we show largest line to be found at prices that mean a Hil and Draperies in styles and not to found elsewhere in the oy aay » - ®ww gan Se utara ~ | x i SPL { lingtons win, but they are betting the of other way.' - Toronto Star: Masiager Sutherland. 1 of San Francisco. | 4.31 jor the mile, made at the Cana- U¥ . o 3 And It Pro To Have a Hot Time With The Frontenacs-- Deseronto Was Defeated by The Pictons. y 'Thirty-six association football clubs are playing this winter in Philadel Ia. i As Guelph in the W.O.HA. series, Ayr defeated the home team by ten to nine. At Belleville the home team was de | feated by the Cobourg team by eight | to six in the junior series of the O.H. won the round i A Upper Canada col of group four of she OMIA. junior series, by defeating St. Andrew's col ge eighteen to wine: ; { ing's plate entries do not close un Gl the first of Magch, yet a local bookmaker guotes even money against' the Seagram stable entry. i Doath, one of the best horses racing at New Orleans, has been sold to Hor ry Robinson for $2,000. He was fuir performer at Fort Erie. i Gowan, one of the 'Deseronto hockey : team's brilliant forwards; is out of the for the season. At practice on ursday he was struck by the puck and had his jow fractured. Dan. Creedon, the Australian mid- dleweight hoxer, was bestea by Al Weinig, of Vaftalo last might, and n he announced his retire ment from the ring. No wonder. The cadets have received word from Ary DEBEDH, OF the Chi AT hE they must play off their round with I. team on or before the 31st i practice last night. Robert T. Hall, known to the trot- ting and pacing world as "Bob Kneebs," died" at Sioux City, la., on Wednesday: Ho was sixty-two year: of age. Bob Kneehs was one of . the best known drivers in the country. Arnprior and Almonte senior teams played a swift hockey game at Ari prior; Friday sight, Amprior win- ning by seven to one. Arnprior plased a rattling game, The game was free from roughness. Unless there is at least one erew other than an Irish crew the Cork regatta, for which the Jord lieutenant of Ireland has given a $1,200 trophy, will "be declared off. The dates are July 2st, 22nd and rd. St. Mary's baseball club, one of Toronto's best amateur organizations, is anxious to secure "Joe" Daley, the erack: conpre fielder of 'the Kingston Ponies, who has keen engaged in of flog work queen city for the" past few months, Archie McEachern, of Toronto, won first money in the motor-paced bi cycle race at Philadelphia with Ped nie Monroe, of Memphis, George Laan der, of Chicago, and Jean Goulgoltz of France. Monroe won second place, Leander third. The Toronto sports did not have fon to back their own team in' the fight for the Stanley cup. The Telegram = says : "Every person in Toronto would like to see the Wal of the Kingston Frontenacs, in town last might, was greatly pleased over the fine showing le by the Wel lingtons.. He hazarded ' opinion that if Dacling had been on the team the Iron Dukes would have won. Sailor Tom. Sharkey has elinched hig pro) fight with Jim Jefiries by posting $2,500 forfeit money with a new in New York, as a guar- antes that he will fulfil his engage ment with the Yosemite athletio club How sad the tin horn tooter of the Toronto Telegram must feel at learn ing how inierior & team his favorites: Jroved in comparison with the wild ndians of the west. Consolation "at ten cents per can can be obtained roadily ' at. Toronto = regorts, where nogpen doors swing outwards. latest. candidate for Maroon athletic honors to report te cvach Stage is Swellgrove, of Toronto um: versity, who comes with a record of dian university last. year. This rend is two better than the uni: versity of Chicago record for the mile held by B. R. Smith. Torouto university will meet Col- ia in lacrosse for the first time . Toronto asks that Colum- previous arr , but a date agreeable to both inati at ibutians will be arranged. { His playing 'acted as a | work 'of two men." Everybod pleased | sar of the deni | came to their that the aggregation that played. in the final mawhin with Toronto Wel- lingtons x. In the ei sap matches at Wie- nipeg Goonge, ebay, the fair-haired g She Wali . he admirers by Bis britiant work. was by fie we mos of Wellingtons<f his work corvespondent of the Winnipeg = Mail and Empire says: "As far as combination is ¢o they abso futely ignore it, and they gosiswwhich they scored wefe entirely due to the magnificent work of Mchay and Hill. ick, who was touted 'as » being the star man, failed to make good in this. city, and the man to whom the pfincipal honor should go is McKay, who, without doubt, worked harder, and accomplished more than any two men on tears. His plugk and science easily marked him out as the best: man on the team, and his 3 him mony friends." The Globe correspondent thus mentions McKay's fine work : "McKay is snother man who deserves particular attention. He put up a gellant fight, and it is no fault of his that theecup did not jour: ney east. In his position of rover he forward as well, doing the wn to learn that Mec fective for the a Winns here will be | i Kay is a Kingstonian, son oi Joba McKay, Svdenban street. He learned to play the game bere, and his Kings- ton friends are proud of him. An Interesting Curling Match, A large gathering of admirers of the "'roarin' game' gathered at the, curling rink last evening to witness an exhibition match between rinks from Belleville and Brockville. The western visitors could scrape up only a ER eR AC EERE, and dumb institute, aid "and resurrected some of his former curling friends, known as the "Rusty Rockwoods,' and gave the Brodkville curlers a spin for their trouble. The one Belleville rink met defeat" at the instance of their opponents, while the Kingston- Belleville combination secured a tie. The rinks and scores were : Rusty Rockwooda--W. Potter, J. Davidson, - T. MeCanunon, W. Coch- rane, skip ~I17. Brockville, No. 1.--A. Abbott, Rev. R. Laird, Dr. Smith, B. W. Downie, skip--=17. Hevilles--~A. EB. Lewis, A. McGio, S. W. Vermilyea, F. Dolan, skip.~13. Brockville, No. 2-H. R. Boulton, Ww. King, J. B. Chrysler, D. 8. Booth, of Brockville No. 2 to -the skilful playing of skip Booth, who had a happy kuack of placing his stones just whore they: would do the most -- ONAL MENTION. Iovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. (i. E. Hioch, Napanee,, is howe from Kingston general hospital. ves, Napanee, is the guest of ------ Mrs. Bo, Miss Jennie Jenkin, Princess streel. Miss Cornett, Gapanogue, is wpand- ing a few days with Kingston friends" Ne T. J. Thompson, late of tele ville, is in the city, the guest of his rents, Earl street. Khe Misses Wilson, and Clark. of Ottawa, are visiting Miss Fannie Ane ghia, Rarrack street. H. W. Wilson, Clergy street west, is recovering from the effects of several weeks of severe illness. Messrs. Huntley Duff and H, 8. Wil- Yams, will represent McGill in the coming debate with Queen's. Ms. D. Kelly, Picton, and Miss Marguerite Storms, Wilton, are guests av Mrs. Lee's, Clergy streo. F. G. Lockett conductod the Y M.C. A: bible class last evening. He is one of the eloverest bible students in the city: * arey Wilton, of McKelvey & Rirch's, returned vesterday from Lansdowne wfter a couple of weeks' absence. Mordy Stonms,.for past four years teacher in Mississippi public school, Jofy to-day for a lucrative position in New York city. Mes. EB. Fraser Bell, Kingston, very il for the t two weeks, with a covers attack of giippe, js able to be around again. .- Lust evening the . Misses Pretiie, Princess street, entortained a number of fiends. G . muric, otc., helped pass the time R. J: Wilson, who was 'the efficient manager af ah ar R. t company's @ y ur i Oshawa last night. This is his last day at the telegraph 12th of January, 1901, I ttack of La Grippe, so bad A for some yeals On y pr pee THE AGMENIESICIAL EVENT OF THE ' A Throng Of Merry Dancers Filled From Other :Universities-- Guests Present From Distant Places. The conversazione given by the al- ma mater society of Queen's univer- sity in the arts building jast night was one of the brightest academic [functions ever held. Unlike the con- versaziones of by-gone years, there j were no concert or Jecturetios--just | the dance and the' promnade. he farts building js no longer ample for the throng that gathers on this great { social occasion. Though the lists of ! guests are more tanited than before, 'still a larger building is required, and this will not be forthcoming tll the | Grant. convocation hall rises into space. The alma mater society has ! time and again rejected the proposal {to hold the comversamone in the | city buildings, preferring © to bring | their friends to their college home. The decorations were not as lavish or so original as on some past occa- sions. Comvoeation hall was dressed with colored streamers and flags. The mathematics and English classrooms, neatly furnished, were used as sit. ting, out places. The guests passed up the loft side of the main stairway, the second landing by Mrs. Jordan, | Mrs. Herald and Mrs. Dyde. Thence 3 convocation hall 208 vdeo the duamo=ilhose wha did not care to grace the canvased floor, promenaded through the corri- dors to the music of an orchestra from the 14th regimental band. In the dance hall, the music was furnished by the Gananoque orches- tra, a superior organization for a ball-room. It was after two o'clock when dancing concluded, The crush in the hall was terrible, but everything went off with a snap, including bits of material of the ladies' trains, which were naturally tramped upon. The quedtion at issue is: Wero they too many dancers, or was the ha too small ? Many guests were present froni Of tawa, Brockville, Gananoque, Nape nes, Belleville, Toronto and Loude The delegates in attendance were A. L. Burch, Knox college, Toronto Thomas Phalen, Toronto university Charles Auger, Victoria college, Tor onto; Spencer Dale Harris, McGill un jversity, Montreal; cadet Kdgar, Roy- al military college. The refreshments were served in th» musewn on the first floor, and in the strotch of rooms in the top storey. The guests were waited upon at littl tables, ' Missed It But Caught It. A party composed of a number of men closely connested with the coun- ty council and their fripnds, wished to go to Hinchinbrook last night. They reached the K. & P. station same five or ten minutes before the five o'clock train pulled out. In place of waiting, they went up street 'to sor a man,' with whom they drifted between latticed doors. that swing inward. When they returned, their train had gone. A cabman was at once engaged to drive the ty to the railway crossing pear the cotton mill. Here they were suceessiul in stopping the train, and, geiting on board, they went on their way re- joicing. Passed Away In Toronto. The death occurred in Toronto on January 14th of John Bryan, a former Kingstonian and sa brother of Mrs. John Sullivan, Barrie street. The de ceased was bern in Wexiond, Ireland, "in 1837, being therefore oyer sixty-four { years of age. He came to Kingston over fifteen years ago, and remained for twp years, during which time he made: many friends. From' here he went to Toronto. He had been iil for about a month of hearty troable. Mr. Bryan was an unmarried man, and leaves relafives in Kingston, Ont; Bridgeport, Conn., and Detroit, Mich, { who will learn of his death with sin- core regret. He was a man of a genial disposition, who made friends where: [ever ho weng : Died Aboard Ship. Word reached the city this morning that Hop Lee, a Chinaman who fox some years conducted a laundry om Princess street, of ite Laturney's carri factory, who in Septem- ber t started homeward to his na- tive/oountry, had died op board = of it, ten days before reaching Hong He intended visiting friends ing for some months and then returning to Canadg again to "make more money." Gentlemen Who Are Bald. Or bave this hair, should call on Prof. Dorenwend at British. American hotel, Kingston, on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 5th, and see his wonderful de- on vieks in to and wigs wora over 65,000, hoatla: tion ond dumonstration free. ivite apart nients. at hotel. Ladies look yowoger. Take the trouble of visiting Prof. | Doreawend's private show rooms and sos the many beautiful inventions in i ET Convocation . Hall--Delegates ; and were received in the alcove. on | The new shirts. The new shirts. To- night we show the few soft and stilt front shires, $1. Bibby's. ¥ -------------- David Harum In Toromto. Over 4.000 people witnessed this ! great three act comedy in Massey | ball. Plan at Hanley's. ------------ Look Around First. Nover mind the ads., "look around first" before buying fms, We intend making our present clearing sale a femorsble one for all fur buyers. Tt is now in full swing, Georges Mills & Co., furviers, Wellington street. Opera House Tuesday, The Great- est Success Of The Season. Edward P. Elliott in "David Har- win," a comedy in three acts. It paid me for bein' born unto. this vale of tears. Plan ai Hanley's. c------ A Horse Dashed Of. The delivery wagon of T. J. Leahy ran away yesterday afternoon on Prin- { cosa street. loo falling from the rool ! of a stove frightened the animal. The driver was thrown from the rig but escaped injury. The sleigh was partly wre Eat What You Like. Give the digestion organs some work i do. 'These functions need exercise foe much as any part oi the human ane atomy, but if they're delicate, give {them the aid that Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford and you can eat anything that's wholesome and palatable. Sixty in a box, 35¢e: Sold By Be © IEG SS TT ------------ To Wait Upon The Government. Thomas J. 8. Milne, University avenue, will leave on Monday for To ronto, He is the local president of the marine engineers' association, and with delegates from other parts of the | provinee will interview tha government { yolative to the passing of an act re specting the qualification of engineers, James Gillie, also named as a_gele gate from Kingston, will proba! ®oac- company Mr. Milne. every argon in the body. Thay mo act merely upon the symploms, ordinary medicines do, but fo citron ly to the root of therirouhis inh way they cure such diseases av live and kidney troubles, rhevnatisinjer alysis, St. Vitus' dance, heart trou bles, sick = headaches, anaemia 8nd the irregularities that make ug lives of so, many women one of cond stant misery. Do not be persuaded t( take any substitute; see that the ful fl name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale. Puanle' it. anata rss" Kingston is about to experience n rate war in milk. A former milk ven- dor is canvassing for customers, be {ing about to enter into the business agnin, und he promises to supply milk at three cents a guart, as against eight, which he says will be charged by others during the coming spring. The price now paid is five cents a quart. and if the vendor in question can supply the fluid at three cents, he will force a general lowering of the price all around. Kept The Line Open, The street railway company kept two cars running avound the belt line last night, keeping the tracks and switches open. A gang of men work ed on the Portsmouth branch all night, picking ana shovelling out the jee that eovered the rails during the past three days. Cars got out as far jas Portsmouth to-day for the first Liime in three days. In making an attempt to go over the Portsmouth line yesterday, car No. 13 ran into the ditch just west of Victoria school and it was a most difficult task to replace it. i Business College Notes. Miss sithel Shipman, graduate, has been appointed assistant in the short hand department for the winter. months, Harold Johnston, shorthand and commercial graduate, has been appointed private secretary to the manager of the Montreal street rail way company. Joh W. Webster, Lansdowne, a nei] student, has secured a good position in the survey pepartment of the Kingston & Pom {broke railway company. Arthur Keo- {pedy, Westport, commercial graduate, thas secured a good position as book- keeper with a manufacturing firm in Winnipeg. Among the studeats to register this week ave : A. Freehurn, Sydenham: Pearl Pool, Hartington; L. P. Shortell, Washburn; A. Mou- tray, Amherst Idland; Roy Fairburn, Ventor. The attendance. this year is the largest in the history of the col Jeg. ONLY A PENNY TO GET WELL. 1 ask only & postal stating which i book you wish. No money is wanted. } 1 want you to know how nerve pow: er alone operates each bodily func tion. Mf some organ is weak, and fails in its duty, 1 want to tell you how more nerve power will correct it. 1 rwant you to know, as 1 do, that a cure can come in 'ho other way. Ihave spent my lifetime on this i ! ¥ will send with the book an order 1 ist for six bot Tee ge, | ii al ) -- The Spice of Every Day Life-- What the People are Talking About---Nothing Escapes At- tention, Wear the new collars. Bibby's. Pine apple marmalade at Redden's. The new flowing end ties for spring, 50¢. Bibhy's. The debating cla of the YM.C.A. is heing reorganized. Don't forget the sale of fancy birds at Salter's rooms, Tuesday next The Queen's college glee club es & Jomest in Beseronto on February Jed. The new collars for spring, two for We. Bibby's. People living near the city should look out for "surprise" parties these fine nights, Si, Council No. 20, C.O.C.F., met last evening and initiated four candidates. Four propositions were also received. Despite the rough state of the road the market to-day, while not a large one for Saturday, was fairly well at tended. Prices were good. On Sunday evening in Sydenham street church Rev. He. Philp will preach a special sermon on the theme, "The Glory of Young Men." The new hats, the new hats. Many lines of new hats are in for spring, $i, $1.50, $2. Bibhy's. A Pinkerton detective arrived in the city last, night to take up work on the recent robbery of bodies from the vault in St. Mary's cemetery. Ros, compart. stele and, service wont President susgenders. For sale at J. P. Epreest's, King street. When g young man calls on a girl and she says she feels as if she had been up late the night before, it is time for him to trot along towards home. The beautiful snow lies deeply, and irregularly, and dangerously upon some of the walks. The city officials might use a little more energy in having the law enforced. City engineer Kirkpatrick says that if those Princess street merchants who carted away snow from 'in front of their promises will send an account for gnch work to the board of works, it will be paid. The city has no money to put into foothall. grounds. HH it wants to municipalize the sports, it can get the best hall grounds in Eastern Ontario, already laid out and detained, on very Gary. terms. al losurance men state that this. has heen one of the best months for their business that they have experionced for some time. While other business men are haviag an off season, the in surance agent is landing the business, The new ties, Sc. Bibby's. Rev. Dr. Philp has 'been notified that owing to the prevalence of small pox at Cornwall, the Epworth league convention of the Montreal Methodist conferénce, to have been held next week, has been indefinitely postponed. Pay water tate and save discount. Tooke's famous double band collars 18¢. each, or 2 for 20¢., at J. P. For: rest's, King street. The Trusts and Guarantee company, lintited, 14 King street west, Toronto, has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late William H. Gra- ham, of the village ot Springfield, El- gin county, who died in June, 1900 Tha estate gonsists principally of real cotate, amounting to about $5,000. About half the number of liguor dealers who went to Toronto Thurs day returned home last evening. They say that fully 2,000 liquor dealers from all parts of the province waited upon the Ontario government yester day, Preuvtier Ross promised to take their request into his most serious consideration. 4 Death Of Mrs. Brown. Early this week Rev. T. C, Brown and wife, of Sydenham, went to visit their only child, Rev. W. T. Brown, at Sharbot Luke. While there Mus. Rrown; #r., was attacked with heart trouble, an old complaint, and after several days illpess died on Friday night. Deceased, aged about fifty-eight yoars, was formerly of Lindsay, her maiden name being Marks. Her me: ther resided with her. Deceased was well known in the city and highly es tected, "The Most Dangerous Class." Ww, W. Buthanan. The class most dangerous to the otmmmon wellare is not the tramps, as many think, they having neither vote nor influence; neither is it the thief or the murderer, for of these society made short work, The most danger ous classes are those ta be found in the church each Sunday wearing good clothes, and owning fine houses, and mayors and aldermen may often be incladed in the list. Carelessness To Blame. Manager Snelling, of the Bell tele" phone company, says that his ecom- pany has been put to eonsidershle ex: pense and trouble hy persons who clean of the roofs of Princess street store. No attempt is nade by these persons to protect the wires and the result is that, the telaphone service dur- ing the past fow days bas been badly disarranged on account of "broken wires. The plan of .wetite for the Queen's universily dramatic club entertain: ment, on Friday, January et, will be opened to Giobei holders on Toes day next and to the public on Wel nesday, at Uglow"s book store. 7 i -- irc dbl, Manas and Calarrh winally starts with a cold In the head i Ly unehecked in this climaic, k te well of A » AN tra ould is the diwinse "spresds, a mucous metsbranes from nos to Ghroet, hroat 5 fromm Wisdpipe Ww ial tubes and are: branchial v bod fu . mucous with sugther. frou oe Ww same hond soon affects the throat wad folly the womach itself, bringing on chronic oats of the stomach, whith is a most obstinnte form of Everybody ia now all connect, # is easy tw Hed ome with this well arreed Umt cotardd There is A Sew jon recently to ihe public that is appercatly destined to do away with every other form of eatarrh treatment. This new remedy Is not » secret patend t but is a late, pleasent tasting of abiet compo airoot, Red pads from the Fucalvptue toes, and other valus ple end harmless specifics, which are token internally awl scoh to have markably onaficial effect wu blood amd mucous nes, apparently diminuting the ow poison from the whole system. sabiets, While being pleasant, eout yepiont snd absolutely make cures Hor by & ts wher Tame 5 Wh a tard Tablets, and any oatarrh enflerer who has tried juhalers, lotions, oints ents, salves, wie, snd realiend their inoons vortenoe and uselesstess will fully appreciate this difference betwesh a. mero pallative aw » permanent cure after giviey Stoart's Cae tivh Tablets an mpartial trisl Al draguists wil them at 30 conte for full sized antl 00 matter where the is © locsited, in fhe head tre A or stomach, Stuart's Catarr A rie vou with' thie effective results of evimi 6 few days Wee. NORTH : STRIFE ------ Grateful Voice Favor of "Mori's Wine Crest-Phates. -------- tarrhal hese A in Mr. Ralph March, We are happy to lay our readers a very interesting letter from Ralph March, of North Strafford, NH. US. his warmest thavks and congratelations for Morin'es Wine Crow-phates "From a simple sold comtras the damp aubimn March--1 became brounch before Coos, olla ing us ted mm Mr. rufjeriog pring. My and dave----says in, enpomiaity In the fall and doctors: gave me good car all in their power but suffer. fo cure aw wy heslih did mot amprove. 1 ed night aml day, without appetiie of sleep, and 1 gradanily weakened i then tosolved bo try patent medi inex, whose ocuratice were prai od; but although I was as sured that they would cure me in 8 short time, they did me no good, Finally T met a friend, who persuaded me 16 try. your preparation so much advertised for all throat and Jung diseases "Morin's Wie Creso-phates' and from the very first day of its cme 1 ascertained its superior 'queli- ties. My cough calmed down and so did my other pains. "} hal more op petite, my digestion was ca jer and my sleep restorative. 1 felt a new fife infused ito me. my condition im: proved daily amd 1 was able to re sume my ordinary occupation 1 continued, at hesd, to use the re medy without which 1 would hate Leen a finished man, and I cannot 100 warmly thank you and recommend "Movin's Wine Creso-phates." Fasily taken, it Bax a phissant taste nod its digestion ix eany. When you feel Bay soreness in the throat or lungs, give this valuable reo medy u fair trial and you ean rely on your immediste relief and your jor: sone propor Lied 1 why vatarch in the ~ did Ap