Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1902, p. 6

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{ Hil, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. DAILY BRITISH W » Som Haghes is 1d -- (ke rasats. Mr. and Mi¥ up with a badly cu "THE INCREASE GOING 0 { ) EC H anil om My, and Mrs, Wil | foot ! EWS FON OR IRS 5 | | {a Famed Murphy Mr Joyee and | = Cushen 1 Presentation. | CUSTOM RECEIPTS AHEAD or od Katie ydenham, ab Ad ishendall 0 Frida . i HAVE TO TELL US. ant Parkes, Wi | yy : y A 5 Ee in the i » ' in ¢ the presen | t | The Tidings From Various Points A Teacher Engaged ivan. | tation of a fie um an sill | of © tk y. is .] FOR GHILORE If 1 In Eastern Outarto---Wiat Peo. Celery he Dee Ly Ty asing - lo ari de nounced--The ries from school or play with a sore. throat, ™ . pla Are Doing 58 Wha ¥ pou bat. rpm * hire attended Shusrch . we P aver. Q*Connor lef Ya AT ub the throat.and chest with Omega Oi here isn't a bit of Are Saying. . ps i Yue. might. Owing : 1 RO Rr aureh ¢ | (itawa, Jiu. 2.-F et | da in u it freel orgie pastor. ua i x » Their' New Home. | unable 10 be p it. Worl ST ill, » pail the programme. Ac [is she at the iner in the first | : for re is no turpentine "n i 1 * 5 i wr iv, Duleemaine, Dee. 30. Card the wintes i TISEIORE be homely a] Mota : } A ea! ; 2 orafponiainit. Av in Staart's > po . Husamely up- {wus one rand arte i % e dy a che Master Harv H ball was bek t : rd | rod pore . nted to Mrs fir 1 us ¢ le ¥, 7} ! bar ul of it would ¥ rie. BurBfibuied in this vio | Hy Oe wns 2 lool parg i ae Eh X y bur for an agemniy nine a January Ist has returned to. his home in ter an extended visat to Mrs. B. Gavia. Mr. tind nt . Ee ent was tatich en- | 1 br Wer Pranic Anglin : . est ga df " o 3 Lrnest teming, |i ns {.61 3 + i ui " ~ £5 y furriers' must . re agml ! 2 . I i y Robe Angli wid Ross, Miss Mav} o Lappas axe moving i {ie y hing ba 3 13 el ciark Rov. Ro} hav ome to-di |! ¥ i 3 ; James Marts spent Christmas in Elgir vith handsome. fur coat ¥ s#ooordias | is busy hauling stone ) an i {ai gS Sri » a or Fair View Visions. ping to make extensive improve. ] TOK Very Pair vi ew. . De. 30. --Henry Ja, nents © neki summer. Mr, Gedde } brakeman and fi ¥ Hy Bennett's spent v Athens high school, has been engaged STR, ai A nary Rooks sf as ncher for n yeu Phere wer k 0 ont . : i } > # everal application » a8 there are Cushenda da nyston 184 : day at John Lou : vl . 4 Ap ns, a t are i atives . or Ye " Hi Yohn wr no Qui s number of pupils | : Samos Gi , t the trustees wished to have a gen nd wi ¥. We Mrs Sn Ro oo jonn, teacher Visit : John ( x | | {Bi it. = VK aha - -- , Aly : i Mr and Mr ind Albert Draymimone, Manit ha, are Lh ida tse A) "iv . | Forty-éne Rabbits From Log il Crouch angie entertained a num pending the winter at G Darks + a ol Fa Tis sf sonnel aes Vi °C. Tae, Soperion, ai : Stephe?' Close Gananoque, called Yan} a tter y and RB 'D x : . aclar hasty luncheon or | be #lennott on Satnrday He ony hea, aL axon : J Desert Lake Doings. Everybody Nominated. unexpected Supper. Desert Lake, Dee. 30.--~A number of Lansdowne, Dec. 31.--A quiet wed ate Abel Gatffd Sunday. Rev hat vi I ! young folks enjoved a drive to Ver ding was celebrated at the residence Oliver: conductdl » ve. 3 to t . he ral _-- Bo il isangy ona and Sydenham to attend the en- | ©f Edson Keating, Thursday e ys, 18.40 a iy ep 7 i id enmng £ % daug er Arges of Lhe open diiches on oe. YE vr a tertainment ' there Christmas ing, when - his daughter, Margake ', | Remem The Pastor. © frabbity naturally slip backwards EE fh 1 hit i \ Gd was united to Hert McCready, a well v , x . night. A number of yo folks ath . : : a Mountain = ( Dec. © 30.~The | while he, having nails io kis boots " 3, le ¢ f £ of the home of Snook, on | known and estmpable young man ofl hs . Lone; sary agdish, : 2 spent an enjovable [Sand Bay, Only tha near relatives of | Christmas entefinent for the Md [is able to run right along rinvipal be . E ' ova sarch SBCs o. | Clevalamd Plain Dealer hd bi el =! ls Wapakoneta, Ohio, | George: Hylanderafitiee to the hers we nkonets, Dive, 1 ; kis now convales ilson, the ghampion rabi% or several w . on the eastern part of thi | i ent. Special vos were held atthe Englis sh chur 3 Christmas day. [0 tew ways bi catching Severs! attenoftl the funeral of the | ®iler M: Ther¢ are numerous open the parties were present. Kev, Me, | thodist Sunda bool, on the 24th | them up. y evening : oly lost a valuable a o s/l # Ar » > i Severa rs act ChAYes hashes, [hore fies wks Wiam, aiuable | Siliwell offcintod, The happy voupls | as well attcniill A* prograutue of | Several davs ag " ) Met: " I {ef " J lefe on the page. train for eastern | adingy, recita dialogues, Huets, bit. into a 'hol Mdtiowan ave felt to lind employ points. The W Ww dram atic toc pany, 1 solos and chorn As appreciated by bis arm into A ; ment in the mines, Visitors : N } # . -- 1 the 10 " Btrees, stews, flu' domi Shi, Mo bE ne ot rn an | he sins Sl bo he apps he Su. vis 1 . hall Friday evening; the tenance | £1 Nn, pleas ol EF . re 1 was good, but the he I | presentation to aod Mrs. W. H. | He pulled out soups and kindred Dresden, at H. Cay be sid he o an tame van oa ardly | fark of an a and a sum of | stopping, "and A Sydenham, at & kA @ rs of the € ntertainment, near | ors as a Chr § present. Mi: tick he was to ¥ { it it . di h - Mr. ahd Mrz. S. Osser, itmur, ly ali the available men in the towh | ¢ lark made & ble reply. Mrs. | more , : var drawgiet sells Omaga OIF or os much the same as 13hes. et, "Wikia, E. Rewp, Maple Grove, | JU. oY nominated yosteriny - of | willing Toye, Mpa Mn If, Loyet ho Gein (Atrio Coo 351 rout yr not 'ne at J. Wilsons municipal honors, it is impossib , Catt Chr n ive the ticket now. Miss Blanch. and son ilvin b Christmas in Unequalled for Ard Boat Stone is taking a course in music in| Toronto with Me@¥illiam Hopes, Hf C0 tG . . ulter and wife Swport, are Ferguson's Falls, Dee. 31.--A nun on. Mi Maud Moulton, train { visiting bi hd other friends | Bute over strengthening the ber from here attended the box social nurse, of a New Furl Dospivel, 13 | here. Mrs, P hun, very ill for Hathbun home on a vacatio uel at Innisville, on Thursday might, un Jeation Vander three : ving slowly. Mrs with = their parent : DO nee : np sick and a ed der the auspices of St. John's and: berg, lias helt oa his barter a Pig « Ry hi ke, staved 8 re : g . Irinity churches, The proceeds -am Io kport Ed Wve i nan, uple of days Js A $ G king. the eon ogunted to shout $30. Mr! and Mrs] j Cio). Suna, young daughter of Mr. and@ks. Arthur Coul- | ment made two John Poole and ia , and Mr anf > ph } «timer, ¥ il tead, is very ij and daughtd@ spent Christmas | 1% Years yet Mrs. J. H. Morris and Master Ehert, | 8° fe he of Mr. Bell here. Mrs. Lio frionde' if Rel: Mis Maude | mont it~ wa spent Chritmus night at William | 7000 Redmond and daughter are vis anderson attendedige model exam- | HUantity of Poole's, Scotch Corners. Fr. MePhail | 110% in Toronto. nations in King recontly, P| #4 by th is holding °nrission services" in the Ro -------------- Loyst and P. Pricdsurned from the jr man Catholic church this week, Visi Strathcona Sayings. lumber woods to wl the holidays | verted into charcoal. The chemi tors: Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Nagle and Strathcona, De 30. Two of (1. |at home. W. Gree fariily, Have y ship the charcoal to family, Almonte, at John Holling Stormes' children have been ill with a | lock, spent ®hri 7 at R 4 use in th Rathbun § gor's; E. G. Leake, Fitzroy Harbor, malignent croup, of which disease lit- | Flvan's; Mr. and Paqueth and | 70 works there, and Ww bo be at home; Joseph Murphy, Wolle Is [tle Fredérick Darlington died. They | family Porth, ac D, Bieen's: J. Estos | titled to the uso of any gases or oth land, a4 M. Gray's are recovering, Roy Lott met with | and C. Estes and sills, Miss Blanche, | © by: produ ts. ohitai 1 painful accident by running a pitch. | Newburgh, a : S. Alet's. Rov. and | 088 of manuiacture Funeral Of An Old Lady. fork tine in his knee, Mi Moro [ Mrs. Clark leit on Whesday to spend Morven, Dee. 30.--An old-time tea | 20d little daughter are visiting her | the holidays Clark's. home, ! Ten Years For Assault, meeting 'was held in the White church [Mother and other friends at Bowman | ga : ss, Enterprise, Jiebee, Jan, ; YX. Mow mn Christmas night, refreshments be: | Ville. Mes. MeGinness,. who, with. her | i visiting her , Mis. William | end iond ' y : with a | husband, left here to reside in Mani Sosa her hen | |. ompal X € ing served in abundance nghty and well rendered programme Seventy-five dollars was taken in. A) a ' toha some two or three vears ag in penitentiary Westport terd. judge Chanviauw. In puss Westport, Dee. 308Mr. and Mrs. judge referved 1 Ottaw EY ¢ mer teryns which ax returned wicow, her husband ig died in that country last fall yl y Plenty of edibles were left for a so i lise Lugria Dunlap spent a few day ial the following evening, which vet ed 87.00. The chair was ably filled | With M@s Kdna Martin. Mire I « t » ».. ; { Mes. Loddy's fathie: sod mother, ly served, n d the hope | 8 We Fatt Fobsge on Christmas night by Me. Nesbit, | 'viten and children: are visiting her | Wu and s. P. McA3nn A New hat this addit f ent w / I i SUK SUI Je srincipal of Newburgh * high school, | mother, Mrs, Hays, Napaneg Mrs. | y, al will becheld' af the |-prove sufficient : tev. W. T. and Mrs. Wickett left to- | Hodson and Mrs. Knight, Napanee, |." e. I, Mercley on January | end day to visit thpir parents at Little | Pent Thursday with Mrs. Lott. Mis {1s avd he apspices of St. Paul's Briton. 'Visitors: Mr. Lamkins and Madde un, Newburgh, is. v mitng at} ohyreh, Peter Meflann and Mr sister; Moscow, "with their cousin, | Robert Madden's Miss Walker spent | Io hn MeDonald Damon Garrison... The funeral will Friday afternoon with Miss»Lott | N re take place in the "White churel to- | Jobn Boyer is ill. R. Shelter has morrow of an old and respected lady wd a ool tru I in place of | men # of "th hod : of North Fredericksburgh, in the per . + who has moved from this |. AF eat with You take chances' with son of Mes. David Parks, who - seétion. (J. Hover was = xé-clected. | jy, i i A teh vat health and spoil yeur aged. .eighty-seven and a hali "years Johnston % Soya ross r has hon in i hd w Hed Bitte ed al 3 this section arry organ 8 hom A r foe waking when you use ingre- Attended The Wedding. after an absence of sgeral months ut | open dients of doubtful purity, Collin's Bay, Dec. 31.--A large num. | "0% 'Angus, Que. The boys had an If you nse oyster supper in honor of his return into the H ln Corticelli sewing ane te strands. In common silks--about se seventy, Which do. y¢ rou want ? {our sant turned home "aiter ¢ Killed His Betrothed h frie rr ch ' The prices are the same, ERE jer attended the Chiistmas ten con I cert at the Methodist church on . Christmas eve. An enjoyable time was Entertained Her Friends. i . . ) { Fm ire Soda spent. The Presbyterian chufeh held Sydenham, Dee. 2%. The Methodist ) shri I church SBabibuth school held its Martin, their Christmas tree entertaimuent on X an: { % . Monday evening. A number from here | Pual chtertaimuent on Christmas eve the former pi accom best for baking - attended the ball at Bath, on Thurs | Vesley hall was crowded to -the doors. | boys dnd speaks hi ghly day ovening) (William Clement and | An excellent programe was furnished | tow. Mr. Ryminl, the result will be light, laughter atiended the wedding of consisting of cho "which wore 'hig i he public school. is. gen slict kod Miss Louisa Clement, Deserontt, and and dislogues, which were highly | lew days in town. 3 a re e four Aavs Manes ARlc variant i > healthful, delicious baking, rod. Wilson. Napanee, on. Thursdar] arbrecinted. --A large purse of moos. | organist of St. For oa % A few days more only remains in good old year One part Empire Soda vening, Marsh Woodeock and 'family s gift of mans onde, was pre: Bins Edish We Shaver, organist of Kn Wh t of 1901. We desire these to be remembfied specially as . ¥ ars visiti . ed on Christmas morning to Miss . ; ud two rts cream rion, are visiting at his brovher's, tad "on ® ' ols Pa eam of Red Letter Dry Good Bargain Givin Days. - Note i received we H-filled ioe ti\tar makes the strongest Alexander Woodcock's, John Purdy tS eas: by Rox, x. e, Brown, Bh reads and, ths | of S onges and wife spent Christmas with their | 209 Mis vience. Purdy, . Un. "Thurs BE uly us 1 i 1 i i i as wal AY Svehingr . hse iy the 1oliowing lines, as be re ~aud\ most healthful leave- laughuw, Mre. Johnson, at Ning ny s inj Mrs Horatio Day enor Jie, Mieke, Hetjont. ppt e I a carefull y the « ing lines, as they ill be offered ton. Miss Martha Bell, Patterson, is] A Sarge num st Et young . . d de i Food. much be low their regular value : Laing agent you can use. spending holidays with her parents Mr, friends; Harrowsmith. Kingston wt took place A - : Sra ne : "Cheapest too, for Empire and. Mrs. W, Bell, Mrs. Christ, Michi p am ore: soprasantads AY - he , irda id Mi A Father's Testinony. LADIES 1 TH JACKETS, this season's styl 30 only, séme in Goda only costa Be. a packet, gan, = AL wiling wary with hex try I f tea was served: afterwards | mony. The cerciiony wal rer i Finn Poaver, Nigger Head and Oglord Groy Cueviothll at caring. swig . 1 y Alex. Woodvook, Webster Cle- 3 k i . » {2 Ask your grocer for Em: M1L_and-sister---spent--a-wosk-at- Bes SRI ane music wap indulged in At Lin tho mame by oo i * Ne may tw put PR LITTLE Al f ye I OL onto ¢ \ eB ARE ; an early hour-all departed, . leaving & rk: wan attived inRiv'a bi nsiaven, eon, I produc 15 LITTLE ALL. WOOL FRIEZ!. REEFER TB Tor girls, egcd fire Soda and insist on get- sronte and Napanee. with their 'hostess many wishes for a Cloth, with hat to match, Bt Yui Bi view of the brieve i 8, were $4 G od be o price $1 § ols ? i gt happy New Meare Among the many § the afternoon for Perth, " benithe chi het dive fhontiv g a7 XI Ch £ek " HDT Fe . A Fine Entertainment &a Raver "Bal upon Shel foot} Fhe 25 WOMEN'S BEAVER AND FRIEZE COATHEwarm and darable . . . Visitors are James Rayeroft, Bal [they took the 'train , , : ' Br "- oD DIA i 4 ALOgwarm ap y Rn ol Brock, Ie 31 ihe Christa dur; Maniteha, at John Clow's: Miss points. "The Jneembiy in SE yp. : 9 rely dis to the fox , et I ree entertainment jn the chur on § Edna Grifith, Torohto, at her © fu- all last Friday a a i whmists upon dw rater than Uhristmae sig ght wag a success. The thers; J. Harpell, Ottawa, at Miss M. Process, R47. oe oh ' oo Katata Seubyr. a , ) WOMEN'S FI BEUFES ollars, Caperined Yur-Lined Capos he iy ho ie ans fires Jor Hope's: Miss Sarah. gisker Wilton, ] tary Stang, i, dh , ; : coniainimg. 32 smockin for uk. Twenty por ean ar a teres o i PN ice; arvey, wu. | te 4 3 Shivde « " " he g (HERS LIRDK AN 1.1 he 1 gramme rendered. The doll drill Be ming, at his father's. Mr. and Mrs. and childeen have pone 1m. 3. 1 nl. saving. Soafthiul. dishes. FATS, PHERS, BIRDS AND ALL MILLEERY st greatly twelve littls girls Waa fine; the tam: | Sidpey Hicks spent Christma$ at | 0 spond the holiaays, . The Kalural Fi doeed price bourine drill by twelve voung ladies | Hartington. Tommy Hicks, Harrow- of the late Mrs, (I'r.) Pe Vv itook t Te big size, 11 2 4 W BITE OR GREY COTE BLANKETS, for Soul d not he Sapa « There were sev- | smith; at his ikias 8 for a lew days; act Py Fuiday praia 4 =i 6 Fatih Bas Tre Yn Toe. a pair } eral very popular solos given by the | Miss Annie Shildey xt C. Truscott's; | Pdused's church: : of * MESS ANI X W SUITS i 2 fi f joll young Tada ih ca on by he Angin: MoMillan, wires coasts i: which society' Mrgp™ oIrdded Bhent For Sale by olf MACS hy BT i hy ge on « ' hb 4 ar : several hove, was appreciated. At the] also homg Rev. FE Lawson and | had, before hér marciage, rd AIRC. aS a +10 B10 3V, 41, Pries almost eat close of the programme bags of can | Richard fwlor at F, Lawson's. ~ dent, preshdea the corpediy ; . ' ; : IOI Ta, Sain I am divs, nats and popcorn wes distrib | - | church, to. show their fe y ! $A RAT 3; worth $6.50 far #4.8Bet er lines cqually ated. Proceeds; $15 The Tai aid Arden Elections. thar loceased member. Hp 0 i : 3 Aq good-bye vk yearfile of recently organized, will bold their | Arden, Dee. 81.--At the muni ipal and CMBA. societies fo d- Bret enterinimment in the C.-M. nonrination yesterday, Addison Miller | Procession in henge of thet Broa: 5 church on New Year's night. Mp. awd | was proposed 'for resve, and B. F. | brother, Dr, Donnelly, 4 i SU i Mrs. York, Jones Falls, spent Chrigt- | Detlor, Dow Parks, Hénry. Hannah |088 was ocslehrated "» 4 man at 8. Lyon" The sporix had ad William MeG 1 hai | LS v Fro " d aja illiam or for eonncihen, | 5 Vs whi Showoying match on Lhrisimas day, | the two last on taking the plac. « Bes. Fathers Spr Elgin Sue: x it -- he an, has gone to Sonss Palle} of William - Miller and William Seti; | 00. Picton, seted as d@6n and : to spend a fow days. Mes, (. Tric hey members of the old council, who re svi denson. Among - the Byrnors The Best on This Contin it is HL Visitors: Mr. and es Bowen | tired. "All (elected by acclamation: Dn = ro. nr awats, the Misses Ba, oi ! Lucas, Drescion; - Miss Vine, Napanoe, | Friday the wife of John Kirkpatrick, | 988% wobey:' her father, 3 at GC Ward's. ji o tisha. resident. of. this township, dy. iaduy, ant ber hog % ohn yah ale u Ae Rade is wewanat for. : 9 fon died at iin of preumonia, lav: soipathy of all oly y the | § ommie. They ¢ pase ing hust and-one little boy ry of al! in his sad eave making the Bude fey wt 3 . H NDON annual | Decoused oy about twenty-seven | 5 2: ¢ . J ; : sel Mi 5 y Is &i LAT pe worth fre a $5 $ vbig bargain for a wolln wanti wg camforts "place on Thurs- | Years of age. The funeral took place ! 50 cents. nd wos elected | 08 Sunday at the Methodist church Dandruff Cure, 75 cents. iehalous, secre. | here, Rey. Mr. Higgs, Cloyne! preach: | Statistics show hat asyl : The oid Tawhioned "soups sede' day -ir-poes he sen engaged | od an éoguent sermon to a large con: ertruwded with Boring | for ever, and sow, # the hie ds wo be vee | - milton, daughter | crogation. The body was placed in fram despondeney and men! fal Slane oh teshicualils, i mist be properly Sales A i E and PORT 'R F Shamivon. Drosden, | the Arden vault. On Christmas wight | due 0 ow vitality and impoletshe. Bondeslf Cars %iI_postivaly © reins ives after an a Christmas tees enitertoinghent took | Plood, 'which cannot. Jeep UB pain | aonceafl We punrasten i i teen years. A little | place in the town hall, for the bene 'healthy. Wade s {ion Tonic F ati Jv There 1 no apeplesion Bhi thal wi oo] Jans Murphy's: it's Hit of the wlate the brain calls sind, Berves 3003 SWitasow. Gn move. Frebeline aod La | ei . BL Procear . io "on Sunday eho, restore visality and make oh [nee Bi wil ocivly "vem thu Brewed frm the best material, pe Spring water Cabal ML { Yn. mothe plore, at Mount | Blood. Price 3%. Frecklise and La Beaute Bleach, | Slected HOPS of the best growth; HOICE BAR- ef th nr eh : ---- Sfp Si may LEY. MALT. ? ' § : L 6, it Piao Boodle regione sions §

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