Ontario Community Newspapers

The Enterprise Of East Northumberland, 16 Jul 1908, p. 4

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Z : ,xf '.v s _ ®hc (gnterprfot. COLBORNE. July 16tli. 1908 NATIONAL ADVANTAGES SECURED. The Datiotf&l Transcontinental rail­ way, as it i« now being constructed, •will prove of inestimable advantage to the country as a whole. One can­ not point out*11 the advantages in a limited space, but there are some prominent features it would be well to remember. It will be a great Im­ perial highway, shortening the dis­ tance between Great Britain and the East by hundreds of miles, A few comparisons will make this clear: TABLE OF DISTANCES. Miles. Now Liverpool to Quebec......... 2.632 *• QiteVic to Vancouver__ 3,<178 " Vareolver to Yokohama 4,335 " Liverpool to Yokohama.. 10,045 tVHATGKVND TRUNK 1'ACIHC DOES, Miles. Liverpool to Quebec.........»... 2,632 Quebec D> 0; inev Rupert, about 3,025 Rupert to Yokohama....... .. 3,860 Liverpool to Yokohama.............9,517 When the Grand Trunk Pacific pis completed it wiU shorten the distance between Li erpool and Yokohama by 528 miles. The new railway will not only shorten the distance between British ports and the East, but it will place the large centres of Canadian production hundreds of miles nearer the East, and thus promote tr .de which will he additional to that now enjoyed. Advantages which must weigh heavily in its favor are that au im­ mense extent of new country will be be made tributary to railway connec­ tion, and millions of acres of land will receive an increment of value by the mere presence of this road. Millions of acres will also possess a substantial value that are tin regarded as worth­ less fyom a financial standpoint. I'lie completion of the road will induce colonization and settlement over a vast area of country which is at the moment uninhabited, but which pos sess all the advantages of land to the south now served by railway com­ munication. MONEY SPENT IN CANADA. An important feature not to be d>s regarded is, that whatever the road costs a proportion of the money will be spent in actual labor and supplies. Men must be provided with tools and food. What these items alone amount to is something enormous. Then,again the amount paid in wages is all money expended in Canada. These items will account in a large measure for the total cost, The rolling stock, $20,000,000 or so, will go far towards accounting tor the balance. The whole of this immense sum will be divided among Canadians resident here and making their living in the millions of dollars for the pockets of rich shareholders in existing railroads who lived, many of them, out of the "Country. The greater part of the money in voiced in Mr. Borden's scheme would pass from the pockets of the people to the pockets of corporations. The greater part of the money spent by this Government in the building and equipment of the National Transcon­ tinental Railway will pass fioru the pockets of the people in another form In other words whether the railway costs $13,000,000 or $100,000,000, the money is kept in circulation in the country, and only a small proportion of it passes out of Canada. The people participate in the expenditure of a large amoun; of additional nione; which is brought into the country for the express purpose of building the railway, and upon this money the actual cost to the people will only be the comparative small amount of in terest, while they will be in the enjoy­ ment of the principal. CHEAP AT ANY PRICE. The relief to the congested districts of the west will be very great. Last year millions of bushels of wheat were stacked up on the prairies, even the elevators could not accomodate the crops that could not be moved by the railroads, and the loss to the producer was heavy. With the completion of this t oad will come instant relief, for the population of the west is con­ stantly increasing and the crops will b> correspondingly larger, and the burden upon existing inilwsA * wii! ! u heavtei in proportion. Tl eu there is t lie I'.-.il n i land open» d tip for tlie si 11 tlie 1 now ledge that lax ing crop Ik can get it to mm k< i. The railway s located w it-h a view to opening up new territory, and into this territory will pour teeming tboifs- ands of hemeseekers who will culti­ vate the land and give additional value to what remains of the public domain. No man presumes to think that the National Transcontinental will cost anything like the amount named by Mr. Borden, yet even at that price, with such a railway as the Govern­ ment is building, it would be money well spent in comparison with Mr. Borden's idea of buying up old rail­ roads with difficent grades,and the ac­ quisition of which could neither re­ lieve the congested conditions of transportation nor open up any* new territory. PEOPLE ENDORSED TIIB SCHEME. Sir Wilfrid Laurier submitted his enterprise to the good sense of the Canadian people. He said he would stand or fall by their verdict, and the verdict wie go ahead and build the road, the country requires it and de­ mands it, and the'question of cost is ■ot so important as the question of bedding the road. Mr. Borden was quite right when he i a u! 11 hr pr npln of this country are not afraid of spending money if it is spent in a sane and reasonable way, and there caa be no objection urged to the enterorise now under construc­ tion upon the ground that the money Is not being spent in a sane and rea­ sonable way. ColdCourse of a FROM HEAD TO LUNGS The usual course ot a cold is from head to throat and thence by way of the bronchial tubes to the lungs. At the various stages it is known by different names, but you can be certain of Dr. Chase's Syrup pf Linseed and Turpentine soothing and healing the raw and inflamed membranes, allaying inflammation, aiding expectoration and positively overcoming the cold. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine Far from being a mere cough remedy this great prescription has a thorough and far reaching effect on the whole system and while it keeps the cough loose and free, it positively cures colds and affections of the throat and lungs. 25 cents a bottle, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bala & Co., Toronto, Mra. J. Provost Renfrew, Ont., states : "Our fourteen-year-old boy had such a severe cold on the lungs we thought he was going to die. Two bottles of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine made a complete cure, and we believe saved his life." GRAND TRUNK LAKE ROUTE. & RAIL] c vf III'\V If, with mi-'til a At the Grand Trunk genera! offices this morning, confirmation was made of the report that a long term agree­ ment had been made with the North­ ern Navigation Company of Ontario Limited, for the formation of a Grand Trunk Railway System line of steam­ ers on the Georgian Bay and Great Lakes in connection with <heir Ontar­ io and Quebec Lines from and to the East and Sault Ste Marie, Port Arthur Fort William arid Duluth. The Navigation Company lias been running lines of passenger and freight steamers in connection with the Grand Trunk for a number of years out of Collingwood and Owen Sound on the Georgian Bay. and from Sarnia to Lake Superior ports While the steamers will continue to bo operated under n separate organization, the new arrangement creates a very close affiliation and practically makes them a Grand Trunk Line. The fleet at present consists of eight passenger and freight, and two purely freight steamers. Five boats are operated on the Georgian Bay from Penetaug, Collingwood and Owen Sound to Sault Ste. Marie, and dur­ ing July and August to Mackinac Is­ land, tt^us giving the railway the only complete means of reaching all the 30 000 Islands, the North Channel and other portions of the wonderful region. The two larger vessels, together with the two freighters comprise the Lake Superior Division running from Sarnia and delivering passengers and freight at Port Arthur to the Canad­ ian Northern and Canad'an Pacific railways and at Duluth to the Great Northern and Northern Pacific rail­ ways for Winnipeg, the Northwest and Pacific Coast points, and of course, later on, connection will he made with thu Grand Trunk Pacific. Through fares are quoted and tick­ ets sold at all the railway offices to all points in this vast territory. Of the fleet the '•Hurotiic" is the flag ship, being a new vessel and one of the largest and finest on the upper lake'. In addition, tire Company lias at present under construction to be put into service next1' year, another vessel which is intended to be not onlv the largest but finest vessel in the Lake Superior trade. She will be of 5,000 tons, with cargoLapacity for 3,500 tons of package freight, will have five decks with accomodations fo: 425 first cabin passengers, and a large numbed of second class. There will be eight parlor rooms with private baths, drawing-room, ladies' lounge, smoke room and an immense sun-par lor capable of being converted into a ball room 38 x 80 feet in size The interior decorations and ornamenta­ tion are designed by the most cele­ brated maiinc interior expert in America and she will be a very com plete and handsome ship She will he fitted with engines capable of do-^ veloping 6,500 horse power and with1 sanitary heating, ventilating, lighting and refrigerating systems ot the molt modern and approved designs. A second similar ship is under consider­ ation for construction as soon as the traffic warrants, the intention being that by the time the Grand Trunk Pacific is in operation west of Lake Superior a thoroughly complete and up to-date line will be ready to furn­ ish a rapid and enjoyable trip up the lakes--a service first-class in eyery particular. --Piles are easily and quickly check ed with Dr. Sboop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply ad­ dress Dr. Shoop. Racine,Wis. I surely would not send tt free unless I was ceitain that Dr Shoop's Magic Oint­ ment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar 60c. Sold.by W. A. Douglas. iy underwear Cornwell Clothing COLBORNE'S Up-To-Date MENS . FURNISHER. ONTARIO AND QUEBEC NAVIGATION CO THE STEAMER 'ALEXANDRIA' (Service in effect April 25th, 1908.) Leaves Brighton every Saturday at 2.15 p. m. For Rochester, Niagara Falls And Buffalo. Leaves Brighton every Monday at 1.30 a. m. For Montreal and Way Ports Runs St. Lawrence River Rapids. 1000 Islands by «jaylight. Quebec excursiona commencp July 1st Freight handled with care. Rates most reasonable. Your patronage solicited. For further information apply to JOHN MORROW, Agent, Co]borne- B. R. HEPBURN, Mgr., Picton. Out. Strayed. FROM the premises of thesigned a new milch heifer, two years old. The animal was not dehor ti­ ed and was marked red and * wh.'te, with white face. milton McDonald, Dundonald Property For Sale. A HOUSE and half acre lot situated on tbe corner of Duke and Dur­ham sts. in the town of Bowmanviile is offered for sale. AjfThe house con­ tains seven rooms with halls pantry etc. There is also two stables, a number of good bearing lruit trees, well an«|cistern on the premises For particulars apply at THE ENTERPRISE OFFICE Colbori^ Hay Wanted. A QUANTITY of new clover Parties .having hay for slrouuld see the undersigned, JOB MALES. East Colborne. hay. sale For Sale A Comfortable and convenient sum­mer cottage at Victoria Beach, south of the village of Colborna, with fine verandah, kitchen and woodshed attached. Also boat house, stable and drive barn ou the premises. A nice open buggy, nearly new. A set of single harness, nearly new. A good one-horse waggon. Robe, lap rugs, etc. A first-class Columbia chainless bicycle. , Will be sold cheap and tinfe given for payment if required by furnishing approved endorsed notes, with inter­ est. Enquiry may be made of Mr. James McGlennon, at The Chase Brothers Company's Office, Colborne, Ont. MRS. F. O. McGLENNON. Shingles, Lime and Cement. The undersigned will keep on hand, at his premises,Percy Street, a stock of C^lar Shingles of Different Grades, A supply of Guelph White Lime and Portland Cement also a quantity of Feed Chop. F. A. PHILP, Colborne. Lake Ontario and B»y of Quintic Steamboat Company, Limited. ' , _. MÀTT^ndTxPRÊSs' Service between ROCHESTER,IN. Y. PORT HOPE, COBOURG Steamer NORTH KING Commencing June 1st, steamer will leave Cobourg at 1 30 p. m. aud Port Hope at 2 30 p. m daily except Sun­ day, for Charlotte, N. Y, (Port of Rochester). Returning, steamer leaves Charlotte at 9.00 a m. daily except Sunday ROCHESTER, BRIGH­ TON, 1000 ISLANDS Commencing June 1st, steamer leaves Brighton at 2 . m. Mondays for Charlotte,N. Y. Relu, in g steamer arrives at 12.55 a. m. on Sundays and leaves for Kingston, Bay of Quintie Poresauu 1000 Islands. * Full information from all agents. E E. Horsey, ,F. M. Brintsell, Gen. Manager, Agent, Kingston, Ont. Colborne, Ont. Ü T K TIMETABLE. Machine Shop. A' i Kit the first of Mavt tire Scrip- line Machine Shop will be in readiness to do all kinds of repair* I am pulling iu a new gasoline engine and iron lathe aud will Do ready to do all kinds of repairs on machinery and wdod work and wagons. 40 3ur W$. BUTTON, Colborne. House for Sale or to Rent. A____ A SEVEN Roomed dwelling house In good repair. Small stable etc, on the premises. For particulars ap­ ply at THE ENTERPRISE OFFICE. For Sale. A HALF mile front fire beautiful village of W ark worth compris­ ing 50 acres of land more or less, being comfortably located for good roads, good schools and churches of all the principal denominations. On the premises are a good- brick dwelling house containing 8 rooms, a good stone cellar, a never failing sprmg well and pump close to the kitchen, a good frame barn 50 by 40 with ample stabling under the same with comfort­ able chicken house and other requisite and convenient Buildings nil in good state af repair. There is on the prem ises a beautiful young orchard of choice marketable fruit in good bear­ ing and well located yielding fronAlSO too 200 barrels of choice apples worth yearly about $200. On the premises are living springs to supply water for cattle. This beautiful home will bear close inspection aud will be sold in liberal terms. For further partic­ ulars address or apply to P. GALLAGHER, Merchant, 42 3w Warkworth, Ont Wood for Sale. A QUANTIFY of green hardwood cat in three lengths. For par­ticulars apply to RUPERT CLARK, 30tf Colborne Choice Property for Sale. The Weller Sills Co. Ltd. Lumber and Timber Exporters, Manufacture building, f mater ial of all kinds and carry a large stock of Kiln Dried Lumber. Our Planing Mill is now in shape and all oiders will re­ ceive prompt attention. Dimension Timber a Specialty. The Weller Sills Co. Lt d l»k. OWING to the death of my son F. 0.McGlennon, who had full charge of our Seed Business, I have decided to close this Department of our busi­ ness and therefore offer for sale the fine Warehouse aud Property situated on tire G. T. R. Siding at Colborne, Ontario, This property will be sold at the actual cost, and any one buying the same and wishing to continue the Seed Business will receive all the informa­ tion we have connected with the same About two acres of land with young apple orchard attached. Reasonable time given for payment, if required, at low interest. 43 tt james McGlennon Wngnt's Rheumatic Remedy. 1 -Yin agent for this great Canadian Rheumatism cure. 1 can refer you to many people in this section aud also produce many testimonials proving that it is one of the most wônderfnl medicines of the age, JAMES McGLBNNON. *' » Farm For Sale. GOfNG WEST Express.......... .............. r-n 3- f® am. Local............................... 6.2» aV. Passenger................ '............. 12.05a.rn Express............... 6.02 p m «OING EAST. Express.................................... 10.23 fa.m Passenger................................4.54 p.m Passenger.................................8.10 p.m Passenger....... .................... 11.220.rn H. ANDRUS, Auctioneer, IS prepared to take charge of all I classes of sales. Special attention given to auction sales of farm stocks etc. . 21 1 yr. KSj For Sale. I AN r [ TY of slabs, bird and soft xv > > 1 in four foot lengtly or cut v 1 I r 1 4tin at $2 09 per load. , The Weller Sills Co. ;40tf Colborne. THE west 150 acres of tbe estate of the late Lewis Gleason, in the township of Haldimand. Good build­ ings ajrd orchard on the prestate. For sale cheap to settle up the estate. Apply to Robt. Snetsingor, j ExecuW>r8< 34tf N. D. Sneteinger, CoiKirmo. T3CT33 fiinnaHZHHiEB We solicit the business of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who réalisa the advisabil­ ity of having thela Patent business transacted by Bzperta. Preliminary advice free./ chargee moderate. Oar Inventor's Adviser sent spun re- ; Every Student ND our school succeeds because we pro­ vide set sible courses, employ successful teachers and give Individual instruction Enter any time Write for catalogue British American Business College Young & McGill ot* Toronto T M WATSON, Prin. The Equity Life Assurance Company of Canada. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO L o west Rates. Largest Guarantees. Liberal Options WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. A. RICHARDSON, Local Agent, Belleville. H. J. MAYHEW, JEWELLER Issuer of Marriage Licenses. G. M. PEEBLES,r Open Day and Night ■An experienced Undertaker aud Kmbalmer has been engaged - Opposite Presbyterian Church ■Colborne, Ontario.] aama Jas. Blacklock, UNDERTAKER GRAFTON. A Full Line of Caskets, Coffins, etc. the finest goods always in Stock. Embalm­ ing successfully done when required. Prices and Terms that do not burden 60 YEARS*» experience/ Patents i MR PH PHILP, Colborne, Okt Pianos & Organs From the beat makers in Ontario and MONUMENTS. Mr. H. L. CHAPIN, of Colborne, y Wishes to announce that he is sti* agent for the old and reliable firm Messrs. Corby & Son, This firm lias been doing business 111 this section for nearly forty years, aud their work has given ut/ivercel satisfaction. They have a fine as­ sortment of beautiful new designs which they make up at very reason­ able rates. For further particulars apply to, or address by mail, H. L. CHAPIN, Colborne. \ A. quleL., ---- Invention Is lions strictly---- Tov Trade Marks Designs . Copyrights At. .ewme sending a sketch and description may cm ascertain onr opinion free whether aa entlon Is probably patentable, Comrounkea. stsaHste*. i

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