Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 30 Aug 2018, p. 80

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 30 ,2 01 8 | 80 ins ide ha lto n.c om be ave r BEYONDTHEPAGES VIEW OUR PRINT EDITIONS Tr en din g COLd CASe: Insidehalton.com features an Ontario cold case weekly.eekly.eekly Here is the latest case -- the unsolved murder of a nurse. bit.ly/2ohO4fu From breaking news to multimedia features, go beyond the newspaper pages and discover all that the Oakville Beaver has to offer online. www.insideHalton.com FFororor mon thlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthlymonthly papapaymen tymentymentymentymentyment o ptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptionsoptions seeseeseesee Leg gat MLeggat M Leggat M Leggat M Leggat M Leggat M Leggat M Leggat Mazdaazdaazdaazdaazda Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on Burlingt on forforforfor d etails.details.details.details.details.details.details.details.details. 2017 MAZ DA 6 GTDON 'T MIS S THIS ONE! 0R0R0R0R0R 0%0%0%0% FINA NCINGFINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FINANCI NG FOR 72FOR 72FOR 72FOR 72FOR 72FOR 72 MONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHSMONTHS CASH SA LE PRICE $32,990+ HST+HST+HST+HST+HST With TWith TWith TWith TWith TWith TWith TWith TecececWith TecWith TWith TecWith T hnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnologyhnology PacPacPacPackagekagekagekagekage ,, PrPrPremiu memiumemiumemiumemiumemium PacPacPacPackagekagekagekagekage ,, NappaNappaNappaNappaNappaNappa LeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeatherLeather,, BoseBoseBoseBoseBose Au dioAudioAudioAudioAudioAudio,, 19"19"19"19" AlloAlloAlloAlloAllo yy Wheel s,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels,Wheels, TTintedintedintedintedintedintedinted W indoWindoWindoWindoWindoWindow s,ws,ws,ws, JetJetJetJet BlacBlacBlacBlacBlackk M ica,Mica,Mica,Mica,Mica,Mica,Mica, 10 ,49810,49810,49810,49810,49810,49810,498 k ms.kms.kms.kms.kms. 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For m or SAUNDERS, SAXTON & WINTER Wendy Saunders Sales Representative Kim Saxton Sales Representative Ruth AnneWinter Broker ~ALegacy of Excellence~ AAAUAUTOTOPRPRPROOOOO OOOAOAKVKVILIL EELELE 2212212 2 t R , O kvillilleee 90 46 24 2 autoprooa net.com MECHANICAL SERVICES dentistoakville.com 905-842-6030 THURSDAY JULY 27, 2017 Page 12 Page 6 Golf legend Jack Nicklaus Canadian Open TuesdaTuesdaT shots with a hockey rBC Canadian Open back at glen Abbey TheTownofOakville has once againwelTownofOakville has once againwelT -ownofOakville has once againwel-ownofOakville has once againwel comed the RBC Canadian Open back to Glen AbbeyGolf Course. The world-renowned event runs from Monday,Monday,Monday July24 toSunday,July24 toSunday,July24 toSunday July30and is ex-July30and is ex-July30and is ex pected to host many of the world'spected to host many of the world'spected to host many of the world' best golf-best golf-best golf ers and attract moreers and attract moreers and attract mor than 100,000 people to Oakville. The tournament'sThe tournament'sThe tournament' opening ceremonies took place Tuesday (July 25)Tuesday (July 25)T -- hosted by course designer and golf legend Jack Nick-course designer and golf legend Jack Nick-course designer and golf legend Jack Nick laus. The opening ceremony gave residentsresidentsr a chance to check out the tournament set up and enjoy amilitarymilitarymilitar flyover by aH13Hercu- les transportles transportles transpor plane. The tournament began with some good news from the federal government onMon-news from the federal government onMon-news from the federal government onMon daywithOakvilleMP JohnOliver announc- david Lea Oakville Beaver Staff see Prepping on p.9 Hours:Monday to Friday: 8am - 9pm Saturday: 8am - 7pm • Sunday: 8am - 6pm Canadian Tire Milton 1210 Steeles Ave E • 905-878-2349 ONLY AT YOUR MILTON CANADIAN TIRE FOR A LIMITED TIME!LED 3-Pack Noma LEDDBulbs, 60W eq.Sale 8.99Reg. 11.99. 299-8750-X750-X750- Feit Electric LED A19Omni Bulb, 13.5W(Daylight or Soft White)Reg. 6.9952-1390-0 EvEnt99¢WiThcOuPON! FRiDAy, SAtuRDAy, SuNDAy gEt yOuR cOuPONS iN-StORE! 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AvailableAvailableA"At Zak'sZak'sZak' We CareAbout YourAbout YourAbout Y Health"70 Main St. E. 875-2424 48 pages THURSDAYJULY 27, 2017Y 27, 2017Y 27 INSIDE Running a-muck forthe cancer society BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage Police urgPolice urgP ed to in olice urged to in olice urg vestig ed to investig ed to in ate councillor' vestigate councillor' vestig s campaignexpenses ate councillor's campaignexpenses ate councillor'Milton councillors are calling fore calling fore calling fa police investigation into one oftheir colleague's election campaignexpenses.In an 8-2 vote Monday evening (July 24), council voted in favour of turning a compliance audit of Ward 5 Councillor Arnold Huffman's 2014's 2014' campaign expenditures over to po- lice with a request for a full in for a full in f vesti- gation into the matter.Councillors Rick Di Lorenzo and Cin- dy Lunau opposed the motion put forth by Councillor Rick Malboeuf,alboeuf,alboeuf and Huffman declared a conflict of interest on the matter."This takes the issue out of the hands of this council and takes the politics out of it by turning it over to the police," said Malboeuf in speak- Malboeuf in speak- Malboeuf in speak ing to his motion. "We can choose to do nothing and let this go, but then we would be condoning the improper and alleged illegal action perpetrated by Councillor Huffman." ouncillor Huffman." ouncillor Huffman. In speaking with the Champion af- ter themeeting, Huffmanexpressed his dismay in council's's' decision. "I don't understand why this is By Melanie Hennessey CANAD I AN CHAMP ION S TA F F ...4 One in amelonMeleia McGraw, 8, is all smiles as she shows her medal from Longo's an- nual watermelon eating contest in Milton. McGraw devoured her slice in record time, beating her mom and two store employees in the recent competition that included a special visit fromNationalWaWaW ter- melon QueenMadison Laney.GrahaGrahaGr mPamPamP ine /MWM/MWM/MW G BMXcompetitorsride ontoworld stage burlington • milton • oakville COnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTedCOnneCTed TO YTO YTO YTO YTO YOUOUOUTO YOUTO YTO YOUTO YTO YOUTO Y rr COMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTYCOMMUniTY Find OUT ABOUT THe LATeST COYOTe SigHT- ingS in HALTOn Report yReport yRepor our sightingst your sightingst y bit.ly/2Bf30nP Get Halton news delivered twice daily right to your inbox. Sign up at insidehalton.com/newsletter Get Halton news delivered twice daily right to your inbox. Sign up at insidehalton.com/newsletter Get Halton news delivered twice daily right to your MUlTIMEDIa reAder APPreCiATiOn COnTeST: You coud win tickets for this AdeleYou coud win tickets for this AdeleY tribute artist concerttribute artist concerttribute artist concer in Halton. Enter here: bit.ly/2LxMEXJ In an effort to prolong the enjoyment of life outside the back door, I have been considering the many options for adding a bit of heat to the chilly late summer and fall evenings. Upscale outdoor eateries offer shawls and knee blankets to their patrons to extend the al fresco experience. This is an easy fix. Have wraps draped over the backs of your patio chairs. Not only practical, their colours and textures will make a fashionable addition to your décor. There's a good selection of patio heaters that offer versatility and practi- cal convenience. Shown here are three ideas that spread the warmth in a styl- ish way. The stainless steel Dyna-Glo Pyramid Patio Heater warms up a 20- foot range, which is ample for a relax- ation and eating area. Fueled with pro- pane, the dancing flames are encased in a glass tube for an eye-catching vi- sual effect. Attached wheels allow you easily to move the heater to where it is most needed, and there are variable heat settings. A hanging infrared heater suits many sites from gazebos to balconies. The En- erG+ water-resistant infrared heater has an LED light for ambient lighting, three heat levels and three individually activat-heat levels and three individually activat-heat levels and three individually activat ed infrared lamps. It runs off electricity, is environmentally respectful and is safe to be run continuously for weeks. This heater is designed to mount to a ceiling, overhanging timber or lantern stand, and is for outside use only. When space is an issue, a tabletop heater is the perfect addition to a cozy corner of the patio. With a heating range diameter of 6 feet, the Fire Sense Table Top Propane heater comes in various finishes, including bronze and stainless steel, that will complement your outdoor furnishings. This heater is lightweight and portable. Set it up on a table be- hind or beside a sitting area. It has an anti-tilt safety device. Whichever product you choose to warm up your outdoor space, be sure to check all the safety features and always be mindful. Don't leave heaters unat- tended. Dear Debbie, I had an artificial tree in my living room set in the corner behind a wing chair. I have given the tree away and don't know what to do with the empty space. Janice Dear Janice, That bare spot where the tree was positioned could start the process for restyling your room. One change leads to another and will inspire you to move your furniture around and give your room a new perspective. Do you want plants or trees as part of your interior décor? If not, there are other ways to fill a corner. Set up a small writing desk and chair; look for a special piece at a secondhand store or auction and refin- ish it as needed. Create a gallery on the corner walls, perhaps botanicals to bring in some nature. Tuck in one or two book shelves lined with your fa- vourite subjects and include a comfy stool or chair to enjoy perusing your collection. You'll find that your blank corner has turned into a spot you love to visit. Written by Debbie Travis and Bar-Written by Debbie Travis and Bar-Written by Debbie Travis and Bar bara Dingle. Email decorating ques- tions to house2home@debbietravis. com. Follow Debbie at facebook.com/ thedebbietravis, debbietravis.com. Warm thoughts for the cool evenings ahead Advertorial DEBBIE TRAVIS House to Home

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