in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 16 ,2 01 8 | 20 Bringing communities together one game at a time. When making friends is the goal, everyone wins. With over 275,000 kids playing Timbits Soccer every season, Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners are proudly helping communities come together across Canada one game at a time. Timbits Soccer, where the first goal is having fun.TM ©Tim Hortons, 2018 THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. For so many struggling to make ends meet in our community, one of the greatest challenges they face is shelter and housing. With the housing market on the rise, rent for even the lowest price residences exceed the amount of income of most families. Those who rely on CPP, ODSP or Ontario Works receive no where near the monthly amount needed for rent and utilities. This makes safe, adequate and affordable housing very challenging to find. One way KSM helps to combat this crisis is by helping families create a financial plan and budget. We also fight on their behalf to ensure they are receiving all of the government aid they are entitled to. Several weeks ago, one of our neighbours came to KSM seeking our help. Her landlord informed her that she would be evicted soon and was desperate for a place to stay. Due to ongoing health concerns, she was unable to earn enough to pay for affordable housing. She was also dependant on KSM's food bank and bread wall and has shared many meals at our Community Dinners. Aside from providing her with food, showers and a safe welcoming community, KSM was able to help her budget her resources and find affordable, available housing. This was a gift to her and to us. We are so thankful for the broad network of support services and agencies with whom KSM is connected with. It enables us to give a hand up and not just a hand out to those in difficult times. To learn more about how you can help or volunteer - please call 905-845-7485 or visit Kerr Street Mission 485 Kerr Street, Oakville P: 905.845.7485 Charitable Reg. No. 897106845RR0001 rently in the process of re- viewing this and other feed- back. A revised Lakeshore Road West improvement plan is currently scheduled to come back before the community services com- mittee at some point in ear- ly 2019. During the Aug. 7 meet- ing, Oakville Mayor Rob Burton brought forward a revised recommendation, which called on town staff to bring forward at least one improvement plan option featuring no continuous centre lane, no loss of trees and no expropriation of property, while maintain- ing cycle lanes and side- walks/multi-use paths on at least one side. The mayor's recommen- dation was well received by several residents who were present. Donald Cox of the Coro- nation Park Residents As- sociation said the group supports improvements to TOWN REVIEWING COMMUNITY FEEDBACK Continued from page 18 See next page D o n 't b e a L itte rB u g ! Please keep our com m unity clean.