Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1941, p. 5

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' · lo • :><:" ~ •• • . -- -~ ~·.·~- I i. . PAGE TEl\ ro-o_ _ 01:10 01:10 01:10 u •S·PORTS 9 u.~o 01:10 01:10 - 01:10~ ·:Canningtan -Wins _Swanson Cup ··In Local Bowiing Tournament Oabawa Bowlen Take Third Place· in Whitby Lawn BOwling Club Meet - : Provincial ·· Pl~ydowna on Friday PUt' ~awa Rink Fmt • Whitby Bowling ..,.,liD waa tl:iionged last Wednesday when ·· '. J ..... ·.'vliiitors ;,' frOm mauy out-of-town -.,._riJits arrived to take part ln the 1liUluar'ciompet!tion for the D. -A. J. ·----------~~---------- Plenty Activity Among Oshawa Lawn Bowlers· (By "Jack lll&b") Tournaments are taklni pt.ce Ill! over Ontario during this wonderful I bo"!llng weather. I don't remember a season tha.t the weather man ·has ~n so kind to the bowlers, with -......... - ........ \,.,' . . · .. THE WHifBY GAZEITE AND;CHRONICLE; WEDNESDAY.· AUGUST 13: t94l OSH~WA CYCLIST ON T~U~ WITH MINIATURE TRAIL~R --------------------~ SLAUGHTER IS OUT REST OF SEASON St. Louis, Aug. 12-EnOS Slaughtef St. Louis Cardinal outfielder, has a broken left clavicle and will be out for the rest of the seeson. Slaughter ran Into a wall In 9. ilame at Pittsburgh Sunday. He bounced back !rom the wall and tell on his left shoulder. The club, in a \irtual tie with Brooklyn tor first place In the Na- tional League, has been beset by In- juries all season. Par otny fire games was every man on ·the tea:n able to play. U.S .. May Lower ·Income Tax Bracket Ultimate 1D gasoline-saving ecan- omy for vacationists a~cted wide Interest in Whitby Monday morn- ing. It was & biCycle and com- pll'tely encl09t'Cl trailer which Sam~ uel Burroughs · of 595 Xing Street west, Oshawa, Is pedal1lng to Nla- · gara Falls and Western Ontario on his annual vacation. Bleycle and .trailer together weigh not much mbre t.'llm 100 pounds The bicycle is one of the light- weight models. The traller attached to It contained & complete 'bed. and other light-weight e(!ulpment for getting roadside meals. ~~er and blue tones used ;,n the blcyole are repeated on the trnller which If a miniature model of thcne USed by motomts. Mi-. Burroughs opened the door of the trailer to show the neatly-made bed. Ventilation Is obtatnl!d through screened windows. . A year 9,go, he took the road with .,. :eftnsori' trophy. '1'be wtnnera Were (· ' ·_.~· _LlYI.nistOne (~) ·and J. A. beautl!ul sunshine., balmy evelllngs. greens teen and everythln.ct & good bowler desires. rm very pleased to see so many of the Oshawa bowlers, both sexes, taking advantage of this weather and going out and enjoy- Ing themselves In the grand old game of bowls. , . Washington, Aug. I%- <AP> his trailer and spent a p~euant va- cation in the Smith . Falls · d1atrlct.. k, both 9f canDlngton, wi~ & 1 of··55 plus · <~. and three wins. Chairman Walter George <Dem., He got along so well that he ·de-. Georgia) or the Senate Finance cided to take & longer trip this . Committee voiced the opinion to· .year. He plans to visit . NL'\~ da:r that the Committee Would vote' Falls. Guelph, Kitchener and t."'aU to i-educe United States personal before returnlng to Osbawa •. He~ Income t•x exemptions to $750 for also expects spend a day: Or: .two at single persons and $1,500 for mar- the canadl&n National Exhlbltion: t ~ - · the • tropby went individual ! ; · · · ' of auto ·rilgs. , · ' ·· 1. : ~d !Jl the contest were John 'P{Inion (ald.p) and .L. M. Pinkham, • of canntngton, who took ~ :wtns with & ·scme . of 5 plus :r. , · 'l'heir prlra were blankets. .;mitrd ·plaee and a pair of hand- «me blanket. went to Ben Ward (a)ip) and H&Iry Stacey, both of oibawa. with two win& J. M.. Bleb ·-ud .Georlfe: canntnc: Jihitbr. took ;1~utth place with' & ~ bf ' 51 to ;:,r:m ·. shirts aa their prtra: ~ ·-~e competing rlnka Included I ::Peterboio, Port PeJTY, C&nlllnlton, ~. Ollh&wa and Toronto. At ::tile< cooclus!on of the contest the ~a!,of the club aerved lunch &t '"'the Club Bouse. :: . . ulainct ('lQdowm ~ . -Whitby 'bowlina' enthuslaats were Sbonoured l&st Prtdq when the pro- ~'1'tilc:lal playdowns for Dlatriet 14 ~ held at the ·l&wns of the 5contitr ToWill club. Singles c:ham.- · ~iirullllp went to J. A. Ooolt (ald.p), -~. ~d sam Jeffrey, Port ~- Port Pur)' a1ao azmexed the =ciadblee c:bamptmsbtp with John ~ · <ald.p>- and William ·ora- ~. ~pblng over Jaines car- ~tbera' and-· P. .WWJama of Bow- ~- In the rfnk . ~tltion ~ dlfeatecl camiiDctoD. Tile ::wtrmera In eiwlh contest ~i!d 'the ::r~Pt ' to .c:Gil~ue In the provlndal :::W.liDr ~- at Toronto. On Wednesday last, a tourney waS' held at West{)n. It was ScotCh Doubles for men and Oshawa was represented by that reliable pair Tom Johns and Ed Goodman. 'nley made no mistake, bringing home lst prizes which were beautl!ul blankets -congratulations Tom and Eddie. On Friday evenlrig, on our own greens a very successful tourney ot IriBh Trebles waa played. A won- derful entry was received from out- aide clubs, Toronto, Cobourg, Port Hope, BowinanvWe, Whitby, Clare- mont and Aginc:ourt all being repre- sented &nd with the local members Jolnlng In, our greens were practi- cally all fllled, 26 pairs in all. TWo 12-end games were played and aiter a very nice evening's play the Win- ners -were: 1st BW Jackson's r1n1t ot Oahawa which Included Walt Ell- bourn, Mrs. Bob Wright and BW aldplni. Congratulations Bill, you an playfld & wonderful game, Mrs.. Wright being espec:lall;y good-per- haps ·Bob not being there did her no harm; 2nd prlae .went to Kr. D&WIIIIIl'a r1nt: frOm· Port liope; 3rd to B. Grant, Oshawa; 4th to B. Rolivear, Port Bope; .l5th to that Old war Horae from . Whitby, · Norm 'nlomas. .The prlae for 1 win with highest score went to Mr. McDair- mid of .Oihawa. ~T'S_HEAD EDJES AT 48 . The Oeh&wa rink which 1a com- - " "" pe- fOl' the Provincial Champ1011- ":" ·~ • . Auc. D:-<CP> - :aof~ ahlp haa nDJ' . won the . dlatrlc\ .. ~onilloD,! praldent of Dumarts.. ahlekL They now go to Bamllton v~-~ Of Eltcbener. 011\ar!O, . to play in the finals where they wm Slammfn' SUDmy Saead made It . t11'o In succession when' ·he IC!I'I!....,. • . 1 the C.nadia.n open roU ebamplonshlp at Lambton by sc:orln&' hiS tro:!IIQo whDe, BIGHT, he reeetftd c:oncratala&lona rr- nmner· rled couples, as recommended by Deb Gra7 the Treasury. beat Bob Gray who finJshell with & 276. SmiUnr Sammy is shown · ~ · • Present exemptions allow $800 for single persons and $2,000 for those married. Police Can Order Sate Of Gasoline WILL"'·USE -BOWMANVI. -. LLE-Queen Speaks ed ~ ~~a~tr:~ ~~ =~: a! Income tax rates" to be made by T U S -w the c:onugjttee before It finishes Its Sc. HOOL F?R· AIR PLAN· . . 0 e _a - ~men ;a:.:::.:: .:::a·: = \1 House. Be did not particularize. I St. Catharlnes, Aug. 12-<cPl- 1 number one division of Infantry be· Toronto, Aug. IZ-Pollce officers I Air Minister Power disclosed . thli.t fore the end of the year, he mud.. have been empowered to authorize the Ontario government had Otter- "YoUng people are flocking to' us the purchase Qf i:UQllne dlll'ln8 the In numbers whlch mates lt dlffi- houra of prohibited sale, ln case of ed federal _authorities the Ontario cult for us to handle them. Aa grave emergency, such as serious Boys• School at Bo~e. about weeks and months roll by more &nd illness, death, fire or accident, it 50 mlles east o! Toronto, and lt more men wm go to aid those al- was announced Prtday following had been accepted. The site wlll be ready in the air. • • In this air Queen's Part: conferences between taken over shortly, by the British training plan we are partners with G. R. Cottrelle, Dominion Oil Con- Commonwealth Air Training Plan, 1'10 Umlted llabWty." troller, ·:ntt Attorney-General Gar- MaJ. Power &ald. lie urged the Canadian Legion don Conant. The exceptions wm "We must obtain air superiority to provide young men returning not 1nclude caSes where a motorist and supremacy before we can hope from overseas. after the war with finJis hls fuel or oU exhausted, It to vanquish the enemy," the alr the leadership lt had l!hown in was stated. minister conUnued. Canada's train- Canadian public affairs ainc:e ter- Off.lcera have been advised ~t ed-pUot personnel will equal tn mtnatlon of the Plrat Great War. LOndon, Aug. P-<CP)--Queen As the ~mmlttee convened to oElizabeth declared !&at night in a hear a new group of witnesses tes· bro&dcast to the United states that J tl!y on .spec:lflc sections of the ;, measure, senator Gerald Nye <Rep~ to my mlnd, at any raw, your North Dat:otal suggested that the generosity Ia born of your convic- present 10 per cent defence tax be t10n that we fight to II&Ve a cause matched by a 15 per cent Leaae- th&t is yours no less than ours." Lend supertax tci help meet the Adh~ to an unwritten rule of costs of British ald. Royal broadcasts that the speaker Nye propo.sed that an additional be alone, the Queen read her 'own line be Inserted ln the federal In- composition, her first address to the dlvldual Income tax return upon United States in more than two which the taxpayer would comp~te years, from the privacy of & rural 15 per cent of his regular tax and retreat 5011lewhere In England. add that amount to total bDl Her words were · carried to the broadca.sttng station over spec:lal this authority must be used spar- lnalY ancl any abuse wm result tn Immediate dlacipllnary action. wires set up by BBC englneen; Suggest Rlle.ses ------------------------·last week. 'nle Xing and the two Gravity of the fuel aituatlon ln Canad& waa lltressed in a ·prepared statement issued ,by Mr. Cottrelle Prtday. He rnealed t.ha,. the llhort- IIP at paoltne tn Canada waa more acute noW than when the orders were made three weet:a ago. Mr. Cottrelle warned that the motoring public must d1aabuse their minds of the 'belle! that there was plenty of Prin- heard the Queen 011 their F. i !.... 0~ ae:- the air after her last · or lliCcraft Men broadcast of June 14, 1940, ·when she appealed to the women of Prance to stand steadfast, she uld A,t:ilertcan senerostty and sympathy tor Britain . . were born llltewise "'of your hl8h resolve th&t however ., . . great the cost and howeVer- lana the . ~, in the ~tal here late JUt meet all the winners of the various . c. Jdibt.. 'Be waa • forb'-elaht ,-eua diatrlcta. Let us all wlah the "boys• • (' · -~-- ' . the 'best of luck ln their big tut. IUOiine in the. l)omlnlon · '"lbe demand · far tankers J5 H. • e, ' W· J'_ '>..., Y\ f.s ~cate of Aluminum Workers struggle, Justice and free<!DPl· hu-IPiftG' or~ . . ... . man dignity and-kindness, shall not - --o i . announced la&t night they would perish from the earth." Ottawa, Aug. t-<OP>-Increases ln the minimum basic wqe rates for workers at the alrcralt diY!ston of the Natlooal s~ car Oorpor- atlon'a plant at Malton, Ont.. were recommended 1n the .report of the- conc1Uatlon,. bOIU'd made ·Public to- day W J,.abir Klnister Mc:LarV. Recommended rates are: jOurney- men, '18.25 cents bour; producti011 workers, c:l&ss M A". 64:25; · produc- t!on workers, class MB~. 50.25: learners, .-&3.25; beginners, 38.75 • . i I •· . ~•· KordloD CIJDfl to .Calp.ly for to win the rlnt: championship of a ~ Aprfl frOm Kltchener wben h~ VIe· Province would be a "red l~tter • t 1!1f · ljlpllln~ •Jnliden~ of P. day•• for Oshawa. . ; l · : ~th cti!DJ:f-~r:f ~e · "nle club 'doubllf are belnr ptued •. j , · · · N Ltd. e C7 • - tonight 10 all l!e' there on time and t . mr had-liMn-m ror cme weet ret off to a good start. ·If ·and died of ~ Kia. Kor- ~ ' · NciD and a 11011, ROsa. Clime tram 1 Eltc:hener when he W.. tat~ to t - ~tal_. ___ _ GANADIANfim SALVAHE TASK ( , L ' • d 0 II ~ ~ . ~ Q rr ~ 81 vi dJ cl dt o; ~ .: sb au tq 'I'! ra -1 ::: = "' 0~ d~ .. CHJCVBS BUY EAVES FROM Jm.WAUKEE ' t London, AtJi. 12-(0P)-Major : Ohlcqo. AIJI. J.I-.CI!lca10 Cuba Andrew Holt, son of Sir Bfll'bert &IIDOUDCIIcl the purc:hue :JMterd&Y, air. V&llle !l&ves rla'ht handed ltc:b- Holt of M~treal, has been ap- ., ' P pointed by the llllnlatry of SUpply .,, rtom the llllwaukee club of tbe to c1e11r away the estimated 1.000,- Amerk:an Aaaoc:la\ton. Eavea was 000 tons of scrap iron and steel due to report to Kana&er Jlmm.y girders from bombed bulldlnp It ~ at St. Loiua ~· Ia fllltimated there are 200,000 ions 'n1e CUbs &leo &nnoiiiiQfld 1218\ &wafting removal from LoDdon a- V~ Pqe, .eteran right handed lone. ft1lef ,hurler, had been sent &o llil- . WJulree 011 option. · Ba'Vflll, who hacl & brief trial with oidcaco White sox In· 1140. was· with 'l'Oronto of the International . Leacue ~ore I01nl to llllwaukee thla season. st.aun·. Orqin Joleph Stalin actually la not a lluaslan, but & Georlflan. Training Troops FQr Bush War· Rangoon, Burma.Aur. 12-<0P- Reuteral Picked detachments' from British and Austranail foroea In Malaya. have arrived he!"' for traln1ng In bush . warfare at a school "somewhere ln Burma." Tralnlng, It is understood, wm M directed to fOI'IJllni oompa.nles able to set Independently, &imllar to th~~~~e which operated 10 auc- cess!ulls' In Ethiopia, executing lightnlnB' marches through enemy country. A. R. P. · The meeting fC?r Thursday, August 14tli, :La. been cancelled. · ........ . On THURSDAY'- AUGUST 21st, Mr. sre,ater \han ever, • said 111r. cot- trene. u.Relaxlng our . reatrlctioils on ~e. arid easing in any way our demand for conservation is abso- lutely out of the question. The pub- lic muat face the fact that the In- ventories are llhort and are becom- Ing ·shorter. This Ia war and an emeraeric:Y... , It was decided that Provincial Pollee headquarters must be noti- fied ln cases where \we servlca sta- tioaa, operating in close proXImity are not operatlna on the aame time. Instructions wm be aent out by headquarters as soon as the report is received. Regarding penalties for contra- vention of any of the OU Control· ler'a orders it 1a pointed out that these come under the provislOilll of Section 20 of the Munitions and SUpply Act. On r;ummary convic- tion a pe'rson Is liable to imprison- ment for a te:-m not exceeding three mont.ha or to a fine not ex- ceeding $500 or both Imprisonment ancl fine. On conviction on Indict- ment a .person is liable to imprison- ment for a term ot exceeding two years o'r to a fine not exceeding ~.000 or both. · Offlcera are advised that In or- dinary cases the lnfonna.tion ahould be as & auuu:nary conviction offense, • and indictable offense& should be laid only in exceptional c:aaea aud only then upon express lstructlons from the Attorney-Gen- eral. • The Controller has requested that the Provincial Police, 1n the first Instance, warn an offender tor an infraction of the orders, but, If the o!fense Is re!)ellted after a warning, an in!onnatlcn be !ald. The pollee are asked to wa.tch for the 1Uegal sale of gasoUne and crant:caae oil during prohibited hours and more Particularly for surreptitious sales and sales at advanced prices during wohlblt.!d hours. In such cues In· !ormation wm be laid, Without any Wlll'llina • As the Oil Controller Is empow- ered to padlock premises where of- ' fensea have occurred and can also prohlblt any person !rom selling, the ~ce wm keep the . Controller Informed Of all offenses. Although the pollee will not force motorists to reduce their speed on Jllghways to forty mile& an hour, for the present, they have been in· 6tructed to courteously request mo- torists exceeding that speed to re- duce their speed accordingly. , , ~ply ~ the Domtnlon Government I ~~ Ql!etiJ said that ~though I .- for & conclllatlon board to . arbitrate speak for us aU ln Britain In thanlt- - In a bute bet~n members o! I Ina all of you In America, I feel I · . would lllte to &end a special mes- Street Weat, was a billy apot pie union and their _ employers, the aap of thanks &o t\J[Ierlcan wo- u &ppllc&nts for Jobs In c ·de- Aluminum Company of Canada, 'men." fence Industries plant tiii&9.leen \.muted. "It gives us strelllth to t:now .that Whitby and Pickering appeat.!d ffor • "nle announcement was made you have not been content to pass personal interviews. The plant is after the union execuUve conferred ua by oo the other side; to us In gradually going Into production and time of our t.z-lbulatlon you have both 111ale and female help is re- with Major M. s. Campbell, chief 6urety shown that compassion which aulred 1n this large industry~ c:onclllatlon officers of the Pederal hu been tor 2,000 ye&ra the mart: In~iews have alreadi been X.bor Department, who arrived ot the good neighbor ... we are carried out willi female aPPlicant.:; here today to discuss the cHaput~ grateful We shall not forget your at Oshawa, BowmanvWe, Cobourg, with company and union officiaLs. sacrifice Belleville and .. at Pickering, and · hundreds of female employees en- Following the m.eUug, a union "The .!fmpathy which l.n.splres it pged and further interviews for official sald! "We 'are ast:Ina for a spring not only from our common fem~ help are to be held· on Frl- cooclllaUon board; the offers that speech &nd traditions which we day at the local employment of- have been made to us are no; saUa- share with you, but even more our fkle. factory." COIIIDlon lde&l.s. To you tyranny ~ Mr. Robinson 1s conducting th~ Previously M:-. campbell who was as hateful as It Is to us: to you the Interviews today for male belp and accompanied by another Labor De- things tor which we wUl fight to Miss Clendenning wW conduct the partment off!clal, conferred with of- the death are. no less sacred." Interviews on Prltlay for female flclals of the company, whose plant "I loot to the day," she said, workers. The number of appllea- was closed reoently by a five-day "when we shall 1r0 forward hand In tlons received at the . various point.'! strllte. hand to build & better, tinder and a was not revealed nor waa it dis· Today, troops sent here at the happier world ,for our children." closed how many employees will be peat of the strllte left the tovm. Alluc:Una to the burdens and suf- taken on, n011 when the large sbell· tertnp. endured by women and filling plant would be 'tn full pro- .Mr. Caplpbell departed for Ot- children of Britain; the Queen aald: ta WI. tonight. ' · ductlon. ruardshlp bas only at.eeled our hearts and strengthened our resolu- tion:• united St•tes ald. she said, has heartened all the nation. "Unless you have seen, as I have seen, J~ how your gt14 have been put to use you cannot know, perhaps, the ao- 'lac:e which you have biOUIIht to the None of the rates recommended are aa hlth u thOle requested by employeea. TWO CENTS A POTATO Johanneaburg(CP) - Vegetables have been~ ln this gold coun- try--ca.bbqes brought a shlllina' (22 cents) apiece and onions ana potatoes a penny each. men and women of Britain Her Majesty' uld. The Queen writes all her script~ herseU and spent much U!.te on this address last week, even giving two hours of a Journey home from H'ull en the Roya.l train to the com- :>Osltlon. Those who know her; s&1)sbe thlnk.s nothing of pasaing hours on revision, searching for the rlaht wol-d or phrase. She has recc:lved many compll- ments on the ease and naturalness of her speeches, and time and again rehearses lines until every last litUe lnllectlon has been explored, every word and phrase mastered for the desired effect. · Unlike the King. whose adclres3e., must ffi:elve Cabinet approval be- cause of their constitutional lm· portance, the Queen's apeeches are seen by no anti except two aecre· tarles to whom she dictates the fin· al draft a few hours before broad- casting. Shipbuilding Help Sought •. London, Aug. 12-(CJ:'l-An~ t.. - Macdonald, who has expanded' the canadian Navy to record .pnipor,- tlons, is the latest Canadian Cab;~ net Minister to arrive in Britain • to find out how Canada's .wartime·' producUons can be expedited. . One of his first Jobs wm.'t.e to ' try and persuade British authoritlea to loan canada sldlled technlc:l&ns . to assist In the construction ·of· de- stroyers In canada. "He· probablY broached this subject yesterdiy-~beh ,. he lunched with A. V. Alexaiul~;.' First Lord of the Admiralty. Later he visited the Beaver Club, rec:rea- Uonal centre lor Canadian trll!>ps London, and Inspected &ame of "th' worst damaged bomb areas 1q the city. The decision to build Tribal cta\ss , destroyers in Canada was ann~~: ed by Ottawa officials some ~~ ago_ They are 1,870-ton 4hlp8 mounUng el!!ht 4.7 Inch 1\UlS and four 21-lnch torpedo tubes.- Pte<. war C05t5 averaged ~.000,000. · ' A ahlp of this claas, the c!~~,j dlsUngul.shed Itself freeing prlsoas from the German Altmark earller In the war 1n wegtan wa.teu. Although Canada has had naval ahlps alnce Great War and none destroyer, reliance alway& 1\l>!t ·Deelll.~ made on British shipbuUdlng for constructlcn .of the larger ahtpa. But ·now, with a big expinston ·prO- gram under way, a atart la ~ made bulldlna them In Canada:-111'. ' M&edonalct explained today at a press conference. A( his press conference, the Na97 Minister was nanlted by Rea~·Ad• mlral Percy Nelles, chief or' · Canadian naval ata!f, and Capt:' P.. L. Houghton. director or plant.s, wbO new with him to Britain. ~ or en pe f :ll ex: co: cq! MUJTay Stewart, the Principal A..Utant Engineer, Deparbnent of Worka1 Toronto, and Mr. Trac~y LeMay, ComUU..ioner of City PlamUng, wiD apeak on behalf of the Public Utilitiea Branch., ....... All peraona inter· . eated ~ uked to attend thia meeting. Mr. Cottrelle expressed pleasure at the aiTilllfement whereby the Provincial Police will enforce his orders in this prol'lnce, 'and Mr . . Conant stated that he was ~rlad to extend co-operation as he reallzed the seriousness of the situation and the nece&sity of c:onaerv!Iw auo- Une. Kr. Cottrelle stressed the fact that Canadian tankers with Cana- dian crews must be ·released from the safe waters 1n and about Can- ada and take thetr places with the United States and Norwegian tank· era and seamen on the ocean, car- l'Yini cargoes or much needed lriiSO- IQI wlalle atcmdlag •IW tolala • ~ .,.n_..., So aaner leGYe yov car -- ._ a law abau ... ,....wltla the 1110tor 1'11D11111v· lt'a Jut era earr to IIW'ltch It all CIH - ..,.aHM ..__._ 'fO\Il 10750 l'~Mgea .. , lei..- ..... ica.. . .... / -: . . ' ntal's Bucltlnrham ... _ ,_.,,_ of the ISrltlsh to be' the OniJ'

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