Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1941, p. 4

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\1 , ·: .. ;r::<·:~~r~~-;~!(!!111!1111111!1 .. .._ ... . ......... :.::;.,. .... -- Cost of Living Index Rises To 111.9; Food Prices Factor ottawa, Aug. 11-<CP>-"lbe no- minJon Bureau of Stattst.!cs cost of Hvlng index for Canada. advanced 1.4: between JUne 1 iuld July 2, to figure would show about the same advance as the index d.Jd at · June 1. The Jump from May 1 to June 1 was 1.1 point. This was described at that Ume 111.9, the Bureau announced in a as an "unusual increase" by the brief bulletin late Friday. ' Bureau of StatlsUcs. "As in the preced.J.ng . month the At the outbreak of the war the increase was due 1D part "to .5eason- index stood at 100.8, thus the ad- a! tnerea.ses in vegetables." the bur- vance in coot of living since that eau said. time is 11.1. •-i:'he food group lnda advanced The cost..of-llving index now Is from 112.5 to 116.6 between the two used by tbe Labor Department· as dates. Vegetables, meats arid eggs the basis for determinln8 cost-of- an recorded sharp 1ncrea.ses." living bonuses for worken who, other advances were as follows : dlssatlsfied with .salaries as they re- FUel and u8nt from 110.2 to 110.5, late to prices, petition for a. board clothlng frOm 114.9 to 115.1, and to tnvestlgate their compla1nt. home fUmlsh1n.g aDd servtees from The Government has ordered that 112.1 to 113.0. bonuses. where recommended or In- The rent index remained at 109.7 ststuted voluntarl1y bY employers, and the miscellaneous group index should be on the basb or 25 centa wa.s unchange4 at UIC5.6. , per week Pe1 worker for every point Only last wed&: Government stat- the index .rises above the level at lsts~ expressed belief the new the outbreak of the war. Canada Needs More Rags · ·o~awa Asks Co-operation Cotton and Wool Sal· vage Can .s., Put to GoodU•e; Saves Jm. portation and Foreign Exchauge ottalt"'l. (Bpec1al)--Canada needs more . rap. Thil b1gh-speed l;Jl&- f:~"k~ ;-:• ~::=d':!n::: tUrtng beavy mllilary blanketo- tbese need p:1ore rags. And every Canadian home ~d aee that they get them. That is the plea of tbe Natsonal Salvage Ofl1ce, work- . lng through. 2,400 loc&l.aalva&f! com- mittees scattered acro511 the Do- m1JUOD. ·· "Donate all the eec:oodarv. tex• Wea you can," aay saJ:raae offlcl&ls.. .. Last year Canada imported sev- eral milllons of dollars worth of rags to meet her needs... the offtc- !als ezpla1n. "'We mwt· oollect those rasa . trom · canadian hOmes to aave f'orelsn exchan&e aud to sPeed ]iroductlon. No acrap 111 too small." WooDen rap UDdergo a· remark- able t:ransf'ormatton when they are 5&1vago<~ and turned baclr. IntO In· duolry. l'!l>t they .... - Into their bArd and aoft varletiles. aDd then they ue t.horoughJy cleaned abel · .alerlllaod. Nm. they .,. ~ 'n>e ahredde<l material IS mixt!d wiUX Uve ·-woo~. Ani! ·nn- ally the cojnbtnatlon Ia WOUD into oeveral );!nels of -.... - 1lol" mt.tmg blanketS and .,..t -1& To' salVaP ~ rap is to ~ • - the II1JilP]y of live wool. - at. the . , ame ' Ume .Js to tncreaae the pro-. I c)- of th ... Important articles . ot, war. · .. , OoU.Cttnc . wool rap from )"OUr , a.,me. thetefGft, and tumlnJ' them ' - to JOUr local IIIli .... orpntz. 1 atloaa ao they can be .sent back to • incluiRJ7, Is}. c1eor1y· .a ~' eon• ' lrlbuUon lo 'tllii>ada'a - \!fort.. . Oolleetlnc &.tton &D4 -lllk•raa 11 valuable wort. White or -~_;~~-~~th~e~y find their way rtna11y ';"' which make •waat&" · for maeh!nery. wlpem. The hlgb- opeed !aU... turnlni out bomb .and abell parta ·muat be kept clean. 'Ibe <lid -h_- or dlocan1ed ablrt· ,.,. cont:rlbuto 1<> the ....mp c~me may well wipe . the oil &D4 areue troon the .....,. machine __ pro- ~ part, babel armadO eu!Dg. Brel1 ··....-will play • 4•· c!alve role 1n aome b&We. other types of' seocmd:uy teztfl.el an ot value. Certain t:lnda of lln- ena are directed to the paper in- ~ for m.a.kln&" the ftne arade ot paJ¥ needed ror fmportmt mD· 1tary and .11t&te d0eumeuts. · . .He;;a"V7 l"Oil). .., "' the bulldlng paper 1nduatry, where the Joq Jib-' res of the terllle are w,etu1 for ·~ tho producl 11<>0r1nc rap come from OYerallll. canvu, old mattresses, rup, carpet.. They ~ several kinds of pa~. These same papers turn up on the walls and the roofs Of the temporary but vital war camp arid war office buD- clings. - This b a war or ma.cbJ.nes. Ma· chines mean an-ont lndustrW ~ ducUon 011 the home-front. All- out lndU3t.rlal production means raw materials. And rap are lm- partant raw matertala. You can help supply them. Loot through your cloeetll. rag- Mp, at.orage t.runb. Give , aD you can spare-old dresses, old. coats. ·old underwear. old Unens. old . atock!np. And here is a helpful suggestion. Paet woollem. cot,.. tons. al.lb, In separate parcels. Tbere are twenty c11fferent klllda: or rap. This packing helps salvage workers. 1 When you are ready phone your local &alvage committee and ten ~em to call. You have begun a 8'90d war jobf And keep at the war Job of col- lecting rap. That Ia &Omethlng to remember. Clotbea are always wearing out. The .supply or rap In the home b pennnlal. So don't Mop 'frith the first clean-up! See that. you donate a few rap eur;y week.· The;y are an euenUal atne'w or W1p'. ---- Plaherles production in Quebee ... ~·· . during' UHO b&d a UW"keted value or U,002,053, of which the sea flah- ertes accounted for •1.'101.733, on as pe.r cent, and the tnland tbbertea, f:-100,320, or 15 per cent. •. WOMEN EXJ<Ml'T Blfi WHEAT GROP EXPEIJED IN WEST Expect Total to Reach 308,000,000 Bu.beia Wtnntpeg, Aug. ·B.-Wheat pro- duction 1n western Canada this year Will total about soB.ooo.ooo bushels U present prospects are maintained, according to the Win- nipeg Tribune's ruth crop report of the season, bmed today. The report says the figure b bued on the Domlnlon gOVern- ment's latest acreage estimate of 21,561,000 acrea and replles trom correspondents located in crop dis- tricts in the pralries. It .ibowa an average Yield or 14..3 bushels per ..... t...a.st yea.r•.s production amounted to DS.ooo.ooo busMls, from an area of 2'1,'150.000 acres sown to wheat. The report places Ma.nltcba's prospective average yield at 21.6 buabels an acre, Sastatehewan'a at u.s bushels and Alberta's at 17.8 bu.sht!!ls. Wbeat eutt.lng :l5 now general 1n ~toba and wnr be senerat 1n S..shtchewan by the end or tbe ~t week, and 1n Albert& early ~t week, the report stated, adding that prolonged he&t haa hastened maturity. I!Owfly doma .. u reported great- est In southern Saskatchewan. where many farmers ar& cutting Wheat before It has tully .ripened in an eUort to prevent 10M. Oood.ltJon or oats and barley by provtnee.s ranKeS from 55 to 90 per oent. nonnal w!tb prospects bright- est ln _Man!toba, wbUe ooodiUon ot the fb.x crop varies trom 70 to 90 per cent. normal and rye condltlona are generallY com)1erable with w1leat, the report adds. liOVERNML~T AID ENABLES APPLE MEN 1llCARRY ON 'l'ol"oot<i. A... 8-(CPl-Aa long as prospects of re.sum1ng trana-At• 1antlc expQrts eurtalled . by the war remain unpredictable, the CanadJaD apple rrower 1a In a "moet unen· vl&bie" pos!Uon, R. L. Wheeler, .... alstant - or the Agrlculturo Department's trult ·and veeetabl~ marketing sen1oe, said 1n ,an ad- dre&S prepared fQI' dellvery ye.ster- day. As an example of the extsune att- uatlon, Mr. Wheeler said nearly a mUllon barreb of .surplus apple.l grown In Nova Scotia probably wW be procesaed for the Agriculture Mln1ster's account 1n the present seuon. 'I'h.la. he told delegates to the the International Apple Aa8oclatlon. would be enoush to "collapee f'reab fruit martet.s for all canadian pro- ducers" had not the government provided fJnanelat aaststance. l"ederal asl5stance, however, waa not to be merely ·•suutelent for Ule purpo.se" and should not oontrtbute to perpetuation of bad producUoo and marketlns" practtcu. "Varieties least dea.lred 1n canada ~ being excluded from as.,tstanct or scaled down," he aatd. "MJnl- mum srade requirements and m1n- 1mum abes are being raised and ' a.s&llltance .scaled down for lower andes." Mr. Wheeler .o;akf lt would be "ahorts.lghted and probably e&lam- lUous" to economize on co.st.s ot proper pest control, ferUUzaUon. pruning and thlnnlna. Grow,..rs who survived the present. crlab would be " in exceUent position to ~ter to the dlxrtmtnating consum• er at home or abroad." In support of thb statement, Mr Wheeler said producUon of pas- teurized apple juice had Increased from 120.000 gallons in 1938-30 to 800.000 1n 1939-10 and 1,500.000 1n IHO-tl. Another processed form- the evapora ted apple-would be re- vived. uu., year, London-CCP) - Women will be exempt when- the City or London compulsor;y flre wa.tch.tn& order comes Into effect.. Canada'!'! domestic export.s In the tint a1x months or 11Hl reached a v&lue of 1712,347,799 aa againat f5«8.139,232 In the f!r•t half oi lH<I. . ' THE WHITBY CAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, Women '• Entries At C.N.E. Are . Doable Last Year In spite ot the Wlir and war work and the myriad other distractions or the .times, the lure of homeera!t and handwork 1s greater than ever, aceord.lng to C.N.E. ent ries 1n wo- men's work, whlch are up 100 per cent this year, a.ocorctin&- tO. latest ' lriformation. . "We are exaetly .,double what we were last year in e~.trles tor both handcraft and CoOking, and the entries come from ·places 3,000 mne.s apart-all the way from Halifax to Vancouver," says Mls.. H. M. Aitken, Director of Woinen•s Ac- tivities, commenting on the results o( a check-up Just completed. Work of the juniors 1s particu- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 1 ' •. larly noteworthy, showing marlr:ed · ment for tbe woman Interested In daughter entries com~tlng 1n t.beir increase both 1n nUmber and qual· home baking, for there are entries · orespectlve classes lty of entries. of bread from Nova Septla, and a The women arc not having lt all "The girls are getting to be bet- trult aDd: ~ut loaf from Vancouver to themselves 1n the handwork, ter cooks Ulan their mothen-they Ialand. And women are not the on- el~er. W. 0 . E. Pritchard of Bow- rate higher and score hJgher and ly entr&nts. for there is bread com.. manville learned to do needlepoint the grain or thll!lr bread and cakes trig f1;om 1 Mr. W. Pres£ of Toronto while In Christie Street Hospital ~et;;t.:t:e~: J~~~: :=~ ~~e) w!~ !.t~n~:~~ ~~h::l~~ and some of It was so much ad- of teaching of h ... me economics 1n special · Apple Pie Coilte~ tor which mired tha t he 1s sending & chair the schools: ' she sald. a $6C(tirst prize 1s to bl!l awarded. seat nnd bag to the CNE. Ken- Dlstnnce seems to. be no detrl- There: are several mother-and- neth Stephenson of Queen Victoria School is entering bed sockS ·fn tbe .;~t: · knlttln.g class. .; Fine sewing Is coming . frQm an. provinces of the Dominton--tlie large.st entry being from Madame . LeBrun, corvansvWe, Que., w~o ~ sent in forty-seven entt'ie.~, repre• ·lh:,;-;,,. , . sentlng a long winter's work. En• tries are coming from bosp:tals Of most of the provinces also, as well '111'">.Jr,; as trom man;y institutions includ• 1n1 aged peoples' homes. By Brandon Walsh,.··. THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13', I 941 PACE Nll:l!J;'; ..; F armed)ies After;"' . Giving Bli.od:.. . ' . ; ~===============;~~~ ----- -~---- FOR RElff O.K. SALE preserved iu alcohoL Eo.ch speci- men is carefully tabulated and all available lnformaUon concerning it is immediately available. :m d methods 11r fighting It were de- \ eloped. . , ADVERTISING OLD TIREE ON FOrt.s. Liberal allow- tins. EMY · terms. K.lnl and Dtmda.s; St .. CONGOLEUM yours from over 300 uacf;uaUy 1n stoct. You Bll' view at BRADLEYS muaE STORE. !<0 Simcoe OBhawa. INVESTMENT-DUPLEX location-two t-roomed wltlt new complete :E~~~~~h~a;~rd~wood floors-taxes-now to sell at $3,500. $100 eash, balance monthly at than monthly revenue. Phone Oshawa. Oshawa Real ~tate Other Whitby properties a large llst or selected farms. WANTED WAN~DEAD HORSES AND Cattle, ror .. rce-pick-up. Phone Brooklin 55, Pickering 508 or 39. We pay phone calls. Gordon Youns, Ltd., Toronto, Phone ADelaide 3638. '( .. ) WANTED-EXPERIENCED WAIT· ress, wanted tor restaurant work. Apply Tops Grlll •. Brock Street South. WANTED - AT ONCE, SMALL Safe, must be in good cOnditton. Apply Whitby Gazette · and ~n· lele. WANTED - MORGAN NA~G machine operator. · Apply at once. Brunton Lumber co., Port Whitby, <at the Lake). WANTED - By YOUNG LADY, one or two unfurnished roo~ su.It- -----~~,~~~== FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-FIVE aCres ot goOd . garden fann. · rood biilldings wJt.h eleclrielty, Whitby. Apply P. Szeteres, Tl!-ne. street, Whitby. (13, 20) BOUGHT AND SOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD - sterilized. cltaned and like new. We received a large shipment of high cla55 gtn- tleme:i:a's suits; Pants. larae ~e· coats, etc. Very reasonably pr1cecr It will pay you to .see our goOds be~ golnl elsewhere-. nllor m.i.de &nd overcoats, gUaranteed to nt. Samue"t Schwarta, 21 . Bond street west, · Oehawa. Duke of Kent Flies to See FDR From Oshawa Ottawa, Aug. 14--(CP)-Detalled itinerary tor the Duke ot )l(ent'a tour thrOugh Eastern Canada im.d his brlet visit to the United States was announced l'ut night by the office of G. H. Li.Sh; d.ltector of public lnfmmaUon. St. West able for light housekeeping. Apply ~~~~~~~~~~?:::I box 18, Whltlty Gazette and Cbron- '11111.! itinerarY cover.s ~ period ffi'Y1..E 1Iele. from Friday; Aug. 15, when be ·In '==-=:::::=--'----- reaches Winnipeg ·from the West, FE>R RENT until Friday, . Sept. 5, when he reaches .CO,uebec followt.ng a vblt to SALE - BUREAUS, WASH- FOR RENT - HEATED APART- the M;arltlines. · We have a number ·:i, · aood homes that·, can ""' ho1111ht riaht. . Come ii\"· and aee lor youraelf. .., 8 roomed hrick with all · niodem con ,-cnicne:.ea. on One of Whitby'a best l"~i· . d'ential etrceta. A · hOme you would be -$8500'· proud to owq. , r · : 6 roomed brick. nice location, · conV~en~· .):~; .. ·:~~:: .......... $3500 7 roomed · brick. A neat home.. Hnrdwood floors. Good furnace, garage. ::~~~--- · ··· · ······ '3500 We also have some ~oOd building Jots at attractive prices: quess.. ·BUt he · could not retire to a .lLteor . ~e~ . _ Wa&cb Chances Not only must ·canada cnloll:lolo- gi:;t.s watch out for insects ltDown be dc~tru~tlve, but they must.'.be o~ guird agalr.s t changes in .an;r 'in- sict·~ Way o( Hfe _which will change it from a harmless creature into an enemy," a spokesman Said. · He recalled records . of Ute pale western cutworm which, before the prairie lands were broken, was a harln.Iess Insect Uving on the natilr- ai _:vegetation. When crops began", to grow, the cutwomi· tume4 fl'(JJD chls old food and lahded with deliBht on his neW diet. Valuable .:!¢onna- t1on concerning the cutv.'9fM .,Was made available by entomologists ".o!oniowologists are co-operators bec:J.use th ey know the W k. is not one which can be accomplished b;y one or two men," he" said. "For that :eason people in all parts of the Dominion assist our work bf tll.clr watch on insects." AR1' f'OR SPITFIRES Lonaon-<CP) - An exmou.lort or pamttngs has been held het c tor the bene.Ilt or the Spltflre tun11 ·· of Ad0nral Emile Mu.seuer, Cotnnl<tPC1 ... er or the Pree FrenCh Navy. To Save Gr~d~~ti kil~gstOn, .~A.~z'. -.~<q!IJ-:"Yilnt~m J. H;~·gn, ··1:5,. NeP!'~l}¢'~ ... ff\~IJ1~r. died lu hoopltal ye.Ste!'day. froltl . a St.:rbke :.Ur..:-crd .. ~ ·.fortY-etil:itt ···hourS , after, ~~!hlg a. bt~cd t"rans(usJOJi tO 'his" three·.year-cld iranci&m.:· <· ,. :. · ·,. ;~ The Chikl; ·a foUr-_illonth:!l"'9kt ·siS:..;:; ter . and Har tin's ~hirteen-yE!ar.-old.; go•« ••· ·l son are an '·in ho.!;pital,. sU,ffe~ing meri-.; nas announced r1cm o y.:en t.ry.- IA.Dother -grandchlld . transportaUon wtu be pro•vl<tedd•,·lotcd rr~n: ··~: ,:;a~c. ~~ -FP,S.~~ ~· wives anti famUles or . . . _ , : . , . ' . .>; ..• ~ , ;-.· the Australian · torees ";['hree .:'ca.b:I~ ,.companl_e.s .. :~ · ad4f-. abroaa. ttcm to ·,th~· · ~~legl'a;9t;J., ."cptri~~~ .. · -----------'----------------,-'--------~-==---------- operate from Cal_ladlan. . ~~~~.;: · The Sunday School Lesson. - ' . By NEwMAN CAMPBELL (The ·International Ulilfotm Les- on the above· toPic tor· Aug .. 17 1s l 'Peter ol:l2-19; .. 5:6-lld he.GOld- en Text being l ·l'eter 4:16, .. u a man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; bu~· let blm glorify God in this name."> ' ------ AT THE time St. Peter wrote his :.wo epistles, a great persecution of th'! . Chnstlans was going on. The very name all Christian applied to a man was likely to get liim into trouble wlth the authorlUes. Chrls- t!ans were accm:cd or being evil j oers and or preaching revolu_Lion- :iry .. doctrines. • ·or God resteth on you." you ever bfi.en razzed and Insulted bY schoGlmates or friem:!s because you wouldn't do as they "ante1 you to, thlnki.D.g it nOt rlltht? If you have, you know a very little ab:mt the feelings O( poor mi!P. a~ we:m'en, cause theY dared stand by · convl~ilcns, were ln danger of tng tortured and plit to lieath; wer~ in no danger of ios1n8: lire because you took .&. · what you believed was rtgbt, :you can a~preclate their · terror unhappiness in small! ~·~'t:J.";~~:~ There are many in the w who a!.3o are suUerlng desk, leather sofa, round menk--5 rooms and bath to rent .1n Details of the Duke's propostd tg,ble, lllllall square piano Brooklin. $30.00 per month. Geo. vtslt of ._ few d.ays with Ute Oo';- artlcles. Apply '700 Dun- H. Vlck, 108 Brock Street N. Tele- ernor-~eral and· Princess Allee 1n West. phone 579. Quebec before proceedina to New· C------------------------ ~----------------,. ~.---c.~. ~- foun~a~ w1U be announced In 1938, with Lady Wlllingdon, he ~:~~8~tr:e~ 5.~:.,. •• ~ 1_ ·~Q,_ ... I II ·towen"alt ~=:. !;e'!a ~~v:n~~r: 1940, he ·weD.t i,ga1n, this time as leader of a. trade mission. Nero in R?me had r~t the exam- ple or putting them to dca t.l!, and in the provinces there were many who were only tno willing to foll::~r­ h !.s examole. Paul, Aoulla and Luke were alri g,dy mar~yrid. and follow .. ers of Christ had few to whom· could turn to strengthen their convictions and going death . therefor, sad to relate. need. our ,sympathy and help as early ChrisUans need~· 'Petef's... . _ Eggs. delivered. BOO Centre street .!iouth. Whitby. , - RE-coNDITIONED "Prontenac", wonderful mdJ•t!o•~ ·· $39.!10. Apply W. c. l"Urn1ture Store, Brock stree~ SALB-OOUNTER. 9 l'EEr goOd eondltlon. very reason- Apply 215 Dimdas street E., telephone 713, Whitby. (Aug. 13, 20) FOR RENT . - THRtE ROOMED nat to rent unfurnished, IJ.Va.U~le Leavlng .Winnipeg Aug. 17; the lst. ApPly 711 Brock Duke will fly to Kenora, Ont., re- maining there untll Sunday ev<rnl.lig south, ~tby. wheri he leaves tor Fort Wllllam FOR RENT-ONE OR . TWO .UN- and PO;rt. ~thur. He wlll leave Port furnished rooms for rent. Apply Arthur Moq.day morning, fiytng to H2 Perry street, Whitby. J?orquob, Ont:. And ·motoring rrom the.re to. 'Pmtnlns. roB. RENT-SIX ROOMED . SUM.4 • His Royal ll1ghne.ss will reach mer cottage, fUrnished. tor lut two Toronto ln the . afternoon, ' Wednes· weeks tn Augu&t; WoOdland -ach, day, Au,g. :W, l.mpectlng war Indus- Georgian Bay. screened porch, safe trlea and ~lng the Canadtan beach. Reasonable. :phone Na.Uonal Exh.l~ltlon before he 34.5 Whitby. Saturday for New York via Oshawa. FOR RENT-R()()IMS P:URNDJHBD Landini at LaGuardia Pleld, New or untu.mlshect, slnsle · or · couple.. Yor~ the Dute will. drive to Hyde Full housekl!eptng. ChUdren very N.Y., to v1slt Presl4ent welcome. Enclo.sed play ground.IIIOO>IIi~elt. Dll!ta.Us or h1s .stay· In the Call at ugQrmynook". one block were nat lflven ln. the ~rom oar.et~ ··a.nd 'ChroniCle o11ce. It wai announced. .• .......,,., wm go to WW>lna- 5ALESWOMAN · w,.., •..., the Pl'esklent beton~ ,._ Jl~:~_::~:;n:: for · wOmen lUll-~ ram.uex :FlaVor- . HoWIII.!hold Re- turnlnr ~ Ca~ada bf way of · kam- Uton t h e fOllowing Wedoesd-., niomtrir. · VI. A. LAWSON : i"b11 Brock s!; N.; Wbitby P.lio-oe 579 ,f.veniap . FINDS tAMP liFE BOSYANUHAPPY Captain Adye Writu of WPI"k at Petawawa Camp On 1m- for ·terr1to9' . W~ol&o ne . same dQ he". Wul 11slt all' force eat&bll£hlnent.a ·at Jarvis. st.a:J'• In& ovemlJht ln the offlcen' meso at No. 1 ~~ ounnfry Church, and School there. · Ia In St. lain with h .. ,dqtwt..re ' He 1.s .succeeded bY hls only .sur- ·vlving ~; . VJ~c~t'Ratendone. and give them ccmfort in their suf- r ::.rings Peter hitltreu. according to report.. l\·as later crucirttd, but . ln- s!sted that he be pu~ t9 de.ath head d:lwnward ns he fel t ·he was n ot o::orthy to die in .the positiOn in which his Master, J esus, had per- !~~ed . . S:::. while he wo.s stUl. among them, Peter undertook to speak About 3,000 Are·liolell"•YI words of comfort and to :;trength· en the .l!eart,. and wills 9f his fei- Peatai Experu-Watch Iow-chruUans Them in Active Season "Beloved, think it not strange c.oncemlng the fiery · trial among ·ot~"f,a, ··A\\8" . . J.'2~~CP)-The Ag- :rou. which ccmcth u"!)On vou to rlculture · Department'& Bureau of prove you, as though a strange Inves~~.;.·auon.· ·a :bfiinch .. Of . WhiCh thing h !!. p!Jen~d to yo~," he ~tes. ....., Peter himsel f knew how weak ts examtnes Qd c:U.5Ungulshe3 tbe o:is.n, Cor had he not denied his clt.lzens and crlm1nals oi the 1./lrd thrice when Jesus most need- world, is In the midst of Its ed him, and repented 1n t.ears and season. humility I !m~1~·ot~~th~O~U51l~· ~n~d.s~;~of~:d;·.~·d~~l~n~·: I 1\lart,-rs Should Rejoh:e preserved, lie in Instead of wondering whv such cab- grtet and suffering had come upon them, they should rejOice because Fetcr tells them next that w~n they ~mlfer for the~ faith they mwt not act as if they were dOers-murd~rs. thieves or T"Jho had been lnterterlng in ten; Wtth · which they had no con- cern. . "But· if e. rrian suffer . as a ChriJ;- Ua.n, let him not be ashamed: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ let hlm glorify OOd in tills ' How many martyrs went death at t.bis Ume or ~;;~~~: I not as crimlnal.5, but .. Go::l. glad that the;y had u, show their · faith by their savior had died before They were riot to be alt:ald worry about · what would · them. ·"castinB" all your care Him: tOr He careth for i$SUred them. If they . tbelr Lotd there was no nnxlous; even, fOl" .OOcl rus Chllafen ·and would n6t · ---:··:c .r them, even . In ; tln:lt or. "fieey that was clo.se upon them. · - . .. Be sober. be ~t;' . beea~ yoUr adversary -the devll, :a.s a roar·· lng llon, : about, ·.Seeldnl: whom " ~18 ~tton. ~ttracUve . . c~ta­ lll&-..,~•; . . ~ . .!LS!::~; st. ·. Olement, ,)[on~ . , · ~~~Gl · in a letter to the · Gazette chronicle, that he ta enjoying llte were a!so ~~~~~~o~r~c;~hrlst•.s ~lJ.~i,~~~:~~li ~ w;. ~ul;d;_- I bn"ib.~diii•!il ~ for 40 cattle. ift stable. Driving , ahed, poultry. hou~e_· eilo. Seho.ol, ~ur~h. .villas• ~~-··~ation~~ ~-· mile. ~ c ~fice $8,000. ~II: or •xc:l)iinge fo'r un·all : f&rm or · ~Ou1e in' town. PoSeea&io"n ar- ·.f~led to &uit. -W. A. LAWSON ·,lOs .~St.N., Whitby · ~179 · Enna;..soo NOTICE .T<). C~rtORS . NOTICE· TO CBEDIToltif AND OTBB&S IN THE ESTATE Of' DANIEL at. Petawawa Camp. ~e men are - fine ," ReV. Mr. WEBSTER, Dl!lOI!:AIIJ!:Il. NOTICE IS HEIRIIIBY thllt all - havtno &D3' Adye :wrote •. "and .. I know that they .wtU ·a:tve a ,good.,account. ·of them- aeln.s when the . time eomee to Clwr~tl<!lo1<~ I fl&ht. or demands ap.lnst the &tate. Danlel "Webster late. of the Town W)~U•y,_who died on -or &bout I"'"! :&alll"L are required to aencl I[ :~~~~~~~r~~~~~'f~li on ·or beton full partlcu· Jt>"o.-.. .. lars til Cla.lD'ii. · · .AND aftler September 13th, exeC"Ptor of the said Es;tate dll:t:nb.ute .tb;e ~ta or . the-. aatd deceased havl.nl regard. only to clalml ·-of wbicb .. lt Shall then have notke' ~- will. not be Hable to any ,penon or .w}loae Claim tt shall not then han notk'- DATED AlJ&Wlt 8th, 1941. W. J . HARE, Whitby. Ontario, soli- J·OO<Urso,;• eltor for. 'fh:e. Sterllril Truafi Coi- pciratlon, executor. (13, :tO~ :rh DUNCAN s.·MdNnRE 1 aant.aer • .a.ueta.r. N..., Ollloo: • - 8L S..U0 -..... -· .ww-.. INS~CE .I.. .W. DUDLEY .. .._. ...... ·~ Lif••. !»"'!'!~;-Ct,; fl~&& - CEMi:TERY ltiNO> - · Offtool•· "T.CIIEltll.~._ . .. Gai 'lbe followln&. clata "b.'ill~u"' , the . nonnal e<:onomy of a able of .(lv.tnJ' . 20_ rnnes per, . ·20 mt1e.1 per hou:f w1,U v·ary un- do• ~~~t clriYin& oond!Uono. · 1. c-tant opied tea to - !fixed throWe>: · 20 m. •. 'per hr.~. m. per set. 30 m. per hr.~4.S m. per pl. 40 m.J)er hr.~.~ m. per pl. 50 m. _per hr.-ta.s m~ per pl. 50 m. Per hr .-~0.2 m. per 1al. "TO m~ per hr.-10". m. per hr. "'I am enjoying tamp very much. 'Ibere-15 to ' do of ordinary routine and a lot rrlore Utat a padre can do u he wants to .stlr himself." Capt$ Adye Ls delighted with the acentc' beauties of the Petawa· wa dlstrlet. 1 t'The camp,• he states, "is situ- ated along the ot.t•wa River l.monSst Mtne Of the ·great scenic beauties of our Ontario north coun- try. ••wtde stretch~ of the river - so wide that they are called lakes -dotted wlth Islands can. be .seen from many, points. Acro.ss the rlver, usually _shrouded In a · blue the r.urenUana tower away the dbtanee. • 5 Aboard Cruiser Rtscued on Huron The God . of, aU grace, · Peter · prayed. - "!mL'I(e yoU 1P,erfect, atablllh,' strengthen -.i.d settle\ ·oil," &n~ to\mm be' the c iory. (GOI.DBN ·r&XT-l Pelf< 6:16) • r

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