Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1941, p. 4

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~'-Y . .,d\tarmes' Bravery J~st :·Brotlgbt to Light London. ·AUK. 6-(CP) -Heroism 01 ~~~o - 11<>7&1 · llla<lnes· during the Battle of Crete -enabled m&ny of tbe ....,._ . defend!Da: that Greek . . ~·to esCape. BUt i,lOO out ol ;· the·-2~000 Marines enpaec:1 1n the · ·~ .~- actlon cUd not return. of"thelr v.Bent ••• lo!d In Lon<km. 01 anU-alr· aean:bllght bat· · batteries for naval base at Suda · alrdroDits at Malem~ Ask Soldiers' Mail Be Addressed in Ink Postmaster General W1lllam P. MUloct. has always .shown a keen persml&llntereSt In proildtng a safe arid expeditious .service for our m.U to our . overseas tro0Jl6. One fre- quent cause of delay---a direct fault of the .sender-is Ulegible adc:buses on m&n matter. · It. has frequently been round that pencil ·written addre;ses become mnudged and unreadable during coune of transmission, with the re- sult that It is very dU!lcult for the Canadian Postli.l Corps to effect de· u...,_ W'ht!n ink is used there- Js less da~ of the address fading or be- oomlng obliterated and persons sending letters and parcels to aol- overseas can help ensure their safe and speedy delivery by always having care taken to see that the address · 1s written In a clear and planeo;llegtble Dlllilher 1n tnt:. All mall should be fully pnpald aDCJ -~• retmn addres3 given In the upPU-teft-band. corner. Letters, parcels and newspapers for our troups C}W!~as .should be addre.tisPd 1n tnt. u follows: Regimental NUmber, Rank, Name. Name and Detatls of Unit · ·(l.e. Company, SeeUon, Squadron, Battery, . Holding 'Unit. ek.) .~ame of ~t or Branch of Servke. Dlnadlan Army Overseas, If the soldier l.s sUU in Canada, mall should be addre-s3ed to htm Bivin& the: R.eaimental NUmber, Rank, Name, Name and Detalls of Unit (a.s tbwe,) Service. Name of Regiment or Branch or Name of the Place tn canada wMre the untt is stationed. Aua. 5-{CPJ-Authori- Wd'.today lt 1a evid- Jrisaur'e hu been !be VichJ government, · ubire of Uie. cfetnands re- I "'··•··~ unknown 1n London. · ~-~Jil~t~~!:' .. "t:,.c:b:1..,: &q. , !lfficlal ~ Jo-~ ~ l.itatei ... oot bJ "the United- !!~Ali!.' Secntary of state llamne1' WeDa!, s&turday that the' uniteil wa.ter.-1 states attitude toward VIchy wwld. be determined by "the effeeti.Yenea whkh France defcda ita ter- •agai.n,t tbe Ax1a powera' ;.-;;.1 (!~'.7:.; The <~oti of -~Vlcby'a !nten- tloa. of reslstlnc fUrther adnnoea on tbe PrenCh coloD.1al emPire wu counterm. by t.hese quarters wttb the statement that th1& "is b7 no means U1e flnt time" Vichy. had . declared. de~uo:n to reatat · encl.rele- Oiloiwa, Auc. I - (CPl - Prom -~ tO · the ' alxth. oOorre the llarj Ill the .Drltlob people an4 lbe1r ldlllio II iol4 1n Hvelr • .,.. liY Kal- DIW' ~"l'bompson. genUeman usher Qf tj>e :lllaek Rod ln. the canacllan Padlament. ' IJ!' "ll7aterlc Histories,• just Pllll- ~' 111 Maj. 'P>CIIIPIO'!, the 11 .... t:.Wes, lowes anc:t deatha or klqs &114: !I1IHM !rom -- on, are -lDtoll:lpaaea. ' • ·· inan whoee chlef publlc ap- ~ ""!' 1n lbe no1e or . unl· lCII'IDed meuencer .for the King'a rep~tattve~ tn aummonlJic mem- bera.-ot the Howe 'or common. to heli sPeeches trom ihe throne, t.ha au~or tatea m&nJ' a ,.11ly dJ& at the linl• aDd. tolble.s of royal peraonaaea 1D. .earlier dt.Ja. In a foreword he ~i "'not gullty". of "'any !nten- tloAt or leae maJeate"' but conreaea a ftuneu for .sltuaUoJU which jolt CODfm.Uon.· .. In a new 1nl.erpret&Uoo of the ~ conquest the author por- tn.;;a Oaeaar aa crosa1na' the chan· rael~~en.UIII'" "'Jie1d. heard the 1lrLI!I were pua1na' ~alr • . . WbQ walted around old Lekeater ·' 8Q11&re." . I~. aeems ca~ tlew into a raae ~e the MtoD4 pve hlm·a chll- ly ~eptton -aDd · he embarked on a 1011.4,-maklns procram. when hLs oli~ot crashed into a stump. "'nle conquerLna Bill of Nor· malldY'" caught Jtl.ng Harold by aur- Pl~ when hls ~on. were "full of -- - a:ln~ celebraUon a victory, On down t~h t.h~ ce~Jtur)el tile tlofr:a. past JDna) Henry vm <lld-bl4 neek!D& wlth an ue," JM!tb, "&be Vll'lln Queen wbo 1e1: 'appeal,'! . Charlea n "who was a ~rUne IU1'" and "'r&S not. faith· lui ·to hll i- qu~n,V Giorae m IJl ·~ ftlan •• - dl<i break "' men!- . Tbeae aources declared. tbe Vichy ~ that the Brttlah oCcupaUon ot, 8Jr1& was an act of ·~ .... ~on" wa.s best answered by Kr. wens• statement Saturday whlc:h .. atated our pos1Uon'" aa ably u lt. c:ould be at&ted 1n London. TRIP TO AHVIDA £AMPBELL 'S. AIM IF Riff lASTS Ottawa, Aur. 5- COP) -Unless dltferences between the Aluminum Company of C&nada and lts em· ploye~ are arldged within a few days. M. 8. Campbell, chief conelll· auon off!eer or the Labor Depart· ment, Wd yesterday, he expecLs to visit the aeene of the recent strike in Arvlda, Quebec, before next week-end. As conferences contlnuej between the disputants telegrams were re- ceived at the department ' from AI· fred Charpentier, president of the Confedtratlon of Cathollc Workera of C&nada, and Alex.b Darla:, preal- dent of the Arvida local union, astlng full Dominion Ooremment co-operation in aetU.lDg difficulties. The union chiefs pledged their own &ood-wm In efforta to restore harmony. Yr. Campbell will be unable to ro to Arvlda for a tew d.a.ya owln& to hb ap~lntment to meet. parUea of tbe Naltonal Steel Ct.r Corpora· t1on dLspute at Hamilton this momtng. Most employees at the Hamuton plant have returned to beca.use of mind in disarray," VIctoria who "ruled ln an era much enslaved. by tbo.se who were too well behaved." The boot. ends tn e&lllnit bleWnss on the present K..lna and Queen atter- a kindly reference to the Duke Of Wtnd.sor as "a d&n.W' rrtnee of Walea.'" THE WHiTBY GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6. 1941 work pending negotiations over employee representations. In the Cape Breton. N. S., coal fields, Labor Minister MeLarty continued bls persono.l d!orts to briDg to an end the "slowdown," which otnclals have estimated has reduced output by more than 500,- 000 tons at the properties of the Domlnlon Steel & Coal Company. Labor Department officials have expressed confidence that settle- ment ls· near at the Malton, Ont .• plant or the Nation~l Steel ·car Corporation, where the mach1nlsts union 1s atking for a higher basic Wage rate. A strike continued at the Bamn- ton mllls of Cana~ - Cottons. Llmited, where dUflculty. ~ ar1aen over interpretation of a Wage aifte- mimt recently signed. Workers returned to· the National Steel Car plant_)n Hamlltoil after they were informed. by Prlm.e Kln- lster Ma::kenzle King t.bat media- UITLE ANNlE ROONEY tlon machinery or the Dominion I mended a flat n>le of~!; cents per I BIRTHDAY CABLE Government could not be mad• I hour_ The machinists union Is .,.. TO HER ~IAJESTY avaUable while a .strl.te was tn 1 ing for 85 cents. ___ . progress. Offlclals here explainC'd. that the Ottawa, Aug. llo.-The Earl of Ath- Howard. B. Chase, rnrector-Gen- board set '76 cents as the basic lone, on behaU of the people of era1 of Labor Relations in the Mu· rate and recommf!nd~ 6~ cent.s fot Canada, Sunday cabled birthday niUons and supply Department. cost-of-Ilvlng bonus IUld transpor- greetings to Queen EUzabeth who will Joln 'efforts with Mr. Campbell tatlon allowance. The em_ploy~es c-elebrated her 41st birthday on tn attempting to iron out ditncul- want the basic rate E-levated to so Mcmday. ul!s there. The OO\'ernor - Oeneral'a cable In the :Malton aircraft plant I cents as this w-ould lncl't'ase their read: ca.se. a concillatlon board recom- return for over~. "On be-halt o! the people of Canada x· Rnd our most atncere ·xitstn tauons on tbe OOCM'oa ot Yoar Jla- -; Jesty's birthday, I "'The memory of Your ~ : vWt to Canad& shortly bifioft tl!o!l : war 1a atm a heah aDd ihiitc. ta. J splraUon to aD of ua and I : triilit ,":f Your Majesty will-~:.....- ~· InKS u a senuJDe tobn of OUjr- J1Ne .... found deV9tlon and 1010ltrlli' - -'·• anmoua ttmes.• :, ::= .. . .. • ·• n • • • , ! i : • ,. ~ . THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONIQ.E, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 6. 1941 -- .. ~SSIFIED ADVERTISIJtG :l~~:~:~:ro~~~ Another International Tie FQ.R .!!ALE . fOR SAl.E OR RENT AT ST •. ANDREW'S FOlt'""SALE-OUARANTEED USED FO:R SALE OR F.ENT-TWO COI'· ure.,.all sizes ·in stock, John'.s Place. t.ages near B9verton. Apply Mrs. King and Dundas streets. A. I. McBrien, phone 55, Brooklin." . (tf} <Continued from Page 1) TRADE IN YOUR Oi.o TIRm ON wlll JU.lde 10U and see you though." New DUnlop f':)rts. Liberal allow- FOR I..EA,SE OR SALE - l"'O'R• ··nue to her innu~nce in a large ance on old tires. Easy terms. t~ roomed houae, turnished. or measure, I early learnoed. to feel John's Pia~. King and Du.'ldas St.. unfurnished. present Income trom God as a · reality. I know that Be Whitby. tenants *100·00 monthly. tmmed- does guide and direct. But 1n 50 or late possession. re~~l opportunity. LHI'OLBOM AND CONGOLEUM Write Box 50 Whitby Goette and 80 l'ttJ'S we hare seth a grea.t Rugs. Seitct yours from over 300 Chronicle. change. Too many have got. the habit of leaving God out. We mav patterns actually 1n :stoct". You Bl'!' FOR RENT inVited to view these at BRADLEYS open. our legislative assembUes and PURNl'I'tJRE S'l'ORE, 140 Simcoe POR RENT _ DOO'BLE SIZED counclls "with prayer, but that t.s street South, Oshawa. not enuogh, commendable u p the garaae ln vacant lot. Could be used pract.ice t.s.. Indeed, I hope tO see POR SAI..E-MERCURY SEDAN, as dwelllng during summer. Apply the day when poUclca.l meetln.gs of Just gOne 8,000 mlles. Cost $1.500, Gazette and Chronicle. Whitby. an .sort:; wUI be opmed wlth pr~. would take $9110. Radio and heater. FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISH· "But 'men. tn the past five or Phoi'le _; 352'7..J •. Os~wa, O~tarto. ed. or unfumbhed, single or couple, six d~des ~n to think they l:ouaekeeplng. Chlldren welcome. w-ere wise enough to manage na- A OOOD INVES'I'MENT-DUPLl!:X Nice enclosed . playgrounds. Apply tlonal and interna.IJ.onal problems -central loeatlon-tvro 4-I'OOI!lM "SUnnynoot.'•, Byro_n St. South or without. God's direction. apartuien:ts with new complete Ouette and Chronicle, Whitby. uanen el Nqleet bathrooms 15omoe hardwood noors- "'Now we reap the harvest. we new rVDt-stuoeo-low taxes-now AGENTS rented-Pilcm. to sell at ss,soo. an see today what 1s the result Of Only $100 casp. balance montblY at ROAD SAT 'SMFN--sELL MANU~ forretUng Ood. · leu tb',n moilthly revenue. Phone facturer's Une. &ttbUshed. te:rrl· "Many formulas are offered to de- 2!, osha.wa.. omawa Rti.l Estate tory. Pennanent work. Join !'aJ:il.l- feat muer and:'.-Hitlerlml, but the eomp&ny. Other Whitby {lioperties lex and make mOre mont"y: Free only etfecU\'e one is tG remember and 8 'large list of &elected farms. lntormatlon and c8talogue. 570 St. God ana His Christ. So long as· we (S-lJ) Clement-. Montreal. remember them, as lldng reallties, --~---:--------- mtler will never prevail." POR ~ENERAL ~.URPOSE AUCI'ION SALES Rev. Mr. Lawrence, former mod- hm'se, .. .seven. Years old. · APPl1 Fred Wedne3da;y, Aucuzt 13, Auction erator of the Synod of Toronto and Din~n;· 4th concession. Whitby. Sale or hou&ehokl tumiture, the Kingston, b aupplylna: the pulpit a:; FOR. SAlB--QOANTITY OP us- p.roperty of Miss Rattle Prlngll!', Pickering and. St. Andrew'l5 Presby- ed. luMber; Quebec heater; kitchen 22S Brott. St. North, Whitby. Sale tertan Church, Whitby. durlna the cab~t. cheap. 304 Brock st. N. at 1.30 p.m. sharp. See bUla. Wm. minister's absence on holidays. Maw, Au~Uoneer. His text Sunday mornt:nc · at St. W AJiTED, Andrew's was from the fifth and LOST mth verses of the Thlnl Chapter WAN'l'm· - BOY ABOUT SIX- ----------- of Pronrbs, "'n'U.st in the Lord with teen WHin, to Jearn ~..~ .. t.ing trade. LOST-BLACK COCKER SPAN- , ... pply~t Whitby ~~tte and iel puppy-, a months old., wearing all thine heart, and leu not to FORMER WHITB. ~. · . y ' ehronble office. collar. Strayed June 17. "Niper". thine own understandlnl. In all , , . . Ohlld's pet. IJberal reward. U any.. Thy ways acknowledae Hl.m and He · ' 1 .~ ~DEAD "HORSES AND one ·has dog tled. up. please let sh&ll dinct their paths.. '· jft ·•· ~·~ =.. ~ Plr::z:~P;, ;h;: ::!:..m.;;"..:.~_-,;;bert~'l'h::.::.~_- =:._::.:;.:_n_· _:_,':_iur_he_.tr__ r.ERMAN~_ .LA~KED MAN IS POPuuR:~_::- PQ' ]ibone calls . . Gordon Young, holme Farms, Whitby. U ~ IJ Ltcl., :f"""'to, Phone ADelaide~~ ~~Y~~~.'it = fARMINfi-r.ENIUS IN LUMBER T8ADt: WAN'IC> - MEN BOARDERS IN and half Jers1!y. Kindly phone any U home lrilh 'an convetrlenCM. Apply 1nfonnatl<m regarding same to vtg- (luette .and ct-..ronlcle ornoe, or Oil Co., Broct St. R. Whitby. Whlti>Yc . L051'-AN ENGLISH MOROC· W~TWO UNFURNISHED co Jtatber poek'et. bOOk eontatnlnJ lloulaetf:e~· J'Q01Ds by se~ber · regl.stratlon card, car license and a tat. Ucht "and heat. nuo monthlY. sum of money. Liberal reward for Jt.etereilceJ. Apply ouette and. rttum ot .same. Don MttcheU. ChrOn~le, Whitby. Port Whttby, Phone 517 Whltby. (Oclltlnued. from Pace 1) from roats. 'Ibe criterion was con- duct. not appearance. Comoftd That abeep are notoriously un· intelligent was asserted by the speaker who declared: "They are the dumbest of all anlmah enept cllbl!'ns Un.ed the streets to reJ)I!'at wlth:· rtnging chers the '\';'elcome they .pve hls brother, the Klnlf, 'Queen Ellzabeth two years ago, wlrei3SS school, the King's wpectecl another guard of stopppi.d to talk wltb canadian Mounted Po;. of!l~;~·.D,!I.~~!·~· Douglas ror- MaeAdam, who and Assistant Com- W. w. Hancock of the 1n EdmOnton. he was ~own through the which wu earryjng on e.a He atopped in many or the to ll:iten to the type of being gi.Yen and talk w and to thelr atu~ tawa Rhw at Hawt.esbur, on sun .. day. Owen LO\llbeed, 35. of· '!born· bury,; Ont., drowned. Saiurd.I.Y while 1 DOiliUQ !lshlng in Georgian Bay at_ Midland 1~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~iiiiiiii~~ and the body of JOhn B. McDoupll, 52, of Fort William. was recovered rrom the Eamln.LstlQuta River on Saturday at Port W1ll1ain. -" Motor fatalltles cost aiz Uves WAHoD~ST. ·."RUMION ~~I :::o:;: n~tfr~:~ ~:~~ :nc~e~e~=~!!~n;.a:h:e~:~.ed b lJ I plaiDed about Jt. It was polntl!'d. out that. denlop- . ·-·•, · · · -' ·· ment or b.--ceda of Weep ar0 con- Saturday. Jbs. Mareelle Y:ciDty.re of Larder ·rAte, Ont., was k.llled. wheri. Ule truck .tn which abe was riding left tlie road: ind iumed over at Kirkland Lue; ArclUe McAlpine. 20, or oatclale, onto aulfeftd tal>l lnjurlea when tbe ca:r lD. which · he wu rldlnt .. p1woio4 Into a cieOp cllteh .. Pe\ll>lla. J- ~ 44 Toronto,· was Killed wheu atntct bJ' • car on the h.lihWI.J north of To- ~:.:~~:to~ ron to; Dt.nkl· 1 &nee, los~ his We truCk ersah at MacDonald. 18 • PRHP.ARINfi woR·r·n ""Ibat means, I th.l.nt., that those atantJy being improved. . -· • ,n . . . - thrclllh thl- temporal "In the norlb ... st part or the '- find strength to prepare for things United states," Mr. Miller said, "'1 fOO:BmvR DAYS- eternal. understand Ulat Uley ar6 brecdlna: fti!. ,' . . · L . · · .. All of 111 ~~ through experlenua eheep that can run oiO ,miles an 1 .¥ . ·:..· ::: . )r~~-~ . ent.h~.t~ __ :._~we dtdn. 't :b __ ue . hour. x .f1.1Ule: . ,tbat . ~- deocelop-! ( ...i. '~ tm . .-:i. .--r_?s--. 1; ."' . ·_, cJuri. ;:"- ~ . ment was foUild nt:eessa.ry 1l Jlttte ~:.oa~. ._., "- .;~"' . ~.~ ·:~ · dhiat. we mU ~~mplain lambs today are to keep up with men amooc wb~ i~t.iave wOrked. and-~·· ·~t t.he xvult 11 .lwaya Marys." ·Tb.,. -.i_eJ:e::~~ed ·~~~PPrM,ltices the aame . . We feel worse for do-l cl:~f!,~centred lri Mr. ·Mluei-'s and Kt!!ltti.:IC on1f:/i2 tot:-t'(~t.s: an '""'·· ~-- ·bec_auae Of our own ·faUure.l ~ of aheep. There are, hour rqri,. Pertod";'"j~: 9':·. the other hand, 1te can use with, the hU1 breeds which •_.;..tiJ.. 'i'W~~-·~l'i-~ ·hardships and "find that tht:re 1.s a 1n Scotland chiefly. '"It ~ loDJ bard grind. Some blessing 1n them. the Highland sheep and or theii-1 'CioJ:nudes sta.arted in Jobs "'I reel that will be the re.sult ot Che"f'1Qt3. The former can live sparse heather moors of north· at 25 Cebts an hOUr. , Tbe&e boya ln the present war. We may &eek: for ScoUa.nd and seem to thrive tr:alnlrir-1el\-that they were without lt.s ml!'anlng and wonder why auch it.. much to the .d.ellght of m~~~r:h:~b:n~~ppened? The ~l::=.r · ~utd~:tr;t~ona!:-~C:: ~~e:~led sheep were developed boy.s; wli.b trained themselves. as .people, we can build up better than 1n lJncoln.shlre and the Cotswold attlll!'d. :~en aie now drawing we cOuld have done betOr. .•• • dlatrltt of England. aood ~:~ the eozru:-ades they Grea& Bret:41 ·IDI'IOe en~ees~ e not got rurtlier T Then, for meat. there are the ahead. ·,:fbe. skllled men now, but RA WLER BAGS lheep, the Ollford, ·Shrop· apprenUbes a few years ago, are Suffolk and Northdown now marri~ ,f~ ·tlle - mos~ part., and NAZJ BOMBER Finally, there are the fine they have tM ·eoruclousne!s or do- · ...... .. · wool aheep · of Spaln, potably the 1ng a. re81, ~big 'lnllll'S .s!Rd job be.;, - merinos. The Anduluian sheep are cause they gc;K their skUl the hard London, Aug. ~(CP)-"n\e Ad· a:reat nocten. One ahepherQ and way · · 1 mlrall;f l&sul!'d. t.b1a ccm.muntque em three good dop can keep a hun~ ·~alrilng costs something. . : 'n~Mda.y: · · ·· ' drl!'d thouSand "together Iince they "Aagatn. I always beUe.,:e ihat" "A twin-enafned German bomber move as one lUllty of non-rcslsUng «me of the first responslbUUJes ot a was shot down yesterday by His Imbecility. m:fnhte-r' 1.a to >isit the sick. But Maje.sty'll travoler Norland <stlp- Texas. tn the United States, has the str&hge thing I have found !s. Pl!'r R. J. Knisht, R.N.RJ. become the arentest sheep raising P~QFESSIONAL CARDS UNDERTAKING W. C. TOWN .........__ Dtrectar. aad. b1talmor ' <\lllbalaace ~ ftODO fll - WbiUIJ A. c.:MARLOW l't'NUAi._ SIU(lVICB.' AIIIJIUL&NCB S. J, STROWGBB ........... ..- ........ 711 . ·• ~ , . JkWGII;. Ill. .a-Ua ' .. ~ LEGAL W. J. HARE. B.A. Barrbter, BoUcllor, Nolal7 au ....... to A. G_ -· tt.c. )fftce: 111 . BROOK STaDT N. .....,..,ene: ,... · Wloltloo R 'DONALD RUDDY llal'l'later. Solkltter. NolarJ ornee al lbe Coart B•- M•c, &o l.oaD Pllobe ui · . area ln the world, a~a considered, Mr. Miller stated. Not .so many years ago, Texas was the great cat- tle land and sheep heljdel3 were Ylo- wlth contempt. All thai b ch&nsed riow. Shel!'tl breeding, a.n.d the ;best types are bred, 1a bJ.C bwt- nesa_ Alberta, It was alated, b Cana- da's ehiet sheep ra1sln&: c:entre . Rotarians were advised to 1n- 5truct their wives on the fact t.hat other portions of lambs than chops and roast lea$ are very edible Uld comparatively cheap. La.mb chops at fO eenta the pound now wu uld to be much too high. Mr. Miller also .said that prtcea tor choke cuta of b~f .are MURRAY A.. kOBINSON DUNCAN B. MciNTYRE out of lln~eto ., - , AIOIULANCE 8zaV1CE Bari'hler, llollcKer, Nelaq 'lbiUlb lor Mr_ . Kllltr'l addnls:l I'UNEitAL DUlECTOB &ND Ofncle: IIJNct St. a..tlt were up~l!'d. by Dr. 0. L. Mac- --IT'll-• o•••"" n .... • .Wblte"t 1 :::::.~: ru...... - .,.... and conYeyed, on. reneral "'- Ne. II _..,._ Oal INSURANCE by P,..ldent Eel- Bow· The ~aker wa.s Introduced Rotulan Archie Archibald, ~TERINARIAN DR. A. S. . BLACK V ............. ASari- UOOilLIN · ONTAltlC 'I'EL&PBONI: D ~ ,. Dft -.G. R: -BOOTH Ae<Ndiled Votorinary larrt iand 8JD&ll Anlplal Suraerr Pet'IOhal Aetentl'lD to All CalLI US Kblf: SL ,WesL .Jbhawa Tolei!¥ae 21, Oahawa ' ~ . . , MEDICAL ,DIU'ftEDERICK" A. CUDD.I PBY81CI"N ' · PBONII ,1U C... ~ aat Ollhrae au. LW.DUDLEY ReJNUtallllc Empire Lifo IDoannce Co. - aloo - 81Cil<NES8, PIIU, AUTOMOIIILIL ACCIDENT· st5 Du.adu 8&. w. t Tdephoae Ill GORDON F. OSBORNE Dblriel ~ Empire Lifo l.....,.co Co. Eft~Tibtaa tn ._.fa luaraace aoo a- St. N. • WhilloJ CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEMETERY KING: t50I Office. " T. caua. ear. ....... Quests at the TU!sday Rotary luncheon l\·ere Dr. H. S. Moore of Lakefield; Major E. Valentin or J:awtucket, Rhocle Ialand; w. H. Rowe or Blg Rapt[Q,. IoWJ., and J. P. Yeo. Toronto. Tout.s to the Kina and to tbe Presl.dent. or the United States were observed, 1n turn, by singing one vene each of "God Save the Ktq," t.nd "America." VJ.s.lton from the United States were. asked by President Bowman t.o tate fraternal lrHtinas back with them to their home clubs. Rev. CUfford G. Park reported on b1s rect!nt visit to the Rotary Club stttrbrooke, Quebec. Plllnc Up War Damare ·\ MONUMENTS London-(CP>-Number of Jndl- '-..:.,...,:.:.:.,:.;...:....,:=..:..=..___ \'ldual cl!llms paid to prlv•te per- 'N. W. S'l'UPOBD son.s under Brlh.in'.s War Damage Dealer Ia lmpelied &ad Can.,.tar Act at July 4 totalled 6.37t. l.he P.g- Graal&ea. gresate amcnmt involved belni Win! - ~at __.. ..,_ £101,tel <tw. ltll, three' years Panton~ who· · on._ .th~ . oc:;ca.slofts mlsse~ lupl~rmen·s I g,tl BDILmN6 PEHMLTS MAY EXGEED$100,000 - <C»ntlnlled !l'om ...... ll and Pitt, one storey, ' rooms and Year's Heaviest Toll of Acddenis Cllimi 22 Lives bath, $2,000. . . 117 '1"'le <>··"·• "Prtla Ontario Lumber & Millwork Um- Ontario~ Cl'fic',Holldi.y week·end ited. One--storey factory buUdlna fatality Ult wM Coun.~ at 22 ta:csa.:v. $1.000. hee.Ylest 1oU of t.be year to date. Wm. ' Atldnson, DOl Dundu Street Elt\'e'D peraon.s loot their llns by East, one storey dwellin&', e rOCllll&. t~;:~~. and trattio accldent.s .ae· $2.500. j. eJabl Other deaths Brunton Lumber compail.y, lum- of an UDidentUled diS· ber factory. two .storeys, concret~, whose bod,y wu "found frame and asphalt, $9,500. Ill a. Toroota .raYina 1 Mrs. R. N. Bassett.' ~teratlona to turda.J: QrJ.D LOuD, ·nt.lred. store on Brock sfr·eet South, •1,100. l.d1all Padno R&Uwt.J mtineer. killed satUrclay when .. Caurht Duke of Kent Reaches Banff two .frelaht· ears d 'Smlthl and WWrecl Grliloqe, U· Jel.l'-014 nea:ro, was found baten I to death OD. a Windsor . l~t. ~- ~· I O~In~~~~!~~S~th~~ee~bocb' of· Patrlct. a1 ANDREW B. G.AARD'T . wbO drOwned BAnff, Alta, Aua. &-<OPl-.,.t ,In "Lal:li Erlt Duke of Kent l"e$ted in thls Roc:U' · · 1 Mount.atn town today after w:lndlnl up the flnl - or his vWt -liD' Canada with tn.specUona· of two UJt,• lta or the eommoawealth Air Tralnin& Plan 1ri ~Igary yesterday. MOtor tlaftic ln. &OIDe parta of the prol'lnco" . w~ 1&14 br pol1oe to bt ibe hea...-~ of the JUr u cltt,- llml took ·ad.tantq-e or Ute threfti day boUd&J weet-eod to vl.alt IWil• rclu homea.' Pollee aald the hla:h-4 · lbt. ..... ai kept· dowri a.S ,alOwtr In ~pons~ pleas for . ruo~ne U1a Ro~·a.l Hich'nass and .t:arty ar- <1\'ed. by automobUe lut eve:nl.nl !rom Calgary and are aeheduled to :emaln here two days. No .speclal plans or flUlcUona for tb.e nukt:'l !Stop-over have been announced. • , His lUnerary, eall.s tr~ a retum wtre reported at to oalpry TbunciiJ' to oonttni» on Davld. Bmithi westward by air on a Domln101l• U, New York. drowned in the 8'! wide in.s!)eCUon tour of ·est.abUsh· Lawreoce Rlver; the body Qf Pt.o. ments or the trainln& plan. c. H. Piont or Windsor, wu rt;- On hls arrival in Calgary yuter- in Navy Bay: Member or day bY &lrplane from Rqlna and the Royal Canadian Army trans· Winnipeg, the DUke was bJ pqrt , Corps be. dl.seppeared. abou~ Gl,'OUP Ca"Dtaln E. ft. OweD, eJ.aht diJ'I &CO- Commanding No. 2 Wl.relf!M The body or Earl Cameron, 10, of The personal atan4aTd of his Royal iJon. BHd, ant., was found noat- Wa:hneaa was run up to the st.aUon me tq. Picton BQ. He was-a crew masthead and tbe Oalpry Royal ... __ • Air Force band P'-"Yed the royal member of the ~ carrier Ara1ou salute-tlle open.Jne bars of ood and appuentl:r reu into lhe water Save the Klnl- while a a:uard or on St.t.urde;y~ wbUe. retumiDc to the lOt men presented arms. boat. La.ter the Duke inspected part ot. · Three persons were drQwned 1n the No. s Elementary PlJina" Train· Lit.t.e ont&r;o at' TOroUto. Da.W' 1ng Bohool, e&aed ' down the ruft.. cOoper, :ae: ol iubUrban ~ort Town.- waya at an army of twtn-ena:Ined .ship, ctrowned. when .she fell from a, tralnlnc Planea and talked wlth the dJv!nc tower on 'SILurd"y;. Ct}arlle' men who n,y them. ourtna an .wceonn-.cblt u., drowned sundsy tn.spection of the guard of hono~ and. the bod,. or an 'unldenuued the Duke stopped frequently to n.ak Dian was bi-ouaht to the surface by the men o.bout themselves 8}\<1 a icow conductina: dredgta1 opera· their work with Lhc R.O.A.F. U.on.s · A la.rg~ group of ... lr, military. na- u" PI'" • •• B le d hi ' val and clvilla.n oUlcen ~•·ere pre• - W l'l'ld. ~.~~o.ey • ._, a.rr • an a .!ented to Hl!! aoral' Rlghne~. dauaht.er, Mtl· ~td Wtetlwn, 23, ot Preceded by ~ mtu.tary and po- AUend.all', Ont:, drowned in Kemp· !tee escoi-t of eleven mot0~ycles, antelt B'ay at Barr!e on Monda)•. the Duke dro\•e to thn •ireleaa · ¢mer Gau'fln, 51, of Montrea.1, achool tluouah the cl\7 ·-~ drowned while flshln& lD tho Ot• <llicl 'or- tn ri. • car ~ ••• . ' ·cBUD··-. - •,' ' . I - Salute. wiJI·~ iu.a ltj i.l..."~ R. IL ~ith, V.D., Olfi;w_Ca if" r I . ·the'SicDNI Baltllli"'l of th. Oneuio R .. iawllt <TIIIilrk- ,, ' FLOATS ,- B,AM~S AND PATRIOnC . t ~. ' - ' - ~ Prize · AW.fda" For Beat Patriotic Flo·ata _S1 0, "SI~ 13 ·· MERCHANTS •. MANuFAC'IiiRERS. AND F~·­ ARE ASKED to ENTER FLOATS IN-nus PARADE_ . · ALL PARTICIPATING IN PARADE ARE ASKED TO MEI,'J'A'i"TOWN . - p~ AT 6:30 l'.l'!t, . - Prize . Grand t941 -C TO BE -SOLD FOR. $1.00 2ND J:»JUZE; GOODS ·$75; THIRD PRIZE1 GooDS $2$: ·REFRESHME"' BOOtft · ON .THE . S:fREET: PROQ:EDS FOR PAlRJOTIC PURPoS~ ."":'•'-: ·

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