Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1941, p. 3

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' 'I. I J ,. (~ ) l THE WHITBY AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6; 1941 " ' PAT·RIOTIC, SOCIAL and ·coMMUNITY . ACTIVITIES ' ' . ' ; · . ·-.. ; Mrs. p ,- Adams has ret~ed from I MISses Louise and Marjorie Mc-f'j week's viSit with her daughter Intosh are on ?. holiday at Kat<:he- ; ·st. Thnmas. ~ ·· . wanooka Lake. ·+++ •!-++ Nia3 Ooldle Levine. of of:troit. Mrs. James Larkin, of Toronto, bas been vLsltinb a" ct:.e home of spent the week~end with her par- her, mother, Mrs. r, Levlne, Brock ents. Mr. and Mrs. v. M. Smith, Street South. BrOck .st_reet south. <A++ ~·· • Mr .• Dick stuart has returned USE SMALLER CAR "Larger car" fam1llf!s em dras- tically reduce their use of gasoline by using the .smaller car that glVQ 25 miles to a gallon rather tha"l the limousine that.· never averagea more Ulan 12 miles tO the . p.Uon. w. G. Robertson of the Canadl .n A!J.tolnobUe Assoclatlon, points oul "I ~---:tb.ouldn 't be dllficult for the THE tO.D.E. IN WHITB¥ NSWI or VIICOtlN'i CUIHWOOD CIIAPftll W.tRDEN ONT ARID GOUNTY P,ASSED AWU ' SnwliR.6- jDJt. JilL IJD.fJ.L (JoJ/JIAD(IA , Mr: and Mrs. f"F-orge Roddls have from a vncatlon in Timmins. Nor- returned · from a hollday spent tn them Ontario, where he was the Bunt.ullle and "Beaeh 0 Pines", guest of Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Beaton. two., three. four and nve.ear fam·IL----~--~---'----'----------...J Ules to cut the .consumption by 50 -- . -- Adam Dobson, former Warden of Give us the job of looking after the send- ing of cigarettes to the boys overseas. just bring your list to us, being careful to have the right names and addresses, clear- ly written (printed if possible) accom- panied by the necessary money, and we will see that they are sent overseas with- out trouble ·to you. ;~rand Bend, Ontlrlo. + + + per cent. In !aet, I think they can O(tleen of the Wtil~y Chapter Knltten of steel helmet clps, Ontario County, and uncle of DeP-' do better than that," remirked Mr~ or the Imperial Order, Daughters ("'Beanie&"), •~ uted to note that uty-Bheriff J. A. Anderson of Whit· Robertson. of the Empire, report thi.t t. .ship. ribblnc' 15 K.2.p.,,, I.Dd should by, who passed away 1n Can.ning-+ + + Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Smith of Mrs. Pn!d Marsb has just re- Springfield. Mass., are visiting Mrs. ·turned fian a hollday with her Smith's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T . ENGAGEMENT ·.brother and sister-ln-la-:t. Mr. and H. Hfltt. at the Whitby HOuse. M.:. and Mrs. W. L. Buchanan ,..Mrs. J , E. Carruthers, on Lake . •:'> + + announce the engagement of their , .i!!l1e. , . Mr. Gordon McBride, tormeriJ' 1 eldest daughter, Arline Rose. to , + + + of the King Street school staff, Charles Colton, .son of Mr. and Jllss .Hattie Pnnale wU1 hold an Whitby. has received an appoint- Mrs. James Colton, Wbttby, the aucUon sale of. ·her household ef- ment as principal, or Hiawatha marriage to tate place 1n camp. ,fects at her hm:ne, 225 Brock Street Street School (Craft) at St. Thorn- beutord, August 9th. as. Mr. McBride's many Whitby ;North, Whitby, on Wednesday, Au- friends will be pleased to hear of :JUSt 13th. Sale at 1.30 sharp.. his new appointment. +++ +++ Miaa E. H. PatLerSOn len. on sa.t- urda::J for-Georgtan Bay where · she Obituarie• .. wW spend three weeks holld:i1ylng. Her V.O.N. work here will be ln .:_c:harle of Mrs. lla.J:: BuSh. Reg. N. ~ + + • ::_ Mrs.. Qecqe Bedding reeefved a ~l~·~ week from her son, Lance . Cotp! George Bedding, now in Eng- . ~d. '"; 'l'tle letter _ sta~:s thnt he Is -~well an~. has been enjoying five '.._daJa leaVe with hLs relatt\•es in J<nallind. • \"f".' + •• ;'::· .Mr. George Nev.~rry. an old ::,lfhltby, boy. riow llvlng at VJctoria, ·cB .C ... ,who has been staying in To- ·~ronto""'for the PUt few monl.hs was - !D town oti Friday and called on .-'ald · .rrtends. Mr. Newberry left Whitby J s a boy of 15, and hb .:cml.J return to town wa.s at the ~~eath _ot hla mother 1n 1104. Mr. ~~ naturally saw many :chulaes Jn the old town. and many ·.,.of his . old compantona were gone. Dr. and Mt:s. R. P. MacLaren. COLIN A. CAMPBELL Broclt Street North. received a cable The death OOCuri"ed It Perth re• Tuesday evening announcing that their son. captain R . fJ. MacL9.ren, cenLiy of Colin A. Campbell, age 68, R.C.A., M.C .• had arrived safely ln and general mana- England with the Central Ontario the Henry K. Wampole Com· Reglment. to which he 1s attached' m•er'·'•,'",h.eo pused "away at hls sum- as medic..'!.l officer. 11 · on Rideau Lake. + + + Campbell was born tn Picker· Mrs. CUnton Pascoe received a and was educated In Wllll~'Y I happy cabh .on Saturday sta.ting at the Unlvfl'3ity of 'Dlronto. that her husband, Corpl. Clinton His business career began wlt.h the Pascoe of a Central Ontario Reg!- openm1 of a drug .trore tn Wtnc· ment. had arrlved safely in England bam. ~ith Canadian troops. Survlvlnl are hl11 wtre, the for· SCHOOL FOR LEADERS The 1941 School for Leaders, of the Bay Qulnt-e Conference Branch wlll be held a.s usual at the On- tart'> Ladles College, Whitby. AU· gust 25 to 29. . This confer: ce Is held each year at the College and the meet.ing.s are mo.st interesting and he}pful to the delr::rates who attend each year. mer Nellle C!lnl!'. of Wlngham one daushter, Mrs. Le.!lle Stephell80D of hrtlt, and two sons, Lieut. Ken- neth Campbell, l.st r.hWon C.AB.P. Enz:land, and Squadron Leader James C. Campbell at National De- fense Headquarters, Ottawa. MISS ADA MeMILLAN 'nte late MlM Ada Mc:M:Wan, na- tive of Whitby, and for many years a resident of O.shawa. waa laid to ~r::::::::~::::::::::::::::ilrest 1n the famU:v glot at Union Cemetery, Tueaday, July 28, follow-ing a. Quiet servict ln st. Cleo:rp:'s Church. Rev. Davkl M. Rose ortl- clatod. meaaure four tnehes before com· ton •-·t week. was one ot the -'-t me~~ of field comforta 1JU fot.. · th - ~ menc : e crown. outstanding men, not onlY In h1s warded to provinelal. headquarters Oltt.s are acknO'Rledged vateful... village but 1n the county, He was thb week. The co..operattve room 1y u follows: How;ew:lve8 fllled. by Reeve for many years and a very wUl be open u usual Tutsd.ay at- llfl'a. R. Bell, Mrs. F. Pogson, and able representative- on the County ternoon, from 2 to 4 p.m- to re- "-••-- ..... Brawley .. _ ~ ft·u and ·• .-...- -.. · ......... _ ... uc 00\lncll bOard. He wu a pioneer celve Completed articles and give Mrs. E. R Adye contribUted one manufacturer and was respomfble -ou_~_. wooL------~,.-----polr~-ot-s_oc_b __ ea_c_h_. ------I for many lmprovem.ent.s, clvtc anid otberwi:Je, In Cannlgton. BROOKLIN. SENDS RED. GROSS til ITS Jamas, and thr ! small- dressing The clnningtOn Gleaner thLs .aowna. week pay, the following tribute to Of materlal left from the larier Mr. Dobaoa. : prments. Mn. se.m Mumlns : Adam IlObaon, prominent tn local D'l&d the n ir of hlldr • bll&lnesa and munlc:lpal affalrs for TBE BELL TAXI e ve, pa a c ens alm06t seventy years. died at h'· lOst W..t of Post Oftleo pyjamas. All were 1n four-year-old ~ alJea and were very love'~ home on Saturday, July 28th, bJ.s PBONE 465 Splendid Re.-t of Worken' Actmty Dur- ing July Brooklin, AUI'. · ~A iarae ahip- ment ot goods wu sent frt1111 tht Brooklin unit of the anadtan Red Cross Soelet.y at· the ·end of July. The ROOds propo.recl by . 110· trtottc women of thla . community were packed for ~nt at the home of !ln. W. lled1aDd. Artleles sent tncludect,.tlle follow- Ing hoopltal suppllea: m..m palra or men's pyjamaa.with three eztn patra or pyjama pan~, 13 men•i hospital dressing ..,..,... n.e large qullta, fl.. palra of cblldml'& .,._ ' birthday and Was Knitted aooda were all dal&ned in the fam.Uy Plot, the to be used by eeamen. 'Ibe:y in- I ~::~~;~· concession 11, Brock on eluded. four acarvea, two turtle- 1 ' neclr. l"ftaten. four knltted hel- ]QlJ&t•ely, he added. "It can onlY metl, four pa1ta of alovu; and .sev- Barn In Glaqow, Scotland, the they are not regarded as of en palnJ of socks. late Mr. Dobson came to Canning- importance or that we . Offieen of the Brooklin Red ton with his parents, -brOthers and wllling to take chances untu sisters 1n Ute year 1873. His father t 11 to CrOu lfOUP commend the earnest enemy ac ua y commence etforts of m~nnbers d"""'"'.. July. I . ;:.:.:~·-· the woollen mllls or Nathan bombs." ........ ae; one or Cannlngton's pioneer Kftplng up the steady flow of Red settlers. Together the Dobson The Attorney-General said he, Oroea supplies Js one ·of the Em- famlly built up a flotli"Wllng blW· for one, did not beUeve chances plre's auarantets of vtctory. should be h.tefi . "The people and ness, empi(J3.1ng as many u fort:y nations or Europe who took chan- Births persoDJ:. At the same Ume, for a ces and walt~d to .-;ec what would few years. they operated a tenen.l happen either l\"ere slaughtered or store. Thla was gtven up that all r.ame under the htel of the con- their etforl might gO 1n the woollen queror. We maY never be subjected STBELE-At Whitby 00 Unfortunately fire destroyed t 1 ld h'· July -tb. 1"'1, to .... "'"' """·l-.~~'1: buUdlngs and the Insurance be- o a r ra s. But I v:Ul sas t ..... - .,. -... - nnd I want to mrtke it perfectly Arthur Steele, a daUihter, insufficient to cover rebulldfn&. clear, that 1f we are subjected to --t G-ee), .., young Adam ~urned his atten.. 1r 1•· nd It h -- ... ~ to supplylni bls adopted nome a ra ....,., a ~ ave no. prop- -rowtv or .. warraY town with electrical power. Many er]S trained clvUian defenr.e forces were the l!torle:s which Mr. DObsOn with com!)letc and proper equip.. could tell of those da.ys, educatin& ment. the results will be di.sa.strous." the people to the benetits of e1ec- There could not be any doubt, he trtclty, procuring the power and said. the responsibility to provide then overcoming the succession ot equipment rested with Ottawa.. He oh!taclea which beset the pathW1lJ cited that In England the Imperial of anY pioneer. BUt wtth true Government contributed subst.&ntl· l!oottiah perai&tence and industry, ally to ARP. Shwtly _affB Bon. the obataelea: were overcome and he Inn Mackentle. Minister of Pen· continued with power unW 1D15. At ~ons and National Health, whose that tJme Mr. Dob6on was sixty department supervises ARP actlvl· y'ear11 old; he had llved an active ties, returned from England, Mr. Ufe and might have retired but not Conant took tip the matter or hi!'. stnce, right until hls death equipment wHh him. .,_·; ·xEs • purposes wiD be provided or U.1at adequate equipment and works wlll be available in the e\·ent of enemy attacks." He .stated that, in fitLy-two mun- lcipalltles t,here were approximately 50,000 eivUian defence W(lrker.s in Ontario. Work In civilian defence v.·as belng lnten..<;lfled at the pres .. ent t.fme. he snld. An Inspection staff of trained workers wHh abn- Jty to advise and help local units had been organized. In addttlon, he said, It was ~ that black- cuts. "properly Ol"Jlanlzed and rli• orously conducted, .. be held 1n ev- ery vulnerable area in t.he fall and. contlnu!!d thereafter. BISHOP PREFERS STALIN TO PET AIN Chelmsford, England. Aur. 5 - <CP)-Dr. Henry Wilson, At:~IJllean Bishop or Chelmsford, would rat-beT shake hands wiUt Stalin than wltll Vlchy'a Petain or Darlan. In a letter to his diocese, Dr. ~HINGLY AIR-CONDiTIONED. Miss McMillan wu the eldest daughter of t:. ' late T. H. McMil- lan, one of the foundera of the Western Bank of Clnada, of which he wu reneral m.anager. 'I'hl!J bank, which had its headquarters In Osha~ later merged. wtth the standard Bank, and ·ts nov known aa the Ct.nadtan Bank. of Com• men:e. She spent aeni"al yeara of her ea.rller Ufe tn Whitby '"'"""·1111 The third inotaWent··of l 941 taxes will be due on. Friday, Auguat ISth. There will be nn extenoinn of time for P..:Yment. Those who have not paid the firat and oecond and In spite of decllniDS" strenath, "For the moment,"' saJd Mr. Co- be has eontlnued. to keep the wheels nnnt, "';e of the Ontario Civilian of a chopping m111 turnlnr. Defence Committee are not at all sati.'ifled, yet the necessary and Wilson declared "I could shaks hands with a non-praying Stalin. but 1 should beg to be excused from doing so with a Petaln, Darlan.,. Mus.solinl or We-ygand, who can Ro happily to the mL'!..1 with dishonof and trickery tn their hearts.• , .. · . • ~AY. SATURDAY SHw. at 7..30 IIDd 9.30. Saturday Matinee at 1.30.· MONDAY ~DAY- ~DAY I , . ~ Camplde Sh- at 8.45. C-OMING . NEXT THU8SDA Y FRIDAY. SATURDAY JEAN ARTHUR In "lHE •• EVIL and MISS JONES" . •• . ! • !boring to Olh.awa where abe was closely:uaoclated. wtth th.e women's lllllld ot st. aeorae·· Chureh. . - tbe J?Ut ten yeon abe bad been lttlD& witb her aloter, ><ra. B. · at lA Jolla. Oallfornta. where ..,," ·-~- ~way. Sbe Ia • a1ltei P. w. oawan, 1'74. 'l'eddlq! Part. Boulevard, Toronto.. _ liOUl. J.- The death occurred 1n Toronto. on Wednesday, July Sot.h, or )IIDJUe Pentound, beloved wtre or t.be late 11eanear, formerly of Whltb7 in her '78th year. Deceased wu bOrl1 tn DevOil!lhlre, Enal&nd and came to Whitby · Wttb. her huaband about twenty-two yee.ra .aa:o~ They pure hued the real· deuce on ·Brock -street. lOUth now owned and occupied by llr. Prank wen... where they re!J.ded unUJ. t.hl!' lllnea.s and death of Mr. llenear. about five years aso. The late Mr!. Menear wa.s a mem- ber of the united Church and dur- illi ber realdence here wu held 1n the highest esteem by a Jara:e olrcle of frienda who will relllf!t her paa.s- lnr. • Burvlvlnr are two dauahten. lin. Shepherd, Toronto. Kra. McClellan, of New Jener and one aon, W1Ulam of Texu. n.e funeral waa held on Satur- day lut from Mclloui:all anti Brown'.s under~ Parlors, To- onto. Interment wu made In Mount Pleuant cemetery. The Legion Comer A meeUng ot Branch 112 Canad- ian Lealon wm be held tn the club rooma on Wedneaday, Augu.at 8, at 8 p.m. sharp. An members are RUed to be present, when badaea wom b,. the Canadian . Porce.s of the Orut War 1814·1818 wlll bi on display. These are a .fine eol- leetJon and wen worth aeelnr, ao Jet'e: have a rood tum out. DONATION TO BRITISH W~ VICIMS' FUND With a aer~ of euchres held 1n · the Co-operative rooms durtnr Ju- ly bY a number of WhJLb:r women, .f21.00 wu rai!Jed and harxtfd to the oo.u:tte and Ohrontele to be forwarded to thl!' Toronto Eveninr Telegram War VlcUms' Fund. The prtzes were ·donated by the follow- rna : Mr. and Mrs. w. Aaht.on. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowx, Mn. 0 . Prutr, Mn~. P. Adama, Mrs. Lulu Cox, Mra. Rorabect, Fftod lnee, Mrs. J . South .. .,.en, !&1M McKay, M1&l v. White- In·, Mrs. K. SOUthweU, Mu. Ia- bell, Mr-5. WIOOn , Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. Allen Ros... Mrs. E. M. Wilson. Mrs. Clough, Mrs. v . Johnston. BRUNETTES HAVE THEIR OWN TROUBLES Dr. Donald A. Laird, ramows p.sycholngbt. .. wrltlnr to the Am· erlean Week)}• Ydth the Auaust 1() ls.sue o( The Det.roit. Sunday Timea .. • wW polnt out that. brunettes are much more Ukely to have hlllh blood pressure, rrow bald liOOnF"r, and r.4o a re much more ~ubject to othu am1o)'a.nce.!i. Be- suu to get n1e Delrolt Sunday Times tbLa w~k and every week. inatalments may do ao now by paying 3'*' penalty. The first and eecond inalliltl'.ents muat be paid before "the th_ird will be accepted. PAY NOW AVOID 3" PENALTY CliARGE I. RI:U!I'A IIICRAilDSON, Tn Colleetet. Shake Off ~ Hot Weather lluea at WHITBY DAIRY'S Modern Milk • ·BAR • w·. invite ypu to c.a11 on UJ, for - MQ.K. CREAM, ICE CREAM 8RICKS, FJIKIMO ~ • .-c>P· . SICJCLE.S, IC£ CREAM" CONES, MILK SHAKES. ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE Of TilE HIGHEST QUALITY. BUY UNDER BEST SUR~OUNDJNGS. We invite your inapec:tion. We .know you'D like our service. WHITBY DAIRY For RePlar Delivery to Your Home Telephom 770 But all Mr. Dob.son'll energy wa:s proper equl!)ment even for training not expended in hi.s own intereste. About sixty years a11o he was elect- ~ to the School Board. ""hree years later he resigned to become a. councillor. Later u Reeve and Wan!s or Ontario, he sened h1a community talthfuUy. There 'fti"t tho,e who differed. with him on many mi.ttera but there rume who could deny the value of h1l ser- vlees to the munlcJpallt.y. A charter member of Brock Lodp A.P. and AM., Mr. Dobson toot. a keen 1n1A!reat in all the acttviUe.s of the 80Clety. He was M..,ter 1n 181M and ln.~June, 1917, was made & llte mem~r. He had a1so been pre- sented with the fifty-year jewel. Be was a staunch Liberal and a n-.ember of Knox Presbyterian GQ.urch. (Ja December 28. 1880, he mar- ried Margaret Anderson. Thl8 un- Ion waa bk&ed with three children, two daughtens and a son, !)!. who lost hla life tragically several yftrs aao while stringing colored ll11hts tor the Old Home Week celebration. All placeS of buslne.u were closed on- Tul!!.5day afternoon for the fun- eral service held at the family re.s- idence under Masonic BU!Pices. The Ml'VIce waa eonducted by Rev. M. R. Boudreau, S.T .D., assisted b)' John IJndu.y or Whitby, a former putor. Later Jlr. Oobllon was laid to re.st in the fllDlilf plot. The Neeropolis. Acttnr u paii- IJe!.rers were M:esm~. A. Hardy, N. Brown, w. C .. IJvlnptone. 8. J. K-ennedy, J . !:. McDon&ld and J . Parllament. Lett to cherlah hl:s memory are hla widow and two daught.e%"1-. Mr:s. W. A. Poster of Toronto and M1sa Ell& Dobeon at home; one sister, Ills. Dawaon of town; and four IJ"&ndchltdren. Bonna and Donald J)Obson, Or. '-Ted" Po8ter and Gea. Poster, GONANT PLEADS FOR EQUIPMENT ON flUME FRONT Aalo Ottawa Make Civil Defenae Eft"ulive by Providing Tool. Wlarton. Aua-uat 5--An al)peal to ott-awa to "Oive WI tbe tool&" to ~ate eivutan defenee in Canada effective wu made Monday bJ Hon. Gordon Conant, Attorney• Oeneral and chalnnan ot t-he Pro- vincial Clv!Ua.n Defence Committee (ARP> when he reviewed the Vol- unteer ClvJl ouarda or Bruce County. "Better bY far that we should be tully prepared and ~quipped , even at the expense of a few milllon dolla1"!5 and even It we ne\·er auffer enemy attacks, than to be eaucht unprepared and unequipped," said Mr. conant.. .... He ~laed. he said, the a~ ror.::u mus~ be equipped ·'to the limit ot onr fiUA nctal twt m~tl!r ls l lona Stnwbt'm (Colour &ad ftctlD.) SIII.IION :::; c'c:ro! Z. ~: 29c ~:as., DOIII:sTIC SHORTENING ••· l7c K£ii:JiUP Heino 2 ~tl:: 23c2, ':U"t 35c 2 ·~ 23c 2..,. lie ·::-· 8c SPAGdtl1i'J Hainz SVNI.IGBTSO.IIP EV.IIP. ·=· UP TOr.iATOES Aylm.,; Allll PAGE BAKED GOODS ANGEL CAKE PLAIN ~~ 25c Old J'aUio""' COOKIES lb.1Jc BREAD sum or unslkd .&aa ...,.. Wblt.e Z4--oz.. Wrap. Lones 2 lor 1'5c WSINS • .:~ 2 ••· l9c Qapker Maffets2 ..... l7c m£E u~:~ 2~ l7c Stem &. Boasts lb. SlrloJa, Wla.:, CaM uc.e.at onbl race llamp (Roas& oa~l ot Parterhouae. 29c PillE BD IIAST lb. Z5c BLADE IDAST . lb. lie S881T m IOAST lb. lie lrilbi ....... Bonolo.r n.. lie GDfUINE SPitiNG IJIIIIi PRUITS & VEGETABLES . ONTAiliO GROWN SALMON n.BSH CIUI'I'.II1.0VPIS ~·43c .&n. I m.tlou to the N.lllcet. nri•u• alua. ua H ••~ alqlJ, ONTABJO O&OWH aT&JDm TOIIIl.,OES ~·loc:tod <lu•l;ty ONTARIO GROWN DOMESTIC GIUDE .IIPPJ;F..S Duchess CALU"O&NIA. VALBNCIA I·QI. •tc &uk. • •·Ql. •sc &U. 6 ORIINGES Smoll doz. 23c Lorg• doz. 33c · ONTARIO GllOWN NO. I GRADE · POTA'I'OES 10 lb~: ZIC l~~iijjjiijjjiijjjiijjjiijjjiijjjiijjjiijjjjiijiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~---~~ re.1ou n:cr ." But If the d vllla n de-fence rorcea are· no~ eQuipped ade- . ' .. __, _ .. ' j ·-~- I 1 ,, W!'J)Nf.SDA Y, AUGUST 1941" ' SOCIAL and~: otOMMUNITY · ~PROCEDURE IN CASE O·F FLYING . ACCIDENTS The Offlcer common.d.J..D& No. 20 E.F.T.S., R.C.A.P., Oshawa, requesU; the eo-operation or residents of the TownshiP., of East. Whitby, cart- wright; Derllngton. PleUrlng, Scu· 10&· Beach an!l Uxbridge in "Sup· plying t.nimedlate, IICCUl'8 te and de- taUed ln!oim&Uon coneernine mls- h&ps tO &trcratt tn the area of these Townships. Detelled tnrorma.tlon 1.s essentlal ao that the service ambulance, tbe Di~ical and rescue squads D1ay l-each the scene of a mishap 1n tbe ··. lhortest· time pos.sl.ble. Vque. ~ in­ accurate ·information may so delay rescue , operaUOll.& that the lU.! of an airmail .might be the peri.alt.y. Immediately you witness a ~ -accident .in your neighbourh~ or b&ve information conceming'!llch a happenl!lg, kindly be guided hy tbe followinl tn.struc~ in sequence: :BLAMES ROAD HOfi :AS TRUGK:DITGHED I . · ~· Toronto Driver Narrow Eocape of Whitby Has Weat U> · Telephone (reversing ·charg- es) ~600. Oshawa, and a.st for the Airdrtme Control Officer. (2) Glve him the following in- fonnatlon distinctly and aa accur- ately u possible :- (&) If tbe accldent 1s in the Im- mediate vlc1nity or· a town or villatre. atve the name of .such town or village. <b> U on a farm. Rive the Lot Number, north or south half as t.be case may be, COncession Number and Township. Having phoned In the above ln- fonnat.ton, then take action to post someone oil the road nearest to the scene of the aocident to guide the llmbulllnee when it comes alona. when an ac:cl.dent occun you will be rendering a mast valuable !trv- loe by taking the action as Intended and your co-operation .-m be most sincerely a.ppredated. smelt very at.rongly or p.soUne, .. tcstllled. constable Love. ....... Crlpple He atated that Lenuls was unable .. to produce a key for the car when u.t.ed to do .so. Scriber, a legles:i cripple, wa.s the only one or the t.rto who did not .!;men or ga.wltnc, constable Love said. The radiator or a, car ~ed nearby wu lying 011 tbe a~t. the officer teswted. '"Ibe woman told me 1n the Jail Walter Gilson, 53 Helendale Ave., that she ,... walking up and down : :roronto, had a· narrow .escape from t.he atnet and didn't. :tno-w what ! :-cfeath yesterday monUntt when the went.. 011," Chief Elliott told the ! P30llne truck he "!'U drlvtna turn- court. "Scrlber said he tnelr what : ~ upside down ln the ditch three waa goiDa on but couldn't do any- ~ :mnes wes~ of. Whitby. over one t.bJD&: ~ut it... Lenul:s, whose . ibundred gallons of tbe 1300 ga.Don clothes ameUed very strongly of gas, , , .stated. that he· met Scriber at a Toad were to.st throuah &eepage be- i Oootlqpra 1n Toronto. The 11- fore the heavy truck could be [ censer on ~ ear li'U turned. down rtgh ted. OU.On crawled out. ot the 110 Ulat. b WN pracUeaUy tnvl&tble." truck cab wlt.h nothlna ...arse than TakJnc the stand In h1a own be- a brul5ed rl&bt knee. half LenWa admitted tbat he bad Gilson blamed the mi&bap 0D a I si.Phlmed road-hor who wa.a "hUaina tbe 1"1 .ps out of t.be other ear, centre llne or the ·hlahway'". Tbe bemo.ln& to W1ll1am Sact.et, To- truck drh-er told Provtnelal Ttaffte ronto. "We couldn't buy any ps Officer Jack Scott that a.s he was anywhere SO we ~ided to siphon drl\"lns west be noticed the motor- .some out," Lenul.s declared. · ist comlna east along the centre or Used Sipbon the road and •Oiled oU toward Ule Lenub aatd t.hat when be went ahoulder to avoid. an tmpa.ot. "Wbeil to put the Jill' In the car he split I eastd owr mY wheels went "down ruoHne "all owr the place" and In the salt grat"el," Gllson declated. . The truck ended up at rtgbt aq· that . that. acoounted for the smell. les , to dlt.eh wUh the-· tDctne Scrlber ela1med he had -nothing to ";"-':::~ the toed the ~load tb.e theft. Aet.lnc CrowD p - ~ !lie abrb. Jr., polnted - Proviqclai O!f!Cili"I!II!O't :.:iUmato<l ~e guolln~ :~oas rouahlJ at· one bundred aaUons. but. stated there Would be· a further check-up on tb.Ls. Gilson wu unfortunately un- able to ret. the llcmae number ot t:&e motoriA. THREE SENTENCED Fog;6AS THEITS ON TOWN STREff Two Men, One Let· leaa Crlpple,Draw 60 Day Terma · Three people drew Jall ternu In d.lstrlct. poUoe oourt yMterda.y on a ehara:o of t.hett. or p.50Une. coo.- etable Ronald Love or tbe WhU.by police force t.e6W$ed that he found ~ trio tn a parted car oo Alb atreet next to another nhlck. Tbe ttirte aoeuaed, IA.wrenoo LI:Dula, Prod M. scrlber, and 1m>o Clay oil P.leaded not trUilty but Len\111 tried ~.shoulder th& 'blame when he took the stand. · : wax l\lcb, Whlt.by, teaufled tbaL hi observed three people ITQUpecl around • car on AAb :atreet. at 3.00 a.m. on tile momlDa 'or J~th &Dd that. their aet.lona appeared 1\LS• plclous. He aald he lmmedlatel)' notified conal.able Love. . .. I round a Jua oootalnina ruo- Unl!'. a lencth or rubber hose, and a ·bucket in tbe eu Lenuta claimed ~ hl.s. The three raecwed per- aom W('re inside and all three "" .... ;y,~ "'I ·· ~' '"'""' t.b8 i'ap .u other two are YO'UD.I people," 8criber deelared. -zbere•a· no dOubt of Serlber'1i aullt. He knew what wu going on on and waa -6here . . I'm a.stin& for conviction of aU thr«," deelaud. the CrowD. ""lbeft. ol pa 1a aerloua at UlJ' Ume but particularly now when theft are restrict.lons on Ita WW'!. This II -ltllnc that m!rht ,..u yery prtou.s,.. asserted AcUna Crown Attorney llarb. '"I'Jn llndJ.n.- all thftle JUllty," ruled -trate C. P. Bleb, lm- po&lnc term& of three month\ apiece oo Lenuta and Scrtber. "I':i adriae you to 10 atralght. in ruturl!'," H1l WOJ'IhJp told Irene Clay, who was &lvtn one month. Read Speedometer, Cut Your Mileaae A prominent. Moatreal bua!nesa aecuUve has tllmfrd llll&hem.at1- c1an to determine Juat bow he W1U comply wtth the natlon'!lde appeal for a 50 per cent.. aa'finc' In paollne COI:LIUIDPtlOD.. ..... .,bod7 - hllmolt and his neJihboor, 'How do I lmow that I am eutttnc down my ear uae 50 per cent?' .. he &ald. "Well, hete'lii one way for the owner of a new car. He tnowa wben he got hla car. He lookl at. the mlleqoe today and almply dlvldtll t.he 5J)eedo- meter ftadinc by the numbt-r or IDOilths he ha.s had hh car. Tbat, ~. ts his roont.hly averqe. Annecl wtth tbla faet. he hM a ta!rl.J dtfl.n.lte idea ot how much he mUit cut. •to 10 50-50 with our ttahttna tO<OtO.' .. E'fen most people who bouaht second hand cans wlli remember t.he approximate ret.dl.nr of the IP"Clo- meter when they bouaht. the car ar.d can wort out tbelr moothl)' av-en.se." ' BOWIIQI It: BOWE Splooodid Pro••tieo few Sale at \ · AHractlYa Pric:eo AL~O: We an u:dusJve apnla r•r new dwtlllap behta erected on Eue:Ud and Palace Btreet.s. Let us show you how you may buy one on attractive tenn.l. .OWIIIIN • ROWE· .... &.1 ... _ • . ........_. YOUNfi FARM AIDS ARMY. ..W cause trouble soC:mer or tater- Uons" mea& a tooth. alirtaus ·troUble." aakl Cot Lott ... In · tracUon or other care -have DOIN6 ANEWORK TO SEE Say Fruit Harveat Saved By 12,000 CoUegiate Youths TRAININfi PLANES USE 6RAIN HELD Three Planea Land When Firlt One J>e. velops Engine Trouble Broot.lln, Aug. 5-Three al.rpl&Des believed to ha.ve been 1n chaqe of Royal A1r Porce trainees from. the ontario county- Elementary PlYlDa 'I'ralDln!l School -.. Oshawa land- ed Pr1daY e~enina. Auauat. 1, in M. Vipond's wheat. field. .'l'llfl rtrat plane eame to earth when ena:Jne trouble wu dlscovered. Tbe otber two followed, makinl" e.merpDCY landJ.nas. to see what was Wf'ODI and gl ve u.sl!tance 1t necesA.l'7. No damale wa.s done to aJQ" of the planea and the one -.rJ,th eqlne trouble was 150011 put ln repair ao that It eoulcl. tate off and proceed to eamp. Large numbers of l)eOple hurried t.o Ute scene fearing t.IUI.t me ot the macbJ.nes had craabed. All were relie'f'ed to find t.ba t the trouble waa not serious. HEAD ~;;t;i ... ~been!~~~~.,;;;. eoUI!iin, M1llle Churchill. put_._ M...,.. RA1oS Oorleton, 1aa. TID· nlsh, Ivan FUller and. Jack EnJlla motored to Algonquin Part for a short hoUday. Mr. Howard Roe took h1s men-y- go..round to Port Credit for the hollday_ Kr. and Mrs. Henry White spent SUnday with :ur. and )ln. James Farley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chun:hnl or Toronto called on the former's brother, lb-. Bert ChurchU.L on SUnday laat. Threshing t. tn prooress tn tbb vicinity. The crops are not as rood as usual. Mr. and lLra. R. c. Reesor attend- ed the Dec::ora.Uon senlce at Mart- dale cemetery on SUDday ltl.sL Mr. David Reesor of Toronto hu been helplnr hl! uncle, ·Robl Rees- or, on the farm durlnl the har- veat. '1\lrs. ColaD, who baa been llvtnc on the James Storey farm, has been removed to Qebawa hospital EU!ferlng with a heart. condUton. Mr. oaJan ia employed at the mu- nttton plant at Plctertng. The sympat.l::ly or t.he communtt,. is eztended to the famll.J of t.he late Mrs. Edward Wl.leon, who pu- ied away August 1. Mrs. W&on wa.o; hlahly respected bY an who i:new her and wlll b. .sadly m1ssed by ber many rrtends. $24.00 A DAY <The Plcterlnc Newa> Nothlnl appea.ra to be able to stop lt. It. was reported to us over the weeJt .. end tb.at. one man- at the mun1Uon plant. here recelftd. for one da)"s wor-t Cit waa a SUnday) t.he awn of t.:l:f.OO. Very often 1t U found thr.t. those complalnina of such wages resent it because they hue never been ~kl allJithlne like It themselves, and may bt a hit enYious. 'J'trla ia not always tbe 1 ctM. Nor do aU or the employees receive anythln&' Ut.e It. There are many ot ~ men too, who may be recelvtna a pcetty fair WIIPo whlle wortlng, but are able to ftnd employment Dilly a few montha In the year, and the aftra&e eunlftp for twelve mootha become a fti'J' amoll tte:ure: so ceze aheuld be uaed •hen crtt1.c1a1nc the UllOW\l ot a alnlkl two-weeD' pay cheque. However. we thlnt there ll aome JusWicatlon for the crlUc:lsm of f;24.00 a day tor labour, not a hleh• &ld.lled one at. that. Pollowtna' the lftateat &P.Peal ever made \o • naUon for. a1x hundred mlWon, a lot ot buyers are - to tbiM many ~ whm IRlCih as IIlia II -.... -.OM C.O.'o Landan- (CP)-With twenty tri- bunals revlewtna their cues, 80.000 men Jn Brlta!Ji have rea:Liitered u conaclenttows obJectors, and about 45.000 have been dealt wllh. ' J;- ~.- ·"". -..:._..:.._.-:: "-'·""'"' :I , Go to your,friendly ~ ..nice ~on or your local· garcagezq~ today. ,A aiuprise uwaila jou. He hUll ch~ . He will be. Ull 'c:Ourteous UD.d lhOuohtlul 011 e't'W -glad to .~ ycNo =5rlci.,w to do UD.ythillg ·!Dld enrything )w CUD to help yoiL~ .But be •- IOD!JW a !JUIIOtiae aui .. maa. :a. ~ a _gmolil'e SAVER. He will urqe you to buy W. m.teud~ !If mon. He will point out WUJ11 UD.CI mecma of wvluv g • J'ne. ·· . . \ · ' I 1 H. will tell .'fOU..~·about.tbe •50150" Pledge to c:ut your !JUII coza-1mpdm by fifty~per cenL He will invite you to .tva. He will gift you a JliibiUtic ~ lor your cur tlicit will murk you 011 a -bM Of the . ..- UD.CI thoughtlul hcm.d of cur owners c:o-oPercitmg:with the GOftl'lllllent to IIUVe gUIIQiine. ~ ~ .· . Thli. ill utiie!y' a · YOIIUllary moYemenL It ia not rutioaing. 1'bla tbe Go tit~ ,._. haPM to unrt. But we are fuced with a aitlcal · ahoi1at• of guaqti¥ due to the cliYeraion of tcmbra b o-nec. ieiYice UD.d to the growing needa of ~ Flghtbig Fa.- TheN ia- c:ull ior parlc , DO DHCIIor ul~t ibis war ia being loutbt With !JQI!Oiiae UD.d we are fighting lor our '"lY n...· S1ga 1M Plecfv'! ioclay UD.d c:Ontinue to IIUft fifty per cent of your gaeOtia~ ~em.; Ic u alw ·vicaUy irnporklr&C cli'qc you reduce che we of dome~cic and oommereiGI fuel oil. ' ~ REMEMBER: Tile 1lmoer :you drive, clae more :you IUf!el • Tlae Go~'~'••••t of tlae DOMJ,NIO.N ' .OF CANADA . . A<lilll tlvoap THE BONOllliBLE C.· D. BOWl, -., . .....-......... C:·J!. C01TIIELLE, Oil c roller , .. c...1a ' ' · . ' GO SO 50 WITH OUR FIGIITIM C fOiirl S " •.

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