Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1941, p. 4

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i • ! •' ' ,_ P_A_G~.::.S::IX.:...._..,.-~-----------c--------~-T-H=E_W_I_-I!_T_B_Y_G.=,A=Z:::.-E.::.T::...:TE:..::_:A~N~D:::_:C::...:H::...:R?._N_'IC_L=E::..· _:\V::...:E:::D:...:N..:.:E:::S:::D:.:_A~Y.:_, _::M~A::.'Y'-...:..:14~._:.1.:_94~1------------::----;,;,;;;,.,.:---:---~ Me.s··-s· ·-gg, .· . e . of A Canadr"an to load the hay on to the wagon, form a tripod, Three more pol~ Of ~echantcal loss in drying. These do th1s 1s bY tht: use or molasse$ R...J..ert. E. Stinson. 74, ducted for the last ten years. He :.. Under unfavourable weather condl· the same length are hung by Wlr~ lo.sses maY be eliminated almost which. may ·be 'added at the rate ,of """ survived by his second wi!e; three tions which may prevail. it Is usual- loops horizontally around the s~ea entirE'lY by ensUing the crops. Since 50 to 60 pounds to each ton ·of en- Lindsay Merchant, Dies ~ons, Norman oi' Hamilton: Harold. · ~· ' { . ly necessary to cock the hay, a nd of the tripod, 24 inches from . the the imma Lurc legUmes are relatively ~iled crop. As the crop betomes radio operator with the RC.A.F. a:' rro· . Ur"s Cou' n trym' en leave it to cure for a day or two at ground. with the ends extending high in both molSture and protein, more mature the amount of molass- Gra\'enhurst., a nd Harvey in Kan531 t I. 4 fl j least. Under very ad\'erse cond1.. 11bout 12 inches past the legs. From considerable care should be exercis• es maybe reduced . Lindsay, May 13.-Robert E . stin- Ci ty. tlon.s the use or hay caps on th~ 500 to 1,000 pounds of hay may be ed In the ens1ling. It is necessary Further Information in regard to .son, prominent hardware ~erchan~ His Excellency Re- ceives J. U. Gauthier, S p e ci a I Montreal Agent, at · His Resi· dence in W aabington; Confident in British Victory IBY J. U. GAUTHIER) The ·words that follow. are a mes~ aa.ae which I feel lt is my duty to communicate to my Canadian coun- . t.rymen,-Engll.sh and French . I W1Sh to point out to them the great honor which was bestowed upon \bem in my h'tlthble person . through Lord HalUax at present Ambas.."ft- dor of Great Britain to the United mates. At Lord· Halifax's · Recently his Excellency has been 'tind eilobgh to receive me with a 'tlDdneSS and generoSity which have ' deejily ~'tOucb~ ·me~ Lord Halifax . ftideii.Uy Wished to give vroor or hla eXtrenie .interest in regards to '$be ~e ~f Canada, • of course, but ...:.·~~· p;It!cularlj. w.i~ regards to 1 u.e .... ,~ .:· canadian. · minority ~,I. l'eP!"~.sented on the occasion of uie mom~nt. ~ I confess that I was very strongly IIDPressed, at the outset,-further- more, 1n ,an agreeable inanner,-by tJ:e distinguished sUbouette, ele- pnt and- '\~ry 'swelte of this mar- vellous per.::on, Loid He.llfax. He is 'PerY ·tan.· ::o tall th!'.t a P arisian , Revu~ piCtured him . recently I!:S "'taller than the t alle!t guard oC the ICing of England" . And, l! one could . have written of-- him .that he was tn hhn :Oufltry ·the IM!St· dressed man among:jt the English, he appeared tO ~·me tn the United states to be , t.ll.e best dressed man of llll Ameri- cans. iTbfs great Lord, with such a fine reputation in England as an ardent patrlot, does not · fear ,-although a thorough Englishman,-to _p~lalm· S&venign. ' the Queen of England, when she visited Canada. I took ad,.·antage of the oppor- tunity t.o e!iprcss to their Excellen- cies the sincere admiration that \\·e have for them and the royal auth- ority which they represent t.owards us ; the great desire of good under· standing and union which the best minds in Canada hor-e for in favor of the reht.tions between the two great races of the land; the happy nnd serious progre&e; which have been realized in th is sense, ('special- ly since the begimng of the actual war. with the view of closer and fore frn ternal co-operation enabling to realize more eCfectively and more promptly the common and great victory. I have allowed myself to announce the definite realization of this victorv before the ncar fu- ture. I have t.hC'ught it advisable to say even. before the gathering sur- rounding us when I had the honor to be photographed with His Ex- cellency that within six months our allie::l weP..pons would triumph over the A~.is migh t : at any rnte England may be ns.su;:·cd oC the Canadian loyalty, French as well as English. If I allow myself to spe:1k in the name cf the 3.500,000 French-cana- dians of C!\nada 1\S well as the <:.000,000 actua lly in \ the United S tates. I believe that this rlg:ht will Oe easily granted me, in as much as I have had the honor to offer t!> the mili tary units of His Majesty l~e four ol::lcst of my nme .sons. the fifth p!ep:!.!'ing himself to follow l•is brcthers. I may therefore sp.:-3X ti'lth the authority given me by m~ twel·;e children in the name of the 7.500.000 of brave Canadian-Frencl: tl"•..at they ~ish to den y nothing of their French traditions no more t han their loyalty to the English crown. And that 1s why. we French~ canadians remain and wish to re~ main lcyal to Frince, to thlS France which we love and which a tempor- ary misfortune keeps today humil- iated under tbe German hoof, but ~t·L9rd Balifu. British ama w~~-ij~~ee. .. u his and · whiCht "ill· know soon the joys or loyal frleo.::I. .of . the . . the R'!surre::tlon with the r~turn of True En~lishman, of real origin, its liberty: this is our intimate con- Lord Hal!!al.: ce.rries wfth "hlm' un- fidence-t_ and we wish to do every- deniable proof of the most perSonal thing in our power to hast-en thls eha:rnctiCrt.pftcs-as ;~eJ\..as.the J?«>t:Pt giorlo!J! :day. hla natlone.Uty. This man, who just usumed In the· unttCd States· Ukc" Mr. Chur'chillln' Englarid. Q:·rmh of of t-he h :avi:!st responsibilities tr. tntematlonal politics a nd In the extremely complex tvolut~oQ, p[ the actual v.-ar, · showed. ~ .ill ~e. r yery· outset of our IntervieW. a ,clear' in- tellect. sure of it.s:!lf, entirely aw.are. or: all the problems of actuality, of an energetJc wUl gdlng . stmicht to the point of a firm .soul, courageous, able to blend ~ the n p.RJ_l.CF-\ 9,f , the most - attentive 1 emo't!~~ !0 ' tlie ir- ruisUble stattimenta .:ot ' a man of Lord Q:allfax was klnd enough to l!sten with the warmest interest to the reinark.o; that I made with rn~ rr:-.rds to the relc.xlng of the English b!::ck:!.de and \\"ith regard to the ~1elp in !~stuff.s supplied to non- occupied Prance by the gon•mment Of · the United S tates. God Alone i\bster . Aft.er all. in -spite or the stale of \\·ar ac tually existing, humanity Is the only cons!derntton here and huinanlty In t.he Chrlstlan sense of the word. rrea,t -.lluthorlty. , ·: f: ..i ~ . " :The Fren ch-Canadians. like your I t IS · kn:"o-Wn ·th~ "'e~w.on, - ~n "bts ' ~~cllency ,-1 took the _liberty to country the con!id"enoe of the "Pea-· JfObl t out to Lord Hatlfai.-are pJe U ,-ell u - of the .' aristocracy, deeply Christian and with you they the- afftclton of the ~r ,classes as think. that 1f the world suffers so well "M:~. the ~ .most ~a:r~Unate·· oDes, much i t is because It toriot ihe the sympathy or' the- cilt.hOHtti~ as . pra_cticc of the Divine command~ well as that of the Protestants. m ents the · flrst ot which is .chtirJtY, Therefore, His Majes"ty tbe King Indeed, we are com·lnced that of England could · not ·Select ·more i·ictory is dcftliitely In the hands; of dlanlfied a person to re~r~nt hlni God: He \\:lll give It, before &flY- in the UnJ ted State.'!, perhaps with HUng, and v.·e are sure of this, to the anUclpated booc ' that Lord the belligeren ts, who.- through and Halifax's field. · o( · innuence would h . spite or the unbelievable a trod- extend beyond the AtPertcan bor- lies and univcrsnl hatred.-will den and would be felt no doubt," but have round ways and means, to effecUvl'! even by the Car:ndlan pea- maintain a few sentiments of char - ple. ity, as soon 8.-') circumstances permit That is why I m'u'st underscore. lt. In a special manner, thi! kind words that lib Excellency has been nice flDOUBh tO. tell me and o( the gen - erous. sympathy which he has marltr~ted" towards our canadian - French papulation. EncouragCd by t.O man y of l;tis delicate attentions I dkl not }lesltate to post the Am- ba~&dQr of Qreat B\itilin \\ith our generous and h ex0!0 Jiar effarts. especli.Uy In view' at the tact t hat our , c;.p:aalan fasnl~s· are lncoffi- puably- mere . nUITI~ and our populi tlOn inor(' iluo\erOus. and our populaUan more. resthitc"d,' th.e pro- port1QD Of oui-. Vqluntf!er, - ~d · the accrued taxe! so much hea9ier t6 carry are proof In a tangible man- ner or. our substantial .sincerity and ol olir loyalty towards the English caus:e. . · In the aame interview whic h his lm'd"shlp .'Shou ld \'lslt Canada ~tnd get a .true idea or our real sen ti- ments .,_en~ devotedness towards the Brt~ i ri.oy9.1tj ~~d . S[l tish · Co!ll~ monwealth . I shioerelY liope mY un - official _1~v1~~rl ~l) h~ve res\llts. • ~~ •- SebUinenb LR<ty Ha\lfai ;s-hPte~ the .~e ~~u­ ments oih'er distinguished husband towartb us a nd knows how to trans - lf.te Jn t\u-n In 1Um most amlnb le ' faahl~ the . feellngn whl ::h . were he:Jd and revea led by our cr:~c!ous Legume Hay, Silage Feed for Dairy Cows Legume crops, such as alfalfa and red clover. If properly handled.. will make very palaLable and highly l~Utrlt lous feed for da iry cattle Sin ce uie.se crops are particular!\ hlgh in protein, their use tends to reduce the amount or thl<i com- J;ound which would otherwise ha\'C tc. be purchased m concen tra tes 6! \"~rlous sorts , and thus th e cost c! producing "mlik may be l!H\'ereJ. ~. t ates p 0 . Rlple), Field Husban\t - f\" Division, Qentral Experimen ta l Fn rm IL Is desirable to obtam the maxi · n>um amount of protem from thes~ cro]JS and . therefore, cut ling shou iC: be commenced v.·hen thf'\" nre In the early blrom .staGe. Wh!le tht crops contHln more protem at thl:; s tage, lifJ;Cntcr dlfrlcul ty in harrest· ing Is encountered becatLS e the crop contains more molst1,1re and r.llma:- :c conditions durinG the enrh• sea - son arc often noL favournb le !or hay making If· weather condtUons ale part!· culnrly favourable. It may Lw Jl0 '-'>1· [) le to cure t.hc c:·cp li'l th (' \'. !1!11 and windrov.·, and u::e a h!l,l; lo:tc!cr cocks will often pro;·e benehcial. piled or stacked on to this tripOd to add some materia l which wl!.l silage and hay making evan be ob- or LindsaY, d ied sunday night in These may be made from ... --ater- ir. the form of a hollow cone. The quickly create an acid condit.l<m ln tained from any Experimental Farm h1.s 75th year. Mr. Stillson was born p:-oof cotton or duck, four feEt nir cnn thus circulate under ·, thP the s1lage. Th!-'5 maY be done by the or Agricultural College. in Manvers township, and learned square, ~nd weighted at the cor- h lly and upward through the cent!e direct addtt.ion of mmeral acids t~ the hardware bu~ss with the late ners to hold the cap on the cock. of the stack. The hay may. be"Iett the croil when ensili ng. This me~h - AUSTR.!\LIAN TRADE h trl od ' · · ~ i- J. G . Edwards, where he remained The tripod method of curing has on sue a P or two weekS jf od. howc;·er. Ins not become popn-ith t l 1 · ·~ · • od to Melbourne <CP) Aust-"a's for se\'enteen years. He represent.eS recently gained fa\·our for use when ne~s.sary, w ou serous y affect;.; · lar. Anothe-r meth s cncourag~ - ..... 1!1 ' · o.,.·erseas- trade in 1940 was valued "Sherwin-Wllllams Company for a the weather is bad. With thl.s meth- in_g the quality. · ~he formfl. tion of l11ctic acid by the 1 , at £245,219,000 ($865,623.00()) com- quarter of a century. returning :o od three 7-foot poles are wired to- In hay making cOIU>lderable lOSses r..ddit1on of readily fermentable pared with £194,691.000 in 1939, an purchase the business of J . G. Ed- gether at one end and set up to may occur due to leaching .and .::.ug-ars. The most practical \Wll' to i increase of !:50,528,000. wards & Company which he con- i' '•f. BOLD FOR FUTURE London (CP)-High v.-art1me un- emplo}ttnent has resulted in a. bal ... ance of £54,534.577 ($245,405,596) in Britain's Unemployment Insurance~ Fund but lt is annoum:ed there will be no unemployment benefit increase or reduct-ion in c:ontrlbu- t.ions. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY by Brandon Walsh _____ T::...:H:..::~ WHITBY GAZETTE AND ~ONICLE, WEDNESDAY. M~Y_14_, 1941 PAGE SEVEN EEKLY NEWSPAPER EDITORS ~,~~-...~·~.d~.:.~,:::-:e •h= •• .,~.ve=,,.th::iin. i:=================::=, LASSIFIED ADVERTISING Few Solo t BALE - BABY'S PRAM. 1m wicker, very cheap, Phone 611 ltby; R. SALE - SMALL COOK fie, two beds_ complete, two s.sers and waah standi!J, wicker irs. kitchen dla.lns and lawn 1\ter.- AppJ.Y 301 Colbome st.. l tby. :t SALE--TENT 15 x 25, WITH ~ Wall. Wtlt.e E. Wilbur. Hamp.. j telephone Bowmanville 24211. R. SALE-YOUNG PIGS POJ\ I. Apply Rich. Brown, RR. I, ltby. Telephooe 1100. ioLEOM AND OONGOLEOM is. select. youra rrom. Over aoo lema actually In .stock. You are lted to view tn~1: at BRADLBYH k.NrruRB STORE, lfO Slmcoe tet. SOuth. Osbawa ' ' BALE - GUARANTEED tires. all slzu in stock. John'• , King and Dundas Stueta. E IN YOUR OLD TIRES ON Dunlop Ports. Liberal allow- on ·'Old ttrea. Euy terms. 'a Place, King and Dundas Bl, tby. SALE - BABY CHICKS. e "gi.Yea you a. choice, 18 pure and. 11 hlb:rids to choose from 'I'lrkey paul~. For full inform- and prices. phone c. P~rgu .. • 6ffTW 11, QMlawa. A.M. FOR SALE - 173 ACRES bmJng Clanmont, excellent ln and dairy fann. grain crop i ha.y included. Hydro, water 1n n. level wooded• ra.vin with ~. 12 acre& Maple aDd Birch. k. Eric Pea.roe, 107 HUbdale ~t, Toronto, Hud30n 18S'J. P., SALE-WORK HORSE. AP· .~ ~ttt Kapuscinski, R.R. No. 2, ~Y- 1< SALE-TO CLOSE >STATE. Epsom. 7 roomed house, well It, 2 acre gar-Mn land, hydro, n, prage. chleken bou.te: real p at $1,1500, half cash. Principals r. A'ply owner Mrs. Campbell. · ~; Queen Street EUt, Toronto. For Rent R !UlNT-FllR!fi8HED ROOMS rent. suitable tor men. Apply Dun1op atnet, Whitby. k RENT-BED SlTI'ING ROOK. bO&td, man and wUe or two Apply m c-.. .- h. Whitby. RBNT-=APARTloll!:N"re AND for- rent. AlSo for aile, Pot4 alt. ltS8. meotrtc atowe t.nd r. W'rltina desk. DU:IriR ar· Apply · Oa.ette orne.. · Wanted DIL I'OR OOI<ZILAL k . atead:r employment. aood chlldnn. A:PJ)lr Mrs. A. R. e. 488 MU80!1 at.rftt.. Oehawa. - lBN BOARDKR.ft ted. (IOOd home c:ooklnl- Ap- 1518 Broc:~ Street South, Jtby. Wanted WANTED-TRACI'OR WOIUt OP any lrlnd. Telepb.OM no,· Whitby. W ANTilO - GOOD 110M!: POR dog, aetUJr. Apply Walter LAwrence, R.R. No. 1, BrOoklin, ODt. ROOM AND BOARD-1100)( AND board tor 00e « two men, IOOCl .-mr. no centre at. sou111. . 1VIDD8 WANTED Tenders wU1 tte received. unW the hour of noon, St.turday, Kay 11th, 1941. at the office ol the 8teward. ontario Hospital, Whitby, for 1M purehue and removal of aU cinders J)l"Od.uoed at the uld hospital for the periOd, lh1 ~. 1841. to M:a)' 21at. 1M2, except that the vendor reaervM tbe rllht to any cind.trt l'f!• qulred. fOt" the U3e of the aaJd Hos· plt.al dUl'int the aald pi!IJ'iOd. Purther pe.rtlclJlara, U dMlred, may be obtained at the otflce of the Stewan1., Ontario KoepitaL Whitby, Ont. TENDE&I$ WANTED Separate tendflrs wanted for palntlnl' and fepl.ir1na school fenciP and We draining the IChool yard. For pertlculan apply S. T. Kemp• thorn~. Secretary. Town IJne School, R.R. 1. Whitby. NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Ol'HERB In tllt: Estate of MARIAN SIMPSON, deoea.sed. AU pflraons having claims aaalnst the esta.te of Marian Slm1)30ll. late of the Township or East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman. deceued, who died on nr about thl'! 23rd day of January. 1841. are hereby notlf1ed to send In to the underniKDed &xecutor of tht saJd E!latfl on or before the Ust day of May, 1911, run particulara of their claims. Imfnl'!dl.ately after the $8.1d date, the said Ea:ecutor 'NiD dlsU'lbute the sS!Iets of t-he .slttd de• oeued having regard only to clalma of 'Nhlcb It shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto tbl.s 23rd day of April, 1941. THE 'l'ORONTO GENERAL TRUstS CORPORATION, Bay and Melinda. Street.r, Toronto. Eleclltor. By MORTIMER CLAJI.K, GRAY, BAm.D & CA WI'HORNB, Its sollcf.· tors herein. cMay 12.) CAlU4IOHAElr-At BUffalo, N."t'. Oil "nlursday, May 8t.h. 1041, t.o the Roe'#'. Ralph Carmichael and llrJ. Carmichael, a aon. · HARDING-At Otbawa Oeoera1 Hoop!tal, on ~y. ..,.. 1!. IHI. to >&r. t.IICI " ...... J~ -·'"- _, J-) . """· ---- i'ERGtJBON-ID li'w!ri& mem6<y . of .~. D~ A. PII'I\MO!l, who wu calJed to a. hlaher aerv1ot, em Ma7 ]Mh,; lD!'fo Take up thy crou and follow Him, Nor. lllblll:, rilll dlalll, to )¥ It · down; - • Jl'or only he who bean the erou. May hope to wear the rlorioUI crown, In that brlrht. et.ernal etty, Where no tean e'er 4im the eye; In the home ol many manalona We -w111 meet h1m bye ll!ld bye. Ever nmembered. by his trlendl. FEROUSON-In lo~ memory ot · Mn. Mary ftl'l\l&Ol\, who entered ·tnto reat. on April 15th, ltn. We c;Umttt. clup your har~d. Your taoe we cannot .ee; But let th1a: Uttl• token tell. 'rb•t we aWl remember thet. E'\-er rtmemberect bY biPI' :nim&. ROFESSIONAL CARDS UNDERTAKING I LEGAL r-~W~.~~TO~WN~-- --~~~~~-­ W. J. HARE. B.A. D-. .... ,_._ llonlaW, llbudtor, lfolarr - ci~ ....... - ••• , ... _ 10 A. o. llrowllllll. lt.C. "" • )llloo: Ul ll!lO(ll( lf!'atiiiT If. l'elep-: .. - ·Wio»J A. G. MARLOW moiUIAL IIIUtftCil. AIIBULAHCS I , I, BDOWO&a Ptmcral DINd .. ,,. -aL- URRA Y A. ROBINSON AJIIIULAHOI IIB&VICZ I'11N&JIAL DIII.BCTO& AND FUIIIIITV&B DEAL&& ...._ N-. ,.. .. .,., oat.· BLACK ol: OKE FUNDAL AND AMBULANC.: SUVICZ 1 ..... II. B1ac1r, - taeral .U...Ior - --· Pll•e tl4 a" etacn aa... ... , .. _.., VETERINARIAN DR. A. S. BLACK v........, .... ,_ II&DO!ll.IN • OHTAWC 'nLUBONaG DR. G. R. BOOTH Aocnolil.d Vot•' ·ry L&rao and ~ .llllalai llltlt17 ~ AU...IIoq to All OOllo JU .... 8L W•l. ,_.. •• TelephoDe 21, Ooh.wa MEDICAL DR. R. T. MacLAREN .........,_......., o..-....., ... -a.._._.., ... ONa Mt_. · OR. FAED!RICK A. CUDD'i : PBI'81DLON P8DN8 tU Ctraer .,._ ... c.n nw Ita. R. DONALD RUDDY Ia-, llolldlor, NoWr ...... Olftotl ... 1M c..n ..... ........ a-a PIIODo .. DUNCANB.MctNTYRE ........ , ........... "....., Ollleo: -·L- -IM tNitJ INSURANCE LW.DUDLEY ...,_ .... .Eaopln Life bripmo C.. - oloo- IICIN!III, nilE; AV'l'OIIOIIILI, AOtllDENT. . W D ...... II. W. • 'hltrohoa• HI GORDON F. OSBORN£ btMrteo ..._ Em!olre Lite I• - C.. .,.,....., bl Ule ,._,. .. JOO ·- St. N. Wlolllt, CEMETERIES GROVESIDE CEME1'£RY IUNOI-~ T.OIIU&.IleiOiaUio .Ill. w: l'tl.t'I'\)P bMitr Ia I•Jt W ... "e·e&r . 0 ....... :::. ~ ~ "*---........... = £usy Day Sa!urday THE ST o LAWRENCE .. PLEDGED To . SUPPORT WAR Saturday was a very bu.sy day for EFFORT To THE UTMOST ~~:.::~~·:~· :..~~:h:~' ~iv..:~~;.;:: DEEP WATERWAY · ._.. BON. ANOUI L. lllACooN.lUI •. Mlrllater of Nau.aal Del.aee ftr Naftl Alfaln. wbe .. .,._. 1l'fl'!k... If n-...pe J'INdtien tl Oatarle ud Qadec &1. dlelr llllllaaleeaftll• tloa. Ia llamlltcltl ... l"rrh,-. ·Wincl.on Shop While Curiou• Pound Window• WOMAN IS KIUEO AS GAR DITGHED the b\Uine!ls of the con\"ention. Gatberina at Hamilton Tbanked For Support Already Given tD 1JI luneheon they were guesU (~J W.=_ I. bed.er) ..----------=---l.~~~~:~~··~:,,~t~end~ered. by the Au- 1 ~ Board. Ths is the Eec:md Instalment of an · r.lnt u; 1181 th~ · Cn~nnel · wU' p£0. .!lrttc:e w!itt~n for the os.:::ett.e and gress!vely dttpened . until. tn 1892. Chronicl:! b:• w. J. Le:!der, of Whit• ~0-fOOt de!)tb w_u provided 1n the by, on the St. Lamence deep water- Detroit .and St. Ol&lr_. rherJ~ alid 11 "·ay scheme. The first Instalment teet 1n lake 8t. Clllt .. At the pr.ese!lt appeare:t las t week. The third and tll;llie · 20-foot. '~th- is i.vaUab]e . hi final Instalment will appear in our upbouitd cbann"eb __ ·a.nd 15 fett · 1n PatriotiC Elforta - Publisben DIKuu Many Pzoblema, Elect Olficen IIJICI Enjoy Enterlalnmenl ..Acn.T.OOiY, . Palalbb.tt of the DuDd.allt ~ B~d. Ticeo-praid.ent ef tbe ()btarie-Que~ beO ltirll1n ot tbe <>nad!a'D Week· Jy N~pa- Assoeiauon. whO wib .. appolQted praldeD.t. of Ule Auo- dalib. at. Uie allD.ual eoaftDIIOD lD Bamllt.n last week-end. At lunehecn, With Russtoll T . Kelley as speaker, Vi!ltor.s were the &UP£t5 of Johnaton, EVer.!on & Charlesworth. At this gathertna- the presentation ot ti-ophJes and prizes took place. next issue. doWnbound Chi.nneh. · · · • John Ma.rsh. o( Amherstbtirg, v.•as elected first \'1-:e-presldent, · 1nd C. B. Smit-h, of Creemore, Qnt., wa! vlce .. pre!ldent; B. A. Que., continues u .secre~ Wella~d Ship CaD a I The ne# ~obstructton to"" tree t navl .. The next obstacle to navlgaUon Is gatlon :Oc,i'ut~ 1n the at. Marr·a r.resente.d by the 'Niagara .river r iver, conneetlDJ lakes Buroil-- v.-hlch c:~nnects b.kes ontarJo' and Ulehllan and. eupftjor. Ttie · b,ta.l arfl : D. R.. WU<;en, Eri_e. It J.? overcome by the Weiland I dltttrent4 Jn 1 1 beC.. · . ~these Que.: C. P. 8h1p Canal. . • · ev~ -~ M Ont..; C. E. Bond. ~e ,Weiland Ship CanaJ, which Jakes b about U ~~ feet. ·· a~Ut 11 ant. ; L. B. Cslnon, crosses the Niaa:ara Peninsula 10 feet -of ~hlcb ~:In tbe~plds w. C. Aylesworth, Watford; mUes v.·est of Nla&ara Falls and Sf,Wt. 8~. - u:an.. . ID-.. t'l01.:1T9a Stan: waterloo: Hugh ccnnecls L:~:ke ontario wtth Lakt tHe Nortb'fJe!lt· N · eoftipaDY·~buUt Gordon Ans~ Erie. with a dlflerence in eltvation tJ;te fltst tatlal to Of!rClome ·this dlt- Wllaon, Temp- of 327 fe:t , hp a long and tn~re5t- ~:!renee ln l~nl '·.on. tlie , Ci..Da<llan and,An.'ilow are new dii'flCtors. lng history. The first canal buUt by dfstroyed :by-uriltid Tropbles Awaftled a private company bttl'.-een 1824... 181f". :rri i~~-~i:: The stflphemM.Memorlal trophy 1833. had a depth of n 2 feet. tt Wu ~; papers In munlctpali.tl~ ot 4.500 later taken over by the for the best front J)l.lle amon&news- nbout 27 miles long. 'Ibl1cla~na~l!w!a~s~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pt:Jpulatlon ar leM -was awaided to l'f Upptr canada and enb.rktd be-the Canadian Statesman, Bowman- tw(;en 1841-l&O: Its completion ville, or which George Jame.s. well coincided with the completion of the known In Whitby b publl~her anc! st.. LJ.wren::c canals tn 1Bt8. already editOr. referred to, and nermltted btlats 140 Mr. Macintyre ttfe' new president, fE-et lcng of 26 r;et beam and 9 foot ! '~~'~i:~:~!~~,~~~~~~~~~~1~~ was awarded the Joseph draught to as:end far the first time Memorial 'n"ophy for th~ best all- from MontPeal to L3ke Erie. Thf= sround newllpa!)el' tn centres with construction of the third .Weiland 1,500 nopuhtlon, or l!!'Sil, alSo th!!' canal was b:!gun about 1,.8'13· and prize In the Job-printing compet!~ completed for 14-foot navigation' 1D tlon. BV dll'f!ctlen of Mr.· Macintyre 1887. As alre.ady noted, however, the the latter award wu given the entire enb.rgement ar the st. Law- Lanark Era • . nttl.ner•up. r!'n ce canab for 14 Cot navlga.Uon Complete lJ.st of prize winners Is: was not completed until 1901. A ve,s .. stephenson Memorial Trophy, b~.o;t sel 236 ff!et long 'of 43 feet beam and: tront. ·page among newspaperS In drawing 14 feEt could then a.o;eend munt::lpaUUes with 4,500 populaUon, from Mcntreal to the htad of the or lM'I, Canadien Statesm.an. Bow- Great. Llkc.s. manville; HUntlngdon Gleaner. In 1913 work was begun on the Huntingdon, Quebec, and Temis~ Weiland Ship Canal. Con!:tructlon kaming S!leaker. New llikeard. was s~pended tn the !.e ll c! UniJ Pearce Memottal Tr09h:V. be.st edi- <!ue to the war but wu resumed torla.l !J9.ge, o!)l'!'n to all we~klies, llfte.r the cessation or ho.st1lltle5 ··~·• . I .••. ;. Fort Erie Times-R.evlew, Amherst- comp~tcd In 19~. The new .ship burg Echo, and Fergus News-Re·· c:mal ~follows an entirely new route cord. JoseJ)h Clark M~orial Tro- betwten Lake Ontario and Thorold phy, best all .. a;trund newspapers in but, with ci!'rt!ln divergences. tot;. oenhu with l.SOO populat.t.on, or that of the former canal' froiD le~ Dundalk Herald. stouffvUle 'I'd- that · point. to L!Lke- Erie and b or bune, and Pert Elgin Times ; job approximately the same l!ngth.-m 9I"lntlng, nunda.lk Herald and Lan- Uft !tom lake to lake ts. or ark Era. The Gazttte and Chronlclfl the .same as be!o~ but !s :.::::~·1 had no entries in the compeUtion.tt pllshed with onlv f!l&ht but plans to ~ter for pr1aea otfend. a&atnist t.wenty-s"tx Jn the by the Dominion As.soclatJon 1n . canal. Sevetl or tbese are 159 August In Quebec City. and on~ 1.380 feet long, and aU TO HALT RELIEF OF EMPLOYABLE BYISTOFJ.UNE 80 reet ·w~ with ao-root depth on the leek ,A~. 'l'h~ p~ent avallable depth is 2S feet althouah about l:llles of the c::uu:J are d.redled . 2'l feet. Upper J.akH Tb~ Detroit m::1 the s t." : onnccUon Toronto, May 12 - !:m.plOy&b1e1 1rill be ta.ten .. ott relltf and put to • •ork on fa\1111 and in faetortes u rt$ult of. a provincial aurvey of th~ IU~~ !i ·~~ requlreme.nta, Hoa.. N. 0. Minister of La,... and Public Welfare, announc:ed at Quteo.'s Now is· the Time to Insure YOUR,· AUTOlt8BILE . . - :;."- \ With tbia JIIOII'elliYe aCencY. ' Low ratu - atrong companiel - Something new and d!IFerent in an unucellecl c:laima aervice. • CEO~ H. VI(:K Tolephoao 1179"' 108 8ri.ck St. North Eveniioao - W. A. Lawsao, P.O.. SOO ' ' Pall. , New regulations caD · for the te- moval frOm ftltan rollS of the fot .. owing catqortes on the followlna dates : · Reclptents who are es yeara or age · or 1,1Dder and ·"fully emplo:rable slngle males on lo4:.ly 15: fully ·em.: ployable male heads at famlltes of two or three <husband and wife or husband and wUe: and on.e depend- enu, on Uay 15: tully ftD])Io,rable male heada of famUy <1f four m "June I. and familieS of more than lour will! fully. emplllfible heo<la on Jum: 15. . • ·At ·.Qie;c;~(f; ·~. WeUare .Ocrm• rnt.}oner , t.&~r ·· m.ted he ~. not eet!m&te the ·Du.IDbV of Torora .. tonlan3 ' .whc)!w®Jd ~- cut. 'Ott fe- Uef u a 'renilt' Di-t.btl ~;4•Pvk Ol'der. He ·li J:tai ·- n,.Ot )"et fecdtec~ notice- ot ,~ .new ·:i'ullna. . r The · provlDelAI <HpOotment lna:pecitora in all cUy welfue _.,_, J and they. wUl cSet.mlne th~ are fully -pl-. Unt!i tbls done the- cit)' · wlU not know bow manv cltheos wUI be taken Off relief, .!~1 · Brougham Brougham, May I3 . ..:.Ur. and Mrl. 'E, crocker and Mra. R . Witter ot 't'oronto wetfl aueats 01 :ur. and Mrs, L: MatthewA on Sunday. · Mrs. Wallace ltllh:ott of Toronto. spent SUDdiy with tbe W~ Ell1cott famUy, , Mls! ltll• Wallace of Toro!lto was with her ufocle and aunt, lolr. and Mrs. T. c . Brow a , on' Bun day. )(r. and lotra. ' W. Brown paid a fb'lng Vlslt to their parenta on St.t• PHONE 579 Banerott. lol~alrl- OhtrlM I r;,;;,;;,;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;,;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;:;;;;;~ DubbltiiOID, 41, of Jiella ~. II 8111101' IO!mahlp W&l ldUI4 'ini!IDt• urday .evenina. . 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Huah Gannon were With their J>"Opll for t~~e• WMlt•tad, 1r saturday e.-.niDI whm tbl l:&t In • hteh lhl , .... pU.stDI8I' ro&1td tnto • ditch. plnntnl blr R*\tat.tl lt. - MoOo<>ald, hLu!lter, Mrl. Ma.hood. &nil Kn. DUbbl .. tetn 'Wft'f! 011 UJ,elr way hare when a Ul'l at»w out u llol7 wm uoatdinr a IIIli, II mllea nortb_,t of Banerolt. :a.rr. llcOacald 1topped t.ne ear and M:ra. MahOOd aot. out: 11\t car a~rted. backlnt 4a.n \be lncllDt, MUUnalJ out. ot · ca~trot Mr&. :OUb- bi .. IOID atiOmptod to rtl ou~ but t.ht car \'ttred over c.o tht bltftk ot a. fill ancl Ule door, opm an her atdt, uuah~. bu. uarowtna hlr. ti'tet tbl em,Molr.,.,t Tbt ear i'OlJ6d. Ofti' t.WlOI, oom1nc tO fMt. Clft 1Wi trbltll aG fett below the ra&CI, ·'nit dri.Ytf remained. a t the wbiel aDd aeme out uniCilt.bM:I. An ,;;, ... 1 ww 11.0 ~>eld *' ao. J'lme ro lnfure!! £et · V• Quote: hfca· ' 1".---. We have aold many p~pe~q ~the past ~" "-" ~ few week•. Let ua ~IJ yo~ra. BOWIIHIII & liOJIW 102 ·pUNDAS tAST .. , . . . · . Mr. !!nd Mrs. Moftat and lolrs of 'J"t)ronto were Brouah- am Caller• on S&tuiday,: , Th6 MOUI.tn' Day .service ~d ll rery ltJ.:Jt &tte~ance . . 'l'hl ment of baptism was obserred for the lnfant children of Mr. and )l(r.s. ·Harold Bart~Jay and Mr. aDd. lira. Roy McWhirter. 1 The sunday evening service of the Y .P. Union was under the lead .. et-sh1p of Franci.s WUI.son on Sunday e\'enlng. "DOminion from Shore ;o 8hore" was the . topic of the meet- A weu .. attended meet.inl ot the Happy Olrcle Mba1an Band wu held saturdaY. at the .. home of M l's. , uadtr the JeaderahJP of Mrs. Alan . Mlr..s H...mnton Presided. The girls art prepiring articles far ll!!lr ml<iic¢¥Y bOle. DUNDAS ST. EAST

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