Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 May 1941, p. 1

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( ' ·-··- VOL. 77-NO. 46 ··SEEK·· REBRUITS Ask Protectioh FIRE MARSHALL ASKS Cou·NCI:L ·TO AMEND BYLAW Owners of Business Bloc:ka Made Into Apartments Are Noti- fied to Provide Proper Fire &capes GIVEN SHORT TIME TO OBEY ORDER Official Points Out Danger of Fire on Second and T h i r d Floon When Proper Exits Are Not Provided The attention of the Town council has been called by w. J. scott, K.C., Provincial fir marshal, that third floors of a number of buildings In Whitby have recently been occuple!l. or are are being a.l tered Cor occupa- tion as living quarters. In many instances, he says, these third floors have only one means of exit, usually consisting of an open stairway to the second tloor. It Is obvious, he says, that In case of a fire In the building, the occupants of the thlr!l flo« would have no opportunity of making an escape It the only exist- Ing means o,r egress were blocked by fire or smoke. The condition nece&sltates the provision or an al- ternative independent meana of exit in a Jlumber or lnstan~ and own- era ot buildings bave been oom- ·Whitby Church Plan• To Make It• 75th Year Plans are being lald at a commit- tee meeting on Wednesday evening by All saints' Church. Whitby, for the marking of the '15th anniversary of the opening of the church tor public worship. The cornerstone of the present building was laid In June, 1864. following a period ' ot three years when services were held in the mechanics hall which u..<ed to stand on the southeast corner of Brron and Mary Streets. The first service was held 1n the church on November 4. 1865, when Rev. J. D'Arcy Cayley WIL5 the rector. It Is expected that arr&ng1!ments will be made to observe this anniversary 1n a worthy way. SAY MOTORIST DROVEOFFFROM AC~IDENT HERE Fonner Whitby Man Taken Into Cuat.ocly by Local Police YOUN6 ORATOR PAYS TRIBUTE TO BRITISH NAVY NeiJ. MacCarl Says the Tradition of Trafalgar Being Maintained y Modem ships, with modem guns. ue not enough In the service or the British Navy !or It takes brave and courageous men to man them, Nell 1\laeCarl, age 13, and bright studen~ of Whitby High Scbool, told memberS of the Whitby Rotary Club at their weekly luncheon at Hotel Whitby on Tuesday. HIS subject was "The British Navy". NeU Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter MacCarl, It was related by Ro- tarian Joseph Shields who in tro- duced him, and during his first y~;ar at high school he was the winner of the. Junior Tamblyn Con- test and more recently won first prize for his oratory at the Ontario County Seed Fair heJd at Beaver- ton.' Nell displayed a relil •knowledg! of his subject and Imp~ the Rotarians that he Is certainly a public speaker in the making. The speaker told of the various types o! naval vessrls from the smallest corvettes now being built In Canada for convoy duty to the largest . battleships afloat, like the King George which recently brought the BritiSh ambassador to the United · states across the Atlantic. All or these units or the navv were busUy ·engaged In either · defense or convoy duty and they were armed with various types or guns, firing various types of shells. lncldental- ly, he pointed out "the' corvettes can ~ ·e!I411Y . ~to' ·~-~ sbon:i:: ~- eollL'Vmr ·dulY -~: .~ .. · · .JRDVJS waro. 'Whl~x . ~-~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1941 1JBY FOR· A ' I ·- Dwellers. CAN CH,.QQS.E OF SER¥-IC~ .. T nWt most successful Apple DaY held bY the BOY Scouts In ~~~~~:·~ netted on Saturday last the ~ or $81.93. ·The ScOuts .sold ot apples, and their supply In the. middle of the after- so great was the demand. Chas. King and thOE;e with hlm are deeply for the suppert given the eiiabllng them to carry on splendid -work. Is understood that this ques- ,, ·c;,~ .,_._,.,.,.ls being taken up bY the Cham- ~P:lfc~f.of Commerce who will appieach 1111fLIWII04:&1. banka to see What, 1! any• ~c'!P!!g,, c:an be done. ASSAULTED :MAN IN CAMP, FINED S25 AND-aJSTS Can't Permit Rowdyism Says Cadi - Hit-Run Man Fined The -longest ses;lon of Whitby magistrate's rouit occupled · over four hours at the c:olin"cy i:ourt- house Tuesday aft.emoon when numerous contested eases were heard. Jailed for Assawlt Joseph McGillivray, Antigoolsh, N.S., was ctven the ()!)tlon of one month In jall or paytng · $25. and costs on a charge. of assaulting Axel Mellander, causing grievous bodlly barm. Both men were Bnplo}'ed on tbe construction of the new Plcter~ ing arms plant. · · · Me Dander · told the court he was employed by. a TGronto tl.nr!. cater- Ing for the ~ood Ot the . men. md that he WIL5 caretaker ot· the bunk- ho!J..~ In whldl McGillivray alept. He claimed that the accused enter- ed bls room and that when' be . told him to go to bed, "JilcQllllviay struck him In the t~. ~erlng him. un- conscious. . "We can't:. permit such rowdyism to ~t a foothold In· that c:aJDP. T'hls ts the first case Involving men em- ployed there," Crown Attorney AI.un F. Annts declared. . . . . . McGillivray told Jb,e court he had been discha.rge(l from the U:uy-aner enlisting· In . 1tat.· 'Be claimed . · glabbect :r.tm by the 'be - ~ that. WISH TO J.OJ'N. Citizen• A•ked To Help ·. G11tting In · The Salvage The alnce committee of the Whitby War Elton &DDounces tha& dUuns wbo ban sarvace . to lillY .-real amount which they 1lish to dispose or should cet In touch with· Mr . . Frvst at tbe Town cien•a office. It Is dltfi- ealt to Cli-pDIA a c-erat sal- nee clri•e llat tbe c:ommlUee. Is matiDc &II'IUlCUDenb wbereb)' telepbcme c:alls will ~e at- teDUen. It Is abo Intimated that · d~ wha are lillie to dellftr ~ to the ~ttee with tlielr own ears or tracks C&D .,. · . ~ I , Cl1l1'e lorormation r e IC a r d 1 n C' . place of dellftr)' .from Mr. Frost. . . .APPOI~'TMENT OF .INSPELlOK LATE . · 206 .Jkock- street aoutli. ..... courqe . and bl'&'"lll'lfd a dl&l'lll . or falllnc to 5top re-. :n!feJTI.r!tl!' or the Brttlah . Na~ !Jr'. ·;; : · ~ . ~mun_!ca~d: Jl!i!ll iB6 foll~~~·~~~~1!~~~t!!~~~~~~~~ I I I I . , 1 I -'.1 ' main at the scene or an acc!dent the ~t episode' of came 11.5 the aftennath or a crash the Bay 1n which brave men AlVIn G. Marlow, Marlow Apart- ments, 121 Brock Street South. d Stree East alm 1n fought against terrible odds to ·pro-on Run as t ost ~ct convoys or the Atlantic The Mrs. Louis Bandel, 117 Brock St. South. front of the Model Sdlool Composite Company of Whitby, 103 Brock. NOTth (occupied as a lodge room>. These have been Instructed to pro- vide an alternative exit before the end of May and have been advised that !allure to do so will necessitate the placing of an order under auth- ority of the Fire Marshal Act. The Fire Chief or Whitby visited these places recently with the lnspecto., uys the Fire Marshal, and knows what Is required. The· Fire Marshal suggests that the Town Council should pass a by- law requiring that there be' at le11.5t two Independent safe means o! es- cape from the third floor of any building used as living quarters and also from the second tloor of any building where additional escape Is considered necessary beCause or the plan of oceupancy of the floor. He points out that if such a bylaw were mea or the Navy, he 6aid, were According to Chief Bnlott, a car famed the world over ror their travelling eaat with Alee. J. Paton; skUl and courage and the famous of Trenton, at the wheel WIL5 side- declaration of 1805 at Trafalgar- swiped by a westbound car driven "England this day .ex!)ects every by Janes. who, the chief · saYs. WIL5 man to do his duty"-held good to- proceeding across the · centre llne of day. The vot~ of thanks to Nell was the road. Paton's car was conalder- moved by Rotarian Orn}'<lon Good- ably damaged but fortunately none fellow who congratulated him on or the passenger3 were Injured. his fine effort and advised him to Janes Is alleged to have stepped on continue In it because of the value the gas and driven away. Later his. It would prove to him as he went car was located on Mary Street out Into lite. Mr. Goodfellow also and Janes was picked up 1n a local referred to the number of tine pub• hotel lie speakera who had taken part In Chief Elliott state.s that this Is the Tamblyn Oontest at ·the Wgb the third accident . of . this klnd School In year3 gone by. within a short time. "Here Is an- other case," said Chief Elliott to the ~ALVAfi[ DRIVE Gazette and Chronicle, •where a tJ L . ..,· motorist drove away from the scene of an accident whk:h might have · IN WHI. THY TWP. resulted In death or InJury to per- sons." enacted, the owners or buildings would know that before making the alterations or before changing the occupancy that a.dequa•te . egress facUlties must be provided. He points out further that under exist- ing conditions there Is likely to a number or similar cases. FIGIITERS FOR TOURISTS Hamilton, Bermuda <CP> - In- flux of U.S. anny, navy and alr personnel to handle construction of new defence bases In Bermuda Is . expected to rompensa.te for cur- taUment o! Canadian and u.s. tour- Ist traftlc this year. The Chlel :.tated that he WIL5 solidly behind the efforts being made by Crown Attorney Gordon Conant to rid the highways of hit and run drive!'3. The C~et Is very mach In favor of the poUcy adopt- ed of publicity acknowledelng the services rendered by those who are responsible for the apprehension and conviction or hit and run motorlsta. WOMEN SIGNED UP Approximately 350,000 women were registered In England's first conscription of femlnlne labor !Ol' war 1ndustrle6. Past~ral Changes in the . Presbytery ·of. Oshawa Announced; Whitby Pastor of Publications Committee The annual meeting or Oshaw• G. Park, Whitby; Evangelism and Presbytery of the United Church ol Social senlces, Rev. w. E. MIIJ.son. ·ca,nada was held In Trinity Unite;! Northmlnster United, Osbawa. Qhurch, Bowmanvllle when the !ol- Rev. A. D. Cornett, Simcoe Street !'owing were elected officers tor United, Oshawa, and Mr. W. A. Hol- 1941-19~: ChaIrman, Rev. J . llday, Whitby, led an itnerestlng and Verner McNeely, or King Street vital discussion on "Elderahlp," u a United, Oshawn; secretary, Rev. P. feature or the meeting. L. Jull, of Brooklin; treasurer, Mr. Several pastoral changes were S. M. Chapman. of Plck"erlng. made, effective July 1. Rev. SldneJ The following were · appointed Davison or Trinity Church, Bow- chairmen or the various Presbytery manville, and Rev. John Griffith of committees : Missionary and Main- Leamington are exChanging pulpits. tenance, Rev. W. J. Smyth, Port Rev. H. H. Lackey of Ennlaldllen "Peiry; Missionary Education. Dr. c. requested a change In pastoral rei&- · R. Cancallen, Prlnclpr. l Ontario tlons. Rev. T. H. P. Anderson wUI Ladles' College, Whitby; Home Mls- become supply minister at Centre aions, Rev. George Telford, St. And- Street United, Oshaw&. and the new rew•s, Oshawa; Colleges and Stud- supply minister at Alberl Street ents- ·Rev. Martin Jenkinson of Church; Osbawa, wUl be Kr. Don Pickering; Ch,urch property, Rev. w. Jones, atudent minister at Emm&D· P. Rogers, Bowmanvllle; Christian uel college. Mr. Jones 11 a lOCal bOy. E(lucation - Rev. S . LILtlewooci, son of the late Rev. Perry Jones, , Qlono; Publications-Rev. C!Uford · Osbawa. Council Invite. Prorerty Owners to Help Raue · Money for War Work --- ·· ;-4 Further deta!U; of l.~e sall'age drive In Whitby township' which !; anxious to have a genera) co)lection throughout the township with Mon- day, June. 2nd, set as the dat~. Citi-zens . having . salvage which they would like to have picked up by. a truck should phone any member o! the council, the Township Clerk, Wllllam G . Mannih~t, or leave word at the po~~t offlte, .so that the Couh- cll will know where trucks are re- quired. It Is not the purpose or the Council to engage trucks and call at every farm and house In the town~ ship as this would be a mammoth task and perhaps an expensive on~. Already, according to t.uwnshlp authorities, . many lnquirlu have )leen made and there can be no dOUbt tha~ many hundreds o! dol- lars wlll be fl!al.lzed for patriotic work In the township frOm the sale of many things whlchlproperty own- ers w1.11 be glad to get rid of but which an! of real value. Property owners are asked to gather together and pile up neatly In a convenient pace, · rags, bOnes, metal, old tires and tubes, waste paper, magazines, old mattresses, car rims, t.n!l pieces or Iron or 'other. things whldl they do not need with the exception of cans and glass which wW not be included In the collection. The Slilv11ge when asseJIIbled at 1l convenient place or places will be sold by the township ~o the blghest bidder and the money distributed a.s the colincu sees tit. · Councillor Irving McBrien Ia send- Ing out' cards whlc.h villi be ' mailed to all property owne!'3 In the town- <Contlnued on Page 5) Hu Been BOon fOl' · Y em to i.ocaJ Mer- chants, and-Hu Placed. R~es 'in PAn; Homes - ·Act on·tbe Suggestion · .of · the Hydro . - · OutSide Work lncreuea Whitby Public Utility couimlsslon at its May me,etlng dec_lded tQ . dis- continue, arte~ the end of May, Its Hydro range ·prom!ltlon campa.lgn which has ~ operating tor a number of years. · · ~.; camp~, 1~ add1Uon t~ plac- Ing electrical ranges ·In · ol'er 150 homes In the : town, was of greaa value to tbe metchants who were , able to self and get their moner forthwith when the sale was glveu Commission approval~ Purchasen had the necessari heavy wiring ln- stal,led and were able tO pSy on the ins~lrilent plan through their Ugbt and power bWs. I:'Tf.t'I"IU'It .Pta1 · · 'ltni' .. dnv··l(t,Jat:' _FQr ;war EH~rt. · 'l'lcketl' are selling fast aDd clU- ~na : ~ave ·received with · pie~ the ~announcement that the Drama~ · Uci Club of Uie Olltarlo L&dles•· cOl- lege ~as, throUgh .. the courtes)' of n.: .• c. R. carscatlen, principal, vol- ~1eered to uslst' the WQI1[ of the War Effort CammUtee. The ·Club wm ~Iit the. play, "LLttle wom- eiJf, in the Town Ball on Thursday nen1i:i or thla ·week.." MaY llit'b, a~ elsbt o'clock, under the direction or ~ Edltl_l HUI. llil:OSt ~~have r•d the book on whldl the piay 'is baled, and "'Will Walit tO aee the pre- &entaUon. It wU1 ' t,e· or putk:lll&r interes~ to the ch11~ a,Dd ~ people. Tickets are ·ao otl: for adUlts apd 25 cts. tor wlldren. - They are obWnable from members . ot the ccimmlttee, or •at the Gazette and Obronlcle oftlce ·anci the ·Mcintyre Hardware. The allowant:e or $20.00 made bY the' Co1I1D11Ss!on tor the tnStallaUon ~ote the ~patgn. In ·Whitby, of the thl'ft-wtre serVIce, ror ranges, and, or course, has achle-.ed sub- will apply, It is pointe¢' out, tO"new atant~l results In ppwer sales. Pur- houses already started. ';bose malr::- ther, 'many cl~ns ~aTe found out lng, payments · on the ' tnstalment how Clean ' and economical cooking !'llan to the Commission on ranges •by electrlclt)' ~ be, to _say nothing now installed wU1 continue to do so rof savinc time' and labor. - until their obligations are dlScharg- ' in oshawa· the campalltn, bas also ed. • ~ dlscontln~ and it no doubt :'thiat'llr..iW•1 · Ini ·the ·Opllu~- of :Kaybr Rowe aDd ICI:Ile , Of b,ls coUeagu~ that 1t I.S too.late now to apiloliit com :borer ii!sPectors. as corn fields . or last year are now plowed· under: Wont or all, Is the fact · that no ·inspeCtors have operated in thil e9un~ for o~r two years; wmi ·the result that the I·IIILen.ace · to. porn erops. has . become more acute. The feeling is. that the ttmti ·tor acilrui by the agricultural authorities waa last fall .so that the matter could have been· dealt Wltb by ~he Cowity Council ln' January. Some' sbVe the 'vlew expressed b..v Ree'!e Oscat :pc!"lVIltY at Whl~y Township, Coupcll last week tha_t At the mmtbly meelinc 'or the. the wt.borltles must have tn:pwn Publ1c Lllriry BOard cin'Wedilesdaj the situation .w:bich existed last fall, evening, the~=~:~~~~'!'!;;· ! but thei: fail~to take action. ~d 15 new names The appotiitment of an Inspector ·durlDg ' APrlJ, and In every· mUniCl!)e.Iity, it· is felt, v;ell ma!ntained. '-..:. • ·.. . would be a m05t expensive proced- .. The Board d~~· to~.send the ure. · librarian, 11o11ss Qertrude ·Best. and ' In the case o! Whitby It would be her assistant, l(1ss RUth\lklwmAn, to dl!ficult to · secure a suitable man. th ua1 Hft~ of the opta 1 The weed lnsoe~tor could no~ be e ann mee...,. . r 0 exilected to dolt without knowledge i!~~ :='~\~ ':. .held . i:1 of the work requli'ed of lilm. · The Pl'OPeJ:tY,ccip$1ltte '~.Jl•en ·~d 1,11. .Whltb7 powez: 'to act, lp havlpc ~~~or ' The ,corn borer bas-been very b~~od ot the· bulldi.Dir ~~ and any in.Whltby, especially In sweet com, neceSSary re~·madt!. · 'Tlie uiterl- tiutlng lhe past' year or twa, but as ~ done•J¥t .~ &Dd ·th,e,year ~ has been no Inspector, no action other than that which s. grOwer might care to take has been taken. The decision of the Commission, wU1 In other p)aces. taken at the suggestion o! the Hydro ' Water Ex&eailoDI In Toronto, means that cltlsens · Activity In .buUdfnir construction wlshijlg to buy electric ranaes now -Is reflected in the demands for sew- wlll . either have t:o pay cash to the er and. water extens~ons, to aenice merchants or arrange with them for mostly new homes, and necessleatb;lg The Board acce~ with aplft- clatlon an offer of oM of" its mem- bers. Mr. Frank Stettler, to plant new shrubs on tbe grounds on either · 1 !~eofol~:b:= ::n: .. ;~~c:· Offer. St100 ·In Prizes· For·· Ho'rses :. r~ tim~ payments. · the employment of two extra men. Some new ~ seed' 'Will ' atio ~ ( · · I d s . sown by Sllcpteni L11Iilt:.ed:. and ~e . a .. tt e An ports . At. Sp' ring' ;. Fa.·r ~ . ~ .1 flower pets on ~e . ~t pl1liars ~ The Commission has spent bun- A ax-Inch water main wW be dreds or dollars Jn advertising to I (COntinued on Page &> ~~~· th?:r:,~ ~ t:e~ Bt~~~ to At:- Brooklin Vic~oria · ·oay ~ · M•v 24·. · · CHOIR .. FESTIVALr TO .·BE H.~LD .IN w·HITBY~ 150 TO TAKE 'PAllT · J~ifl& $taH '(Jf Whitby Moto~ ·In Part• Dept. All Saints' Church was the rally- Ing : JJOin t on Friday evening I!I.St for .the cle1·gy, organists and choir members 'of the parishes or East York Deanery when a practice for the Ascension Day Choir Festival was: held and 20 choristers !rom the. Deanery atiended. 1 The l\Scenslon Day sen•lce, which falls on Thursday, ' May :nnd, will be. a.. sung evensong in which aU the . clergy \\ill tak.e part and the musical parts of the service will be suns: by the maSiied choirs or the deanecy whlcll ·are expected to number at east 150 choristers. The music Will be lltlistratlve of the pro~ ot church music from. the Mr. B. · F. Pedlar h's jOine<t the 15th century. uptll our mO(lem d&)'· staff of the Whitby -Moto!'3 Limited The ' hymns and chants have all nnd wlll, have complet,e cba111e of been chosen from tbe new bymn the Parts · Dep!l.rtment. Mr. Pedlar book and "'the. can~c!es and psalms has for the past year \leen manaaer wW be sung · In the new s!)eech of tbe. parts departql~l\t or the rhythm which brings ou~ the beau- NorUlland · ·Mot()J'3 at North · Bay. ty.. and · me.,nlng of ·the wQrds. and' l'!.q3 a 'wkle:experlence. II} ~t- The service 1!1' In dla111e of the he ~will not ~have charp o( a 'rurat dean, Rev. E. RalPh Adye, who growing department, but ,nu endea- ls ~ctor of All· Stints' Chureb, Yor · t6 furthc:r , deVeJ~p !t.; •. to se~ qnd tlie Ol'll&ql.st wlll be Rev. Wll- · oolv Whitby· but -the dwtrlct. llam Stocks, rector or P9rt Perry. ' ""'"'"'"'" Metod sell and snvtce Evet')'OIIe who is Interested wlll be Chrysler and Plymouth can' aDd q~oat· welcome 'lo att@d aDd ar- Fl\l'&o trucks, anJI ~their business. Is ranaements are beln"g made to · ac- Mr:', .t'eO\ai' "m shortly cOmodate a large conrregatton. brlnr wl!e -and, !!On to Whitby. .j The directors of Brooltlln Spring Fair are offering .$1,200 in cash prizes for horses and cattle exhibit- ed RD4 tor sperts held at the Pair. to be ·held In Community Park at Brooklin on SatUrday, May 2•th. In t.h1s year o! aU-out war endeavor In Canad&, with agriculture playing a major· role, the directors of the Fair are lea-vt.Qa no sl!mes unturned to make tbe event this year one thai will heiP the caUse of agriculture an·d particularly encourage breeder~ and· imPQI'terS or pure bred hOI'S!!S and cattle. . . In. the · classes tor horses, prizes an 'QI!erec!' tor ClydeS!i&le, Percher- on, ·. Belgian, suffolk, and light ho!'3e5, and In . the catUe rings tor ·rea'lstered Shorthorns: beef grade; .ftl1resrurc:s, Holsteins and Jersey cat- ' The Pair at 'Brooklin has for many yeare brought together the flneat of these. Asc&-l!latter ot raot. . some or. the . exhlblta at tbla Pl.tr have compared fa.vourabl)' wi~ those at the Royal Wtnter Pl.lr &JI'd. · the C.N.E. Ali umal, the ·uveaioct. - parade or an pr~ae 1riDDens ...w ... ~ 'an outatandlna feature on Sa~· afternoon at ·a o'clock. · The directors are also off~ prius to .the value pt $50 for ~·­ of ba~ban and lacrOsse, ~'h­ ot wbldl can be obtained ~ r,;;• McCoy of .Brooklin. On th& ~­ gramme also will be l~Uded ~~ _ ' dren's races, etaht .of them; ~-t shoea · with single open ancHIOQ!i • to~ts. entries for,~,-~ 19 be -made wJijl l!'led. IIDUII,W ,cit: wlluam A. Heron: ~ore one o~: on the day of the:.Pa1r- • ·, Of partlcular ·in\CJ'11St; to the ohll~ dren Is the calf race in Wbtcti e&lfti ' . (C~tlnued 911. ~ 'I). '

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