Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Feb 1941, p. 5

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THE WHITBY GAZElTE AND CHRONICLE:'..' ~W:_:'E.o:D'.:'.NES~D~A~Y<_:_, ~F::EB~R~U~A~R~Y~19~, _'_19.:_::4~1'----,-----------;----:--:-----:- motor n ihtCles ror -war purp~M both in Can ada and the Unlted Regul I In d that they mll.;;~ be tl!:ncd in fo:-ar Y Veste Netherlands eurrt:ncr . ' · The Netlierlands bank Is also ob- as Large-r Ones Uglng all citizens lo sell It· an)' gold they may b ave, and b y Dec. 20 had +---------------[ reached all wlio're names begin with the letter M . that the IID10I1 by the were Juat ~:!'l~r::::; ~:;;::• country's war 8: . aw:aa InVested ~_d.tberu With capital . -D.~itiilllf. Weapons Weeks" ~fi::~~~-Dl~Eogland, Sir ~ ,>.;,..;.+; that In the the total sub&c:r1p· weU: there reached :;c~~;;;:;;b. of· her populaUon. • . ~.· came alone and .... railed :!25.~ 1&. per head, and a few ' wOeb 'later the dty Dl Ballfu came t 'wt\b.a ruab. and' beat the lot.· by1rais· . ·~~~a £28. . 111 •. - 8d. per bead. 8 ' Btatlbl · that _ftnance Ja a vital '"'put . or· tbt British Common- wealth Wllr edort and lt& hope for • .~ .v1~tory0 181r Robert aid: ' ~ •. ' .. ~ speatlng, the whole pro- • '·•·~-~- · .: d~e 1~Drt o.t the nation 1S re- • · Qull:ed tor th,I<e purpoo;eo. ' . . l._ Tbe•prasecutton or the War. 1 Production or the necessities o! rue. _ · !. 'lbe manufacture of (tOOd.s for - ---"'Wben we save ·and lead t.o the ~:ratate. · we tnnsfer our Purch.as1nl: .• ,.- power to that extent to the Oovem- <&•meri.t: By' this proceSs the pur- r cbasea ot the State . are 5\lbsUtuted h'SDateOd ot'·belng added to the pur· ~ .......... cit the Individual. By this ..... m.e..n. competiUon for labour a.nd ~ :material between the State and the r. Pr!nto lndi_Yiduala ts avoided. The • .zlae , IJi pfleOs Is : cbedted -IIDd the ··"'*' ot the :War Is reduced. u the ,_..,.nl•- of .Jndlvlci\W COD• ·t ·----l'iduee 'tbelr eipmdlture by 'l'<. t.bi that which the on"' nm- wlll ,.,_ - -post- noW lind interest from , the money so saved_ and . far to · r.solst blm In ahare ·of the add.JUonal wtll .have to be rats- the lnterest on our ADd even though monaY. DOW belna: euned m.aJ be the cUrect resUlt or war work. we must none l;.u,e leq a ve every penny of It that. ~ can. because 1f we spend these I".'~Mi'ninp oo uiuiecesu.ry ~. we ·-mate ' othet people wort. for us tn- ..,..tead· of for the war. and ao we c&ncel out t.he usefulness or our ~ a.n war work. One of the most ~ .... .t.IO\t jabo of the War Savings 4"'Nn'palan &a to create such a at.rona Pmuc·\)plnloo, that It will be ew er !IX' e..r1oae Iii practlao economy IOiid. aa'>inc tbiiD to be carelessly - auaftipnl, and self-lndul&<n~ we . 'baYe 1'til-cniaf.e , a public oplnion 50 a&rcma that. the blatant spender be• · camq a aoc1a1 outc:aaL • "People are com1Da: more and. mon to realise that OlDY prosperity whicb may be tbelra today ts made poaiible ool,y by the :readlneaa of . othen- to ACriflce even llre lt.aelt. . Am tbal, t.bere!OI1!, every shllllq ire euu beyood. what la necessary 1tOt qur bealtb. IIDd e!!ldeney Is, In U.. nature of a aacred •ll'uat OJ>d !'JbOUid be dedicated to the wlnnlno or the War by beiDa lent to tile oiounlz1. Tbe ubnool almpllc:lty of ll'fiDI muat be &be tey-note to evU7 home both rich and poor and In tb1a ftiiP8Ct t.he rich have heavy re- ipnn~lMUty" of aettln& an example IID&rlcJally, OJ>d must be made to UDde:ntand that With the present JJ;all,taUon of luppllM, whoever eon - iw:iiea more than hb share b rob- ~Ulother. "When tbe war w1l1 end none can aay. Sooner or later peace wDl -Come, aDd with 1L the cllac\l.Mien or peao11 t.erma. - .All of us here have k) real1le that while our fJ.shtlng :roiea are maltln& auch srea t. A trl- ~ it 1a both our duty and our pdvneae to do our utmost t.o keep tbe'O:talon financJally aound by sav· Jaa uic1 lendin& to the State. It we fall ' ln th13, our NavY, our Army, our Air-force ma,y • win the war ln the ·mlllt&ry aenae, yet we may not win &he peace 11t'e want and which \bolr ....wee ~net.. " In other words, 1f we ftaken th-t ' f1nanc1at and economical fabric of Ule nation by our aelflsh tndulgence. we ue betrt.)'lna thole whom we eent to ftJbt tor ua. lt muat nenr be f0111<1ttoQ th•t this Ia the coot· llut war that b aa ever been fo ught. 'l'be warahlp costa two to three Umea u much aa lD the Wt war Atrcraft co8ta three to aeven times fa much. It cOsu t wice u much to equip and malnlaln an anny divil1on . , Let me alve you one con- ai-ete example. Whereas the guns. the aun-mountmas and flre -eontrol- aear ot .bll 1Ua,Jeaty'a &hlp. Kina: ~ the v of ltlS cost ~ hun- dred and ntnety-h,'O thoUMnd pounds. thoM of hll Majesty's ship pnUy commlasloned and tn which "Lord. ~&lllu CI'(IMCd t.o ~erlca ) , • .. ' .. Italians Force Paper Under Ute war damages deere~ the owners will be compensated 100 To Correct News Item per rent up to florins 50.000 (ap-- --- I pro:dm.ajely $25,C00), and 90 per Rome, Feb. 17 {CP)- Fasclst au- <:ent on tbSses .wrr tha~ nmount. thorities declared today an announ- Household fu rniture and erfect ~ cement in an- Italian newspaper will be compensated for bl' pay- saturday that frel,ght 61!:t"Vice had been suspended 1n some parts or Southern Italy was "false" and the newspaper was required to correct the story. mestrtcUon of service was said to have affected lines ln the dt:s- trlct where BrJtlsh patach!lte sol- diers landed last week.) WAR SUPPLIES IMPORT TOTAL IS $48,448,000 Goocb Canada Got From u.s. in 1940 Included Military Aircraft Washlngton, Peb. 17 - Canada Imported from the Unlt.ed States war supplies valued at $4B,MB,OOD ln 1940. the State Departi:Lent re- ports. The December· total or 12.- 157,000. The va:Jue of export Uoenses f..rr arms grant-ed to all nations during the year was $873.078,000. ~e Brit- Ish total Was $615,470.000: Austra- lia. $7,578.000; New Zealand, $2.- 760,000; India. $893,000 : South Africa, $15,597,000. The totsl for the Netherlands East Indies was $32.- 381,000; China, $11.707,000 : Ru~"· $38,358; Italy, $13,610, and Japan nothlnt;. Arm.s were shipped to many parts of the BrltJsh Commonwealth dur- ing December, such as $9.230.000 to the Gold Coast-. BrlUsh territory fiQ the westeoast. or Africa, and $10,-, 250,000 tO the Straits Settlements I:J the Par Easl The total to Britain In December wa.s $97,903,000, aircraft represent- Ing $59,396,000. The breakdown of the Canadlan total of $48,448.000 for .the year WM a:s follol\•s : Mflltary aircrnft, $28,- llS,Ooo : aircraft engines, $9,646,000: aircraft components such as pro- pellers, fuselages, win~s, tatl unll.!, $4,999,000; machine~gun:s and auto- matic rifles, $1.561 .000; field gun~. $1,110,000; ammunition, $652,000; rlfle:s, $8,000,000 ; tanka and armor- eel vehicles, $51,840; revolvera, $362.- 000; ~mlcala and explosives, $501,000. '· NETHERLANPS -WILL PAY FOR DAMA6E GAUSED BY BOMBS Undertakes to Reimbune Ci~ for Loooeo T otala Half Billion 111 -LLOYD LEBIUIAS Alaoc:lat.ecl Press St.alf Writer Washington, Feb. 14. (API-The Nut-dominated Nethetland.s IOV- ernment ,diplomatic sources report- ed here today. has undertaken to compensate citizens for property damage suffe~ In the war. WhUe no official figure.s ue yet avaUable, informed &timates al'f! tha t damage toLalllng $500,000,000 was dOne to Ne~herlands property l"'l the five-day a ttack last May which smahsed Holland. Private propertv losses were pla.::ed a t $350,000,000. The compensa.Uon decree provld- ln& for war damage payments mad~ no. menUon of 1.-he manner 1n which the government would rabe the ne- cessary twld.s :-oouired, according to the authortta~lve tnrorml uon re· oeived 1n diplomat-Ic quart.e r:s here. The program ts believed the first or tt.:s klnd 1ri Europe Since German authorities are now in complete eo~trol or all go\•ern~ mental, financial and commercial activfUes , howe\'er, Informed source1 sa id they bell e~·ed that the war damaa:e costs would be paid In Ne- therlands currency and funds ob· talhed ftom higher taxes which, in some instances, ha\'e been lncreaser1 25 per ce,nt. UDder Nazi ecotlomlc practlct'! bot-h in Germauy a.ftd in occupied countries, these sources deelared, there have been practlcttlly no Uml· ta tlons o n the amount of "prlntlni press money" placed In circulation. Germany itse:r has made a sl ate~ .secre t or tts gold reserve and no authorita tive !lgures exist on the gold "b&cking" fo r the m Ullens ol ma.rlr:s which ar~ circula ting in Ger- many and German-dominated coun- tries. The Netherlands government Is understood •.o h ave shipped mo.s•. of lLs gold res.:!:ve Lo the United Sh.te.s and Britain just before the Nazi occupation, &.nd there Is no of· ficial in lormatlrm on wha.t a.mou nw may have been sclz.cd by the O N- mans. Netherlands ns.sets. now "frozen" In the United Sta tes, tota l $1,622,- 000,000, including 5700.000,000 In bullion , currencv and llme and de~ mand deposits . The Bank of Holla nd has requisi - tioned all banknote.s In dollars Swiss francs, !'!Od Swedish crowns. refusing any exemptions to orders cost two mUllan, thousand pounds." nine hundred UnLE ANNIE ROOl'iiEY l _. ' • 1~ · .. ) · . ' f· .. ., .. ' 1'\!;'AW; X!RO- tilT UP Nle!: ~ STRAI&H'I; 501 KIN SE'E IF ii-IIS NEW NE'CI<I.ACE IS ... By Brandon Walsh ' ! , . ' ( , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING For Sale :POR. SALE - MODERN BUNGA.· Jow. c:entral location. A rea.l bus. •·Advettleer" Gazette and Chronicle. POR SALE - BABY CHICK.d. Tweedle glves you & cholce. 16 pure bred. and 8 bibrida to choose from. Por full information and prloes phone o. Fergu110n, 20'lJ, Oshawa. For Rent FOR RENT - LAROE UNFURN- ished room :sult able tor llght. house- keeping. Mr:s. Bates, 104 Mary st .. Whitby. FARM FOR RENl' - 113 ACRES, lot. 1, B. F . Pickering good buildings. tJe up 25 head cat- tle, equipped for milk .shipping. Plenty of water, hydro, ;ood ben house and pig pen. Apply at farm or to Joseph Stephenson, R.R. 5, POR SALE - mGBT ROOYED Lindsay, Ont.ar~o. brick. bouse, an conveniences, bot water beating. centmlly located oo FOR RENT- APARTMENT, FUR- Brock street SOUU\. .Por pa.rUculan. nished or unfurnished. hot. water write "'ADVE:RTISER.", Whitby heated, also furnished. rooms wtt.h O.:.ue and Clb.roolclt. or without board. .Also elet:trlc - ·- ·------------·stove tor ~!e. 135 Byron St. B. SAI.E-l"'RST CLASS PARM, 12& &era, c11.f\etU,y on Hlghway No. Wanted 7, 25 ~ m11ts eaat ol Toronto. Fine WANTED - WOMAN TO DO brlct houae, lnslde plurilbing. mqct- plain sewlng and alterations by the ern ilew bam, at.oc:k implements, day. Telephone 877, Whitby. troctcir, complete. Apply Boz 68, _:.._...=..__: ____ -::-=-== Whitby Ouette aDd. Chronicle. WANTED - CAPABLE GIRL FOR general hoU&ework.. Apply Whttby Gautte and Chronicle. BBADLZY'B NI<W PURN1TURE aort ·openllll .specials. all new WANTED-EXPERIENCED GIRL cb.est6flelc1&. -bfa,kf'a:st room suite.s, for housework 1n Oshawa. 20 to 30 Uld bed.room auttes. studio eouches. years ot age, sm•.U home, two daY beda, bed ouUit.s. iDner sprtus adults. one <:htld. Apply Box 18, mattieuu. wardrobes, bookcaaes, Whitby Gazette and Chronicle. or etc. Dlrect. from. Pactory Show- 100 Lauder Road, Os.bawa. eve- room. We tnvlte you to vWt. our nlng.s 7 to 0 p.m. new .-tore, US Slmcoe st.. South. WANTED_ BED BITI'lNQ ROOM ._Oiba __ -. ____________ 1 or bedroom. and sltUng room, with PAitM. n>R SALE - 95 ACRES. board. Apply Gazette and Chron- :t.he property or the tate Harveyl _•_le_o_ll_l•_•.,.· _Wh::-1-:tb:-Y-·-=--- - - - ,Reol, ball mUe eut of Greenbank. · Sale R•m•ter loocl bulld.lnp, - barn. pig pen, --hen .-. house ' and implement abed. -,,-,-----.,.,----,,--- Good IPr1na in past.ure land. Good Wednesday, Feb. 26-Auctton sale dwtlfinr bouse with hardwood of farm.st.ock and implements, the floors &nd all modern conveniences. property of J . A. Stephenson. lot 7, For parileulars app.ly Mrs. Harvey rear eon. 8, Pickering <entrance on Relll, Greenbank or w. 1". Walker, 9th) no reserve ,~ Sale at one o"cloct R.R 4 Port Pe • sharp. Terms cash. A. S . Parmer, · • rry, . Auctioneer. POR SAL!: - 1 KID KANGAROO plow, 1 Pleury Riding Plow, nearly Dew, s aet.s · Whlfletrees, 2 Neck• 10kea. 1 .set ~m Scales. 1 Dray w-. 1 oet Licht Blelaba, 1 Brood flow and II pip. M. Att:lnson, ~tby, Tflephone 585. POR SALE - 15 YOUNG SHOATS. App.ly R. C. 'I'\ndall, Broct stnet Dorth, Whitby. PORABAL!: - YOUNG PIGB PC>R sale. Apply Mra. Charles DanieLs, Audley road, R.R. No. 1, Pickering, Ont. SSIONAL CARDS LEGAL W. J. HARE. B.A. l!arrlater. Solldtor, Nolal7 '"lllol&h·r I Suceeaor to A. G. Brcnm.loa. K .C. ~ lmee: 110 BROClt STRUT · N. 1--------------1 fdtPbODe: !Ill Whitby We Oo••• 0.. R. DONALD RODDY B&rria~r. Solldtar. Notary Pll.ue Office at the Court. Botlllll DUNCAN B. MciNTYRE llardst.er, SoUd&.-. Nollar7 Ottlee: llroell: St. Soatb Plloao 101 Whltlf. INSURANCE LW.DUDLEY lh_.,~~q Empire Life ,..........., Co. GROVESIDE CEMETERY RING: !50! Office. r. CREER. c.re&Uer. MONUMENTS N. W. SUFFORD Dealer ln lmport.ed aDd c-ndle• (lr.al- dau 1MI"'I: at IHdeaa. ,..._, "' - INSVBA-11-.CE -:··· . . . c: ......... roa THill& FINANCIAL 8TIIt!:NOTH, RELIABILITY, PROMPT PAYIIIBNT Dr LOSSES A• An Agency We Offer EXPERIENCED m &UllANCit COUNSEL PROIIPT, PERSONAL <JL&IMB SE&VJCB GEO. B · VIC:& • IV,CCUIQ& TO A. :r U C&IOK a,T&ft -171 - IU IIIIODE Sr. W., Winif THE WHITBY GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY t9, 1941 ~~~S!!~~-~~ ::~~:g~::s the Jake with all convenieaceo of a city ho•o. t.arp WAR SAVINr.s lot, ,.,..,.; trees, 3 car prare, poultry_:"ouae. lt'o Worth. U oeeiag. Let me ohow you through. Solid Brick Block, 28 " 60, driveway at rear of at~ Stone foundation, cement floor, double pla~e clau ~­ dowA~ 6 livin& rooms over atore, water in k•tchen. 1lUs could not be replaced for twice the· price ukecl. u·- want a aood buaineu property at. a bafpin, aee me aOoa. · W. A. LAWSON ONTARIO LAND SELLING SPECIALIST Phone 579, EveninpS00.-103 Colbome St. W., Whitby .......... ~ .. • • I" tt . WHITBY tO.D£ REVIEWS WORK OF PAST YEAR (Continued from Pare tl. were · &lao tbem. a speclal parade of On· tario Reglme:nt. .betmeta: and cLJ&r- ettes were ~nted to 1 'l Whitby men. Total Ctaarettea d.Latrlbut.ed number 2,27S. · Memben aul..sted with the aale or , war SaviDII Stamps on thea~re night. Bomber Fand By-~on of the Mayor, a eanvua waa made an~ throUJh the efforta ot Oab&wa membtra· a ta; day wu held. there. 'nle aum of .$2,114.00 wa:s sent to the Pund from. Wbltby. . ··cash ·donations to National and other War Funds were-t.O.D.E, NaUonal War Ouest Pund, I.O.D.Jf. Self llllcrWce l"u:ld, I .O.D.E. ~­ er J'Und, I.OD E. LOrd Mayor 'a J!'Und, s~ Hilda's rtrlll· •t ontuto year, especially the press, board or education and tuch1oa atarr. llb· r.ary ·board, county eouncU for uae ~~ room In court house, ~n coun· cU and audltora. orncera for -UK1 are : Bon. Rt-· genta", Mi.. D. Ewart Ca.rruibus. .M.l&s E. MacdoruleU; ··Regent, Kr& D. B. Coleman; bt. ViCe Repn~ .Mr.s. P . llarsh: kd. ·y1ce Re&mt. ~. D.Hom~or: s~u.ey.~ Baillle t - Treaau~.· ~~n. E. R. A~: Eduea.tional Sec:.ret.aey, lln. 'J. Parker: !'daoea SecretafJ, Um.. G. P'otheraW: Standard Bever, . Nra. P. Erskine. Ladiea~ Colleae, P1Imlah ·~~:~· ~ ;.;;J(i~~::;:t NavY LeaCUe, OtW&d1an Lqloo Bervicu. A 'f'Ote of thank• waa lfven to who ualat.ed In any way durtna th~ . . ' CUII'IIBLL - COIII'U:TS "D11PDIAL I.U.. B't AtJC'riON ON' UOADrmLD I'I'OC& PAaM hml Mlar upr.pr&atH IIJ a.·e · GontaiDIIIL ... ""r But. or . .... u~ llilu' Soatll o PlckariaC, tb•~tura on tll• ..... ~~...., aa.n.. l1ekerl.a&: • lleacL OM . IATUUAY. JIABCJI l, : INt, - ... Ria--..... tlll,taai, - llobt.ll.al ..... ~Orlulllfu. . B.OLSUIN Ci.'r'J'U U Rlall ]WQ~ituelq llolltala Cowl • 111& • ..... o~a, - - 1101-•tala COWl 1 Ria II .. PrCHiacbr Jtttbtem A)'r· tllJft cow · I Blah ~udq Jti"'Q Cow 1 ...;lhtlteh• adten rtJlq 1 lllollttta : .. uus ltlai.Da 1 i Hol•tela-leneJ llllter ablnJ I a. Hotst..la . Y....Uar Belfoq 1&111,- attt Rdtu ' s or •on Yealen 'I'll ... HWI &ad btU .... U•t trflbe« r.I*IIU,J fN' aN IIOOB &o Uln, BBLGIAN BOUU I a.rt•t.•u-Hi j haporW. lortell lid• rta. liar., dloarh& to M la teaL l aeri•t.tnd ... ,. Belflu. Man, rii- JaJ I Jean 011111. 1 BAibtetM aou a.J.ttaD. PWr, rbtii.J I :JMI'I .W. I .. rbllt:!Nd Blacll 8elalaa ll.at. nar.r 1 Juri; ollt. 1 Blat • aou. BeJc1u • Pvell:trOD Nan. riJlq s ,..,. 01411 • • 1 ::l' llelfian rw,., riltar I J'Mf _ t lloaa lleJIIaa, ll.u411, rtatar I .. .. 1 aoa., llelflaa o.tllllla, rwar t ,...,. 01~ .-' 1 1111' ClJ&h o.Jdtar ftt abon Bel.d&a JIOrMI a.ra ON&t Oraat.oaa uf .GNU Oruulf.aurll• tan of ' f'aReur wbo 111M llr aueuoa tor tn .-. llbt lt.i.tht\1. • prt« '"' )&IIIII tor a. drat&· bone. •· • Yoatunt11u: awJN& 1 Cllolct aqbteMil -.. Yorlll.llltl\l .... ' . IS lbMWJ. I Yorllahire Boan A l•ll .... • • f'aral. .C.aapmeat, .tn !~acta'/ ·.aurtaJ ... a larr• aam- INf o eMar ud •tteJ - ...... . ,. aoon had. ,• to ·this_, Cour....s b1 ·tyro aid, IIDd r~=~~~~~ th.&t. t.b.• ·':War ~· mta~t be oi>I0-- 1<> cbue or atam111 sChool. At lit. Bmwd'O ht · ed, - boolr. bad .-, - IO!d and. ~ ftS ln Ule. . ·l ~ B:Qn. ., r "Y A moiiOD wU puUd that 'tbt _.,. row,. Mild 'llr~ o.-1. -- m.n • lottO. 1>f --··Ia ---u<m with thO' -t loU • .,·.bls mother. :ur .. ~n wu \mab1t .t be ~t at. tli•. ••UPI: •+ete .lhl\>'1ife -Pt nlaU The ~iivot:ed to return Vb- count . OritnwoOd . Ob.lp, LO.D., ir. cheque ·for ,•115.00 for tbi rta.t at the' IYMDuluin ' a•, tile .JIJab lltbl for the recent patrt.OUO cb.nce, . wblch netted t.he ·chapter $~Jt9. ~ a~te­ ment or ·reoelp.:.a and· upeDillturts waa ' tt&ehed to ~· cheQUt 'for,;, warded' to the lloor<t In nt11n>1nr the eh~ue, the ·Bbard. macle 1t- YII'Y c!oou, an4 , tht I.O~.II .. will be •d· vlle4 by'the· .. crolai).,-.-that _i>o pre- eedent 1a tielq eati.bUabed." · Tbs Board. maY reoeln other appUca · U001 for rtba:.U but aU of these will be coa.otd~ .... tholr mtrlt.o. Ap-Ia w .. Jlfwt Truatoe o. Y. · Oood!eUow called t.o the att4D.Uon o1 the Board the .suceeaa of the ,.ery rtne operet.l.ll. atqed bY. the student& of the Hlah ~hool which had net.~· .the Red Orou and w..r mort COmmit tee P3·12 each. -Ho moved. a riesolu- Uon,· which wU ca.rrled. unanimous .. ly, th•t. the -"" expnu ~,.· •ppre- clatton of the wort. ot t.ht at.udent& ~d .at.ar·r, and to Kra. vemOn JtOw~ and Mra. Clltto.~:"d ' Brown, tor their work they had done . • ,It rtpreaented a lot ot .effort' &lid waa oae ot t.he flhlllt thlnaa WI .hl,'d, b&d bert tor a • ~.1: ~:f.;.~~;Ooo<lft::. ', epow. and •uiu.al IUP· ~~~ AT ll A,JI. . ' and ~ .cboola hl'liU: c.-:. 111 -. ot '*"" t.llll 1~ ,PJ..no for <ConUnu~d from Pi.ge ll _ , imest or are not acqualnt.ed with the details of th~ Campaign. How· ever. these refusals have not been \·ery many Jn r .umber. La.te~t re .. turns from the County also shoW th•t in the Cl~y or Oshawa 61~ plt-d1es had be.!n seeur@d up until 1a.st Friday ni"Jh t with 118 ln Port Perry. . The Cam.paiJn continues through· out February an:t wardeill!l and c"an· vas.sen -are asted t.o make .sure that the re"tun'lX for the wel!:k reAch tM Chairman or the coauntt~. Mrt Da• icbon, by Pr!day night. flNANCE MAYOR S-AYS· ·m THE'lDUNGIL 1nt f-he highest prlced ooal beeauae of preoent beaUnr f•ciiiUeio. 11) tt!S 1t wu estimated that .In nve ,._ra' the .savina: ' 1n Coal would ~ for· ~tbe new ~ea~i IJIU"l- then -~elided. . · · i In a tew yean,. Oounc1110l' nua0<t.old -.....t. oome -heavy deben~a would be p&ld ·art, and that would be the Umfl t.o deal with thll .ind other problema. Coupclllor' Bhlelcla (IIUred thot the town would be ahead or the rarpe to bOM"GW money 1t the inter- est was -not too hl&h because to lean ofl makinl the improvements now would meen that they woultl CO$t ~floret later on. There wu not.h~ Ina privale about the civic ottmM todt.y, ']1te ohlef -and town clerk had no ott!O@s, and these eon.ditlons .should. nOt prevaU. Mayor Rowe pointed to decreu- lng revenues racing the towri today because of the purcllue. of prop_er- b7 the rovernment and . the coup.tr{._ '{bls wa.s a .111tuaUon which Counc!Fmust face, he aald, 'tJ:len con&ldering spendlnc mwe money. ' 'lbe only action taken by Coun- cil'" on ihe que.sUon v.•a.s to authorize the: property commit tee lo secure prloes 9P lumber ror a new floor for the ~~-·----- WHITBY FACIN6 AG.UTE SHORTA6E ·oF HOUSES SHOE SERVICE SHOP~ . THEFACTORYWAY . Shoes Repaired- Dyed- Cleaned. (Continued from Paa:e n PRI€E UST: Firet Grade Men's leather h:alf soles only ............ $1'.10 Men' :s leather half soleS and heels., ... , 1.50 Men's leather or rubber heels only .... ·.45 Ladie~:~' leather half soles only .. .... . . .99 Ladies' Heels ................. . .. ..... ....... ,, .25 Men's Panco rubber half soles &.heels $1.00 Men"s P~nco rubber fulleoles & heela 1.~5 Waterproofing soles ...... .......... ........ . . · .35 Men's felt insoles. per pair .. . .... .... ... .15 Men' s cork. insoles, per pair . ........ ....... .15 Ladies' cork insoles. Per pair .. . ........ . .10 II Grade · Med •. , .lis _.as ·, 1.35 1.25 .85 .20 Our repair work is doite on' neW · machines similar to those that produced your ovm ~oes. .. 1 (The .Factory. Way) our work is guaranteed and expe~ly done. Visit Uo ~d Convince Yourself. . SHOE SERVICE SHQlf 126 Domdu • Maybe you'D drive your· next cu for •••eral ynu. So, Mfore rou bur a cu check Dodp can fot tbdr Ions wear- . iDI q..Wititl. Dodao hu been -r.moUJ for 26 year• for Loos Liftt1 Depeodabillt'J' and Low Operating Cosu. W• bellcv• tbar, dollar for dollar.- Dodle ill ol'erina tbe bisae•t vllucs . toUioa off today'a euembly·, Ua.es • •• A trip to your a.etrclt Dodge 1howroom aa.d a ride behind the wheel wJU •nable you to corm yo~ owa opinion•. Set your ·Do<fao Dealt~ TODAY. "------....:.-------~~ ·e STINER MOTORS, 209 Dundu Street Weot, WHitby Pi:fQNE·.~ - TED JAC&ION, rrtt Draper, the dirtctor of muate b l l-~.U::o~wlU~:· '"~~·~·~~·~··~•n:·:co~~:- :·~·~~· ~- ~ ::~~%j:~~~~ ach~ aa ~-IZllZ:ICIIZl[Z;ICI:Iltf~:ll::lllZ:Q:lClZ:ICI:lCCI:U:Il~lZ:zJ1JlZ:iJ ·Av.eUoa"r. Clwll. 'OOGI1dtiatiaD. New J)tlhi (CP) . .._.;.. GovemmeDi eervan t& ·Jn Asaill\ province, draw· uP to 30 rupees · ($10.20 ) a · Have betn arlnted a :·dtar· alloian-:e" of one &Ma labout t.wo centa) a rupet> BEARE MOTORS, PORT .PERRY, PHONE ISO; ALF. MOLE, CLAREMONT, Pl!ONB •11 ' UXBRIDGE OAIIAOE; UXBRIDGE; 'CARHB GARAOE, CANNINOTO~.-

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