Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Oct 1940, p. 3

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THE GAZETIE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 194.0 QTIC, SOCIAL co . ot Ottawa. hollda:Y with · Dr.".Borace "and ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. George C. Roddis auent the holiday week-end with the fanner's parents in London, Ontario. + + + Mr. and- Mrs. Hugh Galt, or Kingston, spent the week-end with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston, Walnut Street. .. + + Mr. and Mrs. oordon Bradley and diiUghter, Sh$rley. of Por t Hope, spent the week-end with the tormer's parents. Mr. PlOd Mrs. E. Bradley, Brock street South. + + + Rev. Clifford G. Park, pastor of Whitby United Church, was taken m last week and was unable to conduct services on Sunday. His condition yesterday was reported to much Improved. + .. + Mr. and Mrs. H. L. campbell and ron, of Port Colborne, spent the week.:.end ho11day With M rs. Camp- bell's muents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Burdge and her brother, Mr. E. .. .+ ·+ •· Burdge. ' 'h1irf ,'Uiif.Mft. ,Qeorp Newton and + + + •illibter, of 'North Baj, Ontario, The Whitby fire brigade have · iliiMiil" (riir .. tt)e -hollday with Mr. completed plans for their annual ··a.r·'lli.. RUiiltl1 Belt ball and euchre. to be held tn · ·~ ~- ' '·' .;··, :~ • -- • • Whitby Town Hall, on Friday eve- . 1Jil*; ' c:i. Beldon ·hu closed her nlng, 'December 6th. Euchre at eight ·bOIM imd.- bu jane 'to Toronto to o'clock Marp. Dancing at nine - lliD!l~ttie winter with her ·Mush- o'clock. Ft1rther !)art.lculars later. < ttr.~ Jirii. w. BpeDce. . + + + ., • - . ,lp • -·--"'·' • +· + Mr. Mrs. H . Brocklebank and . :i~: ·~ - - Mr& :W : Brady apd ~~Mrs~·~!~~~;~*~'~~:· of Wal!certon. :i • ... ~-":"~: bave been visit.. E . . Parliament and --~-· tlle1 :P.t we* with relat.lves R~ll ·LlOyd , of the R.C.A.F. ,..,.. ,~e~ \ Training Camp, St. Thomas, were :q • • ·; ')-, . . · ., '. guests at the week-end. at the home of Mrs. c. A. Goodfellow, Trent Street. + + + Miss Phyllis Richardson, of Bow- manville, spent the week-end with her grandmother. Mrs. W. El ms, Brock Street South. + + + Mrs. Walter Rodd ts making her home into a two-famJ1y house and is holding an auction sale or a quantity of her hoUsehold effects on Wednesday, Oct.ober 16th, at 316 Colborne S treet. + + + The Alumnae MsoclaUon of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, haye plans made for a mru;querade dance to be he1d at the Hospi tal , on Fri- day evening, November 1st. Dancing from 9·1 o'clock. + + + Mr. Lawrence Hefferlng and Mr. John Mooney, of De La Salle Col- lege, Toronto, spen~ the week-end holiday with the fanner' paren t:.s, Mr and. Mrs. J. Hetferlng, Kingston Roid West. + + + Mrs. Wm. Kemp and M iss Ger- trode Kemp"move-i la..st week to the home of Mr. Lorne Kemp, Basr Line West. Mrs. Kemp has rented her home on Brock street South to Mr. MacDonald and famUy of Mon~al who have taken posses- sion. + + + ()Hf4 ~lui Ad tt I THE GREAT-E~T HO.OVER of them all ' ·~· -You've been waiting for a deaner like this. It's as mod~ tri Its way OS fhfs year's n8W ~B. . lf'1 fhe finest, most efficient HOoVer ever built--and the easiest to use. It's lower, quieter, and does a dean- ing job you'll be proud of in far less time than requtred by ordinarr c leone~ ft will do more for you than any other cleaner ever built. Prove it by trying it yourself-without obfr ... gotion. Phone for personal home trial . W. A. H:OLtlDAY & co. Brock St. South The October meeting of the Women's Institute will be- _ held in the library· on Friday a fternoon. October 18, commencing a t three o'clCfck, and w11l be ln charge of M!s.s Powell and her committee, the topic being "Canadl!ln!zation." The I~========::===============:; I roll-call wlll be a'nswered bv the !1 name of a. city ' tn c anada an<J, its population. A gOOd program Ls be- ing prepared and lt is earnestlY hoped the members and friends wm endeavor to a ttend. + + + Mnl. A. R. Whittle, or Whitby, received the sad news last week Lhat her brother, Capt. Howard Stevens, hAd PB$Sed away sudden- ly, at Datonya BeEU:h, Florida, on Monday, October 7th, The la te Capt. Stevens was a. son of the late Inspector W. H. Stevens and the late Mrs. Stevens, of Lindsay. He served with the Engineers during the la.st war and had. been ln 111 health for some time. Survlvhlg are hla wtfe and two sisters, Mra. Whittle, Whitby, e.nd Mrs. <Dr.) Chambers, Cleveland. Intennent was made at Datonya. Beach. BRITISH WAR VICTIMS' FUND WITH WHITBY I. 0. D. E. The general monthly meetlng wlll be held next· Monda-Y, October :llst, in the Library room. A meeting to !orm a unit of · the canadian Women's SerVice Porce ·i be held in the Genosha. Hokl on Friday, October 18th, ali 7:-t5 Members are requested to turn 1n u.m: Col. C. E. Reynolds, DS.O., all completed arUcles, as a ahlp- , ~f. C., and officers of the Toronto ment will be made on Frtd~. unit wUl speak. All women and glr ls interested are invlted &o at. .. In next week's issue of The tt>nd. Gazette and Chronicle will apPear - o. summary of work done by the 1 The Munlcipal Chapter 1n To- Viscount OreenwMd. Chapter since i ronto has been honoured by belng the outbreak of war. I presented with the original aet ot 1 dishes used by Prlnoese Allee at the ay's store has kindly. con- canadian Na.tlonal Elhibltion'a s to plaee a box for receiving opening luncheon. Thl..s presentation .!> teel coat h&ngera which the chap- was made by the C.N.E. and w11l ter has been collecting for the past be kept on display a.t Headquarlen. two or three weeks. . I The des11[1l to be copied by the . . members o.nd called the Prlnoea The following letter of thanks ! Allee Pattern. was received from sa.pper Vernon I · _ Johnston for a "Housewlle" glven ddltl a! ' 'Housewives" hAve to him. "I would like to th.llDk yon , A on for the •'Housewife." I see by ~he i be~n fUled by Mrs. C&ims (Bow- card Mrs. Maclaren filled mine d manvlllel 2. I would like you l:.o know there .s - Announcement• THE OASTLI: CHAPTER wUl be held In the Concert o1 the coneae, on Monday after- noon, October 28t.h at 3:10 • ..,..,.. reserring tables pleue pb:one 111r1. w. J. H. Rlchardoon, eo. or :Mrs. W. A. Holliday, 1518, and bring ct.rdl. Part' of proceOda fM Pa.tr.lottc putpoHJ. Brldp '1'5 eent.s-Tea 35 centl. "WHY WlCAR YOOR OVEROOAT thll winter," uts "TOWn Ball aa· .. lOOk&." when YoU can ret .JU:.(L WOOL CLOTH PATOHta for maklnf •team he&tod QUUtl? Ocot onlY a few centa DlO'I'e than cot- ton. IIIW"Dteod' to k..P lclcl .. off your eytmaws. We atand behind .....,. polch; ... dy to !wid back doua:h without qulbbllnr. unl ... perteetly .. u.noc~. '1'lttm Hall Button Shop. -(Yuno-Wherel. MAl!QtliD!.ADB DANOII, auaplc., Alumriae Aasocl&tlon, · Ontario Hosplt.al, Whitby. Prlde.y, Nov. let. Danctng !rom 9-1. ncteta aoc. (18 23 3ll) Bll: SORB Y01J ARE ON HAND Wli%DNJDI!DAY, . October . 18th, to attend auctkm sale of hOUIIbold etrects of Kra. Walter Rodd, liB OOlborne atreet. There are a num· ber of good and 1.111ful artlcles !n the U.t. RESJI:RVE THE DA'I"B, J'ttday, No-- veinber 2ath tOr the Annual St Andrew's Night, Social and eon- cor~ to be held In the SChOOl .Room ot St. Andrl1t'l Prelbyt.er- tan Church. Watch for .fuither p&rt.l.culan. 51'I!izLLA - PIIO!'IISSIOfiAL Coroetlen. wro. o. L. · Goldrlna. ZIO Centre 9-t North, Wbltl>y. THE ANNlJAL V.O.N. CANVABS will tate place On Thursday and Friday •f thl8 week, 'October 11 and 18. WhJtb)" baa always aup- porle<l thla fine oommunlty worlt, more neceuary toda¥ than ever. Greet the oanva.uera With the amne. Gin llbtraUy !or a aood ....... ··W~ D. a. l'IUNOLB TAXSI BBIDB IN IL\liDLTON Two gr&duatea of the University o! Toronto were married on satur- day afternoon, 1n the Church of the Aocenolon, Hamllloo, will>. It's Time To Think of OVERCOATS OVERCOATS For Young Men NEW PATIERNS and STYLES! 1&·50 18·50 19·50 OVERCOATS rol" Boys See These While Stock Is Complete I Fine Hats In New Fall Colora I 1.95 FINER BATS ;, In New Fall Colors! z.95 and ].50 Mercantile Dept. Store. Plaoae 468 - Whitby A few subscr:lpUons to the British War Victims' Fund continue to reaob t.be Gazette and Chronicle of!Uce. '\•!sterd&y Miss Ka.te Wright handed 1n five dollars, whlch brings the total !lellt in 1:.o date to $35 .00. This is a very worthy eause and one 'Which thls paper believes many citizens would like to help. Send 1n your contributions to the Gu.et.te • Chronicle of- ftco. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION MEETING everything I could use 1n It. lt' ts ~ , The ~ml-annua.l mee:tfnl Of the truly a. grand glft. Tha.ntin~'you Provincial Chapter wUl be held 1n very much." Hamilton. Thursday, October 17th. will be well repre_,;en ted when the visit is made. The newly elected president 1n her remarks pointed out that the ranks or the young: people had been depleted by the en ... llstment or a number of the young men a.nd that therefore those who remained would have to accept a grea ter ' measure o! responsib!Uty and direction than had'" been the case formerly. Many different kinds ot prosrarila woUld h ave to be plan .. ned to meet the new need and the welfare of our men In the fighting force.s would have first place In th!l work. The next meeting will be th& Deanery rally on Monday night In the parish h~. A good program la planned. In Memoriam Archdeacon Wllltam WallAce otfl- clatlna. The bride, ·Ro• A. Dal, ta a d•uchter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert E. Day, HomewoOd Me., Hamllton. and the troom. is ;o<inald B.. Prlna-le, St. Oeorae St., Toronto. IOD Of Wllllam .II. l'rlnlle, Wbltb1. 1:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. H. Prlt.chanl plaJed the weddlnl music and. gladJoll and 'm.tlmll dec .. anted. the church. . 'l'be Tbanksgiv1ng meeting of the Women'1 Aaaociatlon ot the United CbU1'Ch wu held on . Tueada.y last, Mrs. 8. 1'. M.urdock prealclb:ig. Mrs. J . H. Aabby was in cha.rae or the c'evoUonal exercl.&es, a.nd the blble le.ssan waa read by Mrs. Heron. The Prealdent and Mrs. R . J. Clemence helpful thoughts on Thanks· P1na1 &rrangementa were ·made tor the ohleken .supper to be held on Wedne&da.y, October 23rd. A aliort program consl!ted or plano aolo by IIlJa Dorothy A.rchJ.bald ; re&.dlnc, Mrs. P . Wells: and • solo M111 Zorah Oee, with ML">S Lois at the piano. Mrs. Fred Draper's comm.IU.ee served refresh- ments. A.Y.P.A. &£-ORGANIZES FOR . TilE SEASON The A.Y.P.A. of All Saints' has re-oqanlzed. for the new seuon a.nd at the election o! orrtcers on Mon- daJ' tvenln.J the following were :~?~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii• elect.ed i Pa.t.ron. Rev. E. Ralph Ad.Ye: prealdent, Mn. J . W. Vtek-. ery: vlce-pte~ldent, Ml.s.s C. Gor.s-;:-,,,. line: secretary, Miss M. Bonnctta '; treasurer, Nl&s J. Lindley: execu- ... " tJve committee, Miss Betty Fenne- j·,:. mOre. Mrs. J . T. Toms. A welcome .. SIN(/ ANDS'k/!N(/ · ... to the season's tap-happiest hit! vlaltor at thla meetlng was Mr. E Crelahton,_ ot O.shawa, preslde~t of the Eas~ York Deanery Local COunoil who came with the request that All Ba1nta' act as hosts to the Deanery Rally next Monday even- Jog:. ThlJs invitation was received with enthw.lasm and the executive commit tee w1U meet on Wednes- day. (tonlght> to pl&n the details of thLI &nd other . prosnms. A very kind l.nvlta.Uon was received from Christ Church, Oshn.wa, to visit t.hetr br'anch on OCtober :l8Lh. Thls fnvitatton waa accepted p.nd it 1..s eK- pected that the All Salnta• Branch cmcm. SUPPER -at.- WHITBY . UNITED ClliiBCB ' WED., OCT. 23, 5 P.M. Programme e VOCAL· e INSTRUMENTAL e ELOCUTION AdllissiOD · SOc and 25c BROMELL-In loving memory of A. dear husband and father, Edmund Bromell, v;-ho passed away Octo- ber lOth, 1938. We are sad within our memory, Lonely our hearts today; For the one we loved so dearly Bu fore\'er been called away. think of him 1n silence No eye may see us weep; But mnny .sllent tears are abed, When others are asleep. Ever remembered by hla wlte anct daughter•. ""be bride, riven 1n marrlap Dy ber tath.er, wore ivory faWe. prtn- eea aiyle, trimmed. wlt.h eJelet. em, .. broider)", Her veu ot ivory net wss c&Uibt With oraule blouoma and llhe ca.n1ed. roaea and bOuTi.rd.ia. Mill Karjorle Huahea, TOrontor at- tended. her Ja. powder blue taffeta !a111e, prlncHI atyle, with matcblnR olf-the-face hat. She Gt.rried roaes. OlUford Kin&, Tororito, wu beat man and the ushers, Gordon Kur- ru. Toronto, a.nd Robert Anderson, Gall The reception wu held at SUD.D7· lawn, Port Nellon, the br1de'a mother wea.r1n1 AUce blu• crep«~ with touche• o! aold, coraae of ro1e1. Tht 1toom's mot.ber was in I~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I gray chllfon trimmed with winD &nd blue, corl&fe ol aardenlaa. The coupJe left for Oupe, Que., the . bride t.n.velUn& 1n a emm black ' Send me this li st of groceries, and could I have them before dinner as I am going out in the afternoon, and don"t forg~t the C.D.L. butter, we're right outi ROBLIN CREAMERY PHONE 552 . --, . WHIT~Y p tailored 1ulli with white blouae ~o~~.d buriUIJ.d.J' aoceuorlea. 'nley will reside on EJUnton Ave. B., TOrODto. .... WAYLBN-BLLIOTT Autumn nolrera deoonted St. John'a PreabJ'terlan Ohurch. To- ronto, TbUI'Iday nllbt. for the wed· dina of Mlnnlo J:llubtth, olaua:hter of Ohlef and Wl'll. j. W. J:lll~t of Whitby, lormerl.Y ot TOronto, to Mr. Edward J. Wa.Y1tn. 10<1 of llrl. Waylen and the late llr. Predertclt Waylm. ReT. Dr. R. G. Stewart of· flclated and the weddlna' · mUiio was played 1>1 the oraanlll .111'. A. B. Kennedy. Durin& the llCnlnr of tho realltar, lllll Jean MCLeod Janl •"Because"' The bride, rlnn in ma.rrlaae by her father, wore a 1011'0 of bridal tv:ory vllvet, with halo hat of the saml material aM cart1ec1 .& bou- quet o! Bettertlme 1'0111. Her lister, l41u Ollve J4a.e BWott, wu hef ODlJr a t.t.endant, we ..no. a rOH olanf' YIDI.'f'l!!t trock 1t1th match- Ina turban and carrled. Joanna f'OIII and blue · oornfiawt~ra. Mr. ·<>ora1on W. BouakW wu the beat man and the uahefl were Mr. Albert Batt and Mr. Albert. T. Mitchell A rectpUon followed at the roof prden ot the Park Plua Hotel where the mothn- ol the bl1dt re· ceiYtd. wMtinl a 1own ol Quee~ Jll1ubtth blue luo . wttb blac.t bat. trlmmodwlth -~ l>luo and conaJe ot OpheUa· J'Oitl. Kn. way .. len, motber ol the poem, allo re- cel'fBd aDd wor1 1o lrock ot eollUer'a bluue t riple lhter cr.pi ·· , with malohlnl felt llat and eoraace of elmllar . ro&e~. Tbe couple len later ori a. motor trip lbrOUIIh a:utem ontario anc1 Qusbta, the brldl trt.vtllln&' 1D • IOldler'a blue wool ctePII jacket frook with. matohlat hat, black patct leather 1.0061101'lu and twin 111ver lox furl, On th1lr nturn Mr. and Mrs. Waylen 1r1ll Un 1n Taroto. ON ACTIVE SERVICE Briof Par..,..phs of Whitby and District Men Wbo Have Enlisted in Service of King and Country. Prom Private Bkl. Eraldne, over· •eu wtt.b the Pr1noe Edward Regl· mea.t, "0' ' Oompany, the editor re- ceived a "Yery lntereat.lna letter • few 4Q-a ago. He 1a stationed .. •omewherfl 1n En~rland," and, at tht Um.e ot writlnll, regiment tents were, be aa,ya, pitched In a :farmer's tleld. "We ha--re the odd cow call on '-"" and. we use the r00$te:ra for alarm clocU," Sid add!!, He spea.kJJ of the beauty of the country, now btlnl mi.ITed by Hun bombs, the unfalllnl hospltaUty of the people Rlld. thetr confidence despite many trials and dlfflc:ultlea of ultlma.te ylct.ory. "We are trained, now right up to t.he march, a.nd Wh111n 1t ever muer pays ua: a visit, Ood help him, he'll ge-t a merry reception," says pu.sag:e of the letter. Gazette and Chronicle which he uya ss doublY JOINS HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Margaret H. Mlller, a eradu- ate of Edinburgh Untverelty, who baa betn doJ.ng medical work in England, baa come to Canada. w1th three children and baa joined the etaff ot the Ont&rio H~pltal at Whitby for a. time. One of the~ ahlld.ren, Joan, Ill with her here, and 11 attendlna Brock Street School, whlle the other two are attending boarding achoola. Dr. M1J.ler'a husband remains to ca.rry on tmport.e.nt work 1n the! Old Land. OSRAWA MEETING POSTPONED A meetlna: to organize a. Woman'& Se"lee C~ in Oshawa and Whit- welcome overseas, Sid not,e, tha' Whitby .b dotng lts bit, all organi~ uUcna working together 1n th! war effor~. He snys he received & . lovelY parcel :from t.bo I.O.D.E. H8 saYS that several Whitby bOys !'oft now overseas but he -has not manY any so far. Speaking o_( th~ bomb~ lng opera tions of the Huns, Sid says that the English people t.:Uce them very cool o.nd that. they are very brave. It Is pure bunk about Oer· man troops landing bY parachute In the country, and he is of the opinion that invasion by sea will be Impossible. Sid w}.$he5 to be remem- bered to h is many frlen-d'.s here, He s ay.s he o:ets letters from Mac B~ aett and Lawrence Agg., al&o Mr. o.nd Mrs. Frank Wells: He wel• comes clgo.rettea rrom town, stat.-- ing that "smokes" are very expen- .s lve In England. by, advertised for Friday evenlnr of this week 1n O.shawa, and to be ad- dreS!ed by Col. Reynold.s, has been postponed untll further notice. New Court Stenocraphet Ill'. W. R. Scott, of TOronto, II the new Ontario Country CoUn stenographer, 5Ucceedlng .Mr. Dean Mather, who recently enu.ted with the Royal Alr Force. Mr. Scott has already commenced his dutJea and ha.a already made fr1end5 at the Court Hou.se and throlllhout the town. He ...,.111 brln Khls wife ahort- ly to Whitby and wlll occupy a house owned by Mr. RU55ell Collins on Centre Street North. Victorian· Order of Nurses WHITBY Annual Town Canvass Thursday, Friday-Oct. 17-18 Whitby know1 the work of the V.O.N., and haa never failed to IUpport it. Help ua to keep the. home Hz:~• buminll' on the home front, • ' • ~3 '( .; !·Ill BY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1.940 --- PATRIOTIC~ SOCIAL . and ·coMMUNITY AGT Give him shaving comfort the rest of his life with a new ele.ctric shaver 1 16 75 W 1th carry..:ase • • • IN WHITBY CHURCHES ANNIVERSARY AT TilE ANN'DAL. J'ABISB cANVASS UNJTEb CHURCH 'lbe men of All Saini&' Cblllth 1 Othen From $8.75 · ,___ ~ .. be WUl make the annual porlsh ,... 1 Anniversary sen- w.u. con- vus nezt. sund&y. OCtobeJ' 20Ul . . BASSETT'S dueled. in Whitby United Church 'Ibe need of the 'Church at- home 1 next Sunday. Dtstinluiahed II'Uelt and throqhout canada 1s very I llfe&Chera wU1 have chure Of botb ar.eat. The mother ~untr7. -W~ch ! sen1cea. At 11 a.m. Rev. B. B. baa poured out ·tunda. with a laVish , Whitby Phone 671 hand for the .. atablJ,ahmeD_t and r Newnham, B. Th., of Markham, maintenance or the Churtil In • who :rec·ently ~ted tbe .United. Canada 1& no .Jonler able to _do $0.1 ~::::::;;::===================;! Churdl in a. OBC Sunday broad- There!ore -- the ChUrch of England east. wUl have charge. in canada muat ·assume the res})On- ! At 7 p.m. the speaker wW be sibillty for the whole church main~ j Rev. C. W . DeMille, DD., o! To- tenance. All memberS of All [ ronto (North Parkdale United Saints •.,-e asked to be- ready to Church). Dr. DeMille Is a. former' receive the canvassers. RED CROSS ACTIVITIES pastor ol King St. United Church, 1 Osha.wa. aJld bas just been appoint- SAINT .JOIIN"8, · POBT WBITBY j ed to sue&ecrDr. A.-J. Irwin as the · sunday nen·- .as ·Cblldren'a Day. Secreiart.al head of tlle Ontarlo '11lere . wW be a eoiporate Com- Tem.J)eranoe Pederat.lon. mwilon i.t · a a.m.- tor SUnday '-----'---- .. ·-·----.--------------11 Special mu.sJc by the choir 1s School teacher& and YoUDI people. j nasured. 'lbos-e who · heard the Parents . are espedally 1nY1ted to ; . choir last Sunday morning will the morn.tna and evening set:Yites . 1 . • ha.ve had. a foreta.ste ot the fine at 11 a.m. and 'f p.m., rt5pect.lvtly: · t-hlnp in -store: A cardJal lnvita- At 11 a:m. tlle morm.ni prayer and Uon t5 extended to all to attend Intercession for ·the war. The 1 both aervlces. BeaVer Boya' Blble C1asll will meet Winter Sche~ale The Red Cross Workroom will be open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays each week from 10 a.m. to 5 p·.m. Refugee garments are being . made consi.stlng of coats, dresslnB gowns, night gowns, etc. and wool 1s- on tJ,and tor many kii:i.ds of knit~ gannenUI. Machla.ea Needed our present. type or work require;; muCh machine sewing and tbe con- veners would be very grateful for more sewing machines. It you have one available, please phone Mrs. H . Goode, -8:l2. Girl Guides Co-operate The Girl Gu1des have offered their a&sb!tance by taking charae o! the sorting and pa.cklng of t.inlo11 for the Red Cross wb.lch 1.! being collected 1n the town. This will be sold for metal and the money used for Red Orosi .suppUe-3. Plea.se save all tinfoil from cigarettes, choco- late bars, tea package!, cheesD, potato chips, etc., alao tooth paste and sha.vtng cream tubea and aU forma of lead paper and either bring it. to the Red CrOGS rooms or give tt to a member or the Olrl Guide Company, San Coat Banaen o! boys' mltt.s, slze 8 years, and 50 girls' nlghtdreS;Se,s SlZe 10 years. Work on this quota ta being car- ried on at the Woi-kroom,anddona- tlons toward.! It will also be fti- come. Whitby Sunday School. wUJ, meet Immediate))' after th1a aerv1ce.' The 1 at 2:15 p.m .. Almonds at 2:00 p.m. Sunday SChOol md other Bible The handsome piece o! needle- Alm:bnd.s church eemce wUl be Classes wlll unittf· for a aervlct at point. domJ.ted by Mrs. Oeorae cor- withdrawn for the Whitby annl- 3 p.m. ·In the church. 'lbe sacra- mach will be drawn for at the versar:v. ment of HoJy Baptl.szD. wm be ad- November meeting. It 1.s on display - ministered at ol.lO p.m. The Rev. 1n Mcintyre's Olft Shop and tleketa ST. ANDREW'S PRESB'l'TEBIAN MOI'l'Ja Kamtiu:l1J", SUperintendent on It wlll be sold up WI the day o! CIIUKCB of our Diocesan ll1ssl011-to the Juos. meeting. If YOU have: not already The Sunday School will meet at wm be tbe speclai preaeher at 7 got Your Ucket, be sure. to ucure J0:30 a.m. p.m., after which service he will ~ IIi before November 8. Tickets ~ Divine Wor&blp at 11·:30 -a·m. conduct a.· younc: people's fellow- 15 cents each or 2 for 25 cents. Evening Service at 'l p.m. ship at 8:15 p.m. 1n the Sunday Red Cross Campalpl Monday at -t p.m .. Miaslon' Band. School Ball. Returns o! Whitby Red. Cro&S On Monday the Y .P .8. of Rleh.. Intercea.!on aenlces for tbe war Campaign will exceed those of last mond Hill w1ll be the IJUC:Sta of our will be- held at the· Rectory (not In ncl ,,_, d •-- b 1 YP.S. the ehur'eh) at 10· a.m. Prlday, yea.r a are pu~e e--w ere n Monday, "nleadaj- and Wedne.aday, this paper. Thb is another token CHILDREN'S DAY A't. On ~ursday, .the l'ltb Instant, the ot . the splendid support ot Whitby ALL SAINTS' Woman'l Auxll1arJ wU1 hold UM!ir people for Red Cross work. Throughout the Church of Eng~ monthly bwdneu and devo~onal ; The Domlnlon Cam.paian 11 also land 1n Canada. the third SUDday meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the rectory. 1 U&ured of gOing over the de31red 1n October i.s named Children's On Prtday a group will meet at · $5,000,000. There l.s a huge program Day. N;!Xt Sunday, the ,twenty- the Reetoey at 8 p.m. for evanaelis· i ahead o! the Red Cross and e-very . second after Trinity, being the tic atudy t.nd prayer. On llcmda:; I cent given will be re<!,ulred and ex- thlrd in October will b8 Observed. the Junior W . A. wDl meet at 4. 1 pendtd to the best advantal;e. at All Saints' Church. u dlUdren'a p.m. for a work ·meeting In tbe Two-Way Mlttl day. There wW be a celebraUon of Sunday School HalL · On TUesday one of the most ingenious of tbe thD Holy Communion at I a.m. and at 7 p.m. their wUl be· a supper- new Red CrOY patterns 11 the tot• 11 a.m. At tbe mornlna' aentce the • conferenee 1n Ule Sunday School lowing !or two-way mitt.a. Tb.eH Sunday School wDl attend ln • Hall for Sunday School teachers Combination Coal and Electric Range -ONE ONLY, Floor Model, at a bargain. 0 See thia atave with many new GURNEY MODELS now on our floor, F. J. Mcintyre Hardware PHONES60 Last week's appeal for wire coat hangers broueht 1n a Rood response. The dry cle&nera wW buy back from patriotic societies the wire coat hangera .sent out 1n ga.nnenta, at ~c each. Pleue send your •urplus wire hangers tO the Red Cross room.s. are devised .ao that Ule men may 'bod1 and the: Officers and >pacb.er-. and ottlcers and the , members of sUp their fln&ftl'l in or out aa need.- topther with tha.e 'puptll who are the Boys' and Qlrla' Bible ClJWeS. WHITBY ed. Kn1t.ter.s are requested to cu; contlrmed. W1ll tecelte communion 'lbe RUest soeat:er will be Yr. John . 1 out and keep these instruction~ and. In a body. 'l1le S\IDdaJ' School · M. Blow, BA. · - . may obtain wool !or maklng them ~~~:; ~~~in to :e:\~u~ BAPTIST CBURCR rH·uRrH at t.he ~ Cross Workroom. clusea at 10.46 a.m. a.nd .. then pro- Next Sunday the mom1DJ t.oplc , lJ lJI UNlTE m· DonaUona of the Week The folloWing donatlons are grate- fully acknowledied for tbe Work· room: 1 patr of !OCks from M1M J. Rose: 1 pair of socks from Miss L: Mcintosh; 1 helmet fl'om Mrs Allan Walker; 1 pair of socks from Mra. o. Hatch; patchwork quilt top froin !diS:' W. Elms; 2 baby gown.; and gertrudes from Miss I. Pellow; cotton embroidery for aUps from Mni. L. Agg; 1 helmet from Mra. J . H. Ormlston; donation o! $5&0 froro Towri Council as the Red Oross share ot the ,ontaiio CoUnty grant ror war cha.rJtles. For Rcturee and Evacoee Quota: 2 pairs of ·boya socks, alle 10, from Mrs. c. Hatch; s patrsofgirlamltts, size 10, from Mrs. M. Ooodfellow. Whitby's Quota MateriaJ..-3 oa. double knttttna or ceed to the Church. Tbe afterntxm wiD be "Sorrow and Sinaini". 'Ill! 3 ply wheellng yarn. -l no. 11. aesston wtD. be held lD the Church t.-venlng d1acu.sa1on wW be on "The I T s Blabl llan4 Mitt. and a speclal 18J'Vlte wln be con- Klng'l Bualnaa... · cut. on 21 sts, and work 10 fOWl ducted for them to whiCh ·an · par- Sunday IChool at 10 a.m. 1n a rlbblng of x 1, PL Break wool enta and others who are Interested B.Y.P.tT. on Koriday at 8 p.m. and leave aside on extra needle but are lnvtted to attend. 11lere w11l Men's Olub on W~ at 'I'JO be ennlnK prayer and Ierman at p.m. ...._ 1 do not cut off. Cast on 18 st.s. ou 7 p.m. Vlslton are moat ·.cottt!ally Quarterly · bus!neM •meet.tna ron 3 ·needles. · Mdlna <-48 st& in an: invited to at_te:nd tbe ·sentces. 'I'hursd&y at '1:30 p.m. Wort: t. lnchea 1n 10, P2. wort. pl.a.ln knlttb:ig for 4 rounds. 5th . ro11Dd-K1, Pl In lst . .sUtch to make an 9tra. lltltcb, Jt1 and then Kl, Pl ln the next. sUch. tnlt plain t.o end. of round. 8th &lUI 'lth roaadl -Knit plain. 8th roud-lnerea!c 1n 1st .sUt.ch, knlt S st&, then 1n .. crease In nert 5Utch. Knit to ID.d of round. Knit 2 rounda plain. UPLIFTINfi POWER Of GHRIST HOPE MEN AND NATIONS . <contJnued frcm Page n church. Men and womeD. of who had never w8nted to en• in Chr.istJ.a.n suvlee hill never . been forced. mto·lt. It wa.s be<:aw10 the serviCe o! Chrt.st was men's free will that tlie ·!W,.dlom• \J of- Christ !till tarried· ·on.· For · those who looked ~ut d1a-o mal.l,y' upon the world wlth Ita cares and distress caused. · by tbD· war, 1 bo,lle•ol~g that chrtst!anlty had faD• ttia.t the church was losing ita Professor ii~ had n message of hope and' enCOlli'1l&e- ment. He poblted out that men .today. Ute ·those- of old, were beln& tom asunder and their faith greatly .. tried,. yet ou~tandtng ·was the !act ! ·that Christ AlOne could draw ' men and natJo'na unto B1m. It waa a dreary and d1mlal phUosophy the world woulil never be I! I ~~=~~~~t.s -d.Lssenslons a.nd Ita Cbrlol cruclflecl could reconcDe mal. and God, · and man 1 1 • and man, arid peace was obtainable hi the blood of !he cross. . I alOne was th! only bridge ~t could unite natlons-He alone was the one 111st hope be tweeD. n•'"""' u atid natJpn, cla&s and. c.lass, · man :B'"'i!;:l\l;'$ ~~L , .. ~"'· and r:ilan. 'lbe radlant optimism • lng and magne!J.c power& of his ministry. 'lb.ere was: a large congregation. putor. Rev. H. ' Elmer Green, • ·?lco•oecl worshippers from other Chui'ches who hid come to share ln the fellowship of thts anniversary service. ----- mLLEtT·TAXES TWO INSTAlMENTS IN WHITBYTWP. The quota of new Karment.s tor reruaeea asked from Whitby In the next two ~qonths :la aa !ollo\VS: 10 ladles' coa.t.s s1se 40, 10 lad.lea' coat.s, aJr.e 36, 80 girls" coats, aile 10 years, 50 pa,.tfs ot girls' mitts, size 10 yean;, 60 boys' ,pulloven. stzo -t yell:'l, :JO drea8lng gowna, me 14. 60 palra of boya' socks, slle 10 yean, 50 palrs Cfontinue In this wa.y. lncreaalng by 2 ata. evecy 3 rd. :rouncl and bav- lng 2 more· stitches between ln.- crease 1titchea: unW you. bave 11 au tehea between Increase atltchel. Knit 2 rounds plain. ...n roan4- Kl, take off 11. sta. on aafety pln, and cast on 8 sta. and lmit to end of round. Knit IS rounc11 pla1D.. .n roUDd-Kt. transfer th1&- •Utch ta ne.dle just completed. No,r . wort 27 atl. in Kl, Pl, and 11nilh reat of Nml~, L.ll.:~. ' - . round plain. work 8 more founds l? ~~• • teeplnK the first 2'1 oil. In Kl, Pl ..:;J.,.,.,. rtb. nat. rilund-cut oft the 27 [A NA.D I AN ~~ · .. ··~un'~~ ..... and work plalil to enc1 of Ap 5 ~round-Tate tho piece laid . ' . , ulde and lmlt 1n Kl, Pl 011 flnt needle in place <1f 27 st.s. cast off. Then f1n1sh round plain. Knit 10 more rounda keeplnl 27 sta. 1n lD, Llll' WD'R LD'S -,p. FINEST FRUIT RIPE, ~1 Canadlu Appl .. are one o£ the 6ne.t f'oOdl that can he bouaht. They're plutdp attrd ~bole.om9. heaTt wltb delleioua Juice. Eat two or three of theM ap~e. eo~ery day - the,.'n poet for you I .And be aura to .ene ple~~.ty of tuty appleo deuertt- opple 1'10, baked oppl.., apple dumpll.d.p aDclappleMuoe. C.nadlaD Applea •"' In rour nel~bowhood. •tore. Bur them NO , Jl• .. dtt.l' s.r.co. ' DOMINION DEJ"Ait.'I'IIElft' OJ' ACatCVL'nJB&, OTrA'trA Pl, and the remainder plaln. Now work 4 rounds plain. To Shape Top of Mitt lit Deedle-(with 27 ribbed ata.l Kl; K2 too. throuah back !®pl. Knit to within :1 sta. from md ot needles. K2 tot. ltl. IDd ~ Kl, K 2 l<>fl. throuah back loopa. Knl~ t.o end of needle. Snl needle -Knit to withln ·3 ata. from end nt needle, K2 toe. ltl. Knit 1 round plaln. Repeat those 2 round& untli 18 ata remain. Gra.!ta aa tor toe of .sodr:. Tbamb Pick up the 11 ots. on orJetJ pin and. plot up 7 more. trom hand. and work 22 rounds plaln. Jlrf. :roaad- &:nlt 2. tOr. rla:ht around. 1-lUL roa.a -Knit pWn. cut off woo1. pull throulh aUtche& md f1n1ah of!, Stw dolm enda of nap on lnalde of m1tt. Lell Bani MIU start as !or rlaht 1\a.nd mitt by lr:nlLUna: hand flap flnt and leave aalde. Tben rib cut! -t · inchll 1n K2, P2. · Knit ' roundl plain. llll ....,.11-Rnlt to within lui 3N. on Iut neecUe. then increua 1D nat ot. lmlt 1 a~ plain ancl lnorHa In next at. conUnue u before tnJ.t- Una' 2 rowa plain then leavtna- 1 itl. between lncreues ~ next row,. &n4 t:eeplnJ on unW there are 11 at.a. between lncreue•. Knit 2 roundl plain. ned round-Knit to wi~ last 12 st.s. on last nee<Ue. Put 11 sta. on holder. cast on 8 at.. ltl- Knlt I l'OUI!dl plain. 'll'anlfer lt.IL at. on Jut row to l6t needle 111\d. 1D- cludlnr th1l '1t. work 28 ata. plain Work next 27 sta. tn Xl,-Pl. Work o mor& rowa Uie thla, tben cut ott the 2"1' rlbbe<l 1t1. an4 conUnut u !ot" lirat trom xxxxx · • .;* THIIILLING NEW 118NE SS flo ..... -- * DASH.ING NEW "U(STOSTYLE" #D.E·S I G N . twll c..MMIM ...... ,...,a . ···--~ ' . ~ :LONGER, lARGER, Willi F\511£1 IODIIS . r .tw~~• f!HHillt ~.....,,..r I : I · ·'* SAFI·f ·SPECIAl HJDUUliC IRAKIS ., ira a SIZE ~ • ' ·'a STYLE sensation,. ~ • a~DRIVf and RIDE ansatJJ.n * Bigger In all. ·major ·.-IIMI)alana both illakle and 011t !-.,,with 3" longer "!h .. ~ .. and "th,_ couple: roonilrieis" lri' all aeclan moclela * . With clathint· new "Arlitoslyle"' .. gn and longer, larger, mo.. liixuJ:Iou• Fl...., Bodies that Mt the n- atyle feW the naw year *With the powe.,l Va'-'n-Head "VI~' Engine that I~ per- formance arid lowitn com * It' .a the new leader i!y the . builder of ~den • : • CHEVROLET • ~ • holder of flnt ,!!lace . · in mOtor cdna\ea for 9 out of the last 10· Y*Jnl: ~tDEVROLETStLeJI\DD! ~ .>'1' WHITBY ALD MOTOR SALEcS._ 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST · . • •' .- . -:- PHONE 304 ' ·-. ~ ·' ' . " * OIIGlNAl VACUUM- P.OWII Sllf.Y. ~~ · ' ~ .DI·Lm INIE~A(nON t*' AlL 'MODElS· -·..--· ,...,_.~. a's,., . - *NEW lO"GE~ ·W liTH lASE ' ' Cl4ll ..__, , ' . .__,_ .. ~ . ' \

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