Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Mar 1939, p. 3

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"Woolly Baby" Lateat Fuhion Blltnma almplfcl(J ID the cll'U8· IDr of thOir. bt.bieo Ia 1IO'ir fnored "LITTLE-GIRL" by yoUDC motbm in Bntland. A NoW that we're Well on our ST. ANDREW'S PREsBYTERIAN · CHURCH cam.palp aaa.lnR mUllin trocka back to nuraery ·day.s, 1n thl.ol and toq dotbea. at.arted. bJ Jtl!Di"' , hair In bows. petticoats peep- beta or \hi Chelata BabJa' Club, under bema, uttle round headed. by Lady Jones IJl4 tbe Bcm. matlng ua look lngenul)~ L&dy Dt.vidlaD, li.P., hal res9lted.. and frMh, tt'.s not aurprlslng that In the n'tlval ot the "woollJ bl.bJ"' somebody haa thought up a genu· faahloa. . lne "little girl" halr-<lo. It r.ome& A111]Jloet ·of Cbolr and . Ladln' Ald. B. Brewer, .ac:oanteon: John Mend-, barl&ane; H. Bl&ek, · Veotriloqubt,. aud other . ~ .. -~. Two llatua-tn-law _ tbe BC'Jl. from HoUywDOd and though tt Kra. BtmT Howard and the Bon. I ::~:, out belna an lndiV1llual .M'ra. ZdmUDd Boward., whOle ba- 11 for Barbara St.anwyck, blei are about tbe amt qe-are now tt'a said to be anyone's dish. &mODI t.boH who cbooll.e~ t.line-- • ~e "little alrl" hair-do goes like piece ~ outrlta for their chtl- ::::-:====--===~~~~;;:-;;~-::::==--== dren. 'I'b.ey cODibt of veat, Jumper and llllfnp, one l1le laaUnr from b1rtb. to a • moo.thl. ud the ' aee- - trom. ab:: monthl t.o • ,ear. Other 'JOUDI . mathera an tnltt1nc' the- ouUlt themaelvea. Id .. for the up-to-ctat.e nuraet)' lncluclo polo blue, piDic or . while foedn With allovoo. 111Dr round -': In lbo Ulual Wfo)'. Tbeso 41011ned tc< Ulo baby who I<OIIa liliaaelf ID a h1lb chair. An lllectnc 417tnc cabinet that loota Ute . a minute refrlaetatcr.:' and whith can be run oft the elec- tric llcht. 11. Intended to &olYe p:'OlJ- lema in t.h• qllriU'J' of • nat wberC there Ls no apace to bani out wuh- IDr to 4ry In tho OI'OD· Practleal a.lmple draperies or cl.naham or flowered cotton are &Upped on and ott the l&te.~t t:ype or baU.et cot on a wicker at&nd. A pale pint rubber mattrua bu min- ute air euahkJN. Lar(le Windows May Be Divided l.atK~ panea of 1lau 1D window!' of awkward. a.11e mQ' be divided Into tho lnlueollDC IID&ll ponea of a Colonlal houae by mtanl of nar- row atrlpa or bl&ek IUDliDed pspu marktna Qff the dlvistOna. Narrow 1lau ahelvM buUt. aplnat. wide WindOWI Jive a pf cl1aplQ ol )'OUr colleetlon of 4tcOI'I.t1Ye boUltl and Va.HI or nrytna ahapu an4 wlth am&ll pot& ot Lrautnc 1Y)'. ,\ \lt\\\ m APPttt.JUICE Now at thtir hut and wb~ r ~ .. ,., MUlJL NEW LOW ... Cf' J.i IIUSHEL No. 1 SPY . .. , . , • , . . , -.·.,,, , ,,,,,, , IHtc Ji BUSRt:I. DOMESTIC SPY, : ........ ,., .. •• ;., .. IOo 'i BUSHEL DOMESTIC BALJ:tWJH,' or CRANBERRY PIPPINI .. ... ,'.~ .• -~ ......... , ,. tk APPLE. JUICE, ~·~~ of .II caDI, M-os. etoth . ..... .". 15cl .l110rttt1 rac11a1u or Apila U ••qulnd. Ph.onr btlore 1:00 p.m. Tnu1t~ y or Fif••:r for roUowlar 41J delh. er.7. ' 1TJ our APPU: BliTTE:R Uc aJld t5e eartell•. APPLE JELLY. Ue. ' Death• · • (\ The death occurred at Bowbelll0 Burke Coumy, North D~ota, o1 Mrs. W. c. JOtcbeJJ;-.at. .her hOme on February 21th, 1D. her· Mtb · year, aner a IIIDI'Lb1 mn-. 'l'lii.: late' llrl llltch.U ·wu a -.ter-ht•taW of Mra . .John Tarr,. Jin. wm. aua: nell and Mra. Charla. Armlt.roua', of Whlt_,._. ___ ,_,;;.•(t .. "~, --- In M~oriam BD:JKLY-In .,... lar.l..q memory of m:r dear)7 beJOWCS 10n Herbert, who P*IMd &W&J from. Ul on -I~. !IN. Bel.lde ·:roUr · lf&Y~<'we often a~d, OUr heart., both .cruahed and eort: But ln Ute aloom. the ·awttt worda come: Not lciot b!K ,_ boloro. God tnowa how much n m1u you, Be eounta the t11n we lh6d, He wh~He onl7 aleepa. 'Your land OAI. Ia not dtad, Por we'll be "'bn.Ye' deat' Herbert,' And pny &o CJocl -.ch day That wbm he tak-. ua horlie to you, . Your amlles wU1 ruide our way, l!adl7 mlalocl by hla mother and broUJerw . Carda oF Thank• Mr. an4 Kro. lllo.ttland lCarlln wi&b to-- tholr - than~ to thtlr IIWIJJ - ,.., thllt md now~ra recent 1Unt111, a1ao alld le<lr• tor II'"""! No Landacapina Till 16th ~ntury Thoro wu 1>0 _.,. po.tnt~Dtr In mo4aonl u1, -- ._ J. o. Alford of lhe tllllYOI'IIIT ot Toronlo. told the LJ'ctum Club aDd wom.n·a Art AUoclatton )'tlterday. It wU not unw towardl the Ind. or u.. !lib ooolury that tho rolatlonlblp betw"Jl m&n and h1a natur&l en- vlronment wu ftlt.. Ii wu then that the put.orai" lde& wu devtloptd. and orlll .. bopn to 'portray an ldnllM1 country ure. Tbt wort of tbt 11Ul emtury wu larrtly Of t.ht peaclful, lp&clOUI type of l&Ddacape and tt wu from tbNe palntlnd that the landlcaP• arU.t of a Uttlt lat.r pe:rJOd aot. .hll. 1d.eM for tht formal . COW\tfJ .a .. tata. lUeblfd. Wllloo, who btcU\111 IQlo•n ln tht mid lith cen.t\U'7' wu tho !Other of ~llab lall4ocai>. palntiJ11. . WHITBY UNITED . CHURCH Men'a Club ST.PATRICK'S . BANQUET 6:30 P.M. TONIGHT (WEDNESDAY) · Sunday School Room Speak«: Mr. Hackbuoh, of the Str!>mberg·C'!"Ison Radio Co. IRISH SONCS by Bert Waptalt. WhUbJ. SUPPER: SSe • , .- TlGD COHOS . ilewCHEESE SALMON 2 ~. 27• 15 OGU.VIU lb. • OATS HEolTIWI. .... 15· CATEI.Ll ·:PURE LARD SPACHml2 '=· 25· · 1 Q siDJUUFrs Good Mornia1 ~· :.lb._·:::::::; MARMALADE'i~·19· r- LIUY'I CHATEAUCHEESE BEANS ~"o~.. ... 9· IPI:CIAL BLUm *' pkg.16• BLACK TEA ... 39· L.. ""' ---, -'--;WEE;;;!. K·EHD SPECIALS 2s SURPRIS.E SOAP EMFOPEAS MONARCH FLOUR 2~s A&. P COFFEE =~~~K RED CIRCLE l-Ib. bog 25c . l-Ib. bag 2;2c l-Ib. bag 19c EKh 5c, ProttMOr AUocd, who holdl tile ohllr of, Pint An. al tho vnt•m!IJ ol TOrolllo, WU11nto4 bll" 'd~ with lantern aUdel whiCh &piJJ de- ptell4 tl\0 typoa ol ll!'llllh lal\d·ll:.iiii 1caplrl1 throuah the aeDtur1tL Tht laiuli••PIIil (I( Dlauclo.' lilt proteuor potnted. •ut, wu &DQLhet eh&racterlatlc Qpo. 11 "11 IIW'U4 by . ' ;·, •' THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1 ~. ·1939 OPIICAL ·Receives Teleois!on Broadca&t in Oshawa Save the piecea - We replace broken lenses Alao FRAMES REPAIRED Bassett's WHITBY OSHAWA Ph!>n• 671 Phone 1650 , ' IN WHITBY CHURCHES UNITED CHURCH The Rev. Russell O'Brien wlll preach in t.he morning on 1-he sub- ject "What Does Lent Mean to You?" and 1n the evening wut give the "Ben Hur" picture sermon which has been held ov-er until th1s Sunday night. The sUdes are beauWully colored and the story has stUl lt.s ancient power. BAPTIST CHURCH Owing to the illness of Rev. H. Eimer Green, the Baptist congrega· t:.ons, received two splendid me.c;- .:;;ages ·on Sunday last. morning and eyenlng, from Rev. A. R. sander- son. Next Sunday Mr. Gree-n hope.o, to be 1n his pulpit and toplc.s will ,be as stated last week. In th£ morn- ing "The Voice of God in a Storm," and in the evening, "The Ute That counts" will be the thought of mes- sages. Sunday school at 10:00 a .m .; B.YP.U. on Monday at 8:(10 p.m.; Men's Club on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.; Prayer meeting on Thursday. at 7:30 p.m. ST. A...'lDREWS CHURCH The services will be ln charge of t-he minister. Rev~ Dr. Carmichael, and will be held morning and eve-- ning at 11 and 7 o'clock. The church school 1s 1n cha.rge of W. A. Thom- son and meeU; at 2:00 o"clC'Ck. UNITED CHURCH i\IEN'S l.:LUH Me~·s Club of "Qnlted Church hold their supper gathering on Wednesday night at 6.30 p.m. Irish songs wUl predomina.te, as Mr. Wagstaff leads t.he program. Tile guest speaker Will be Mr. Hackbush, chief engineer of the Stromberg- Carlson Radio Company. The en- gineer will set up a miniature studio and revtoal by actual te:;ts the tremendous advance In wire- less. THE SALVATION ARftiY Speclal servlce3 Saturday ani! ';unda~ March 18th and 19th. con· jucted by Adjt., Laura Collins, o! Weston. :Meetings as follows:, saturday 8 p.m~. Pralse Meeting. Sunday, 10 a.m., Knee Drill, 11 a.m., Bolllness, 7 p.m., Oo.!lpel \l~tfng. Sunday gathering for- the • ~~ rou:nrPeopie-arto'nowa:-to.ao a.m. Sunday School, S.30 :P.J11:• · SundaY School;, 6.15 p.m. Meeting ~eekly A lorol lnnstmonl ltw Trust funds Un<onJIUonally .Guaranto.J THK STERLIIIC TRUSTS CORPORATION IITIIUNG TOWEll 1Jru9 CHICKS . . 12 pure breeds and eeveral ~ / "Xtra-Profit" and StiDdard . ""des. s.. me rodull porticulln._ Placo your qrdcr -· G. A. CANNING 145 Brc~ll. !ltrftt south WHf'IBY - PHONE It!' Young People's M~tings. Monday 4 p.m.,- we'd.nesday 4 p.m. Wed.ne:s· day 7.15 ·p.m. Business and Guards. Friday, 7.30 p.m. Cubs . and Scouts. MeeUngs !oZ. the Adults.. are Tues- day 8 p.m. cottage PraYer Meetinl nt the home o( Mr. and Mrs. .Par- rott, COlborne Street· East,.;.. Thurs- day, 2.30 p.m., women's Meeting, 8 pm., Special Meettngs conctucted. oy Mt, WWatts. -ALL SAINTS' cBuiwH At AU' Saints' Church next Sun- day, the 4th Sunday 1n Lent,. there will be a celebration of the Holy communion at 8 11nd 11 a.pt.., and Evening Prayer at 7 p.m. The sun- day School wlll meet at the u.sual time of 2 p.m. The rector will preach at both services. Visitors wlli be very gladly welcomed at these services. CONFIRMATION CLASSES The All Saints' conflnnatlon classes which have been temporarily suspended during the illness or the rector will begin on Friday evening and will be held at the rectory. The Junlq_r class will meet at seve!l o'clock and the adults .at eight, candidates arc asked to bring a PrayPr Book and Bible with them. NEW ROOF FOK THE HI6H.SCHOOL AN. UR6ENlNEED <Continued from Pagt lJ school. libraries ..., suggested in the Inspector's report Is one which will have to have further ·consideration as it tnvolv~ a great detl or ex- ST. JOHN'S. PORT WHITBY pcnse. On sunday next, the 4th in Lent, J. H. ormiston, chalrm.nn or the there will be moming '!)rayer at 11 Library ·Board, told the school a.m. The Beaver Boys' Bible Cliss l·"""'ees that the Board was endea· will meet at. 2 p.m., and the Swl- vortng to place in the library books day School and other bible classes or an educational character which at 3 p.m. At 7 p.m. the Ba~ent of would be or value t.o school chlldren HOly communion will be cel~b~ted. in the higher grades or the .schools, This wUl be corporate' Communion and had recently added. ten volumes for the Men's Association. On or "The World Book," one or the ThursdaY. the 16th iMt., the/Four- finest English works ever published. square Club will meet ~t 7:30 p.m. The Jibrary will shortly have com- at the rectory. The Women's Aux.- plete, separated reference depart· i!iary will hold their mon~ bust- ment, the chaitman uld, ness and devotional meetin& at the Appreciation of the co-operatl~ home o:r Mrs. Isaac, commep.cing a.t o:r the Library Board wa.s e.'lpressed the same time. On Friday, a group l!Y the Schooi trustees. will meet at the rectory at 8 p.m. for evangelistic study and. Jirayer. On Monday, the 20th, 1ll:S~ .. 't.b.e Junior W .A, wlll hold a work .meet-- ing at 4:15 p.m. 1n tbe s~~v School hall. At 7~0 the ~e ~~en­ mg· the Men'! AMOclatlOn Wlll meet for' games: blble"'stuc:ty ·and -dmcu.s- of ·current •toptci.: ;r · ·· · ~ ,.. · ~ At 2:30 p.nl., Tflesday.1.tbete wtU a meeUng at St. Oeorie'l!l ~\,U'Cb 1n Pkter1n8', for --Ea.st ,York ·Dean- ery under the le"&di""nhlpr :.~or · Sir H~ erayt.on, to discuss · ~ Deanery'a share 1n tbe Dloceun centenary. On Wednesday, 'the 22nd. ln5t., the ladles will hold a sewlnll meeting at 2 p.m. The jun2or and s.enior choirs will meet for prac"' Uce at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. ~eot1vel.Y a.nd the IAinten aenlce wm be held' at· 8 p.m., all in the Sunday School hall O.E.A. Convention Slated for Toronto POrt Peny, Marcil 14-T. J. 8&8• ~\_cl~!~·~~~ ot R~ ~wn- . Toronto. March 13-DeiiJ)lte .the was arrested yea;tefday on auggesUon which followed last year·.s r:!':~~p of ·. etnbeallnr $3,000 or meeting that the Ontario Educa- funda was released on $5.• tional Association would· not hold 000 last night. He Will ap- lts annual convention ,ln Toronto ptar 1n maglatrate'a com here on this year it wa.s learned that prep- 'Ihursday to fae~: the ~arae. It is aratlona 'have been completed fot alleged that he took the money the annuil conference 1n TOrOntD. whUe he was tax conector of the Offlclab of the O.EA. intimated townsb.Jp from 1&34 to 1938 t.nclu- tast year that they would move the a1ve. · It! 11 claimed. that Sager il- l_cc1nt1;...,>ce to another city aa result sued receipts for tax payments but or the action of the City of TOronto did. not tum the money over to the in cahCelling the annual grant to- townahip. wards defraying the expenaea of t.b•' ~------ convention. Beyond declali.ni that the can- ventlon v..•ould be held 1n Toronto as usual, otficlals 1 of the Ont.arto Department. of Education had no information as to the reuon why the O.E.A. executive decided to eon- tlnue their sessions here. WhUe A. E. Bryson, aeeret&ry or the O.E.k; was not available, h1a office assurer that the meetlna would be held 1n Toronto durlna Ea:iter week. QUESTION EAST WHITBY'TWPo . . . . TO BE··DISGUSSED - . <OontiDued ll'om Pale ll plan would effect definite operatlna: economies .u well u brlnalna: in additional . ievenue ln the way or D. L & W. GENUINE rrovernmtnt &nnL1. It wu atatecl at the-lut couriCU..meeta- int that th1a woukl mean. an In· creaao 1p ~ts ~r •'700 to .. ,..,.~ Whitby to!MhJp, were the seveu t!!SUn<otly rural aehool3 in the nor-' . . Scranton Anlhracate--- . BLUE COAl. ~ Be Purchaaed by DWmi 524. \ Why not economize and bum BLUE COAL or lrY ; our COKE in various aiz~ • .. Abo Dry No. 1 Body W~ Hardwood Slabs and ~t W~ SIP.. '· part or the township to enter upon aueh an arrangement. · 1 _All rM1d.enti or East Whitby are ln'ISted and the ratepayers ln the ' northern part of the tow~p who WO\lld be ·directly effected were" aUCJ.1 a scheme to " ' put futo operatiOn. are especially aak.ed to attend S9 Lhat all wUl gain a thorough underao llt&.ndlna of the prQb}em. The De· P&l'tl;nent or Ed.ucat.aon apeaker wUt outllne the plan 'entnJly. and wtll •IAQ be pr~pared to &Dawer QUN• t~OM reaardtnr¥ the acheme, - • . ~ . ~ OhanciAc Tlmca Jim: "On his birthday ~erore · • 1 ~ tbeir marrtaae, lhe . "'a'Ye him '• ~I _. .o . book~ ~UU.ed, 'A Perr~t ~~e- Jnftles .sa· ....;..~.. . on' .. l!..'s·,.:, ns·" ' m~;~~d: "Any chanre after • lUll - JIU II . Year :ot marrted Wet~- BROCK ST. S .. , WHITBY TELEPHONE'~ · . Jim: "\'.S: on hLs ·1 .. ' 61rthda1 , .. , she hhn a "book en4Ued, 'Wlld !ll;;i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!ll!liii!i!!iilliiB!i!!iiil!!!i!!!i!!!!i!!Mi!li!l!!IBI!i!llil!lll!iii~IJ •Al>tm,ala I Have .M:M'." ~! --·-¥· \ - ' The Whitby,: ·company SAsfi. ' SHEET ROCK}:.· ESTIMATES· c&eerfuDy-fumiahecl o.:.. any iobi· ' . or~. in town .Dd·diatrict. Belleville Relief Recipie~ts .. , Work ·at Trenton .Station Officials Refute Statemellt comollshed under the chalnnanshlp • ~:, or Cyril Schofle1d. He stated, that Attributed to Raymond he •"Peeled that the 200 local sub- zuf ·1 M · scrJbers applications received to e t - en at . date would Ultlmately reach a total Since Feb. ht TALK'IN OTTAWA·· . Al:rlON IN . Auociated Medical Senriciil Report. Progreu-Bnnc:h Board Appointed Of 10 per cent. Of the population· 0( the branch area. which includes Osha.wa, Whitby, Pickering. and nearby potnt.s included in the Osh· awa General HosPital servlce area. Dr. Hannah also .stated that the 4.300 memhershlp or January mentioned bY the Hon. Power in hts address to the of Commons the prevtow evening was now nearly 6,000, as 762 ap- pllcRtiOns had been recelved in Feb- rull.ry and 1.60 to date in March.- tContrlbuted). TO MAKE A FLUFFY cooked vegetables, ·:eh~e- or jelly, for variety. For extra ·f1~riness. use the eggs at room temperature and add the salt to , Uie ' ejg. whites. . SEE FOR YOURSELJi WHAT FA~OUS BRI'NGS YOU IN THE BIG . NEW ENGINEERING LYMQUTHl l ._ • ~ • r ' '-'( • e YOU SEE FINER QUALJTY.iJi eVery To·SEE Ulo new 1939'Plyu:ioo~• i.e to · : .. detOllofthiagreatPlymouth,y~itcoih~ "admire J.t: To DRIVE it, it a thrill you to ~ou at new lower prices 1 Look at tho '1111 ~ot " IOOJ,\ forget. Your neoroet ' ChrriJON'IJWOUth·Fargo dealer will be 1i,..ofthiecarl It'slriggorthmever,with . glad t'O]IIaoo"* 1939 Plyinoilth at your new luxury and beauty.Jnai~e. md OUL . aiapOialJ or a trial drii-e. Se_e .tiim rigtit a¥£ay-~• name i' ahciwn below. ..

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