Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Feb 1928, p. 1

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,_ ... ......., - .- " - .:., , February 9, 1928 I ~ · Page 3 :,...- .. . .· , . WHITBY GAZETi'E . :ANJY CHRONICLE ,. • ~ .. r<" -- -7~~---r·· .. _. ... . . .•.• • ,ro -. .J,; ' • · : : :~ • · ·: ·' . ·.~ . ' · . --·~ . -'"'7. ··· -: "" ' ~ "" "'";",...... --. , ~. ~ ; ! f l \ • r ' i 1 I I ' -~" -~~- - 1)~:// / \l~ar• _-?'~,-~,.q- - : ~ :~.:~~' f~~ I .. ~ - - · ·_ i_' ·• i • " ·: , .ter' :A' • , · · : ..... u~'ju : a "Ill ;zo1 s.r~pnq Lro { ssaii}Siiq SJ'I ~ 1-cq~.S:! -~1-tado.xd alll ~ . ·. "" '"YVe ._ :-:~· WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADa.,'-'rHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th;1.928 ·:--:"'~ :~~~~l_!.UB s,e.! , ~asfl' t'!r-- --~ . ·_ -.1 ·ti·· )~~ ··•· - '~ · • ~ ' , of .., " _ ... ~n:sent reSI mg a Lim - Pi-INCIP~- ~~RANT . OF_ $300 FOR THE V.O.N., . jCITIZENS -BAND WHITBY WAR VETERAN - ·. ~- -~~~;-4-52 • IJ.t~rDlftNEii" ttJ·-0 - . COMMUNITY.-~-· . q~~ ••• · $250 FOR cmZENS' BAND _TO . · SACRED £0NCERT OF CANADIAN LEGI •• ~m:r:f2s :,;: .t7:~~~ COLLEAGUES ON . IS APPRECI tfD PAY SALARY OF BANDMASTER PROVED, PhPDLAR CLUB ROOMS TAT SO~_,. ~~:~o JtQUET- ·EDUCATION BOARD · - . Big lmprove~~nef~ted_.:. Ch. f N So. ld" ~0-- · "t· . F all Tu ed Councn E. xpresses Regret Tender of Brokers For School Debe. ntu_n~s at Very. High Reeve A. sks .for .the I arter o ew Ier's rgamza Ion orm Y rn t p f LateR f s c Over-Over Sixty Former Warriors Assemble in a ~~i:gFarewell ev. Figure Accepted-Accept Resignation o pale ,on- , Public Support ' r .• New Quai1ers in Allin Block-?rogressive Program Dr. H. Bascom, 1928 Chair- man, Was Host to the School Trustees Tribute to the late Rev. F. L. Fare- we)!, principal of the Ontario Ladies' College, for the prominent part he took in community affairs, and for his wiUingness at all times to assist in any· community enterprise, was paid by His Worship Mayor J. W. Bate- man at the Town Council meeting on Monday evening. His Worship, in asking that the Council go on record as appreciating what 'Rev. Mr. Fare- well had done for the town, referred to the prominent part he took in the arrangements for the Jubilee celebra- tion last summer, and also for the re- cent reception to Col. and Mrs. Amety. He V.·as president of the Board of Trade and was willing to help In any- ' thing that was for the general good of the town. . By a unanimous vote the Council \ passed the following resolution, rnov- ~-. ed by Reeve Jackson and seconded by . · ~(;oun. w. 'M.. Pringle: . ·. .. !.~ . . "That tbis Council desires to · place on its record Its great and · sincere regret on account of the death of the late Rev. F. L. Fare- well, late principal of the Ontario -. Ladies' College, and to record also · ·--its appreciation of the splendid serviee' to this community rend- ered .by Mr. Farewell during his lifetime. · "This COuncil feels that the loss _ ... · of Mr. ·Farewell creates a vacan·, I ' ·c.- in the life of the municipality ..;hl~h jt_ will be most impossible to fill ~so, -the Coundl desires to ·express -es ,utcere sympathy to Mrs. Fruvwell and fatnily. His W~~P the Mayor an~.the Clerk ~ereby requestecp!>ror- . ward a e ~ rnce to · M,s. Fr, well, exp g this , J<ouncil~~ sorrow and sympat'ly I. :~· -:~~ her, (u;reparable loss." ' -, . i-- \~--- stable-Question of Relief and Work For Unemploy- ___:__ . For Leo-ion is Planned. ' ed Dl"scussed-Court of Revision Named and Date That the Whitby Citizensi Band ha~ ... . Set fot· SI"ttings--Other Bus. iness Before the. Town in recent months, by faithful and con~ ./ Dr. -H. Bascom, the new chairman d E stant practice and loyalty to its lead- To the call issued to "fall in" over I . . of the Board of Education for 1928, Council at Three-Hour SessiOn Mon ay vemng. er, attained a very lrigh state of ef- sixty veterans of the Great War in M .a) Servi (! and serving in that capacity for the ficiency as a musical O""""nization was Wh emon Ce Of third year in succession, tendered a -.. - • 'tby assembled on Tuesday night the opinion of a large number _who at- f th f 1 • th La E J H::aia complimentary dinner to his col- . Grants of $300. to the Victorian Or-, c d" . Le . tended the sacred concert given in the r::~ms eon o:;:~to;~:,~g o~rt::eA~l~~ I e te ar '""t) leagues on the Board and local press der of Nurses and $250 to pay the Speaks to ana Ian gaon Town Hall after the-church services Allin block, and for the first meeting, __ representatives at the Whitby House salary of the bandmaster of Whitby on Sunday evening, ·and it is safe to ·nr 1 · b on Thursday evening last, when Mine Citizens' Band for the year 1928 were say that as time goes on and further · 1 orma as- tt was ut one long to be To attend a memorial aenke in Host Bandel furnished a spread fit for .1 . . remembered, of the new Whitby the Baptist Churdt on Sunday ev- a km' g. ·To the dc'nner of several sanctioned by the Town Counct .on_ unprovement •s made they will become b h f th c d' Le · f th h Ia dati fi ed . th . ranc o e ana tan gcon o e ening for t e te Earl Haig, ~ourses all did ample J·ustc'ce and to Monday eYening on · recommen on con rm m eu opinion. The con- B ·t· h E · s · Le I ~ rt S d . h n •s rnp1re ei'Vlce ague. n Oommander-in-Chief of the Brit- put on the fint'shing touch the of the Finance Committee. c:e un ay rug t was a revelation to th · · f "v ts" t c1u • The v.o.N. had asked three w~ks many and to the · bandmaster and e opmcon ° many e presen ' ish forces nng the war, mem- "smokes" were handed around. Mter Co ttee b d . d th - , not since war days has a more pleas- bers of_ Post 112, Canadian Le- the dinner the trustees spen"t an hour Previous for $350 but the mrnt an smen an e Citizens' Commit· t d fitabl th · bee . f h B.""S.L., •1 COuld not see its way clear to recom- tee which lias eo-operated with them an an pro e ga enng n gcon ° t e "'" "" 1 meet at in social chat arou~d the festive board, f held, and its success augurs well for at the aub rooms over Allin's after which there · follo'"ed a few m· • mend the additional $50. · or many· months, a distinct credit. th futu f th Po t. " The Band asked for $300, bu~ the Th I d e re 0 e s store at 6.30, &Del proceed iu a formal addresses appropriate to the Committee took the stand that mas- tha~ t~r:"ci~':::s :~:!e wt~e ~ . As the result of rnany weeks' work body to the church. The speaker occasion, and a hearty vote of thanks d t d . on the part of an energetic commit- of the evening will be Captain was tendered to the host, coupled w1·th much as the band coul no success- an arc arunous to see it improve and tee th f th Le · d ted fullv. be conducted without a '?od prosper. ' e rooms 0 e gcon ona Tom Beet, the new pastor of the the wish that be would continue for d be d free of rent for one year by Mr. Allin, -Baptist Oturch, who is • war vet- many years to prest'de over the leader the Council woul ren en. ng Pop· ula Pro ha bee · ted d ted d r gramme ve n patn , ecora an eran. Leland Gregory, popular · Board's deliberations. valuable assistance to the orgaruza- Th · mf rtabl fi ed S ra1 · t I ast e programme chosen for the con- very co o Y tt up. e"e baritone of ,IeMaster University, Several speakers recalled . the fact tion by paying for one. year 8 e t h' h 1 d u 't' f · d f th h d ' that official's salal1' • With the under· cer , w tc , nci enta y, is the first c:1 tzens, nen s o e men w Q rehn - will sing. Mra. Vivian Perry, that for many years harmony and the t ld of a series to be given on Sunday ev- ered service to their country in er Whitby, will Bing "There i& No best of feelc'ng had pre·-'led at meet-standing that Council's gran wou · · eed h d ted ch ·~ d- emngs during .the winter and early time of n , a.-e ona su Death." Every nteran in Whit· 1·ngs of the Board and that busm' ess not exceed $250. There was no •s- th' bl h rt. spring months, was a very popular necessary mgs as stoves, ta es, by is asked ·to be in attendance, from time to time was quickly -but cussion in Council over t e repo · 1 be · d f I Oth Another recommendation of the one, and one that met with general pamt, urn r, pcctures an ue . - as Earl Balg was the leader in carefully disposed of. The secretary h . h 1 appro,'&!. Well known airs were rend- er donations have been promised. · tbP Legion movemenL for the past 19 years, and preVI_'ous to Finance Committee, w •c "" as a so red d th b ds H d 0 Ch t f h T e an e an men had assi!;ting an YPr ar er. that a member of the Board, Dr. C. F. adopted was the salary o t e own th M Bef th f th Clerk ~d treasurer be increased from em . rs. A. C. Cameron and Mr. ore e programme o e even- McGillivray, was in a reminiscent $1300 to ~1400 per year, and that of Frank Owen, well knoWn~ soloists, of ing -was rroeeeded with, the officers CAPTAIN ~- BEST mO<.d,' recalling many of the promin-.. h rd f Oshawa, who through Bandmaster of the fonner Whitby War Veterans ent c1'tcz' ens who had served on the his assistant, Miss Ric a son, rom · E Lo m $50 to $60 per month. - CAPT. T. H. BEST Bro~dbenft, vethry · kinll!y offered their CILoub oecupiedtarythe frofntthchmCrsl.b . •ud, -BE·GAN .-·_ • TRY Board in years gone by-men-who had The Usual grant Of $10 "'as made to servtces or e eventng. The visit- max, secre 0 e u an found time to devote ·=educational " Who will speak at the lllemorial ser, · · · th Le · f all ted to k Ch.ld mg artists not only· ·gave a numbel' of e g1on, orm Y presen affairs and who had ndered good the Hospital for Sic 1 ren. vice for Earl Haig in the Bap- ach b h Le · ' first Pre 'd • M 'BAPTIST CHURCH "--· I S . e ' utA ey very generously re- the gcon s st en., r. servt'ce. Dr. McGt"llivray . · tha~ '".e-. . Application from the .,.,.;Ia e:n'lce tist Church on Swfdar Night. d 1 1 d th ch f p t • " Council for . 11 grant was referred to spon ed to the insistent demand for John MeC el an , e arter o os could think of no work that. was II!~- 1 encores. No. 112, Canadian Legion of the Brit· worthy than the promotion of r · 1 the Finance Commi~. as was a so Wh' b 1 the annual financial statement of all The programme for the evening in- ish Service League, It y. n ac- tion, ruid in this connection..he 1- bl. Util 't YEAR'S WORK OF eluded the following numbers: March, cepting the charter the president Preached to Two Large brief but touching tribute to the departments of the Pu 1c . 1 Y b · ddress · th Commission for 1927, as submt~ by "S.I.B.A." (R. B. Hall), by the band; gave ·a nef a • expressthmg _e Congregations on Sunday the late Rev. F. L. Farewell, prin .i:. the 'chairman, W. M. VanValkenburgh. WHITBY v 0 N selection, "Maid of Orleans" . band; thanks for it and reviewing e steps Last. of the College, bad played in thh . Application of the Board .. of Educa- • • • solo, selected, . Mr. F. Owen; comet leading up to. the organization of the spect, both for the church whlcl f $2,500 solo, "Love's Old Sweet Sang" (Lam- Legion here and setting forth its loved and for the College over wl tlon for an additional sum ·.o BLY REVIEWED d b' ts. Th h for permanent improvements, inclu~- A bert), Mr. Eric Clarke; selection, aims an ° Jec · e ope was ex- Captain T. H. Best, the new pastor he so ably presl~l' tbi41.~ yq ing the completion of the new addt- "Eehoes pf the ,Opera," (Pepper), the pressed that eve11• veteran in Whitby of Whitby Baptist Church, began his Dt'. MacGillivray, who is chairman __:_ (Continued on page 2) - -- hand; duet, selected, Mrs. A. ·C. Cam- would join .and would feel free to at- ministry on Sunday last, preaching to the College Board, stated that l · -~, C9:'SNCIL ASKED LIQUOR STORE l ;~~-- TO PROHIBIT A ·FOR WHITBY IS - N M .d M v· "t T eron and 111r. Frank Owen; t;~n. tend an meetings and social gather- 1arge congregations morning and ev- death in recent years had so affiect:ed ·~ urse a e any ISl S 0 "Nearer My God to Thee"· "God Sa~ ings.- President believed that ening, and meeting with the teachers; him as · that of Rev. Mr. Fa~ Homes of Citizens--Poor the King." ' ~ ' . th'if-b!giolr ld accomplish much officers and scholars of the Sunday he . . suggested that the Boaf'<\u Are Given Aid With the harmony, ·#olume and per- good in Whitby, u nly in 80 far as hool before the morning service. At cotton should paf some briS-a'l! feet time displayed ~·y the band the it was loyally supported by i~ · Jl . :;eryic~ ~ptain Best made a most to his memory. '6'\l.'\ a\!dienc,; was much ~mpresserl. ThP bers. He ext -e nded a cordial welcome favorable impre~d the cong~ Trustee Wm. Harden, the •' \,< _ NEW OIL STATION 1 .,.~!~ .~~~~ Claim is '¥-de That it is in\ tile ..taWW..st .r • ucaaor n•- Relidential DiBtriet _. ... ore ill tlile Tow~~ o1 WWt· ·611 J)uadgs West , _ b ~f*-~ttecl ••I!! tlae aao to ~ ... Oatarie Llq- CO.trel Baud, .._._..__ _, _ _. ... _ proposal of un 110& yet recei•ecl dle Board'• ... ..._ ..... aa-· WJa ~ TlUa Ia tile lllf-- the British ~erl~ Oil ~pany to ation ginn to the Guette and - I Reports of the work of the Victor- soio wor·oc of M'r. E-..!c Chu-ke was an to all who h:1d come out on this oc- gati~n is looking forwa1:11'.' a penod ber of the Board from th~ ian Order of Nurses in Whitby, in· outstanding feature, his 1-endition of easion, and expressed the hope that of ti!mponoJ and spiritual pro~ • te Ward, told his colleagues thst ,o» eluding the Samaritan Committee, "Love's Old Sweet ~ong" making a all would have a pleasant and rrofit- der his mfii~. . · ilo~eat on the Board bel\' \.,,o which operates in conjunction there- --- · (Continu_ed 0_ n page 2) abiP evening~ ' . .,..... .. Ch 'st th b · · ·: · -.. ~ _:'-~ _:, (l,;'U'tiitued on page"')\.,o•'-06- with, for the year 1927, unfold a story F d E H rl as_. I! urrung an twUUng · , ~ol- .,.. ~ ree an asy our llPt of tne .Qlarch, the home and the ---c---) ~ aJ> . :ti':! ~'r .:u=.y =-::a:e~ CHURCH OmCERS :. ~:mu ~ ~~!0':! ~~and, .. S1lc:h, the influence Death Re~-..,,5:_~-.:_~~t ,, the Nurae, Miss Patterson, ia indeed a _ · 1 COII1IDittee in chup had plaJmecl ~t ~~·~-' _ ._:as_:.:_~~.C~ ~t~~ ~ .,..,. q ~~!~:i~:th!:::--:~e AT.'ALL SAil{fS ~:~ri:ln:.~!to21=::;:-w:::sed~:~ Well lnor~ . ,f_{ , ___ _ ..;,;::.~ . erect a gasohne servtStce s~t~n ~t th~ Chronicle onr long distaDCe tele- comer of Dundas ree es an. hone Wednesday afternoon by King Stree~ on the ground th?t It ~mmlssioner Stewart McClena- would depreccate the value of res1den- h h • th abse•- of · · · 't I th t g an, w 0 •n e ~~ tial property tn that VlCtm Y, a so a Ch . D B. H itna, who is it wo~ld constitute a co~stant danger 110 ;•r::an Ber~uda, :Sve absolute -r ·· j ' ing carried on: The reports of the ) ~here were no idle or dull moments tribute to John the . ~ptist who~ _He F • J J · J ~ various departments are as follows: Eleetions Completed at The for well o-.:er two hou~ . War days ~~~~~~a ~m'fe~d shtrun~ annie 0 ac~; . ll ;. Nurae'~port Adjourned Meetm" g of . were happcly recalled m song and Ch . ts was e s rnony o __ :.-. . = · story life In the trenches when the nst of a great man, and yet John 1 d In presenting t nnual report of The Vestry. · · • (Continued on page 2) in his: d~y had publ~ly tes~~ to the One of Port Whitby's oldest _- , . 1 the Whitby Victori n Order, I wish to super1onty of Chnst's rnm1stry de- most highly esteemed residents, in '.- .~ place before you as briefty as poss- clared that "there cometh one after me person of Miss F:annie J. Jaclcson; __ \ · __ ,.. 0 .- .... ., •' 11'. '( 'j : ~ r. I ·' ,, I .... I r ... ~ . I ,. ., . j I ' . ' '· > ' ! . •.: to children w~o use King street. to denial to a well defined rumor reach the King ;;treet . and H•gh which gained a wide circulation in Schools, a ~eputat•on W:atted on the town thla week to the elfoot that ible the activities of our Assoeia- At the adjourned meeting of All La• d Who Tampered the latchet of whose shoes 1 am un- dead. The end came pU.cefully o. :, ;·t tion, thereby giving you an idea of Vestry held on Wed- worthy to unloose." Christ had said Wednesday morning after. a seliocl .. _t · 1 the nature of the work. last week, the .!lee- of John that he was a burning and illness. of short duration, for al~ "t_ Town Council. ~onday ~ght and. pre- the Board had decided to open a · sented a petitton, beanng. 65 Sl~a- store here and that certain prem· tures, not only of residents m that 1m- . had bee rented for that pur- mediate vicinity, but of ot)l.er parts :. n of the town. . Commissioner 1\lcClenaghan The total number of cases nursed the year 19Vl was w·th Mail' Box· as shining light. John was • man odd she had not been in the best~_, health : •. • during the year was 162. Classifica- c:Ompleted, and minor :J;IlSinesli I . of dress but a man with a message for some months, it_ was only uite re- . · - tion of i:ases: Medical, Surgical, Pre- .transacted. ·G .• A. ,. I' w · • for he · ealled the people to re- cently that her condition • med a .. , 7S natal', Obstetrical, Infants of 'Obs. and Wright, uiVen· . arnmg pentance-a subject of which we hear serious aspect. The news 6f her dea ·. :·1·! Communicable.- ceedlngs . very little today, · and yet John's light was received with sincere ·re~·- ~ · i · The deputation ~ed that C_ounc:r stated quite freely th11t not only talre steps to proh;iblt the erecti~n had no consideration· yet been the p~posed station an~ question~ given to either of the petitions, the nght of Town Engmeer H. . but also that the Board was in no Pringle to lssu~ the buildlnr; pemut hurry to deal with them. ""hey without consulting the Council. are still In abeyance." said the ~e Council, after a l~ngthy dJ:'~ Commlssloner,"and no dec:ision is CllBSIOn, ~ a resolution on likely to be reached f« some time mayor's ~ting vote asking the ~o- to com.,_" The Commlasloaer re- licitor to IP:VS a rul~g on the legality ferred to the store located four of .the en~neer ~ ISsue the JN;rmit. milts away in · Oshawa, and hinted If this rulin~ Is m the negative a that on this lcc:ount the Board special meetcng of Council may be . . led to d a1 with the situation aris- waa tn no hurry .to open a ven- ~l e meantime it is dor's place In Whttby. "Whm we mg there.!tro~~n thl!for the bullding make any dec;lsion one way or the unders~ • lied efrs and $3 000 will other we wiD adviae you" were are being ca or, ' the Commissioner's final words as be spent. • . he stated that the chainuan was Danger to School Oblldren at present in Bermuda for a holi- George M. Rice acted as spokesman day. for the deputation in place of Mr. ============== Samuel Trees who had been called away on aeeount of the illness of his mother. He handed a petition to the mayor bearing the 65 signatures, and in support of it stated that he and others were wholly opposed. to the new oil station on the comer m ques· tion. He pointed out that withl~ a radius of 160 yards on the same std~ 0~ the street there were five other. otl sbltiQns, all trying to make a liVIng. Another station would force some per- St. John's Church, Port Whitby, Has Chosen Its Officers The following is a complete list of the various officers of St. John's church, Port Whitby. The adjourned meeting was held on Tuesday even- ing. Rector's Warden- Mr. Matthew Kerr. • Rector's Sidesmen - William Wat-- son, Colin Brooks, John Drinkrow, John Smith, Daniel Birbeck, Thomas Juhb. People's Sidesmen - James Isaac; Sheldon Watson,' Norman Goldring: John Blow, and Leonard Hoad. Envelope ~ecretary-Mr. W. Sher- ratt. We made 172 prenatal Visits to the The rector that was a borrowed light as he got It from the community in which sh""': . _. ·, •i H homes. This is a most important work, Mr. John Perry, manager of-the A boy ten yea~ of ~ge appe~ Jesus. So today Christians were call- long resided, for she wasp~ . -;?,.1 as it has to do with the care and inion Bank, Whitby1 had accepted !he before 11!-t Worship M11g19trate Willis ed upon to let their light shine and life-long resident at Port ;Wlii. · . ·~'- - ., health of our young citizens to be. In post of PeOple's .Warden and Treasur- in police ~urt Monclay afte~oon they would get that light from Christ. The late Miss Jackson .was a.·(\ ; · ~ ... this department we advise expectant er. M:r. T. S. Loach · was appointed charged With ~e ~ther . senous "We as Christians are called upon to ter of the late Samuel and Mart J . mothers, care fol' new-bom hahies, and Rector's Warden at the ·previous ves- offence of tarnpenng With m?'l boxe_s be- reOectors for Christ, to gather up Jackson, who were pioneer resid,. advise mothers through OUf Weeldy try, Jan. 23rd. Rev. Mr. Wright re- in the post office and taking rnacl the light He gives us and broadcast of Whitby and widely known{' Conference in their subsequent c:are. ferred to the long connection of the therefrom. The. boy stated t~a,t a It," said Captain ·Best, who fUrther tiMtrict. Her friends will long- A Home Nursing Class w:as oi-gan- Perry family with All Saints' Chnn:h, co!JIIIanlon of his had da~ . him ~ emphasized that inasmuch ' as the bu her as a woman wh!)lived ·, .;)' ized in October in connection with The and the ' leading part taken by_ Mr. take out the glass of a certmn. ~x m moon ·borrowed its light from the sun for others, who knew somethln . · Ontario Department of Ed~tion. John· Bam Perry and his·familf in the the post office and that he d•d so to aid the traveller by night, so genuine 'spirit of sacritic:e an The Class is condu~ted one night building' of All ~?aints' Church. ~r. with a nalt ~dence. showed ~t Christiana and the Church by living willing to apply it in a' .Yery p .. , i:... . wcreklY and is well attended. There Perry made a short add~ss, thankint thls had been ~cng on ~or some tim~, high above worldly things should be way. None ever wete turned away ·, are seventeen members in the cl111111o ihe Vestry for the conftdenee express- and that mml, including a mans able to see and derive their light from really needed. help and what she o:,\ School Inspection Is carried out reg- ed in him and promised to do his best salary cheque, had been tak~ and the Sun of Righteousness, and reeeiv- able to accomplish for others was · ularly in three schools. 'nte childrell In the new office. destroyed. In a seve~ but . fne11dly ing that light, they should pass it on. her a labor of love. Faml.ie Jackson are anxious themselves to have tlie de- Twelve sidesmen were appointed, manner Magistrate Willi& potnted out A Timely Message was well known to everybody, she en- feels remedied and they are always six by the rector at the previous ves- to the boy the seriousness of tamper- John's me~sage was that of repent- joyed the respect of au · and in her proud to announce it. · try and six more at this. The whole ing with Hia Majesty's mail and also ance and it meant that people should passing the community loses a woman We still have a number of untreat- Jist Is as follows-Victor Maffey, Jas. of the crime of theft. ~e bo~, w~o tum away from their sin, or, to use of strong character and lriadly nature. ed cases · who need attention, mostly SleJghtholm, J. F. Agg, H. Eldridge, had been taken to the Children s Aid a military term, "right abc,!ut face." 'nte funeral will t~tke place on Fri- in families of limited Incomes, where John Sleightholm, Jas. Nicholson, R. Shelter in Oshatwa over the. week end To tum away from sin was essential day atfemoon from lier late residence. it is hard to clothe, feed and send them Barnes, L. Agg, Geo. Lomax, Dr. by Chief · Gunson, was renunded that to blessing. John was a man with the After a service there at three o'clock to school, with very little money to Procter, w. C. Town, C. A. Beyans. if he got into any further trouble. he (Continued on page 6) there will be a service in ·st. John's spend on eyes, teeth and throat. Miss Ethel ·Fletcher was reappoint- might be sent away for a long time Church, Port Whitby, where she !a- Five simple lessons in First Aid giv- ed envelope clerk and Mr. F. W. Nor- from hla home. EJI:Oil-JrJ•a)S ; -<! ""red long and ·well, 'for Miss Jaclcson en in Class Room to III., IV. and Ent- man vestry clerk for the ensuing The boy's mother ~ on hand t• U was a veritable pillar of the historic ranee classes of each school by re- year. John Noble, J. F. Agg and Wm. state that he did not mtend to steal edifice .. After this service lutennent quest of the School Principal. Downie were appointed as three lay- or do any h&lT.I, and she undertoo~ Are Adtiourned will take place In St. John's cemetery. Nurse's Statistical Report, 1921 men to represent All Saints' parish in to see that there woulcl be no repeti· :1 The deceased Is survived by two sis· .. Cases nursed 162 the new Deanery Laymen's. Associa- tion of the occurrence. The lad was ters, Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. (124 Canadian, 33 British, 5 Or- tion. thereupon given a chance. He had a UntiJ Feb __ mary '28 John Kean, both of Toronto. c, .. .. ""I !ental) _ The meeting then adjourned. I previous good chllracter. __,_ { Operations attended, a ST •ns 'D fT- - . . ' Nursing visits 1621 Appearing In the County Judge's ll TICS r .U.t.. ~ · V' ' ~::::lN~:i~~~. visits, 1199 What Council Did on Monday Nigh_ t ;~:n~ud~o~:; T~!~: !!~!;.n~~ MONTH J . <':' Insurance patients' visits, 604 W. Elliott, former inspector of the · Free nursing visits, 106. Children's Aid Society for the County Patients' fees $461.60; insurance Made the annu•l grant of $300 money to be used for the new.. of Ontario at. Oshawa, was remanded The amount of water 3' ., ked. m; patients' fees, $359.36, making a total to the Victorian Order of Nurses. High School addition and equip- until February 28th to face serious Jan~ary at the municip ·• , p!J!It of $810 collected by the nurse. Voted to pay the salary of the ment. charges preferred against him by the station was 12,598,200 lnip. ~OI\8~ 'nte Financial Statement Whitby Citizens' Band leader for Appointed the Court of Rev!- former wards of the Society. The which is at the rate of 406,;194 ·liallons The report of the treasurer, Miss one year up to $250. sion for 1928. and 8d the date for . adjournment as asked for by Crowl, per day. In 1927 the average pumpage Christina Thomson, shows just what He'ard a deputation protet)' the 8{11t meeting as Monday, Feb. Attorney J. A. McGibbon. Accused, per-day was 417,100 gellons. pej_ day • . was colleete<l and received during the alfiJiMt new oil station to be er· 27, at' 10 a.m. who has been in gaol for ·several The maximum water pumped ~luring son out of businesa. He stated that a remarkable number of children used King St. to reach the public and high schools and now it was proposed to cut in on two comers which !n his opinion was a most dangerous thc~g to d M'.r Rice asked why the Engmeer h:d not consulted the Council before iSsuing. the permit. Surely the ra~ payers were entitled to some c_onstd- eratlon. 'ntere was not a town m On- tario where five oil stations exls~ed In a radius of 150 yards. Mr. Rtce said that he could get nine tenths ~f the people of Whitby to _sign the peti- tion protesting against the new sta- Convener of Sidesmen- Drinkrow. year and also the use to which all eded at the corner of Dundas Passed a resolution placing on weeks, was allowed his freedom on any one · day durlug the month . was Mr. John monies were put. The receipts and ex- and King Streets. and referred to re<:ord regret at the death of Rev. bail of $10,000. It will be recalled ~69,800, on _TUesday, Jan. 24i the !Wn• d't solic:ltor the question of the legal· F. L. Farewell, and Council's ap- that some weeks ago Elliott was con- tmum was on Sunday, Jan. 1st, u;- tion. L. V. Dudley told the Council how he had Improved his property which was once a roughcast house and made it a substantial home, only to have an oil s tat!op established near it, and In a district which, on aecount of many ftne homes, should be restricted as a residential district. Many residents in this territory had signed the petJ· tion showing that they . were opposed to the oil station, being placed at their ·doors. The noise made and language · (Continued on pag., 6) , --.. .. Vestry Clerk-Miss Margaret E. Sleep . Executive Committee- The Rector and Wardens, Messrs. Thomas Jubb, Daniel Birbeck, John Drinkrow, Colin Brooks, Sheldon Watson, William Watson, William Sherratt and Mrs. Whitney, !\Irs. Langford ' and Miss Margaret Sleep. Cemetery Committee- Rector and W~ens, Miss Hewis, Tftasurer; Miss Mar~t Sleep, ~retary; Meaars. Wilham Watson, John Drlnkrow, Sheldon Wwon, Frank Goldring !IDd John Kemp. ' .,, pen 1 ures were: 1 ity of the building permit issued predation of what he had dooe victed by Judge Ruddy of attempti,;g ly -333,40Q gallons. . 1 ' · Receipts by the JIIJ:ineer. for the town in many ways. with to commit a serious otrence against a The . maximum twenty minu Patients' fees · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $810·85 V ea to iDCrease the salary of Instructions that a Jetter of con- boy and was sentenced to three yea!'ll mand for power waa on Thu· · Town GraE!; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · :~:~ 1- . • clerk and treasurer from dolrnc:e be sent to Mra. Farewell, in Kingston p~tentlary. An appeal Jan. 6th, at 5.40 p.m., and amou ~:~ ~!nv~~c~~-0-~ • •• •• • : • : : : : 407 .. 4 $1300 to $1400 and of his 1188ist- Discussed the question of Re- was taken to the Fi_rst Divisional to 946 horse power. A year a ant from l50 to $60 a month. 11 f d ted olfer from depu· Court at Toronto and 1t was_ allowecl maximum demand was 778.8 h. Donations · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2·46 Accepted the resignation of t e an ~cce~ men out of work on the ground that the evidence ad- K. W.H. consumption tWa year · Sale piece office furniture .··· 6·00 ' spare coMtable Wm. Roach and .:r;;ee::o ~'::":eulng help from duced at the trial was not satisfac- 299,760; lu 1927 it wBS 27~,360, _ $l_776.73 '·J . . up«nif~m a:~u~r.n .!~:~ h~e turn-nint the town. ork for a few daya at tory, particularly in view of the fact · Bll~g reco s show the foil 1ing - ~ $3•00 r • that the boy . in question did . not re- ~enu_ . . .: ( . -,· . Expenditures he ·haa belonging to the _ pe Y port the allylted otrence ..J&nt.il. many ' • _.., Power · · 'flfght at!e't' Salary of Nurse ....... · · · .$1600.00 ~ Accepted a t~er from a llrm Voted/~ant the Chief Con- weeks after the time'~ial!d 1~-$166 $68'4.24.... · · ~ Medical Supplies . . . . · · · · · . - 24.00 of brokers for the sale of $31,500 stable_ t~m of $100 annuaiJy~ to have" taken place. Other grounas . .(~16 ct., 682.83 ·' Baby Scales ..•• · · · · · · ··· · · 17.00 Board of Education debenture~- tor t.h~1 use pf hia car In tl- for dismissing tho appeal were also An increas~ i noted in light, · (Continued on page 2) /the -!!lh r ..... o~$102.03, ,,hi~'( tow.~~ .s "-...:..~r'(1 . dted. '1- .....,.._ . 1 and water rsven es. ~ \ ... -: ... ! ---- ·- - {_ -· - ~ - ' · ____ ..,.._-----··~ . - ~--.. ........... .. - C.... <

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