Reject Four C.C.F. Bills, eject Four C.C.F. Bills, But Concur in Fifth ' .Awallinx disposition for some|on private clubs selling beer and time, four out of five C.C.F. private| wine was defeated, Mr. Drew said bills were voted down on second :he GOVG!'tnr.!:entItwasf not prepared ; ; 5 o support it. "It's far too sweep-- tux "Aue Cevernmient =n icever, me" seld the Premier. "There are con&@rred in one, an am'en dment to' many clubs, charlta'ble and other-- the Municipal Act submitted by wise, The lgbor unions themselves o ns A would be seriously affected." William Dennison (C.C.F., Toronto-- 'To the complaint by. Mr. Denti St. DaVi?)' It dprovides for compul-- that veterang 10111Ubsy cl:imeiinntlls;:r;' sory safety devices for window 3 3 cleaners and prohib'ts them work-- ;ve{:l nqt ga:tltn gthas. fag' a deal as ing without them. Another, a muni-- wo s y eir_ beer quotas | h * ere reduced more, Premier Drew cipal health bill, already is covered replied. "We are not discussing th by Government legislation, Health Liquor.Control Act." useing me zhxtm_stel Dr. R. P. Vivian pointed| ypp Durllvt')ar I;"as on his dfeet at ol & s us * once, as Mr. Dennison said man Mum.upal Affairs Minister GeOTE¢|municipalities had asked for actiozi Dunbar agreed to a suggested|;, taxing clubs. | axpendment to the Assessment Act| "Notf one request has been re--| by Mr. Dennison and said a bill\ceived from the 943 municipalities] would be mtrodl'xced to permit muni--|in Ontario except Toronto," de-- ;:xe;:)al.n:ules ab:ve dr?chO(z p';)lx()iu{)au;)nna éo clared Mr. Dunbar. air houses whi 'O e e habitable for families on relief |FACl Monopolies Charged. There are 30 such housing units in Declaring that 75 small fuel deal-- this district, Mr. Dennison said. Mr. ters had been "squeezed" out of bPSi" Dunbar's action followed represen--|NCSS by the "big coal monopolies" | tations made before the Municipal|!" the past three years in Toronto,| Law Committee yesterday, which,| Mr. Dennison pleaded in vain for | Mr. Dunbar said, were "sound com--|SCCON4 reading for a bill to permit | mon sense where such houses are|@Stablishment of municipal fuel| available." The bill originally was|Y2rds without eonsent of the Munici-- introduced by Dana H. Porter (p.C, |P2l Board. The bill was defeated. | Toronto--St. George). l Mr. Dennison said 28 per cent of| fuel dealers in Toronto control 82 Etatement Monday. }per cent of the fuel business. This,| Premier Drew said he hoped to|he said, was an opportunity for the' make an announcement on housinglmunicipalities to step in as well| Monday, "We are pressing the mat--{as for the Government members to| ter." he said. |give proof of their belief in public The reference was to a previous ownership. question from Agnes Macphail| "What happened to Toronto's (CCF., York East) concerning| wood?" asked William Duckworth housing. to which the Premier had|(P.C., Toronto--Dovercourt). Mr. answered that, though it was a Fed.| Dennison replied that the Dominion eral matter, the Ontario Govern-- Government had "made a pretense ment was prepared to "do what it|at giving municipalitiee the right can" to assist. -- \to set up fuel yards," but restricted Premier Drew said the GO\'fern-'them to wood, leaving the private ment would not support the bill to Gealers "where the money is to be permit school board employvees to|Inade." J. B. Salsberg (LP., To-- serve on municipal boards. The rea.|ronto--St. Andrew), supporting the son, he said, was "obvious" since bill, said Toronto was "potentially" they would be able to influence|a loser on its wood not yet dis-- their own positions. posed of. Beer and Wine. Fire Protection. A CCF. bill to impose a tax of| An amendment to the Fire De-- 25 per cent of their assessed value partments Act was introduced. It sommmermmomemmmmcomummmmmomswe IDETMItS ANY MUNDICIPA!ItY AAVINS 3 population of not less than 10,000 to institute the two--platoon system. Attorney--General Leslie Blackwell explained that under the existing act the two--platoon system is con-- fined to cities, towns and villages. In all cases where the platoon sys-- tem is set up the fire departments must be on a permanent basis. The Attorney--General introduced an amendment to the Municipal Act which empowers the Commis-- sioner of Provincial Police to enter into agreements for the policing of municipalities. The legislation is permissive and not mandatory, the House was informed. Another amendment gives author-- ity to the Ontario Fire Marshal, or his deputy, or a municipal fire chief to close any premises where a fire has occurred, or where it is believed there may be any sub-- stance or device likely to cause al fire, and to remove from the prem-' ises any article or material which' may be of assistance in an investi--| ° gation. The entry of any unauthor-- ized person into such premises is barred until completion .of the § probe. $ 5