Febvu awx' 26 j | C.C.F. Opposition Leader E. B. | Jolliffe said the bill deserved sup-- | port of all parties in the House as an effort to do away with discrimi-- nation against those who had no re-- I sponsibility for their position. It | did unfortunately perpetrate dis | ol s crimination -- against some _ but, | though he would not like to see it done, he did not feel that the dif-- [iculty could be overcome. A bill to extend the Moratorium R Ians Act, which passed second reading, [ nt o & s the pore? in Oniario Brofurhve wb beo would prevent the bondholders for on a basis of required qualifications, m;::* year from foreclosing on the and not political preference, it was A' itibi Power and Paper Co. prop-- strongly intimated in the Legis--| erty, the House was told. lature yesterday by Attorney--Gen--| Prepare for Expansion. eral Leslie Blackwell. | Premier Drew explained that it _ His bill amending the Justices of | |could be terminated if a settlement the Peace Act was one of eight |were reached. It was important Government bills which passed sec-- | that the company have full oppor-- ond reading in a brief 45. minute | tunity to prepare for future expan-- House session followed by adjourn--| sion of the forest products industry ment until Monday at 3 p.m. The generally, he said. There was no Throne Speech debate will be con-- intention to use the inherent power tinued Tuesday afternoon, with Pre-- to suspend the act by Order--in-- mier George Drew being followed Council unless a satisfactory settle-- by Liberal Leader H. C. Nixon. ment could be reached with the Mr. Blackwell told the House that bondholders to take the company under the amendment persons con-- [out of receivership sidered for appointment as Justices Other bills included amendments of the Peace will be examined as | to the Trustee Act, the Law Society to their qualifications for the office , Act, Nurses) Registration Act and by a cnunhty jgdge orTc;]ther con:pe-f the' Mortgagors' and Purch;asers' tent authorities. '"The practice | s o1 heretofore," said Mr. Blackwell, | Rellehf Ac't which was extended for "has been that any number that |another year. seemed desirable for political pur-. poses" were appointed J.P.'s. Replying to a question by Roland Patterson (L., Grey North), the At--| torney--Ganeral said the amendment | would not be retroactive, and that | present incumbents in office wouldi not have to submit to examination. He told William Dennison (C.C.F.,| Toronto--St. David) that no appoin--| tees had "got in under the rope" bofore the August election. Legitimacy Act. Amendment to the Legitimacy Act to permit mothers of illegitimate| children to inherit where there is no legitimate issues, and vice versa, Mr. Blackwell explained, would ap-- ply only in intestacy. J. B. Sals. berg (LP., Toronto--St. Andrew) raised the question of illegitimate children with illegitimate issue. Mr Blackwoell agreed that the amend-- ment did not completely solve the problem, but went as far as it could in view of public policy. Further | extension would, he feared, open ; possibilities of blackmail.