r *-----------w-------'----------------------"--'*----------'v'---------* 3 y March in f i m im mrroie rivintimniietsmiy _ _Party Lines Are Split WWhtseitetunnmrete ienss C \ 1 Legislature Gets Nowhere 1 Very Rapidly, So Refers ' \_ Delicate Problem to Agri-- } culture Committee Choosing a floral emblem for On-- ravd-- l tario is not such an easy matter as il looks, members of the t.egislature discovered yesterday. "Bill" Gard-- house, Liberal member for West i * York, started the legisiators on a discussion of wild flowers, ranging from orange lilies to Scotgch thistles, with a few membors stoutly defend-- 'ing the merits of dandelions and shamrocks. Sicuncrsyemnceireccnaremmvanes « Mr. Gardhouse spoke at the sec-- & * & ond reading of a l_»il! which would Harold Knrby's Bl" MGEfS make the white trillium, tri--petall-- , "1f.1 g}c'l' hlt.]v. the Provincial emblem. Opposition From Wilfrid is flower is the choice of the * malni | Ontario Horticultural Society, Mr. He'ghmgfon { Gl;rdhouso explained wan n im cce ae es t didn't appear to be the choice of the Ontario Legislature by any sENT TO COMM'TT EE means. Up spoke James Clark meessreoots (Lib.,. Windsor -- Sandwich), who Operators of outdoor automobile praised «he merits of the dandelion parking lots may have their busi-- | claiming it was a warm, pleasant c j |kind of flower and one that was ness assessment tax raised from 10 known throughout the Brovmce'. per cent. to 25 per cent., if a bill This assertion produced a split in now before the Legislature is ap-- the Liberal Party ranks when Wil« _ proved. Yesterday the House gave liam Newman (Lib.,. Victoria) de-- second reading to an amendment to . scribed the dandelion as a weed, the Assessment Act and sent it on and endorsed the trillium. to the Legal Bills Committee for "The Man From Glengarry,' the| consideration. veteran J. A. Sangster (Lib.\, spoke | Harold Kirby (Lib., Eglinton), in ; up for the Scotch thistle, and Wil--| introducing the bill, said it was a liam -- Duckworth (Cons., Dover-' request from the City of Toronto. + thoucht the Gov 'f The municipality felt the exception f court ous & vernment | / made in case of parking lots should might very appropriately adopt the, be abolished and the assessment orange lily as Ontario's emblem.} made the same as garages, namely From J. Rowlandson (Lib., South ' 25 per cent. of the assessed value : s h R of the property. Opposition was ; Cochrane) came the opinion that| yoreed by Wilfrid Heighington| the shamrock would be just as (Cons . St. David's), who said a simi-- | 1 good as any flower. \lar bill was defeated in the Legisla--| T. P. Lancaster (Cons., Peterbor.| |ture two years ago. He question»ed | ough) thought something should be! ,the right of the City of Toronto to czzrciccace ies done about protection of wild submit defeated l_eg:slatlonasecon}i flowers, and George Henry, Opposi-- 1;'mel;vithoutt' giving re(a'sons why it Cost of Northern Road Ad-- tion Leader. expressed the opinion| {should not he approved. i that a referendum be held ipn the» | Hon. David Croll, Minister of m'**ed *o Be $2Q409|726 schools so that the children might | Municipal Affairs, said he was in-- for 47 Miles decide the flower best suited for| |Clined to agree with the member for the purpose of an emblem. l St. Dll\'id'sf (Mr. Heighingtcg\) %fl e o on "What about our Art Commit.| |the point of war veterans But he tee?" inquired J. J. Glass (Lib., St.| had been informed the situation was QUERY HOSPITAL BILLS | Andrew). "Why not let them de.| |]now ch:inginlg; that mi"'):h" h"'e;" | en« : |\ cide the question?" |\ {|car--parking lots were in the hand§s . | mss Conservative Opposition's 'vesceirl:'z i:i?::),t::rflge;gng n;)dwgelt'e; of a few groups of individuals. 'Public Accounts Committee inquiry i{'y hP "'l ou deic ed to into certain angles of the Dufferin c £ \% ltt e b:l "S'et't';l'l(ii refi nf.c:nd§ Pa}'lqg and Const.ruction Company's ies for further consideration. _ Fort Prances Hiehway aqded al * ort Frances Highway ended = (Lli:) wa:;'l :'l:["l:;l":::.'l t':\'::' F'l"'t:)nrl; lf::l: r;:pttly Oyesterday when Arthur Ellis, +s & h \ chie pposition counsel, admitted ,cl)(r:(i'r'l:raysI;\'t':rt.:;fllt"::'\"t)!':'eng(llsck?:ion:'. that all he was trying to find out | Muckoks," Mr. Keliy is in the habit rmmeint counce: mormited the oost !of ;vearil;g a fow as i boutonniere fg"{,?egé 483'53§eé~admlmd fhe Cost ® ® d » y J d. ilancl it was sald he is worried about Commi(tee' members, with Mr. | the possibility he will have to wear Ellis; -- Attorney--General -- Roebuck, 'a trillium or other flower if the k representing the Hepburn Govern-- bill is approved. | | ment; and Major James Clark, ~oai i committee -- Chairman, providing . * ]most of the argument, wrangled ; _ for a good hour and a half over the | \ desire of the Opposition to get be--} yond the patricular items they had . ® asked to be investigated. | Mr. Ellis moved that Dr. B. T.; McGhie, Deputy Minister of Health,'i be subpoenaed before the committee | at its next meeting to give evidence | regarding bills for repairs to eleven | Ontario hospitals during the last' fiscal year. | Chester S$. Walters, Controller of Finances, will} also be subpoenaed \ to appear before the committee in * connection with an inquiry which Mr. Ellis is launching into various aspects othovernment financing. / f 4 e 1 /' s