a....,...-,.:. ~"I'THUR _ New Bill Sets Maximum ior' . , "Ir-r/tSleek.,?.:-.,]).,!.?).).:, f, Crown Attorneys, Clerks l -- and Bailiffs NOT INTENTION An act introduced into the Legis-t Ti) HAVE PROBE . lature yesterday by Hon. W. lihl, o . Raney, Attorney-General, provides; O _ that. every Clerk of the Peace and . ' every Crown Attorney, whether he is . or is not a Clerk of the Peace, will s . be entitled to retain to his own use 0 Hon. R. H. Grant Tells in each year his net income up to _ Hon G . $8,500,'but will have to pay to the _ . l Ferguson In Province 50 per cent. of the excess i Legislature over that sum. The bill will not af- ""-------------- feet CFOWn Attorneys now on straight AMEND " e salary. at Toronto, Hamilton and IVERSITY MT Windsor. , It is also enacted that every Divi- Hen: _ H. Grant, Minister of; axon Court Clerk will be entitled to Education. introduced into' the Legisq 'dl'ita2 ti? (his own usle rif? 'it,clh)','it,'i lature yesterday a bill amending; V e e 9 am emu t en 5 n the Universit A t f' r . l by him in that year up to $2,000. On provides forymi: f' red,',' The Yr'; moneys earned over that amount internal affair 0; Elanges in the'; . and up to $3.500 he is to ll y to the; S 0 t 9 University, Pvoriivi 20 per cent. on tee excess and has. nothing to do with the re-I over $3,500. and up to $6,000, 30 per {gent a81£?t10i1 on University may! rent; on the excess over $6,000 and a {5" so . r. Grant said afterward. up to $10,000, 40 per cent.; on the rhe Minister ot Education read a excess oUt'l' $10,000. 75 per cent. Statement to the House concerning the bill. He said the bill was intro- Bailltrs" Foes Affected. d'uced at the request of the Univer- Every Division Court. Bailiff is en- '.'/.tr authorities.- "It is put forward :itled to retain to his own use in each as' an urT?ntentioys measure amend- bear all the fees and emoluments ")8 certain portions of the act warned by him in that year up to' 'J/ti), daali Will: .thes'o1,1ne'iniit,rattie, ti,000. On the excess over $4,000 " ' "f"?FSiy.' ome of the. and up to $10,000 he is to pay to the C tanges herein indicated are already Province 20 per cent.: on the excess being f_?lltyved,,anti statutory auth- over $10 000, 4-0 per cent. Tho provi- outy tor them ls 1slce1i. Such mat- sions of'the act come. into effect tax-a as representation 1n the Senate, January 1 1922. In addition Crown - 1.lus control of certain portions of the . g ' t ., $50 f ar- University lands formerly held by Attorneys ar.o 0 recene , a. m ,fhe Residence Trustees, etc., are " 'er for services not paid for in the limportance, but of minor impor-l past. tance." The Attornoy-G'eritr'ral, in answer- , .. ing a question, said his department Wiii Print Amendments. had no dotinito policy at the present Mr. Grant said that when the bill time regarding placing Crown At- was printed it would show the tornoys on salary.excopt the general clauses as it is proposed to amend, View that a salary basis was the bet- them.d \Vhlen tithe billd came up for ter basis. Under the bill of last lecon rea mg. e sax ' an explana- vear Clerks of the Peace were get-; Lion would be given showing how, ting too much money; this act wouldi the present clauses of the act would remedy that i be affected by the amendments. . . . ' Hon. G. Howard Ferguson asked Help Telephone Companies. the Minister' if. he had in mind the Dr. H. A. Stevenson (London). be- appointment of a Royal Commission fore the orders of the day were on the affairs of the University of called suggested that the Govern-, Toronto, as had been hinted in the merit 'might devise a. scheme to aid ;Press. The Minister said that he had flanciall.y t,de,eig,ewe,frd"1o1",'v1,',1if1', Eats-€223 aii,'/'o,,t,tg.ent of such ' com- 11lo',yid11itreot't 211mg? storms. lt would 9 - Col. Dougall Carmichael, Minister hi im ossi'ble otherwise for many without portfolio, introduced a bill 'ii' h p to et on their feet again to permit the Soldiers' Aid Commis- o t 'il." N gaction was taken ' sion to administer a bequest in the he Stl . ' o " ', will of Kathleen Hammond made in Charles swayze (Niagara Falls), f . f r. idows referring to the granting of the con- ator C) war W ' tract of the new intake at Niagara Friction Developed. to Winnipeg contractors. and'to the The bequest left by Mrs. Ham- - wage 50819 whieh would 'prevail for mend, herself a war widow, has been the work, suggested that. m contracts the subject of legal controversy in Where Government moneys were to the Ontario courts. Some friction ' he expended, a fair wake clause developed between the Soldiers' Aid should bn inserted so that the T.en and other. veteran and wariborp, would get a living wage .NO as!ion 'organizations as to which association. was taken on this suggestion either. , .was more. entitled to have control of the money. The opposition to the RADIAL BILL commission's legal claim to the er-----------"-"" _ money was successful in showing the Toronto members of the Letrisla- courts that the latter body's charterx ture met the Board of Control yester- f did Deng" ot it la/Inf oi',','.."'"'?; of . . such a equest. on.. r. an, day in the Public Accounts room at michael's bill is intended to emu the Parliament Buildings and dia- power the commission to handle this cussed the proposed Hydro-radial fund. ( Bill. The result was that the Toronto ' members decided to ask, when the _ bill came before the House, for. a _ committee of the House to deal with MEMBERS DISCUSS the measure. i Mayor Maguire told the members that the hill was a direct injury to MIN the city and its projects. No municl- I pality had asked for the new hill, has . said. What they wanted was the . --------- Hydro Act of 1914. Asked by J. C. Bill and Amendments There- Ramsden if the new bill would affect . the situation in North Toronto, the ' to Take Op Time of , Mayor replied that it would kill the I ' _ ." ". . » . ' ', i ." whole radial scheme. They could l Legislaturt "r': not expect Toronto to buy up all the '_+ radial lines in the country. The i T -. "'""'"r.Tr-""- . y . Radial Bill would have a. tendency , he private bill respecting the city,' to destroy the clean-up. Pf St. Catharines, which sets the! Hon. Thomas Crawford 11,'ttrtttt', . Ame of municipal nominations and ' (that they press for a comm ea _ " ielections as late in November and the H039 to consider the bill, and, early in December res ti 1 dto J. w. Curry alone' ' I . ' Dec ".0 y. wag. _ this wall agree , l _ held over f0t further consideratioit diasentArLtL. ' after a long debate yesterday in the ,