" 4.-.; .. -r» ..,.;.._.. -aey,-,a- -""'x., '.' - *- " _ " r - 3" _ MW "fr" .5" IFN " 7.. " .. ,. 'a _ . , THURSDAY, ttttttttTr", :. . q 'c., " 191a "tt "taa of: . "his" mi: iF . '. ti"gri" 1' -- ---a-iA------- 3. .-. _ ' I _ - -__ <-'-~ - . y . £37?!) llgl1llllP.,' l 'il t' h- it T , q t "-, _ _ /, -.., trtuuremefRrrhptw1se ' mrE8Gl Ttri - "."'C"" . _ -._,',.:1 SEEKS (lillfll!ulI, I other companies having authority. t: sTretcomerdtiiii'iteietratee, and'hig Wor.. . . .' .. g,',',r'tl."1 or ',',rg,tat thet? Syg. ship expressed appreciation; of the - . . . em or ne, no ma er w once their _ authority is derived, for the reguya. 'gr,'.', M12511 don; 3:032" Jd,2',ttJtl, -tion and interchange of messages and a rw. e a e e on was T lines, or division of tolls, or in rela-'ad10urned early, and the association tion to the management, or operationiaited on Ministers of the Govern- _.---.--------- -. _ of the systems or lines shall be sub-'ment with a request for an increase jictutobthe agprltzzaé otf thttii Board and i220 till'"',,",,", in the present Brant, . . s a e an m e o em before , per year. . Mr. Charters Submits Bill to such contracts or agreements shall! President Gould, in his annual ad- . have any force or effect. 1 dress. emphasized the importance of Legislature. Must Not "New Cost, F 1enW,T,."t,trnodret,te,,h1l 'er':.a,'.'eMT,', No company or persion shall have iresidents of our towns and cities dis-l - __, --- __, _ power to enter into any contract or ':overing how closely their interests agreement with any other company or? ire allied with those of the. farmers. ONE CENT AL AUTHORITY person having authority to construct" The fair is the most opportune time B . or operate a telephone system ot" line.' and placetho vfiew _tht 't'ehTJ,"gtt, oft no matter whence the authority was; not only . e. arm. ii al e o yfl'l .______.__ derived. which shall increase the cost: lines of industry and trade. Ttti lu.'ieeg',n,,e "my? to the public or! 1re,',teJtitni'ue.'ti'tt/?rt,td2t"tu'iv",t,7,'git All C . U d ric commpe on "mess or untili, kitri d both hte ti I ompanles to be n er a by-law setting forth the terms of, JD a ll' it: b (mist fxt,'lverttdy'Jf,",iyi: . . such contract or agreement has been) f,','.',',",,,',',',,'?',',', [r,V,e,',','ttl,',',1 ewithytli l Gog-l Provincial Mt. submitted to and received the assent; ',", (f. horses He re ard d ti? We}? r, of the electors of the. municipalities as. irrigustrv as"; creditgto tehp '/i,?,',',vd'lti {22%;de 'pi/le.' Consolidated Munici- Sheep "had declined in numbers hyiit' . t o o. I _ Pt . - 'H y On receipt of application from any poultry raising was gomg forwardl lion. Mr. Cocitratte Presents Atttetttb. person for telephone service the com- Regret was expressed that th.e Cheesei pany or person shall furnish Ba, output had fallen oft t'or"iferahl.v.l mom to Permit ofricitt1 Removal of within a reasonable period of time: luvtteauhet"iheJ: 2:; (hi 502d quiln-l , "carers in Algonquin Park - Bill "Wm the applicant complying with 3 q . a trn. n pr T. such terms and conditions as the c The need of a sub. tantiai increase in to Make Berlin a City - Budget pany or person is anthorihed by his"; {he Government grant was referred! "Ohm" in he RI'SIIIIINI To-day. require from such applicant; and no 'Dr. J. Tr. Simmons. Frankford. Virstl (ompany or person shall he required Vice-President. led a discussion on the! to furnish telephone service 1n cases _President's address. which was adopt-l [where the cost of installing same cx- (it? with marked evidences of approv-l Il :('ceds $50.00. i'al. Dr. Simmons deprecated the so-l . I'. Sam t'liurters proposes to gi'ap- i . - called amusement features of fall fairs! tile with the whole telephone problem i"'";',',','." Mas kill Brave-rs. tJI ','uaet,'t.te,Itthhattheirt wonuriddbe t1ettt;l) in Ontario lie "av- formal notice on. Frank Cochrane made an im- C) o away w em a evo P. e at th I lc. . C. Vt . . . portant announcement when the Gov. money they cost to increasing the: . e aogislatuve yesterday of the in- Sernment consolidation bill reS) ti 'prizes. i troductiott of kt tiill entitled "The On- :Alttonquin Park was being [13:33: Mr. J. Lockie 1yil.son. Toronto. Ru- tario Telephone. Act." it is a com- through its committee stage. hThe'. ir'ttrei,'.1etn.dintredrtra1"ie, $333.3" font prehonsive and radical effort to deai' tshi21tt,rnoJ,,.1tg,d/:, Forests and Mines (,not2rlesttihni"ct rtli): érovince he, (iiivihkzit. with all the independent companies Ject to 1.95:":{liggz u/f,IC2ifly sub- Into twelve districts in connection with; operating in the rural districts of the of the Park will be given J1"hao"re/tlle'/,t,f it"? i',".'"),,,::',),",!",',", Th the .ds.iir/,antity Pi'ovintuu, to scrim-c co-operative and gifill beavers. .This regulation is'the;I y,y,',oitdi1ref,.tf,'i, 1','ld, 'ii,',1f,'.'ef a gnmf satisfactory service and to prevent the It,",",',":,? of prevailing conditions and the; {ilftlendcnt VVllson proposed i scheme exercise of monopolistic regulations by: i'li1t'lf'duento;"af,'tgpy.i,'e "dd'f'" with" "Alli!" ito insure agricultural societies against ' ' . omtt -, . main: ter i . _ . . . 'h'.'. larger corporation. l (abode in the park. If??? Ir.,,.'.,','.""",?,,:",,::',,))"'.',',,:::)""','),',', "h.", member for P091 has dovottsl ulConld Kill a Thousand. provision of a fund of 812.000 to he consiidorulrle thought to the prepara- , "O l taken from the amount available from tion of his measure and will iltTrc its? thos) 1u,"/lus,ye, T/dd It killed and the Government grant ot 370.000. The . -. _ ' .t' i . , F r "e in ssed," "as 2,000 would cover 75 Jer cent. of .Hii'pilt n upon the lions .. He has: lion. Mr. f ochrane's declaration. He .319 average losses in the grate receipts iii't'll Ill commttnit'u.tion with other Ite,,", that to prcvcnt outsiders taking in the worst seasons. A discussion on lf'rovince; and .sovopul states of the 1tgra1/111,,)'J.e,t.',eli'i,',s, of the new clauses an "superintendent Wilson's proposal will il'nion and has eiiilcavorcrl to evolve secured 'tf'd1fd1/,/lto'ieg,i/.hh1s, rep" tatte"lagfintf/ii/jl'Jl'/"'iro,, competi . A" ,.. ..' " ' . ' C, " '1 as men e " t 4 . - (l, plan ii ll".'.').",,"..".)] (Otitrol with a /,tit1tet,ri,1 at Ottawa, and all skins 'tion was reported as .meeting with inc" to offcctiiiill) removing many of n 'e b0 Stumped before being sold. ,increasing favor. Superintendent Wil- (the anomalies which at present char- Holt,',', "mus" Wflt4 adopted by the 'son stated that last year 80 agricul- 'actcrizc 'c'cplione communication in (i,' 1lse. _ {may20239;";rgléggedptntifigmapnetlatnial b .. . . b r . I .e . w s I . tl" tural distritts. g ivate Me"tlrevs Day. of 20,000 acres under crop. The de- Provincial Control of Tcktmontvi. "The I.fyrisla.tiye sitting' was other- partmental judge gym?!" "'83 expand- Tl P, 't l,. . ti ' t l l Wlse briet and formal. it was private ing. Last year 255 JUGS?" hfid been i. 'it p ates ic ton ml of HG. niembers' day and the introduction or sent out by the Provincial Agricultural it lcplionc systems of the Province un-i' nineteen measures resulted. These Department. .lcr the Ontario Railway and Munici-i $23; 13:30" applications for confirm- I At the (WWW "an": 3:: (3th? ,pal Rhiii'ii. Under the hill the Board Ir. n. aelcl,1,'j,1//i"'t/, enactments, Mr. 1P,eei,h/l'ii,no1t/',',1','rJg'er/'i""l2t; division. will have Jurisdiction to enquire. into. isented the '/fii L1fi1t/r'it'i"nty/ti) 19t'P- iOttawa. gave a paper on "Educational [hear and determine all complaints and in" Berlin as a city 'l%""1nc"utllfi2Cttt 'and financial benefits from standing matters, whether of law or of fact was tttVen " first reading. field "(hp (it','g,',",1-ki/,"lliC, 335253102: otTro.ti - .. ' .', Cam bell. 'oo V e, . _ '?frlnr the Iota] and yuP1rel chate to be Resumed. ! 1a,,'.'yl,r"t'.i'r'ig sheep for exhibition." Ad- lc ephoue b-isteinshAct, 1908, or this The debate on the bud " " l dresses were given by Hon. J. S. Duff. art, or an} spemal act. to make. sumed this after: get will be re-: Minister of Agriculture; President G. orders and regulations, to prescribe Cormick of E ioon, Mr. Ps. J. MC" c, Creelman of the Ontario Agricul- penaities for violation of ahe provi-l first Speake ast Lambton, being the tural c'ollege Guelph. and Prof. IT., sions of any of them, acts. tinue over P. ..The debate will co ' Ju Black Vianitoba College Winni- The Board shall also have power ' ' until next week. i r ' . .' l and right to approve of all tolls to; -r-r--eree.errerreeeereerrrr . p glen. Mr. Dutt advised the e..ex,,1,-/ he charged by any company or Dcr-g atton to trv to bring about a greater', son. Every company shall file with, FAIRS l BEN soildation of the Fairs in on-d the Board tariffs of any te'ephone tolls ' . coni He said there was a waste oil to be chalrg'cd and thedBoard may de-; --------.. $12?ng in the multiplicity of small'; tormine t if: manner an form in which . . d . t k ad-i . . _ " " ent Creelman oo any tariff or tariffs of telephone toiis; ""'"EyytT SOCIETIES Now 52:12de l(Ziestlhe opportunity to (191"! shall. .he puhltishcd or kept open for; LXCHANGING VIEWS. S the rumor that he was going to enter' public inSpet ion. -----------..- l politics. He said he hoped to remain. Terms of the Act. , ', ith the Agricultural College orl "aarytest (onvcnti ' ' w . , _ h ' .. '0" or Ontario Assn-E many vears. ' ' Subject to t e appimal of the ciations or Fat " , i . . -------rrt-r,'e'rrr""T- t Board every compam' shall have pow- , Eve H rs and Exhibitions; I i--.----.----'--"" _ cr to enter Into an agreement with ' r "it? in This City-Mans, lii-' any other company t.o provide tor con- i terestlmt Addresses Given. f nection. joint operation or interchange.) and transmission of business between? , ------- E the systems owned or operated by such i n he largest number of delegate . , companies and make arrangement for ever in attendance at a m ti __ s/ the proper apportionment of expendi- Ontario Assoc-- ti __ ?ff mg of the . titres. commissions, receipts and pro- hibiti la on of Fairs and Ex- tIts or other arrangements which may 10tttt was present at tho. opening be necessary under any such agree- of the tenth annual meeting of h... Iment. . association in the Cit , C t o I Where telephone SSStems or lines 'ber ve t _ . 3 'ouncilcham.. (are adjacent to those of another com- l F 3 erday afternoon. bum, 300 pany which refuses to enter into jmen were present. and the . . agreement. the Board has power tol08ented sections f y "New. . issue an order providing for connec- Kenora t 0 Ontario from tion. Joint operation or such other l J? Glentrarr.v. Mr. H. J _ transmission of business upon such G0u.d, Uxbridge, President of th . _ terms as it may deem advisable. socmtlon, presided e as- . -b-e All contracts, agreements and ar- . Mayor Geary . . l ---r-llil-llIltrl-tit-tt-lgiiIi-It-r----., _ _ --- --.