EsDAY,~ MARCH 20, 1906, _ _ - ITIES' SH ARE IN ~| bill, promising to be heard from -- again next year. ' Second readings were given Mr. ) LIUUUR LIUENSES. Craig's two bills to amend the assess-- j ment act ; Mr. Gamey's bill to amend the election act; Mr. McGarry's bills to e of oo amend the Ontario election act and to s s amend the manhood suffrage act. They Will Receive Large Amount | 1fy, Preston's (Brant) bill to give i municipalities the power to buy fire ap-- Under New Bill. lianceg by the issue of short?'term dg- gentures, or on the installment plan, en " without 1smbngittin,«z by--laws to the eople, also obtained its second reading, THE EDUCATION MEASURES L220 went on to the Municipal Commit' tee. t i in tiedian n rams rececrectantes Mr. Bradburn's bill to amend the muni-- | cipal ;ct was another measure read a a second time. Two of Them Will be Brought In reply to Mr. Jessop, Hon. Mr. Foy Down Next Week. stated that Ransom Gorings had been caretaker of the Brock monument at uic Queenston previous to May, 1905. Since then James McGeachie has been care-- 54; taker. In 1895 the admission fees Mr. Preston Presents Petition From taken amounted to $308 : in 1896, 8$175; Brantford Regarding the Bell Me-- | in 1903, $360; 1904. $387 ; 1905, under morial--Budget Speech to be Deliv-- | Mr: McGeachie, $803. v ered This Afternoon -- Penalty |Bills Read a First Time. Clauses of New Railway Act. The following bills were --introduced fand read a first time :---- To amend the high, schools act--Mr. :.\'tielyt.l This proposes to regulate the arils i/ 4s 5 ... , |attendance at high schools . of pupils bfnelal public bills were dealt \ [from adjacent--countics «id 10 fi.I\' Iihe during yesterday's session of the L€&iS-- |amount payable for such attendance. lature, some being read a second time To amend the act respecting the pro-- and others withdrawn. Hon. Mr. Pyne, | visional county of Haliburton--Mr. Car-- j ' Mr. Ross. sal w |negie. -- This gives municipalities _ in :;p]yxtr'l.g to llion. i, S?_l:d thél?.e':' 'llaliburtnn authority to pass by--laws ucation act and the act maKDS§ |pjiowing cattle to run at large. Per-- changes in the Department of Education | sons desiring to recover "for any dam-- would, he hoped, be introduced carly. |ages must show that their lands are next week. The latter will, it is under-- -pri)'{teetedt by fenco-: as legally ,df'fim\';l-" a is ovial especting cemetery companies--Mr. :;oo{l't.mdllldg ploill:uon fo;'.tl;e .at'd'.ljw.rf McCowan. aAmong other things this ncavionat Councit, on wNnic 1_ 18 ©*~/ |measure provides that the Secretary of peected all classes of the teaching pro-- 'comotery companies must furnish _ a fession will be represented, and for the: | written statement at the annual meet-- office of Superintendent of Education, a f"?l "lf all {"5!""'5('""1'"ts and]troo;;pti, i meras % i rrukw moek ol ass including salaries, under penalty. There new position. 'l.he foxme'l will with is also a provision df'fillil}lg conditions general reform in education, particula¥ly |yinder which cemeteries within one mile in respect to the public schools. of a city containing 100,000 population Hon. Mr. Matheson delivers the bud--;{or over may be enlarged,. | These in-- get speech this afternoon. He will be | ;;]ilcl';][:al?t]: passing of a by --law by the mu-- followed for the Opposition by Mr. Har-- ! To amend the municipal act--Mtr.| eourt, ' Jamieson. This measure aims to pla'ce Cities Profit by License Bill. comonft and conorl:!te bufilldin;is nnd tf)" s s § same footing as those of brick and stone a Mr.d (i{'a\'v']f.?l'd withdrew _ his bill to' where buildings of specified material mend the license act on the assurance| only are allowed within the fire limits. | of 'the Provincial Secretary that the | principle involved of giving cities mo-re! The Bell Memorial. | of the liquor license revenue would be | | fairly met by the Government bill to be| _ \IYT: Preston (Brant) presented the| brought down to--day . | I'_Otmon ot: the Bell Memorial Associa-- --__ _ Mr. Gamey moved the second reading tion, seeking incorporation, . 'The ob-- of his bill to amend the assessment act, |J°Ct Of the association is to secure the with the object of having the stocks of, °rection of a suitable memorial at retail merchants assessed at their full | Brantford to Prof. Alexander (Graham ¥alue . | Bell, the inventor of the telephone. The Hon. Mr. Hanna said the bill proposed !pah'onfl are the Prince of Wales, the to undo what had been done in the as-- 3(}0\'01'1101'-(':01]91'&1. the EKarl of Stamford, Ffssment act of 1904 after long discus-- ;(;.ovemor of the New England Company, sion. The system adopted, while not per-- Lieut.--Colonel Clark, Hon. J. P. Whit-- fect, had received approval in many f"".". Hon. (ieo. W. Ross, Sir T. G. quarters. If the bill went to committee |~h@4ughnessy and Lord Strathcona. The with the idea that it might come back 9880Ciation seeks powers to recover from to the House it would be better to with. , Subscribers who may be in default. ani ' draw it at once. !tn give power to municipalities, as in Mr. Graham agreed that it would be |the case of the Brant monument, to dangernus to take any steps to undo the | SUubscribe to the memorial without seek-- act. > | ing the consent of the ratepayers. .\Ir. mark 'Cent]'fl B]'u(_'e) thought ! 4 s so;nglchang: shtould be made to place the INotlces of Motion. retail merchants in a better positi as s Premier Whitney always un(;)er;&(c'::l. & lnf.\g. ('I'{aha'"l wl.l] move for an order to be inadvisable to interfere with com-- p dm > (]"he- for woPles 'ff all corres-- plex legislation till its bearing was ,"Pm,] Cence befween the Chairman of t clearly seen. The committees in charse _ oard . of License Commissioners . aff of the bill thought they had arrived at B'lf('wk""')' ie Aoan of Rropip. insy a system of relative proportion, and if '('l-lZ("ll of the town of Brockville, and one of these important points was e GO\'?_I'nmont,, or AMY mem.ber thereof, changed every other -- business I'ntema.t | or the license department, in reference under the act would want to be channéd' I to the (:nforcement or non--enforcement correspondingly . 8 of thfr liquor license met, or to _ the Hon. Mr. Ross--Hear, hear. granting or withholding of licenses to Mr. Gamey supposed from the att;. | th° Imperial Hotel or to Samuel John-- tude of the (Government that the bill |***** ' was going to be slaughtered. He was | In comnection with the Government glad it met with considerable approvi} ,'railway bills Hon,. Mr. Hendrie will to-- especially from Mr, Clark. Under the | J4Y give notice of motion that the, act the man with a $200 candy store House go into Committee of the Whole: has often to pay as much taxes as the | On Thursday to consider as a series of : man making $12.000 or $15,000. Tj,, |resolutions the penalty clauses of the: man wt',ith a 'f"g stock should pay a fair |NCW railway act, and the salary and proportion of taxes. He withdrew the |f0¢ Clauses of the Railway and Munici--' pal Board act. *4