' 'a' t. ' u . t" T'"'.". I _', . pr, THURSDA " l m- at _. rl , - ."~.- aw', A ' "a; .ee ___'__,-- . ii 4 _ 'lat' . 21mTa--.----L--sA'.'a.r., r I .__ ' " a er _ - " " A ' 'rl"?,. EP-L.; , . sr"tt'1 . y _l8llllillilfGll POWER mt of a,' 'ii'4l'l't'ii%iiiG'?TTiN " a iri.th the We of ot.tr "W i indicates what power is proposed to, "will of fli','l "id Provittce appomt be iven to the commisSion. Terliapl'youi t , "P "CT"""'" -""".-'""-""""r", g . . . n t ' I t and t t h " the Clerk might read the commissmn. o. inquire n o . "tves Wa e t e .t I Mr. Whitney-a-l think it would be said charges. .and all .nlatters and 'Il 'well. things which in your judgment are all -----.-.-. The Clerk of the House then read relevant thereto. I I . . the instructions to the commission, as The Powers Conferred. a. Judges Authority in Stratto follows:--- " , . . . And we do h.er.eby confer on you " Inquiry. ' Commission of Inquiry our said Comtntstu0ners full power ; .. In the matter of an inquiry into and authority to proceed 1.vith .all .rea- ' -.---r_--_.__ certain charges made by Robert Ros- Sortable despatch to hear, IIUQUWC tttto . 1 well Gamey. a member of the Legis- and. inestltele the said charges . BOYD AND FALCONBRIDGEc tyive.Assem.bly of the Provmce of against the,saéd lama? Rt'i'it Strat: Ontario. against James Robert Strat- ton, containe . m e sat papers ton. a member of the Executive Coun- marked respectively A, B and IC. an.d t Mt-...-.-..-.---. I" of Ontario, and also a to report the result of such investi- I . I I member of the said legislative gation within a reasonable time, to- Division Seems Several Da Assembly. Sir Oliver Mowat. G.C, gether with all evidence, documents, ' Off ': 11.G., Province of Ontario. Edward papers and things that may be given. i . the Seventh. by the Grace of God, of produced or laid before you touching ' C' the United Kingdom of Great Britain tht charges aforesaid. and Ireland. King, Defender of the And we do hereby empower you . . . . . Faith, etc., etc. to hear and examine all witnesses on Mr. Whitney Makes Brief Criticism, "To _-------------------- '. oath, and to require them to give evi- . . .. . ... . . . . r. . lence and produce documents and b ther Member Discu Whereas certaiuchars,vewrre, on I . . at O . s as Old? the I'll! (lav of 1larch,rno3,made by things. and to Issue subpoenas for Matters-A Quiet Day. , Robert Roswell Games. a m l l enforcing the attendance of such Wit- - , e n 'cr 0 . . the Legislative Asstithly of the Pro- neIsses at. the instance of either of -.._..-r_-.- -viiice of Ontario. for the Electoral said parties to said charges. and to District ol' Manitoulin, affecting the cause the evidence given before you The Legirlature opened yesterday good government of the Province. to.lr.e taken Ill sliortliIand. andIto ad- with the pix-mutation of the terms of whereby the tu.id RM)?" .Roswe.ll 1',"vm0,teerC',',.' cause in " administered . , _ . .Gamey, from his place m the said iy the cork of said commissnin (to the cNrtilil1lsstH'it to the Judges who; Legislative Assembly. and whilst the be appointed by you) all necessary "in investigate the tiamcy charges) l.ei:i.~lati\e A.,scmbls. was in session, will" to Witnesses. criers. constables. and the announcement that the Hopi charged and declared tlzatJaines Rob.. 1.t,p,",',tr,av'tgris andIothers towhoni an eminent had selected Sir John Boyd. ert Stratum. jtuothy inemnei oi the it") may "tadministered, to the same . I "l' . '.. . be" . . I isaid i,cg:i,~l.iiivc Arstnnloir, and a ("will and effect as may now be ad- Idllt t net Jurticc ridconlsridgrs to ton-l tuetuber of thc Executive Council of tzl'tl'SltlU. in 'a court of law. V (duct the inquiry. lite terms. which! the said l'rmiiiee. tlid get-Hm corrupt Powers of High Court Judges will be found in detail below. give scryl, and i'1uasviy] Pits. b, "ttr-lug to " ' wide Powers to the (Hillllllxxliill ind bribethe "ml Ror,crt sis'tysisill Gamey And we do htrtby confer .ot.t you ' Iv.di . l . t _ ' . I.", 'by the Jiityit'vc'i1t th him of certain all the powers, rights and privileges I f"'"""' "ti/les the ordinary pl'tnlrni moneys. lit wit, the sum of $3.000 on "interning.r the hearing and investi- Ions. the right to compel witnesscc, to; \Vediimday. the 10th day of Septem- gallon of the. said charges. the mak- ansiver incriminating: qtwstious, but. ly'r. W"-': .itIIthi- J'.;.Tliumrwn I build- mfg inf the soi) inquiry, the exe.cution such evidence will not be available mi I/lr,", -m tlu. (it). 'rl I-"r'mm' m caid ll t1" fflrtP1,i1"'1 the examination . I . . _ _ _ l Provitwe, and by the iiirtlier payment of witttessec, the taking of rwidence, .. a criminal court prtrcectlinus. lt al'w I" him ofthe. sum _ SL000 ttll Thurs- and the production of documents and _ empowers the commirmirrrncr, to in-' day. the nah day of January, i003. thinsrr, which are possessed by or con- _ vestigatc, at the instance of members,; Itt IllH' lilac:- ai'ore':.idI toiiiil'1eiice and ierred "VI " JIUdKC III tliIe trial of ', . _ _ ' , " "tt l"I'. i,. i " _ t s,-t" . Causes eit.ier JV common aw or by of the Lcuriyluture I , . I llltIllttI l rvi'pti iii Il'lll'H tilly the I . y . - " 'l I h: " , t ll "r""."'- "tly I can] twin." mevi; Gitrutw, who wn'; statute. it being intended that you, cnarge that may tlcvciop "'e,'itiltst any} at ~:iid tirnrs, a lllt'l'ill)"l' st.r" thy <nid the said commissioners, shall have other member oi the Cabinet than Mr.) I.cr,rislutive hwmblr. its melt mem- the "m" ri".ht:i, powers and privileges Stratum. Mr. Whitney offered a brief Iter lo 1"'ty Tr "mi "WW" t',w "M" as Ju0.sTs ol the High CW" have in criticism. and then the Chrvosition eminent oi ts'lyii', ili.- ~31". Jam" Roir. the trial of causes and in respect of meml) I ll . Ill ert Sit-anon is mm, :iiiil "we n the all matters incidental thereto. ers. w lit tlit newt o! tie talking ,aid tin: 'N i lllt'llllii'l' M . . ' ' "'".',' v'"'"," -". ust An . ll'lllllged into the di~eii~~ioii t".ilt'll_\' on Auri "ll1'iTUs the cuid. Robert Roc, swerI All Questions. ltlic liue, ill the mutant dar. indium wel'; (j.it1l1t) further-,- 1"ir1ruid. th,nt ':s: . Nod we direct that ttpon the said rcicrrinur to the int I... the otter oi P?""11il!,'e he the said Inquiry no \Ivitness shall be excused itll' I" _ . If r11ci1"1s l" litlllt'I~ Robert xii-aim". did i~:j(',('; v'tr from answering,v any question tipon the I c curt1llltisrtont'rs. lhe (itnt'l'll- to bribe and corruptly induce and iii- ground that the answer may tend to inlclll weaken of the tluy "we iliieiice the said Robert Roswell Crlmllmtc him, but that no evidence I Mr. l'. ll. Pres i. . ' . money. as such member, to vote for given hy any person of witness before 1 t II dud Mr. Amlrc, . . a . . . {Pattullo "ho [in-0.1"." it mll h I and support the said Government. you. shall be receivable in cvidence , . .I s . i; e -SSttlt . . against him in mi criminal t al sub A.. . . . . . ' Evidence in . . . ' ' l l" q Jrla ."r lIIIAJttt Iin man) mu llllI.l\t~. and to .. the Newspapers "ther,crimin.a! proceeding aRainsthim l c great \iltl-lilt'llnll oi thrir (up And whereas the three several pa- hereafter; taking place. other than a tleagues. le ()ppoogi..li 'pridosy, "ere per, "ccompanymw this commission, prt."jec1ttion for perjury in giving such l.\lr. Hugh Clark. llr IV ll ll 'l _ and "m5?" rcspcctively A, B and C, evileny. (sir. Finluv "Wm, , _ ' ,' I'") by the Clerk l the Legislative As- And Ive do further empower you IL: III . . .. drum and Dr. ll. 1.. .t,eu'liy, t:il<eii_troni the. issues of The to.permit each party to the said inv , an .ntr. At adioiirmm-m a mum," 1rrtyr,toGioud.1raija/u Empire, and tlttlry to be represented by counsel. seemed wwral (lays on] It U,is In]. World respectively. of date the 12th who shall be entitled to conduct the - mutitcerl _\'("-It'l'(l;t:.' um \lr. w " ly In: March, ioIojt, contain and fully presentation of said cllar7es, and the Smith l'wi I I T I. at iorih the said charges so made itmiwt?t' thereto respectively in accord, _ u" ("Hunted In our \' ' bv il ' -4 . " . . Hon F. l D: . . _ "". din I. l said Robert Roswell Gamey anIce with the practice and law ap- . . .. . .IHS. um- ls detained It). 'aMulilst the said James Robert Strat- "Table to counsel in trials "f causes. W i.rdstrittty tire which itiniruwd his toy, . I And we do further empower you I I . I rv. . s And whereas it IS deemed expedi- to direct that the evidence taken by _ T Dr l\'oiiil~l _ T . [ill MI the Lteut.cnaru-Governor: in the stenographers shall be extended ' l l , "Y" is) ll-M 1lidviir.sei . outuril to Cause inquiry to be made and certified to bv them, and the same F. it")! .llr. _A. (s, _1l:tckuy ttl North tin-v "it? Md concerning the truth of the - when so extended and certified shall r ot! enteringr the Home "Cr: i'treivetl SdlEChargcs made as aforesaid. be. returned with your report as the , lwuh applause, .l;,pn...w,-H_ oi [in IIII l . "(Il whereas the said Legislative evidence taken before you. _: cent victories Ill the ("ML _ 1isfi!,e.yr' 1//,'f,"yl,ty to the Lieuten- t And we do further. empower you . . - govt-rip .. . , ,- . .. . I . , The Commission Present d address I,','."...','. our said Pros:iyc.e att I' {eponn the pla.cey where. and tbe a, U e . II a Prevun;,r that he would Issue Imes when, the sittings of the said ot t _ .i, t a coiniiii_.'i . . -,a', . s...' _ . . . . " Harigs,'}illf Unit l l~liill oi the 'ireiiiiii- charges zit"? t? ".""rs.twate. the said flimmlSSIioncrs shall be held, and to , .. ' "HUN Rim rot.- and mi! . h C-,' .t orth. in the said papers "Journ if necessary from day to dar, id Before the only" of ilie \vcertc'itmlv and to inquire into and in- tir from .time to time. to enable the ':' 'ly are called. lll Ptlrsuiiucr. IIIDIIIhate all matters and things which, presentation orthe said charges, and 'I' what J lil Ill the "on". ers 1'u1ttty, of the commission- the answer thereto. to be fully and )heSterddy'. i.hrin,u, down " din-iii III and rIt ate thereto or.aff.ect the same, completely made, heard and investi- if: e 'i/hell'",-?::,'", to issue in this lllitt ill: 11:}; such comnttsston should be gated. -- er, WllCl has been heft) , .. l - ee e to two of ti Chi f . l., . '. . I rctht. Ilouse Iie ".e Justices Ma He , ifor some days. I Will lay the than g; l one of the Chief Justices of the "y " Further Charges. 3:30;: tlIiIe table. and a (up). of thi- tcr/Yale,, CtIIiurtIof Judicature of On- L. We further do empower you to thel LII) lit-Igiveii to m,v.htm, i'rie'iil Court of lit if. President of the High "NWT: into. investigate and report is a "an? 9' the fJpporition. Ther,. h Ice. upon any charges arisuig out of, or f he li1.th.e draft tor the names The Request Granted. 1,n,nected. with, the charges afore- 0h t e trommtssir,trcrs. I may "av to "And " . said against said James Rob- the House thy Chancellor liovd of Gci,"t,'r'hl) "if?" our said Lieutenant- ert Stratton contained in the said pa- 'ff, Supreme Court and Chief Jiistiee ent to ac ind Uuncil deems " expedi- pers, AI. B and C. which may be pre- a conbridge have asscuterl to oct Ill said Legisclgt'e to the request of the lterred in writing by any member of 1211. that wave hAat,.i,e,P,l,,y?, now know I.81'f. Legislative Assembly against any .- . C", "mg and reposmg Lillember of our said Executive-Come