mm % :e. Those who are ac--| ¢ e ig t g gerious importance, | p)%, ""::"'"" i mpaor Hir i( Coue quainted with the progress of legisla-- | 1 i 'or. will be ten, exclusive o P tion know that the more important the | € $ tine Aivigion was on Mr. Foy's mo-- bill the more liable it is to changes and & _tion for the six months' i:olst of the variations or modifications <C n ereg.. § s ; y mients as it passes through its succes-- revenue bill, the second reading of *X a which was moved by Hon. Mr. Har | sive stages. . CA c n intoiciad court. The Senate reform. rest;lution? ernment is to be se e insl on Thursday will probably bring on an-- | for having made these changes 1 j other vote. | would ask hon. gentlemen to name any A number of blllé were introduced bill of considerable importance lcn E + this afternoon and given first readings. had passed through any peglslatnre s § modern times which has not been more Revised Schedule of Taxes. changed, more modified, more varied, The following is the Provincial Trea-- than this bill will be before «it reaches .surer's revised estimate of the increase its final stages. If the point is raised in revéentué :-- it can be fully met by detailed reference «s Natural gas companies, Pull-- to new bills . which have been put ; man car companies and ex-- thfough the House of Commons at Ot-- | rp}lr:fsly)companles (approxi-- $E 40 tawa or other Legislatures., (Ap-g Banks ';'5' o0 + plause.) It is more imporiant to notice, | halways :...;... ......llcl.ll ... d0.485 not the fact that there have been | g'telig:»th;:y?g%fl s ied lgg'zg changes, but the nature of the changes. Telegraph comga,nips 31.": I maintain that the changes have been Gas and electric lighting com-- © neeessary, and it is our duty, assisted baniles. ;..:..............0...... _ b.TiQ | by the Opposition, to make such Life insurance companles...... _ 44.5%4 ] Fire insurance companies ..... _ 24,028 ' changes as will make the bill more per-- Loan companies ................ 25,272 fect and _ more workable in all N ounscsk .::%1. ........... 112664« 1091,000 its provisions. _ During the past id fortnight it will have been noticed Total \.;*..:s1. *.;' .<*:.;+~** $514,000 J that _ deputations met _ the Gov-- * Excluding approximate esti-- ernment and discussed the principles mates in regard to first three of these resolutions with the Govern-- 6 Secompanies ....:......; ...:--.. .. .-- $280,006 Lnenf. lThese deputations represented 5 s very interest affected by t * Principles Are lxnohgnged. slo'ns of these resolut!on:«x.y ne OM Hon. Mr. Harcourt moved the Huuse! Dr(é:;;%nu"t]lg' M"i Harcourt «_ ex-- iInto Committee of the Whole to con-- Gm'(:n'nmentle thg;:ltt sft)c;zi;')n hz'z); :'}:: . sider certain proposed resolutions to advantage of obtaining the views of & supplement the revenues of the Pro-- L};qu whom the bill affected, and he inceof Ontario sured the House that the Govern-- ; h n ment is now in a position to say that The motion was carried without dis-- it was very noticeable that not a singls sent. Mr. J. R. Stratton being called to member of all the deputations who the chair | waited upon them had a word h . to say against the principles of In committee Hon. Mr. Harcourtl | the bill or against the scheme of the f snid :--It will be noticed, Mr. Chair ';')'(';'r't'{"tt'"}h_ (Applause.) _ It was im-- E man,. at first glance that the resolu-- | of tl;lenI'rdg:?mt'g ;')abf\(':l\l'en'th}"]n n aninigus f tions which are in the hands of hon. ("} its support 0? the u::gerg'!}::'?:xgl:: members vary somewhat from the Il('"':lfl;)e"f the S("hem(j. Not a single statemeni I made when introducing the | nOmner of a deputation had even said t ent & | | that the bill reaches a class or cor-- : | l bil}. It will also be noticed by a super-- | poration which should not be reached | ficial glance at the revenue bill that | .;I;R; press comments agreed that the | any change which has been made does | :ed rfli;gps;l?&";;,wh? "ht';luld be reach-- * de a *not affect, and cannot affect, the un-- | surrounding the questfi)n o(fe tg)itthig::i;ig @erlying principle of the bill which | ;lllus""_it"d by the fact that no country ' they support. All the changes, I re--| as ever yet devised a perfect scheme > | of taxation. The intricacies amd dim peat, concern only matters of detail. | culties of the question being l'ecogniz: l They do not concern in any sense the' ?d the Government would be satisfied _ principle or fundamental idea of the f in the main the bill is found to be | | based upon fair and equitable princi bill. (Applause.) It is the common ex-- | ples. The Government had repcrei':?e& perience, Mr. Chairman, not oniy of this ";'*['y suggestions, but not one that any Legislature, but of all Legislatures and 10 Oir, tinded should be dropped. p He quoted the editorial opinion of The of all Parliaments everywhere, to make Toronto Telegram on March 2 that the ' changes as bills pass through their suc-- g'f't\l'em'rinent need not apologigze for its s cessive stages before they become acts whl?}r; e:jot;';m:m(;figmmte companias of Parliament. While this is true of! not granted them in asref:?mé:fi:ia;:l%x!l' ordinary bills, bills of minor import-- | the United States. ance, it is especially true of bills of | ESssc o o