Moues /C [3 I ? f BC o N * Eoi acogere R es e . +. »Ast C1 N a bp use dontamate one--nair: or . ene cost 1. font prull in can--roan Wilifong' for the support of the North-- | 't','cagg";"; to this the real Mm@nopoll PmE >and the payment~of interest upon Abandoned an, could be modified | o money invested for the develop-- -- with oned as a result of direct deali ment of the Northwest. The Northwest with the Government, he urged tha had cost the Dominion -- $259,000,000. POf irpult could be only 'OfH w f \There were only 28,000.000 acres of land |-- on the general public of this Domin, _under cultivation in the country, so .* hnh But these matters, all Of them that the expense of 'the Northwest am-- | | S ~. * ?, old to be matters for the consider eunted -- to a moftedte --of §9 on every is ~-- ztxh otn of the Dominion Parliament, an acre of land under cultivation. It oc-- |. ie j there was no precedent fo curred to him that the peovnle of this it ier ng them such advice as is con} _ P rovince were not--prepared to aid in «;ned in this resolution. The Provinc{ building the projected railway into > 0., Ontario, he contended, was sufhi} that country. Further than that,, the ;)ently represented in that Parliamen} . opening up of that country had "had i by many able men. 'The resolutiog | the effect of decreasing the value of should be rejected upon this groun é ~the products, and consequently . the without reference to the final solutiof _ value of the land, of Ontario. It would of the question itself. y9 |be an injustice to ask the people of | Mr. Whitney expressed the thank{} \ Ontario for any further sum to assist of the Opposition to Mr. Pattullo folf _ in building a railroad in that country. the stand he had taken. This questio® If the country out there was so rich should never have been introduced i; l in~ minerals, let the gentlemen who lto this Legislature. Mr. Haycock wa ewned the mines and who expected to not elected for that purpose ; anothe ip the benefit build the _ railway gentleman was elected by the peopM | mselves instead of asking the peo-- of Frontenac for that purpose. Th§ ple of Ontario to do it. He hoped that same was true in his own case. i l he members would protest against any was not surprised that Mr. Haycoc rther addition to the debt of the Do-- had expressed confidence in the D :@ Iminion ftor any new railway into minion Government. It was we$ that country. The railway was being known that there is nowhere a mo E built only for speculative purposes,and thoroughgoing supporter of that Gov# -- we all knew what mining speculation ernment than that gentleman. M / was. Whitl;]ey declined to express any opihf.. ion whatever on the merits of the cas® | A CHmGED RESOLUTION. ':é;hl?hzhe}{lgglsj:e,w;{e ";'guldt'do so out " Mr. Pattullo, on rising to reply to and w ho o inb se Mr. Haycock, expressed surprise that fx]hdet';lgxl-l l%s;sr.'){nxir;nhis fiffi"al us a previous motion on the same subject {ifisble or not. It if! Decame Mn s sus®) _ had (been offered by Mr. Haycock c § came M cce + i cock to protest in this emphatic man and withdrawn to make way for this ner after havi io | :' Thich is UR .HiSNHy ways contra-- N ored fie:: aa'rl'?ri t:n anog;:e'r occasioff | lictory of the frst.. In the notice ation of $50 EOO' for (;haé nefn c ce given on February. 26 the following a railway brid touconmumon °C was the position itaken: -- Mr. Ha (-n('kge aid h N ad C > "That it is the opinion of this House much am{x';ed ?)a the o pecchoor Th } that the subsidl%ng of the Canadian leader of the O o d "e speech of th® Pacific Railway Company by the Do-- Deen. wiotheg 4 M + ols There hat c' ninmion Government forf the construc-- been occasions when motions advising tion of the Crow*"# Nest Pass Railway :3; I?f;{:é"{f'"tf,{."tuse h?d voale ma(?e o | will be contrary *o th? interest of the }»ress ie Tego! '){1 gentleman. He would settlers and citizens of the Northwest s i * AF. Co n 'fi 3" 120 a vote. $ Territories and Britisls Columbia, and tion ; :(vg{n'ee vo t ou'ght the resolu that any additionito the power of this io s rtmt-.' >ekvuthdra\wn. but if a vot@®, great corporation .will'} be contrary to mlent vofe taHen ::e could not give #% the general interest of the people of '.ievlv t(": E;{" 'he t\ enuindiin tss :narro j anada and mu?; texid to the sub-- a pro ,(), 3 % Lfath "'c,""se ()n.taxfo breids ©| ersion _of the @hathogity and power H«l) ql ,r'1 onlg t ese expgndltuxes'thi the Parliament and--people of Can-- If ?)et snould uttler these objections®| and that it @s the opinior of this s Segsinter 'Aaiifvays are a meesanlt ouse that if the CBRW's Nest Pass in "th dlex.l ailways are a necessit?, Allway is felt by ie Dominion Gov-- 96 e ieve opment o? new sectlons ament to be a necessary or desirable D bg 'mla w r(_;uest}ons is rallwake l ; Pandertaking that it. should be con-- hon'ntr}l1 on give aid to this railway, an@ . structed by the. Dominion Parliament nr Afsined s to the pones eddbted as a public work and operated by it {m (l;mmemm as t'o the policy a.dopte for the general good of--the people of y the Dominion Government. He had #: Canada, and that a copy of this reso-- c?nhdence that their arrangemen ) lution be forwarded to the Hon. the would . be . a | good (Ofe, T Premier of Canada and the Hon. the y\ould not object. to : the. SR Minister of Railways:and Canals." ing _ of n the l on onl d amcica l Here, then, Mr. H#&ycock had shown R., as he had confidence that efficient the good judgment of,leaving to the safecutto would be provided by TParB) disctretion ' of the Dominion Govern-- liament. At the same time he would ment subjects which are alitogether of not agree that the C. P. R. or any comjq their province and control. The build-- | pany were beyond the control of Par{}: ing of the road depended upon the fav-- Hiament. He would like to see an calnf@ orable judgment of the Dominion Par-- est effort made to control these rateg,, liament. Mr. Pattullo feared that the a!ld to prevent glaring discriminations ,, change in the opinions of the leader Without a law and the machinery fo} of the Patrons of Industry in the Leg-- enforcing such a law, one that woulg, islature had been effected by an arti-- regulate these charges, it would mattef, cle in the newspaper representing that nothing whether a bargain were mad§, phlitical party, The Weekly Sun. Juds-- or not concerning these much--debate 1 ing by the tenor of the first resolution clauses. He could see no advantage if | the member from Frontenac would ap-- the House now criticizing the prospec 4 pear to be already regarding himself tive action of another legislative bod E: 'as the member for Rossland. In the with which this matter properly lies. $ ; ! gecond resolution, however, he became Hon. Mr. Hardy would noi accept i " again a member for an Ontario con-- 2;031dsetttle'ii g""cy that this Ii{?"s } stituency. The figures given by Mr. ' refrain from exp oi on Reail Haycock were probably accurate, but Td 19 s Doninick Peviemen aaif this was scarcely the place for their comment on su(r:rtll ;Olzxeq:llix a'n:)erlld. m§l very. True, the newspapers and only under the secgnd;), vnclu" 5e 0 seards of Trade had offered suggest-- they House The -- newl:é ;n' \:'Segi;) % l ,_Q&uthe subject, but they occu-- Boards of Trade had ex I;eg:ed opin & |--'a different relationship to the Par-- ions on this point, but bxe)fo;'e the pLe liament of Canada from that occupied islature could do so it would be neces by this Legislature. 'The expenditures i'rv to h 'before it surveys : mentioned had been incurred without :;nd Othe,.a';efo)r OJSO;, Su I\;eyw;a mnfi * comment from this Legislature, and it even knhow n.h rtnth Dominio Ps Ai was very questionable policy on the en propesed to as. He nas a «ood gt; of the Legislature to enter at this deal oFsympathy with the state of af thegf)c:'xg?laofian:irilmw i In soch mat-- fairs outlined by Mr. Haycock, bu B ters. ament in such mat-- | could not see his way to do otherwisd o{i';,i%kmg Ofithe merits of tne case i\}'l:rrc; gzlt'gi::gg.lril:t the resolution if i 3 tion, Mf"-)rlgg'tltstix?lzmsu?; t{{ [t while he Mr. Haycock allowed the motion t ' adhered to a party waf,ich fat P nre has be lost upon division, at the same timg . fought against the mono (l)r years has denying, upon the authority of th4 ;/ \ the C.P.R., he was not g)noeywpl:)ow:v?u(l)é journals of the House, that he had votq ; gay that an addition to the business of ea for the grant to the Nepean briQRQ | at company would necessarily be an Mr. Whitnew withdrew the statement, / ::txtenslon of their monopoly. He held pIVISION COURTS. { rather to be self--evident that if a | ; considerable volume of business could , After recess Mr. McNichol moved thg, P be added to the present traf-- w .i resolution of which he had given noq, | fie & _ reduction of the high | tice, that the powers of the Di rates at present made necessary by a | visio ts be extended, as follows parsely settled country of great-- ex-- |--(a) 11 personal actions where the