. ' ..- "V V L ' V Gearasrs- _ "tgMllFit" the My [ ...... - _ '. I . . The was minted. _ TNEY _ ways' t mendment act was 1 MB. wm . The assessmen a d asa- _ 'I.', _ a then taken up In committee on p ' 1 ." n followed Hon. Mr. Ros d ithout serious amendment. Then _ It. migiilcég in opening, "I? dun: 'tl't.g, third readings were 'ig,ri'e'volli' Ir d re , d not B _ , I datin revitr. ." "can: j'liltni1i,i,4',"le','jts"i's,,i't1t't, "iii; . it; £358.53; cl')',",'])')",,') to "unit- m n t n e ', r ' t Mr. - ' de, as they MI ' tion Departmen ' ' - 3:39.52: conciliation (1122 teg11,n,ttin1f, Kay's bill 2,espe1iy,r,odll',' if, ected by the . ability o e - fig-amps. the instance I', 11:33:33; .:. Tilbury North and Tililury er,:',",')',)?,',' County. where! the; tgatti'ioomce by the apect to f/g7i'g'g/,i,'1f/',eeaftgl' the a ointet - and M'r.M. ttleton 1t'd,et,1iQe'r)'t'." Continuingi Mr. :Vhito Hamilton Electric, Radial Bolivia! Co. ncy said he was no]: v,'p,"TifuatflJ1' Then Hon. Mr. .Gibson's gills gl'tffit l h en th of the l . 0 in buildinz societies an res I ,1 5:12 listatiemem made by the $3231: 'dl', Industrial Refuge for Girls were that the members of the If selves passed through committee, g, came prepared to sell t em (iii/if The House then went into CO mittee There had been many cases 1hl elite of Supply on the supplementary esti- "members receiving "We; Wedl't mates. After he usual discussion these " had t111ed those oii'otsf,tit'eu',',i,t,tt'ryc'."/llr' i were passed and the House rose at 1.15 o themselves an o ', i) . . tWhitney concluded by ss,t,ynied1/jCirit. a. m ' , TIMATES not believe in those occasional" T' was SUPPLEMENTARY LS . .. s o V J. ' . ' I (ribs-:31? ',tt"ll',uGa7c' for them. He The su,pe1/TI1tt,'ht,'y, ',it.t'mpe,"v "Ji.'itl 13.3.; willing to have the bill go to its presented this Minimum"? 90; 27 to- sccond refilling and be discussed in pose Votes amounting? to .x GGG ' for iriiiiiiiitG/. gcthcr with "eoeo, lui p! ex nd- This coiurluded the debate, after January in JUL [he he s 0 De which the division was taken, resulting iture are as follows" , in the bill being rejected by a. vote of Civil government ..............3 2.350 00 1 43 to 39. The entire Conservative Administration of Justice ..... 160 00 . l party, with the oxception Ir Mr. Beat- Legislation ........ ...e........ 500 00 ty (Parry Sound), voted with the Pot- Educatlon ........ ......r...... 'e! 00 rolls. as did Mr. McCallum and Metgsptg. Public institutions rmunten-, ik.'., McNish and Garrow among the Lib- once ........ ................ u It erals. _ Hospitals and charities ....a' _ , . The House then fell with renewed Agriculture ...........'...9 ..s'a.i , K, vigor on the order paper and the ful- Public building! .....i..".'rdMit " Iouing bills were withdrawn _ Public works "Sci. r 2 on" , G Itcspecting contractors and work- Colonization rm ' , . ' , q 3. men on Government works-Mr. Byer- Crown lands ch . son. . Miscellaneous'..;: _ . To amend the Ontario game protec- " G 1 tion act-Mr. Currie. Total ......, f... , r Respecting Justices of the Peace-- The "a" 3fiii . " .u Mr. St. John. f of legislation , - F T . . ' To regulate the '?yfrg.Tw,i.l1,y,r o ' Speaker's srataryl Tltdug " U, tttM street railway ott1vs---Mr. Gt. John. M , the head of education u .. .J 2B, IB. To amend the assessment act---: r. year's salary to the Wd?, it .1". ..., - St. John. . _ the Normal College. e. a tem' . "I F I Respecting building tsocieties-Mr. the estimates tor uncultured. 83.300 Carnegie. _ for salaries and maJntennnee in the . l liosuectinl the ossiznment and st- Eatern Dairy School, King-ton. For , 'tachment of salaries of public em-I the Hamilton Asylum for tho Insure I ployees--Mr. Meacham. 1 $8,700 is appropriated, :4,me r the ' To amend the assessment act-Mr. purchase of land, and $4.20. __. - ' . Tucker. heating, plumbing, eto., in - Tr w a To amend the Separate Schools act tirmary. For the Kings r it ' . a I--,',,?,'. Reid (Addington). $3,000 is voted, of which A 7 to I To amend the municipal act-Mr. settle accounts for sewage diam Richardson. works. For the rebuilding of the chem. To amend the registry act-Mr. ical laboratory, recently buramt. u a Ouiee.fe. gtele, vthtere Pll'.'itfU vote of "On r 4 . 0 e o ' or ad __ MUNICIPAL MATTERS- the Jail, etc., at North At."'tyitt Hon. Mr. Hardy's municipal amend- Charges pn. Crown land. ..ppegr 31.000 ment act then came up and was dis- for PUJPWOOG exploration, and 82,000 tor cussed in committee. Nearly all ot it l surVeys of pulpwood territory. There went through. The section permitting is a revote ot 85.000 for the Port Ar- lity Councils by a three-quarter vote thur Mining tSchool; a vote of 84,000 to to issue debentures up to a limited am- defray the expenses ot the commu- ount for extension or repairs of water- I sions for dividing County Councils un- works without taking a vote of the ider the act to reduce the number . ratepayers was cut out, however. " 1Counw Councillors; one of 3800 MY ' prolonged debate arose over the clause colonization house and wharf on " . relating to the -electiott of the Board TemiacemingGi one of Woo torn: ' " of Control in Toronto. Mr. German poses; $200 for the i. " _ ,g V Bllgral moved an amendment to permit ot torical Society; my. Ilt.llit . cumulative voting In the election of the Pigeon River timber I IlNlEiitlll T board. The Toronto members, led by for the Canadian m - Wm. Mr. Crawford, opposed this strenuous- tion. " ' 'W38Wi' "! 1y. The member for, West Toronto AyPt,ybl1s vote is . tie, " "u'rintio _ declared that he would stay there 't'lii or $250. for the remov ' I, 'tE' Geo n ' the cocks crew rather than see the vote Brown s statue to the from I ., . tee carried. Aided by Col. Mathew? Dr. liament buildings. 7 " writ"... Meacham and a ew others, e on UP a 18) _ " l" ' F mild sample ot f'tte,'iylit1',1, for an hour COMMITTEE MEETING. 2 f" o' end a halt, and t en, about 12.15 a.m., I The Priv t _ a compromise was effected by which final a e Bills Committee held it: Mr. German withdrew his amend- with sTftlgu1t, 'g2rt"tf.'tc,',t'u/gir, 'mcnt. . V . or r ur G Hon. Mr. Ross offered opposition to yneetcyt'1 Water Co., bill. and a: the clause permitting the Mayor and ar u C ill. There was an animated Chairman of the Finance Committee to Hf] ment over the thart bill, Mr. C. J. l . sit on School Boards for the prepara- re a?" Opposing. and Mr. Conmee de-' ' tion of the estimates. The clause would a n " it, but, with the exception of - lead to a great deal of trouble. he n amendment to the preamble, it was isaid. and it was accordingly drop- 't7liihsi2eMAr.quoe.iiiiei bill was slim- ed. _ ' . . . S. Lind The clause permitting the holding of l g I',: Rowland" Mr.io. A. 11:3"? municipal elections on New Years Day but}. Clawford and others op 'iriirl was attacked by Mr. Chappie. who . The fPrmyutwtcprivi re oved to strike it out. Mr. Crawford still further reduced; an tune ment bserved that this would render nuga- was introduced,' worming that the ry the permission given to Toronto main canal rnuyt be? built before a o use the schools as polling places. branch may be 1?Pnstt'ucted. Another r. Marter defended the clause. Hon. amendment Drohibits'the damming up Mr. Ross thought there were too few of the Humber River. Unless it is holidays already without taking New shown that the ship canal is actually Year's Day. Finally the clause was to be built. The bill was reported with struck out by an overwhelming vote. these anu'mdmehts. / 1 Mr. Crawford secured the insertion The Governméht Reuse Committe ' of a clause permitting Toronto to grant met this morning and .declded upon it: a. sum not exceeding $25,000 to the Can- report, which will be/au, already for adian Historical Exhibition. Mr. Mc- ShadOWed in The Globe. a Melt Kay (Oxford) secured the adoption of mendetion that the whole matter be _ I In clause permitting the crection of laid over for a yearn'l'ind a suggestion I I