. It Number of Questions Answered by the Government. SEVERAL BILLS INTRODUCED. Another' Pill Respecting City and Town Councils. A Quiet Bittitatr--col. Mattteeott With. draws His Motion With Regard to the Succession Duties. i 't ' Friday, Feb. 21.. i There was a rather thin attendance ', of members to-day, and but little was ', done. It was private members' dam! and the order paper was cleared of a 3 number of questions and motions, and i then the Housc adjourned. One of the motions which was removed from the order rapt-r involved a little triumph! tor Mr. Harcourt; yesterday he argued that one of Col. Matheson's ! contentions regarding the ad- l miniFtratlon of the succession i dutdes in Ontario was founded on aj misapprehvns.r in of the British act, and I to-day the Colonel frankly admitted! that he had been mistaken. and ihati the Provincial Treasurer's contention; was correct. A number of bills were!, intmduce'd, some of them being ot im- potttrnce. ' BILL-4 xx'r-nomrorcn. I d A number of petitions were present- I ed at the opening of the Housv, and the ' following bliis wore introduced:---, I Mr. McKay 1ftxrovd)---itespectitur cor- i porntions loaning money on real estate a and the inspection of such corpora-i tions, I Mr. Stratum-4o amend the assess- ment act. 1 Mr. l'?uvattyn--rtesivctintr City and: Town Uouncilr. I Mr. lhuatty (Iwceds)-.To amend tho! Ontario election act. 1892. i Mr. "(any 1Lueds)--To amend thel manhood suffrage act. l TH E AQUMDUCT COMPANY. l Under the heading of questions by T members, Mr. Crawford asked: "Who are the shareholders in the Geortrlan Bay Ship Canal & Power Aqueduct Co., incorporated by the Legislature of On- tario in the 57th year of the reign of i her Majesty (chapter W); how much i' stock is held by each. and the amount t paid thereon by each? Who are the b omeers and directors of the company? in a?" agreements have been made by 3' company w th any muntci allty or 2 munittipti1itfest What part of tie works l"