C [ _ * C poomresoare ITaycCoo io s 6i e R@e~-- EL 10 n edwelght @nd to the second that the ' municipal act, with respect® cost had been $35 89 per head. *J tion of arbitrators' fees, i . Notices of motion followed. Mr. ?aga | ' Wood's, to amend the "i'gn cip8 gerty had one on the order papel O'i 3 with reference to the pes 0;_11 or A \veturn of the amount of money rece;' sient traders, and then the o'ulsem' _ l ad from 'the sale of timbext' P'f"i_tosar: journed at a few minutes to 4 o'cloc | North Bfi UKG onme piaing during the kETURNS BROUGHT DOWN,. | o n Do 2 5 € & 3:31?};31~iod for colonization ({Oat?:i Hon. Mr. Gibson laid on the tabl'e th He now explained that he f\)u'n lti m % annual report of | the Inspector _ 0 the compilation of the order wou d he Division Courts, which is a voluminou too laborious to be worth while, as mass of figures, giving the statistics 0 ' already had been given all the """"Ra': the business done in the various part | tion necessary by Hon. Mr. Hardy. Cl of. the Province. A return ordered a | cordingly, he dropped the order, Aan( the request of Mr. Haggerty was lai it was discharged. T he n tlublv,fgmm{ pi"miu(lfir? nzstfi ' % seT NT "TINESSES. R e number of registrations r ~ . }FEES COMMISSION WITNESSES last ten years in the various muni !' A rather interesting discussion fol-- cipalties. of Hastings. -- lowed@ upon <the subject of the Fees 5\_11nther return was laid on the table | Commission." Mr. Kerns moved for & | which was ordered at the instance of \return showing the names, residences | . Mr. Evanturel, relating to C()rro.::pond_ | and oecupations of all persons who gave | | ence as to warrants issued in one |\evidence before the Fees Commission. | ]'I"H\'IH('(' and to be endorsed in an-- To this Sir Oliver Mowat replied that, other, vTh:' Cm'roswmdgz'n(-u is between so far as possible, the information was | Mr. L. J. Cameron, Assistant Attorney-- in~ the report and the appendix, butl General of Quebec, and the Attorney-- | with regard to the residence and oc-- (u"n-")'uls' Dv'mrtnwnt of ()nt%{l'l'), and ! eupation of a number of the \\"lll'.t',iti('Sl IS. '}\'lfh l""'ll"flf"(' to a 'Xll{{rll)'rj 'f)f re-- ' no note had been made, so that there fusals on the part n!"r()mtmuJu.stx('f\s ol was no means of giving all the informa-- 51'" P'.""vm: "" 'u'n(ln.rsc* (;!m.]h"" \f'«'ll_'!::mts ic sked for by the order, except by ns charge is that Police Magistrate tion a R f ~CAryrhompit * 1_l Ogura of Ottawa refused to endorst means of a great deal of correspon( | * warrant mide out by High C :tabl l ence, and that the Premier hardly | 'l' o e mb rncn t poe oi ie npnnnnn i on oo Te o ny * hray orks £ y' & .ssonnette of Montreal ; and Mr. J. N | thought worth while, as he supposed | Greenshfelds, Q.C., of Montreal, als 'the motion had h""!li made on the sup-- | (-mu;:ilnin,: r'h'.-u .ll}:'i';li:'\:l to ;;'v't ':m'o.n | position that the 4-':'.'*'?'"!""Ht was .in | dorser of a warrant issued against on | possession of the information. McGarrigle, who ultimately escaped Mr. Kerns 1'0[)]."'(] "l:'lt he thought it Mr. Ogara's reply is that l'lbl" warran an important thing to have a {"'*""'d being in French he asked for a trams kept of the witnesses whose evidence lation, and that while he was gettim helped t k the report by which n HSTLH ( ; n ielped to make up the rey B--tias the translation done High Constam the House was to be gulded.. Thert Bissonnette found that the man woub was a desultory discussion for a few come with him without trouble, so tha minutes, Hon.. Mr. Gibson remarking he did not need any endorsation. M that the report stated the places in Thomas Mitchell, J.P., of Pembroke, i which the evidence was taken, and complained of, the charge being that that the witnoesses wore prominent men refused to assist in the arrest of a mg in their places of residence, and, fur-- charged with exposing goods for sal ther, that the witnesses in their evi-- as a peddler without a lNicense ; his de dence nearly always stated their ex-- zence is that the offence as stated in th perience and occupation. Mr. How-- warrant was no offence under Ontari land observed that no Depu-- | laws, and that he declined to take th ty Registrar had given evidence, | reanensibility of causing the man'g a and Sir Oliver Mowat responded that I rest under such cireumstances. 'mone had volunteered evidence, and that no one had suggested that such ! | evidence would be necessary, Mr. | l Kerns then dropped his motion. | MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS. An interesting municipal topic was | then touched upon by Mr. Gibson of | Huron, who moved for a return which | as finally passed was for an order for a | return showing the municipal indebted-- { ness of the various municipalities of the Province on the 31st December, 1894, }under the following heads :--(1) Roads and bridges ; (2) railway bonuses ; (3) | f aid to manufactures by way of bonus; | (4) municipal waterworks ; (5) water-- works belonging to companies ; (6) gas and electricity ; (7) High and Public | Bchools ; (8) account of sewers ; (9) § 'Oother purposes, also showing any debenture debt for local improvement not included in the above. Mr. €Gibson made a number of valu-- able observations upon this topic, draw-- ing attention to the alarming increase in this species of indebtedness. The latest statistics indicated a municipal indebtedness of about sixteen and a half millions, but he was inclined to think the actual amount much higher, as there has been great laxity in the keeping of accounts by the municipali-- ties. There had been for some years a large number of applications from municipalities, Mr. CGibson observed, to consolidate their debt, and that meant a continuance for 20 or 30 years more. The bonus system came in for condemn-- ation, and Mr. Gibson made a sharp . reference to the practice, which he re-- ;Kuxw]od as fully as bad, of exempting | manufacturers from taxation. Toronto he regarded as a great offender in this | respect, and as to some extent the cause of bonusing in smaller places. | One suggestion which he threw out was | the appointment of a Provincial Audi-- tor, who should audit the accounts of | the municipalities, as i s done in Great Britain. This, he thought, would be a salutary check upon extravagance. i An informal discussion -- followed, 1 which resulted in some verbal changes and the addition at Mr. Howland's sug-- gestion of a question as to the debt for | local _ improvement -- purposes. Mr. | Matheson suggested a-- further line of inquiry in the amounts now owing, | which should have been paid by the sinking fund, but it was thought by \ Hon. Mr. Gibson that this might lessen | !].w accnracy of the rest of the return. | The return was finally passed as before gliven. _ _ Two public bills received their second