" a. It . _ . ,"- ils"q.r"Fi'_ll,5iaCi,"i'iii'ii' '7? u ed _ EVENING' 'rtiriTol'. ', hairiiiiiii red the effect in ur private bills were given tlrli, Isuit against municipalities ti." inf , Ind reading when' the House mu received. and suggesting tha a jury ter dinner-Mr. Middleton l bill to six, with tIve necessary to a verdict, . :tntirm by-law No. 755 of Hamilton. MT.' would do as well. The bill was then "tyore's bill to mun-gm lay-law No. 293 I passed. ' . i Bit the Village of Preston, Mr. Bennett s I The Attorney-General then "WI". i in incorpomt'mg the Advent Christian I the second reading of his bill relat ns LN Church. and Mr. Truax's bill cnabllng , to leases, sales and mortgages of Bet Tithe Village of Tceswater lo lease oryey tied estates, explaining that In It65 'l certain lands. Public bills came "th when there were very few settled es 'and a large number IS C'tut se'nt cr), to t tates. an act had been passed making committee, the list being. Mr. Get- Ithe Ontario law upon the subject tilt ' man's bills amending the art respecting same as that prevailing in England . . .Coroners and to amend the ttssessment Since then the English law has beer 3 act, Mr. o'TCeafe's bills to amend the consolidated and improved, and In con, " assessment act and to umond the I'e71'.'.- . sequence of a number of requests tin I try act. Mr. McKue's bill to among the ' I present bill has been brought in, making , municipal act, Mr. Siratton's ii"; lo the Ontario law, with some few addi amend the municipal act, Mr. "ctittli1s. I gonad f,tui"rA"eal,o/r/'tu/' to the paesen bill to amend the assossmo-nt ac F "t'. t ng 1sn aw. e en passe . , Ha cock's bill to amend the municipal , fixactYMr. Itichardson's bill to amend tho , A WIFE S DOWER. {municipal act. Mr. Strntton's bill was The Attorney-General next moved y IP10 introduce cumulative voting; into second. reading of his bill respectir rhowns and cities. and some opposition ': (lower in mortgaged and other propert "was manifested to it; it was, however, I Cases had 111e,ty,tsir Oliver Mowat r . . ll '. I?'uhayd- I marked, of a wife 5 executing a deed ' sent on to the committee. " I I wl i h tl . l bt i son's hill to amend the rcgistry H'S't by I I C 1e worus arr " her dower ha obliging Registrars to furnish the I . Iwen left out, though her signing at a t Municipal Councils with a record of all 1 All?" "It": E'arring of her dow.er. Ti transfers made was defeatod. I par or. l 1e bill referred to this an d ed at o 50 p.m I made provision that in such a case l "Tim Housea journ t F". . . I should be understood that the wife . NOTICES OF MOTION. (lower should be regarded as barre . F I Another part of the bill referred to cam i; Notitees of the following bills h"VOI where a mortgaged property had bet t' been given :-MP. HoLbs---To amend theI ' Ftld and a balance was left after a . consolidated assessment act. Mr. AW-I _ claims had boon met; the question '1, rey--To amend the consolidated assess- a to whether the wife's right of dow: J-; ment act, 1892. Mr. 1Iowland--To prc-I - vtill survived, and she could claim h, "ret the mutilation of horsesi.and, If".-"" s. share, had caused much litigation, at Iomer to amend the act respecting joint the bill would make it clear that sl ;: stack companies by letters patent. would have this right, and in fact i Mr. Howland gives notice of two re.co- " placed upon the footing of a partnt lutions. one that a _committcc be ap- T110 hill was passed without furtht . pointed to inquire as to the easement comment. claimed by the inhabitants of Toronto 14,o,n. yr. Hardy's hill affecting Juro in Russell square ; the other that a C'itttl- " nd Jul"'."; was given itt...secTry1 rcadin mittee be appointed to inquire as to the he oxroluit.sityr that it effected some id incomes received by the Registrars of !.e1T,-?.T,'.Y..t. m'thf conditions surroum East and West Toronto, and as to the . Inp' _tyt Juiyman FI lot apd prevented tl services performed by thom. pant-l from bcing made known befo' Dr. Ryerson is still stirring the waters th,'.', ASHZPZ . . ' . to! the Separate School pool. He has I'hon thc Ittory-v-Get?erarr. hill 1' ' put the following list of questions on , spcciim: the legal mmmlng of cxprc , . the order paper :-(1) Are therc employ- i Zions '"il/r1"/ilpy";g,1.1ioi. Tau l soon! x; "if, in .soem lr, rt,),;', S'oparat's Hchools of : or] /irll',,f,'/ Ji'l',, ee-.),",',,",','?,'..,",., ttii,',',) i; _ n ario any one crs who have not the . ' ' ' A 'F, . l ' . I . S,1hl,i/tgt/pi, rcuuirrul by section ll. ' tl,",itg, ""/.'cf/'ee'i'ln'.ivs' li'- "31$"? 3'" "j" 0 ap. 227. R.S.O. ? (2) Has the Donate.. tf 'l _r'fl'. l..V . 'F, '7') P, ment of Education cycr passed only rc-i I lirei, Pt tlyti','y:s and the Jun-1' _ , , unso law. Ile Quoted Jctru:liu. IguIation authorizing members of re-- 'zind Tcuropeatt. usage and can; ', ' lg ous corporat ons or ordcrs. they hav- l 5 ti nt 11., ("CUM w, ti e . . ot, . ' . ing received no certificates of qualifi-- '. Tr f " "mm"?! cation H D it ncc of the Jump of an hour at Pot ISchool 'tlure,..:','",,")"",,','.:')',"';, "/U2"1) A thulKLilic junip will be made at longi 'certain or every (mi) of the Srparnto 1//ii1itfi,//,1,u1.t1iiit."ut not likely to b Schools in the Province of Ontario I' (ll) 1,'/1y1S,1l'l)lil (rt 1 . it M " l Wc" i' F Does the Govcrnmcnt or the Ministry T,'f cum:- dl,',',.,','),',,:'),) ',',/"'f"/),'n,esl"l',',yil',", ie.'., Education, ot' any ofticial of the he Timing Jilin}? as": " "ill'.' ,"., Y] a . t i . 1micipal by -laws I s',,',",,'),"',,",',',',',-,',',," Inhalation. consider as new Ilus Pit-mim- cxpluilling that it wa ns qua cc o ta teachers within tho pup. . ' i M ' 'rr,., . Wm" li , Imeanmg of WNW" 6l, Cil'dll- 227 of tho 1r,"g,t'rl,/tti,,irt,1 t'/,t,//uhvi2'tl.rr///1',tjl,'ca""i'ri/,he' _ iQJ,tt.f,phet1tits :EOOtrlun'h} it")? persons such by-laws being quashed on ccrtail r _ l .-- lmc o icpassmg merely technical grounds which ofth I f'dfohu"s"cri1ssAigtcht $21111)?" I)? "1110 re- occur in trials for municipal offences. , I " . . o " " o Pac or l i ('gig,ed by law as tcachers in the Pro- . "ATTLE ON THE 1100?. vnce o Quebec ? (4) Would the Gov- 'r t icfr, . H ... i 't'i'd,'lfi',1,,t, i"? willing to "a" the lay tnihfwiii-'G'll'aifli1i213:'1??1"?h."'23inf' . , . Pretqqr '.. 'bitlt . . I". HN 'F' Jt'1 'e',?lci'leh'C ruolC,ed'd,ill'i1/,er,1t,ws,.ti:t,ei1r,1,1/ ,,vir?h'l1/1't'1'i",.:,u "gr "ttty.lion "for on , ' ' s .: . . . onimlttce yestcrday. I fedi ration the same privilepces or tohus: l Mr. Davis of Ntovth York )v'esii'iul ' ,ation to teach in the Separate schools) tie-rt» was a lull rllt/,'//2//2"r',') ("in I a: Ontario Ins an; gzantcd to-day to I IN rs. Mr. JI. "unit-r 'iii), 'v)',',,.,'-',':"'..", ose umiCl'S o t Ft religious orders with) lmvvr was examined lie 9; who were not members of those or- I i l'i.:illv(i thal'ihe .. Us": 9 win tr, '" dcrs at tho limo of the passing of the: _ 1'" hulvhusm .?,1iiti'i,"/,"it.".attt'?c 'i,'),%i'Pi,,thc.i'"c, B. N. A: act ? I I [how- institutions in tho Province whicl ler. Whitney will ask the Government I i :m- Invu,v "lli'llR'h to keep a butchci'. A t bother " intends to give iinnnciul aid i l thw ('i'nlrui Prison the hli'iil uscd in al tl, the encouragement of the bunny In_I I ilm other public institutions in Toror,t, ", ustry in tho way llldit'atvd by the IT'- I N i-liit'il. Ii" buys ili'lv'l-F'n $5hlooo'ant 7 . sol1,1,t.."i'uv't.e,t1, will aftt-rnoon. i I I'm-Ito Worth of "Milo cycry .rrw.r----1iuy, . wan 'y i regurdin'thp - H [w open murko't. and. ho sn 'fe if nation of horses uims at th: lll'amii'tci , tlwuply as :myonn oise upon the} main i'./cy/,'l),t,ers: litis other bill will in: on thnI I RM» l Ir,', (lowland that he ncycr con- " " PrevPn in _ lo: co 1: We _ I ('M'llw t m.cilf wit! t 20 rtt is-S " ' ', lcnding money ugpon 1"n'ii"n"/srr',."/i""i'r2j)') I I om- from wrom ilil' 1,tu"i,iy.1 "go 1flini"s'lili, So as to encourage Sncunluiiun I I Ill' Iroliticlitn had over hinted to him that I THE JURY SYSTEM. I JP,' sliolulIl buy from any particular man. ' .. . Tr, Col. .iitiiicson's Mics io . ' 53:93:11]ng533mg?"10ftyesterday's I Pid not take on active /f/'./'in"f/iy)fi',i//f . t oml er rum the IT?- I Fillnll to the election of l ". "l " mil-Sta, (inV'lng to crush of matter v-- _ lo, said ho Fud. lie riddctllx il,f,ira,.1,velo/ii1 ondon. rpli/iuP""'ov, miii'sed {he so: I 1,'L,h,yt,',Y,'yr,y. of his position nor of ill rt -.Hl.i n." tolttit "mo t s 9 tl . I . l n. him doing {if nit the verdict of jurors in i ns hochosc. If he could not cxercisehla [tllc.""";',,',?, the High Courts and other i rights: ho was " out of it." Hon. Mr. or "t I.".', Is the hill to allow ton ', llnrdy causcd a laugh by asking the rs 1Tturn n "ordict instead of in- i t olonc: wht-ihcr ho I-VIH' know ii butth» ing upon unai pity, and Mr. Hardy I c:' or ('iililt' lluycr who did not take an . 'dl Stiml' long. -l upon the principlo i active part in politics. i " it? in: tiiildsl'iiiigc'i) rtspi't't to mg. I Mr. lluntcr dcfcndcd the system of I dttanco of iii in j csscn ng of the I buying with on the hoof and killing ac- I majority ho _ I t K tunnel). A hare i I cording to the prcscnt system as morn; i pedient as 'st I. "i. 'i';',"',",',':,',',' a Rood cx- I , economical and more satisfactory ln' i mm. could «ma "on d 'mean that on-- I oycry way than a system by which ten- , . P, . thmW made l Insult of the trial. ', ders would be called for and contracts -. I that personally (h ,UY remarks, say- , made for a supply of dressed moat. He RN ( would not object I did not think it possible if the cattle