j Iy arter tag assesgment 13 completed, Imay at present go sixteen months un-- taxed. -- Mr. Davis' bill is a reference to 'a matter that is agitating the York | County Council. The law provid | the Clerk of the Peace is entitled to o |certain fee for each voters' list, and th 'a;i,a Clerk of the Peace for York County has ©~ been taking this to mean the list for ' each polling subdivision, instead of the list for the whole municipality, to the augmenting of his income. The affair has been going on several years, and the bill is to make clear that the fee is for the whole list only. THE HOURS OF SALE, Questions by members followed. Mf,' Crawford asked :--" Have -- municipall-- ties in this Province the power to regud--| * late the hours for the retail sale of Ne | \, quors by the license--holders therein ? | ; What body has such power if not the | > municipalities ?" f 2l | Hon. Mr. Harcourt's answer was As ; follows :--** According to a decision of | Chief Justice Harrison, the municipal-- ties have not power to regulate the } hours for the sale of liquors in taverns. ) t / They may have power in regard to the | € retail sale in shops. 'The commission-- | ers have power to regulate the hours | in both shops and taverns." | To Mr. Whitney's question --as to | whether the Government has decided to [ establish a Normal-- School fim London | Hon. Mr. Ross replied that ern-- | ment has not dec?dgdgstab' such a school!. c f ""%k lc Mr. asviland » * Ts it & tention 0 %T.; ent to 1 an act during t esa > ending tho "Registry Act --P f me the Toronto Registry Office, and @bol-- ishing the office of Registrar of East To-- ronto*" + Sir Oliver Mowat replied in the nega-- " tive. ie * 1 ~~M¥. Unv%fm'ther asked:--*"* Is it | the intentl f the Government to in« | | troduce during the present session an | act for the prevention of sales of meor | chants' stocks in trade with intent to | defraud creditors?" Sir Oliver Mowat replied that it was only within the last few days that his uttention had been called to the n#--ced for such an act. and that he was con sidering the suggestions made to kim. Notices of motion .@oming next on the order paper, Mr, Farwell obtained one for a return "lho'hm..sl of the diamond drill, the da opor-- | % ations were begun with it, and tha} ' M & number of days it has been in opera--| i F iA.} & tion; the hum'sr«»f llho- l]:l\'l" 1; worked ' i pyp alf 1p At tm 1 + a statement of the work done and j Another Half--hour Sitting at the % here cayrica on sinte it --pUFCHARG) ] M\ Z8 aulr | t and the number of men employed in its | Quet'llb PJ!I\. | use, and the rate of wages at which 4 aehurt $ a % f they are engaged." : ']"w I'f" Chamber, March 18. Finally the item of public bills was f | A half--hour's session this afternoon re-- reached. and Mr. Garrow's two bills, to I sulted in a few questions being answer amend the municipal act and to amena [ ed; an order passed and a few bill« #d the Public Schools act, and Mr. Wood's $4 V aniced a si "' u_ a ICW DHMB iAQ* billt to :mx'~1|'] the municipal act. were 1A s nccd asc. omparatively few given their second readings aud sent U members had got back from their Sun-- on to committee. Mr. Garrow explair-- F EGay at home, and the proceedinks Wer. ed that l:i.\' first bill aimed at a small a. [brief and fo t . f h * change \\'lt'h regard to statute labor, f h s rimal, no debate occurring and Mr. Wood that his was to give $# n any of the business transacted. The municipalities the power to enforce the a | House will likely mak o for tms payment of commutations for statute i, Morrow by a tus i5 . '. 1 ns 1O 1"":'".' " the usual amount of detail " vith The House then adjourned at 3.30 p.m. t * " «1100 GI U LOn ?" ( !in'.n;l»,»»l'\"'[l\ ( the House onl o1 fi prl:n'.-,:. was presented, Mr. Marter la1 |i ing before the House the request of P A j cirmapson and 400 other fruit deale; r! -- )-Ili .'.rl ;., C lits shi l]'l|~-:;1.;'1 ed4 wien packed, and i a R a {'3 to their clas thai ".' it m l.\ {n'rh'x{'l.xlu. ta two sizes only, of five or ten quarts, es | Sh (.'.'f"l strawberry and : ispberry baskets, [ Gs o Te ' shail hold not less than one auart t s | each ; that vegetables not sold by count ;'.b |h" sold by weight only, and that mar-- ; ket or fruit inspectors shall have 4 [ s ul nave power hss to examine packages of fruit or veg« ' tables and prosecute offenders. § i Mr. Reid's two bills bear ' ' subiect, his "".!H':".11'1..%:."..:.".l." ue one t Mlaw so that incorporated \i|1'.'q"l:.'-l4"11:h1'i T: '}I:L\' the same power as to w "JQTi ,(l J reces > ® ps with PDZ regard to the performanc« of statut P i & bor. Mr. Whitney's bill is in re r.l o hen t | to certain drainage works in \'.['.,vl,' nce and Dundas Counties, which '~\.'~n~ \~|"'"!|' it \ ed under the old drainage law l-ul-h'-"-li been stopped by the present law "l\l'. i"'islfli to have arrangements m:'uh- -«-:x 6 \ that they can be finished. Dr ARver. T \ gon's bill regarding the factories aCt is t? 6 | to permit the appointment of :qll':wn:l!l;- A faciory ']'gl\(i('l(".' and his other bill is a to eause workmen on ';"\'"!' y -. 8 L \tracts to be paid the union 1':|t':r]ulyli'l'\:'-::',)": ie | Mr. Wood's l)i.H is to provide '_'l"' }.t'.s' | cagesof transient traders, who, if th;fl. nappen to come into a town immediate.