I - . _ . a j d 7 FRIDAY £31211. 1. 1892; . - - - December 15 to October 15 following; ONTARIO LEGISLATURE for swans or geese, from May 1 to September 15 following. No wild turkeys shall be hunted before October 15. 1897be and , Mahler, lotter or . . #ssher ore = ovem r ' 1897. The Expendlture Oil Upper can There are some new features in the bill. . Section 7 rovidee that no non shall at ada College IJisctissed. _ any time ciliter into any 3:53.; or 'stand. ing grain not his own with sporting imple- ments about his person, nor permit his dog P, g 11's ATTACK. or do s toenter into any euci growin or Mrt. Mti, BI D" standing grain without permission of "the ---._ owner or occupant thereof; and no person shrill at any time hunt or shoot It any the Policy of the Government, lend of another after being 2'l'ila1'l,l to id. hunt or shoot thereon, an any person who is Uphe shall, without the right to do so, hunt or r.--.-.-.-..--. shoot upon any land of another after hav- . leg been notified not to hunt or shoot l'nonsross or THE BILL FOR Ti" norm!" thereon, shall be deemed guilty of a viola- os GAME AND i'Un-nuaiso tion of this act. Any person found with a l , dog and gun or with a gun upon lands' anemia. where game birds are known to exist, shall 1 be deemed prima facie to be there for the I --.--. purpose of pursuing said birds with intent I TORONTO March 31, 1892. to l") land the owner of such Pt? with . . ' Buc i ct icrs as he mav common to assist In the Legislative Assembly to-dar the him may arrest such person while so Jill toarnend the law relating to niortmain on ssid land and forthwith take and charitable uses was read s third time. him before . justice of the peace. Mr. Mowat moved that after Friday next The owner of any lend can thus make hie Government business have precedence over Itnd his o.wn "'er by putting UD a no- . ' . ts bills on tics warning oil trespassers. He may also dl other business esccpt priva prosecute such trespassers and subject every day of the session, including Monday, them to heavy penalties. A number of end that the House do sit on Saturdays at farmers can combine together, in fact a ll o'clock gm whole township may becpnie a valuable , . ireserve in t e course o time. Game Mr. Meredith suggested .th" as there inay thus become a source of considerable l were several important notice. of motion revenue tofarmere. Another new feature; lovemment business should not be taken is that foreigners shall pa . license of $25 l ip Monday until after public business, and before they are GU/tf to hunt. There ao that the House should not sit Satur- was no.more legitimate source of revenue. lay unless it was found to be the general The bill auo Creatca aperrnanent board ' . . ' t .. ' .". __ ', it, should doeo. of fish and game commissioners of Jiumon o t tatt . five members, sppomted for three years, Mc. Mouat tu i'"PY co. Mr. Meredith to go out of office in alternate years, to mid it had been originally intended to have serve " commissioners without salary or pigrogation the end of next week, but there Compensation, except the secretary, who was so much business this was scarcely pos- shall be the chief game warden and shall 2,ti lie "W no reason "by prorogt"toa keep a record of all matters 'drecting fish ' ould not taka place early ttt tlus follyv- and game. The compensation of the secre- "'3 week. He agreed to the suggestion tary and chief warden shall be paid out of made by Mr. 3ireith, ard the motion license tees and fines and appropriations of "' amended "cord.uyrly. the Assembly, and shall not exceed $1,200. ...pte House went tttto committee on it" n is also proposed that there shall benot 3m." prowde for the payment of BuetNtirtu0. more than four wardens appointed, in addi- l ttttea n certain cases, may" . few armani. tion to the chief warden, at certsin times of menta and reported. the bill. . the year to see that the laws are enforced. The Hfrutys wttrtt "'P. u'onyturtter on cer. The mere appointment of these wardens tpin resolutions regarding bounties fy the will haven strong deterrent 'rtrect on lew- J destruction of wolves. Th" PM?" " 1tt- breakers. These proposals will not entail Ir8tatrd from tti ty 810, of whie.h 84 sludt be any great expense and are moderate. The hid by th.t.!'rovincys, the renisinder by the unity for ehootin out of season county. li here the wolf " killed m " t," much increased. &The revenue will distrtet whivtt dom, not form part of a be derived from licenses and fines. county, the Province shall pay the bounty. it is hoped that by obtaining The resolutions were then reprted. the assistance of servants of the Govern- . 'lihe Mouse, went into. committee on, pess- merit in other capacities there may be con- ed ind .repyted the bill." amend the act eiderahle revenue from these fines for some respecting th,tyaxttio? ot patented lands in years until the provisions of the law are Algonn tutdThundesrBay.' rencraliy known. If the bill passel the, TL: GAME Lawn t11'li'Jll2 will have the best game law on Mr. Girtuttti1Grttilton) moved the second the continent. There was no doubt that tending of the bill to amend the act for the all agreed that all possible step! would be protection of game and fprrbrsaring atsimala. taken to enforce the law and make " a real The general direction of the report of the protection to the game of the country. fiatt and game commissioners was towards Mr. 1vood (Hastings) Mid that allagreed _ king the game laws more stringent, and that the time for shooting should be short. tld bill was for that urposo. lhe com- out-M. The provision with Ttl',,'," to hunt. l, missieners were evenly divided on the sub- lnu with flags was probably t ie best. that ject of hunting deer by dogs. The corn- tvuid be devised in view of the diversity of s remiss arrived at was that hunting with opinion on the subject. He hertsrslly 'P' ' Sage should be allowed the latter rt pioved of the bill. . of the season, from Nov. 1 to 13:" Ur. Charlton approved of the object of 15, and this was inserted in the bill: t It', bill. He thought some provuiontshould l, The bill provides that no deer shall be kill. be "vuie to protect deer or. private property. ed between November 15 and October 15 ile knew of several parties who had deer following. Hunting with hounds shall be parks nad who raised deer " they would ', lawful only from November 1 to 15, and any "rrle, and he tho ht uruem, '0'" change hound or doe found running deer during was made in 'lt,',"'?,'.') they could not kill the rest of the year may be Kilt on ei lit by their own propert r. He WM Heli. to anyone. No one person shall kill during changing the opening day of, the shooting: any one season more, in all, than two deer, reason for Ems birds from 805'"me Ut , elk, moose. etc. The close season for y' Septeln r 15th. m note from tho , grouse, partridge, ducks and other water . game laws ofa number 0? Proving. and iowle is from December 15 to September 15 tatee, and in only one of them did the following: for quail or wild turkeve. from _hssca begin after September IA mm.