- . I A. F 3- BrEit Fa, . W. , A . ,n Beret','. '". "N. Illlllllll' ' ,./l% , é, Ill!!?,,,,.",,',,,','?) 7 'l') . $ll.!ll!lll . ' llllllll, v, 75 h ts onseheartll a ttt_1t,.tjsr::--t--i--asa-a"saiezxt==r=r=='e"E"' mSe,i,e1uttt', been 'dL,'l'3g! providing Villages by "months 'mst-, of police I useful information amongst the farming oom- when to p... by-laVI foe tittittg eon-i munity,and for promoting the education of the tracts em lo i hm building "down", youths ot the Province. and expresses "out . p Y " ' . h 'uttisttuetion with the special eiforts etor bridges, etc., and prowling that t e rate the education of farmers' sons. by establishing levied for such viii . purposes it n assess. an institution cxe1uoely devoted to furnish. able re " 'A'll'tf in lieu l'l'l'h town- iintt them with a mining especially tittodto . p pe y q ' dedb strik- I enable tho-mm prosecute their lites work with 'hip rate now levied was anion y , success and relies with eontidengt on further ing out "bridges" and luring the rate to ygt'.,1ilipie scarves enumerate: be new in lieu of a. whip"... ot I s','l,'i'lll'l'r' mas; from time tJI'?,,',') demand. such proportion as "my be fixed by at". , _ meat. Mr. Guthriea bill "ttt amend WON T 3TAY ON THE PARM. the Municipal Act was amended by pro- Mr. Willoughby traid thet in opening hi. riding that the valuation of real property remarks he wished to disavow any feeling within the count should take place every I of hostility to the institutes or the Agricul- 10th year 'd1'l'dhf every 5th year. Con. t tiiral College. He thought, however," there siderablo discussion took place on that W" agood deal in the statement mada by clause of Mr. Waters' bill to amend the the member for South Lanark, that the Municipal Act,which provides that the cost farmers were not getting equal advantages of maintaining and keeping in repair works with other classes. There should beare- comin under the Dam." Act shall be cord kept, he thought, of what becomes of boring", lots and roads in m. same propor- the young men who graduate from ttttt col. tion as the original construction was borne. lege, as he believed that many of them did The clause was allowed to stand. The bill not go back to the farm. There should be of Mr. Wood (Brant) which provides that more education given in the public schools ' persons holding appointments or oftieee in a suitable to the agricultural community, " municipality in which they do not reside from the returns brought down he found shall be assessed at their place of business, that not more than one in twenty youths oxoep't' in the case of clergyman, Govern. who go to the high schools return to the ment ottioiaU and those "w"iio-tMam are farm. . fixed by law, when the assessment shall be I MR Preston moved the adjournment of levied in the municipality in which they re- : the debate and the House adjourned at 6 side, was M1 without amendment. F o'clock. , , "as. _ Before adjournment Mr. Gibson ( amil- .COMM'ETEE T" . ton) presented the following retugis C-- The hi3"? uc/ttfo"",' will QI,',) this. Regarding the purchase of the site of Upper marrow t ltut?y ity) 1tli,. 1 ans, 32;" th Canada College ', correspondence relating 9Ptts.r.ro Ship Railway y In or er 6 . . 1Gtni1tonkGrimo Electric Railway or to the appointment of assistant teacher of . y . il Bill German in Toronto University ' also return I It Town?" & M'mffm Elestrio hfit"o', I . giving the number of pupils in attendance will be taken 11p. The Private "id: Ax: at the collegiate institutes and high schools: 1ehtr,pteu " 10 tum., when t e . ' . during 1890. - bridge s Bay and the Toronto bills wilt be ---------- taken up again. The Public Accounts LEGISLATIVE NOTES. Committee will meet at 10 a.in. also. - . ' - . . innit SCHOOL GRADUATES. A DEPT EATION FROM OTTAWA COMPLAIhS or A return was presented to the House to- AN 1NIqu?iGEMENr oy PROVINCIAL day showing that there were 19,595 pupils Mann's. attending the collegiate institutes and high A deputation, consisting of Messrs. Win. schools for the year 1890, and of .th.tty 1,018 Mai-kc and Wm Lewis re resenti afterwards went into commercial life, 795 y . , p ng . into agriculture and 347 into learned pro- number of property owners of Sparks fessions. What occupations the others in. sireet, Ottawa, was introduced to Mr. tended to foilow the Department of Edu. Mowat by Mr. Robillard to-day. Their ctstiott could not ascertain. mission was a somewhat peculiar one, es- ', xoricrs or Lioness. Peck"? in view of their strongly Conserva- , i Mr. Hardy-Bill to amend the Assess- tive proclivities politically. The electric] iment Act. railway in Ottawa having acquired control t ' Mr. IGrdy--Biil to amend the act re- of the old horse car railway decided to specting the taxation oi patented landsin change the old road into an electric one. Algoma and Thunder Bay. The company now representing the old road Mr. Meredsth--Biil to amend the Onta- instead ot applying to the Legislative As. rio Joint Stock Companies Letters Patent senibly for the change appliet to the Do. Act. minion Parliament, inserting in the preani- ""erri"reeerfei'ereree.". ' ble of their bill a clause declaring it to be for the general benefit of Canada. The ' property owners on Sharks street are op- posed to the use of the trolley system of electric road on that street, and in addition I to opposing the bill at Ottawa sent a deputation to Toronto to ask the Attorney- General to intervene on the ground that the matter was one which belonged exclusively to the Province. There are other objeis tions to the hill, such as the maintenance of the perpetual charter which the old road had, but these Conservative delegates ap. pooled to Mr. 3lowat to point out to the Dominion Government that the bill in. fringed upon Provincial rights. rt'iimv Ai'roi'x'i's rennin". At the Public Accounts Committee this morning the examination of Wm. Tracy lutraarof the Toronto Asylum, was con: tinned by Il c. Clancy, Mr. Marter and Mr. Kerrie. Tho main eifort was to discover the cause of a seeming ditcrepauey of 8100 in the public accounts and the pity sheets in the amount paid to T. J. Tracy, the former harsar. Ilr. Sproule, Provincial Auditor, was called, and he UXplainod that the mistake was caused by an assistant in his office making up the wrong total. I Noutinur of any importance was elicited. ; Till; '-ll'Nl"li'\l. r'I'MMtrTriri. I At the nit-wing of the Municivml Com-i mittee this tnornitv: the bill of Mr: McKay (Oxford) to extend the powers of police