tll put of the "speedway for the iiiiifiiihfaiiU of Innetlcs, etc... upon the municipalities This year we expect to trench IIB.' that re- urve tome extent of some $400. ,and it its well that We have a reserve that we can have rcgounro te ln_such an otttetyrotyptwtthis." __ - '1' iGG, aiiiG - FeE'ai-Eh' _ rn- jifirrrbiri ut the hour u lute I will not rotor to mom, _ Now, what truth is there in the hon. gentle- me.n's statement "that we have been going on in a tool's vermin." "that the taut that we have had to draw upon the surplus has been kept from the people." and that to him it has been reserved to make this wonderful new discovery! But the hon. gentleman bus enormously exnggerntod our ovur-erstpesntiiturtt end our drafts on the surplus which he puts in the seven years at $1,800,000. Helms cutlenvor- ed Br childish and went-onto reiteration: of the some tttrurets over and over sgsln to give length it not substance to an otherwise ban-on and wont crltlcium. Ha line gone over tho years 1883 and 1884. than 1885.1884 and 1885, than 853, 1884, 1885 and 1886, and so on in "mid reiteration. which puts one in mind of the old child's story of the "House that Jack Built." in which snob reiteration is the main fvnturo ; there may be A little jingle. but more is no more sense in the hon. gentleman's story than in the childish one. Mr. Meredith-order. Mr. Itost-In what am I out of order t Mr. Meredith-The nun. gentlmnnn has no right to say there is no sense in the hon. mem. ber for Toronto's unwell. . ... . Mr. Ross-The hon. gentlemen will have 1 some dittUuitr in groving my remerku out of i order. 1 have no osire IO be personal. but mr remark that there is little sense in tho tiresome iteretion and reiteration of the hon. member for Toronto is not half as ottensive as the per- sonalities in almost every line of that hon. gentleman's speech. (Appuuse.) Now. Mr. peekernne have tortuntstolr,aa lime is limited, A short end securnte test of what our over-ex- tarndituro--wttich the hon. member calls e. tie. ttttit-ho been. It is manifestly clear that any expenditure not met out of revenue must have been token out of our surplus. The annuities which were issued for tour years of the seven he refers to were merely renewals ot the rail. I way aidoertitiemtes due in those yearn. and. ', being equal debits and oroetittr,do not atrect the account. Now what was the state of our sur- glue in the years 1883 end 1889 reapccuvelyl tttl out of consiurattlon altogether iim onsets eld by the Dominion at both periods. thechnngeeiu which lmvedurinzthnt period not mooted to the extent of a dollar eithur our receipts or expenditure. the other saute. con- 'iritttin Lt bonds. "'thcrttuves. mun-rm cs. cob I m. li, 00th and lithium-:4 in l: "rigs. wrro ttt llt'es 31354.0(». .yetptrn ot that rvpr-'s'unling Municipnl Loan Fund. Home manna-11ml by tho Logislnturu Wt'rtt not thorn-inn». coliccluble, mu! "ttist tyvjcdurted. iczu ml: "new tts-els in 188,5, $2.731.540. Tilt-M: some aswia am new '3}.310.C:§b. 1'f. ilwso ',,'s 't '1 'ttu' ""3 by 8471.407. Lhasa liatsilitics, cxrilnlvo oi' (hmnum Sultan! ' und Lille, wl.ich, like thc nan-is ilclll by tho Dominion, do not, Hi! ct (Mir It (mil-=0 l or typtndityrc-rnro ins _ in law than in 1833 by ' {1.548. Icnvingthe ti,ial tnkvn out ni'llu- sur- 1 plus to any uvrr-rxpl-mmnrv but hellfu in- : Plead of '.'s,tl0c,t't0C', as thc, In ll. 4r:lil('ln.:u rep! H- ' wy'ituyl--utpvlai---auil-toricri,s,,r Hun Azur- tni.. those ecu-u you" we, love paid. outsidct of our ordinary can" will urn; F'ZLP'IW" [lulllingt including 8700.- ao for new nsyluma Runway Md...... ..... Parliament Huihlingm. Lang Jtttprovenurnt Fu palmes.' . i . T.1.-.. (. .C.T. 17 1". Common School Fund to Quebec In all................................$3.773.131 and only drawn on our surplus fur $359.9'6. the hon. member tor " orouto's picture of hot tors in sadly out of plum. tApplause.) 'l in: hon. metnbcr_nl<o attempted to be Juculur uvcr tho ttttctutttionnot ouruw-tn, um! painted lathe your 1884, when. notwithstanding an expunull- turo in nxcc-s of receipts, our surplus was in. tctinlly increased. It is t: nu our surplus did largeli iueronee that. your. 1L3 it was in that yourt at tho Dominion Government unmet! Ontario. in return of tho Litton-st thvy had im. properly ohm-gtnl us tor inmrmt on debt of tho Old Provineo ot (human 32.848389. Milt-h we mined to our assets. Whom l rottlclltlcd in my place in this lluuan that Ontario was entitl-d to this rertaud,ttou. ut-ntlcmer. 'rcouted tho Mon, and opposed the demand being made. but the Dominion Govermm-nt saw that our demand waoutst, and by the Act of 1884 thery urn/u III the nmount. [think the penal» 0 this Pro. vlnco wit: give us it little crud]! fur obtaining thll. but hon. tgeutleutctt oppmitc cannot share in that crwlit. in they did their best to prevent utfrorq Rotting it. - -- -- A .'i'ly' hon. member for Kent tliapnteil our right to enter in our rcciiptn the bill"! received front the Dominion for iute.wst on the Ontario funds they hold trqt',utruiest, HIM donned tttnt it Was subsidy, not intent-1t. Well. I will some that matter Jetjitely by in authority he enn- not dispute. Hero. in the "(Hannah public amounts. under the lion! .. lulu-vat on public debt." I lint! tho following entriesz- _'. Proviu. cial trust, funds at b per oettt.-iot"tttu" School Fund,882,'ditd ay. Upperiutnarlm lituidinx F'und, 873,619 57; Upper I lllllul'l Hranunur School Fuml,8l6,t38 as. and paid 'i'rmioutun' of Ontario, 8156.696t5." which is the inn-rust tmid on gene- rai balance. itlhoers.t Now, Mr. ."ipettker.who is right. and who is wrong! it the Dominion pay it no interest we are right in entering it ml interest. The accuracy of non. gentlemen in this is but on a par with all their other criti- cisml. 't'itor"arorxttmuber oi'other inamurneles in the critieinmu of hon. Help lemon that I should have Iikmi to expose. but at this into hour I will only refer to one of thmu. Tho hon. member from Toronto referred to the offense? of legislation. particularly salaries of n cert and payments to sessiouul writers. and. following a uni. very exotlitnblo practice of his. selected. not tho your: that we have been mak- ing vompauauon with-that is. tho ttrtrt year of tho Mowat Administration. 1875. with the past year of which we have the accounts. 1889-but selected 1872 and 1888. as ho found these would suit his purpooo. The hon. gentleman was unfortunate in touching this branch. in I will rm WM!!! the tl,ett,t a!yr,2,tl"gp'2,Plh 3356; ciirri GF, $2350} fd -18tg mama. oi *aruuuneteataIM, in "A! 81.250. Writers und to munh .82.263.66I . 703.995 , 481,813 " . 103.685 . 1011.000 GiiaiiriGUfiiiiWiaii.: iigrfnst an it in ventilation otJ,NttUPy,tt. Ay,, Mt. l In Dominion or 23 per oeat. But, 1"M!lt' the total exrendlture for leeielutiou in 813 was $120,400. wh loin 1889 it. was only 8119.956. "I iuttuutry84h2let' than it was 17 years before. (Applause) I think I can leave the hon. lt'lt tlemnn there And again repeat my motion 1 at you do new lenve the chair. (Applauue). MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. C The Attorney-General and tho Hon. Mr. Drury were waited on before the House met hy an iisfltterttiu1 deputation, representing the Mutual Eire Underwriters' Insurance Armani. tion of Ontario. They were ..--Ju0 Bennie, President, Fergus; it. J. Doyle, Owen Souudt Charles Davidson. Gueluh; Wm. Turnbull, Bruntiord; Hugh 'iWit/.' himmosn: W. G. Wil. loughhy, Lam'ouru; Davie line, Emmosu ; J. G. Robson. Guelph. The President ot the Associ- ation presented the Atterne '-General with a petition which he said embodied the gist of the unendments to the insurance law which they desired. They are no tollows:-'1'o add to sub.. eoction C, of sub-suction IO, of we. 114, of the Act. the words, " or by the use of a steam ithvershingtuachims if the engine of said ma- chine he placed within 100 feet of any building. or stack of hay. grnin or tstraw, if wood be used as fuel, or wicitiu30 feet of Imitl pzoperty it hard coal be used as tuel." The petition also sets forth that it would tend to lessen the num- ber of incendiary tires if the insured were obliged to register in the oiilcu of the Clerk of . the Municipalita the particulars regarding the E cause of tho re end the amount claimed as I compensation, _ __ _ 't'he deputation laid much stress on A clams in the petition recommending the appointment by the Government of lire wardens having Provincisl jurisdiction and full powers or Jus- tices of the Pence to investigate the causes of all tires. when inecndinrism is suspected. in reply to the AtturnerGeuerttl, Mr. Doyle. on behklfottht' deputation. snitl that the insur- ance Companies would be willing to assume the payment of tho salary or loose! the tire wardens. They asked in conclusion that see. 132, ch. 26. 50 Vic., should read as follows: - 't Forty days after the expiration of the term of insurance the premium note or undertaking given tot. the inettrnm-e shall be void and be iron up to the signer thereof. provided all resales and expenses with which the note or un. dertakiugis chargeable have been paid." Prune): REFORM. Rev. Al". Mnegregor and Mr. John Cameron. Woodstock, representing the Pt iaon Reform Association. in an interview with the Attorney. General in tho evening. urged the appointment: of a Unmmisuion to hour evidence from experts and others identified with Prison Reform Asso- ciations as to the necessity of prison reform. urn-Rumour our; Messrs. Lyon. Geneva and Armstrong mem- bers of the Assembly. and Wm. iGiG/'riii;rri; ot Rat Portage, waited on the Attornev- General and aagcd for Bnnncial assistance in carrying on the worka new erected " Rat Portage for reducing refractory ore. wn'xnsms AND Evmnxt-E. Incapacity from crime or interest won't ex- cluden witue-s. In civic cases plaintiff and defendant and relations are compelled wit- nesans. Testimony of plaintiff in breach of pryruito 'lnustlie no: woman J.. r In adultery husbands and wivegean give evi- dence. but they are not bound lo incriminate lhemsclvol by answering questions proving or sruwroviutr/uiy.tteroy ' . ' , Ttviairiiaiiic.auonnhetsreyn husband and wife during luprymge'urc pywnoxed, _ - lu /aminiarrihion suns party interested must get his evidenbo corrobonted in the matter be- fore death of lestntur. Antrmuiou equivalent to talting an oath, an to consequences. suuptmtusr-Partr in action gals eight days, and if no does not appear, plztinlllr, if he in delinquent. Is nonsuiwd, or (lofendum gets Judgment. against. him. Contradiction of pre vious statements, n rum" paper must be shown witness. Witnesn may ho qumtioncd n to whether he Wm} cottr.icted of lclony. _ _ Party produvinz wituess cannot impeach " credit by general endouce of bad character. but by Icavo of Judge he can contradict him with other evldmce. Pence mar malet him in treble amount taken and full coals. Att whimmi follows it not paid or gm)! it nulla bmmin roturnwl. If he does not appear he forfeiIsSB. it cumpiuint no: wctl gtoutylcul Justice can iutrtct costl not chéoHinu M. EXECUTION. Salaries exempt to t23. Shares in companion truusanable, are liable to a: iauto as personal property. if there is in regular place tor paying (livuit-mia tho notice of seizure of stock must. be given there. if NIIHN'S sold, notice of pur- chase and exueutiuu must be given by Sheriff ten days liter uncle. In writ of execution against goods when they tire under mortgage, equity of rctlt-luDiien ('un he solsl. Sheri can tuke negotiable instruuu'nts and cinemas and sue them in his own llilllll'. Equity of redemp- tion in lands can be sold by usual process. Ntt'r1t'rit' or memos. Mr. Smith ti"r0ntunnc) -Mominr next-Mitt for the estnhlishnwut of employment agencies. Mr. Iratrour-- bYida.v ndxt-Order of the Home {urn return shutting thte""?IPt,', still to bot pit-d ion railway aid ctevtiti.catup, issued by the Province, With the dates wucn the same became due and payable; ui<o altesying m. amounts tot the annuity oartiticates issued by tho Provineo, with the dates when they became due and puynble t uls_o au Lytunnle of the pre- sent Value of the aunt rails " nld Pertinent" and annuity oortiai3atos respectively. Mr. Mdreititlt-rqrdpr of me Home for tl re- turn of a copy of the Judgment pronounced by the Hun. Mr. J nslicfc .ft"iQ'oJid,'le'lll, again t ' , " o us ice. in the "iy.h 99.3.". .mt [Inna Swarthout. uni When sum demanded does not exceed 880 (lehoclllle 0. if 3 person oAtentls, u Justicp of ("Help ...v ___--" apomlenm- between the Livettso tJoutttt {or the East, Riding of the County of r'c1','l'l'"l',','f iGiorovimAtl Socrclnry. or any other memmnd or otilow of thu Govarmnenl. on the Subject, er the granting of licenses which were in qaeati of inAho said action. Mnt .._A._...\ to amend tho Street Ru]. Loo 1",... -eee Guano" is am othery are defundtmls. L __------..' nu "xiii: Bronson way Act. FORTE OF D!STRESS. Gilf 6:12.609. or" or ccnt.. ugninst Bill to amend tho Street mu. , Justice, wherein John J. and Isaac Swarlhon: and 1ita,audcopior, of all con-re. the Lit-cum Oommiuionou "of the County of Ken: and any. or any quiver member (ttki/r'.