COMMON GAOLS. Mr. BAX'I'ER asked whether it is the in. tention or the Government to introduce during the present session may measure (following the example ot England) for the pun?" of assuming the entire manage- men and control of the common goals oi tho Province, as recommended by the In- npector of Asyluml and Prisons in his re- port of the but yen. Mr. MOWM' explained that the law at pretott provided that tho clergyman at- :endinga funemi should furnish the IU. gistrar with the particulars of the death. lxpcrlence had shown that this mus sometimes an unjust demand to make of such clergyman. The Bill new submitted provided that ho should imonn the Registrar of the death, and leave that officer to see that proper registration was made. Six Orange etitioul b M . and Barr. p y ""8 Tooley To provide for the prevention of the spread of black knot on plum treeg.-hir. Creighton. To pro7ido for the limitation of aetiong.- Mr. Mowat. Respecting the registration of deatu...-. Mr. Mowat. Mr. CROOKS presented the 8th report of the Committee on Railways, which was adopted. The following Bill was tend a third time and passed ".- Mr. FRASER presented the 10th report of the Committee on Private Bills, which was adopted. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. V The following Bills were iutroduccd and read a. tirat time _ To extend the limits of tho town of Walkerton.-Mr. tiinclair. Mr. CURRIE moved for an order of the House, " That. the Accountant do furnish a teturn within (in days of the names and "to of pay of each sessionsl clerk and mes. songcr employed during the session of this Legislature m 1873, and the names and places of residence and rate of pay of all smionsl clerks and messengers employed " the present session, designating such persons as are employed this session for the tuat time." Br Hr. Sinclair-Prom the County Court. tit ot Bruce, praying for amendments to the School Act respecting the duration of the summer vacations. By Mr. Paxton-urrom the Township Council of ticugog, that the Bill before the Homo respecting the draining of marsh buds in Lake Scugog may not pass. . ',;""' ""D'. ""'""N ..-i- r'W'" 8y Mr. thurie-ai'rom the Reform Asso- ciation of Welland, for certain amendments lo the License Act with respect to the number of "causes. Br Mr. White-Prom the Village Council of Belle River, for certain amendment: to the Municipal Act respecting the enforce- ment of "Mute labour. Mr. MEREDITH said that he had learned that a gentleman had been given employ- ment during the last few weeks ot last aes- eion, and had been paid for a whole "tuno" work. If this were a tact the system it indicated was I mischievous one. He sup. ported he resolution. By Mr. Graham-Front James McLean and others, of Lambton, tor certain amend- ments to the Municipal Act respecting the market tax on farm produce. Tonomo, 14th Feb., 1879. The Speaks: took'thc chair at three o'clock. Prayers wore read by Rev. Mr. Silcox- The following petitions were We" qettterds,.. THIRD PARLlMtaT---F0tjItTrt SESSION Mr, MOWAT replied in the negative. The motion was carried. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES THIRD REA DING. LlcstAnvn Assam", PETITIONS . case, and the nature ot the order or convic- tion appealed from. He explained that in the county ot Middlesex three cases had recently come under his notice, in Whlch parties were sued under this Act for $2, $4, Ind $6 respectively. Appeal had been allowed from the Magistrates to the Gene. tal Sessions, and the time of the Court and jury for tm, dass had been occupied with them. Thus for such trivial amounts costs of from $30 to $40 in each case had been in- curred. lie dld not know that tho atten- tion of the leader ot the Government had been called to the matter before. No doubt he would see the need ota change. Mr.t'tCO'1"1t drew attention to the fact tlao that. in certain cases witnesses were prevented from giving evidence in the trial in appeal because they had not up. wax-ed before, the lower Court at the first Keating of the case, and he thought this "in would receive consideration at the hands ut the Government. Mr. MOWAT had never before had his uttentiou called to the matter, and the law was one outside of his owu Department. It the case was as stated by his hon. mend, it certainly required attention. Mr. WHITE moved for an order of the Hausa for a return showing the ori. ginal cost of the Model Farm at Mimico, the amount of land still remaining unsold, with the names of the tenants and the term: of their tenancy. The motion was carried. MASTER AND SERVANT ACT. Mr, MEREDITH moved for an order ot ths Home tor a return from the several fountles 1n t.iN'r.orititio, showing the num. Mr. CLARKE (Jorfolk) thought it would be well to include in the return a statement of all appeals made to the thr. perior Courts as Well. He obserwd that in very few cases Were the decisions ot the Magistrates reversed on appeal, and he thought that tho heavy expense entailed upon the country by appeals might be "folded. Mr. MEREDITH mid if appeals were rulowtsd atall they might be made/to the Division Courts, orjurisdiction over these Courts might be given to the Division Couxts in the tinit instance. Mr. MOWAT asked that the suggestion I of his hon. friend from Norfolk snouip assume the form of a separate motion, with 1 notice to be given in regular course. This 1 was agreed to. '; Tho motion was carried. _ COMMISSIONERS, I Mr. CURRIE moved the second reading ', of the Bill respecting Commissioners for I taking af1idavitg and tWrmatious. He ex- lained that the Bill proposed to enable t,'o",lh'lSie)e'/,' to take ntiidarits in other counties than that in which they lived, and to make some changes in the method of their appointment. I Mr. h1OWAT said that the Bill went too ' tur in its provisions. He did not think it expedient that the method of appointing' Commissioners should be changed, as the _ result of the present system was that the best men available Were selected. An ob. iection to allowing a Commissioner to take tttidavits out of the county for which he l was appointed was that a person i ot inferior attainments who had been nppointed in a remote district where pro- perly qualiiied men were not to be obtain. ed would, on removing into a more settled part of the country, retain his power of act- ttsg as Commissioner. lie thought no fur- ther legislation was needed, as the existing law did not require a Commissioner to re- tide in the county for which he was ap. pointed. The rule, ot course, was that he should do so, but it occasionally happened thatthe appoiutmeutwtus made in one county tfa Commissioner who, though living in mother, resided near the border, and where it was convenient that he should be enabled to not in both counties. A suggestion had been made, in which he quite concurred, that attorneys and solicitors should be tu-. ber of appeals daring the last two years to the General Sessions from conviction: or Orders under the Master and Servant Act, or any other Act of the Legislature of Ontario, under which there is an appeal to the said Sessions; the amnunt of the tine and costs or sum ordered to be paid by the convicting Justice in each case , the cost incurred in tLu General Sensuous in each MIMICO FARM. had l, non , .$4, 5 teen 5