Ontario Community Newspapers

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Jan 1876, p. 5

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4 Ror in Council, the' appointment of these of. the led. k M 4 ficers was now vtrtlulr; in the hands of the o r . s Government, _ With regard to the quostion u.Mfi MOWAT moved the adjournment of 4 7 of text books, the actions of the Lisutensnt-- To 0. 40 M Governor would in that, as in other matters, The House adjourned at 12:40 2. m. K~a be more flexible than those of the Council of NOTICES OF MOTION, j Public Instruction. A&at deal of the in-- * ; t formation "udpon which that body now acted -- § R R ' | té" :h" dert from extraneous sources, and Mr. Scott--Thursday--Address Ol('} ooplu. & .| ere was nothing to hinder a Committse of of all orrrespondsnce bstween the Govern P .. the Executive Council from resorting to the ment of Ontarlo and the Dominion Govern: 6 > / same sources, The Chief Superintendent ment in reference to the navigation of the > Cl | was now Ip:ufloally respousible for every inland waters of the Provinse between Lake-- L/ mwatter relating to the financial administa field and Baltam Like. 8 tion of the Educational Department; the re-- Hon, Mr, Currie--O! S. Davis, // ail, of MI . spopsibility of the Government _ was . _ Clifton, prayvirg that the License Biil now % formal rather than substantial,. _ Rofer-- beforo the House may not pass. | f . ::::' h"} b'fi' made _ to thoh:ppolnt- Mr. Clarke (Norfolk)--Of the ' Township k 0 igh _ School peotors, Council of Windham respecting the Munici-- f W+ . as likely to'boozmo a matter otf}:}u'ty. buat l: pal Loan Fund [ & was never found on a change of Governmen & & _ fi;? euch &fliwl as ;l:eu lost th.h:i Pl,lr':' Agol;lffll:;k:f g:hm"('o.lk 1));3?:;03' ::, ?::::&a m unpless on the most substantial grounds. The > m case which had been referred g::" having | gation into the mode of issuing licenses in bappened in Guelph, and attributed to politi-- | Ottawa. cal feeling, would be found, it the hon. gen-- | Mr, Lyon--Of the Township Council of tleman took the trouble of Investigating it, Trafalgar, praying that an Act may pass to to have been purely and solely a legal quos-- probibit the sale of Uquor where other goads | tion, in which the Council of Public Instrus: aro sold. tlion had unwittingly contravenced the law. To t o The question was simply whether or not the | * Council should have the power of at will re. | pealing the provisions of aa Actof Parliament, | It had been said the proposed chauge was premature, yet the press of the couctry from | one end to the other, irrespective of party, | " bad advocated the princizle involved in this very mceasure. _ 'The measure was by no means a revolutionary ozre, for they had pre-- cedents for it both in the experienses of Eng-- land and Scotland, The inspectors in Eoy-- 8 land and Scotland were appoiated by the C Privy Connoil, and the distribution of the Parliamentary grant depended apon i J the recommendation of those Inaspectors, | \ What the ratepsyers and all concerned in | work iog cut our school system wasted was a | closer responsibility, which would be secu:e4 | by this measure, | Mr. CAMERON said his Convservative | princ!ples led hiam to oppose altoring any sys-- tem which had worked well in tre past, No | ¢ argument bad been advanced to show that | ' the chango would work any improvement, | The Treasurer had a degree from a university, | but there were scarcely five men on either | ' mide who cccupled the same position, and this leglalation was not for the present but for the future Ha believed no change should be made, azd therefore supported the amend. ment. Mr. HODCGTINS said the Opposition wers | $ asking tlhe House to negative the policy which had long been advossted by Dr. Ryerson. He regretted that the Opposition had intentlonally or urintentionally istro-- duced the political element into this matter. He hoped bereafter they would avold mak-- ing it a political questlion in elsctions, 'The * present Chiet Superintendent was not a graduate of a university, and thorefora the argument of the hon. gentleman on that pcoint bad no application. He agreed with the measure in all its details, and thought the time had come when the Government should take the control of this important | Department, Ontario had reason to be I proud of ber educational system, and he had no coubt that in future it would be as sus-- | cerstul and as non--political as in the past. | K Mr. RICHARDSON sald he believed the $ time had arrived when a change should be , made in oureducational system, He thougbt, -- however, that the Governmeont should give * some iIndication as to what body they in-- ® tended to ask to assist them in the matter, | He should vote againat the amendment, + - \ _ 'The House then divided, and the amend-- A ment was lost; yeas, 25, nays, 45. WB YEAS--Messrs Barr. Ball, Boalter, Brodor, Brown, | S Camerm, Coutis, Jreighton, Deacon, Flosher, Gca-- + * sE ham (Frtontengc}, (-'unfe. Laudger, McDougall (id-- { A dlese7), Macdougell (simcoe) McRus, Meredith $ *I Merrick» Monk, Moatyn, O'Swlivan, Preston, | Hf Rosevear, Tooley, Wigle--%5 w d N avs---- Messrs. App'eby, | Ballantyne, Baxter l ht 4:) Bit op. Chishoim.{ Slacke (Norfolk), Clarke (We; ing-- M $:| ( ort & Cole, Crooks, Currie, D..w:son. Dsroche,. Fin l * .0',',". F:ater, Glpson, Gow. Grazam (Lamb tor), . '% oant, Faney, Hardy, Hargraft #Hodgin®, Kean ' t¥ Lane, McCraney, McGowav, McLeoad, McVah m, iE 4. Miller, Mowat, O'Donoghue, Pardee, Patterson 0 (York), Rich«rdson, Robloson, Seston rinciair $ snetainger, Sprincer, Striker Watterworth, Widdi f g Beld, Williams, Wilson, Wood --45. M é j Mr. Scott /or the amendmeat peirel with 9 | | Mr, Hay against. f ; Mr, Long for palred with .%r, Huater , & | against, f Mr. Bakcer for paired with Mr, Lyon against, f The motlon for the second reading was h

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