183 , . Monday, March 10, 194 7 An All Canada Night is being sponsored by the Newmarket Catholic Womens League on Monday, Marclh 10th, at 8 :00 p.m. _ The meeting will be held in St. Johns School, Newmarket, and is open to the public. Mayor Joseph Vale will speak on Canadian Citizenship and Mrs. Nelson Ion will speak on Canadian litserature and authors. April 1947 Mr. Keith Davis was maus President of the Newmarker Tenrnis Club with Mr., Rodney West as Sccretary--Treasurer. The club has a good membership and a very active junrior membership. April 10, 1947 Word has been rceceived in Newmarket that some houses at the Veterans Land Act Division here are to be allotted to the first priority Veterans at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, April 1l1th. The allotment will take place on the property. June 1, 1947 \ | A motion was passed appointing Denne Bosworth as Town Engineer at a salary of $150.00 a month with duties to be defined by by--law and to commence June 1st, 194 7. Councillor G. M. Byers introduced the motion. July 17, 1947 The following pupils of Miss Mae Patterson, A.T.C.M., were successful in passing the June examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. . Honours -- Grade V -- Piano -- Barbara Watt. Honours -- Grade IV -- Piano -- Jean McTavish Pass --~ Grade 3 -- Piano -- Jean Kirbyson Associateship form in composition -- Honours -- Norine Ayres. August 21, 1947 Mrs. C. F. Willis won a trip to New York City last night at the Newmarket Lions Carnival. Other winners were Ted Bailie, Washing Machine, Wes Tobey, Sewing Machine, Bert Boyd, Bicycle, Barb Pritchard, Cedar Chest, Howard Dennis, Hassock, Mrs. Doddemede, Chair, Miss Frances Luesby, Lamp, Mrs. L. Taylor, Toilette set. September 11, 1947 Miss Beatrice Lyons, Partner in the Newmarket law firm of Mathews, Stiver, Lyons and Vale, was last week elected to the Cfouncil of tno Canadian Bar Assocdation at its convention in 0t tawa . Miss Lvons in the only woman on the Counecil,. She is President of tho WHomoens law Assmocifadt fom of s'utatrts,