138 'e Band Members making the trip were: Bandmaster, Mr. Robert Moore, President of the band, Leslie Rowland, Jack Arlitt, Joe Cribar, Austin Brammer, Aubrey Bailie, Ben Cox, Norm Burling, Clarence Burling, Len Little, Harry Hodge, Gene _ McCaffrey, Tom Watts, Bill Fraser, Cordon McCallum, Cy Beneson, Ralph Dennc, Art Kirbyson, Bob Wilson and several other bandsmen that l can't recall at this time. Ang, West and Stan Smith Were to act as chaperones. Art West's Orchestra provided the dance music for the grand ball which was held in the hotel on Saturday night:. It was 7 thirty-five below zero when we returned to our train coach after playing for the dance and we spent the remainder of the night trying to get to sleep in a very, very, cold train coach. It was an exciting experience to be sure, one we will always remember. The climax of the weekend was the presentation of a miniature gold brick by Mr. Andrew Davis to each member of the band and Art West's Orchestra. J.i.iNl..l.l.lifif..i, -hili.L0...L1.eJ2 - triggerelzeeemheezlalflig ODD FELLOWS HALL RENTED - We understand that the Borland & Bender Casket Company has leased the Oddfellows' Hall on Millard Avenue for the assembling of metal caskets. Max Boag has sub-leased the upstairs for dancing. f must recognize a letter I received from - - ; - ' 'sas- Mr. H.E. Cilroy dated August 13, 1982. Somehow " n' Herman got wind of the research I was trying to do USE FUL " . on the merchants and trades people of Newmarket, GIFTS f MEN so he writes, "I am very interested in the survey or V you are doing because it reflects back to the good Lt " . r. l old days in Newmarket when I was in the clothing -. C, ' . . Give Him " if a business at 57 Main Street on the corner of Main tliii1'illll ' Something ' , I l and Botsford Streets. These memories are very , .llilll t ii' ll ' precious to me. Besides being a successful gags" ll) To = - illd merchant, Herman was president of Newmarket Lions . l )" .' 1* ' t I Club in 1944-45. He was an excellent golfer and R EV Wear (iii '/ '7 , still is at the ripe old age of 88 as of October 2C, J,'2,2, i' 1982. He tells me he still skates at the Royalsi numnnnmum ' , Skating Club in New Westminster. Just a terri c Mele. as; s'golfgws I person, I feel, and he was one of the more . . wanna . . , successful merchants that many were fortunate to 9 HS Cl'rdt,',",', $0t t , u 1 know and trust as a friend. Herman Gilroy sold ft macaw 'stc',t.4%tZ, , his clothing business to the Jack Fraser Stores, " "no 't-tettgtw- sum 'itikmrl then moved west where he is retired and resides 'l""'"'"'"'"-"-"-'"--"-------, at 404-615-7th Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. FREE! 'N m GOO0S FREE q Herman's place of business on Main Street was a ' 'm'"""'""""'",',',,',".'],',",",',',,:?',',"',",',,.""" Mn NWML- happy place.. You were always made welcome. No '_"-'_'--"""'*_'""*""""'""'"-"-"i: matter how busy he was, there was always time for H E G I L R a y a chat or a cheery 'hello'. So my best wishes to . ' I another memorable merchant of Newmarket's Main m... "ttq "on: FOR MEN" "mam , Street. May you enjoy continued health, better _ r " J?,,'.?.?. EVE" 'd,t1',2ely, SilS'2tt2. _- ' _ j" golf and keep on skating.