#1,00 â€" PRUNELLA BOOTS CHMAS. BRYVS8ON‘8S %â€" ie uwm%m to the himsel{ and grants diplomas 1 X O o Upposite Bate & Co. PRESTON‘S fmp imemintied piog en cine the poteie buge ase "...".:'3'..1.‘:."‘..’ when they first showed their ugly noses in Colorado, and that the species is growing wil place all over dudfaccounts in the hands o/ his Bolicitor for coltection on “:‘&Dmf . NYoung men se your y Augaa ues 2 100 *T e Gzaxe Centzar Case Srouzx. â€"Mr. D. Chisholr will open this establishment in a fow with a large assortment of fall dry goods and millinery. Remember the Br Sraecias Exrazs.â€"Another ceon signment of oysters at the "London." Bors‘ suits in great variety. cheap ut 108 Bussex streot. J. J. D::,CO.. Srummpu display of goods, ‘suitable for tall and winter suits at J. 8. Brannen‘s, of making arrangements for E?:bbubphu- sos.z cialy the musical programme e .é=.â€"-bdâ€"- clothing at at 558 Sussex street, opposite e-.':h J. J. Dewar & Co. 13 % Gazy and white cottons, sheetings, and all kinds of linen, bought at 48} cents on the dollar, will be opened on Monday next, at the store occupied by W. Johnâ€" ::c“l“ Sparks street. Crawford 1% Acmovircracr Socirtrâ€"A meeting of who was up a fortnight ago for Beating his was arrested last night by P. & ‘for being threatening his wife motherin law and raising a gensral ruction round the house. Cas «mer Prudbomme wes taken to the sta place, No, 3529 Sussex street fmtte mars Thicl yourio Moope hirto win, but fell in the second heat, after doing the first in 54 seconds. boughs at 48] cents on the will be a-ut‘--h wa.,u fluu.' 6 m.â€"&._d_&-“-d!; street car was discharged yesterday carrving passengers free. > Rzup, white and ciotin, "Tnd" closk ing will tecollorcd in the public at £reduction at from 10 to 100 :::&l“hh“ Craw Sr. Aw=u‘s Bazaaz.â€"The attendance at the Q.A:‘-h bazaar u-?- considerable, quite a number .l: were effected. Several articles, some zd-l..h-ohâ€" by 1 Bh.h'“ the first of the openâ€" gentiemen. were m mt pevusmen orha melpaene zd value, have baen > by (na.r.lllfl, Â¥ 6 A.........«.. # since the first of the openâ€"| 30, Qr Cleveland, SMth Batt...... 47 ing. His Worship Mayor Waller attended | 20, Capt 0B G A............. 46 last with Alderman Heney and sevâ€"| 15, Sergt 3rd Batt............ 46 eral gentlemen. The were l%holnï¬o. PME KHHc«.cccxcccverviree W the : It is by the en Battalions entered for tha above. that it is going to be a great success. Challenge Cup. o Tus Porato Buss.â€"These graceful w.'â€"bh'h. devoured all the vines, are now looking out for fresh the Springs, was also present, and bade Prosrsmnity .â€"The times are looking up onew more in Ottaws. During h: b-~|~.--l sums of = .‘m‘w&:â€"“ eoighs verkags t mattited retke such a lcp-.o-t d.':udy eash was to be found in the city would be set down as an Abbott & MeDonaid‘s. caused probably by some farmer‘s barn or e o hi ies s in faan is reflection was seen the hy famkdy ihe south of the oity, These celebrated vinegars are always z-hn-tiyc.r.m‘ & Co., and in Ottaws. i6â€"eod hak Shom bought ‘oy. Cramiond Tiow & Co., and will be opened on Monday next. oo ioi in on prices being marked down very low for cash only . Aug 6. 1006 Surru‘s Syrup of Camphor, certain cure Larzer novelties in ties at Pyke‘s. Orta®ss zo tus Froxt.â€"At the races of | t P siccder" Usunot in Mer Overvrs are alive at the "London." Sours mede up, as cheap as the cb "Ang of the besk quaiity, at °4 Tez bankrupt estate of W. Johnston, uy your accounts immediately, and sav® Auwmers Last Nicut.â€"George Pooley, Smtars cheaper than ever at Pyke‘s. Outamo Viszoar Worsks, Hamizsrox.â€" WONDERFUL : LOCAL NEWS. by Constable McKenna for being LOCAL NEWS. Tuesday Septembersth, Thas. Bryson 110 Sparks street dray Before M. (‘Gaz«, P. M. # were the pesce in the saloon of the latter &-t.-d'wq-nb-h&-& PE nnr t pill very to y Mbq-nd.wy-hm in gone, is quite a different thing. e therefore proceeded to sject his customer, aad a tight was the resu‘t. Livet said the hotel keeper kicked him out ; but Beanâ€" euire demed it, and said be pushed him out with his foot, "a little e The betier to illustrate his inoffensive way of doing the thing, he raised his foot in Court, and movea it gently forward, but could‘ not do away with the impression WILLIAN NORRIs@EY was found drunk on the streets, between the hours of one and two o‘cliock yesterâ€" day morning. He could not ascount for his being asieep, and was fined $2 and kicking N. Mathicu, and jumping on his callid Tor the defence, uuu: the usual tine of $2 and costs. * -"--A“ that he actually did kick him, and so he was sentenced to pay a fine of $2 and «on of the saloon keeper, was morning. . He wanted a quarter to get his :n.d-nhd.h-.u,flhw.tb striving to prevent hence ::dc. Eugene said be was entitled to something, as be gave his father all the money he earned up the river during the summerâ€"$5 and castsâ€" ANOTHEE CaSk oF AassA0LT. William Reilly William 0. 8. Mfl#‘hm with Reilly told his wrongs in very eloquent 8.;%}]_.."_, 18th Batt .................. M P W Smaihs 0M Cmmc in ... w.-m. & @ Fâ€"..socccccorrmercrese Cobourg Ar......... Gunner P McDonald, OB G A......... Pto Mills, 50t BAME.~...»».»»»â€"ssse0e..».» westifying, and look up towards heaven in a_nrw,ul*h_ fire. said he had a cut on his heud, but whon His Worship wished to eramine its diwensions, be could not find DOMINION OF CaÂ¥ADA MAaTon. #10 and silver meda!â€"Sergeant Ridâ€" however, fined $1 and costs, after : ing himself a little by saying that was constant‘y drunk. T ns CE P N. c ccapenn mnnmmnnerne ?5‘.,:'.: WWEirrinkes. Sergt 10th a‘?h.................. Lig#t Wright, S0th Batk... «... ....__. erih CHFRL, & @ E .200 .000000020evev 000 $ Capt notme, Sied Bs ... : Capt Gibson, m Te en en nrenns 5 Sergt Yn'â€". 0 BG A......... 5 Major MePherson, G G F G..... Lisut Graburn, G G@F G....... Pte MceAdams, 3rd Victorias $3 $ Gowan, 3rd Victorms........... 54 5 cr:’o A Shaw, 541. Batt............... 54 BATTALION warcu. It will be seen from the list of prizes that the Province of Quebec is carrying all before it, and that Sergeant Riddell, of the e....m‘,.i ...E'.‘."...m.,... ® . mmnmlg x‘:.gm :‘: Third .:-:' " rctle WGupemess 228 i suit of clothes from Joseph m‘!‘-"fl-mhfl names of those who competed in the Allâ€" Comers‘ Match, not meationed in yesterâ€" zh'dlhuvu he intended ...:,,, tie and would give them a day to do so. the miluinhed maich of Furaday 2ad the Lieut Mooney, 18th Bait.................. ;o (:I.; vx G A.f...:..&'.......{::. 10 Pte ....."‘_‘}%‘t T Genacicke. .. 10 Pte W M Reeccremteatrmammmngy 10 Ird Victoras...... 10 T M Th BHEL...cccorerrreress 10 Capt Boyd, Sith Batt................. 10 Capt P & yerrrercertqicis 10 Gunner QB6 A.«4«..... 10 Sergt Sutherland, G G F G......... number of visitors from town visited the Inmfoctmaters"® es mjoemeties the nocrenal pestoning‘s frinp lucluding DONMILNXIOX OF CAXA®A RIÂ¥LE A+â€" SOClaTIOX. Orawe, Sept. 6th, 1876. Fixz Shell Oysters at the "London. Lavxpay.â€"Firstâ€"class, at Pyke‘s, Pte McAdams, 3rd Victor‘as........ i ns B lessings on thy fair young brow, L. ovely bud from Eden‘s bow‘er ! A s pure and innocent as now, Y o passing years, 0 leave my flow‘r | Thomas Taylor was brought up for ob J anie darling 1 fair and love‘! A s a post‘s sweetest dream ; Yesterday was a splendid day on the PoLIOE covkr YEsTERD®AY, 10th To *** on her Third Birinday THEQPHILE LAXDRIEt ACRORTIC. say a word, so strong was Wruoxzsoar, Sept. 6. with He S1 81 S1 S1 81 [H 47 81 57 A CAROUSE IN A HAYLOFT. out last night in the stables of the Teleâ€" graph Hotel, and soon spread to the adâ€" house was entirely consumed and a is q_-“:l‘:‘__ï¬_"."“"! E"l-:" rewoval The Telegraph Hotel next l-l.'} Mr, Lennon, the saved some the hdd.ihol‘:,-_-on.. mase of horses, bugries and the contents of the Spocial to the TIMES. erfousing in the beploh of the Felopaph dovw uaatiee td sonaly eatuare ies iiegon aaneer Anaan been recoverecd. An inquest is to be held on his remains to merrow, Symes is hor onE oF THE CREW TAKES A SMOKE AND SETS THE HAY ON FIRE. OxE or THZ® CcanooskBs sVERXt to A OxDEE. $15,000 Wo: th of Property Des{royed estimated loss is $15,000. The Giobe Hotol was insured for and the furniture for $50; the Hotel $4000, an 1 the furniture The Third Eseapes to Tell of the Origin of the Fire. vibly burned, and presents a unnen reoaned mutk o io L awcaped with a few .‘v‘--“ . -bnn:b;_.ia-l.h†since, died toâ€"night. Josiah L Mact. soon t~ publish a book his expeâ€" rhnnruu-lq,-.d ::u-d valuable and interesting information conâ€" cerning the condition of the Roumanian Jows, aimmong whom he has established a society somewhat on the plan of the B‘nai Brith, for the purpose of enlightening and educating thew, and at latest some seventeen schools. &q tered various difficulties, and much of trouble which be has experienced has 104 ; inomith antadrnn, i0 1hoot in ment, nor from barbarous populace, but from the wealthier Jews, who bave tation would only increase the native aniâ€" metan t it uol ons of wlasner mot u--bâ€",:‘ hu... Special to the TIMES. ï¬::'rm.?u Ltb A party of Japanese are parsing through Canade. ma&:wu names as F. Tanaka 8. Teginia, arrivâ€" «d at the Mussell House last evening. The wholo party left Toronto yesterday â€"*nuu-â€"f‘ua_ went to Montresal. It is underâ€" stood that are commissioned by their ; &A Wakefeld ; M Leroy, nrani‘e ts %}J W s JP F , Boston, ; J B MceAl r-,lhh-i.mlhz‘ht‘i:: M"ih-. Cumberland ; IJ'L- ish, Wendover ; Jas Iq§. Duncanville ; w;l%b';l aod 'w Ralph -d‘U!'lh Noble d--n:i:).-f*. 6 ANUTHER HORRLBLY DISFIGURED. store room for old traps and of little value. Mr. Wo. Platt‘s furniture was considerably injured by water and the resolution. P Noi o This afterncon one of the workmen in &m“b‘y:ï¬m‘-ï¬ mn hm ie auge ho on Mre. Barrett, hitherto olop‘dw'u’.-. & ue uitey mae L eagat ts deughter of a widow, who was in her emâ€" ploy. It is supporsed the guilty parties are on the way to Europe. The mother of the girl is in greet distress ovâ€" r the ciroumstance. Am.ud-hlhmh&s tear afternoom. Jones, W B Chapman, Montreal ; A des Iim’l'unh-o . W, Harâ€" kin, Vi Hil ; J h-nd'lh Miss Mï¬lht,lhw.m â€"mufnug.z United States. Coyne, Portage du Fort, _ Comnelhy Now Gnnigant E 57 nR Witmet, Lownox, 6.â€"â€" , a fire broke curin the rookof J.Z'wh tory, on Clarence rtreet ; the were w-hd.-l -.nddb‘:oll “.cï¬hhcrh ‘l: tire did the greatest damage was used asa Uxiox Hocks, Sept. 6.â€"T B Shilling ton, A J Simpson, Richmood; Wm Ar nold, Bell‘s Corners; Thos MceVittie, Had-;hï¬lt*â€". Anrla-; A L Perkins, Lawrence, Mass ; C P Bunâ€" bury, Toronto ; I-ul;h.tyh-u &E Heath, Clyrendon ; Carleton !ho;_lq-y._l*-,.m; P hasty removal, but an insurance of $1 will cover the loss. ‘The frame buildi Brockville ; AB%&&:;J Weight, North Gower; D McMartin, Os hamiLTON. The S1. George Socletyâ€"Lest rour Fin: N StasutsviLLr, TELECRAPHIE. NOTEL ARZIYVALS. STANSTEAD. -Vl\"’ T w' 'I_q' aev, New York; Allan CB; E& Wilde, Hamilton; J PERSONALS. THE TIMES, OTTAWA, TBTR&DAY..SEPTEMBER,7, 1876. escape, provide medical aid and sustenance to impianpi Rekann o es ‘ï¬:l:u the Old Bailey & M‘l‘m:ï¬.fllmamm' i:.v.oclhly ht’ofl.fl -Mflu Kent, and have sevrenteen places of worâ€" in it Tividerty a nbast io B sex." He‘lives by cultivating a‘ of land of his o=m, and by thatclhing The attendance at this market yesterâ€" day '-M-hrm.ho- duy and _ were a little There were some very nico deer offered at from “n‘:.uu-u.' is a revised list by Alex. Li Tihr.larmslflulm #aixâ€"â€"Fall wheat, $1 10 to 1 12; fl:ï¬ofl, umbll:‘;.hrlq,l.o } none fering : bugkniheat dhe ie bushe! 1 corn, 60¢; beans, $1 00 to 110. _ Porsxâ€"Farmers, bbi. % za1â€"Sold uo..â€.n. w; :‘.lob'lo'- pound ; To to ï¬:"-olo»ou; pressed hay, $15. doy momint w w $hog, P im Froumnâ€"XX extra, $3 00 per owt; extra, 12 i) mioas "':Js.‘f‘zx""' 10 Bon mm snn $12; .’.m’q'a'» omm 10ng -..ï¬ V sortasiesâ€"New potatoes, JMII“ w-l:.; : oo ue hok on oi ie en $ 0B Tuk prows gort No age doven i ‘mwuwb&fl.hlgc â€.m:â€":“‘. 20c for “lb-‘b". to ..uufl':..a"%:‘.-".i T _ Poyurey â€" Chickens, per couple ; har Feople, who consider medical as m.cdnlyh“c-lF‘ on i . E d-fl&flm three weeks. While it was ill the elders came and anâ€" aointed it in the name of the Lord. They did not call in a doctor, having confidence yqe ow n" (e~ 188} ; Ontario chuiy Smb in po be n #‘3‘. Oate udvonii a shade higher; No 2, 3lfo for cash; 31%e lor October. Ryefirm at §8%c. lm steady and in fhir""dbfoand. unsettled, sold at $15 60 to $15 70. bfl%flhdï¬â€™wi Bulk meats steady a 1 109. Railroadfreights 1ebne borkelt i 17%., $009., bgshels ; _ Shipments, Flour, 5,500 barrels ; wheat, inquest hel4 at Woolwich, ts ae mt maa on liar People, who counsider rmedical wicn &s «Meully OBE ONE "w“ L&:u;;pkm-ï¬ At the afternoon call of the Board, wheat was higher ;96{oto Qfo:dor Sepâ€" tember; 97}c for October. Corn lower: 43}o to46je for September; 4840 for Ooâ€" Lard stronger, w,_â€",“ ANO & T spting, 9610 Â¥oe cash‘ ~<g i!t&i‘ahgmb d-ml. o ; J aclenedcif, 1â€"8 l&; : : s 1 s ; &J“Y t lem, 94. Money closed easy ; sterling quiet ; Gold & q.dwi closed at 109]. closed strong and bigher. o NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. ® i t U * 0 To NTE New ‘Yorr, Sept. 5â€"% atl 1â€"16e deciine, ; 11 1â€"16¢ for midd! ungettled, generally lower; No 2 Chicago ow § aW «B To SoU g rejeoted, 670 toâ€" 68 Corn ftirly" sctive Livezroor, Sept. 6, 12:30 p. m.â€"Cotton active and more fem mideliag Oplands, and nominal,. Railroads generally qu mufl@.}mm Uxpurciorame just receéived at Pylia‘s, Wapxzoar, Sept. 6. The attendance at fl! market L‘i Caroa00, Sept. 6.â€" EUROPEAN PERODUCE MARKET. EUROPEAN MONEY MARKET. MONTREAL® STOCK MARBKET, COMMERCIAL. _ | New Advertisements 1 55 per 100. OTTAWA MARKETS. CHICAGO MARKCT WARD. â€"Pacifc Mail, 21}; American, 59 ; 159 ; D Agvalngarmays ont, Comminrion ©PIecpemiopnendl Aparks aod Bigin strests ’wzbu-uuuw Ladies Prunelisa Congress for Sixty cents at the People‘s Cheap Shoe Store. The! undersigned are now preparedZto fli BOOTS â€"GONE DOWN. 2i omipl stt s bï¬l;ï¬l |‘°"| on the {fpremises guaranteed SAWâ€" MILL SASH FACTORY. Benares Cloth (all shadon) Plain Striped and Serol‘s, The Sew Mattalise Cloths Jm all the fachionable shades, The Alexinats Cloths, (quite new) Also, the ‘Serapis" Costame Cloth Striped with Plain to Haich. The new Damassio S:like. Tot colie raker thp oas aloninis un io NEW BARODA CLOTH, BA large ttock always on hand, at the lowest Navy, Prune, Myrtle, Seal, Brown, etc etc. FALL HATS:! FALL HATS : FALL HATS Just received all the latest styles for the S M ON DE S VERY UGHTâ€"CARTAGE, AS USUVAL! Carriages and Sleighs Alex. Russe)l, DRESS ©GOODS WOODâ€"TURNIN G * In all its branches. $ July #, 1878. 66 & 68 SPAREKS STREET. Bept 5th 1876 ENGLISH RANGOON O.«. CANADA CRUDE OIL, STOCKS EXTRAANDX ONE. PAINT OIL 15 CENTS P] ® GALLON. Prime Dutch Madderand al. â€" ndsof Anaâ€" Ang 25 1875 Aug 5, 1876 DOORS. SASHES. MOULOiNGs, PALL 1876 H. HODGE 8. A. HEAVY CHANGE NO TEOUBLE To SHOW GOODS. EW EDiEBURGH Gamp Kettles 588 saur preccr. 58 pATLADIES ASK To Pressed Hay A Spetialty, NOVELTIES i PARKS STREET. 56 SPARKSST., ALL KINDS OF wo HEAR“D painting promptly attended AT net mm y t mr.::'ï¬ TE wl ie & $qoanien on Fohg ,_oto., adee op fhe hortest neuse, aod in a work" T.ru-uv. Junrâ€" e Sign Writes, Wouse Decorntor, Painter Reptestige: â€"1 41â€" 253; WELLINGTON â€"STREET, PMIHRE RILIGEL S On every description of insurable property at REDUCED RATES T. M. CLARK, Agent, I â€"RBATIRAY 6.00: . :‘ Wholesale Tobaconniste, t 9 of Bt. lll'o.mru . curner Fraugtos h.qu‘?n‘.um.um--'-'n [ a , | HUGH C. THOMSON, im â€" Secretary Agricultural and Arts Assu. ABOUT FIVE AGRES CF G@OOD LAND, * * Sitahitions Onnal, and fronting on"" ** MRS. VENN Chaudiere Fancy Store Sole Agent for the following articles : nonie a pAgnow‘s oxvnenhAimen Canrâ€" Which is necessary for every Dry Goods Merâ€" June g, 13740UR taual. to new. ues JAMES JACKSON Tnipuiph implomentar on or borne Batordey, CGREAT SACRIFICE, SUGAER : FOR ONE WEEK ONLY WILL ;BSELL < 12 Tbs. good sound Sugar for Oce Dollar. AGRICULTUBAL A& ARTS ASSOCIATION Prise Lists and Blank Forms for making the =..-‘l- -u-.u_uu«aow u-wwu- TO BEHELD® AT HAMILTON $18,000 OFFERED IN PREMIUNS. eppme neaod doErere is a ieand of Cluare Regalia Britanica, Conchas De Regalia, Londres : De â€"Corte, HAIR ~CUTTING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOO 0 « E. BRADSHAW, Guawe > oo songel ‘The property willibe sold‘at a Aug 25 1876 Aug 7 "As the party§must sell. For further fparticulars apply to July 20, 1876. On the 18th to 22nd September, 1876. Entries must be made with the Secretary at T HEF "ROYAL® ‘n--.'ol' AND COLD, Anyjhour between 7 a. m., and P;p. m., 31 &318 WELLINGTON STRERET, Fruit of all Kinds, A Great Bargain. (Opp. Royal Exchange Hotel.) WMM PATTER8SON & 1AW. July 98, 1876 SUGAER ! MOYYREA L rrif.â€".‘ '.â€" & Real Estate Agent, NO. # SPARKS STRBET. SUGARE y PK e3 \ ‘ Hposial Vailne in Lnse Ourtains. 48 BALES CARPETS and OCUETALNS. Embracing al the novelties, out for the seasen to which they confidently nom% RERpVILDERS IBLE OF D368, PO LR LLyYCDON * $#~Orders for DREABS SUITS, W ALKING 8UTTS, DVRROO4T# und all tine Ottawa, Fob. 5. 1876 o o m on orad Small > Steamers <and Steam â€" Launches 1876. NEW ~1876,. "TO MATOH IN PRUNE, XAYY, sEAL ivory, ° °. _ New Mattalage cloth * New Estamine serge, e New Baroda cloth, New Lucca serge, New Paslimina cloth, | New Fringes, Buttons, ENAMELED TABLE CLOTHY, Grey & White Cotton, Grey & White Sheeting, 04 Wide,. â€" Plain Prints, cmmmn", 7 * * f Shirtings, o m "_â€" Winceys, ~ . @ EXTRA VALUEâ€"CALL AND INSPEOI, _ ° | â€"« / 3 The above goods can bear the tost of comparison with those ofny other house m Coshâ€"Strictly One Price â€"_ _ d a J. B. BRANNEN:=»» j TAI[&R]NG. A ao JOSEPH DIMBLEBNY Â¥&> Look Out for Advertisement in this Apaoe, NEW SIL ILK®, CASHMERES, , YEL Home & Foreign Dry Goods: Millit ery & Mantles 20| RIDEAU STREET |20 DRAIN AND SEWER PIPES, .. ... â€"...‘~. OHIO SANDSTONE of best quality, QGreat Removarâ€"SALE. DRESS COODS LIVERPOOL HOUSE New Dammasse Glot June 6, 1876 July 21, 1876 Invite â€" Inspection. ABBOTIT & N‘DONALD, â€"â€" Stumping : Machines, : Ditching Machings, Immense Inducements will â€"be Offered to CASH PURCHASERS in order to reduce my stook of â€".. FANCY ~AND ~STAPLE ORY GOODS.. ~Built of Wood, Iron _ or Steel, TO MEET SPROLAL REQULREMRNTE, * pa4410 oSanReRemt Ti‘ apseds ransine up to 296 mttes on b HARRIS ~%~CAMPBELL _ N EW °P H B M TsS n a Cabinet ‘Makers and Upholsterars; 158, SPARKS STREET. _ MACHINEEY CONBIRUCTED FOH BOATsS BUOILT A8RO\p, LATES‘T‘ NOVELTIES ; Market . Square, Ottawa, J. R. STITT, YARRQOW,. & CO., In MYRTLE, SEAL PRUKNE, HAVING DECIDED TO REMOVE To As low as possible before moving B. BRANNEN. IMPORTER AND DEALER D¢ 61 Rideau street, About the end of this Month, ROBT.â€"FORGIE, FOR SALE BY GEOQO. CRAIN, tostenie deie n Forayth entes Metallic ~Mattrass: * Constructed to fit cither Wooden or Lron: Bedâ€" INEURESACOMPORTR, â€"~â€"~_a / And is especially recommended for Invalidd YALU®R IN June 8, 1876 Is THOROUGEKLY PORFARLA, . Adapts itself to the shape of the bedy, IN WOOD AND FIGURED PArTHRFS, ##~Orders respectfully solicited by the Pals rayth Dandas| L. 5. SauQe THOS. S. SARNEY, ELASTIO hing‘ Machines, ‘ hx mmemnonsue. 4| p, m WELLINGTON @TRERY NAVY, Ties and (Goves, No.¢! RIDEAU at ty + W Office and OrFFICE All YOQ Sanee J mar 10