.4 m... a taTTGii7iG iriToT, Mc’, Loud. hunting, 82 Ba.“ A Coxxnxn'nu Ey-str.--" is eeldm that we nuke gramme mention in our new’ column of matter: which ehould properly eppeer " advertisement., but we ere elweys ready to notice my “Ming whichie in Neel! reelly do. T2tg'ttua.,t'ct thieoleeethe “Lek-Me 'brery," published by Don. belly, loyd & Co of Chicago. ie eapecielly worthy of mar-ct. Thin library in pub - liehed in uni-monthly parts, eech one of whichooneieu of-pri-reno-d. end work, complete, which ie cold 'for the remerheble low price of ten cente. Am. othere elreedy published we notice "The Lew end the My,†by Wilkie Collins , ' 25000 Leeguee under the See," by Julee Verne; "Open Selene," by Florence May-u ', “The Golden Um ef Gren- tl,',',",', by Anthony Trollope ' “The mo! the World in Elfin] Deye," by Jules Verne ; end “Ketel elm" by a. J. Whyte Melville. There have been It! preeent thirty-two or thirtythree when publiebed,endnllof them ereworke od the T22fttu,iet.,telttiett “or; the "nml) previouely given, em were teken ct random from the complete hot. Inch work in illustreted, end bought " the lieu-l form in which each boob ere yourle obliehed, would cost from one tofour 95.. eeeh. such under-h- ing " thin duve- lib“ puree-r, end thoulaboporiit bee tee eat ot driving out of the whet much ot the treehy and immoral liternt which bee My bed, 1d/J1Td2l,', e lei-g “a“. by piecing reelly good wor within the reach of thou woo-e pureee molthe - clouder. We cuddly coopetmete the publnhen upon the new depertcre they lave taken in the new tiolu otlitaeaturos and My mu that Mandel-akin; they meet with the uxccae it decenee. ‘ Km Can-cs. - A Inset intereetiu acid-coins“ heldleetnight inthe heeelnent it Knox Church, “in are“, when the . XcEwnn, Storey, Hutch- “Dowelâ€. In. Ferriee, Mr. Bra-hand Mr. Boe- delighted the Mien“ with tome mt excellent veal end in.†mental music. A upitei teem provided bytheiedieeofthecon‘reptionnndthe pod [hinge provided were done unple imtiee to. The Rev. Mr. Ami are me inter-tin; feet: relative to the efforts of the freebyterien mission Among the Bowen Candice, stating that lately 1.000 convene had heennude, end he thought that the work ot convex-lion had pro stoned mo" hrouratrly during tho lent two yarn. A not interesting meeting wee brought to A clone by the peonunai- timxMthobenodiestimt . . The Lediee 21 pt up the mini here to he coup-unis upon the euca- Ihioh attended it. Damon 0731!): It rant, Eldest: “not; and a rock-nu: by Mr. John Murphy, " 1t?llaepbr lax-um». Xi.- wan-ad RAVI-sh and Mr. Sam --.ll of which were well â€wind by In upped-tin nudionoe. Lulu-See Mitt a Uo.'l window for tho but fancy he. goods, 73 Spain _ CAM Yam In} Assoc-.-- 1“th the mud weekly omen-in- nomadic Ibo" ,oesieioolrrlaoo in 'heirhall,eor-ofwiiamadY- “not, with Mr Georg. (Hints in tho chair. Tho “(.011de In: lugs, aud the Morons pun. well Mud. Add"... In â€and by an. Fathers Whom And St. “mac. And Hon. John O'Connor; n plum solo by Mm. Kama. Fwwuu! FLowns 2 FLOWS†.'--Parties duh-on: of cunning flowers for tho Fancy Dru. Ball, mil pleases lave their otden immediately " Thompson'. Rideau out“. - . i 3. Peorusnc. - Yes-lord); morning, st about 7 o'clock, we young an. on- planes in s pruning ostabiishmaett, not nod A grand they had had on tho pro- vious rught, by. “no " Maï¬a It “on. mu. one of than and lard giaata. to the other, in the wonky alluded to, and got a good numbing for his pains. Mutt: Ton; - Mr. Benninghun, Auctioneer. has been employed for the purpose of selling the tolls and stalls of the city mulch, nceivin; for his sex- vice- in so doing the. sum of $30. Luz year they were sold on commission of :15 per eenL, which muted that" 8250. Full sun Oysters, tie. per down, si Fred Fooks’ London Bnuunnt. Mun†or PARLIIMBX’ And stronger: [dupe-mg being pbotographed, will do well to call on Mr. Jarvis In his studio, MO Spain qtreet. His motto is "First class work " Dodente prices." Cill tad see manner». m" 4067tt rye, God not Lunch "an waxowx Wan MaeEttr.--Tlut con- tract for tho erection of stalls in the Wellington Ward new market. Wu yes- terday amtrded to Mr. Richard Tobin, for the sum of $1,359. Tho work is required to be tinished Much 2J, prox. There were tifteea tenders in all. Jar received, 4 case. of American, bats. All new styles. Aix. Embery, Cr), Sussex street. 4072.ig BxuL,-rlse members of the Dominion Gang-omen from tho Province of Quebec intond ginng than in the new Pulis mantary bbrary, on Monday, the 2tith insight. lnvihtzous will bo issued " once. lanes: novellze: emf. " sun 5 Jean All delicacies' of the scum Arriving any at Mom; son‘s Ridmu “not: - CASH PURCHASERS or $1.00 5.000 PALACE SHOE STORY, “Queen" Restaurant. Lunch Bill of Fare. Local intcllintucc .3 Boiurs, hand boqueh: And how- every description obtained within four hours' notice It Thompwn'a _ tweet. is. - Dinner at . o‘clock.“ GIVEN AWAY - We Friday, Fob'y le, AT SPAR KS STRI‘T. OIL (HROIM (Mouuwdj -a-.-- 4074 i3. A re now showing the m American collam and Ms. 7-} tiparkabtreet [,ChoiooCl’rg, Fooks' Raun- qtott \nlie Hon. Mr. HACK ENZIE-I will oomider my upmentetim the hon. gentlemen In†Deb be!!!†the second feeding of the mu. .1th Ifeer it would hardly do to been such e Kh'dtt E JOHN MAC JNALD--TU uni mafenedrto belong- to the Govern- le‘ntd Fat Pelley.end It hon. friend layman: -iaior, I 0. Id be in- mud in the Act conferring u u tho Hove-mat of Baud: Cola-g; tho pour 'tfqdmirtioumq tho nil-in of that will“? to tut conferred on the gnu [glitch for the Kabul: Mr. DEWDNEY I gated that Ion. special pm“ this ho and. for the vol-amen; of the country Lying north of grid: Columbia, in which "INN. dig- ging. had boon diamond, and to which more would boa lug. omigntion next. spring. Ho had n pounce (tom the miner, ofCuoiu Wuhan nutter, and ho thought it “In convenient. for tho Panic! â€Mad. . chino in this bill "mung"- - VVvv_-â€" - v-w “VIVID-Ill.-. VI "P""""H'. than to . Government muted sound hugging gilt!!!†of can Provioo. ht to have it: bounder' enlerged et gamut time, but we for: " would be inconvenient to hue this done gin the out et the present time, without knowing the precise plece towhere we would so, If the conclusion of the hon. member for Bothwell be correct, Honitobe and moot of the Northweet Territory will belong to Ontario. As I judge it, . more reesonsblo conclusion Tdl probably be lately pre- dicted, that wi send it I considereble distance out of the preeent boundery. This is simply I provisionel monument, which will come to en end as soon es we have that boundary settled. My first thought we: to mske lake Winnipeg tho iimit. but it seemed more convenient to have that portion of territory where these u s oomidereble portion of settlement Already, end where the tolepeph line bu been built and nilwey out of the other two lake- (Kenitobe end winni . J, stteched to the Government of genitalia Hon. Mr. KACKRNZIE moved for leeve to introduce e Bill rupecting the North Weet Territory, and to creete e eeperete territory out of pert thereof. He lend-We tusd that there is likely to be e god deel of inconvenience from the North est Territories, including ell that por- tion of our country ee'et .ot K-eitobe end weet of the boundary of Onterio. The Province of Menitobe wiehee to increeee ita bounderiee northward, weetwerd, and eutwerd, but until the question is decided a to where the limits ol Ontario any ulti- Inete'y be (ved, it u impossible to teke leny steps towerde cnlerging the bound. eriee of that Province, without heving it reconeidered pmpebly et the very next eeeeion. lheve hitherto thought it " vieehle, on the whole, to detech'e portion le country immedietely north end out of Menitobe from' the North Wart Terri- toriee proper, end to heve it edminietered l by the Governor at Menitohe, without the I intervention of eny Council, end without [ neurring my expense whatever. The iboundery proposed inthe Bill in to com- _ mence where the weetern coat of lake Manitoba inter-ect- the northern Mun. dery of that Province, proceeding north. ward dong the weetern cent of thet lake to the rtege between its wetere end lake 'difd'tl'ou'fl's", thence proceeding on the our tct of lake lWinnie»; into on ortege,eune necko fl'f,'t between ythe Seeketchewen River end this Ieke, end thence din northward ' from that point. The Bill witch“. certein provieione of the Northweu Territoriee Act of lest lee-ion, which will be mede eppliceble to that territory. Al econ en tue boundary between the Dominion end Onterio is nettled in that quarter, the probebility is Manitoba will hue ite limb enlarged. The _aovertumsnt of that Province heve ) Hon. Mr. BLAKE You. la View of :' pcuiblo dufittultios ' g in my cases I of Airing all the evid co in a. simplest insane, I have in» an express pro- , vuion that it my be My u one (i2'C2lrp'lA',"it' .'I propose (tot thaw-9': -- undo! ---_-- - Hon. Mr. BLAKE-Junta is no such Clause. Tho mbjm in given prod-01y momma» hohrd in England“ the an. 930 'tMeAttte..e -d.. highs Hon. Sir JOE A. MACDONALD -i am "17°th to h that. My expe- rience in on mat u that when the Crown in one party n prints ouhioct the other pony ' tor pompous- tion, the Crown sin goes to the roll. Thoroinonomoroqo tionlwi-hoouk. In that. scum. do . tho discretionary power of tho gummy! __ for the Act introduced last eeuion,nml "will enter into a full ex lanation on '; the second reading of the Bill. _ The Bill was read the tint time. l Mr. BLAKE moved for leave tointro. I duce “An Act to make further provision tor the institution of oaaee again“. the ( Crown by petition of right." He alid t-- , You will recollect that laet union the , hon. member for Hamilton moved a Bill ifm this subject which became law. ‘At i that time it was the general sentiment of r the House and country that, while willing to accord to British ehbjecte that remedy they enjoyed in England in matter. in which the thom in Canada was con- cerned; that the Court crested by this I l, Parliament. and whoee proceduree were l controlled by thin Parliament, should be, E the tribunal to administer this romedy--l ' [ a delicate and new one in this country.‘ li’l‘here is also another reason for intro- !ducing an amendment. Provision was made by which the right of the subject i wee reetricted to a greater degree 5 than in England, which had re- ference to a class of cues I which under the English law can be 3 referred to arbitration, are excluded from i being oogniuble by our Court. That clause embodied a very large clan of lea-ea in which the subject, according to the English law, has the right of com- l plaint against the Crown. T l pmpoee by l this measure to give the eubject the right to apply for a petition in all those men in w ich he can tiU Thilt': in England, and to give to the . ister the right, within two monthe from the preeentation of the petition, of determining whether l the subject manor shouldbe referred to l arbitration, or whether he will permit the l trial to be granted. Tho other portions to! the measure are almost entirely l matten of detail. The old bill was cop- ',ied from the Englieh law, and is very prolix and aomewhat obecure. I have endeavored to simplify and transform it into a more intelligent ehape. _ --- A --Then,i will at if it ia proposed that the Supreme Court, to whom the petition will be referred, will hare the pow of judging of mutton of hot ls tu u matters of BP, Right Hon. sir JOHN A. MACDOXADD thought the unendmenu introduced were desirable Ha enquired if than was my provision in the bill for an uppeal from the arbitration. _ Mr. BLAKE introduced . bill In Head the Criminal us relating to violations, thr'osts. And molestations. Ho naid-A bill on this question wu introduced Int. session by my predocouor, to ameliorate the aiding condition. of the luv on that subjoo‘. Since then it ha been exten- sively discussed and logislstivo notion has been taken by the lmuorinl Parliament. The present bill comprises two points of that of last session a well as new matter which the discussion in England hos shown nocousry. With refemnco to the law of conspiracy, l proud“ to introduce one new provision. With some slight mmhtieatioe. I propose to combine the, provisions of the luv in Euglsnd with thoso _ Hop. Mr. BLAKE-ho, there in no “1, e, l? b. 17. Columbia in "nuarr, 1876; and it no, _ Tart A T a . why? And whether the Dominion Gov- The SPEAKER took the chmr " eminent have informed themed Gov- iHOpJn. . . ernment of British Columbjn tut they . Mr. SCA FCUERD "tuti,uetd I b),l! towill rot-in any And what portion of the iraorsyorato the N-tnon-l huh-nee Com- futum subsidies due the Province; .nd it my. ., m... . , I Lt" ._ _m. Giiiir7 - ___/ll., -____ ight Hon. Sir JOHN A. MACDONALD “In! Parting-t -rtttre “Halo. DDIINION LEG'SLATURE . wKENzB-I mu “ODS: or' t'on3OW'r. W“ "r""."." rum w- 'lift,', houm, without mid-nun and . than ".iuesupp. Shipowmu had I rtgttt to be hand got?" my mob d,'l,1'u" “"1““; In Imooit “m! in ',"ld,'rl,t of Wminh manly we mtino Provinces, Ind whijthntiou to in ohameter. Our Ihipownon were in “Immune. liable a, dung." ifno slop. were at... to patient than Bone ' r... A..- A, . in reg-17d to it higher thenmy other notion; end he (Mr. Mitchell) come- tilnee held that we occupy the pceition ot the fourth greeted mercentile power inthewcrld. that wee hh opinion, el- though other,- pieced III " low down u eeventh, but, et ell 'd',1'ltglg', other three ere very iittlesifuatt eedof no. He eppeelod to this Home, end through it to the people of Cenede, to coneider whether the time he: not arrived when we ehanld at the Imperial Government to piece ne its ell mettere 'duoting our tonnege in no woree position than other neticne whcee ehippiag we heve to compete with. If we could eccomplieh this we would heve mede en immenee stride towerde mercen- tile succeee. He did not wish to exempt ehipownere or mutere in the Dominion from liability for the protection of four eeemenb nf, the guerdienehip o our property, at e uked that we ehould be empowered to nuke Inch 'd,','"'),',')"?),,', " might , us eeem neceeeery or this purpoee. t in known that lest yeer, el‘ter. eome tire yeere delay, Mr. Pliauol1 forced the ' British Ministry to adopt e temporery more for the current yeer until Parliament could egein meet to edopt more precticel targuutioes., And he noticed by ceble dee' etch that it in propomrd.in the Home 1of t'l,'l'llo'h' to edopt that meeeure with "he addition' of meuy cleueee come of which ere coneidere-l very objectioneble inCenede. 2t hon. member for Kent tPrAubenitto e petition from shi nere of St. Joan, ceiling attention to dimltiee which ere likely to arise, end which heve elreedy occurred through the operation of the tf'.'tgti,r,'r, in to which " had, referred, ecting very eeriouely oar ton. nege , end it is known " e feet that this meuure 'wee passed under thenceteet coneternetlcn, the Ministry hevin; been eheken to ite very centre by the bold end violent attack made urn them by Mr. Plimsoll. He felt et e time eehe etill felt, and en ell ehipownere in the Route must feel, that leginletmn concerning e netion’e property which is worth u cure ll, three or our million. of dollere, ought not to he endengored by untimentel ee- eetmente. inspired by my men, however, philanthropic he mey he, who without proper experience tekee hold ofthe quee- 'Af', in] Athehggitieh Perliement. [he nee ct been . . Gill“ ham-1 -:.|.-... Pfetdpriutitt m- to laser number, but, he maintained, mum interest should receive more can ful communion than that concerning .Uus 1h1pJ1air 9! ye. country. We stand law we: pegged. The 1,',ig,i,',",,T of the lest four yours with re exence to the Boerdof Trule enminetion then - l lished, hes given very lively “faction. He appealed to the hon. gentlemen nround him interested in our maritime commerce to know whether or not the mode of exemining had not won the eonfidertoo not only of the mercantile end Ihipping community on this aide of the Atlantic; but eleo the other. During hie “mini-thug he invariably found that the gentlemen in England were willing to meet us half we] in regard toour ehippin legislation. The notice of motion he he: laced to dey on the table of the Home, gen which there the no question coming before this or on] other Perlidment more important to; a ip ingmtereete and the expennon' en morgue of Genedien tonnage. The farm. ing‘intereet ze_ve, perheon, employment man. The control of legislation “footing our maritime interest: had been willin tr conceded to Canada by England. {he Canadian iLegialature had panned a Bill 'Utiniuit the atatua of men acting at 'sugi- nears on steamera, and the olaaaitioation of these men here was the same " that of the Baird of Trade. Ago, ainoe eon- federatbn we drafted a w relative to Canadian muters and mated, feeling that they too should have a msrtatisstatus, and that it was unfair toobli them to go to England to obtain “nigger. One of the tirst points whieh struck him during his tiulutiruU'tration of the FiaherieeDepartmentwasth injuatice with which such a regulation Tedt on I our seamen. When he reported to the Council in the malt-r that report mba, duly approved, sent to England. and I there referred to the Board of Trade, which refund to recogniae tterr/ated boned by Ill after the proper examining had been established. The Imperi Government doubted whether our atandard of examination would be " high an that in England, it doubted whether the door might not be opened here to men neglectrd there or found incapable there from: physical or other cause, and on these grounds the privilege was denied us. The arguments used be (Mr. Mitchell) considered unfair and unjust. He again brought the matter before the Imperial Cabinet, and after three year: negotiation, the right we claimed was ceded and the _ Hon. Mr. MITCHELL moved thet en eddress be resented to His Ilxotsamsy for copies 'd'2r1'.f,Ql'ld'ds' between the Government of Cenede end Her Msjeety’e Government respeoting legisletiou in relation to British shipping end effecting shipping registered in Cinede, &0. His object in monng for the address at this time wee of purely netiouel interest, end he disqleimed ell perty or politicel motives in acting in the matter. When on s former owe-ion he had made e similar motion, ge‘ntlemen on the other side of the House looked upon him in tinged with Antagonism, or e desire to forward speciel and pen sonel views. In the yoer 1370 it wee thought tit to eonsolidato the laws amsoting Csnedien tonnage, end I manure we: introduced for that purpose. The Imperial Iurliament, during the previous 'two or three yeere, Ci) been endoevouring to do trat an. in regard to the tonnege of the British Empire, end et the special request of that Government our legisletion we: permitted to stand over. The reesons given in the deepetehee to the Inadmn Government were, thet it wee most deeireble that our legislstion shoal I be es neerl ea possible eimiler to thet of the 'l't'n7lL'h'll'rli1'l,1'lft And. es the Government in Englend were not prepared to adopt the views held by PerIiement on the subject, the nether we: again postponed, end "stiorein Cenede was retarded in consequence. He referred to the letter eddressed to the tart of Derby brhfr. Plimsoll, in which thet en- tiemsn distinctly referred to Genesien qnactattsnttnenta u w‘rthy of being toi. lowed. Ituy wee from Inch a source, and under sneh oirrmtmruoses, e very high compliment; end hedeeoribed the mode in which the Bill edvoceted in Englend by Mr. Plimsoll wee fiuallr cerried through the English Parliament, through the energy end determination of that gentle- i Han. Mr cAlll'Wlll(NIT--With ro- l upset. to the tirst portion of the question, the whole of the Jammy subaidy bu than puid to the Government ot British {Columbig With respect. to the “com! port'rors,htt advnnoo nu undo 'tref I against the lubuidy pnyable on ahd I tor the lat of July, tho ground uiged being I the nocnsaitiu of that. Government. Mr. LANGEVN aalosd whether it is the intpntion of the Government, in the interest of the tislMsrtes and navigation to give or recommend the grant of I subsidy to dd in the prolongation of the TylegrAaio Lino from Malbeie an fer u the county of the outer!) limit of the county of Seguenny ? , Hon. Mr. 8uITH--TUre is no inten- tion It present to construct. the line to which he refers. Dominion Government. have stopped 5n Im) "by. partisan of the saggy dug Brink; vol-y hupp to consider the quuuon before the 'dlttl'l tending. The Bill In read the tint time. Mr. BUNSTER asked whoth‘or the in: iriGii' THE TIMES, OTTAWA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY '18, 1876 Md com Ietd Prohibition of“. Moll 'll'l',t',1 the ',htgt,et,ter o bone-p. and Mom math; tho can.“ tho Deni-bu Prohibitory Council M00 allqw the poopb of Canal. to In his? oppnuod who Mn.- of 'hope . (and; but to wig upon the Omani tho We. Let him and pally-um ttPttttii..utiatiirid tin 'thtttyt?ji,f,iiiirE'":' , land by v. A. Cami, ‘Iooondod - -""-_e ~"“'W"|l com loco prohibition of o, 'il'k'lllithl7lt pum- J". " "tttt all mung W Mth un- mininhod plenum the muting and mm.“ aeql ot tho pvohihitioeiutaot 3mm" fully ottdemitti “I. “an.“ ant tho only Inn 9nd doom. and; fet.e/hyeifej,ifiiaaii;ifiiii1 k m once, that tho chums of random. iesgiaiatioet tteftriallr town-d. tite tod br..isiml, cum once, the: the channel "danodituatiot" of restrictive iesgiaiatiott hue not worked tsees/halls toward. the end oouhuplh ted by loge! nut-menu, than lithe protection of the innobent and tho pull- uhlnent of the guilty. " That this “all “and. -of. nil- aud dim-n; of the mischiofo wrought by the liquor Me, And denounce. it! Ii- oenood or unmanned, " the pro a, source of the ttrin" and implity which “hm“: exit: in this Barnum. " tltiathe opinion 12tg'ttts. to"n.ed. rr an 1qatitryttrtr 0 up . At drihrront I“... of like tmy-ings' during the evening the following mo- lutions were put to the mmrtiru,-aad ute'uno.u?'ridoseitr- . - -- Moved by Rev. Ib. Scott. "condor! by Mr Mouak..- "Tut this meeting in deeply ungua- Pertllr, ittpted 'tith, .thy "WW getttletnaa'rrd. ml] peel, 7 At dsihrront am of 0pm Int evening the Bank Street Church wu'crowded to it. utmoet oepeoity by the edvooetee of tompennoe, end mplen- one Among thou preeent were e Inge number of India. who evibntly were interested in the con-e. Hon. Mir. Cune- mn took the choir; and in I few, but well ohmn remarks, explained the object. of the meeting, after which Mr. Moodoneld, Delegete to the Dorniaion,0oaausi1 from the tit. les," Total Abetinenoe Society of Mon ' Rev. Thoma Geld, oi Montre’el,80otetnry Dominion Prohibltory Council . Rev. Mr.&sott, of emu nun iii2"itiiii't "r,"Jat'u"a'et'1 ',','fglt to . itory Mayne, voted eleborete speech. on the F'ihi.'ir,'s?il': grace; other which Mr. . Eli-perm linoleum Agent of the United King- I dam Alli-nee, we: introduced to the nudienoepnnd it e long end ti'ieiii'l speech, replete with statistics ind inter- I sting epieodeu in " experience. illne- tn the evil-of inhumane. in the vet-ion: oonntrioe of which he lied know- ledge. He "nt1ed upon all Christin Ministers, no well on laltr-botis India end gtttttUmmt--to join in the bottle against itptatnperanmt, the hydnheeded enemy of our common humanity. At the oonalueion of his eddree, thy eloquent l tint. She Euboth the wand a}. poi». But what I do hold in tut Capuda, having My provided ell the “(quad- for life and property that we nqhired,end then hem? none of the shale- here complained o in Eula], if we bake proper romantica- "the Britiah tttTr) of the be“, our “nipping . be exempted from' thin Ievexje 1Miaintion. ho " 'took the - that - Rd m? right to law for “(thin pm . .. 'lt;sorrom:casras-a did not a: Vi†efroeta toward tho chi-mention and impootwn ot (bu-dun "nub. Bat my hon. friend is blind to the foot that whether right or 'rrp-ard I think ontimiy wrong -tho ohipownon of this country no nine-t unanimously append to it. I have liotonod to anything they hue aid. and they hon foiled tooonvhoo mothot thou in nny wont inthoh- objection- to this o1aaaitleaiion. Tho Hon-o will undmtnnd in I question of ouch importnnoo on thin it would be unwise, contrnryto tho wish.- ofthooo‘ interested in this motto: too-bro. tho non-um. I think in n little ihilo tho ohipownon of this country will no the 'ri.dout 'f2'iihdi2t "NtM3et ttttg, W" now thnt. . . in midi in oonooqnonoo or tho Radial: "l'rd'ht,'ll'. Xfthoydonotooo nowthoywliloonnuo itwill bow'uo in no to oaerrirsto"atrbot the law polled by my hon. â€doc-nor. I. undorrnnkd my 'hl7.ri'llljiill'l',1 _ny_thnt Hon. Mr. 8hrmI--I tttttet “th1 my trmt.i.fi.eatiolt to an hon. friend or bring- mg this Mr forward and diam-ins it in his ohrar Ind di-pmionnto mmnor. I seam-Ally um with the hon. gentleman obaorntion, and. it Jord- an we“ plenum to lay that his adtniniateatiU of the aim? II now hold not with my - pronl, or In orally in 'rmpathr vim his u,l,2i'd,1'd in mm to our wine. â€I and math-ell, wl_th this pp- I Imperial legi-Ietion, we will tron-fer our [ tonnege to foureign notion, end thus m.- ourselves from the operation ofthie w 1egislatton." Home shigownen MM†nude this change. e reed en “do from the Shipping and [motile and“, end contended thet' no importent doth. ehipoavnen of Liverpool hold it that Canadian shipping be exem tad, the they sent e petition to the glint-tor of [urine eating the Government ot Con-d. ', to use its iaihieums to secure exemption. I Triottioot of his motion wes to fiti4aut what hes been done, and to hsvethe pepel’s laid before the House. Bia hm. friend, the Minister of Merino, had fevoured himin edveuoe with the copy of e document very nimble. but which did _ not go far enough. Porha I otter this discussion his on. {dens would see mesons to add to the important report he had dread] made with e view to get. ting on expression from the luperinl Government. He concluded by moving the neolution. . io mete our eppeel for the exclusion of of our mung? from British legia1atioa complete. e Keel heerd it put forwerd en en objection t et we ought not to elk Englend to If"? Coloniel ehipe from the. opention o Imperial lair-that I whenever our veuele go ehroed they ere under the protection of the British Flag "end, their neuter- have the edviee 'tl PP1tlt Counlule, and that there in no _ reenan for withdrawing from the“ priri 2iht',t The eeme ergument will epply ’to t e exercise of our powen over the nod. We hue ell the edyentegee and protection of the British Fla here, with edvioe end noun-e1 of the Imperiel Government, and yet lwe foam our intone! entire, He he ieved if we were to elk in e rope:- manner, end put our renou- in Cit,"d germ}: could secure th.ie exemption. tookist the coneequ oee If chi GGiGii here ere not TITM? from the llame-- 'tion now taking piece in En‘lend. Two veuele my be unloedina aide by aide, " happened the other day et Cardiff, the one en old American, the other e nine your: St. John'e ship. They landed in much the some wey with the “me col-go. The at. John’e chip wee reed, to so to see, when e Boerd of l‘rede ot%esr stepped on board, end ordered 100 tong oft e corp to be taken out? although the culled the some uentity or yeere. The Arnencnn s'i?'ii)ii'ili:': the come cargo, and we. no better tted to - it than the other, but ehe wee nllowed to deport. What remedy would beeouzht it our talt,'.'.'",", ere denied exemption from this w. It would bee simple one, but not one which would miUot credit on the country. 'et',','hT would my, "It our registering in enedinn port: render- ue noble to not one chip has been Allowed to to NIPPON“. And prohibitory movement eee. union rovided with ePou-t Wudgn’e hail with great pleasure the gonna oi tsagtituat. {hot ehe in pooped loaded. yt, J. U. Roper, of the U. . A., and Very few Iocidente have occurred to grain extend to hini I tyttrdial welcome, being leden etenmen eince thet time, owing to neared that {lie presence and knowledge the method of loading or the chanteu- of of foot- wiii give courege end hope to the stoma. The evil: which “in in thq‘temgnnce workeuin this Dominion. British Islands do not, And hove not ex A. P which A vote of thunk: to the inted in Canedien port: for the lat four Chen-men Ind Secretery wee put And yen-u 'r, end there " !11t one lirtkpraptittg, corned end th meeting term eluted. others for mother. Bl. own his. In b Hon. Mr. Aqum, that the that. of that we could not proporly claim nop- tall tret M of I11 'fetgtgt, a... tion from British sanctum“, our own I out“. to 0 Hon. Alena oerdnl and legislotlon being int thu partittyl" lit-MW. 8015,19. fa Mum defective. We pound o Ports milk llmont of iii; question of Wudon'o Aot none In you. Ago, pro bitiom _ vs and in excellent erirmst In pmon y Movodoig Hon. A. Vyus, wounded by the that that previously oightpiumshipi, Ire E.M mun" and f of whloh not one no out hung! from. Ps'okedt That' "dr, meeting of my loft. the Port of Neutral, while place, chum of Dunn, bureau! in the not on! ship hy, bun my“! to lo PM??? atyCptithibitper movomnt‘ Tupmu n- looting. BARW III." CE 0.0!]. AJthIb'LU-1 did not y 9°».th my and a'. _ ,ï¬ -. _......-. m If. e. . 00110.. In: than: 'arlrdltt a yrrrte?ouaneidritviii'irt nub Inch 3“" " 'r1th%l'lh'ffl"t'sg u ly mo- PMVW LAID lee. All) bum .trarrfMrrariaa"i.' Amntoduhickn W on and to an an Aitil.'.l?','iry?r2'hh'liB1h'l,llta't __ - Flour _ & Farm Produce RIDIAU AND ALEX.. TAYLOR, Sumter to D. lei-ion, frP'iii"-i Boots, Barks a Herbs. Mm A n p y of TLLDEN'S cumsm'o '?r'x"hl'alM'. " ' fl l “Iv-um. uum I... Kira, ,ITth Pets Jet? Montgomery, drunk 'on the 'WI: W‘Mwm.oo-u,or “In. 'rekiathagdutimr, . Thomas Huhu, another of tho um, hadoimiinr, pondtyimpoud uponhin. 2ttP'h hunt down form: ttttho an GIBBS & GBU'RSOLLE, 801.101â€!!! or. F Datents of Invention. “no: “a; snowman.) rm roan (anti... "mutant -r. mAVA I C on)“ "ra-re. _ , In un- Do in; win be but I ""- mm. W "T ovum commasi BROADOL0_E§,_ 1-0â€!!! M to A.†mm: Aom.mn, Bu am most. tririirau, mm. _ gunwa. Jan. " m†Wee, Set tt.egeaoe at. . __' -WiuIr um. um _ Ard a [up mall“! - mum. Romanians-th- (irytmt-eshrd to In: in the 910% We observed ant " an! Dominion in sand the ocea- sion bythoirpruonce oaths imrduring the does-noon. . _ Van ma rtrou"iieaGiirt,- iimct, that. - 4072i: _ 1Jl,",i,t,Tg,2rgog,tt,t,t tu'tt C. 't'if2 Marin ff2'll'l Ira Gnu-i 0.7!th in Town Ar PM Foch. ' a V W H _._e"_-_ '""""-ep. nus-um In 'epstt,,tef,t.it,tuyta w tm p... u tne manner in which the“: 39mm T . At About 6.30 the mat concourse ham to wand their way Mud- tho city, insvery morning Mud: " Lake slept. in it. and winter 3011 Tbowinnon in theditromnt me: were exempt†paid their. page: u the Union "S8i1aifE.7Ai.7i','"'thm ELK†nh.ipyrtpypaaisrsis, â€no: doll-f. Before M. O'Rana, P. I. than. Ont-f iiuwn AND run» -. and e and v ettitt,imtt 800}. It; W. '4'.'?A'lSiRfl'. Shela-y Imfpl Bum-'01: tho in. on the coon-ion. The coping of tho that "annual to Mr. B. [0621, of Bull. and tho mum:- in which In cloned “We! the he", marina of tho pat for “you. melanin], than!» tight mania in tho rightphoo this than. Thou-10km in much better tannin; ottmtttitrn than on last Sunniâ€. In tttet, In my uy that we coup-Mn to the promoters, gadgeghnqd Yory cilia-bloat Sou-om, w, mag-nan h close! aaa b Hurry Mitchell. Jougn H. mg gpouod al were tiwourita.in tho “fools previou- and“ moo, And the m t-wlnoh In] not In- ticipnod-wu that omnidonblo mono] ohmpd lands owing to the unupoétod than; tif Smith. Everard: u duo to low-u. Mum", Wuâ€!!! Pifl1tdtt h am??? with): V -q4ittgs o o trll1il"l'l'litilttfJ",'ed " for a» And - (In name! their tNtiiiitiets in some very mpolnu “of: no“ cerium. pro- "of‘ho Mt“. Indiana 9|. decision. met with (can! approb- Mr. H. J. Richer, War of Hull, IU. can. audit for his (“haughtinpro- vidingn ancient police (on. from“. at: 1'd2.hft um - “planning: pout; Ghoul: no an y to '2vl1tltil'lfll'?ttaT2tgt,'e, noon-it, for their pin-coco, notwith- standing thtm you 'e" two thouaand .0"! non, an: "In at run, four 'tntgu-irotta H... Banal Colt. Capt. Smith and may ‘tohall. In “(xi-tree, which 'rr/tttt tttb iiii o e salon. as. war: I" keenl Ind clonal contented, “tight who! in u ','dfldl',e,1'l victory for gsptil 2?t, who “took eat out of n a. on "triore. t that s1',1h'lethl'G and: grate/db; Barry women. JohnEm pottod0olt were CLOTHING HOUSE, in: " r. d 2:50 nth ttdot-tat" Ian-nu, V America Girl, {even Ooh, Enable- tonien Chief, Utte e “a Deceit, Ottewe Chief, 2ttet end I eme Rneh. In this reoe eoeit beoeme the winner in three been out of itve, beet time Sr.861, Machine Ruth teking neoond money. Deceit sold In favorite in the pool: tel',',','. the field, In this rm u in the '6tlow. inn there wee "in , on theorputof intereeletl persona,» intention doing evegthing but fair pie, to ~ell, but owing to e ttana" of the Mine this idee m fruetreted, end their rulinae were mung eprleuded by the WM. 1min iete y following the 2:50 recs eune the . . Jamf.glg.1.T.lg... dt Gt., (mum - -, ' enswmpmmMnuah-puon‘u ova cont --- --_------, _ UI'I' 'Temii%iri . An lumen" apply of mm The lat trotting noon of tho "Mott for Otmn won appointed for Monday let, but owinf to unfavorable westhor it I“ impouib o to prooood with them until Ittfiiftp when, the tack 1t,',','gder plough again, they um oono udod. with tho following malt: Minn" id -n unnuulhuvul In“ f Ruched. Thet' the meeting of the citizen- of Ottewe, intended in the amperage end [Inhibitory movement hail with great pleasure the gonna of w, J. U. Repeat, of the U. . A., and extend to him e eel-die! welcome, being neared that hie presence end knowledge of hate will give ooum3e_ mg hoptto the T. haunt-i: ownsww'rngg, jun†" maintain». ""teTrttw.Bmau.aoo, 1 PM" it. (meals-m. W PHP, COMPARE In] PRICE " 1'3. run I“! luv: Mell- mum-mainlyâ€. 'e 001137, '. n. tuna mo. ' I‘m J yo! Pnt1 tad Wine-t - may. In: m m Pane, wanna-om . .. RNMI'IW - “08le or _ ' til ['lillli In†"am" "â€3“ tlEllt'it, 0th“ "D. " m 8 We summon " Th. Bum- about In us. By Wont-cum JlltNtilt Walnut“, {In NI- d In: “a and aim mung. soar-gum. on an a, a Apett an. '1'li'J'2Nt'tPvitlteidii,eiitEii,tiiEl, an. a! when. 'tlg't,1tEiiEieiiiiciCit tltlN"g2.r2tth Inn-tween: a“ 'lro'u'u't'lu'M, I hyb""‘°'“" 00ml arm will be and; tap"; " .. "moot mo. - "use d- "trar, ““713. 7 int-1:; arali on m 3m buggy-fog 'I"e"atrrtsyittitE _ -_ -.- -_ - MW... roman mum.- " _ " " ',i5?ttiii'i,'httoitilb'tl sag-gym... P. In to I!) wound w pa "mum. ‘MW ot them-w ' mum; an m “onto! his trttt Mal-mu. not who nad 't",ia,,,',1tt, than. " omma an Ilee WA ‘m the mm a an. the thanâ€. on». v.», “Abusive!†n Iâ€: a: T u-oima mum - ton 'tt "tt to)! “I: “at an“: as: rr'tgt.ktlt8l'9l,tiiiit%l, t% a Ite. 'tg'h1tll1T2lu a a. tMei.' In ur. mu tt PM Ade on: Juan. on WHEEL?! ffdrm, Wt "iiftFritrriiiHiiirior T gnu:- m n Mmthrytl, .um n. an. an?“ 'tSt all!“ m '1me L “c. r 1't'l1U'llNlN'ui'ldl “an. y an , GTK" an: than Blow Te" Lam Luca, . " m V x 2'lrddfgttt, ...: 't"Al'rp,tierr,tttt from an Want. and um: In. mu. sad 0 yummy“ Tore, “my. iiiiiiiEitU I 'i,lvti,'7'f1.rrt:ftttt'it.'th'tt: 1.3rookiiue & Ottawa 1ui1yyms. For Ottawa via' Brttttkthiltt. In.“ In. . mm. smww'ï¬ï¬mm- been an" .n 9-4:- ISI 0.1. PiliiNti2'yilF, n. 1illCt hum 'lFtiah"iii) 1?: ttite:':':'.?)": “r “I dtehlt1'"""" MOM-Plum Ba ' Do m" """"'lle,.itsses- _ " 0 sun. not!) a no but Mort. o'clock n. . "eteee..ii1EryEiiiEiiiEyvrsres atteitre,r, as: “aim su' " an I†N M "II-w on WIDNBDAYJho â€may it77aTrlGka's'.r, _ tt sXt.trmrr-NniMriRt . LIFE-an. 'httlittNDoe= ms ' KI unwind f9t?titeAumi, but. out!“ A'h'l"d"arli"v%W." Wire»... In an: on. m .e 'hh-it qttq+ttqrt itfietMt,r, w a: um “Iâ€. â€an" $12"? 'ir,'i.'el1ar. 7 m... “Into". warn-now run-nu um- Ef‘é'éï¬ï¬m‘gï¬nï¬ li gt: tGG 'iim'tttd%.Wia' .... “mu? Jg'fMlnf.' m. u"'ltt'itd=t'g "“3 , 'tt Ittt mm. 1',',thtP2,g . but gulls. d Tm: "axaiaimiai, IA.†L.Thi_eiqnmr,ttsttr, Mod van tt2t on, . orth m hand 31-31%. JiSgitr's m.“ "rha'l1'l. by Immpmm. BILLIARD HALL BERNABQMEELLON, The no“ comm Madam! I new '"tarntrttutngtMBittes. on no " (WINIMMW‘ $1}. taQlts'ttf In of the non In!†Manama-m _ d..., -- ler OHAWA. . 2'd'pd2'u.2r."'u""'o', month.“ IEMBERS 0F PABLIAIENT One or an ham-pm!“ [out In Otuwg Cummin- , ' Suites of Room. Bum» for limb.»- or rum-om and Vb tomtottrottitr. Iottor%ttti. otteracrtr.', mo._ . - TI! “OLA-IIDON." MB. was. It. " 11de “aka". “PM†" a noon. 7 DIIIII. Best Served and Best Cooked Ill MAWA. on“. In. It, Mm, yAI’ADA “IT-AL OYSTER At All noun. u Lpndon n Rastaurant, tttm EEESTa gun's. Jun. w. Wt Russell & O'Conne11, msorrumoris. W Itt-toet-a%oeg. arm. has Man-mm ovum Fmest Accomodation .IB- JHEBoJ Commercial House, TWO 'xtuurstCiiurtrs DAILY. - Home" and (minor an an.» bund- THE CLARENDON SHELL o‘Ya-rERs RYAN'E Imam Cor. Spat-ad o'0t-tte “not. Bank Bittirr . Pol View. qt or orvawA." Bumr 81:3â€. (WI. on; pm) "I.“ I"?! SUPER? BRIDGE (Botels. WILLIAM Inge! Luna. SUPPERS rum us r... v. " "" s FEED P00 Rau. 4000tt l§9__'um. It“! THOMAS M0330“ C â€I. 'timi-aariaq"iraath rim. 3 FOR! "rm along-um III llolclu trea-ted, an on tad . “I,“ on can """' - tsl'.""., '),'ii'itiiiit.ttliti," â€an. a. I 't"ltVi1ril'i'1'i'i1ilt ' . azssaaom.','ltPpgat Ml't?ath1 a] n-.. . . _ Oman-to um Mint noun-um Jilll‘tIlluo mm- niammwm -- _._.__-_, T u.“ t... u ammo boa-alum to my “J2. i'i,"it1,F'll'diirleai' mum...“ 5itcd2ytttttttetrxgtater,, I m a, - 'AWl'est'atadhiifd an: I“... 7"" -_' Tii'm“ cu c,,,o,,ltiiiiltlitt Luv sf,'2i.', 1.Blttlv1ttlll4tjf.l4th8htgr. tglyh'itrtNa, b"tlltrh'N6Bttet.', 'trd mam-am: ,“ --- __"R.r.. UV-H.I§" will you - V V - Eta-â€thun- And "In. In" by F2elbtittrglitll mum 9t ' M tt 'tl'rh"ld'1fM'iltiltr'tf""r'dtttt'it95t2iPa"iu"_viar' "m- mourAgg': A N EW GAS LIGHT 1 A Magnittttent Stock of gun Ihtttvy Also is' cue of Dr. -' ongttii% Golden 1'rafs'dia,e"f? . 't Bowland’s Mouser Jtil, _ Floral Greattt.--a anuln.. mum _ 'SELLING -iir tiiti,,tj!,iiii china. Dinner. Tea, _i)mriai4liiiiiiilii't' 9.0!!!! . "tlltttt an: to), IQ nussau. sauna, mum "-""""'rorfrt, Ne- ‘ amt-“Mum'mu iiia'riiiri'iaii may - w.‘.. I...“ a. 'a"llldTlu',il'. . -. . Winter Goods.,.a.t"¢ - RGBEBT 'ir"iMrhtthr.!i' (, w 'd 'Tar/ive. u if; imhm and haul ttttt sill (hlbtil irllid C:"",::",".":"::"':""':-:-:-:-----------"--;: DRESSES MADE To dhl M'- Mig, In =w’ "If; iidrii"d'"G't I“ of 0a., I. ma a... !1y,lSlttA1tgt 321.2 5-94an Min-.131; .‘Ym’ï¬'hmmm GOOD NEW} , GOOD ans \ GREAT BARGAINS IN. DRY GOO: run-run unumo- .135†Damasks Chisholm a, an}... Linen and Linen mtmra.reo,trm. DIE:- on", Fob. " we. mam-511.1313 own, In. 18, 1876. BARGAINS t WWI-immammm 0‘" and 1mm the an»: """tmsvatueumta,m,- 'ri'enrtrs.attom,v" PiowisiE -- ,7 cr"",'-'"; ciCiii/ i iivttu fr, T 11“,, rm ht ")"tl't',tf2tftfd "r'. ".s T LIVERPOOL HOUSE. t , Opening of Parliament; IMPORTANT NOTICE. _ â€-4 FOR SPRING ‘3â€an AND 251% " i 593% iii. .. N I I--l"-'nn.1mr A. I." P ttij/ l," d r‘:-5_‘ In Poland mm: _ Phu1etzettvar-totts. may ha , 'isti'sititr/'i2iiif"ttset m"; I f'a't. â€Edy... , rain-"3.9000 a nun- -, _ -_-_.. I“. hm. the 'e"i'"'"e-m-.e-.a- ' r, If; 'iswTsrstpig 103315qu _. ' "sues trot m “in. f ld E I“ r I.. A__‘e_n_.___n ' .. - - - _’l " L and cotton Toiék, e Bleached and unbleached Ind table Covers, FOR CASH,, about“ awry“? ' Davi- a; 003:. Eli-Hi CHINA "iiiriirii"i"i"r"i? s--' Pounds . scented n run 4 m / - III-hr." L'e,'dd'ffdl'i nil. cotton ‘8heetingn, REMOVED. '"""'""th"-su--L. cKINNON It "har; ROBERT .1“- " taggttditWr18. I An, 'gM','hrfs'afllN'l'h'at as-ruth . I931.- lesnsm- ....'..* , IMPQRTATIONS “(I-“ml“! 'mP29f2'2'J,%RSlL9hBA; f AU", ar""""""'"'."'" Wall-doll.- Aha-doubt!“ In. at“ Tnï¬u.wm i?.)' coo-nu. R, II â€A“ 'dem m. r. A 1 'tttttttMt-Att-A' Stereo-combm WWI! Bung Ind. an and l loco! m ( h"iibtittiitittiltttlfi, oiiaUF ’ilTii k"A'arrd'r'trt'.'err, i, t.lrt.illlll,iltt' human“ It 1*me It“ Wmcm‘ nvumn‘im: Baum? Tabb " Miami '" .N f , l EB 't"iiriiatttiiittiBit ththte no "a.“ 1futl=Plt'ht :ï¬ï¬a‘m ==etet, I'"'l'"P"eeo Ai tliiiliiae:" 'rr". IttNFPdf'dii,ft i7aa"e%G - - Inn. at»: u gnu fugt 1t1U'gi - t '"t"'r" m1?" t$tet..tr_ru- oS.Bi8t.' 'er.8'drltu 1 'iCl'g,TTt':g.t MrqqgRIiqqoct-. PHI". mm. wit-mum um. al"iqtI%%Ht. a“ 7 -- iii-q" -- -iaufei7ri"iria, -" . aaira-rg.. 9-: (B's-5,0411. Slllte""" ey..ettiete " “mac-4 . "'"""8stteageut .0 (“MI-IQ.“ . -' ' I'm“ tgli/ “W". Hunt-a 'k',ieiE6'.tl'F,'tt4',.'ht vrln {NI Lubr- inn-7‘ «rum In“ l5?& - ='liitr,',t 'r.cca " at. gun-m 1hBB%N"t8tt 'lr"atf.e2MeMr, -t-Kciraqufrii --__ W my B-x-qt m mm P- If: 3:21- 1tiiii"iitii d YI tlll?vd,Taott'tgrgt't ma on a m “the. In.“ for. 'd%'tifllh'l't,'itW= . Jtiti,',rdt?dStiii IX 'Ait"i"G"ddt 'sahtrL',' BaaaAt. tl A "9Fi"iEiiiiriiU mm“ n.“ um W1 a: Vocal lune L'etml cs Ot,. Ir.,' N Min-I- 5tM,'ll',h'at,'st as P. but. BtTiiG “or". m can; to â€In. i “.3703; .29â€- a " I . 5m an