RKS STREET nnen ROPRIETOR. from th relebra No wasie of ( 15 1> 50 par & 10,000 sold ho & A M E teawe, lanted ts for Saie, 5HMENT Pitsot Rign il kin is of Tageg _ i2 mewl O Reasiqn S0f PENN langd Woole ilder * theus #0 2 RS, 9 s â€"»sat. ».d.~~ generator w85 5 yi ct of Incorporation, DLYENT AU0T OF 1873 WB Oct" 8, 1575, iâ€".0P T RECEIVED IHE CLARENDON 3 FLANNEL SHIRT®, â€" Large . deortment of Men‘s Furnishicgs ORDEE DEPARTYXEXT. is Lepar. ment will be lound a very in rea L ~TEI Y OL IERCHANT®S ! ussell & ~C‘TConnell, XOT BE UNDERSOLD. F. MacCARTHY‘s, nUR p BEOADCLO ommercial â€" House, Eo vALHAMBRA LLIARD HMHALL HN SMITH & Co , ts, Barks & Herbs, §=â€"ZSLL â€" CYsz3TERS Au im m 4* ARILLA or BLOOD COMPOUND, e remedy for rex oving all kinds TIAN BROTHERS HING HOUSE, AP A L H . CO FTON, KD MELLON, z=aeeâ€" lis SPARKS STREET VES1ING® NS CKLEBRATED omodation PRICES NO PanrilBARMENT {BPL ERS Ft AND DZATGHTS o lime an i have :. uch n as my suc sest Cooked Jarge stock o & Co s Hartw W very large profession tan, Mr. W 9u rant s by ice and l WELL to Agonis, 877 A““%mu erms QUTrI ‘ 1kui'i‘ # Ou,, Augusta, Me Temporary uiffice at Dr. Jos, Beaudin‘s, Main street, thuil. T ail, March 9, 1875. say1 0. ARCHAMBAULT, NOT4EY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE, lHas opâ€"med an office in the city of Hull, Prcâ€" PA Om ap es h Ags vi .ce of Q 1ebee, for the transaction of all Noâ€" tar.~. and Legal business, either in the Proâ€" v.w.e of Quevec ofr Ontarion Special care yi~> 1 to Lhs eallection of accounts in both proâ€" vaNIEL O‘CONNOR BARKISTERS AND ATTORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLLâ€" CITORS, CONVEYANCERS, ETC , OD W . (‘ficoâ€"Master in Chaceery Cham bers, Co °rt louse, Otiawa, Canada. OV L‘. w. ?. COUTLEE, B.C.L,, BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &C., \E‘cr the Provine> of Quebec.) ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR IN CHAN» CKRY, &C., (z or the Province of Ontarid.) Ma.o street. Bull, P.Q. â€" 3Z3m6 BARRISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICITOR, ETC, Orfice over &r. B. Huckc.Js c«our Store i) £. 0o c. woop, DR ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICITNRS, CONâ€" VEYANC&RS, «C., O‘ :he late firm of Lewis & Pinkey,) D 1D» tonveyancers, &c. â€" «@~Mosgrove‘s Bailding, Ridcau st., OtiaWa. )x. Jou® G‘CoNNoR, QC. G. J. O‘DoHEsTY. l‘ u ic s â€" Eigin street, Ot:awa,. 4. PiNHEY, â€" A, J. CHRISTIE â€" K. P. Hrur INHEY, CHRBISTIE & HILL, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, â€" Edinburgh. â€" icentiate of the Hoyal College of Phys‘cians, lub rgb; Feliow o: the Ubsietrical Scciety L ncen; iate Rosideut Assistact Aceouâ€" eor 18 . Tnomas kioscplla. London, Eng. ‘FFIC~â€"Comer of O‘Cwnor and Queen cels ormerly cogupled by Dr. Corbett. _ > Barristers, Atiorneys, Solicitors, COTT, STEWART & GORMUCLLY, 1 a t CONNXOER & HoGG, R cONXNXâ€"R & O@20HMERTY, 1Â¥ groows To KEVTF, well furnished with HINSLEY M WALTON, M.D., Memâ€" R. ROGERS, AERISTER, . TTORNEY, NOTARY, «c wW. W. WiARD, Â¥, H. FERLAND, #. LOGAN Ei.toN ALnER, PENNOCK & MeclNTYRE, TH T Geo 0 \@ D 3yledical Cards, inscil H use. uie WALKER | P. PENNOCK. | A. F. MELNTYRE 01 . J. D. R. MACDONELL, MARSHAL MATHESON, 1RBLE HALLâ€"I A WEEh to Agents, oid and young RARE CH oved the! {aw Offc: to their New nbers, io the bull u;I adjo nin& tae Telegmpi uilice ou e‘cuh;)tirï¬&n. A NTH TUPPE® N@drs R AND ATTORNEYâ€"AT LAW, SOLE IN CHANC&RY, NOTARY, ETc HRYSLER, Lito r mneys, Solicitors, Notaâ€" ries, &c., &¢. StSNION OF PARLLAOMENIâ€"A irdy‘> Block, Ride=u street. C & 0M â€"Spark 0 iBD BARRISTERS, & JFFIC& DOZ M ~RGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, TTAWA, OAT ADVOCATE, sicians, l eia d ; Of Apothe» coudon ; Lscectiate in Midâ€" e« of women, England, #e. Lnch‘on mpton Diâ€"peosary, ‘tal nod Hur:t Colege Susâ€" from Koug s C)llï¬e. Loaâ€" i »pita‘; admin. Gâ€"nérale ; Eye infirmaries L naie 10s at Victoria Cuoambers, Ds &t ali bours HYsSICIA® CoOUCHET t street. uffice hours n{{om 04 p.o _ Special attenjion aqd displacements of the thovt the uâ€"e of the knie, b, sveedy and aimost nainâ€" ences given by| partics |sngâ€" 1Â¥ & NCE is 5'!2111?5. & x, Ceq re Town, oppoâ€" Rideau street, ne r Glouâ€" k stre ts, Ott r ve consnited pro esâ€" sldence, Metcalife streét, eu by the Hon, P. Mitâ€" Ssliyl treet, Centre Town sidence, Maria sireet, fhee, corn r of O w{ nle fo* Members McRA®3, 10° Somâ€"hs 10 vils. sURGEON AND w. D.\ HOGG odglilq. 1t * ow offered to msing m u«mmui' G ‘s resicento, lnrojj Messrs. uariand & @E t no«d, 0 }e ml,!cil mod<rate., Apply| mvor! \/ Em «i9Â¥ 210 #034.f ‘And otter goods, all offering at the ance Sale so successful. .. ‘And good, A" Clering al thbe en« ï¬."m mau;'mnho and _._.._.-dll‘ as m | {late Whiteside‘s) mmmgmmmmmm shaparege on be Porenaaed PC DOCHERTY‘S, CHEAP SALE ! T'l SHIRTS & DRAWER _The undersigned has opened a Ston: Y-:: T naw in hing aid "a AbQrew Havon se o tne us maoeunu.y solicited, «for allâ€" kinds of Btageâ€" To CONTRACTORS & EUILDERS. EMBROIDERED SILK APRONS FOR SALE, at MRS. ALEX, ROBERTSON is prepared‘Ito recely~ a few addiuonal pupils at her resiâ€" dence, 412 Rideau Street. Terms, 46., mx be learned on application as above, between the bour : of two and five, any weekâ€"day afternoon. _ _ __ _ ___ L Steam aad hot water a specialty. ZeB~ Pest of references given Heating of Public Buildin,s, Green Houses, Private fleddneu by high or low pressure, York : of the Uuited States, Assets over $2,000,000 IMPERILAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of London, England, Capital $11,000,000. DOMINION PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY of Montreal. .‘ SUN uUIUAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE COYPA NY of montreal. « OTTAWA RIVER NAVYVIGATI )N COMP‘NY. RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY. . Coal and Wood for sale. Citizens Insurance Co‘y. CaPITAL â€" . . _ $2,000,000. Fiz®, Lir®, Aoom;'r-m Gvaraxtes. }, STEAMBOAT TICKET AND G®NERAL [ COMMISSION AGENCY, !Azont for the following first class Companies : HRUITABLE LIFE ASURANCE 8S0CIETY Call and get prices before going elsewhere. Ottawa, Jan. 15, 1876. 4045y1 The End <f the Ottawa, Fob. 5, 1876. FIRE, UFE & MARINE INSURAICE __ PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER Cor. Wellington ard Bank street, OtHawa, Heating of Public Buildin,s, Green Houses, This i; the largest sheet of Ica ever enclosed in ome Ribk, in this city, and is kept lo perâ€" feet order every day. Ridaan I*. Ottews. Se~4l 1975 Ottawa. Jan. 23. | »â€"«» HOLMAN 2x | For One Week Only, 4 IEN T P DARDOL S tm t 3 ts cï¬ dsc ‘ Ticsets 30 cents. To be had of Mesars Orme & <oh, Battie Bros. ind Gowan‘s For (fuâ€"ther particu‘ars see program mes Dours open at 7: @0 ; concert at 8. Marrier‘s Orchestra w‘ll a‘so be in atteoiâ€" ance. The use 0: the Piano bas been k‘ndly goante! by Messrs. J. L. Orme & Son. â€" SPARKS STREET, O Un WEDNESDAY, léh FEBRUARY, > The best amateur tâ€"lent in the city, hi been se urei for the necasion. The St. Joseph‘s Ch â€"it have cousened to give several sel: ctions from the best Operas, â€" In al 0‘ the Doâ€"~as Socity of 8. Joseph‘s Choreh, to be ueld iD GOWAN‘S HALL,. Saturday Evening, Feb‘y. . Price of Admlssion, 5@ cents. To commence at * o‘ciock. s Tickets :ngy be had at Messrs, Orme‘& Son, and Messrs, Nordhelmers Music s‘ores ; also at Mr. Gowan‘s, and at the Hall on the E vening of ine Concer‘. Utizwa, Feb 4, 1876, 406213 4â€"8â€"11 Gentliemen‘s Furnishings Under the Patronago of Their Excel lencies the Earl and Countess o( Dufferin. |@EO. HOLMAN Family Tickets for Season.......... .. . $8.00 Ladies® Single hek%u 200 Genilemen‘s Single Tickets.............. 800 Fingle Admitiknge...........â€"sâ€"cscicnnns | B0 T.iketsmn be had at Orme & SYou‘s, or at the ink. _ JOun MUNRO. Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1876 > 4060m2 GOWwWaAN‘s HALL, MBROIDERED OPERA@ CLOAKS ZS@~ For particulars of each days Perform anc~, see pm grau mes. SKATING RINK, ST. PAUL‘S CHURCH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH. HAS. DESJARDIN®S, General Agent ‘D. MORGAN & SONS. To b> he‘d at GOD sSavE THE QUEEN, ttawa, Feb. 1, 176 Ottawa. Jav, 4. 1876 TTA WA GRAND CONCERT T. SUTToN®, #‘lumbers, &c. RAND GERMAN CONCERT . JOHNSTuN, owWaAN‘S OPERA END APPROACHING. Russell House Block. Â¥eb. ist, 1874 1050 Steet, near Sussex Street, 36 Russell House Block, Sparks St. Vocal Music. _the Distinguished Patromage Their Ercelleneiss the. Rarl and" Coun,. ____._ iess of Dufferin. . ZBâ€"CAaNAL BASIN. %ax Iusurance. Temporary Uflce: Amuscriments. FOR SALYF, also WHITE AND OTTAWA. sureare rRe COMMENCING OTTAW A. MBRS. VEN®*‘B, Duke street, Chaudiere, Or IN AiD OF Made to Suit Purâ€" REGATTA 8HJ MoUsE. ... . Manager 4046y1 that there is a wooden expression about 'm“ï¬:c:flnn"'t s rsiigeme of idea or o im er wmad‘:nna: its lack of and â€"character. statue was ordered by the Legislature olls’la-d is to be placed in the Capitol at Washâ€" Prof Toury of Baltimore brought samples of the kerosene sold in the stores, and found by experiment that more than hulf of the stuif was very dangerous, giving off inflammable vapor at a very low tempera A Boston critic that Greenough‘s statue of John W'lmop, which has reâ€" cently arrived from I-‘h-am&.il not a firstâ€"class work of art; then the pose is DISBURSENENTS. By Common School _ _ We certify that the above statement is correct. â€" (Signed,) J. Wâ€" Proctor, To balance on hand lst January....... TREA SURER, In account with Corporation of New Edinburgh. 1875. Dr. Town Hall, New Edinburgh, }' February 8th,A.D. 1876. ABSTRACT STATEMENT OP WILLIAM GRABAM the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventyâ€"six, at the hour of nine of the clock in the forencon, and the place fixed for taking such votes in the said Village is the Town Hall. _ of the Village of New Bdmhu(?h thereon is Saturday, the fourth day of March, in fixed for taking the votes of the electors Ti j ; Reeve. 2 above is a true copy of a proposed Byâ€"Law which will be t.nkel; iul:to oanldnl'; ation by the Corporation of the Village 0 NewEdinbnrsh after one month from the tenth.day of February in the year of Our Lord: one thousand eight bundred and seventyâ€"six being the day of the first pubâ€" lication thereof in the Ottewa newspaper. _ And I hereby give nofice that the timé Therefore the Corporation of the Village | o nsl Arininen e ons tal ul x h o y o March, in the year of Our Lord one thousâ€" ' and eight hundred and s eventyâ€"six, at | the hour of nine o‘clock in the forencon of | the same diy, at the Town Hall,tin the ; said Villxo, for ing the votes of the Iclocwu t-heui??’?lf-goontbenkil!y-‘ W» _ That the following person shall be ï¬bl Returning Officer to take the rotes on the nim',vizâ€"'rnonu'l‘uuu./ SmI0 Dy â€"LAW, VIRâ€"â€"IHOMAS IUBMAN, Given under the Corporate Seal 4’ the Village of New Edinburgh thy day of _ .A.D. 1876. operation and take effect upon the fourâ€" teenth day of March, in the year of Our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and seventyâ€"six. ~ ‘ And Whereas this Byâ€"law requires the assent of the electors of the Municipality of the Village of New Edinburgh before the final passing thereof. sls 4. That the Reeve of the village of New Edinburgh for the time being shall raise upon the credit of the said Debentures eioed Oy mis therosy sue Shar ce e an cause thonmotgbo paid to the 'l;:hu‘-uunr of the Municipality of the Village of New Edinbuxg for the purposes specified in this Byâ€"Law. 5. ;lut this Byâ€"Law shall come into « Auditors. . Tosxax, Clerk. New Edinburgh, Dec. Sist, 1875. _ _ [you at the office of the Bank of Ottawa, | in the city of Ottawa, the first of such | instalments to be paid on the first day of | March, in the year of our Lord one thou-" sand eight hundred and severtyâ€"seven, ;% the last oï¬fr:ucg. iu}dmont: to be | id on the t day of March, in the | year of our Lord one thousand eight hunâ€" | dred and: ninetyâ€"six, and the debentures ' therefor shall be drawnâ€"accordingly. { 3. That the said debentures shall bear | interest at the rate of six per cent. j annum ; such interest shall be p.yuï¬:’ yearly on the first day of the month of March, in each year, at the office of the Bank of Ottawa, aforesaid, and attachâ€" ed to the said debentures, or written ‘ thereon shall be coupons or warrants for | the payment of the yearly interest as it | falls due. | OTTAWA. TRURâ€"DAXY,. FEBRUARY 10 1876 2. That the said principal money of Two thousand dollars shall be payable in twont{ equal annual instalments, to be payable on the first day of March in each Debenture account. 1,122 00 Ex; account. . 93 50 mtily Thk...cc.l.. 535 56 Interest account.... Drainage account.. Bank of Ottawa, 1 1. That the Reeve for the time being shall cause to be issued Debentures of the said Village for the said sum of Two thouâ€" sand dollars in sums of one hundred dol~ lars each, such debentures to be sealed with the seal of this Corporation, and aigned by the Reeve and Treasurer of the '..i‘li Village of New Edinburgh respectâ€" ively. 5 The Corporation of the Village of New Edinburgh in Council usombl:sdo thereâ€" fore hereby enact and ordain as follows : levied in each year, Two Thousand Dollars aforesaid, as herein after mentioned, it will require an equal special rate per annum of sevenâ€"tenths of a mill, inutfiï¬ou to all other rates, to be And Wherau,v'w&\y the interest and annual instalment, the principal sum of And Whereas, the whole rateable pro perty of the,Village of New Edinburgh, Mdil&:o the last revised assessmenrt roll for said Village amounts to Threq Hundred and Five Thousand and Six Hundred Doliars ; And Whereas, it will require the sum of Two Hundred: and Twenty Dollars to be raised annually, by special rate, for the payment of said debt and inter:st herein after mentioned ; _ _ i And Whereas, the amount of the existâ€" ing debt of the Municipa‘ity of the Village of New Edinlm Seven Thousand Nine Hundred whereof no portion of the principal and interest is in arrear ; And Whereas, to assist in carrying into effect the said recited object, it is neces sary for the said Corporation to create & debt to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars, by the issue of Debentures to that amount, to be disposed of as hereinafter mentioned, and the proceeds arising from the sale thereof to be disposed of for the purposes aforesaid. â€" l Byâ€"Law to authorize the â€"issue of Deâ€" bentures for the sum of TWO THOUâ€" SAND DOLLARS, for the purposes there in mentioned. Whereas, the Corporation of the Village of New Edinburgh have resoived to drain certain streets within the said Village, Balance cash on hand 3lst Dec., 1875.......... ty Tax.......... I a > .-. h ust -.r. m k P Coxs?, # , S Ge n f -‘1‘&.~ ('kV‘.\é}ï¬" c » iy is : P\ anurtt 4:4 ),~ § 4 +id e & M N ts 5 4 C »8 t iz 4 C â€" Adlie) .. i wl $0].% 2 2s C 20 ‘3 A m ic a2 x es Ti 4 28 ()~ A ow o 1. w on t + Pnd k es ~* : 3 / on 1 L0 hk Ssd c % o xdi] "" ° s e S y S N2P 3. NiA _ a * ; C " â€" 5s counts...... Byâ€"Law No. . T. Tusxax, Village Clerk. .. $6,137 95 . _ 628 17 & 49 86 . _ 344 89 20 643 86 $10,895 57 $10,286 58 $ 394 80 5,592 63 438 58 1,479 38 803 95 1,480 21 666 0f Weston, and the English champion, Perâ€" kins, commenced last night at 9 o‘clock. The match was for fifty pounds for the greatest distance in twenty four hours, Weston fixing his limit for 115 miles. Perkins pnontdmt«hrshu walking sixtyâ€"five miles. Weston is still T SopGE SpqqPA C 400000 . _ TT YBIOHE 46 SHHE Feb. 9.â€"The consultation walking. M&m-mhhhb 1::9 'fluoï¬eulm; “wm,:ihdhmwnnnmtb Loxpox, is‘ i x An dence relative toflwpmï¬-obyens'rï¬- of President Grant shall be gcihildflplfludlw-_d-ingl ww‘:&.'fllfl is made public | Saturday . « &%Mo&cqmbhmflo-m «mmwb'umm-udpuum explanation made by Mr. Disraeli in the sented by counsel. Major L. Eaton will House of Commons last night. In Noâ€" represent the Government. Who will reâ€" House of Commons ‘last night. â€"In Noâ€"| represent the Government. Who will reâ€" vember l-tflnlgpum-oflh present the defence has not â€h:: Interior â€"assured British Agont tha,> pired.:;~ > C f sand pounds to the Pope. of Battenburg, and denies the f Te Margute of Ripony git of ton thouâ€" at Montreal, is stopping at the Russell The Hungarian Diet has decided to erect a national monument to the memory of the late Mr. Deak. the celabrated Deputy Vaisin has been appointed Prefect of Police in place of M. Renault, who resigned yesterday. â€" â€" The Carlists have assumed the offensive against the Alfonsist positions at Oyarâ€" The Scotch rifle team have resolved to hold a council to consider the question of withdrawing their separate acceptance of the American challenge. The London World reiterates the state ment of the coming marriage of Princess Beatrice with Prince Loyis of Battenburg, and denies the story of the Marquis of RBipon‘s gift of ten thousand pounds:to the Pope. Among the members of Parliament who have arrived at the Clarendon House, are Messrs. A. McNab (Glengarry) E. P. Flynn (Richmond. N. S.) and the Hon, William Miller of Nova Scotia. Mr. Blaine will deliver his financial speech in the United States Congress him. He had been sentenced for life three years before, and his Attorney havâ€" ing secured a new trial trial, led to the fatal results. The lawyer has been given 30 days to leave the town. TELEGERAPHIC. | Johnu Ferris, New Brunswick ; Robert , Bmith, Brampton. At, O‘Meara‘s Hotel | there had arrived last night the following ‘ members of the House of Commons 35â€" | Messrs. Tremaine, Casey, Archibald» | Devlin _ McDougall, _ and _ Mills. ‘ There are also in the city Benators Macâ€" | pherson, Alexander, Sutherland, Carrall, ; Dever, Miller, Christian. Members of the | House of Commons:â€"MceNab, Fiynu, Cosâ€" | tigan, Thompson (Cariboo), Irving. Farrow, | McKay (Colchester), Pettes, Wallace, { Archibald, Gibson, McGregor, Snider, Galâ€" A masked mob surprised the Sheriff of Bloomington gaol in Ohio on Tuesday might, took the keys and obtaining a prisoner name.1 Marshon shot and killed A hotel keeperin St. Joseph street Montreal, has sued the Street Railway Company for $3,000, for ejecting him sumâ€" marily from a car. Mr. A. MeNab, M.P. for Glengarry, has arrived in the city, and is stopping at the Clareadon House . Hon. Mr. Chapleau having taken a port folio in the Quebec Cabinet, goes back to Terrebonne for reâ€"election. * The Ontario Legislature completed its labours yesterday, The House will be frorogued this afternoon at three o‘clgck by Lieut.Governor Macdonald, The Vine Streat Congregational Church of Cincinnati has declined to participate in the Plymouth Church deliberations at Brooklyn. This is one of the most influâ€" ential churches in the Western States. braith, Haggart. ;:The Prince Edw Island members are reported as har arrived safely to the mainland, and n be expected therefore in a day or two. Perkins, the champion walker of Engâ€" land was defeated yesterday by Weston the great pedestrian : I The following Sevators and Members of Parliament are on the list of arrvals at the Russell House yesterday :â€"Messrs. L. R. Masson, Terrevonne ; Joseph Eyan, Marquette; A. T. Wood, Hamilton ; A, G~B. Bannatyne, Provencher ; Hon. Is H. Holton, Montreal; W. Laumer, Arthâ€" abaska ; E. Q. Cuthbert, Berthier ; Hon, H. Fabre, Montreal; L Delorme, St. Hyacinthe ; James Brown, Bellevilie; D. Blain, Toronto; Hon. B. Seymour, Port Hope ; Hon. John * Simpson, Bowmanâ€" ville; J. D. Buell, Brockville ; P. Whyte, Jr.. _ Pembroke; McKenzie Bowell, Belleville ; and â€" several others _ are expected _ to _ arrive toâ€"day. _ At the Union House are Dr. Brouse, Pres. cott ; Hon.J.Suthorhnd.mwbn; * K. Dymond, Toronto ; Dr. Forbes, Thomas Mackey, C. E. Church, Nove Scotia ; J. DeVeber, New Brunswick ; J. Metcalfe, Toronto ; Samuel Platt, Toronto. At the Windsor Houseâ€"S. B. Appleby, Woodâ€" stock, N.B.; Horace Horton, Goderich ; ' Walking Match, . i een Payson the Senate, Speaker of the Housoâ€"of Commons, Chaplain : of the Senate, Genâ€" tleman Usher of the Black Rod, Sergeant atArms of the House of Commons, Liâ€" brarian of Parliament, Clerkof the Privy Council, the Marquis and Marquiso De. Bassano, Le Comte Louis de Turenne Col. the Hon. E. and Mrs. Littleton, m,.i Hamilton. «& The following is a‘list of the guests inv/itodtotdinnorlivn by Their Exoelâ€" lencies at Government House on Wednesâ€" day, the 9th inst:â€"The Hon. A. Mackenâ€" sie, Hon. A. J. Smith, Hon. Letellier de Bt. Just, Hon. R. J. Cartwright, Hon. D. Laird, _Hon. 1. Burpee, ‘Hon. T. Coffin, Hon. R. W. Scott, Hon. L.‘&"&' kn Hon. F. Geoffrion, Hon. W. Vail, Hon. Blake, Hon. J. Gauchon, the Speaker Royal Marriage again Agirmed. oxno®, Feb. 9.â€"The World reiterates statement of the coming marriage of Sunummary oft Hews. FOR EIG N. GREAr BRITAIN I. Churches have Prince Edward orted as haring barn of F. G. Webster, of Delhi, was, with its contents, consisting of thirty three head of cattle, oats, buckwhest, hay, troyed by fire. Loss ; no insurâ€" Trinity Building, No. 111 Broadway, and the ectontive frin of 8. 2. Squth 4 G+, of New Haven, hare suspended. The total liabilities involved are reportel at nearly $800,000. Nzew York, Feb. 9.â€"The coal commis sion houses of E, A. Pecker & Co., E. B. Ely & Coâ€", and Braman & Hartwell, all in BDeclines to Sit in Council, The Vine Street Church, C. B. Boynton, , has declined the invitation | to mthchmbAdvmq’ Mx Street Church is one of the most i ential of this denomination ix the West. B‘gx;mnfl. Foh.d‘:.nâ€"ch ington (Indiana) i & Mbodyï¬mkod%wuï¬ou at 2 a m. the sheriff, secifed the heys mt z and killed a prisoner named C. A. Mar shon. Marshon was convicted of murder a.ndunuloodwunl’-ihnt'nqw three years ago, but the Supreme recently granted him a new trial. The mob left a letter with the sherif, orderâ€" mt:o‘gz'mor'-m to leave town ty days. Advauncement of Loans. Parts, Feb. 9. â€"â€"The Anglo Bank bas contrac todnn_um 000 to Egypt, on t -Wofhcqs; and also a loan $7 ,000 to meet the Egyptian floating debt, and other P-n,FohJ.-&c a conference of the Liberal members of the Hungarian Diet, held here .toâ€"day, it was unsaimously :fnodw support a bill for the erection a national: monument to the decseased statesman Deak. â€"| papers or correspondents. The â€"Prince otmol:fd«lufolbm: " We lin":u state of most profound peace; we have no wish for conquest ; we are contented with what _we ; we hare no thoughtofthmmWonqm theless these rumours are continually arising." No action was reached on the Prince Bismarck participated in the de~ bate, and urged the reinsertion of the clauses which had been thrown out He animadverted upon the mirtatements and the calumnies of the press. He instanced :;hoinvenï¬onofwngmhd spring y newspapers, which were falsely conâ€" Berumx, Feb.9.â€"In the Reichstag toâ€" day the Bill amending tho‘mdeodo came up for a third reading. debate was on the clauses which were recently rejected imposing penalties on members of secret societies, and to prevent the Pietre Sebastian Laurent dea‘l. He was born in 1793. announced toâ€"day. Prefect of Police in the place of Renault, resigned. department of de Dome. He claims fidelity to thomberhl family as the greatest honour, and ‘declares he has absolute confidence that ifâ€" people are consulted the empire will be reâ€"estab TbeCanmith‘nppï¬n&ed to arrange for the special rnhp.hm of the City of gl:ï¬slinth;mflhd States Contsn':.l ibition send objects peculiar to the municipality, such as plans :of public Addregms to Kletctors. the Rou has i an address to sloctole of Arroiiqumetsenten mrom mend Kolice of Faris, has resi deeming his candidacy:for the Ah:onb ‘fl!yu.l at Corbeil incompatible: with sial : position. The Pclice Department will ) transferred to the control of m of the Interior. * " Paris, Feb. 9.â€"M. Police of Paris, has re Dbeing in attendance. Nothing definite hub‘eenmdbnthhwm & reduction of 25 per cent from regular rates will be made. Meeting of Ticket Agents. A convention of the General Railroad Ticket %g.:::.of America has begun its ion beén called together ‘?:"P“!sz‘m‘w be charged during W-lm The Kheâ€" ive e -D' 5 addiï¬ondomhol:dclt:ur“l.mm of Derbyfrefused and stated that England wouldr:?rd-inoomi-unt with the inâ€" tegrity of the Ottaman Empire any act by which the Khedive dispossessed himseilf of control over the canal. iotter from Lord Odo Russell, the British "ini.‘.' at Blflifl I- “P + terms i proval Alethtofth:pmmz(}dm shows ;h:: the Khodlt;o M«:{:fl England the right to 15 per cent. necunnueortl"guonml,w'hichhm entitled after the earnings of the canal 1 fome 44 cent. commissior !;‘.°.-.°°°'°°5. 000 advanced, and 5 per ceive 21 PANTAXN" acvanced, and 0 per cent. inâ€" terest ng‘ï¬l the British Government reâ€" infinitely préfer the Egyptian interest in the canal Mm to any other power. ‘The Rothschilds reâ€" Judgs Lynch again at Work. A M 1: LCOA N : as many as one hundred Ancther Fi:e. Prefecet of Paris. The Penal Code. Author Dead. Chief of Pelica. HUNGARY. KEW YORK. CGERM ANY. most sincere friend,andwould Contennial. nqvn. OHIO. FRANCE ‘mess in so doing. *‘ Have you anything to say why the senâ€" tence of the hvï¬mld-ocbrd you?" Morris smiled and in a m'dg“l‘uvmnmz.udâ€" uw:,-dnmd-jh extent of the law, which I know is death." After Judge Steele had sentenced him to be terrupts the lessons and distracts the minds of the pupils, and is productive of no advantage except a pecuniary one to the teacher. The machinery of & sehool is sometimes brought to s l(-kn im order that change may he made in effectâ€" ing the sale of a slate per.cil. The newly %&:TIM' expected to reâ€" George Morris, whom Judge Steele of New Orleans recently sentenced to be eame to the bar whistling and mJï¬'fl.‘Gmm have been convicted of the of Sarah Jones. You Mdflztvwa, but I insisted that your case go A correspondent writes to the London which lined the routge of the Prince of Wales were connected crossways by a beautiful species of fern moss, called by the Cingalese the "Goldsmith‘s Destrucâ€" tion." â€" The reason for this si name is that one of the Kandyan comâ€" manded the goldsmiths to Athe delicate moss in silver. failed, and he had their heads cut off. ! The vending of pencils» |pens, and other articles by teachers in the public echools is attracting attention and arousâ€" ing protests in Boston. ‘The practice inâ€" LovisviLus, Feb. 9.â€"A special to the Courier Journal from Nicholasville, Ky .. says James A. Evans, a <highly du.‘ citizen of Jessamine County, was called out of his house at 12 o‘clock last night by nw»dlhot. Evans is in a yery cri condition. ing to cross Mill Pond. A young Te ‘nntreg Barry ‘who atfonipted the rescue of the was also drowned. ProvinExoz, Feb. 9â€"The tliree Provi« dence Congregational Churches which were invited to the Beecher Advisory Council have declined. $ much from estimates already giv en. insurance um{ ‘George E. Shortâ€" & Co, insurance not stated, g?’“.‘:‘"“’.‘l.é‘.‘.“ 45% Broadway, ownâ€" ed by Edward Mathews, $350,000; Wim. Smith 4 Cou lose only $2,000, inured. $175,000 ; The following is a corrected list of some dthobuvybcl.ndthdrhtnnm, the great fire last night:â€"Lester, & & Co., loss $600,000, insured for $450,000 ; Catlin, Burndret & Co., New York, Feb. 9. ~By last night‘s fire fm.w'mhunz,xhrfl. The result of the soiar as the destruction of is concerned, lw?md&-:flbnâ€"hfld 0%. f m ogedie es Cl o Pat are i wwfl% Nos. wm;-_dhm d'un:: loss â€" OM-‘N{M â€" first! . hoe indond Hoor Phoips & Everdels Bosly & L.. 12VGE000, OHHUR J i\ o Appingrequbey Aucbniar third onl enee ts es Poototi third end se ioh reee Meie Conenentsl Hotel loss $50,000 ; second floor, A. G. Cushing, loss $100,000 : third and fourth Boore‘ 000; fourth floor, Liedenback, Schwabb i enfpinesiones, M Amt dom, Calbne Amoom 4 Auo { .mfla-ow-tinm;(:fommiu“mth | Bill respecting the sale 1 'in e f Y My lands | ported, and the Bill was read a third time. fire was com; 'n.d-oht;lby 'ï¬(-puu-. Tfl.ï¬"qh.m list of : the buildings destroyed and the losses sustained, as near as could be obtained tonight:â€"Nos. 444 and 446 Broadway, belonging to Letcher ‘White» i Soyman, ow made in 400 tmird hoon‘ was. Saikh 4 on n Py‘ _ _New Yorr, Feb. 8. â€"A firs broke out ‘nmlhinnflamonatl‘.'i(imdm;, which proved the most destructive that has occurred for years. The fire burnt ‘ H‘:ud, .Buod and pn.bb' | way y About thirty buildings ‘in all 1 burnt, and the total loss is estimated $450,000. . One firm, Casher, : Brun derette® & lace dealers, estimated their loss -t%s'l.-'wo.ooa Five buildings on Broadway were saved, and all on Grand street except No. 125, where the ite, foreman, and J. H. Bush, assistant, allhd. and several others injured y ere ki and several others injured by ling walls. â€" At cne time it feared at the heart of the city 'NHT-H-H man ; loss on the stock, $250,000 ; second Over Thirty Buildings Destroyed 3 PDre waned. f last evening two children of Thomas GREAT FIXE IN NEW YORK. WITHDRAWX. . Mr. Deroons withdrew the Bill dividâ€" SUPPLY BILL CaRRIED, Hon. .‘)(&. Chwp?l m.znd the third reading y Bill, and it was read uhudhnv?t:gmd-bu.. Spectal to TAE TIMES. 1oroxto, Feb. 9.â€"The Srzirer took the chair at 11 o‘clock. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE: LOSS, NEAKLY &â€C!-. ifll Pcnd.ï¬â€˜Ai::n: Cinmeos EHODE ISLANXD RECTORY LAXDS. PROROGATION, â€"First Seasion. & Co., $160,000, said a fvea1 of Spilkins, the other d. Iimadieg 10 the Freuiet dlootious" Fow 14,000 barreis; April selling at $2107} to 21 closi Lard firmer to o fo C oane mt 10. Jard for common Sie to Sfc; 5,000 bushels ; sales none. â€" Oats dull and i busheis ; .;...“"‘"‘mh‘“"m.‘â€ï¬".. 49c for mixed western and State; 480 to 53¢ for uin t thin moinetine at now Lard firm ; 200 at 12 1916 for m'm“.nua. for State and Pennsylvania Cheese, 16e Nsw York, Feb. 9. weak .dhï¬â€˜; flmm: lands. M-fl-fl% Receipts 6,000 barrels; sales, 12,000 ow Whesh qurtstinm uy fas hss firm. quotations very Reâ€" -.tu‘mmm;-u.mupb at $1 Obllzhruo.)&l.;g. $1 12 to 1 14 for No. 3 Milwaukes ; 81 2 to 1 25 for No. Chicago ; $1 23 to 1 25 for No. 2 Milwaukee; $1 33 to 1 40 for No. 1 spring; $1 20 to 1 38 for winter red western; $1 21 to 1 47 for amber do ;. $1> 37 to 1 55 for white western. Rre, decided change. 17,000 bush.; sales, 39,000, bushels, flk 640§k for new western -@ud;:_%oAb‘ggh_dd rd' wesk, but closed firmer, at a gain of lfuipuc,shuub-u.:: 'qum. cb. 9. #“w‘ : F. ol was drooping and somewhat affecked by. the suspension of a large .zfl. house yesteniay : but there had been some tendency w"(v‘ud- w-hgum 185} ; Mercha~t‘s. 954 to 95¢ ; Commerce, T0f to 121 ; Imegaapng 186 New Yorzk, Feb. 9. Money to 4 5;. 3‘.?1 3:'-‘“-«"'.'33‘-5’.'5 to 4 891. Gold opened and closed at 12; ; Governments steady ; State bonds quiet an‘ nominal ; railroads firm ; stocks Feb.: 9. Imje dos woopt mt the Buock Exsinege in hyw-;{b&nufl- United bonds, 67‘s, 1094 ; 10â€"40‘s, 108; Erie, 154. L 12 Feb. 9.â€"Cotton us wpark, 63'?-1'4’5&';"0-1--, bid. nas been no sccommodation paper, the bills being all: legitimate; mercantils m;ï¬uovmhul-,hnnï¬â€˜.«m :rtd&.hnhnd-s-dm P houses go down with the wholesale ï¬m'i,&q&&,mhuflm -WMrm also suspended ; lisbilities $100,000% : . .L. Waliter Drown and J)r. Schultz, of Maniton.. ieave here tomorrow morning " That‘a 2 greoat victory for © the right,‘ *‘ on of" any general unsoundness of trade. The lisbilities are estimated at mmmnhumw this will i the indirect ones or not ; it can hardly be correct if the amounts giren of the four largest creditors are near the truth. : These are James Ferrier, sen., $150,000 ; Bank of Montreal, Bank of British North America, and Rodger & Sons, Sheffield, $1 There Hon. Mr. left: for Terâ€" (}:plom hl«h’ o i election, having taken office in the Local Cabinet. No opposition is expected. Joe Brisebois, a SLJnoshmbul keeper, is N'-,‘thCily assenger Railâ€" way Company for $3,000 damages in havâ€" 11::.“1'-.-. ‘%mmuhdmz ho-n’-.-uk’e-'ï¬o- for some time past, in fact for years, so that to those fow sÂ¥ DL cazfl oL000] TReATeZOOUE SPSZBOE that the meeiing held, in St. Patrick‘s Mv&ynm_.mâ€".ï¬â€˜, as stated, but an open one, and that he meant Howley when writting about a " traitor knave." Howley Sun libel case, Mr. Donovan, the Special to TH® TJME Chicage Produce Markei. Cmoaco, Feb. 9.â€"Flour steady and Rev. W. H J of Grace Church, has resignel ‘iis charge, in consequ@300 of some unpleasantness with his parish â€" Jir, Feter l’nl:r.,n' ~ were / r President and "iceâ€"Presidents ively, for the second time. Tomight, those ing to continue worsbip in the ddm"- Church b!i_ldintmfumo.dinlo&mm- gation a Committee Preabytery consisting of the Rev. D. J. Macdonnel Libel Caseâ€"Terrobome Loeal * â€"Sneing the Sireet . .Rail way Comâ€" panyâ€"Failare of Ferrier & Co.â€"Be* |__ igned Chargeâ€"New | Presbyic= _ riam ~ Bre in +o THE TIMES. | | Toroxto, Feb. 9.â€"The Millers‘ Asencia tion m-:nqbled this| morning, and adâ€" journed without transacting any business Many members of the Legisiature hare left for their homes, and the Hvuna: morning was yery thinly attended. r?{{ig. will take place tomorrow at 3 ,'Sloek. mmufl,mooï¬ngofflnuk Teid nag." + 4s S ie wore shown to be in & most m were shown to be in & most condition." Mr. Jaimes D. ®R active New York Produce Market. New York Money Maurket PRICE 3 CENTsS {LJverpool! in a position to know the true Lendon . arket MON FREAL. D. It is active Stmurk ed. -o-b-ul.c.fl.' Bocieay burt