IC i. y .A «ioh nhnen rd Market, iool Choir. h U Z"TL e eas, sole propriet@fs o azon streuts ki A<T, 1873 K Dil HE STRE =LAN J RIiNQ RoXP T.* i School M aily Kammon) i® P lay (and Week!ly :a: puacta «1y agended 1 1nty Rights for Sale, + cllis ~atent Gis Bare rovabl se g~';rmntoid e worll .‘:'l;"lï¬â€œ W ili save ar. J ,-r‘,lb_&.g J“ â€" 4%& Gild Viusic Boo V O1CCS. aiar <vymn & 1 CAS H. or RED SPEU 0S A M V odlensg s. EASTWO> an appointed « are reque® A S# aamd F RA M unt AST 4 00 i la t! OR sers, L EAL EST. niste, Ball. rocure Tâ€"ctiou, ty ToF yi to is 18 The above, con V‘"iently situated and thorâ€" oughly Atred ap H«*tel, has ben opened by Mr. B MELLON, [iat * Steward at the Kussell House] wiro respectf UÂ¥ solieits a shar~ of the pubiic paironage. wo °R ne hopes to n:erit by mv'dm‘ bl ging a. .‘ Attentive service. and vishiny only tho vee t qualities of Wines, Lg;?rl avnd C.gars. ters aud Lu cheon in first class style at BILLIARD HALL BERNARD MELLON, furcishimg only tho ber * QU&US uors aod C.gars. hC ters asd Lu .cheon in‘ firs! N. B.â€"A commodious Hal!, ° <# DoOCHERTY‘S, VYOL. X., NO. 4058. rWIHE "CLARENDON." "London" Restaurant, FRED FOOKS â€" Ome of the best appointed HG com prises The most comfortable and c6MWen!lent Houre o stay at during the Sessiofg~ The Table d‘ote is the best appointed, and ;bo LIQUORS are of ihe fbest im ported rands. 4 «he ne w p Oy Easy A To Boarders elther by the day or month, at This H« use ‘+.now fu‘ly stocked with choice Ligqu r®, ( igars. ete.. <f the finest brand , and w i be co d c ed on f s clus prineiplas by Suitable for Members of Parliament and Visâ€" Itors to the city. 1t aftords the Duke street MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT $ Orders for Stamping and Embroidery punctuaily atiended to, Ortaws, Jan. 35, 1876. 4063y . The Brothers of Christian Schools will apply at its next Sessi in of the Farliament of Canada Enabling them to hoid property, and to act as Teacbers of Youta throughout the Dominion. * BROTHER ANDREW, For the Institution. on the Can#a1 Basin, which is the l-r&ol:t sheet of ioe ever enclosed in one Rink, in city. wmnm.........,...am &T‘ flu';::k--..‘................. &g O iigle aumintniing ce insd ooo clicc : 10 Tickets can be had at Orme & Son‘s, or at the BRADBURBY & MUNRO. Ottawna: Jan. 17. 1876. 4016m2 JUâ€I.OII’VID. An immense supply of fresh Roots, Barks & Herbs, Also. a sopply of TLLDEN‘3 CELEBRATED ExTraCtS, at H. F. MacCARTHY‘S, Ottaws® Jan. 11, 1876 400 bottles BLOUD COMPOU ND ter besutifyâ€" lng the complexion. * BARSAPABILLA or BLOOD COMPOUND, the only sure remedy for rem Oving all kinds o: Skin Diseases and giving health sad beauty Ottawa. Jan, 19. 1876 Ottawa, Jan. 12 i‘the complexion, Call and get prices before going elsewhere. Ottawa, Jan. 15,‘1876. 4045y1 L adies Entrance:â€"(George street. Main Entrance:â€"Sussex strget, Ottawa. Finest Accomodation The best cooked and best servel Russell & O‘Connell, In the matter of THE JOBEPH HALL MAâ€" NUFACTURLNG C)MPANY, Insoivents. 1, the undersigned, WILLLAM F. CO W AN of the Town of ushawa, have been n%nnw.i 20 fote st‘uin requatie to Bis thew ciatine be: Tore me within ons month. w. F. CowanN, Commercial House, Act. of Incorporation, Dated at Oshaws, this 6t 1 day of January, 1876 Ottawa, Jan. 35, 1876. Otsawa, Jan. 17, 1876 SKATING RINK, ZArcanaL BABIN. %x The undersigued have just opened thoir Rink 350 Vols, of Miscellaneous Freach Books | Comprising works infail Classes# Of > French Literature, iTE "ALMHAMBRA," THE CLARENDON YSTER SUPPERS® & LUNCHEON®. Eâ€"OPENED FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISEâ€" MENT. NSOLYENT AUT OF 1875. Just received, via. Sardinian, RS. VENN, TTA WA MEDICAL HALL, Wellington street. har < O 2t CORACICRICTE AOME C rsons is attached to th * and Public Meetings. Suites of Rooms RY .N‘sS BLO K, Spares nd O‘Conuor Streets (OLisBYy‘s OLD STAND) ELGIN STREET, PRPRIETORS 11, 1876 PROPRIETOR. Hotels. WILL FIND 18 6 compe ent marker, iL be paid to Visitors, ents Made to Suit Purâ€" chasers. AT*THE WILLIAM MILLS, Proprietor, 76 4048m3 RS* BRIDGE THE W. E. FRENCH BOOK T:MIBSTLE & CO. tels in OltaW@ bie‘ of hold otel, suitabie Chaudiers TDt 4041â€"1m 405 lif 4042tf 4041 f 4027 na Tea Hee MORAMT C e 2C L A_ un.uo-lromol‘rnnhnllu a beautiful private site fora gen eman‘s residence, three and a hbalf mores, opposite Messrs. Garland & Mutchmor‘», on Bank street Koad, oce mile frouk mveu{‘nml'-. Terms moderate, | Apply io M STAKRS, ottawa City. 40 :OLf T .ETâ€"Two Furnished Rooms in private family, about five| minutes walk from Prrllameat | Bulldings; | audress BOX _ 257, Ota c | 10521 TIIE SESSION OF PARLIAMENTâ€"A genfleman with his wife and Chi d, who wi!l be in attendance at the forthcoming Ses sion of Parl ment. desires rOUMS AND BOARD in a p ivate house. Apply io A.8.C., TIMES Office. 103 if Q TTENTION.â€"Th:ee or four Memners 0 Frartiameoat find @omforiable secom modation with or without BoanJ, by app/yin at 76 Sussex streét, [opposite French cat ® dral}. a 4055( Bo ARD.â€"A L}Ey can be accomodated wit! Beard, or roomis without board in a pr vate family, in a céatral locality, Address G TiwEs Office. 4H5L0 st w.n’rltlbâ€"gunn* the Hession, RUOMS ‘AND BOAKD io & pri ate f.mily bf a sin Iag ut eman, near the House of . Parliaâ€" 'ne'al. possible, Apply to H., Trcs 4‘;&? Gnon ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" rle of good bedâ€"rooms with bourd. may be had at MRS. KERW3, cormer of Eigin and Salter streets 1004 DB. TUPPEK may ve cousulted pro esâ€" slonaily at his residence, Meétcxife stree‘, houge formerly occupled by the Hon.P. {it: chel us 381 yl UT twa, South side ot Rideau street, ne .r Glouâ€" ceste .. $~ Consultations at al: hours. 2454 y acaxores ror Boiarbkrs, No. i McQormick‘s Terrace. U‘Comnor street Apply at NOUVNAN‘3 RESTAURA NT, m’r'l- #EYysICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, | ©TTAW i, ONT. Dgv Offceâ€"S>a ks +treet, Centre Town. Night ‘flseâ€"at ois rosidence, Maria strcet C.. e Towo. C# e.s cured without the use of the kniie, by 4 oaâ€"w bui ert«in, «peedy and aimost painâ€" â€"aâ€"| > omcas _ Re erences giyen. by parties sucâ€" cfl*h'll t eated, if require i FuE. LOGAN, Ré4sidenceâ€"Alb_rt street. i ffiee hours from 9 toil .m. aug 2 to 4 p.m. Special attention siv o0 disea es aod displacements otl_'alo Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Licentiate of ths Royal College of Physicians, E inborgh; Feliow of the Obstetrlcal Society of l.un"gn ;_rll:’u Ruldoux.ut-lmu& ï¬ooou- cueur 4 mas H.u&l London, Eng. OFFICEâ€"Corner of O‘Connor and Queen streets, tormeriy occupled by Dr. Corbett. _ _ May be camsulted at his Office, corner of C‘ ‘ocâ€" utemus râ€"is¢tors, Atto r neys, Solicitors, Nota« .ries, &c,, &¢. OFFICEâ€"Befi‘s kiocx, Cenire Town, oppoâ€" to Russell H use. . w. H. WADLKER, | P.,PENNOCK. | A. F. MCINTYRE. Nov. 3, 870. 3985 Late p opposite Parlianient Euildings. Moard & Aodging. i BARRISTERS, &0¢., Have removed their Law Office Law Chambcrs, in the buil in Mouti eal Telegraph Uffice on 'é y Ar«xe rexsock 4 MeINTYEE UFFICE: Hardy‘s Block, or jand Albe t s‘reet oét ‘4, 1871 ____|_ Conveyancers, &¢. $ Mosgrove‘s Building, Rideau st., OLtaWA. Hox. JoK®N O‘CUoNNO® Q.C. G. J. O°‘DOHERTY, w)e0¢. 4, 1874. BARRISTE DaB BARRISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICITOR, ETC. Office over Mr. B. Huckell‘s; rlour Store, corner of Sussex wnd York stresls, onuw&.m re O@lceâ€"Master In C opl.n'a.r n un'noor.y Cbam bers, Co 1rt Lo w. P. C@OUTLEE B.C.L,, . BARRISTER, [ADyOCATE, &C., (For the Provine : of Quebec.) BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR I CERY, &0., stree! NURNISHED HOoUSE‘â€"To Let a Fur» «~ nished House, in a central localtty;; apply THIS Or FICE. | 408L w1 Has opened an office in the city of H Froâ€" virce of (Q.:eLec, ior the transaction of Noâ€" tarial anu Lega) business, eitner in the Proâ€" Wile of Quevee or Ontari@ Hpecial care qvenmuuoducdonol m&ecounts in both proâ€" @)xaï¬unru‘lc PHYSICIAN SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUE. BARRISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, CITOR IN CHANCERY, NOTARY, ET aANIEL O‘CONNUR rept 4 184. | A Seed.ing from Paterson‘s l:gmvod VIC* toria or Queen Porato; in shape nabit very similar ; of a rich Cremm eolour with pink ey@s ) a iec »ou early, suitable for fleld or pu'dnn oul~ tivation ; heayy reguiart cropper ) may D# equailed but canBot DO surpassed ; disease 1esisters | Price, 20s. per cwt.; 134. 64. per 1 ; Of 38. 64. per T libs. Allowance to & â€" Ashieaf, Early Red and Wnite ; and OOE NUE IaWW no 8. ‘ Officesâ€"Eigin street, Ottawa. . H. PINHEY, A. J. CHRISTIE H.P. KILL Paterson‘s Hii‘iéhbc On, per peck of 14 ibs. w reet, Hull. a Huil, Maron 9, 1875. j (For the Provinée of Ontario,) Main street, Huti, HQ. ___________ Temporary Offlce &f Dr. K. J. P. LYNN, R. 0 ©. WoOoOoD, . J. D. R. MAUCDONELL, CCC Huii, Oct. 26, 1874 RARE CHANCE is now Offtred, to nn‘ ame desirous of purchasing a beautifQ Medical Cards. ‘CONNOR & O‘ DOHERTY, Barristerd, Attorneys, Solicitors, R. ROG+ RS, ‘*CONNOR & HOGG, INHEY, CHRISTIE & HILL, Booms to Kct. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, &¢ Princess of Lorne, RIYTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICITNRS, CON» VEYANCERS, &C., (Of the late firm of Lewis & Pinbey,) H. CHBYSLER, W, W. WARD, Â¥, H. FERLAND, ARCHAMBAULT, NOTARBY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE, Regal Cards. ERE AND ATTORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW, or , CONyEYANCERS, ETCO , Ot‘awa, Oni. MARSKAL MATHESON, SEEDLING POTATO. STEWARE & GOBRMULLY, dolants. rATERSON‘8 ADVOCATE, Rideau street , Jus to r New iuing tae ife «treet. 404 Uf seaudin‘s, Main zsaiyl IN CHAN® Spark s @8 17 SOLLâ€" MONDAY...... TUEKEANAY..... Wb DNESDAY The celebrated Classloal Violinéste, respect» fully auncunces one Orchestra Chairs, and Parquelte, $1,00 ; Dalâ€" cony, 75e ; Gail»ry, 506. + The sale of Tickets begsl‘"- on Monday morn« Ing, Jan. S1, at Gowan‘s, Sparks streot. CAMILLA URSO, Assisted. by the following Artists : Mrs. Louisa Oliver, Sopraro; Miss Clara l'oola Contra:to; Mr. J, ©. Bartlett, Tenor ; Mr. Gaston Gottschaik, Baritone; Mr. August sSauret, Pianist. Gowan‘s Hall, toâ€"night. se T'A HOURS AT HAME." GOWAN‘3 HALL, SPARKS STREET Doors open at 7 lng, Jan. 31, w GPTm mm PPRCO CCE T 6 "teinway Piano used by this Company, is from the Mustc Rooms Of A. & 5, Nordhelâ€" mer 4 Co., Sparks «*reet. Otiawn, Jan. 27, 1973 4055td STEAMBOAT TIUKET AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENCY. Agent for the following first class Companies : EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURAINCE SOCIETY ot the Uuited States, Assets over $26,000,000 IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY of London, England, â€" Capital $11,000,000 DOMINION PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY of Montreal. , sSUN MUTUAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO4PA ~Y of Montreal. \ OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATE )N COMP‘NY. RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY.. W&.Coal and Wood for sale. SONGS of SCOTLAND Mr. FREDERLO LUER FIRE, LIFE & MARINE INSUBANCE Entire chavge of Programme each evening, Admissicn, 85 ets. Front Seats, 50 ots. CcOMmENCES AT 8 O‘CLOOK. Bm Tickets may be had at Gowan‘s Store. Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1876. 4051Uf UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF THEIR EXCELLENCIES THE EARL AND CoUNTESS OF DUFFERIN. Citizens Insurance Co‘y. York Steet, "n:r/ï¬l;bux Street, \~~%_ lorrawa. x j PLUMBER, GAS AND Cor. Wellington and Bank ist1 Heating of Public Build C Private ï¬eddoncu by m(ul'x‘ Sieam aad hot watet a specialiy. za~ Best of references given. TAKE NOTICEâ€"Parcels fMelivered in all parts of the city for jive cents e _ OFFICEâ€"Rajotte‘s Block, Weilington street. UE3 choice Literature. _ | Tna Latest and Best NOVEUS added as soon as rublished P Come and look aver it. e your leisure Three Nights Only, : arovaicietit ty vapter ane the vot o ng are : use the m::flmuuo com; in the Dining Special arrangements for| mnm’ Organ Music, etc., have been ch-{ essor Fisher, the Director of the Musical Consery tory of the College. _ [ _ Fox" oouu‘gto;lwdynndex‘#nn see Aunu CatalOgne, hich spp | J. DIOKIE, Ottawa, Jan. 23 CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, 29, Sussex street, Ottawa, | homsr By appointment, Chemist and Apothecary to His Â¥ Excellency the Governor General, Proprietor of the. Canadian Cough Emulson uld()uh!nhdm:flmm "nookbrhsl:-exlm and the Royal Arms in the window. Ottawa, Jan. 27, 1876. __4565m2 _ SATURDAY EVENING, Feb. 5th. MADAME . GRAND CoONCER‘C, Ottawa, Jan. 18, 1876. Teas, j Coffees, â€" Wines, | Spices, CAPITAL, Join our Lending Library, pver 1000 YOLâ€" ‘Two cents perjday, with a deposit. And a Complete Line of Groceries, -o?m at the best Markets, since the recent Fail of Prices, will sell at BUTTOM FIGURES® Ottawa, Jan. j26th, 1876. I invite a trial of my Teas and Coffees, Naving they Will give ontire satisfaction. JAMES JACKSON a16 & S WELLINGTON 8TREET, | OwaAN‘sS GRAND OPERA HOoUSE. Ottawa, Jan. HAS. DESJARDIN 9. General Agent Nv. 36 Russell House Bleck, Bparks St. | uW PRICES FOR CASH. TTENTION. TTAWA LADIEs‘ COLLEGE. T. SUTTON, MERCHANTS ! la0e, 4 ber the pl Ottawa, Jan. 26, 1876. 3rd TERM COMMENUCES FEB‘Y ind EOBGE MORTIMER, M. JOHNSTON, C?arrla%u C eatra Chairs Plumbers, &c. Amuscm.ents. c1fl8:m usurance. NICHOLAS STREET, a fistbiass Snrtabtishnront oun be obtained on -w‘zfl'" ut 1h "19. "dlyt Temporary oq,-r. just received a New and Frosh S. ROGERS, [ ||a > ;;z.ooo.' Aocotpant axp Guara% {1 °°___ RATFELE BROS, Next Cor. nï¬nmsmï¬l KENNED Y‘8 can by orderei at 9:45...____ #, and Parquette, $1.00 ; Baiâ€" UNDERTAKER, LLINGTON 8T REET, ortawa. OTTAWA. Syrups, and Liqours street, Ottawa. L, N. NYE 4048y1. Covcert at 8 Director. Jan. 81 Feb. 1 Burser, 4046y1 fixed for the eighth of April. The course, as usual, will be between Putney and Mortlake, and vice versa four and a quarter miles. The Ontario Legislature is expected to be prorogued on Thursday next, the 3rd of February. _ | f Mesers. Stephen J Meany and James Callahan, of the Montreal Sun, bave been arrested at the instance of Mr. James Howley, for libel. They gave bail for their appearance this morning. The remains of M. Lemaitre,the French actor, were buried at Paris, on Saturday. His funeral was attended by an immense anod noisy crowd. Victor Hugo paid the deceased a glowing eulogy over the ‘grave: The Boston Pilot has suspended. The liabilities of Mr. Patrick Donohue, the publisher, are put at $308,000 ; the assets are $216,000. M. Buffet, Minister of the Interior and Chief of the French Cabinet, together with M. Dufaure, have been defeated in the elections just held. The Orleanists seem to have made great headway in the recent electoral struggle, ‘The County ‘Council adjourned on Satâ€" arday, and will hold a special meeting on the last Monday of February to take up unfinished business of the recent session . The Hon. Ambrose Shea, of St. Johns, Newfoundland, is in Montreal en route for this city. * Messrs. Rogers, Kelly & Co., from the United States, commence work on Section No, 10 of the L&chine Canal this morning, Labourers will get eighty cents a day. The Toronto harbour is clear of ice. The Toronto authorities have made war upon fancy lamps and projecting signs. Fourteen days have been granted owners to have them removed Mr. David Torrance, a prominent citiâ€" zen, merchant, and ship owner of Mon. treal, died on Saturday afternoon. He has been President of the Bank of Monâ€" treal for years. The great ‘Varsity race between the Cambridge and OQxford crews has been The prisoner Fraser, who has been on trial for the last week in Toronto, as accessory to the murder of Jane V Gilmour, was acquitted on Baturday. Dr. Clarke intends, on second reading of the License Bill to morrow night in the Ontario Legislature, to move an amendment to issGe one license for every one thousand of the pojulation, and to abolish s licenses. _ Stould the doctor ist, the Government will with their measure altogether. Loxnox, Jan. 29.â€"The annual Univer® sity boat race between the Cambridge and Oxford crews, is fixed for Saturday, the 8th Aépril. The course will be the ‘usual one from Putney to Mortlake and vice versa, four and a quarter miles, Mceting of Boatmen. Loxpox, Jan. 30. â€"A mooï¬ng:f the Oxâ€" ford University hoatmen will be held on Wednesday next, when the New York Association‘s challenge will be considered. Cnmbtidfo will also answor next week, There is little prosmt of either Universiâ€" ty‘s accepting. Evening Standard says Oxford may send a orew to contest in the Philadelphia Regatta. mourning for M, Deak. Theatres are elosed and houses and shops are draped Ragusa, Jan. 29.â€"The Henmlnin insurgents are marching north of bi'll_nn They are pursued b{‘ the Turks. insurrectionists have burned nine yillages. An Odessa d:ml: n?n':h. execution ofudn-{:- in Turkey is to be controlled by Consular agents appointed controlled by Con/ by the six powers. Mapzrip, Jan. 28.â€"The following inforâ€" mation in regard to the operations in the North has just been received here ;â€"The North has just been recelÂ¥@d HOre «* NC Alfonsist W ocoupied Villa im mt sotien it en en faint va and Gui an i t ist position, défended by five battalions of l 1e More Victories. ( DON, 29â€"A London ‘em ;l-tï¬,li.:pom t‘m M'P‘““x {pation of Villa Real and the heights of Rummary of lrows. It now seems there has been but one Republican, Castelar, returned to the new The Marquis of Sardoal, an Extreme Monâ€" archist, will lead the group of six or seven Deputies. The Constitutionalists or 8+ mowillnumbor-':& Voryï¬;:ilnd:& ‘ or partisans 0/ nhglioun , have been refurned. The eootiau‘L the Senate will probably be favourable to the Denial of Church Rites» ‘ Coroax®, Jan. 29â€"The Gasctte‘s Ma drid correspondent wri by order of the Spanish Bishops bodhlofall1 dead prior to thq ninth February, ‘m.whomouxyd married, be: exhumed and be removed from conseâ€" crated One decision of the s‘;iflnmtd.ï¬uwtmolthh kind has already been approved by the Minister of Public Worship. _ , ‘ Py Huv.y susnum.-! Jan. 29.â€" mus« ketry firing in m-.lv.lhym heard & troops manding the march‘of the Urola River. ELEGRAPHIC. OTTAWA. MONDAY, JANU \RY â€"31, 1876 FPOR EIG N. Mr. Deak‘s Fuaecral. GBREAT SHMITALS, lln:iu:uu:ur,mmwiw- &n one Rudiod, quinofSudod.mExWfl- University Race, Army Movemets. HUNGARY. SPAIN. o Bt u‘.:ékdmk'lt‘mm o pomexsion. un%hï¬hucwwmm Bs e un«u!h mmheï¬?mnz ones y has outflanked "Oar&hund.dmeod into Navarre. Sr. Perurssure, Jan. 29.~â€"The Journal toâ€"day doubts the truth of the assertion of the oflw that Turkey has to . declare war .pimt’lonhmx The Sublime Porte has no wish to to the existing embarâ€" Sr. Perursauroe, Jan. 30.â€"The Gazsette gf. t.hilfoity m.hng‘ ï¬mmmoriou ships ve for a committing abuses in the O« Fea. The inhabitâ€" ants, being bribed with spirits have allowâ€" Americans to usurp the right of fishing and hunting in those waters. |The clipper Wilodemack "has started on a cruise> in Behring‘s Straits, to suppress abuses and confiscate cargnes of opfflk_. f Yhe intention to offend must be proved. Second Roading of the Ponal Cede. In the Reichstag toâ€"day the second reading of the Penal Code Amendment bill was concluded. The soâ€"called Arnim clause was adopted by a vote of 179 against 120. > Law Rescinded. It is asserted that Prince Bismarck has g:powd to the Federal Council that the ree of last spring, prowmbiting the export of horses, be annulied, bscause the reasons for such prohibition no longer erist. Paris, J@n. 29.â€"The remains of M. Lemaitre, actor, were buried toâ€"day at Montmarte. H{l funeral was attended by an immense and somewhat nowy crowd. Victor Hugo delivered a speech at the grave, eulogizing the deceased. â€" The Austrian Note. It':dlzm‘d“:?: the Powers have now . C ® flm of mm'mï¬Ã© Andrassy‘s note. It will be presented by Austria and subsequently . supported separately by the other Powers. The Elections. /s uoi or 4. Sopers resigentive rumours s ep o en ons en to ture. If the new Cabifiet is formed it must conâ€" sist of members of the Left Centre and of Ministerialists who frankly eupport the Constitution. Under such circumstances the Senatorial elections will be a very reassuring pledge for the modsrate Reâ€" public. _ The corresponden: estimates Orleanists or Constitutionalists, and about 100 Republicans have been el:&od to the Benate. The§most im; features of the @lections are the triuniphs of the Moderate Bog:iom; in: Paris the defeat of the partists the failure :lt;.l. Buffet wmslzi- lection. t.[l; t ine et pise Bopm consistinzg of Say, Feray and Boucher was elecied entire. that â€" 85 Bonspartis ONrlaaniate ar -ï¬ht:; Feray and Boucher was elecied entire. Admiral Ronciere Le Noury is elected in Eure. Thiers was almost returned from Belfort. at his own request, has been disâ€" m the Jene; :City .Presbytery, to the care of that of Peoria, Illincis. The Babcock Trial. AW-Mngtondwbï¬om :zl-itinoportod President Grant be one of the witnesses in the defence of Baboock, giving his deposition at Washâ€" â€" _ = C ____ Ornel Treatment. â€" Om'l‘nllï¬, :l;ulthy liquor dealer of Brooklyn, an & prominent & familisarly known up * manâ€"eater," n†who has been convicted of Mayhem in biting off a man‘s thumb, was toâ€"day seny â€"'â€"-;"Tv- 1 T & U (aZ un“d‘ ,“'_'xm' county penitentiary lu' The funeral services of M:=. Roxanns Drew, wife of Daniel Drew, took place this afternoon at her late r=sidence fh this afternoon at her late l‘iw Union Squu;tnisbop ‘Ton«s and Dr. Chanman. of St. Paul‘s Meth~dist Episcoâ€" pal Church officiating. Floral tributes were numerous and elegant. The remains will be taken tomorrow to Brewster, Putnam county, for interment. The Cuban Question. d deslares that European interferencé in the present state of Cuban affaire is unâ€" M"' sssary. Differences relative to the interpratation of the treaty of 1795 conâ€" cern merely Spain fand America; Europe hnninmtos.unw * liabilities, $50,000. A. Foster, furnishing goods ; liabilities, Om' Patrick Doâ€" m::pond:l.ndx:tbo ï¬m“mod’ of the credit ore h.ld“: q“w_fknh part. F’n‘hflm his m»::'-;'m about $308,000 ; assets, $216,000. Dismissal of a Clergyman:. Nzw York, Jan. 29.â€"Rev. Jno. D. Glenâ€" which were thrown off in balss and boxes n&.éh%vclym' ‘The goods were for Western firms. A similar robbery took place on the same train about a week A§0 at the same place. s * A Berlin s) Series of Failures. Bostox, : Jan. 129â€"Additional _ failures A M 1 ;; [ CA N. Declaration of War. Obsequies of Â¥rs. Drew . Andrsssy‘s Note. MASSACKUSETIS GERM ANY. NEW YORK. FRANCE. of uemaitre. the Journal de St mons was found in the shipyard of John Enplish on Milton street. Among those with whom the murdered man was most intimate and to whom the officers looked for most authentic information Viotorxm:who wuknowndnbyz name of Andreas Fuchs, he was a helper working busily on the Green Point mu:il:r‘olgo yinb::{oh the head of Simâ€" in the same shop as Simmons and worked by his side, mdm believed to be an intimate friend of the deceased. Among others interviewed about the murâ€" der were the watchmen on the docks; one was found who said he saw ‘a man answering the description of Krets down ing the desori Texk the dooks on Saturday morning, and was quite positive about his identity, Mï¬mmviniged Krou“lhomonnd‘ fou::h:lï¬&“klo:hdmdmbd:m so it was wil r-t diflcul&y’- inthhun;mpwk the arms ndlep of . the murdered victip and in a boiler thoxfoundtho nk of the body, skinned an ontug,th. i had been removed, and quick lime put inâ€" -ide.soutouuulmflyd There had been a pool of blood on the floor, but efforts had beer‘made to obliâ€" terate it by scraping until the boards were almost white. Upon the dress of Mrs.. Krets, which had just been washed, were stains of blood. hou‘id-hown‘rdtbo floor at the rea utgf.mmhghw i c d at ouse on nigh: pd they all had drinks together, Simmon@‘ ~drinks being made strmï¬ han those of the others, and that when d stupefied with liquor, Krets took a iatchet and chopped his head off, the act being witnessed by his little stepâ€"daughter. Mrs. Krets said that she berself was then up stairs when Kretz heard the body was discovered he uimit-todhhï¬l:,dudnidho had done 1t because he the victim in criminal intercourse with his wife, but this Mra» Kretsz denicd. The murder was no doubt committed for robbery, as Simmons was always known to have money on his â€" son. The prisoner was also found in -e-.-ionotgm non‘s watch, and the little girl says her father took three dollars and some cents from the pockets of the murâ€" dered man. Mrs. Krets was taken to the station house and confined in a separate cell. The prisoner, who says his| real name is Kretz, is Alsatian by birth; ‘and speaks both French and German. 104) ARDISUNDq, 2003 AEOTCIMAWE ;. UH j Union, 90%; Commerce, 119; Eastern Towmhipu,lOB;Tdnp?hoh:.in‘dlï¬; Richelieu and Ontario av'?tho.,w; C. P. R.R., 172% Permanent Building Soâ€" ciety,‘ 1221 ; Royal Canadian Insurange Co,, 96 ; Exchange, 95. Montreal Stock Market. Mostrrar, Jar. 28.â€"The stock market this morning was strong. Salesâ€"Montreal, 184; Molsons‘, 108; Merchants‘, 94; 6 15«160. day o en x berere oC oode ating A es oh. uied LAiverpool Market. * Liverroot, Jan. 29, 12:30 p.m.â€"Cotton dull and easter ; U'plndl,fl;()rhm, ${Loxnox, . ; 12:30 ~â€"‘ U wited Sisiee now Bves 1034 ; Brie, '1?: Loxnox, 3 p. m.â€"Erie, 15¢ ; bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England toâ€" w $5,224 431 ; produce e Sitrsto® epecla expgrue, #450. 107. ï¬rm.t(“%wï¬ï¬‚. Gold opened and elosed at 113; State bonds quist and strong ; railroads firm ; Governments firm with stock fluctuating somewhat during the day, but becoming utinnndbfl- ant towards the close, with a sharp adâ€" vance in prices. ‘New York Produce Market. Nzew York, Jan. 29.â€"Cotton ‘dull at 1 1â€"16 lower, 13 16'!-’. upland», Flour dull and in‘ buyers‘ favour. Receipts, 10,000 %omomm quotations +â€"_ Rye flour dull and declining. ‘Sa‘es, 8,000 barrels at ï¬dd.olhh& Ba‘les, 5,U0U barreis at $1,05 ‘to 1,07. Bocolfh, 30,000 barrels. Bals, No. 3 Chicago, $1.08 to 1.09 ; No, 3 Milwaukee, $1.20 to 1.23 ; No. 2 Chicago, $1,21 to 1.23; No. Milwaukee, $1.31 to $1.38; No. 1 lprl.n(r‘.l.ls to 1.38 ; winâ€" ter red western, $1.20 to 1.47 ; amber, ver IOU wosverm, @1.20 MT Morl ) MeREETORY do., $1.37 to 1.35; white western rye nominal. Corn dull and in buyers‘ favour. i, 27,000 bushels ; sales 34,000 memet wire, 5650 mor merem ; o uie unâ€" changed ; receipts, 27 g\llhh;-hl none. Oate quiet ; uu,oooum nluzs,OOOLulhdsstwoto(Oo- i weitern and State, 480 to 526 ; white do. Porkunehugh sales 1000 barrels at $20.65 to 21.00 for new mess. Lard firm, sales 100 tierces at 12} for steam. Butter 20c to 31c for State and Pennsylrania. Cheese, 6¢ to 12%6 for common to prime. Petroleum, crude, 84 to 8%c ; refined, 14§ New York, Jan. 29â€"Detectives were to 14}. Chicago Produce Markot. C#10100, Jan. 29.â€"Flour dullâ€"and unâ€" 30 2o ia on spot d0fg for Februmy ; on and March $1 on;)ny'i%o 3 do, T7c ; nm’do,w. Corn dull and lower ; No Crp oc‘ y 1 , 45§0 ; re} e . dull"and a shade lower; No &wkb 80}¢ bid for spot; 31 1â€"8¢ to 31} for Febâ€" ruary. Barley lower at 770 on the spot ; Qlc for February; 69c for March. Rye steady with a fair demand. Dressed hogs in fair demand at higher rates, $8 25 to 845. Pork strong and mgu,uuou 19 45 on the spot; $19 70 to 19 724 for March ; $20 OOA‘er. Lard active with higher rates, $12 10 on the spot ; $12 25 for March ; $12 40 for April. Bulk meats firmer and held higher ; shoulders, Tic ; clear rib and cléar sides, 10%c to l1¢, all looss. Whiskey steady at $1 06. of flour Lw barrels ; Wheat, 81 ) busteln) B 5 25,000 bushels; Barley, 1,000 bushels. C O M M EXKR C J 4 L. 2 p.m.â€"Cheese, 588 ; tallow, 45s 46«. GREEN POINT MURDER. Detectives on the Seont. mmmnâ€"ot the Orime. Nsw York, Jan. 20.â€"Imports for the EI001, IgOUU DRETOME q MCCCET 16,000 _bushels 25,000 bushels ; Oats, 11,000 b-’hoclf;nhcfloy.dal)bmh: morning Norman Holiday, a farmer, went to his insane s room to watch the remainder of tho:li:ht. An hour later screams from fke us m too cying Wow a fermiale who found the son dying from a :::ndintho mï¬mmw Iqï¬o'upu,.mbhn!.dknflo. The verdict was suicide in a fit of temporary : Whiskey under the Hammer. St. Louis, Jan. 29.â€"The distillery of Bevis & Fraser, seized by the Government Hl-gmnddumohonm by the U. 8. Marshal for $11.000. Yesâ€" terday the Marshal sold 1,218 barrels of whiskey hhp’ ag to R. W. Ulrici, seized at the same time, for about $75,000. A Sad Tragedy. Jaxzstow*, Jan. 20.â€"â€"At three o‘clock New York Money Market. London Market, VIRGINIA. MISSOURL 118 isonet‘s favonur. At hi‘fpart two the tired and retune14 into Court at AS with a verdict of * not guilty." The risoner left the Court with a crowd of The weather is cold, and there is e appeatance of snow and high wind. . Yer. The Liquor Billâ€"Prerogation. Special to THE TLMES. Toroxto, Jan. 30.â€"The ise has all been blown out of the harbour. Wear is being declared by the ci £ cials against lamps and sign 5 A circular has been issued that unless they are removed in‘ fourteen days the proprietors will be dillt Asrize Dourt vettenday 1 Chief Justice Harrisop presiding. the Court adj for recess the eviâ€" dence was all in, gid the counsel on both sides had the jury. After the jury it an exhaustive but not very W&T)L with rather a hln:l{ terday morning the wind blew down a alarm to sounded, w engines and firemen all turned out. Â¥ hmu“md\rmmm'm starting a weekly newspaper here to advocate their interests. It will be conducted under direction of a committee of the Association, and bo!c‘:lhddhr their English contemporary, Licensed Victuallers‘ Guardian. _ _ It is understood that when the Governâ€" amendment to the effect that licenses Wu@.u::tmhm with shop licenses. Should tih.m ment be moved, it is asserted that the Government will withdraw their bill alto= abu. Hints have also been given to leaders of the temporance movement that the Government noes not intend to act on the suggestions made by them, and dispense with shov licenses. The second reading of| the Bill will probably take place on Tuesday. _ & The Sun of last evening contains a bitter editorial on Mr. Howley, which is looked upon as a continuation of the Sun‘s: atâ€" tack on Mr. Howley‘s character.", _ Mr. David Torrance,a prominent citizen, merchant, and ship owner, died yesterday afternoon. He has hcoen for some years President of the Montreal Bank, and did much for this city in profnoting steamboat navigation to Quebec and elsewhere. The Hon. Mr. Ambrose Shes, of St. Johns, Newfoundland, arrived in town yesterday. | Heis en rouwte to Ottawa. . ___ The Rev. Dr. O‘Reiily, aditor in chief of the Irue mmu_nrrivod, and has taken up his residence at St. Patrick‘s. He will ogoupy the eeitorial chair next M ie aivey minitaris y mad is The list of appointments apâ€" mhmdfludkdm: Hon. Alexander Morris, Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories, to be his Deputy for signing marriage licenses in and for the said Nort!west Territo= __John Taylor and O‘afar V.afson, of the Northwest Territomws. io be Justices of the Peace in and lor the said Northwest The Clerk of the Crown in Chancery announces the return of Mr. Peter White, ,fwhNutthnï¬vw,hthophoodlr. m. Murray, whose election was declared The notes in circulstion for the week are $11,291,140.29, entered for m in the m(mivom) ndthdntymmd-hflb month ending December 3ist, 1875, shows : Dutiable goods, $2,759,930 ; free. $1,530,362 ; total, $4,200,292. , $645,247.15. monthly statement of goods exâ€" ported from the Dominion of Canada (exâ€" ,clusive of British Columbia) for the month go’ m& oi oltbï¬-:‘ eries, 94.00 ; rm:lthfa-t, ; nhufl and their produce, $951,513.00; agricultural products, $1,196, 748.00 ; manufactures, ; mis= cellanecous articles, $19, $ mp‘:odm of c.m'h.'ca‘.sla.moo' Coin and bullion, $54,000.00. _ Goods not the pr of Caneda, $50,267.00. Grand totak, P4620,475.00 gat Notice is given that application will be mdotothol‘ulix«nuto:'ul.lii. next session, by pper Ottews Imâ€" puv_n-.:ufhpuy, i> authorize and . G. ;sm, in a Ht of wï¬-: np-,ï¬c-thmdwidbdhll-t night, Sharp has been arrested. > The statement shewing the value of trial of William Frasér was resumed LopmsviuLz®, Jan, 30.â€"Ten days ago Mr. mnil CANADA GAZETTE. OIRCULATION AND £PEOIE NOTIOE TO PARLIAMENT, ELECTIOXN EETURN. KuLNTUCKY. q P funds 0 D d\ . | the Dipell se of k h *| ing to se so s ie from B6u#08 | on the 0 oasiot \l:uh- fourkeen bu,"?ji v. Ca hesvess 4 | _ The Rev: Mr oYy momung | see so many 10« residing. . When | in their own mi up in the said _ that whatever was now in nprdod ;ith ak In e with euspicion. encouraging missions, they were only following the example set by our Iadlmmfl that age, met in "upper chamber." I’W"ï¬&ifll of the of the â€"principles! of theâ€" Church, and the life M'J-v-hl ite every part ; no matter happons the= Church in any country. Let there, for inâ€" stance, have been no resident clergyman at a certain place, when s mission was e rpro Orxkl as an instance of God‘s favour of mis sion efforts. He cited Germany as a case in point, although other creeds had enâ€" deavoured to gain a footing, the old o n es as & d:.nn-bcdm‘m had greatly increased, and was a time when the sons and dm(hmh-buusth‘ best efforts to keep her in all her wheu she was attacked from ‘within and without by her enemies. In is pressing his hearers the of aiding, :a-â€".« ddemâ€"wut in b“hb s Mï¬mn-"mï¬nlyh-&- h:{d-qu-M' mestic Mission Fund of tb.to se of Ontario, and it was gratifyâ€" 3 the‘e saime. Themitithee Imoned by the E v. Canon Jones and the Rev. Mr. Low., | N see so many looking upon Mission Work mï¬l‘rmï¬mfl.‘flï¬t > of the Church throughout the world. L boh.zï¬o(h-d.dcl exâ€" treomi and the body would cease to which might Sebt in thet ied that mission work would ever he figkh lnrough tns Top. â€" God has bleed Mw&n.ï¬&i“.‘h therefore, could not see how the times could be called "hard," or that they should'bophubdu:.“:-u liberally towards the object he was m(hbâ€d;hï¬uduh but that there was what, is & "tightness in the money market ;" but it may, after all, be an act of God, to remind days of depression come . concluded an address by askâ€" ing them to give towards the ‘fnnd;hmhnmhl. \i;ccmr-bym- ey could afford â€"â€" ‘The Rev. Mr. Low said there could not doa it nc o ien Poge U he of the in tho.B.‘r“ Isles to ‘The enlightened state of the Anglo Saxon rase in the present day, and he attributed that better ma.é:umm: uie tians. Boqnbda.-ldd“ of ‘the missions in heathen but itmnotï¬uuohimh‘ima their aid that evening. â€Bo“&dfl them to money . employed Qbmd,b:'h.o did‘usk them to render assistance to missions of their own diocese, and all the money collected would be spent in their midst. They wanted seyâ€" eral more churches, as there were localiâ€" ties where at present none and where they were hadly needed ; l&hthompnpï¬nnbm * ion, as more imoney was reâ€" aared, bomuss they bat propored as ;r.â€"u,‘ï¬mi'ï¬iifï¬ihlh&n-ln 0 their i Wait more monty mnch peue, beatied toer would have to send %“ ..,k“‘"‘::i"‘._."'i‘:&‘mu: year of the establishnfent of the, mission ::,M $3,000, last year :$9,000, this year they wanted He alluded to the day of Prayer ie on Soee o share io tae Afths did not know how he was to fill the vacanâ€" cies which then existed, which were nine in number:; in the next year, by the blessing of God,th-.-uli not be one c:h_npplkd. Since then there had no lack of applications made and now t coutd mt ue my) m wily notoey any one these fmeni"‘ He did‘ not think thore was a&mn-tï¬-vbd find it in his conscience to make such an the : the collected. i ron mdns en dmattien the mission fm the payment ‘of the clergymen, of whose stipends he & mq-‘t.. There were : % about be to mm es te se tees mimaimine Averemiedes & o:urch in tht’ dmnl‘ continue to .""'"_"â€"' at length upon the subâ€" fasys Mn on on vaons, rog upon that occasion. ‘There were now in grow as it had done lately. said that after what had fallen from the previous speakers, he should detain the Congregation but very few P m:ww!?ï¬@?m most of them were missions in the counties EeadEsottmeend o CE PR EP c onl e ced 1 twelve years the missionary clergy had been instrumental in building sixtyâ€"three new churches and fortyâ€"five new parson ages.â€" He had confirmed 13,000 persons mnpm‘-.d-u of them had been by the missionaries gul: Conpiaenn@n .. C000 agk a n-uhl-ï¬-.-nfllfl'lu- bebalf of the fund. »1 A collection was then made and the uflifl“hh‘lm mil UDUEUOW ANLET 4 4 P in business, and others in CISGPA® m-".*d' P s L4 cacttarel AARG PRICE 3 CENTS. He said it did him good to stich matters Care and His Lordâ€" . in aid of the of