tiom ) *T nnan ire Sauce. RKINX® ‘of Worcester, »BEERT LEE s A. GOUIN & CO,, LAND, d Countess of ASH. Market, lights for Saie, AST & OUD, Insoi vents. AS" WOUD, of the gs) Utiawa, On Â¥ oc ester" * Lea * Porrins, Woolens STREETS * .d any Labels or nv,dwm REAL ESTATE, , in the City @ quested w Ale e montb.~ * RLIDAY, at Two is publisheu vo wasie of Gas. > 1 > ) per cant iuring the or to use auy | ag th > word y colourabty \s73, a Porâ€" the . above procure to is Dsl «ciesâ€" ner wt MONDAY..... TV nsSA Y.... W & DX ESDA Y A BARE @MaNCE is now offered to any one cesirouâ€" of pnrchasing a beautitful pivate site for a genJ’emnn’- resiuence, uree and \ baif acres, oppesite Messrs. ddrinud & Mutchmor®, on Bink street Koad, 0 e mile from io« city limi‘s. Terms moderate, App‘y Cv ST ~RHKS, ottawa City 010L vate family, in a ce Lra Tiwks O:fee. SONGS of SCOTLAND se EWA HOURS AT HAME." Englard‘s Greatost Planiat, sesistel by the folâ€" lowing artists : â€"Miss A CELAIDE BANDALL the isvourite Mezz> S prano; M>, LnUlg MELBOURNE, Buitone, from Cart Rowa‘s English Opera Oompapy ; Â¥r. MA4E KE/RER, Viplinis:, from Titieas Concerts; HERR ER iPNT ~ZEMITENYI, Accom panyist. Webesra Chairs and Parquette; ONE DOLâ€" LAR. [no ertra charge for Reserved Serts) Balâ€" Ei tire charge of Programme each evâ€"ning. Admission, 35 et«. Front Seats, 50 ets, Otf w® Jan. 24 1876 4001f Orta ® m The Direetor has the honour to announce the oaly apppearance in this ci y of L ho che TIMEs Office Ottawa, South side of Rideau street, ne r Glouâ€" ceste~. â€" 8 [_)}l: ;. D. R. lA(‘Nf!Ll-. Cance.s cured without the use of the kni‘e, by a new but certain, speedy and aimost pa‘inâ€" less v.ocess.‘ References fiven by par‘ies sucâ€" ceasfully treated, if required. VOL. x., NO. 4055. May be ennsulted «t his Offlce, corner of O‘ Jonâ€" nor abd Albe is reels, 1 viet :4 TL © â€"__ 210L Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Licentiate of ths Royal College of Phys‘cians, E:inburghb; Fellow of the Obs:etrical Society of Lenson; late Resident Assista«t Accouâ€" eneur ~f S . Thomas Hospital, London, Eng. LWY A% HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND ACCOUCKEUE. Residenceâ€"Albort street. Office hours from 9 to 11L ».m. and 2 tonqdp.m< Special attention given to disea es a displacements of the uterus. 1754 _ OFFICKEâ€"Corner of O‘Connor and Queen streets, formerly oecupled by Dr. Corbett. _ __ _ PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND _ ACCOUCHEUR, OTTAWA, ONT. Day Offlceâ€"Sparks street, Ceutre Town. Night Orflceâ€"At his residence, Maria sircet, Centre Town. _ _ â€" â€" o Heatine of Public Buildings, Green Houses, Private Residences by high or lo# pressure, Bteam aad hot water a specialty. ZAY~ Pest of references given. se TAKE NOTICEâ€"Parcels ‘elivered in all parts of the city for Jive cents each OZFICEâ€"Rajotte‘s Biock, Weilington street. Three Nights Only, 8:&:- sâ€"oured at Gowan‘s, Stein . ay Planos e used by Arabella God r«rd Dr ors open at 7:13. . Concért at 8 o‘clock. Ottawa, Jan, 2. 1576. 405414 BEST COAL OIL T & ¢ 30. PER GALLON: Noari "U@NISIUED PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER, Cor. Wellington and Bank street, Ottawa. Ottawa, Janâ€" 18, 1876 THIS o FIGE Friday Evening, Jan, 2sth, I1%76, 30c. PER GALLON ! Argabella â€" Goddard, O NRD.â€"A Lidy ca ‘â€" Board. or roOmS w vOop ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A con: RABELLA GODDARD CONCERTS. GowaNS OPEBA HOUSK, Ottaws, Jan. 11, 1876. R. TUPPEK may ve consulted pro‘esâ€" ~jon«:.y it bis residence, Metcalfe ~treet, e forme:ly cecupted by the l:l(m.;".l Mitâ€" i 38lyl oaL OIL Hedical Cards. K. J. P. LYNS,. R. 0. . WoOOop, K. LOGAN, E. ROGFRS, JM. JOMHWNSTON, MERCHANT‘S ! A NTEDâ€" #looms 10 FREE OF CHARGE W AN‘3 HALL, SPARKS STREST ‘ANC1IES FOR BOARDERS, No. j tecocii@x‘. Terrace ("Comnor street ar NO )NAN‘3 RESTAURANT, :&a:‘u 1t L.E Tâ€"! wo Furvnisued Rcoms in private amily aboa.fve iminstes walk fr m mâ€"n. Buiditcgs; address BX _ 257, €lumbers, &tc. Con â€"nltations at ali bours C. 3. Shaw & Co., sESsION OF PARLIAMENTâ€"A wem u with bis wile aud cul‘d, «ho tiâ€"hdau~» at the fortLcoming Ses< Karl moct deres 490MS AND A muscments. UNDERTAKER, NICHOLAS STREET, OTTaAWA. Eve: usually found in a flntz‘::'hmbnxment can be obtained o# short notice. Re«idence over the Stote. Jan. 12. ‘76. «Q4dy 1 LNS. KeR@3, cornsr of Egin and +2 1004;f | S. ROGERS, private house. Apply to A.8.C , ; 208 1/ | ddlants. 1N THE MARKET KENNED Y‘S HOoUSE.â€"To Let a Fur» 1. a central locality ; apnly 4051 wl DoOWN To ean ne accomodated with w.thout board in a priâ€" ral locality, Address q 3 THW 22oiging. he ‘lome of Prrlia to H.. Trags OfMce. L. N. NYE 404351 RoOWS Jan. 81 Feb. 1 4046y1 TDt Junior Frevel and the Radiments of Drawâ€" ng are taught FRKh to ; upils, and tue use of gl‘: French ianguage compuisory in the Diaing om. i In retiring ftom the practice of my profession 1 have ieft with my former Assistin‘, Mr. i. F. COTM®, my Pians and> Kecords o Burveys in Utgawa aud vicinity, and have : uch pleasure in recommeuding im as my sucâ€" $&~ Oniers for Stamping and Embroidery punctually attended to. â€" Ottawe, jan, 45, 1876 : 4093y i Special arraugements for teaching (rgan Music, eic. bave been made hy t‘rofâ€"s or Fisher. the Dirgctor of ths Musical Consery to y of the College. â€" *._ _ Fur course of ®ualy aodexpenses see Aunu Catalogue, for Which appiy o J. DICKIE, PROVINCIAL LAND SURYEYOR AND DRAUGHTSâ€" MAN. Sucdessor to W. R. Thistle & Co. Office, as formerly, over Manu‘s Hardware Store, 889L Cessor l‘[ RS. VENN, Duke street Aud a Compiete Line of Groceries, bought at the best MarKelW, since the recent Fad of Prices, will s:ll at BVTTOM FIGURES: â€"Tn>Latest and Best NOV E8B Added as soon aa j ublisned | _ eR on t Mesulioce 1 invite a triil for my Teas n&d C. flzes, beâ€" lieving ghey wili giva eatire satisfaction. .J_O~ Remember the plice, | Teas, Coffees, JAMES JACKSON Join our Lending ‘Library, over 1000 YOLâ€" UM ES choige Literature. _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 â€" Come and look ove: it. Make your lelsure time profitable. N In the Returns Of Marriagey for the City of 4 a wa cletnimnn will pleasa, in all cases when praciicacle, under the head © Names of Parents," ‘nsert tre maiden n«mes of the Bride and Bridegropums‘ mot s W. P. LETT, _ The Brothers of Christian Schosls will apply ?z its next Sesal m of the Farliament of Canada or an Eriabling tham to hold property, and to sct as Te.ccers of Youia tnroughout the Dominio«. ALL PER3ONS, who may have in their voesession any & B 0 O K 8 Are requested to rélurn the same without delay. $ Belonging to the To the Public will SUSPENDEU from this date unt!l furthcr notJce. ALPaAEUS TODD, br:Jnn of I.lbru? 3f Pariianrent, Ottawa, January % 18 ‘ Library of Parliament, arc:m}su BABIN. %% | se« | The undersigned h&ve just opened their Rink on the Can l Basin. Wwhich is the lmt. sheet of ice ever encloged {n one rink, in city. Family Tickets fof Season....... ... ...$8. Ladies‘ Blng:eqno nu"g Genilem»n‘s Sin ;l¢ Ticksts.............. 800 Fiogle AdMIMANO®.. ... ... qsc 66e +4e n ++ ‘0 m’x‘likeu can be bad|at Orme & Son‘s, or at the nk. | | uf‘BADBUBY & MUNRQ. Ottawa. Jan. 17. 1 40‘6m 2 Ottawa, J an, 15 1876 _ & [ uW PRICES FOR CASH. Roots, Barks & Herbs, Alan. a supp‘y of TLLDEN‘3 CKLEBRATED EXTRACI‘J. at | H. F. MacCARTHY‘S, TERMS : Two cents perjday, with a deposit. PIC! * WaAITLE BROS.. Next Co. Rideau and Sussex»8t8, @ttawa, Jan,.26th, 1876, L g" 0viml Having just recelved a New s1d Frosh Ottawa, Jan. 26, 1876 MEDICAL HALL, Wellington street, 100 botties BU)U? COMPOUND ter besutifyâ€" log the compiexi0d. SAR taAPARILL 4 or _ BLOOD o'?C'MPOUND. the ouly sue remedy for rew oving all kinds or kin i iseases aqi giving healtit aod beauty t» the oolsp'exlon Otrawa. Jan. 4, @0 4052m3 O‘tawa, Jan. 27, 1876 Act of Incorporation, BROTHER ANDREW, For the lngt:lhmon. Ottawa, Jan 23, 1876. 405 uf Just received, m Sardin‘an, 950 Vols. of Miscellaneous French Books Com prising works lofail C‘asses of On sale, at Lo w P.1c»s by gortawa, Jan, 22,1876. _ _____ _ mAEW SEEDLING® POTATO in a en SKATING RINK, Beedudog from Paterson‘s xflvnd vie: ar Queen Potato ; in shape habit very. similar ; of a rich cream colour with pink eyes ‘ fl -eeuuxJ uu;y. omublo| for fleld or ufl}-fn oug; vatiqn; bheayy regular cropper i cquu“b'd’ but caanot be curpnno’d; 31'-.- Briah Dh« narowL: 18+. 64. per bushel; of Ottawa, Jan. 17, )& _ Price, r owb ; 131. 64. per DUsNG! ts Sa e t Tos. é\g»mo‘-v ®, ;4:--mm-ni oï¬ï¬‚'.'.'.:{: En‘! ParfecION. 10f mu.'!-. Paterson‘s nh‘rfi Perfecilon, i0 foreing, per peok of 14 Ibs. . ___ _ _ TTAWA LADIEs: COLLEGE. AT@MMW&!AQMM‘ FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISH MENT. 3rd TERM COMMENCE3 FEB‘Y ind rumour, &c. AppMy HBRISTIAN: BROTHERS. THENTION. EBTHUR F. COTTON, 816 & sl1s2 WALLINGTON ST REET, OTiAW A. OTICE. The Loan of Books UST RECEIVED, | . ' An imm enise supply of fresh TTAWA AREIAGES, 1876. o 10 _ ~Â¥#. 60. per copy, And subscribers are waoted for the Secon« art, which will contain the ll.u&l‘nont & onitry, Pigeons and B.:a“uu ture 0 mots, ‘Calendar of Ho imare, Page 9 u100 Paterson‘s National Benefit Ottawa, Jan. 13, 1876 French Literature, Princess Oof Lorne, Wines, °S SYRUP OF RED sSPBVUCOE GU{ f Oamq Joids, Hoarsoness, LOss rone ‘and Throat Affection. Pri0® Wartsos & 0. s‘-._,..‘.‘"...â€"s..ze::‘.' a, Moattgal, Lcade ‘« recare. 4 P. NAUGKHTEN, + 178 Rideau strest Jan. 22, 1876. 4061y1 Spices, XAA M&s. ROGER, FATERS8ON‘3 W.R. ToISTLE & CO Syrups, and Liqours FRENCH BOOK 33 Union street, of Parliament. aRL C C City Clerk 40021% Chaudier Barsor 400 w2 405 41 HUCK®LLâ€"On Tuesiay evening, at 10 p. M., Benjamia Hucte\}, junior., azed 38 years and four months Friends and ro‘atives are requested to attend his fuuetal without further notice, from his late residence on William itreet, cn Friday, 2th Inst,, at 20 cfock, p m. C UBH tune ELL AUd tori: TH 20, 5 By appointmnt. Chemist and Apothecary to His Excetiency the Governor General. CAMILLA â€" URSO, Assisted by he followi ;gi\r;ht 4 Mrs. Louisa Olivor.jS>prono; Miss Clara Poole, Co_oa to; Mr. .i ©. Bartlett, Tenor; Mr. Gaston Gotischiaiky Barltoue; Mr. August Saurct, Planiys. Ore® gstra C cony 75e :; G tox, Jan Mr. FREDERL: LU Ir Daors onen at 7 THE BEST‘LY USEâ€"GIVE IT A TRIAL For sale at all Firstâ€"class Grocers. Whoesale Agonts for Eastorn Ontaric, AGENTS WANTEDâ€"BIG INDUCEMENTA OFFERED. â€" NMMILLLA N @0 CLOUD CLEANSINE POWOER, Sole Agents for Ontari>. w‘T. GEORGE‘sS SOCIETY AT 9 OCLOCK, ON [ THURSDAY‘ Evening, 10th FEBRUARY GOVERNOR GENERAL Tha M Ot Drawing Room lnlhle‘SenAale Chamber the ¢quere. © Sevalo:s and their wives and ‘daughters, and the Judges of the Suâ€"reme Court and their wives and dauchters, &ve requested to enter at the senators Entrance to tae Senate. Members of the House of Commons and and their wives and uauzhterl‘}m requested to enter on the wes side of the Tower. Ledes and genliemen (Other . tian those above imentione«), are reqa~sted to euter at at the door where Re : Liz ats are shown. His Exceiioncy wili enier the Senate Chamâ€" beraiÂ¥o‘ciock, aud the Drawing Room will commence. ‘The Ministers, Senators and Members of the House of ommous, with their wives : and daughters, wili bo presented first, than the ladies and gentlemen in attardance. T I in it ol marcie c otocts musds Eastern Prosbyterian Church. New Advertisements. 1100 0d oiolt bintii®eabtvd endhe araner o Ladies and gentiemon are to ve in Full Dress, and to provide themselves with two eards, with their names and aidress, legibly wrwca. one to be given at the entrance o the Senate Chamber, and one to tue A.D,", in waiting. F. ROWAN H& MILTON, _ be {NAROLINA." SATURDAY EYEN:NG, Feb. 5th. Consigned :Q\".\".',- GRaixp oPERA HOUSE. Ottawa, Jan Lies here unsJalin od POLAK BROQS. & CO., Costum =r, Of Boston, represented by" MR. BAIRD, wi i be ay Roour N'».%Bu-ullxonn ons aFUR»AY, #21d4, MONDAY, 2th, and TUESDAY, 25L tust, _ 5 M McMillan & Arless, FANCY DRESS BALL. iE No oe on en e en detet MR. BAlKU is na ouly prevared to sell, but w.il gladly lease, for m.*‘nuoy Dress Ball, aoy Costumes, for ladies or gontlemen, no malter how rare Of @xp@usiva _ _ _______|____ / Jiraa wehie B4 imtieutaVe it poracand aperinrens :::Nfirlt Ladvice to laiies afow days prior to Uitawa, Jan. 21, 186. WNSOLVENT A0F OF 1875. e celcori(d Clâ€"=s‘mil Violiniste, respect . ju !y anncunces ons GRAND CoNCERC, Sleighs will enter Parliament ganv,su by the astern <nt>n=>, and re uin by ng round ies UeaBrouiâ€"e) $4F 20§0en MAYW" A G@ C M ‘ A meeliag o‘ th» [nsolvents‘ Oredi tors m be heid «\ th: 0 Jice la ely occupied V."o‘&s: solveats. A$ the Tow oloah.v&on J pAY, the Twenty sixth day of January, 18(6 at the hour of ‘klevsh o‘cloc« in the nnma to consider an offor fnade for the pU the estate en bloc and also to transact &UY "at business which maf legally be~ such me»ting, . â€" AbsSNBRREAIOY 9T 0.; sYOW FLAKE BAKINE POWDER, Ottawa, Jan, 27, 176 THENTION Pandiomeat EORGE MORTIMER, LUYIMER‘S 1HEIR EXCOELLECIES gated at Oshawa this 6tn day of Jaduarty, 1873 REGULATIONS FOR THE DRAWING ROoOM A L J an, 24, 1976 The Countess of Dufl‘"erin .A vnuul Social of the Daly street Presbyâ€" i Ch:wob, tikes piace this RSDAY EVENING AT T30 O‘CLOCK. ONEâ€"QUARTER CASK OF WINE, ADDRESSED OVERNOR GENERAL‘® tbeatead Cho ers Mixtar "OTrA W A," a ««A £ qeutich K: oo e mc . STREET the Cit« (Clergymen will be er «ppropriace add essas io Cr30. shors. Jennie Kimball, FROM OPORAO0 the O*e~ of Shippors Lt T AND DRUGGIST, MAD 1 ME 870. in b>jorderet at 94% _ an Ii.rquelh $1.00 ; Balâ€" ‘, 506 l DIED. 9 ELGIN STREET, 1876 e‘above Society, are resâ€" maitend a meetine t» be ‘1, oa FRIDAY, #8th Inst., purpose of attending the \iâ€". BSNJAMIN HUCKâ€" v:irds of the Society, RALPH COUK, Becretry. se or foar Memners of tind comforta»le accomâ€" most Bourd. by appying {opposite Fropch catheâ€" * 40554f THE T. & F. ROBS & CO., Axents, 40523 ARLESS, L s on Monjay mornâ€" sparks street. _____ w. F. COWAN A.D.v. in Wait ng. duSSG t, and the Royal uzh Emuison Concert at 8 oTTawa. 40%5yi Director 4056 m 2 4055+d OTTAWA. TiLUkRSDAY, JANU \RY <27, 1876. The Emperor of Austria formally apâ€" proved of the appointment of Monsiegnor Kutchler to the Archbishopric of Viemna on the 12th inst. . The Royalists in Spain have carried several important positions, and are now encamped on‘ ground taken from the Carlists. The work on sections 9 and 10 of the enlargement of the Lachine .Canal will commence next week. The sécond reading of the bill, giving women the right to vote in Municipal Elediions, was lost last night in the Onta: rio Legislature by a vote of 32 for and 33 against the measure. f ‘t is thought beyond doubt now that â€" thie ruture to the Direct Cable‘ winch t~o% place the other, day, Was ing that of dragging anchors. ©aised by violent means in a depth exceed The House at Washington have passed the Centennial Appropriation Bill. The United Empire Club will be openâ€" ed in Toromto to night by a grand banquet. ‘The new club bhas a memberehip roll of six hundred names. Hon. Mr. Currie, seconded by. Mr. O‘Donoghue, moved the second reading of the Bill io sabolish Grand Jurles in Ohtario,tlast night, in the Ontario Legislaâ€" ture. The bill was declared lost without & division. The International Postal Congress has agreed to admit British India and the French Colonies into the Postal Union,. The Arnprior Curlmg Club scored 120 points yesterday in the competion for the Governor @eneral‘s medal, * An attempt has been mzde to assassiâ€" nmate, in Athens, the Minister of the Interior. The would be murderer was arrested. It is said that Earl Carnarvon advises the Queen that the clause in the Dominion Bill, creating a Supreme Court in Canada, which debars an appeal to the Privy Council of England, must be repealed. A man named William Johnston, a quarryman, met with his death in an awfualâ€" ly sudden manner while walking on the track of the Canada Central Railroad yesterday shortly after noon. Tkough observed by the driver of an approaching train, who sounded the danger whistle, and reversed steam, ‘he made no attempt to escape and did not seem to have ever heard the warning. Ho was caught by the cow catcher, thrown back on the engine, where he was found, on the train being stopped, quite dead. The inquest showed that he was gober at the time. Io.\'nou,o}hniflï¬)}-'l‘hc London corresâ€" pondent e Manchester Guardi says Earl Carnaryon, Secretary of t{: Colonial Department, advises the Queen that the clause of the Dominion Parliaâ€" ment‘s Bill, creating a Supreme Court of the Dominion, which debars an appeal to TELEGRAPHIC. Viexxa, Jan, 26.â€"The Austrian Forei Office recently intimated to Mr. Orth, tEe‘ American Minister, in a confidential manner, its desire to have a copy of Seoâ€" retary Fish‘s note to Mr. Cushing. . Mr. Orth telegraphed the fact to Washington and asked for instructions. The Ameriâ€" can Government declined to allow a copy to be given. . It is rumoured that another note on the Cuban question is impending. Count Andrassy‘s Note. > The presentation of Count Andnu"'l proponf- to the Sultan is‘ fixed for the beginning of February. Their acceptance by i1« Port is considered certain. Racusa, Jan. 26.â€"The Times Constanâ€" tingple correspondent writes that he has beenpositively assured that the Sultan owns £8,000,000 in Turkish debt and that he has exacted full payment of his diviâ€" dend, refusing half coupons paid to other creditors. * | A Sortie. Thirtyâ€"five hundred of the Garrison o f Trebinje recently made a sortie to obâ€" tain supplies from Zarnina The insur: gtox:motthem at Duzi and drove them The capitulation of Trebinje is imminent owing to lack of provisions. Insurgent Proclamation: Loxnox, Jan. 26â€"The Pall Mall Gaâ€" zette‘s Berlin telegram says the Insurgent leaders in Hersegoving have issued a proclamation declaring that the Austrian programme is unacceptable though .“tE ported by the Powers, and odlmg upon friends of liberty to answer it with ‘a conâ€" tinuance of war and by a stouter resist .The Kreuz Zeitung declares it has reâ€" ceived from well informed quarters in Vienna that a decided denial of the res ports of Austrian military operations in view of evembualities in Nurkey. l Faus Mopestr.â€"For people to allow diamy â€" to become seated upon themrather »»ngult a physician, or to suffer as wyiy doâ€"for years with the different kinds of piles, without gJing at once to the druy giat lor wowie‘s Pile aad Humor Cure | whichie an infallible gare. 4129 The Morning Kcho says that intelligence was received yesterday from Col. Gordon, dated at Duée, stating that he was safe and well. The surzeon of the expedition white man remaining. . He had just reached the rapids, which he feared J.n‘ impassable ; if so, further exploration of th;lN ile in a steamer would be inipractiâ€" cable. Poial Giegrm has spond wadens Bn, to aduai s tish India and the French Colonies into the postal union. The question ofâ€"ad: mitting other colonies is reserved until the next Cm{reu. The time of the meating of which will _be appointed toâ€" morrow. AtHBNS, Jan. 26.â€"A Government emâ€" bezzler was arrested ‘(ys:-torda_y wl.ago attempting to assassinite tao Minister . of the Interior, while on his‘ way to the Chamber of b.p-uu. k $Sunmavry of Acws Supreme ( our( of the Dominion. Privy Council of England must be Denial of Military Oporations. died, and Col. Gordon was the only FOR EIG N. Explorig Expedition Astempicd Assessina tion. GEEAQT ®iTHIN. The Caban Note. Turkish Debt. SWITZERNAN D. Postal Cougress GBEIMA NY AUSTRILA. TURKEY. EGYPT CGREFCOE. c con Sannks i6 s sike wih 4o that the Senate in no case will contain a purely ministerial majority by the sup» port of four antiâ€"Republican group, inâ€" cluding irreconcilable Bonapartists, and TVltra Iaglï¬minh, or by & union of mod» erate Left with Ministerialists. Buffet must renounce the least coâ€"operation from mt:ii:nt: I&:ï¬. The Iaon&yl.l:xld F inciden laced n impassible b:rr:lyor between the ?Aï¬ Cenire and him. Buffet then can only govern with four | groups of the Right. He nnxntdy| ushes the Moderate Left towards the ‘ g.sdicnl Left and himself becomes a prisoner of Bonapartists of all shades, beâ€" ing forced at the same time, to reckon on the support of the: Legitimists. ‘Such a combinstion would be a signal for most > dissstrous ; complications. _ Tt ioy, liberal, modera . ï¬ï¬ v‘ol? and ition fl given | hes, This is only possiâ€" ble with . the Left: ~Cenire. ‘Hapâ€" ily the good sense and honest ideas of gmida’n‘l:g(uhu will suffice to reâ€"> assure } and â€"weâ€" may be certain that fext session will open under m Cabinét realizing the promise of Lille and summohing around it the the moderate Hypolite "D‘Astard, ~the statesman, is dead. â€"He was born in 1798. j Qfln' & A fire broke out in the new Inlerna tional ‘ Railway Btation . at Boulogne last night.‘ At the last accounts the: flames San Sepastla®, Jan. 26.â€"The Royalists have carried several imlpox tant positions between Hernam and Irua, and are now tl;pcunpedonth. groun i won from Carâ€" ists. were spreading, and the buil:li t.hmunm total destruct‘on, Spanish ‘Insurrection A despatch from [Irun says Alfonso‘s troops are making simuitaneous attacks :Fon the Carlist positions in the Provinces Alava, Biscay, and Guipusooa. Carlist Defeats. Sax. SepastIan;, ‘Jan. 26.â€"Gen, Quesa da‘s division has carried several importâ€" ant Carlist positions between Hernania and Lasorte, and occupied Antonia with the right wing resting on Urumes. A division of Catolan troops is m the Left, with the object reac Archuilegui. It has occupied the ‘heights commanding the road between Oyarsum and Anigngm Gen. Moriones has returned to San Bebastian after visiting the line of battle at Rentoria. Gen. Mprale‘s division is acting as a réserve, and thretegs Arâ€" atzin. ‘ Dispatches have been received in Lonâ€" don announcing the death of the Carlist General Elio. > . Mavai, Jan. 26.â€"The Cronista believes that the Cortes will approve of the clause in the constitution establishing religious toleration. is § 5 5) Latest advices from Berlin reports that the battle continues toâ€"day between Areâ€" chulegui and Santiago Mendi. . Intelliâ€" gence has been received from the passages that the Carlists in force ooowï¬ou North of Auodian. An Al force has landed at Guateria. .A ~despatch dated Hendaye and received in Paris claims that the ‘Carlists have been deâ€" Trov, Jan. 26.â€"A man nopE::i off the down track, near the Iron Wor esterâ€" day, to await the New York ixpn- $rain, and was run over andâ€"k:!led by the Troy and Albany local train. Tae remains have not yet been identified. Trades Assembly Ausaxy, Jan. 26.â€"The Wa-hnm‘ Trades‘ Assembly met here toâ€"day. are present representatives of bricklayers, painters, printers, stove mounters, iron â€"moulders, beaters and rollers, carpenters, pattern workers, tailors, packing . box makers, machinists, : blacksmiths, cigar makers, puddlers and labourers. Seventyâ€" six reports were all of one tenor, that trade in all Hnndi- throughout: the State was unusually dull. â€" A bill was preâ€" sented for consideration, the Le lature to establish a bureau of labour statistios. It was also resolved io petition ;;nroï¬:o;pw' riment of men on public works in New York, Albany and other cities, whose monies for that purpose have been appropriated and are lying idle, Loxnox, Jan. 26.â€"The London Time# Getsa â€" . C Mlthor® Tark ul de lc dls. number on guard, six proceeded to the bank and attempted to break into the vault, but the door .and lock were to strong for them and they had to leave without mowliahing their purpose. The cashier Whittlesey, was robbed of his wwb and what money he had at s There is "{fl:"f:b}:.“ the gang had beon planning some time, making tll)uir hudm'uu in the attic of one of the town school houses, The Winslow Forgory. Bol‘f'flln,dJln. 26â€"It is positivaly stated that Winslow, forger, .isshed| large quantitiés of 'ï¬o%‘tioul stook. . The stock of the Boston Post oomfbn{‘;-u collaâ€" teral paper, ‘will probably nothing. Some of Winslows‘ operations are now traced to L W. Pond, of Worcester, and Te paper with the name of both men on it \have been brought to liflt. K. F. s name is said to on for 81 worth of p.gor, and _ that of Danid Chamberiain on for $60,000 worth. Deputy Chief Hall went to New York m‘w in search of Winslow, but the i is considered beyond arrest. Revival Meetings. 1. Lovis, Jan. 26,â€"The revival meet which were arrauged for the Evanâ€" Pipi Aazonat s ces aarnaey were n by Whitle lnnd mr "'“‘i“’m“ Aboi:t 2,500 people were presen great inâ€" terest was manifested. Sax Eraxo1s00, Jan. 26.â€"The funeral of Mr. B. P. Avery, late Minist=r to Ching took place this afternoon from the Uni« tarian Church. Dr. Stebbins. Pastor, deâ€" livered a eulogy on the decsased, and a ~ Puiravsuraia, Jan. 26.â€"The Coal Ex fl yesterday decided to work the from February 5th till March 11th, ‘at prosent wages, ~+Contennial Appropriation ‘Passed â€" Wasurxerox, Jan. 26.â€"The house y8#° terday, by a vote of 146 yeas t> 13 n2Y8 ; terday, by a vote of 146 yeas *> 13 nays, , C00ied down below zero, and they : M&w&mfl'u«.muï¬p& A M L i; [ CA N. Coutinuance of the Battile Death of a Boyalist Victories. Railway Accident. NASSACHUSETIS. Sank: Robbery. PENNAYLYVANIA NEW YORK. FRANCE WASHILNGTON. CALIFORSIA. SPALN. MISSOURL Coal Mincs |_CO M M ERCIA L. \/\, . New, York Stock! Market. Montrrar, Jarc, 26.â€"Stocks firm and some realizing sales. Transactions wereâ€" Gas, 137} to 138; Merchants‘, 934 to 934 ; Met , 624 to 634 ; Montreal, 13%5 to 183}; ï¬m 'rohé.&.,mï¬so; Commerce, 1184 to "85& Royal fian Insurance Company, 934 to 94 ; Passenger Railroad Company, 172 to 172 Lurzrroou, Jan. 26, 12:30 p.m.â€"Cotton 31::» andonndl 5.11 6d' middling uplands, 6§d; eans, h _3 p.m.â€"Bacon, 52s for short clear mid» 3 p.m,.â€"Consolsâ€"94 316. Theamount of bullion withdrawn from the Bank of States Bondsâ€"67‘s, 1094 ; new fives, 105}. Consolsâ€"94 11â€"16 for money, and 94 ohs _ Kew Your, Jan. 26. â€"Pacific Mail, 7 ; {iomn Unim'l‘da?ph.'n 1â€"8 ; Ameriâ€" ean Express, 581 ; Northwestern, 414 ; do preferred, 59% ; Rock Island, 108 ; 8t. g’r:nl,siih dg;puhrud. 184 ; lru: Tiiew, tat? fake Shick. "oet. m 4 Wh Contral 110° Olie und Missiniy. C Jan. 26. â€"Hogs â€" i Ho, . 123 hn â€" havipte New : York, Jan. 26.â€"Money closed easy, at 4 to 5 per cent. Sterling quiet, easy, at 4 to 0 cent. Steri 1 T. 4554 to 489. Goid apengll and ‘slosed at 112%,. â€"Governments m:hbbamh quidt ; railionds 4 tirm and higher, .. with St. m western, Ohio and Erie as leading feaâ€" tures. 1t is reported that negotiations are on foot for the withdrawal of the Occiâ€" dental & Oriental Steamship Co‘s lins from San Francisco to China, in favour of the Pacific Mail, under an arrangement with that Company and the Pacific Rail« Nsw York, Jan. 26.â€"Cotton steady, 130 for middling uplands, Flour steady and in moderate request, without decided change â€" in the jprices; receipts, i‘2,000 h:l:l; ;_:I‘u, 14,000 hm‘t ye Flour dull and unchanged ; receip 3 2s aotkes en ae u i 4 t, bushels ; sales, 40&&) bm at ‘{‘0’7, wlO.hNoa(hhng;'l,mbl 15 for No3 Milwaukee; $1 22 to 1 25 for No. 2 Chicago; $1 %4 ‘to 1 25 for No 2 Milâ€" waukee; $1 33 to 1 40 for Nolߠ$1 18 to 1 38 for winter red western ; $1 21. to 1 45 for do amber: western; $1 :36 to :1 55 for white western. ~Rye.quist Inquity nooiph. 3 ‘bushels nln,1 inquiry ; $ . 41,000 bushels, ut 4us io. dop Je mew ;:cfltemgod; T0 to Tle for d:'â€id:.) 6 erate m 4 ‘ busheh u-,&,mubgi Iniinde® «ons se mesibe ‘at 450 to 466 for mixed‘ western g::a 466 to 52c hrwhihndl.."u no-’.flad firm ; sales 300 tierces, at 12 11â€"160 to12%e for steam ; 13¢ for kettle rdered. â€" Butter, 206 to 310 for State and Pennsylvania. Cheese, 60 to 12jc Crude, 8 1â€"8e ; refined. 1440 to 14 1=86. i';m' eak ; N ';“Qnus P ring, j 8 38 1‘32 f:r go't ato'lfobmary lm March ; $1 05 for May ; No.li&ynh to 83¢c ; rejected, 65¢c. Corn dull andlower ; i es on m on tor Feiiin rrmeee fie o tike * Unie steady and firm ; No 2, 31}c bid for spot ;l 1â€"86 for Fob'runrf *oulq dnlln‘ lgwor,at?%ota-lg:; 76e ï¬l‘oil:uq. demagd and fall privcsy salee 6t $5 10 to 8 35. Pork in good demand, at lower uatas .‘ ealas at.210 IN ta 10 O4 far anot rates ; sales at$19 20 to 19 25 for spot. Iard dull and lower, at $12 for spot. Bulk shoulders, 7}¢ ; â€"short ribmiddles, 10%¢ ; tooct citee latjatee Wike wxï¬ dull, at, 1...06. Receiptsâ€"Flour, 3 W. j ley, 21,000 bushels;. rye,, 250 bushels. m.{anmu_m 8,000 barrels ; wheat 19,000 bushels; corn, 59,000 bushels; oats, 9,000 bushels ; barley, 7,000 bushels. Aufla-noon.mlla( ‘d, wheat firmer, at 080. jor . F. ; 9846c for March, Corn firmer, at 0 for January ; 42%e for February. . Oats unchanged. .. Pork firm, and 24c higher,. . lard unchanged. ThoOddFolkn"ne_md's;:dm ball took place in the new Hall ‘on‘ Wednesday evening, the 26th. It was a vo;’ynooeufnlaw. artiés who crossed the ics to Ogdens= burg last Monday, clainm that they found the ise to bogmqmaukhmah-‘ The Citlzens‘ Ball, to be held in the new Town Hall, has been fixed: for the 15th of: February, instead of the date at first pro nving ol fiok in order 10 prastice for utting thei in to £&wï¬ohiltooabfllhcdyvifll 2fde|ub’ur¢. ‘The anuual medal presentâ€" by the Grand National Curling Club of America~isto © be played for on the 06â€" on balance was £11,000, mpouoloum, lflm 498. 4:30 p.m.â€"Consolsâ€"94 116. Erie, 16. casion. Lendon Market. Loxbox, Jan. 2%6, 12:30 p.m.â€"United Mr. A. C. Burgess, news agent on the C. C. R. has erected and started an eating room in the railway station at the Junce* tion. "% Six pcrsons were baptized. in the Bapâ€" tint Chpl:roh by the Revy. Mr, Walker, on Sunday evening last. . The church was crowded to excess, many having to depart wlmdnln(m Bm’phn# nmhuh? rented to Messrs. L m:fl & Rorison, of this place. As both of these .. Ewo young. last week quarrelled bâ€"taw-:i-in Almonte. . Nothing mw::ldl t:.ppnn&.wnï¬dth ies to mr‘ g:.uul n-::.lz q.au.’u-uuau!mn..-m Te l Ae hedamy rmanie ‘ to face their irsty proclivities cooled down below zero, and they resolved Chicago Produce Market. " ;."'6&'. Incredible as it may seem io: Stoteas asceped uninjared it me slight exception of a Chicage Live Stock Market. New York Produce Market. ; Panamas, 135 ; Wabash, 6 ; Uunion New York Money Market. From the Car‘eton Piace Heral4 From the Prescott Telegrapb. Liverpool Market. Lord Du _ rin‘s Medal. Aunu-,hn.&â€"-’l‘bmpï¬cou]. ing Club played for His Excellency‘s gold modd‘od.y,_qflmdel%yoinh." Market Produce. Special to TAE TLME3. Moxtrzar, Jan. 26.â€"The Chambly and Hochelaga County local contested eleo tion cases which were called today were pqwgpmdï¬lltbos@ofl'ohruq. ork commencesnext week on seo tions 9 and 10 of the Lachine Canal Enlargement. ‘The contractors having arrived are making preparations. Thoc:;w railway employees mï¬hr to work 18 hours per day for lone . 4 \ The last suow bas rouch im proved the roads and farmers are mbn?n‘ in large quantities of produce. and oats are very cheap. mh anhmohryohoutd-iq-l cheese owing to recent failures it. A farmer who refused 100 mnd form large quantity last NIL. it over and cannot get more than five cents Trustees shows that 2,439 ~vessels freâ€" ?nnhd the harbour du:ing the season of 875. The mougu were #$11,728, and u_mdltumm 1. . Directors of the Mechanics Instiâ€" tute have been authorized to repurchase any amount not exceeding $30,000. Government ask $40,000. ‘oA large quantity of bread was ‘seized James Bennett, of this city, who won the secend prize at the billiardâ€"tournaâ€" MP-.&_"-!N_W-M'*Q*_ bourg, to play for the chiampionship medal which he then won. The sontest, accordâ€" ing to the terms of the modal championâ€" fl,“ come off within 1 id will take place in Cobourg :â€"â€w-w-'ww bring down their Railway Bill to morrow. Rmflnflhmbï¬udthoflm the lobbies have been filled with railwayâ€" men, and no subject heretofore has underâ€" gone soâ€" much attempted .wireâ€"pulling. The> United : Empire Club, being comâ€" pleted, it monout?fc i-qootn:“:y the ladies toâ€"day,and a large number ?:ï¬'ilidhth-dv-d the oppanni.;y‘ ‘dinner, atâ€"which Sir John Macdonald will ___|._‘ Freight Car io'rï¬â€œi'q."â€"'"' a ‘County Oonl;i havs elected I.r._gn_-u preside.: The Club has close upon 600 uhm‘:‘awï¬m Society, held toâ€"night, it was decided to PCDRCEE UoCI000 1J hold an exhibition in the fall, similar to wad County Gosnaie. Opon which Somiet $10,000. wili again be affered a‘..'.d'.."’ Armstrong, Reeve of Dorchester, Warden. . _. A telegram received from St. f muutlo“hdbfm y, R. C. Priest, who has been ill for somezmonths. Aubbuydcdnfl%« car a night or two since was fr1 the discovery of the thieves in the act of dropped the plunder and made . There were sixteen applications. C â€"Three inches of sttiow fell yesierday, and Berrzvicus, Jan. 26.â€"The assessors 16ih. appointed by the Town Counell lant The Belleville Curling Club played scors was . F.C. Ridiey m&omdmfld’wh the highest score made in the match, namely, 19 shots. z home from Pnnaï¬g walking on _ the hu:-kouho&.klo.} way, whalt he was taken suddenly by a ft and fell on thbuk,udwumsflow'::hodo( the way of the express train, which was in Prescort, Jun. 26.â€"About 12:45 yesterâ€" ‘day an old man named Fish was returnâ€" sight, â€" As the train drew near the i neer observed something on the '3. and at once reversed his engine, and ouly Mhnmgmewnmm feet from Mr. who was at onge 1eâ€" moved to his house. W in-â€â€"-'!humul“a dfl::mh-l of the local division Windsor in conuection with the Dominion of Canada Civil Service Mutual Benefit wInDpsoR. COivil Service Mutunl Benefit Associnâ€" The report of the Toronio Harbour evening. ‘The following local ‘board of management was elected for the current mâ€"-c.r.m., Collector of Inland ue, ‘Chairman ; Wm. Benson, Colâ€" lector of Customs, Viceâ€"Chairman, and H. Secretaryâ€"Treasurer. ‘The members of this local division are thirtyâ€"one in numâ€" ber. ‘The prosperity of the Association lio Works, Agriculture and Immigration iFremity in ho Opeok semy ies tinc. Treasurer; R. G.~ Angers, i’:.a, nesu, M.P.P., 'Qa_'(h-m b-d- sioner Crown J.~A. m M.P.P., Terrebonne, Provincial Solichor Genenl 7 2 â€" J. Bom: 4.40, "r"u"':.m" umds bike tion lâ€"-M-’ thOmnum-s all the new Ministers Quebes states that the gentle» -nh.bumihmg now were in the previous G C A N A D I 4 N. hests member has been canvassed over Now Changes in the Cabinct. Elections â€"Lachins Canalâ€" BELLEVILLE, ARNP? IR. MONRNTEEAL. A Narrow Eseape. iPRESCOTT. TOROoWTE was held here on LONDoOn. QVEBCC. in the interest of esb it in the most hearty t are expected to w MIEO'D: us, from over laws be not changed . â€" * Fomroxto, Jan. 26.â€"The Sreirer took the chair at 3:15 pm. In answer to Mr. Dawsox, Hon. Mr. Mowar uu:ldu as yet.the m: Algoma had not QOPIIIM enough wmtuiw‘flnr“ï¬- of that Distr‘ct on the fioor of the House. He said that every membér of the House would see that justice was done to Al~ Mr. Dzacox, prefaced by a moved in effect Mwhanm located on free grants, licenses to make timber be not renewed. Hon. t?m-flï¬u;ï¬h‘ member for Renfrew was that the ofhunn-m b}pï¬f.hï¬:‘w‘.h Lands, forgot as a sequel that it would also flw&md an immense yearly revenue. He (Mr. Pardee) held that when the Province gave, as a free grant, 200 mares to every i i e i aoink L c . y EB CC 7 1 mm-: xi."s??;:mwu' to the pine andthereby realizing !-f:"!'eï¬?wï¬-w B-w_-z 'n“-umrflm‘ assumedly zohon.-n-b.rb orth Renfrew were incorrect, and held that the of such a course, as that would h&uï¬-wfl take up large for settiement, but really for the purpose of making the timber. â€" Messrs. Szxrox and Hax npoke against Mr, Gipsox in a facetious speech smid. that it was strange how circumstances snmetimes alter cases. Before the Christâ€" Tottiors in “Bmhm‘:.fl&:l M;um.mu mt the champion of similar parties, but it is . from other motives than those set forth.‘ being six o‘clock, the House rose. the resolution. The Epanrant Sb toutniev ol ie Whole on several private bills which reported and advanced a stage. | ABOLITION OF GRAXD JURIHS, The Sraitue having the Mr. O‘Doxcoxvs moved » ing of the Bill to .blhw in the Province of Ontario. ; Mr. Marzsorre thought it was not comâ€" i rtant is sine gude myors m l ag ..,'",_,gm 2?‘&'.’3-"& ern + . e n e ie h. aroler rthate i Jong cpprtti ie favour. support of his views why, the measure should ‘ I.Ogaunnlzln sgition ‘taken by his hon. from ' land in bringing such an .arbitrary > ï¬"“"’u&.ï¬ï¬ q-d';na..m-muu c A eoiming Aimadit me nc\ A the bill. ® ‘The bill was declared lost without n On the second of the. Am enable women to vote at tions aud on the byâ€"laws assent of the electors, a place . with:: the following :results : ~Yons, Ohy Haxruro®, Jan. 26.â€"At the © of the City Council last mm_' s esn en n dn were ï¬nudï¬o&ghfl& ern with view of giving emâ€" fpn Ammamaaimant » 16 and the city by June. & i a _ At the Court of Assizetoâ€"day Mary Ann in ~ doors sitions wore poeeqetoa iieni mt tried at the last A-h-m ihm ï¬mdnm,mum could ~not agree, was put upon her 'â€"ea:u‘za.mho.uuluwu opened on February 20th. e j migpaad only thirty dh. * A. Lakkin‘s Mex‘s {German Felt Slippers now EKRiDp THIS 1 wionk.â€"Five to thirty dropé M’M(fl&lm Bore Throat. It never in It will cure a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"fc to fortyâ€"eight . hours.. One 9“ hae flm mwmu h;' five years, As an outward appiio@hHou in mll oases of pain or laments, like it has ever been known. One will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Back. For diseases of the Spine and Contraction of the Muscles it is unequaled. Frig im caige vie mg ie se it td (7or Snd w Amnd&onrd a Burn in‘ three minutes, and is altogether the best and en t on o S esc A nhos.yn,uhh; mm been completely and hv? s used half oluc ‘This 1 ocms insy fWromicge To T. maie ‘Thomas‘ Eolectric Oil cured me of Bronâ€" chitis in one week." Denlers all over the m‘flohmd‘O“ cine such *. ufl-uï¬g’m A Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, ONTARIO so little to do you good. It is bur ote.. ts wort is weight in . gold m buy it toâ€"day ?«â€"A. B. Des keville, ‘;'0-. writes :â€"* Thirtoon yoars 3e & K. N.YÂ¥. And NontHnoPdEY, :f_fld_"wâ€"n Ont, Sole Agenis for the ‘The bill was declared lost without s MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE, i In moving ‘the second reading of the ‘The House adjourned at 11 o‘olgol, PRICE 3 CENTS. ille, P,0., writes:â€"*Thirteon I was seized by a sovere att It has restored the voice where the DISTRIOT OF ALGO0MA. FREE GRANT LAKND8. MAMILTON. H. & N. W. Bailwn yâ€"Asâ€" of