L. P. LAMEL, Post y kqition) i# ; (.nJ‘WJ-g_ 1 e proprietOf, & ka 4z J r pimples Jtices Uiscases A00 1z and perit n the neck, and Restore of Mails, 1 & :â€"ml. :n pare s vpagteet ‘ MAXT d sa timg s0d # etan aro *L ty"s of x manuiauiuro 0i Jausayos$. AYV‘8 BYRUP OF RKLD 8P RU CE G Parties req airing a firstâ€"class article can re Ig‘m‘.flm%& on getiing it, as everything used will be ar ioh 2% cents per hottic, Soid at alt Dreg mtor®. _ [pAT®E o# rrgscort] Corner of Sparks.and Bank Streets. Begs to inform the citizens of 0; he m‘hw-m«nc-d u:‘ wa Vast "Taru iL Te 00 «iat well frequented Htol, Cavé Creek, Richmond Road, ompri~ng cighieecn apartâ€" menls « six staile : s.abie aud hay l0ft; & yard elosed in with sued ; . d iving shed tï¬l ft, with loft above, stfor PUBLiC MiETINGS, m\.mu Haii, or GRANARY. Thbe prsâ€" IDlses ure situaied within one mile of the clty and have a froptage to ‘he it chmond ida« of 1# leet by a de.th of 146 feet 10 inghes. Tue whoie '\lfoe soid on râ€" asonable terms . Apply to JOSEPH Mcuw\W, on tue preimises, Or to H. McLEAN, Auctioieer, Otiawa. 1 3908 on livr Tae above popular Reutaurant has been eniarged by the addition oi several spacious «nd weil furnisned rooms on the nca.rn, ry. "‘l'ne fin st Luncheon and Dining Kooms in e city. Gentlemen honouing this estab!ithment w ith their patrouage ma, rely on strict itention being p«i i0 their orders _ Liquors, Wines acd Cigars of the best quality. Luncheon served a‘ ai) bours. IUMBER LLMITS FOR SALE 7 07 Se°M! 2A0C Conditton, appilcation may be lm‘s,e to H. V. Nuel, L(,ucnec.ï¬ll-l,m E. McGiiâ€" Fowees The bes brands of wines, liquors and :cigars are kept and the pro.aptest aile tion is paid to Guests. i CONTALNING oNE HUNDRED AaND 1 WENT Yâ€"FOUR SQUARE MILEy, | â€" For terms avd condition. appilcation may be Mr. BEN.â€"HU KSuUL beg= to announge to the general and travelling public, th«t be bes entered npon the Propriao ml‘iP of the above Hotel. lately conducted by Mr. Fred. Evaus. hlga&zï¬inlslggnwmueprepud to sel his TIMâ€" RIVER DESMOINE, Dinner h’nvldod from I2 A.%., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" able rages. Kidean The "Feathers‘" Hotel Have recetved (f their Fall Importations, 18 BaLES CARPETS and CUKTAIN®S, Embracing ali the novelties, uut for the season to which they contidentiy Rey~ S5â€"SPARAS cTNEETâ€"S6 q WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. A .arge assortment 0| Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies‘ Opera and Victoria Chains, Gentiemen‘s Aibert Chaing, Kings and Gold Sew, Bracolets, and Jewselle.y c( every deseription, Plated Ware, Clocks, &e., at the lowest prices. The best House in the city. Wholesale buyers cand get theirstock as cheap from me as any other SHOOLBRED & CO. Ottawa, Nov. 17, 1875 1 U. L A CALL IS 8O LICIT RD. wat Ottawa, Sept, 2, 1875. 5y 39341 THE "LONDON," O FRED FOOKS ()'l 0 NN M . O# PLC aâ€"Corne SAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHELL, Barristers, Aitorneys, Nolicitors, .. ries, &o., &o. Y YOL. X.., NO 4039, piNHEY, CHRISTLE & EWELLERY TTAWA CARPET HOUSE. 1 Â¥, H. FERLAND, Invite Inspection. Special Value in Lace ( of“‘.'q No H.o HRYSI LR corT, sSTEWAR: & GORMULLY, Manufacture of Sausages. k. LOGAN, Barcod UO . NOR & T ALimER, PENNOCK & MeLNTY A RCHAMBATLT wW. W. WARD SA LE. w. v. COUTLEE, 8 C.L, ROG TCPPT 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,] MABSHAGL MATHESON, â€"Corne: of â€" O‘Coemer â€" ard Queen tm ery secupied by D. Corbeft. _ â€"Albrt street. Office hours from . aud 2 to i p.m _ Bpecial autention dwea e mod displacements of the N. MARKS, ters, Adtorneys, Solicitormy «onyeyancers, &0 tate R sident Assis a t ; Nere Themas Hospâ€"tal, London, Kug K & 0 ~Ou4ERTY, H Hotels. Dea atwDr. Jos. Beandin‘s, Main Provin HO06G,. y ue c maniled pro esâ€" idence, Wetcalfe) street, ou by the Hon.P. mitâ€" 38liy1 NNoCk. | A. F. MOLN TYR ~ elt JO3EPH SMITH, 4.00uf College of Surgeons rgh. ATE AN. SURGEON AND R ) ege of Pbys‘clans, Ubs etrical Hociety carila. A DVOCAITE ntario.) 1ebed ) HFLLL 1. GoORMULLN ICLNOR ET AT 1 AW, 80L iam t au SL, C Lt Wha. J O‘Dourkf\ A T w. p. HOGG of Hull Prmâ€" on pf all Noâ€" io} the Proâ€" Siec al care \_.al both proâ€" RNEYS, â€" AXD H T own 3934m6 A W ~c~~ BOOTS & SHOES. 3228 in 6 22lyl 21 gu90t &C 3833 LAN= hagGredt Pm c Afasctc ns Alfcomnditice y : oi work|ngâ€"peopi; ot either sex, young of make njore money work for us in 1 «pare momeits. or a.l m.l%_lnm at C tuoing else. P«rticulars free. ‘vard to States cost but one cent. Aadress : hk : T sell ©r. Clinse‘s New Recipe Book, "hm to nearly 100 ‘“,Itounhu- over 200) ard proveu fl;z. and is suiled to all classos an1 coud: fons â€"f society.» A WONDERFU BOOK, and a couseno.d y. 1t will seX at sight, Greatest luducer ever offered to Book ï¬ont- Bapie copies sent by Mail postâ€"paid, fo $2 Exciusive Territary dvan Ago ts more thau doubic their money. t audress "Manager," Ure Jhase‘s Ste@M Prirting House, sililagtou, Pn 10 eas W £3 *° $20 Rummel‘s Exiract of Liime Juice and Glyceâ€" rine, the best prepiration for the Hair, espe clally in warm eiimates. \Riranel‘s Dugâ€"ng Oil Soap, perfumed with Austrailan Euc;ly.:u{ui. Rimmels Glycerine, Honey, Costume and ll:‘lorl"flm(?mtau, very amusing for Balls and Rimnael‘s Vidiet, Rose, Rice, and other Tollet R)‘:Q.-m. Allberunmncow lhld)p‘l‘l. Eugene Rmniel, Pamuxr to H. k. H. the Princess of Wales, 95 straod, 124 Regent Streot and 21 Cornhiil, London, 17 Boulevard des Ii@â€" leas, P wis, -um“l(m%',o Boad, Brighton. otd bv all ‘arfu mary Vaniogs. PURE CHEMICALS a NJ NEW ME )lox:ï¬ Belected. and Shipoing araers executed despatche . =r= P _ _ a_________ ptxe*»s cmorece PERFUMEsS. Patronfsed by all the World, Rimmel‘s 1 jhan‘. Vanda, |Hanna Jockey Club F pane, and other perfumes of exquisiie l}}hupe 1 Rimmei‘s Lavanier Water, distilled from Mitcham Fiowers, Rimimei‘s Toilet Vinegar celebrated for use fu! and sanifary properties, . _ . o. t PrP3IN®:; the act:va principle of the ga tric Juice. Sold in Poâ€" der, Loz ’ enge . Gichules: a :d as Wine in } J and one pict bottles. OHLORODY N ® is of ach celebrity t;:as it can scarcely he so isticred a aity io ecmp siiion being kn »wa to practlâ€" ti10ves. MWany of the Ohinrxiyne betpy unequal in stren5thi} MoRSON ; «& Son ha e pâ€"« pared this, Soid in hv . } 0z., 1} oz , and 3 oz. bottes. . ORLATINE â€"Tksâ€"purést provarmtich is Monâ€" Carefurly vaege { and snlpfed. | Orders mad i‘ly packe ! and shi f ers made payable in <ngland THOMAS MORSON & SON, PEP=<1NRâ€"The popular®n : protessional mediâ€" « cing for Indigestios is MoRSON‘s Medallists and Ju‘bn:ln all tre wreat Exhiâ€" + x ors. 31, 33 & B4 SOUTHAMPTON RO w, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON. This, for Reed Instruments, is just what the other is for the Piano. It has witostood exgenâ€" s‘ve reviews i d comparisous, and \s provounâ€" ced by teachers and muticians to he the hest Ins‘ruction b oK of its ind ever published. For sawe every where. _ _ â€" Morson‘s Erectual Somatios The ne plus ultra of Pisnoforte Instruction Books, Caunot be excelled, er even amonohod by its countiess competitars, . Stands above them all. (Usel by thousands of the best ï¬gflc leachers and sold by all Book end~Music Leale‘s. Hundreds of thousands sold, and the demand as great as ever. :r::sm:ff' dï¬?;l J?er:nin it will be maailed, postâ€" Clarke‘s New Method _ Prick $450/f r which it will be naalled, postâ€" free,to any address. * Worcestershi(»," é#any word only colourably d‘ffering therefrom in conseoiion witn any Hauce mun rwactured hy him, aod any Labels or Wrappers resembling th: so lufd by the Plainâ€" titfs. h , Ail xfl‘u‘ns are here‘y cautlo not to sell As © w orcestersnire" for * We ster" Bauce, @»y Mance cther thab ‘hat nusactured by Messrs, Len & Perrins, Worcestér, or to use any Lebeis or Wranpers resemb ng theirs. t TVYO3$ »OUTH a Worcester, Bo lelto: s "râ€"xho s\ * M seare. Lea + Perrglu.- O‘te wa, Sept. 45, 1875. . â€"~| W88oawidl + â€" _ ALFRED kosErn LEE,, trad ~ _ Ing as A. R. LiE & 0U., at R Junetion, Lancasâ€" shir , Take Notice that on 20th Jaly, 1875, a Porâ€" petual Injunction was (ndud in the above ciwuse by dis #0icur, fhe Master of tme Rois, restraioing tho DetendÂ¥nt from. uâ€"ing ths word Worcestershire © Sauce. IN CHANCERY The subscriber having purchased another Fstâ€"te of Boots, ~boes, &c., at 66 cts.â€"on the Loila , Great Slaughter ia prices will be made for easin »niart> e:foct au eatire clearauce. before eceiving Fall Siock. _ 8 _ Al TREES, SHRUBS, &c At | W. CHAMPNESS begs to draw the attentio :rx his patroos and the public generai}y 0 fis ‘xxeuulve «. Livery Stables, Carriages, KND VEHICLES, lgltnlu&lho Hank of B, N. America, .1NGTONâ€"ST,, the best and most conveniet very stabtes in the oity. Purftes desitons of securing :aud,nll{ prom pi tteoance, and ‘Feasonable r.f."' U please laver the unâ€"dersigned with a call. ; N.B â€"Hor«»« voarded and mmod in the u6t satistact. ry manner. . A s it? made 0‘ Centre Town Livery Stables LIVERY STABLES Livery Stables, Ridean Street, opposite Dnlhousie Street. a Fifs »cimss horses and capita) vehicles t a m then‘*s notlce, aad ou reas »nablo ‘erms, IVE£ AGENTS WANTED. NENTRE TOWN )ttawa, July AUTION, AICHAROSON‘S NEW MERIOD Worksâ€"HoRNSET AND, HOMEBTON ANKRUPT SALE Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. W. s. BROWN, l1 by Chamits and ibroughou: :ae vorid. The Victoria Stables n m s -‘@ | LOWRIE RICE, ann w.STAN 10N & CO,, Porthaad, M 4 FOR THE PLANOFâ€"RTE FOR REED ORGANS LEA &.PERRINS ‘of Worcester, Brirtsit LION HotEL. ily 9. 1873 BROWNLEE & CO artrl: beatep, â€" Carefu in d atten‘ive in moï¬damce when required. 22 depagat all bours by leayâ€" FE1 DAY. â€" AgeBts Wanted. All clas8es 15 Sussex Street. ages. ‘ D: uggist: 39006â€"tf 2518v $03%m 1 ls warranted to all discharges from the Urinary Organs. lmharn& -oglnd or con» stitutio~al, Gravel, «nd Patus in the Back. uoldmfl).xde‘q.“:ddmh. by a l ‘Onemists and Batent Omlo § &u.l’rarloton‘!'.l. 0% t Apothecaries‘ Hel!, Lincoin, on. Eevouy 2 Gent ie memmie srrch Hoadins. Hanger 4 Rone: qaford sttvety 14 ndon, . AGENTS CANADA, Montrealâ€"Evans, -ï¬:... & On.. CALL AND EXAMINE STOCK, R‘Ptlflna neatly ptly uted ‘None but the best wa::dno:o .Em.i.“‘ | THOMAS SHORE & CJ., ______________=_ Sparksstreet, near Bank. . POBT AGENTY, 0 (} 0 _â€". < Burgoyne, ï¬ï¬‚d« & Cdo., Coloman Straet, 1. indan Which they are offering to the public at the lowest ntuy. .They ls.vonllo always on‘gnnd all descriptinns of ntlemen‘s and _ Ladies Biding Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, u&.‘Wfl““ihd'i’m_â€"'m ig in with their fl’;'eutulnul. n& F tions of Is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. 1t contains nearly 150 mmundrod- of fine ii\ustrations,‘ and Foir C o Plates of rlowers, beautifully drawn and colcured from nature. Price 35 cents; in paper cover ; 6~ ceuts bound in elegant cloth. 4028tf \_â€"CLOTHING . VlCK’l » FLOMWER & VEGETABLE GARDEN Students may enter atâ€" time. Address lm'ouwlm,ao.,’i 0_ ‘:?____ l 9 l A NEW WRITINGJMASTER, The undersigned has opened a Stom: â€"cutter‘s Yard, Corner of King and t Audrew Streot where building stone and posts of all description will be kept constantly on hand, Orders are ru‘hoouuuyz soli¢ited, for all kinds of Stage: cutiing. 1 Tsl acu d . oboluRS. uuhfluï¬rsuguu mwod to tecelve a few 0 a, » dence, 412 ï¬ldnn 40‘90‘-‘ p- _ ", rou _ Terms, «0,, may be learfned on application as above, bomonao hour : of two -z?l,nn. any weekâ€"iay afternoon. _ ____ ; ___ _ A NEW COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. YOUNG MBN PREPARED for BUSINESS. VACANCIBC FOR BOARDERS, No. 4 McCormick‘s‘ Terrace. U'flm street. 4}' ppl{ at NOONAN‘3 RESTAURANT, ml street. ns 6 4 Wi:l be sold at 40 per cent. below first cost, as the purchasers are about w«&on a Fasbhionable Td‘l‘oflug Establishment on the first of January next. Shop Fistures, Giass Cases, etc., for sale very low. _‘ t To CONTRACTORS & HBUILDERS. BANKRUPT AuAnmuc!u now offered to any afels. mt Tor a pootlomaiereaideneer shres [3 8 lor a gen e ree andâ€"A hailf aores, %pnulu Messre. mmdt Mutehmor‘s, on Bank street Road,â€"oue mile from the clt.{‘mm'u. Ternis moderate. AW to M STARKRS, Ottawa City. 401 INNBREMENDOUS SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! d SPARKSISTREET. s Toâ€"day, at 2 o‘clock and 7 o‘clock, p.m. .‘ q , _ ROWE: & ERRATT, gared o <~ Auctionecers TK ple‘of good bedâ€"rooms with boâ€"rd, ma; e uad a:ms. KRERRS, comer of Eigin and Salter a ta 40041f Gâ€ï¬‚’}lool! WITH BOARD.â€"A couâ€" ple ‘of good bedâ€"rooms with borrd, may METCALFEKS Wholeosale READY ~ MADG@ CLOTHING Estab . _ D. MORGAN & SONS. ;Ottawa, Nov, 3rd, 1875, t THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, â€" _ D. McARTHUR & CO, Propriet Ottewa Oct. 27, 1875. 39808mdé: fincy tables, bureass, bedsteads, ma‘trass chairs, tables, etc., as well as several ball o:‘ sioves, and onâ€" very fine coal cook stoves, will soid by auction atithe subscriber‘s rooms. | J. BERMINGHAM, f Auctioneer. Ottawa,. Dee. 16 1475 40216 A NEW SUITE OF Eooms, At 7:30, and each ovo\ln{ at same beur, until all is sold. ‘The stock which is he finest ever brought to this clty, comprises some excelient tea setts Of seven pleces, some splendid cruets, water pitchers, savers, uros, large trays, pickle frames, breakfast cruets, butter cnolers, swi g ketties, féfe itete setts, spoon holde card â€" recelvers terty dishes, sllver blad knives, napkin flogs, sllver caps, mnca eto., 50 doz. plated iabe and dessert forks, doz. table desgert ard foa Iwâ€"flw! plate, seveâ€" ral dozen magoificent Florentine marble vue& urns, card reseivers, elC. A large variety Dre«don chira, Bohemian vases, and fancy goods, books, brushas chandeliers, etc. A mong other goods will be foun! a supply of real hair, btra‘xdu.mc"lxnons, switches, imucy door mals, etc., e Sale without reserve commencing on FRIIbAg EVENIï¬G, the 1/th inst,, and every evening at same hou? untll all is sold. This is a Grand Christmas Sale and well worthy of public attent‘on. N.B.â€"On SATURDAY EVENING at 7:30, a quentity of Furniture, comprising lounges, @n‘z}rd & Lodging. \wm. Forsale by all Ollmen, Deo. 4, 1874. The extensive stock of the Estate of Ridean @*, Ottawa. Se~ 43 1975 ELECTROâ€"PLATED _ WARE, ITALIAN MARBLH G)OD8, FANCY GOODS8 GOLD ANL SILYVBR â€" WATCHES, ChROMoOS, ITC., ETC., Which he ‘will sell by Public Auotion, without teserve, a his Hale rooms, Elgin street, commencing on, ; Friday Eyening, Dec. 17, Lfnai)'n CHAISTMAS & NEW YEAR‘S GOODS ! NE BOX OF CLARKE‘S B 41 PILLS. JAS.: ANGU®S, No. 22, Russell House Block, Sparks St. Ottawa, Dee. 16, 1475 Buccessors to Lee & Thompson, _ _ leave to call the attention of the Public to r iarge and varied assortment of all descripâ€" HEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! The sgbcriber is io regeipt Of a consignment t OF OVER £$3,000 WORTH TRADE SALE. By KHowe & tirratt, AUCTIONEERS REAT CLEARING FINE AND COARSE HARNESS, XTENSIVE AUOTION SALE Auction SBales. At less than Auction prices. Vocal Music. Now is your time to buy uo & Un OR READYâ€"MADE Remember,thesale aUERARD BRo &A TTRACT F‘d by the leading.Manuâ€" facturing establishment of the Dominion, for the last 12 years been A NEWâ€"PRINMCIPAL, SHIB EXCELLLENT oF STOCK ! 39808mdéw raphs that a body of 2,800 insurgents | Graxp tarins, Jan. 7.â€"Wonderly &‘ __,m‘gw__w-_mp, m defeated | CS, Tnmbspmen supaended toigg. Likâ€" Count Von Arnim IH. A special from Berlin says medical cerâ€" ane-'&â€m. been hw::dod to the authorities stating that Count Von Arnim is too ill to go to prison. This his been decided to be insufficient, and the Count will be immediately summoned bm] and undergo sentence. war, have been o-dmd*';;to'i'oii themselves in readiness to joi ir respective corps on fortyâ€"eight fl:n uotice. A!'nm-lrnv-om Austria. The Vienna .oorn:ï¬andont of the Standard reports that all the men in Viâ€" enna who are lisble to serve in case of A Vvienna dup‘ptoh‘h.?d&: Daily News i is reported e Montenegrin ;"niner of War intends to purchase rifles in Vienna. | A despatch from Servia states that the ufactories of arms are very active. nï¬a Roumanian Governâ€" ment is bastening the completion of its armament by contracts with foreign Lord Thxfnno ‘has been reâ€"elected to Parliament from South Wiltshire, to fll the vacancy ooovtionod by his own recent appointment to the office of Treasurer of France has not Concurred in Androsâ€" ; q‘l Note: A Reuter tel from Paris states that the lnno!zg:ent made by the Times oor;po:;iant that France has conâ€" urred in Count Androssy‘s roposing ;‘urkhh reforms, is premlt:::p £ ld Govermer. Loxpox®, Jan.\ 7.â€"Sir John Hawley Glover has been appointed Governor of Kewfoundland. | The Dangers of the Spanish Coast. m’l’ho Gucfleor'%bh.h: a notification to nasters ritish vessels, warning them to keep away from the whole Spanâ€" ish coait east of Bilboa, as Carlist bnft.el:- ies are stationed all along the whole coast, at intervals, and yill fire at anything that approsches. | 4 | /z A Fallure. OIClurlu Iiunthqn, & h::tton lginner mi.lt dham, cashire, has failed for a mil~ lion of dollars.| ~ regard to the insurrectionary provinces of that State, but the Grand Visier has stated in reply to the Austrian Ambassaâ€" dor, that the Sublime Porte would grant all necessary reforms and regretted the idea of Foreign Mediation, â€" oo t e n en e e o ied bounden last from Booth Bay, November 1st for Gloucester, has been towed into Aberdeen, Scotland, disabled. She h;d.:;e&. sixtyâ€"seven days on th; passage, crew were famishing an otherwise unfit for duty. The water ra tion was a tea cup full each per day. . An order has been promuilgated in Vienna, warning all men who are liable to serve in case of war to hold themselves in readiness to join their respective corps on forty eight hours‘ notice. The Cologne @gzeite says Italy has accepted the Austria« note, and England has asked for another week to consider it. Lord Thynne has been re elected to Parliament from South Wiltshire, which endorses his acceptance of the office 6of Treasurer of the Queen‘s household ; aware of Count Andrassey‘s schemes in ‘Cardenas has been appointed Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican by King An answer to Count Andrassey‘s note has arrived in Vienna from ltaly, but its contents have not yet become known. The steamship Hibernian arrived at Bajtimore from Liverpool yesterday. Hungarian Bank Question. Loxvox, Jan. 7â€"A special from Vienna mfln& negotiations between the Ausâ€" and Hungarian Ministers on the Bank question have had no result ani will be resumed in Vienna. Sir John Hawley Glover has been ap pginted Governor of Newfoundland. _1 A disastrqus fire occurred to day at the book bindery of T. N. Engleson No. 12, Broadway, Ludgate Hall. _ Three hun: dred workmen are thrown out of employ: ment. Loss estimated at $250,000. The London official Gazefie notifies masters of British vessels to keep clear of the Spanish coast in the vicinity of Bilboa, as the Carlists have threatened to fire at anything approaching that shore. Ambassador at Paris, Governor General of The Sublime Porte has appointed Raouf Pasha Governor General of the Island of Creta, and Ali Pasha, formerly PELEG R A P HIC. Arch and the National Labourers‘ Assoâ€" ciation, with regard to the prospects of the coming season. Mr. Edwards, of the Public Works Deâ€" partment, of Ontario, will shortly proceed to England to confer with Mr. Joseph The commissioners appointed to deterâ€" mine the boundary between the Provinâ€" ces of Ontario and Quebec, Messrs. D. Mills, M. P., and Charles Linmy. of Toronto, aro at work, and will shortly be prepared to submit their case to the Dominion arbitrator. Mr, John Fraser, testamentary executor of the late Mr. Hugh Fraser, Montreal, has entered an action to recover the property willed for the foundation #f the "Fraser Institute" in that city. The $rustees are Hon. J.J.C. Abbott, Q.C, His Honour Mr. Justice Torrance, and Mr. Cowan. The plea entered is that the testator was non compos mentis at the time he made the will. | The Standard‘s Viemna correspondent Mr. Benoit, the Conservative candiâ€" date, has been elected for Chambly, 1y a majority of ome|hundred and seventrâ€"five The Hungarian difficulty in regard to the establishment of a National Bark is yet unsettled. The negotiations betveen the Ministers of State have not been susâ€" cessful, and will be resumed toâ€"ds in Vienna. e Queen‘s Consul to Havana. A coloured man named Frank Soott was hanged in Memphis, Tennesse, yesâ€" terday, for the murder of Ransom Phipps. Dr. Gerlich has been appointed Vice Consul at New York, in the the place of Herr Feigel, who has been appointed A Vienna despatch to the Daily News The OTTAWA, SATURDAY JANUARY 8, 1876. â€"_F O R E1 G N . TELEGBAPHIO SUMMARY. Reâ€"Elected for Wilts Wreck of Steamer, GREAT BRBCTALN, A Great Fire. Jefferson, hil seizmes d distilleries in May last. The Becréary says no compromise or underâ€" standng has been looking to a comproâ€" mise of my of the cases. The Treasury Departmint has knowledge of the faet that sevoal large liquor establishments of this city have been dealing in crooked whiskey, and most of them have been called upa to explain. Parricicide. Nsw Yorz, Jan. 7.â€"The trial of Thos. and James Goodwin, for causing the death of their father in Jersey City, was corcluded to day. Thomas was found guily of manslaughter and James acâ€" Atan ld(j:oumod annual meeting ol the Plynouth Church to night the Rev. Edâ€" ward Beecher, chairman of the Comâ€" Reverue Supervisor Tutton, of this city, has rceved instructions from Secretary Bristrw t proceed at once to Chicago, to Sentenced to Imprisonment. Urzica, Jan. 7.â€"Tom Soott, the last of the six masked burglars, was t>â€"day found fl:flb and â€"sentenced to 18 years‘ hard bour in Auburn prison, primiauy in o% John‘s Methodist Eï¬ilv copil Church, where the Evangelist, Mrs. mï¬:v.n Cott, has held services durâ€" ing jhe last three or four weeks. There have been over three hundrod conversions Bristew t procéed at once to Chicago, to supesntnd .. tno _ trinks â€" atising How SMA$ uUrs. Moulten‘s Case | Atan adjourned antrual moeting of the 8. Read, ch/ them with the roisapproâ€" ï¬rht.bn of ‘30%,000 of the Moohnll,so-' ational Bank, while they were respecâ€" tively President and Cashier of that bank. It is understood that the indictments were: found at the instance of a stockhoder in the Mechanics‘ National Bank, who was dissatisfied with the manner in which that ins titution‘s business was settled up. Survivors of the " Doutschland." New York, Jan. 7,â€"The Erie Railway has srranged to transport the survivors of the shipwrecked steamer Deutschland from{New York to their respective destiâ€" nations in the West, free of charge. / Constaxtmorus, Jan. 7.â€"The: Austrian ambassador to this court has semiâ€" of the Proviazes all tho necessary guarâ€" antess for reform. reforms in the Turkish Provinces. The Grand Vizier in reply is represented to have said that he momd the idea of longn mediation, to have said that the Sublime Porte would give the people CH10a0o, Jan. 7.â€"The Grand Jury have found: two joint indictments against John Y. Scammon and his soninlaw, Joseph Paris, Jan. 7.â€"The Moniteur publishes a list of candidates for the Senate, whose election the Government favours, The journal Des, Debats publishes a semiâ€" official communication from Vienna that France intends to adhere to Count Anâ€" drassey‘s note regarding Turkey, but has not yet done so. officially communicated Visier . Count Andrasey Parts, Jan. 7.â€"A meeiing of French merchants and others intending to send goods to Philadelphia during the Centen nal Exhibition, was held yesterday, the gentlemen of the mining and metallurâ€" si::! sectionsâ€"protested ngainst the insuf« mey of space allotted them in the Fiench Department of the Exhibition. They, nevertheless, decided to take part, and will make useâ€"of the excess of space allowed the agricultural sectioa, although they cannot light fires there to keep their machinery in motion. c | Restrictions of the Press. Minister Buffet has sent a letter to the Prefects of the Departments, reminding them that they may revoke licenses to the newspaper deaiers unless the legal regulations are observed. The journal Les Doats treats the circular as an affair of grest gravity, and says it shows that the Gorernment is interpreting the press hl')'l in the most restrictive manner posâ€" sible. The Cologne @azette says Italy has acâ€" cepted the Austrian note, and Eng‘and hes asked for a week to consider it, which time expires on the 12th. Count von Arnim‘s Trial A special from Berlin says a repoit is current that the courts willylhortFopub- lish a general denunciation against éount Henri von Arnim ifhe (ails to return, and that he will be tried in contumasiam. Anothor Marine Disaster The steamer Cify of Brooklyn which arrived at .Queenstown yesterday, while off Fastnel, on Thursday night, came in oomith the Italian barque Emile. The sank and three of her crew wre missing, the remainâ€"der, nine in numâ€" ber, were rescued by the steamer, whose boats searched the vicinity of the disaster until daylight. An Answer Arrives in Vienua. The answer of Italy to Count Andrasâ€" sey‘s note on Turkey, has arrived in Viâ€" Ar Loxpox, Jan. 8, 5:80 am.â€"A large barque, nameée unknown, was ashore all day yesterday on Ship Wash Sand, ten miles east of Harwich, under ciroumstances similar to those of the Deutschland. Twelve men were seen on board. Boats were unable to Apï¬rowh her durinfl the day A‘tug left Harwich at midnight to go to her assistance. ' New *panish Ambassador . Rox®, Jin. 7.â€"Cardenas is noninud nnhhAlfb‘uudor to the Vatican by bassador at Paris, is appointed (G ov.â€" eral of Hersegovina. f ointed German Vice Consul at New k, in plru of Herr Feigel, who has n appointed Cons ul at Havana. Failte of a Lumbering Firm: BRLIN, Jan. 7.â€"â€"Dr. Gerlich bas been s?o(nbd G@overnorâ€"General of the id of Crets. Ali Pasha, formerly Appointments. NSTANTINOPLE, Jau. 7.â€"Raouf Pasha Alforgo, A ME RICA N . Â¥Vice Consul Appointed. Centennial Exhibition Bank Defalcations. PENNSYLVANIA. Tarkish Troubl:s. A Ship in Trouble. The Austrian Note. French Affairs. an MICHIGAN. GEmAN Y. ILLINOIS. TURKEY. ITALY FRANCE to the Grand Milwaukee News says that the nary is doomed to ;eï¬ut reduction in officers and men, as as in vessels. There are over 1,600 officers on the active litt & number which can be nd:n:l g.l-lt oneâ€"third MW†serâ€" vice. 'l‘b:owrih-rdudï¬'g:.huh'n promises Robeson‘s istimaies Ar the nant yops aod the whole House is determined ‘to hold him to a The Dansville Advertiser says the ‘copy‘ turned out by a certain country editorâ€" (whose name is suppressed from considâ€" eration for his family)â€"* resembles the _ Ooravs LatrewoviLLs, Corner of Clarence and Sussex streets and corner of Patrick and Sussex streets. The undersigned having bought by auction, at a very low figure,the immense stock of dry gcods and ready e clothâ€" ing from the estate of E. Martineau, is cember, at exceedingly low prices. Those tht will give him a oall, will got for $2, the value of $5. | toâ€"day, and Bill Williams, (coloured,) st Bartliett. 1 Frank Scott, (coloured,) was hange1 in the jail yard here toâ€"day, for the murder of Ransom Phipps. $ ' $25s,000 WORTH OF DRY GOODS AND EEADYâ€"MA DE CLOTHING. this morning and topt, possemsion, U the morning possession engine and frog. There were fully 2000 E:nnlon the ground. The Chancellor decided that the frog is to be put in, so that the Merser and Somerset trains can pass over the road, and that the engine now on the crossing shall be reâ€" moved. No further trouble is anticiâ€" Executions. _ Mexrauis, Jan. 7. â€"Milton McLean, (white,) was hanged at Jackson, Tenn., quiet and un ged. Barley fairly acâ€" Je merte abmde higher malsorae To Tor spot ; 784c for February. Dressed Hogs active, firm and ‘higher; lots, common, $ T5 wswmsws « > Pork steady and demand .ood,.;uf&llm; nlu..ait 12 30 for 6. steady unchanged. .Aptonftarnoono.llofBurd Wheat a shade lower, at 936. ~Corn steadier, at 43 to “l&hdl:m;m:lfl to: 42}cfor Febâ€" sotive and firmer, at c‘l:xfla"' 19 30 for cash. Lard firmer, â€"Flour, 10,000 barrels ; wu..m bushels; Corn, 30,000 bushels; Onts, ll,w UUsHe® , “,,' USU . "'-' 450E ¢ loyo 6000 bushels. Shli:'(%nhâ€"l"lw, 8,000 ‘barrels; Wheat, bushels ; Corn, 38,000 bushels; Oats, $,000 bush: els; Rye, 400 bushels; Barley, 4,900 Oats quiet and steady ; receipts, 6,000 Duskels ; saleg, 34,000 ‘bushels, at ‘450 to 480 for mixed western and State ; 460 to 526 tor white do. Pork %: ©20 T5 to 2100 for‘ new mess. 12 15â€"166 for steam. | Butter, 204 to 31e for State and Pennsylvania. Petroleumâ€" Crude, Ti ; refined, 30. for spot ; 30} to 10fo for February. Rye P : Fprtion | 4 Phe e rmer 0 1 8 ; No roupo’z;oeofgrn;b'ï¬rm,;mhdflm; $1 04 for May ; No 38 do, 784 to 78} ; reâ€" jected, 63 to 610. Corn firmer ; No 2, 430 mei;l,:-, 16,000 ‘barrels ; sales, 11,000 barrels ; quotations unol:.:fed. Wheat quiet and heavy ; pte, lOilIK) bushels ; sales, 38,0000 bushels, at $1 06 to 1 07 for No 3 Chicago; $1 08 to 1 10 for No 1 Milwaukee; $1° 22 for Milrankeo p$F 30 to 1 83 for No 1 apring { ilwaukee ; to or No 1 spring $1 17 to 1 35 for new and old wm-&- mi 11,000 bushels ; Rye, 385. bushels ; Barâ€" 384 ; Western Union Tg:fnph, T51â€"8 ; American Express, 57}; Northwestern, 387; Rook I-lmd5 105f ; St Pu:.!i 36 ; do, preâ€" ferred, 68 1â€"8 ; Erie, 15§; St Joseph, 21 ; do, preferred, 2%{; Harlem, 135 ; Lake Shore, i eogy oi Sn ND whge ississippl, j 3 . 34 ; Unfon Plcx*ï¬o. 734. ‘ repared to sell for one month only, eginning on Wednesday, the 20th Deâ€" NEw York, Jan. 7.â€"Money .“t.{l' at from 4 to 5 per cent. ; prime mercantile paper, 6 1 SwSaroenL Sterhnf u.iot,st484§' at 488. ld closed at 1 2“‘ Governâ€" ments firm. St;te bonds ‘guiet. Stocks opened strong and higher ; advance ranged from } to 6 per cent; market closed active and strong. New York, Jan. 7.â€"Cotton at 13 5â€"160 for midd.linï¬:‘phnd-.q“bflmr heavy, and in ‘limited _ demand ; The Washington correspondent of the Livzzrroot, Jan. 7, 12:30 p.m.â€"Cot ton market quiet ; uplands, 6 15â€"16d ; dl? Urlunt;l. 13â€"16. R;go'(iï¬gu ofWhntg the past three days, quarters, f cludxp;g 20,000 American. 2:30 p.m.â€"Corn 30s 3d to 31s per quar ter, for new mixed wester, and 324 for old do. Wheat 10s 2d to 10s 6d for average California white; 10s 8d to 11s for club do ; 8s for red western spring , 9s 8d to 10s for western. ‘ _ CHtoago, Jan. 7.â€"Hogs â€"Receipts 14,907 ; shipments, 1,879. Ottawa, 27th Dec. 1875. 402016 Becur Moxtrrar, Jan. 7.â€"Stocks dull for bank stocks. Telegraph higher and in active demand. _ Salesâ€"Montreal, 181} e o ie ioi e en t m L n to 182; Merchants‘, 93% to 94} ; Comâ€" merce, 118 to 119 ; Ville® Marie, §2; Jao ques Cartier, 20 to 31; Telegraph, i58 to 1584 ; Exchange, 924 to 95. Nuw York, Jan. 7. â€"Pacific Mail, C O M M E R C I 4A L for spot ; 42 New York Produce Market. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago Produce Market. The Raliway Dificulty New York Stock Market New York Money Market. Montreal Stock Market. & cornâ€"marker behind a runa State Obligations. Liverpool Market. NEW JERSEY, Lendon Market TENNESS&E. MIX NESOTA. for February ; 45} for ; and firm ; "08‘-_800 11,000 114. ?T-"nndht_hn containing a large sum money, which were in the same drawer as the cash box, were averlooked by the Muuna’no‘dtbomhba. containing about $50. Through prompt action the thieves were captured in about nmbdhu“hlï¬z,'-‘ nearly all the money recovered. Several Post Office Rebbery. Mirtox, Jan. 7.â€"During the Postmasâ€" ter‘s absence to tea this n‘lng‘:pd office was entered by two small boys, who ‘A&. D. Goodwin, ViceConsul for the Republic of Uruguay, appointed Consul, Srd'.lon, j% I.â€"â€"It was i most ursday night, tfnh;ury and snowv today. A! ï¬fhflymï¬dl‘hnndqni;h&,mdiï¬; us and . About five ineh:qhu fnllmt“;d.’mild and hazy this evening, and may rain during the tions regarding the close season for salâ€" mon trout in the small inland lakes. After meeting adjourned to meet on the first Wednesday in February, The Weatherâ€" â€"Eightcen ing in the desires of thilM- iety of hav~ tng‘s Further Shaugs in the Sspory reguin game law have taken place in their localiâ€" ties since the formation of the society. 9 mbflbmdp‘ow ‘&:‘mhfltï¬&&ommflw ivomm,o‘:ip-’n‘ the hope of seeing a Provincial game and fish protectâ€" ive society established on a mchd:} its membership list being composed delegsites from all the county socicties throughout the Province; from B. C. been laid for a s and ~active pretective plub on old oily c ame ww.'ï¬vfln‘dol)c Jm-ï¬'mumwu dobcniwuwhcdx'c terest, Protection of Game. Purersoro, Jan, 7.â€"The January meoetâ€" ing of the County of Peterboro Fish and Game Protection Society was held Thursâ€" who now keeps possession, as he has won it three years in succession. % The Quebet Fire umâ€"oOqa{ have dooludnhdfrrlydiv“ol per cent payable on the 15th inst. At a meeting of the City Council held lt::?uw.h ea .uhorfrhumof.w: aid of the Lake St. John Railway, the W wore. agreed to for submi to the ratepayers :â€" submission to the t« 1st. The onm:dMMb rank u‘ï¬m stock and immeâ€" diately the, bonded debts of the Company, which in no case shall cxoeed the sum of $20,000 per mile, to the hh'«dn.l'-lvifnl'm T 3rd.’nn°r5:-t be made on the condition road to St. Raymond mgoamphulyoqflâ€od and in rumâ€" 4th. Theterminus of the road shall be in St. Peter‘s Ward, on property to be annual rental of not less than $2,500, the mhhmtohowishhtbdvfl-h. 5th. City Council to be represented on the Company‘s board by the ln{u. 6th. ‘l'booï¬hvlucubnï¬hd‘ 0,000 to the stock of the Gosford Railway, shall hereafter rank for a stook nhul& ecrip of 2100,0000- the stock list of the Bt. ohn Railway, Curling Medalâ€"Assuramce Companyâ€" y Railway Aaid. Quzezo, Jan. 7â€"â€"The club medal of the Quebec Curling Club was mhb day, a large number of members conâ€" the latter drew a knife and stabbed Fra ger near the temple, inflicting a severe butnotummumnd. . The meeting of theGirl‘s Home, under the Presidency of Dr. McCaul, was held toâ€"day. ‘The report showed the inâ€" stitution to be in a prosperous condition in every respect. missioners appointed by the Ontario Govomnuuodooidonponthobmdnry between Ontario and Quebec and the Northwest, are discussing with the Cabinet the provisions of a measure which will be submitted at an early day to Dominion arbitration. The Ontario Commissioners have been materially assisted in their work by the members of the Canadian Institute, who bhave given them the maps, records, plans and archives in their posâ€" session. It is understood that Mr. Edwards, of the Public Works Department, who was in England on emigration business in 1874, will again proceed thare to hold a conferâ€" enoowithglr. Joseph Arch and the Naâ€" tiomlAgriculturdLbounn’A-oo’uï¬on,; with regard to the prospects of the coming season. A pressure has been brought to bear on Mr. Clements to induce him to resign his seat in the School Board, but acting on the advice of counsel, he réfuses to do so, on the ground that it would be an g\udm‘. f ï¬ndpr;oudgpof‘ht:n‘m they have no power to expel one of their members ; but in the new Education Act provision will be made for the exâ€" pulsion of any member charged with crime, gr.gniltz'olmymt unworthy of a memâ€" of the Board. : > Ammwwm&m to the house of one John Fraser eve ning, and was refused admittance by Mr. Fraser, her bhusband hnin&!:ho‘t. Mr. Kocuï¬ov‘hthonsbunod Fraser, and imulhdhcintlurutwnr. Mres Fraser appéared on the scene, and proâ€" 400. 2. SUHS, M.L., ANG Dr. Charles Lindsay, Régistrar of Toronto, the Comâ€" elected President. «The balence sheets showed a small amount on band. Bigamist Committied for Trialâ€"Bug glaryâ€"Evangelical Allianceâ€"Ontarie . Toroxto, Jan. 7.â€"James Coolie, bigâ€" mht.humm;ihm fatï¬.t.lï¬o ay ~At an early r goods store of Miller & Hughen King street east, was entered b bxhu,.n goods to the nluont“&) en. The young man living over the store heard a noise, but took no notice Some time after a police constable woke him up and tol‘l him the store lind been entered . At the annual ""“",f seting of &â€"im“"di- cal Alliance, Hon. Oliver Mowat was T Affray â€"Girls‘ Home. special to TH i TI MBS, . Samuel Wilmot, Newcastle, concur« C A N A D I 4A N. that few or no infractions of the 8T JOHN, N. B. PETER ORO, Y t _ . .0 _ _ e COAAInNtt MILTON. TORONTE. QquEBEC. of paying its subscrip of â€"â€" Stabbing of Adkins was sober enough to understanid that cold will penetrate between the bars C Mr. Stewart started to w« .-.â€â€™S'.‘.“. his hgl_u.',llfï¬l._,_"":: Fowle‘s Plle and Humour Cu: «. a« «4)4 is marvellous for Serofuls, «)i KheÂ¥=‘ Bia.g 'ï¬d even Leprosy i a ba* provzed itself an almost never !aomg ©a~~ miâ€hmï¬h I over used. + 'lwfllgycudlll-“mllfl &6 o ... haprmes ours » 4. Editor and isher of Buffalo Journal. phosphites (not being able to progure this), but do Thin) but they do not Spmpare weh your When a California woman defeated a lion in a Randâ€"tohand combat the Roighâ€" bours were greatly . ns iess gurty mmbeq on boa‘s L Fesows, Ksg.â€"â€"Dear Bir Plz::-brllv‘udwa:fmh' dlhn:“mdâ€i FiLs« Mopusrt.â€"For people ito allow dise«: . to become seated upon them rather .: * consult e physician, or to sullar as m‘qbï¬-m“ï¬dflmte.l, st the 39. PW "T Can It ..-E: the habits of medical students will never mend, and they are :‘rhs-.dwmulzy-mhh s mmw&.â€"&?& but with no success, and the fonly resort left to him was to arrest the ringleaders. ‘The latter operation is mext door to imprac= and the A the worst of it, "peslers" got mâ€â€˜:' contained something of a more solid «1 stance than "nix," and the end of th> ::nv-.:hr‘ï¬&“ came ou} nt right stick, dl? e of them felt the wrong end of a + men‘s betons. om’nqb of weeks 80 &n po«= ""2 a sarious fracar has m the student‘s of 8t. Bartholomew‘s * mmmubm A ym ranings ns them rolled in the snow. Sir 8. Water: for use in ths buiding In the winter of the year 1863 soms af the city of London Police ted to invade the precinets of St. m«q-"‘ Vieterina Osllege Buildiags." _ > Conoure, TA was hell MTh%den hw of Vistoria Gollegze. It was to to the Collagze withoriâ€" ï¬-.-nqdn:z. sums | already ‘auhâ€" scribed, and a committee was appoint» l to increase the amount. mmwl-l- are to be m&ï¬m.p «f nEhuu.y an metmaon ; lecture n&nn-obnnwt eat from England last year is to be msuate 1 invade the of St. 0 sent S ivaphiel in Inaiam: . 4 200 ode Thane Judge ; entertained at a cinner it the Satiiex Ciub nsb mights bf several of the thembers. ; Yarmouth Haurax, Jan. 7.â€"Yarmouth returns show the tonnage of â€" the close of 1875 to be 18 an increase for the year, after for sales and losses, of 11;000 lw-.m ‘to be built. i Bank has declared a of three per cent., and the of Yare mouth four per cent., for the year. ; ox'omn“ m;ï¬.m ) M i on yeaâ€" t‘rdum.-d'ntkth T'\T.y all resoued, du:f“:‘ were some in an exhausted condition. ing A number of citizens have b«+â€"n «ar. mhdhdobud;n!fluhn faw Mays, nnmfluu the ‘s advertising 42e .t. T‘Mz‘:flpuv fyhfl? is excâ€"ping to the of writ and position in ti~«, their reason of m{mUwv vi« ance between the writ arl th+ order of Judge Mondelet rflw peti tion, aud the insufficiency of stamp»s n1 ol ast in es P ioh Department of Inland Revenue, contwnâ€" tion, and tbo“mlnflni-:, of stamps n1 the same, my m’heta.wn the service and return of the wri:, »~ 1 that the allegations of the petition are n status of the paper is looked int~ Bpecial to TH & T1 M &s, Moxtrzai, Jan. 7.â€"The $1,01) rate1 by 8t. Patrick‘s 8&1"» the Aan is stated to be witheld till th« fisan : al A MEDICAL STUDENTA RYT, A Repotition of the 68 Â¥Fracas: mation Witheldâ€"A Orgael Actâ€" Arrcat of Debtorsâ€"Law Suitâ€"Weights and =o-.-n-. Estate â€" Chambiy PRICE 3 CENTS BurFa1o, N. Y,, Februagy, 1873. thigpine pagy Mividendsâ€" J:.. 1.â€"Yu=“ e .«.’.‘?'igé L-n-. mlflw toms. . CcoBoure. u‘uâ€"r is being made to MONTREAL. HAL FAX t of weights and m>1 its