Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Jun 1875, p. 3

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dontreni uee> Loo un qi e UR Y NERq Mann‘y 2 g. 4 °= a- ffsi %* ewellop, CETAINX®S, fiys tion 1qQ. Â¥. Youse, ® to r'_i w tha during s higke mg S@RZ% *# â€"u% * _ ter 33 Welling» re. ERD. and & ‘4}f SV & i CQO. HOR® = of hars« , Al Teudiu Remed extensi P highest " ever be 8 gven s a not be % recomu ’T own ho : handâ€" ME | sns ha > £IN UISEARRS O1 CE completely éradicated kowle‘s Pile and Humou is marvellous ijor Seroft 4 nia g Worm, and even A proved itself an almost I » (See special notice.) House Keepers! _ 1f y« pronublo tea oall on Ba ind have them to select It is remarkable that the principal i\?dienu from which Fellows‘ Syrup of Hypophosphites is made are alkaloids, from trees which attain to a very great age. This, in connection with Fellows‘ Hgg cbaphim increasing the Ionmity 0 uman family, is a somew oa‘:fi:' coincidence, and commands i > tion in selecting remedies, particularly of a; onic character, Hzxorrsoins (or Pir«s) are permanentâ€" ly cured by Mathieu‘s Pile Ointment, or m mey refunded. Price $1 pem or six ; ote for $3. Sold wholesale retail tho Wingate Chemical Company, Xonu!:{ and retail by all druggists, or will be forâ€" warded to any address on receipt of price ? Dr. E. Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame street, Aantraal 3142 Wuat Tasy Say or it ! A Faw Facts ros tus Prorus.â€"There are but few preâ€" parations of medicines which have withâ€" stood the impartial judgment of the peo ple for any great length of time. OUne o these is Dr. Thomas‘ Electric Uil. lfiud the following and be convinced :â€"T Robinson, Farmbam Centre, P.Q., wrties, "I have been afflicted with rheumatism for the last ten years, and have tried many reme«lies without any relief, until I tred Dr. Thomas‘ Eciectric Uil, and since then had no attack of it. 1 would reâ€" House Keepers! . 1f you desire to get a protitable tea eall on Baskerville & Bros. and have them to select for you. If the tea is not pleasing to your taste they will refund the money for what you return. Their wines, liquors and general groceries are of the best brand. of pues $st 9t F2 0 Mict Ls) warma which is an infallible cure. gave me immediate relief, and I would say that | have undxtanoo w'eth tho‘t‘nlt commend it to all,"â€"J. h. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Shetford, P. Q., writes, " I have been troubled with liver cod-n;!hint for several years, and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit until 1 wied Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Uil, which effect. . No one should _ be without i: I have tried it on n.ymdhonuinca- cuu.v.-fi etc., think it is ecqually as good lor horses as for man,"â€" .'nd‘a horses as for man,"â€" mbu, Merchant, _ Warkworth, writes, " i have sold some hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Uil, and it is proâ€" mounced by the public, ‘ one of the E-t medicines they have ever used;‘ it has done wonders in healing and relieving A T pain, sore throat, &c., and is worthy of lbomtooufidue&"â€"dmeph&nu, Township Percy, writes : "1 was persua Mloth'FxhctrieOi!hr.hne knee which troubled me for three or four years, and ] never found anything like it for curing lameness. lthsvfi public benefit." A. Mr. Hamilton, Warkworth, writes : "For weeks; | was troubled with a swelled ankle, which ed me very -nel..lr.!uboo,ofth-?ln;{no‘,imluood me to try Electric Oil, and before one bottle was used I was cured. 1t is a most remarkable medicine. Sold by all, medicine dealers, price 25 sents. & N. THOMAS, Pbol;q N. Y. And NORTHRUP & LYMAN, Toronto, 0. Norz.â€"Eclectricâ€"Selected and Elecâ€" _ This wellâ€"known medicine is no impostâ€" tion, but a stre. and safe remedy fo: Female Difficalties and Obstructions, from any cause whatever; and although a rnriul remedy, they contain nothing umx to the constitution. In all cases ot Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" ‘ions, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, those Pills will effect a cure when all other means hare failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antiâ€" wony, or anything hurtful to the constiâ€" tution. a Full directions in the pungl‘lhlmnd each package, which should carefully For full particulars, obtain hnd the ert, a pamphiet, or refer to m ut JOBR MOSES, NEW YORK, S0LB PROPRIZTOR $1.00, and 124 cents for postage, enclosâ€" BrRKELEY, Sept. 180. â€"Gootlemen, 1 i¢ol it & mxo'obyuu\ou‘mu my gratitade for Too‘k C Yoothile Puile."" 1 apyried 1o Yout «guick ® 4 Mr. be .hldu,um:ummn?\:: in the ‘o-:rl.nv-'h:hlnn::do“ ating . u6 & wn ving tried Reany <vyery w-m. but without any bemedi at all. After taking two bottles of your valuable pulhl was quite restored to my usual state of beaith. Mflomhm â€"lor the beneft of those who may thus be “Sl Sir, yours truly, HKNEY ALL Page. ‘ All.o-}wu Nostox‘s CaMO . «i to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., g.roral agents for the Dominion, will inâ€" sure a botéle, containing over 5 pills, by After thirtyâ€"fve years trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testimonials to its virtues from persons of the highest character and reâ€" râ€"muq. Physic an» of the fifst respectabliâ€" recommend iL as a most effectual prepar ation for the extinetion of pain. It is “""‘Ex best remedy ever known for Burns, ac., but for Dysentery or C or any sort of Howe! complaint it is a remedy unâ€" "lrullofldcpey and rapidits of alon in the yreat cities of India, and other hot cliâ€" mates, it has vecome the standard medicine for Tare onplalatn ond viker Alndred inurdere Liver Com ts, and other kindred ’ut Coughs and Oohhhmlcr. Asthma, and com an inevitable -.am...."m It is nsed Internally and Externally. EVC Fiauss Mnnufl;-l‘ol' people to allow zen â€" â€" to become seated upon ‘hem:“ ;. ... HHYBATIS a BOS, Some & or IMIC“ External Use. Wartanted a 8URE and perfect CUK® for all kinds of Plles, Leprosy, scrofuia, Tetier cr Ring» Wofm, ballâ€"isheu», and ali diseases of the skir. One k f to cure als cases of Plies 'm:rbmm-umdfinm' “lm bas been faithfuily tested and found wn almost infullibie cure for the above named diseases. Its success has been #0 universal that the proprietor guarantees a cure 12 imore, wae ase ais megichae, or in‘ ouse of % "'“.:‘..‘.‘:.::..'-.:“."-”...m‘;.,.% "ue “;“' and Humor cure is en vegetable ""'-'* und can be used with perfect safety in Sames. Thee is no danger of it 24 t intuuewnot i io it cures on the murtscns proves while under & t"un::. Pooe 8t per Bottie. sold by ail Druggista. For sale by all druggists. Moes to let in the Vicworia Chambers. ivy to R. C. W. McCuaig. 3760 for Fowle‘s JOB MOSES FEMALE PILLS cons PILE AND HkUMOR CURE, Diszases, of whatever nature, are tely éradicated by the use of Pile and Humour Cwuej; its elfect ellous ior Serofula, Salt Rheum. Vorm, and even Leprosy ; it has tself an almost never failing cure. BUSINESS NOTICES 4 ce m wo o ies * o o moen We P A I N â€"K I L L ER ta physician, Or 10 years with the differe hout soing at once to ! and vahinhle People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street. FOW LE% sempies es #4°A post or to suffer as different kinds nce to the drugâ€" 1 Humor Cure, iux; ¢â€"“ il by | 'm{n EL / N for |; i Se use N pric.t jactic nis :-:t,‘ w tmt (boonuonbndllll.p-t! __ ;. | ted arbore, and journals + bar 7 ze N.‘l’lc. to Mill« -",-"m" _ owners, Machiâ€" <; nists and all others r interested who have been troubled in the past with cummed or heaâ€" ted arbors, and journals : nd have been paylug fancy price, use Craven‘s Arctic and Engine Olls and so avoids those complaints for the future. All Olls guaranteed and orders solicited; W. J. CRAVEN & Co,, 3813 444 St. Paulâ€"st., Montreal. CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Managers Mills‘ Supply Agency OTTA W A .O®T., No. 11 Sporkeâ€"st., Near Bussell House. . B.«« and of ..ll'bzk- quality goods Maro® 26, 1871 No. 24 THOS. BIRKETTS. . Rémember the Sign of the ANVIL, 24 Rideau Strect. Ottawa, Décember 21, 1874 HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES!! ° ~ HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL IBRON BEDSTEADS! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES!!! Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware THOMAS SHORE & MPANY, [Buccessors to LEE & THOMPSON.] Beg leave to call the attention of the Public to thes l&mmwmd all desoripâ€" CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparke Street. 0_ l\5'::1 -mfmvh cons '&-m&-“r line 5 Lfln-l. None but the best work men em, T.Flvlnv. Junre SIGNH WRITER. HUuUSH Glaging, Whitewashing, Coloripg 4¢,, lone the sHor{sst notice, and is a work maniite *z w For sale by all Oilmen, Dec. 4, 1874. Also, Ayency of the GLOBE GAS LIGBHT ind Cobcession, Gloucester ';"m" au Front.] 2nd, A Farm of about 125 Acres, of gat 3# Pfi Web e s sast palf of in et ihpetibena n ennetaatind "eres 25 laord So remsomablo terma. For particuiars apply to CHARLES ROWAN, "ist. A Farm of 90 Acres, of which 80 are cleared, and u.gwmd.:unh.ln ind Cobcession, Gloucester [Rideau Front.] _ March #,197% ANMHGOD yourhful im e .r. “ .‘.‘_ % un:-ma'o“:. of NFW FArPERA lh jrat reee:ved, avd ncw on view )opm,tho Poat Office : Figir8t sc l 844 vain every known . huu:- #& oo&w. Oltawa, April 17t 1875 ssar THREE VALUABLE FARMS For Sale OR TO RENT. TTAWA EW FIRM. Jan, 2, 1096 0 BE SOLD OB REXTED, ARD W A RE ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to ail disgriptions; at H A R D W A R E. 1875. Coal. Hardware, &rt. order by CALL AND EX\MINE STOOK. Mr. Smith‘s knowledve« of the Ready Made Cloth= Ing business (14 years exâ€" perience), and their deterâ€" mination to keep | the best class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the lowâ€" e=t prices possible, will be a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoaife‘s old Customers and the genéral public, that they will have every The retail Clothing Busi« ness so long. carrled on by Joseph Metcaife is now transferred to the Firm of JOHN SMITH & CO Inâ€"the city is to be found at Mathewman‘s Blook, Wellington St. ©lothing. The Largest and Best Pamters. ing "~1 Â¥ :.+ 4* *> ul Tn 18 & LLENT Machin . Oil has for the last 12 years been ’-.uwmndlnlln- tacturing establishments of the DPominion., COAL PAPE .>â€" dbld t 1Â¥ +Wh Dra}j No.24 Cuosmâ€"Timmz ror PIUKEREL (Dorks) axp " No person shall Th Tory Ratcb, y es * No m , ocm sell or have in possession Pickerel 5t Maskinonge between the fifteenth day *Â¥ April and the fifteenth day of May in each year, lmo Province of Ontario." FISHERY LEASESâ€"& LICENSES.â€" _ “lofinonnhnhhbt, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in possession fresh water Herrings between the ”nmdoaohr udthlmc:ydw,hn&m,h the Province of Ontario. Cuoszâ€"Tixz ros BASS. * No person shall fish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or have in M.&Ifl. between the fifteenth day of May and the fifteenth day of June, in each year, in the Province of PUBLIC NOTICE is directed to the following REVISED FISHERY REGUâ€" A Mn Woucrmucut lotices 8, or on foot. _ _ _ _ ._ E: "%o Matis to_lea wa _ every Monday Ns N hoi ho santeen t ns dat gfi-lnlu. every Monday and arrive at ERS, addressed Postmastel p®xpers, +d A,Mv?i':oa!!e.!‘;i‘ seamingus. every Monday and arrive t lu-' nufih'mmm-m. Printed notices Wfl. further intformaâ€" tion ttons of proposed cOntract May tm o i ff Ar es vomm:-.hu.m Lake lhomcwl‘mwmwm be accepted. 22 is cnmemlweer * Suawe ABHRnRE‘| o us pisi MEREY sBE Redule o OrosEâ€"Tlu® yoB W HITE FISH. of haxt in possamion a "'\fi'ir'%'r'-' betweon (he doch dad or Roveminge and the int day Dee: i1cse Trv® mm;.%fi“' «* N\ mnogano eagmmantate n irng of Vstober and the mnbor in o:{ year in the Province of 6e OC10sEâ€"Tik® | FoRr _3.'.“5;&!?.. TROUT, _»No persas simil ish sor caton: kill, bay, sell 8 2 tttia: trout borweeh the dbth day of Gopâ€" tember and the ist day of January, in cach year in the Province fi%::‘fl.' j «No persgn Thail Sn Tot. canieh, Kih ns hn sattoaics ahe nake Hetween the “Fhlhg'b( means of nets or other z'pm.u. thout Leases or Licenses from Department of Marine and Fisheries, is grohlbmd in all waters situated within the rovince of Ontario." By Order of the:Minister, _ _ i or have in poss M between Iilhday tf hinp ant the 19n day of June, inâ€" c Eooen Fran 1%?21- (Done®) axp h'omgum.: aleh kill, buy, sell or have in possession uim (Doree) or h Hrrio 4 vince uw' W % Anâ€";na the 15th day of May, in each year, in the Proâ€"‘ vince u%f" #I ‘hOI-o;l-TfiI:I n:‘ LOBSTERS. EJ e Province U no io k Bopntatin o ve Eon Acte or, , sell or have fi“ aby nh-ohfix Lobsters Oor female ters, with o;r“ attached, nor shall Lobsters of a less than nine inches in lua:h. measuring from head to tail, exclusive of claws or feelers, be at any time fished for, caught, killed, bought, sold or had in posses« dax:utwln by accident in nets or other & lawfully used for other a Lobsters with .’nmhod, soft shelled yu‘allallhn a less size than nine inches liberated alive, at the risk and i‘,“&' ‘:.u:'lu : t:.: mt.; 2 whom, : I every case, shall devolve the proof of such Colonel Adjutantâ€"General. Ottawa, April 30th, 1875. < 38 *‘ ‘ny order or the MOPeT .. * WaIIO . W. W HITCHER of Iniand Revenue an iendorsed "~Terders for x&n‘-’u Weigh‘s," will be received until thel ts igh it twor ies u6e n on‘ se mey be red d by the rds* branch d-l.g in nodunitty t wond wl Te 2ed u9y wads in acgordanc %m-mz\om form of tende may be had on apy licaâ€" ons cvee., o .....:3 r-nlg made on we n&afl ‘n partment. 3 . dengunind H BBE nevemg SV yO zes cWindlo" * NICHE MAIL CONTRACT. To Iron Founders. Tenders for Coal. DERA addressed io the Commissioner no Weemmamine ~ m 6 dare for FRIDAY, THE 18TH INST. F. W° WHITOHER, ERY LEASES & LIOENSES. »oxm ofhets or other appara» Leases or Licenses from the ent of Marine and Fisheries, is proâ€" CUsrOMs NEPARTMENT TSR3 be made in a cance, in a yehiâ€" ‘c n"n.... nis .'- -â€"vo‘ RuR® UE + W.lw-â€"‘ ‘ Jommissioner Fisheries; Ottawe, June 21, 1#5 Alosrors af Inlasd Moeve. i2 danvared In Gitawn, Waree HERRINGS i at Ottaws until next, for the COD~ within the THE TIMES ; OTTAWA,"MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1875 « LEAVE Brockville G. T. Junction‘â€" 9.3%5 a.m. 4.05 p.m. Olttawa + > . + â€"10.45 a.in,, 445 p.m. Renfrew 60â€" â€" 9.0%Mm4, $.50 p.m. Oltawa CANADA ‘CENTRAL __ &# 10.15 a.m. Train from, OMAWaA MAKGS elose connection with Grand ‘Trunk | Express Train for the West at 2,00 p.m, [+0+ #B" 4.05yp m. Train from Brockville makes elose connection with Grand Trunk |Exprers :l':.l from the West, arriving in Ottaws at 1.16 Connections made at Sand Point with boats for the Upper Otitawa, at Renfrow, wl&a stages to and from Pembroke. Trains run on Montreal time. _ | ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. And acceleration of trains, On and FROM TUESDAY , l6th JUNK,, 1875 Trains wili run s follows:â€" TWO EXTZESS TRAINS DAILY. Brockville THE â€"ST. LAWRENGE %he old reliahie, quickest, best and most direct rOUW. rao&l’hflthulo.um Kast and W est Brockville & Ottawa L alway For Gitaws via Brockville. a :m’} Y Hlll‘u\lll nave Wino IoF inner ture coduesiinn with Grang Traih Prates to wth ow voue ter nast W onte f T raieg mo reava Houten fumg. "THou_ REYRGLDS " All orders for Books requiring headings hh se pag e Noi val 4o o intp lc onl punle Aug. i% WILSON & ORR, Oarvers & Gilder : BPARKS® STREET, OTTAWA. Ruling, Perforating, Numbering BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER, AND Account Book Manufacturer, ALEX. | TAYLOR, Brockville, June. 7, 1875. FLOUR AND FEED STORE Carvuers & CGilders. RLDEAU AND OUMBERLAND A selected stock always on to bult all mds fotgigaentiie ailk we an kinds of Farm nce. | s For Reed Organs, 32,50, which very im aintatenciernonein M.lzuhunlymanulm a choir or musical society, you wili ind excelient ma : in inogeaee fro enener atacien g or Four rt German Â¥1; luw or Dank‘s 2o s 2 1 the principai music doaters. Bent June 11 1875. AMERICAN SCHOoL MusIC READERS, To foorietpirnaed Suokn Tot seltuale.." .. season‘s campaign. in our ca‘miogue, Sent Ivopton efi in yotattws, Cout of the bent For Pianotorte, $4.70.the greatest and bort of postâ€"paid, for retail price. . .. e 4 pITREN A Clarke‘s New Method The Ottawa Directory OTTAWA RAILWAY. Of ‘uniform Gauge with the Grand Trunk March 12, 187 w60 S bnarkscst. RICHARDSON‘S NEW MTHOD, Now oxmuuuuh’lnt books ‘or the next mson‘s campaigo. In our G“:@h ::S fLOUR AND FARM PRODUCE NOR MUSIC PICTU R E FRAME MANUPACTURERAR â€" | Advertisements and Orders for the Book solicited | SsSONG MONARCH, Presoott|‘ Connscting with. 145 p.Â¥.|Grand Trunk Mail :f&" ug‘uu MADVE TO onnfi] Flonur & Feed. HAY & OATS Apply to Wm. M. BEATTIE & **" ieorge o. Hont ‘Gentrin Srtma. A.awoonnm,uug& Bookbinders, Rail a. MORTIMER, Guoing NOREH, GOING SOUTH. ug::w Express Ornud trogk Rxpross Grand Trunt Express from l:r:-nt1 } Royal Mail Line of Sieamers, route weak and Central Vermont Grand Trunk Express P"a'â€"'tâ€"ii"f No m s Otte 6 iunmd Trunk Eus a‘ West & Rome & | _ WateértownRailway Grand Trunk West and Rome & Waâ€" FOR SALE. meqspu Nt M it from West......... ertown this train have time for dinuer =â€"CORNER OFâ€" Connecting with. ABRRIV E. wWiays. A. 5. FOBE Managing 1875. â€" 1.30 p.m., 7.15 p.m. â€" 210 p.m, 8.80 pm. â€" 200 ‘am.': 8.15 prm. from, Ottawa makes ow York 8.55 P.4. 100 P.M. 420 P. N 1.30 AoA uoction, rive at ve in 1Mp o m & and QUALIUTY, C " Is â€" ery Complete, and for STYLE and QU. ‘l‘mwnd with wnm excell any yet The Custom is under hy own manage popular mfimnw::m'thdvhm?-nfiwy%‘:"““mmu he! Cttawa, May 22, 1875, + i â€"« A. IGI.IO%._I_. I BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF .THE PUBLIC TO AN _ Immense Stock for Spruk and Summer, Agricultural Insurance Co‘y. HEAD ~OFFICE;â€"MONTREAL. . Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" â€" â€".=~=‘â€" â€" 38 Sparks Street: CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. Is hereby giyto to our mmu‘gp%n(;fi%oucnmm that this Com: Sppsunidiog rerpiup oooupled by atesare, Angus a Co., 2o P 0 C on oR DEpith maker ut aigmpertant of Masien All the Novelties in Scarfs, Ties, Windsors, Hosiery, Underclothing, Br Gloves, &c. _ White Dress Shirts, Oxford and Zyphyrâ€" Shirts, Rogatta, * Fancy Flannel, Harvard and Tweed Shirts, ‘ NÂ¥ v stock of Fancy Trouserings, Meltons, . _‘ Broad Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Ven Worsted Cootings, . Cashmeres. T * Fancy Overâ€"coatings, Doeskins, Also, a Large and Choice Assortment of o hANan Pn % . E. AEEVOR, Enq., Trinity Hall, Camb:idge, Mathematical Master. 8 hoks. connd of Tie Eu‘v,-gfl' c "Freach Master. & K4 CUONS ls:q. of the Uni of German Mnstor ’g gBaAY, ':i‘ of the Art, Hou: Drawioy Master. . H. Boi OHI m.&muw ithand, 8»:& BARNTUV a , x %‘“‘IY! Sehaol -i'-'u'fi' k lihod to o ovity t libar it o lm‘mou aloalar bt&Wwfl "H‘.‘ corrse o\' lmu‘uaurm’ bow syar, will |=t Do exol uvg'y n mwmm be ly, propace Leltherfoc uas J uvsrsity and Profes» Most have been pare in i1 far th x 43209 vi h streot rl Wmfl &:.1 aity, and l‘:»l‘:‘m/‘ n’fi’--mln: fisnc«-nnl -.-r:‘o t::‘gefl‘?fi' n.!", Pu autat es M ~ NVA NO cce i1 hn i tott cuity t x «ts e ECCC TUYe R s mmuwm will include Latin, Greook, Mithom itos, Feaos\ Gorm Arith= motic, Wruing Grammar, Literai Composition, Hist iry an { 400 both anglon ;'rmfl ‘nouerts Natuâ€"al Phildeophy, Vooal and instramental Afaslo, nnmu,“t:‘y;-'.’uu- ani + A Mnu%d number of bovs wiil be received by the Principal as Boandars oc W»ekly Board e and, with the view %" w t m-m influeness, it is strougly recommen u that all be entered as 'gl’- e in houodn:g'l’rhwtml Further particulars can ned the Secretary, J. W. Hoimes, Req., 78 Victor street, to whom all enlwlrndlll% must he made. h oY i The Sehool will on MNDAY, the 1ith of APRLL, and will be carried 041 for‘a few days at 78 Victorin street, new premises not being quits completed. Late Scholar and Prizeman ot Magdalen uzumvmhm?&huw nn-h- not being quite completed. | P RIN C I PA L : T. 0. FAWOCETT, £8Q., M. a. Late enior Scholar and mmum«r%';g.mm Graduate in Muthematical Â¥IQE.PBRIN 0 I P 4AL ; 70 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA * a Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery. MILL MACHINERY OF EV po04 §Péthing Mashtnos; Amarican Baw G09., Fromton, 2 J :; Jompicfiall Nus ‘Moweige t ( Hend for Ciroulars and Catalogues _ Nes f ® E'N,en‘mé AND Bom Plumbing, Gas and Steéam Fitting, Tinswiths and Galvanized Iron Roofers. o COOKING STOVE. FOR ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO AMOKFZ NO HKEAT, NO SMELL, n perfoct Treasure in a fa r Tinsmiths and Workers in Galvanized Iron, and Cornice Work, 101 Ridenu Street, Ottawa, (opposite Dalhousic St.) ."c.).u'!v-..'a..m fircla-'i Real Estate Exchange, Sparks Street. SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, â€" > MACHINERY DEPOT, ‘MONTREAL PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. Ol'l".lfil AND 'mm ton secsrtrse ns ne 68 40 8 (5} CAPIIAL, â€" . $1,000,000. $ w mm i COL. A. C. D,L HARWOOD ARUVWARD‘A. GOEF, â€"â€" WILLIAM aNuU8, ._ !.'_"“‘"“ JAMES A. SMII n':"" PETSR RKDPATH, E8Q| _ | GEORGE STEPHEN, E8Q Tas Rev. GAVIN LANG. I Tes Rev. J, A. LOBLEY, M. A. â€" â€" â€"*z» Rev. R. W. NORMAN, M. A. * The ‘‘Summer Queen" Improved COAL OIL | JUST OPRNED TX puy NEW prEMIsEs, No. 10, Corner of Susgsex and Rideau Streets, French, ~ English, â€" Scotch â€" and â€"‘Canadian ~ Tweeds, w;mo%m-rm fitted ap with Latest im men lase workmen. llmnion IArsghonten 1 uU Stni.ciam stock" in READVâ€"MADE â€"CLOTHING Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting SPECLALâ€" NOTIC E. Gentlemens‘ OF THE BEST CANADIAN, ENGLIAH AND AMERICAN MAKE CGEPOT â€" â€" â€" â€" Desmaraisand A dam. BILNX T H & KERR, PLUMBER, GaAS & STEAM FITTER, > ... GPARKE:STREET 8rd,DO0B WEST OFJBANK STREET. e OJ JN cd ie o 1. C oo ooo Bboriern Mikoony. 1 0 0 0â€"5 0 assisra Ni x4 jsraers: M s J 4. Paituaton. q _ HX® ty E8Q. h. flr.«'fmnfl" Â¥. ,ane. W.3A unmn‘x%m h‘:"a" #.oa. nr‘t:o‘nt"m 7 u.'.flosn, Esq. °_‘ A. WALKEB, ESQ. | BAâ€" SUSSEXâ€"ST. LTite Assnurance. S EKBRAL HiLL boPrPings Plnuntbers, &t. EXREOUTED KX+‘%iTIOUBLY BY PMachinery. ry. auy and every thing that may be n en e taiiwokys "" and a cents per hour. VICEâ€"PRESIDENTS ; ner of Trinity, Hall, Cambridge, / &o. * 108. PEIN o1 P 4% ; R. W.ofil)llgi&"an B. A. ard h id aneas t ons ‘Sonsotur Arl, 5ou h enaington, P. B. FERGUSON, CANADA â€" OTTAW A. ct Treasure in a h-'l? during t ul oveey thing that may by‘ * Mathematical Master. reach Master, German Mnster B’.;'h.u-. Drawioy Master OK DRILLS BELTING, FILRs, AND Broad Cloths, Venetians. Tricot, Velvetcons. 70 SPAREKSâ€"8T., OTTAW A. J. T MASON & CO. in Honors in Classies &b 4 Mb W ALL _ PAPER. BRANDIES, PORT AND, SHERRY WINE, GIN,. PORTER, Ra * ‘ uninpn admer6"*4 Bots epieri ons apvet in Lemonads Ginget Mle ma t mds y dor N* s THOS. PATTERSON. Oifich, New Clinate Oneck New Ponsee mllkeâ€"avcitea the aewestpoodn of thoresias, ~. * STRIPED AND CHECKED JAPANESE SILK8,8% â€"=â€"A Large Consignment Ofâ€" ./.« i _ :/ > tm k NEW LINEN COSTUMES, FROMX #2.050. , â€"The Choicest Lot ofâ€" p d FRENCH FLOWERS & FEATHERS To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city, > 38# LUMBER DEALER, â€" CORNER OF SLATER AND SALLY $TREMYS. Shlngfih&rffa;m ?I%Ec:!;; a?éllh‘l. m peniareen enc ctasd ts tart iA mens * taesn t herien Wematoe to We _ Toue 16. 16 "***** css . For the newest styles in Ladies‘® Hats, For the latest styles in Linen } F. For the cheapets ‘stock of Parasols, *4 For the largest assortment om Jaoâ€" ckets & 4 ale | Go to CHAS. BRYSON‘8, Doing amoug the best made bi! America, The reports of the Judges aiihe differeat Rsâ€" hibitions at wuwm have bem; exhibited, with m#_' Li #44 ., phnot Ahum in ienss en stt s o on Grate j rox | o t esfi i w0 o 4 e ramiins «o vemvan eaigng po hss peory fat uppee n io pemnoume m hn o w f OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Monument.:, â€"'l-l;nâ€"d-ton“ § Obel «s .m PURE AND U.ADUI‘.‘m’m-MJ,-“ MeJicina! purposes w MOLES iLE aAND RETAIL Teaé,-â€"mcn, on-u';-;m-u- : : C©off@@@gâ€"razss noastrh, areanddaty on the premsises. at uson) prices FANOY GROOMRIES IN GREAT VARIETY L O N D O N _H O U S E. _ HANEY $&~FORGIE, â€" Their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferir. Lec. 34 1874. s in Marrble, Sooich â€" Granite, or Sangsteme.? S The newest design in Umk . CERY man.-n.u_-nâ€"_-:, t4% _ CHOICE AND BEA“IF&L a 4 HMDOM O k L ennaitt Direct Importations from the Producers ... In Seotoh, iinglish, and Canadian Tweeds, | Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, Wat ot England Broadcloths &c.. &¢c. &¢., Which he is prepared to ma e pin the lntest and most fasblenable styilew. 4 large Lnt & Gentiemen‘s FURNISHING GOObu. S pring Goods. HBSTABLISHED 1834 18 AFARKS STREET, OTTAWA: _ ‘ DPEALERS IN ‘ PianoFortes, wabinet Organs, Orkganettes, A good Fii quarantec, INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATEP BY THE MANUFACTUREE William â€" Queale, f + WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. 4 Bances, Jams, Jollies, Fin Byrups and ty of wuch as and $ R t o en giasengecse J O 8 E Â¥ D I K B LE B Y, b Hes re "eivid and is opening out a large‘stookef °> 88, SPARKS STRLEET, MILLINERY DEPARTHENT. AGENT FOR NALLOCH &;ADAMB, m h D. 8. Mâ€"KINNON & CO., P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. McKAY‘S KCadies‘ UMare, The Largest and Restâ€"selected assortmentCof Marble CTHMorks, Croceries, &t. Iry Goods, THall Paper. ; ESTABLISHED 1860.] Cn HL ber RX8, All Goods warranied Shrumk. €3A ATAWA, 18744 &o 1y

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