Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 2 Apr 1875, p. 1

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NNING TIME. m; TW KNTY +A N 11â€"A â€"H A L.+ iy. The A dvef TIM ES wHD. . Artivein rolug wâ€"duald Cent » n advance. «h Columbia a k \PHER, UAS VAILI erliscmenis 18 pareil weasure, ABOTine hw skly Edatio®m r Macleam press |* LW AY. nis. Transits, rockville, K A W RC M i Railways way| 1.3 a. M dly Time® Rys." 1.00 P. i. NTRAL Swry NT h. | Presvoctl ector n lemen ts of e dn r a defdn‘.te ‘eabins, 900 me for dinber : cxcgcdiif ce wfi} ~u‘l'-! 4 Platl Y U M40S * 13 A#1NCEry Keport®, aurm mt 7 ap 1 $1.00 ho tC Art 8 hm Boriticty tarews vo net» DA A i q ho B e Manve »ihesd o mt 1874 x $ 1t ho rae Bu aRD witho L0 LET WoMw. CHALL ER x100 & 4 4 ApPj eP '£;f & 4 Liek a ||u.l' wWANTED PASSA NO KR A00OO M 10 i0) A WR BCA NDLN A MORAVEA N PERUVIA N HA RM ATI \ T PRENIUNM CHESTER \\III'I'I. VPI.HS M M HSH ! ~FISH! FISH! Au j ‘¥o i & aUTIIEUL PR EMLUVMS. yA i EN ER W aNTED â€"~A TEDD 02 W ut Ne LLAN LINt CABIN . . NT Ei M TEEN A G 1 as g o y "ALMAGE‘S PAPER m A % TEA oRK POR ALI ANCHCO i: LINE. Stcamshuiyps. Ni forn wuth 20 ; L MAIL STEAMSHIPS. U RISTIA N is issued [A & Hotcls. 8A T is A CHorc« NTED MOSES 1L.APOLNTE. M PASsAGE. STKICRAQ E LJ HOTEL, T\ Ont Jdqllld. | J Fit> . KING, WILL I M & 0 on Bkc. ol Hoy M0, New Y A‘B WORKK. US PAPER * uty 5, Ottawa Y OiLK NTH Address with lusive territors ad Postal Card it he Ciyde and Wintor Nuyiâ€" I0ON UNSUCB ARLD & CO, Sparksâ€"84, Marca UTHING to VICERY & mited t Bi MailN Manager week, day i t accomoda y rallway «. |When irned, less Scidt w 3808 W . aj t Â¥. 4 )A i l KViERY 1P rry t m ation on each $00, W is can of _ PATENTS. | W . Barrister, Conveyancer, &¢., Sol citor in Chancery. F es Buarristers and Atiorucysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soli« citors, Convey ancers, &¢., Barristers, Solicitors, Attorneys, Con veyancers, Noiaries, &¢., &C., Officeâ€"»neli‘s Hlock, o posite Russoil Hoase Office c rner FWNALLLON & CMHERYSLER, TR 1 NHarristers and Attorncysâ€"atâ€"Lnw, Soliet« tors in Cha seery, Notaries, a c. | JAHcoâ€"Handy‘s Block, Ridean Str o | O ;;rrbum Solicitors, Attorneys and Conveyancers, &¢., McL.EoD 3 TEW A wet. 17. 1874 Rarristers, Attorneys, Soliciigr«, v.-f veyancers, &¢., | Oâ€"r1Czsâ€"Higin Street, Oliawia C. iL. Pisme® < A. J. Curoths Keb. 3. 1871 b Dealer in Gree Commerciat |; male in wl ps zruo-gg.w'n Buildivng Rideaoâ€"st., Ottawa Hox. Jor»n O0‘Cenxor, QC. (G, J. O‘Donsrty Dec. 4, 184. R. WV W 63, SPARKSâ€"ST., OTTAW A. Barrister, Advocate, &e. Province of Qquabec. Bnrrister Attorney, Solicitor 1 eery, &e., for theProyince of Oniarn Muin Sunet, Hail, P. Q. 3 Cougiiie sc murnt GIBBS & COURSOLLE, erest a m P C T»mporary Qillce at br, Jos, teaudin‘s, Mai dureon um _ *"/" pe e 0. ARCHAMBAULT, Nagary Public and Advocate, Has opered an «wlice in the “hgv t Huil rrovince «f {uerec, for the nuaciion > «l! Notarial and Le;ai business, eithor in the ‘rovinee of Quebéc o Untarto. Mpeclal care l'voutouweulloeuou Oi accounts in both Pr« ‘Inces, Hull, OcL* 1874. h ce use 9 4tm rl\no-m P. FORAN, a Advocate, Solicitor, &¢. Residenceâ€"Alboert Stréet, . Odice ’onu F ont. 6 to 1i a, ns., aud 2to 4 p. m. . Hpecial whtention yiyen to diseasod Aua dl.‘plmmopult;g‘ the S ohaens Momecopathic Â¥hr»ictan. i ter M «y be consulted at his (ifce, corngrt ufmmmm [ Oltawa, Oct. 21, 1$4. | omm mt CCC Office and Residence;â€"Corner 0f Mugh ans S pmurice se | nbutâ€"tinn DA NLEL O‘CoN Nou O(Mco ~COTT. STEWART & GORMULLY, Mortgages purchased and Loans negotiated. OrFICEâ€" lro. 3 Bell‘s Block, Kiginâ€"st., Ollawa Nov. 22 1$74. \ 2448 ga~Me:y Barrister, Attorney 0. TawLno® Jane 3, 173. itwiuate McGiIt! University, Montreai. Hungeot Northomberiatd and emud C ‘y, baike _ »-N' l-'-'A--_,A. 12 andch. L FLOUr _ __FEED STORE ALEXâ€" TAYVLOBR, l)l. 3 RIDEAU AND COUMREKLAND 8STS [:«Nu. Keference give illy treated if required.. Day Officeâ€"Sparksâ€"st., Cenire JDWD. )D RD )fieeâ€" at his restdence, Mariaâ€"st.. tre Fow n Caneers cured without the use of kn by . hew but certain, speedy and atmost n lew teras, ME »lawa South side of Rideauâ€"st.,nowr CHoucest wee . Consultatons at all hon», H. W ALK®3 it ec. 3, 181 1 V. M. FERLAND, Patents of Invention, _ FIRST CBAS® Hhir Dressor eniployed. | les‘ Cor bings done upin Firat Class g1y1¢, %lm'-nn Now B [A ect, betWeer Dudbrin D* 0. C. Woob, Physician, Surgcon and Acconcheur, Barristers, Aitorneys, Nelicitors, Conveyancers, &c., 1NXHEY, CHRISTIE & HIL1, Insurance and Real Estate Agent m the bortest Notl oNDP BROTHERS, CONNOR & CONNOR & O‘DoHERTY, I ALKER, CASSELS & PENNOCK, Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &6€. fcoâ€"Master in Chancery Uhu mbers, Co u se,. â€" tiawa, Cantd®. ONALD Â¥. GRANT, W. W. WARD, FLOUR ANOD FARM PROOUCE Musiness Cards. ). 12 Ht. James + traet, Dt. $, 1873 K. 1LOGAN, OMicial Assignec { OTTAW a. County otf Ci ILLIAM MOSGROYVE, Medical Cards. R. J. P. LÂ¥NN, w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., X. BURR O WS,C.XM.1.C.P.8,.1.C., C. W, MacCUAIG { the 1 p. BROW Nyp Bell‘s Block HonBL® New Bcoal Cards. M ARSH AL MATHESON, Murch 9, 1874 E. GENDREAU‘S (TRADE MARKS REGISTERED) uid ppos! . D. K. MACDONELI , Syccessor to D c M Banker, Montreal renbaeks, U. 8. Bonds Manmkers. UChargey Moderate. OTrraAWA, UNT | & PARLO §0OLICITORS OF AfD1R MdtGti, th ar y is now open. CORNER OF TBht J, 8. Bonds and Checks, scoun ted Colootions Dominion and U . 3. In= Real ® Censre Town. â€"|Nigh Solieitors, &Câ€", n to partibs syccent McLarnc state q. C. J. GoRMULLY How 36 +0â€"Kin w h y M ONTEEAL D. Hoge t F@y Sa w ik in Chan« AMO. 2 107. M 48 i af O*Uon wak Stx Bird Webing 1y ro TUESDAY, Apri! 6th,| Agents for Dominion of Canada. | JOSEPH BURNETT & CO, BOGTON% The property to be soid is in very good order, bâ€"inz nearly new, and comprises handsome Pâ€"riour>u te in green repp; handsome i W. Hoair CiOtie Hou& with Chairs to mateh; three ets of green Window Hangings, 6. W. Contre Puble, 14. W wl-mh’ Tables, ovel back Arim Cane r\ D ning Chairs, queare and corner W hat Not, Trifte Tables Card Tables, Refrigeâ€" mator, han.isome ork Bâ€"lroom Setts, Sureas, with glass at weled; enclosed Wasiâ€"stinds, umuux’l:ble-. Cane Chairs, Armand Hock» ing «on r and wood Maitrasses, Elankets, Carpots, Cook Stove and kitchen utensiis, cut + mss alu-' Decenters and Tunmblers, Sitvers ware and Cutlery, Pictures, Yase», China and A pel" 63h, s M Sparksalreot. coUNTER SHO., CASXZS, WALL or UPRIGHT GLASS CASES, MILâ€" Orrawa, March 31, 1875. Pi EXTENSIVE AND TOTALLY UNKRE] SERVED AUCPION SALE OF | C :lltvw shop Ful‘llll.l.l‘lc.nflllfl‘ hold Foraiture, ‘«rnuzcs,. Fwups, ruu aud other elleg@is of the insotsept, T B MOUKS®, at his store an« Iwe ling, Robinson‘s Block, Spaurks street . © H ousehold Insolvent Act of 18669 ‘J. M. ROSS & Co. â€" 82 Sparks â€" Street, W EEKLY SALES, AUVCTION SALE. Easter Market Wilt show this week the f est collertion of Easter Meo i in this city. Aa ony l\x sloc will be found Kignteen of the flest Western Cutle; also a Chotes Pig four months old; Fine apnn“lamu; Veal of th â€" Finest Quality, all from tha most fmous farms in Guoiph. The Stock will be ou exhibition to day, wive your orders caily. | 8849 81. AI 1 Ottawa, March 3rd, 1978, > W784 BrAK ELKY, Hopt, 1869..â€"Gontlemen, 1 feel it n Jdury l owe o yrut express my gratitude for lthe great beneflt 1 have derived by making Nor. ton‘s Camemile Pilis.‘ i -mw to your ageDt, Mr. Bell, Rerkeley, tor the we rmm Lor whd n the stomuch, from which 1 sut ered exoruciâ€" ating pain for a lenth of time, nasing tred nearâ€"y every remedy presoribed,â€" bot. withoul nny beneftt at at1. after taking iwo boiwes cf your vauinable piis 1 was quile restoted 10 10 1 usual stute of bealth. . Mease givedthis pablicity _â€"fur the beneit of â€" those who thas. be \;-W.â€"l nn,?:tr, vours truly, . 4 YÂ¥ Ad4. WELI To the, Proprietors of K“'N-'h.'r's l‘A::‘ eosice 1000 Rowe‘s AUCTION Rooms, Rideau Street, MOBLAE E4118 BM Easy Terms, and Satlsfaction prom‘sed WARRANTED A *:u AND PEREIECE OURE for all kis ds 64 Leprosy, Eerofal», Telier or kingâ€" Worm, Sait &nou n, and all w of the Akin. 1 Un : Hottle warranted to cure al c.aTdPn.d From Ume i Three Botlies in ull cases Houaor® has faithfully and . in ppntiaimet fatuene Listant «bove nem d disoasos. . 1if 7 mm.:t.u ‘u cure @" uoods on view all day Monda ALE OF FURNITURE in perfoek safety in l eRA0": â€" 0 o) " cledg on the o6 d l ving the w 1t on litate 'm:d'fln |m. 8 %“' wally incproves while under this treatmont uki 140@ TD CS PCO 2As uslty improves while under ‘ Peice 1¢ por Bottle. Bold Enquire At CHARLES AUCLAIR, (PETS, OTL CLOTHS, OIL CHRO MOS,. WINDOW â€" HANGINGS, CLOCKS, VAsES, sSILVER wWARBE, CUT GLASS, C C CHINA, AND CROCKERY. I Every SATU&RDAY, Furnitare for ALL partics selling ont. > iory Several Sets of Single Harness PILE AND MUMXOR CURE IMPORTANTE A uctiou &hap ubscriber wiil uurem®®, Baxx STREET, atMWisccllancous. LINERY sHoOW CASES DRUGGISTS® PERPUâ€" mERY CASES, MIRRORS. SPACIOUS ROOMS. (t pos Luteruat and E1ternal Use For Sale Cheap for Cash WIL . BELL AT THCLH HENEY‘S BLOCK, m mebc:n Farniture . eomprises Counters »ve y slyle an / desoription, Jarge hoth, Cocor Matting, Fur ace, ‘plug, ~bop Window Hlinds, ®s NOTICE. ther 11 J. BERMING HA M, « J. M. ROSS & €O. i6 W LAS iruicles tha al Furniture, 11 it 1 PUI alos, fuctioneer Himds, a annot b ESDAX , 4 m\fl’ A l P NE BRITISH CANADIAN ‘or Meeiivhies, P#ihters, Photgraphers, and lg s .‘?:u-mw':’unwm. .._.'. { incory 1t surpasses every thing &4 Windows, painted uid plun_ Woodwork, ned Pins, Brasses, o Scouring Khives, aud all motais. Land & Scettlement Co. Capital, $1.250,000, in 25,000 29 Shares of $50 Each. Hants secured only at t he Hox office or Gownan‘s Sparks street, where plan can be seen. >| Admissionâ€"Orchestra l.‘hurlb'fl ots.} Parâ€" quette and Hutcony 5 c, Galiery 2. | 8804 Ob w h Matihow Fairley, Wxq ,6f M. Batrl 1'II:A:Il\ Glasgow. f .H. Adam Hous a ous produ o m.dhma Charles Maitlard, Exq , of R M \__ Son, i s Crest Ilreie‘:-‘v 4\&‘._ % James Roberton, 48q , #‘ inâ€"ijoborwon & Co.. eotu h $ pinners, wowhnll ... . James Saimon, Ksq . J.A., of James Salmon & â€" _ Kon, architects, Gin»gow. Jobhn Spetcer, Eaq , merehant, . 12 West Reâ€" w@geut streek, Glasgow. Win. Arthar, &â€"q , merchant, Woo.llea, Both« Wiekl, R@ar G bugow. John OCuaringbam, Fkq. [ f (‘lnlwllolt of Smart & Cum ingbam, iro founders, Und he Matih GREAT â€"â€" PANTOMIME Rrown, ! unlop & Lindsay, Writers, 87 Now Io gen . 8‘ reel, Ginsgow, MANAGERS AND SRCRETARIRS, |, L W 0. w J W. Lind«say, Accountinis, 3 Wes: Regoent street, G.usgow. BROKERS. Moore & Erown, 100 St, Vinceut street, Glas« gOW. * DyKes & Mnclagan, 70 St. Vincegnt stroot, Glkg« gow. s 1 1 4 C Woodstock. gonn,, Aioy, O e oo o naaionie The Coinrany {4 Tormed to take vo and deâ€" velope lands n Manitoba or North«West Perriâ€" tory, exâ€"ending t ‘ d 250,000 ACRES, 3 Nights Only 3 | THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SA TIIRPA Y, maly “T'muu"'. ped S.Llln‘,"-' _'w'|l.bm'II 'i«'fill. © in be obtain= ud, and ap,Acations for stuck made at the of» tce of Worcestershire Sauce! The snecess ofthis most delicious and ho vnlodukm:i:mrnl h« wig eaused certain or toa apply the niume of""Woreestorâ€"hie Ma 18 theit ownsinfetior compoynd», the. publit o hereby informed that theoaly ‘way to 8eeM" the .«2’....... in to 7 i CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD ___ _ ASK FORLSA & PuRRINSSAUOF, _ _ and to see that their names ate upon the WhBP~ per, labels stopper and boite. _ ____ t Ask for ‘!‘EK &'pié‘;;a. NS+ m'd Name on Wrap ; Afiine Boule,md%. W holes: le and for Export tuml‘ worcester ; Crosse and a6., &oy fnt by uroore and Oilman wl _ Amusoments, . GOWAN‘$ NEW OPERA HOUSE OUSEKEEPERS 1 HUMPIY DUMPTY TROUPE FIRST ISSUE, 10,000 SHARES, THE QONLY GoO0B $ aAlC Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s~Cocoaine Kills Dandruff, Burnett‘s Cocoaine Gives New Life to the Hair. Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine tÂ¥iscoltancous. BOB . BUTLER‘S LEA & PERRINS‘ Capt. MacCuaig, New York Theatres. Boothes the Irritated Scalpâ€"Skin. k 3 our G Prevents the Hair from Falling. ud under the Companies* Ac i ~ and 1809 ) S A P O L 1 0 , WUOMMISSIONERS IN CANADA, Promotes its rfealthy Growth. Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. Deciared y con* c1sseurs to be i limited Number haye been rt* served for Canada. â€" "bs 50 and 75 cents por Bottic. Affords the Richest Lustre. Remains Longest in Effect. MAND: SAPOLIO, SBubues Refractory Hair. Ts not an Alcoholic Wash, Is not Greagy nor Sticky. M Ist, 224 and 3rd A pril onseâ€"clean‘ng, by all in ans ir Ginâ€"cer, Druggist, or Uiie Iwaure shops, for clean â€" ing and polishing M (LMIUPED q LAW AGRNTS, Travellers‘ Instirance Co. DiE TORS krom the OTTAWA, FRIDAY AND * P14 of Houston «) McNairn, af M. Fatrlcy:& ( «. mor« ehraied $3f of R Mo kle, John & ky 820 4 and unii Wasuineron, April 1.â€"TPho public .debt statement shows a decrease of the t during March of $3,681,210.63. The Mexican Ontrages in Fexas New York, ;\f)ril 1.â€"Despatches‘ fram Corpus Christi, Texas, report saveral cases of fi‘;nling dead bodies of both Americans and Mexicans along the border. ‘In one place two Mexicans were found Hanging !;‘o a tree ; in another, two Amgricans, who ad been stabbed, and lhad beon dead but «a short time, were found with horses and arms still near. them. A large body lof Mexicans is reported as lhaving crossed the Rio Grande, and making for Corpus Christi and Laredo,. At the former pla business is almost entircly su.sjp('mlof{) d ho person s are loaving / the . thwn jor coming in. . Merchants say "they will order no more goods until these outra; are checked and thoy are afforded some protection. The citizens held a meetip yesterday, and requested the Government to l‘umis{ immediate reliof. Investigation of Canal FrAld'f ks : An Albany despatch gays . the: Canai Board. yesterday apfiintod a commit to consist of the Liout.Governpr, . the Secretary of State and the Attorngy: TGeneral, to investigate the canal systéin and the alleged fraud«, with power to for. persons and papers.. They will a ‘take up, especially, the system of 4pâ€" pointing officers and employeses, and to enquire whether there was: collusion with the contractors â€"in the xpzoinunux of engineers, inspectors and o,her office; The Removal of th‘:.Wul Virginia Captâ€" hm a j | Lewissure, IPm, April 1.â€"Theâ€"ico|is gorged three miles below here, and the water is now within three feet of the level of the great flood of 1863. â€" Families along the river have been driven: from theéir homes. Should the gorge break ‘saddonâ€" ly, the damage will be: very great. / The ice is passing Witliamsport safely, cartyâ€" ing wibn it 100,000 feet of logs per : y supposed to have come trom Pine Cregk. ‘The (Gilen Union gorge is passing 1 Haven without damage. A Financial cn-n... 4 ‘l’:‘;\‘m‘l‘.ml' | LoxDox, April 1.â€"â€"A special despatch | out the milita to the Post from Berlin says that a fin@n | band and give Cjal crisis is feared there., Settlements | of them have on the Bourse m« effected with great di/~ | Myjorâ€"General m x jlnvo‘b‘fi Aweatyâ€"eight | giL divisiqn of f q persons have committed | ordered toâ€"lay suicide in~"consequence! of financi@al ret |â€";{yrisbury, an verses. ablminhtA en Loxpox, Aprii 1.â€"â€"Mr. Childers, speakâ€" ing at Pontofract last night, gave an hcâ€" count of his last American tour. He nroko in terms of high ealogy of America. He estimated thatâ€"in fifty years it would contain 150,000,000 inhabitants. 1e forciâ€" bly presented the reasons why England should seek the friendship and alliance of the United States. | Paris, April 1.â€"Advices from Spain state that a force of Carlists has entered the Province of mnin ler, and will be followed by Don Carlog and the bulk of his army. | | YESTERDAY‘S DESPATCHES. Lox»ox, April 1.â€"The funcral of John Martin, fi:P., was largely atltended "at Loxpox, April l'_fl:s Madrid . despatch say among specifications . in Conofl": c.hn-ges against melhr is, 1st that when Concha was Captainâ€"General of Cuba, he had occasion to. send General Liqueline home for insubordina: Midnight ~Despatches. Newry toâ€"day. }ian. When the latter returned : to Spain ovellar, who had bocome Minister of War, approved his conduct and subseâ€" tly promoted liim.~ ‘The Government m it aifficult to defend Jovellar from these accusations. It was understood that in Gencral Jovellar‘s case no such inq;ll':,ry has taken d)lace since his return m Cuba, and this circumsiance may be used as a p.otest for reqiuring his withdrawal from the Ministry. 4 pes ‘ Toxpox, Ag:x;l 1.â€"It â€" is said that Mi Scheichkin been appointed Russian Minister to the United Statés.~" «* > « The Hon. John Jay left Vicana to«la hl' home. Y f e # â€" Rioâ€"Jax®iro, April 1.â€"A despatch from Monte Video announces that . the Aruâ€" guayan Chamibers have passed a decision E‘ifler@st on the Public â€" List and provid ng for the redemption of the «debt by the issue of new paper at a torced pricc. Jt is added chat the foreizn representatives bave protested against the decree and the ‘situation is critical. tn‘s" Pemonstration : in Favour of Governer Tilden‘s Canal Policy. _ New Yonrx, April l.-mâ€"‘A grand © mass eeting of commerci izations, under the auspices of the ;mduce Exâ€" ) was held this afternoon to enâ€" Wovemor Tilden‘s recent exposure of the canal frauds. Deputations from ie Chamber of Commerce, Stock, Cottan, and Cheese Exchange and Cheap ‘ portation Associations were present, ‘ resolutions ~app "of Governor 'n‘e.rleuA r “ul'u_nnv‘udc were adopted.: â€" Addressessomw the subject delivered by Hon, Edward P?:uu w, Badford Prince, Wim. E. Dodge, | The Ice on the Susquehann«. Trouble An.icipated in Vrugusy BY TELEGRAPH. Minister to the United States Obarges Against Jovellar. Funeral of John Martin. Mr. Childers on Amecrica UNITED STATES Carlist Movements. GREAT BREFA!N GREAT BRYTALN. souTH AMERICA UNITED STATZS Public Bebt GE i MA NY. SPAIN. RUSSE A SPAIN. d as having crossed making for Corpus At the former place ended, and :. tewn jor "they will se outraj 1870 The Huron & Quebec Railway has maude a start; a provisional board has keen selected, with Mr. John Fowler as managâ€" ingâ€" director, and stock books are now open. 63 i4 bibarg ic Wiukessares, Pa, April 11â€"A conâ€" struction train on the Lchigh Valley Rail roul was caught near the Swinging firidge this alternoun by the first movement of the ice, "The men, sixteen in number, who were onâ€"the train, got on the engin®, and, amid fear. and excitement, waited u‘.til the ice moved away and freed them From their pefiillous pmél:“lon. The river has fal on rapidly since the g passed, and at ninemgcbck this ev:for-in? stood at 18 feet above low water mark. The City Council.have instructed their solicitors to procecd‘in chancery to preâ€" vont railway l@ecomotives whistling. inside the city limits. ... At thein meeting . last night, after hearingâ€"legal opinion, the Council declined miu-my sum. . to aid in the erection of Catholic separate school buildings. _ F L 4 The sum of $3,000 was granted to assist the Tgmw Electoral bl.):vmon zn&:n providing permanent buildings Te annual. exbibitions. Yil divisiqn oi the . National â€" Guards, was ordered toâ€"day by â€" Governor Hartranft to i{arrisbury, and he leaves here on the midnight t:â€"ain for that place. A Constrnuction Train Caught in the Fee. Wuron & Quebec RKnailwayâ€"City Couneil â€"Aid to the Electoral Division Soâ€" clety â€"Trade Dinnerâ€"Customs Seiâ€" zuse. The butchers : of the city gave a very flattering banguet last night to .Ald. Britâ€" ton for his exertions . to. .secure a central slaughtoring house and other . needed 1e forms. | *3 Vesterday fiio sterling worth of goods was seized in G.T.B. examining rooms by the . Custom House dlmou the grounds that they were . ente wt half value to avoid duty.. _ are ‘rife, and a reign of terror exists. Among the peaceloving citizens it is thought that the efforts of the military will be found necessary to check the fever of lawlessness and misghief prevailâ€" ing among the disaffected workmen. The . Situation at the Scene. of the Miners® Strike. _ _ 4 W,u.limnllu, April . 1.â€"Troubles in Hazleton coal region are yet threatening, and fear is expressed t.h-.{ outbreaks may occur among the strikers in other places. it will undoubtedly be necessary to call out the military if the raiders do not dis band and give up their arms. .A majority of them have muskets in their possession. Mujorâ€"General Osborne, communding the The Evening Standardâ€"A Wedding on the Tapis ~Court of Review â€"MeGill College Convocationâ€" Stocksâ€" § & Moxresar, April 1.. ‘The Standard has been ‘purchased by tho Irish Romian ~Catholics;and is to apâ€" pear‘as n one corft dyening daily, the size of the Toronto Aun.. #* 4 s \~It is rumouted that Sir A./T. Galt will uhordzdliomtob\nl known Monâ€" brealdJady,=â€"s i: exmssoqeal «u0 40 ue} Yesterday, in the Court «ol Review, the Rev. Father Nnu:.‘l‘;l). cquptofn. :.u von to pay danmages for hayâ€" in;mu village : blacksmith from his pulpit ;and a judgment of $50 against Barthe, the editor of ~ the: Gazette de Sorel, for libel\of one Bouchard, ~was recovered withâ€"costs. i [ : McGillâ€"College convocation « eame . off yesterday afternoon : with » great â€" eclat ; about 800 ladies mdrnnth-.m pie 'a:::‘ besides & aitendance of the faculty and other graduatesw=Peter Red: path occupied the: chair,â€"and Dr. G. (ampbéll conferred degrees on the meodiâ€". cal gr;?mu-. Goaw MéRae, Ronfrow ; Robt.W. Powell and Wm..D); Ross, Ottawn, were among the thirty whoâ€" passed their primary â€" anedical .examination. :â€"Among: the thirty graduates: who took the : degree. of M.D., were Hugh Bain, of Porth; Wan. Ds Rm uu-w-%w. P. Scott, Hull ; and Edw J. J. Wood, Ayimer, Q. The prize for the best primary examination was awarded toâ€"C. 8. Murray, of Montreal; TRRS thatke: ut of a posabte L0K . . 1,650 marks, out of a possi (x-mlbr Day is seriously ill. â€" â€" The stockâ€"smarket was very firm this morning on a * bull ‘‘ movement based on the prospect of an easier. turn in mondy, and but little stock offered at . the top .prices.| There was a fair amount of realizâ€" iny :â€"Montreal 187%, closing atâ€"187} to 187{; iExchange 106, closing at 1014 40 106 ; Jacques GCartier 97, closing at 4 to 97 ; Delegraph 172}, closing at 172 to Erastus Brooks, and Abram 8. Howitt. New. Yorkk, April 1.â€"At a meeting of the (Chamber of Commerce toâ€"day ruolfl: tions approving the action of Gover Tilden in his exposure of canal frauds and thanking him for his message wore unanimously adopted. _ Reforms were also suggested in the management of ennals, and a resolution was offered and wlopted approving the recent proposiâ€" tions of the Canal Board to reduce tolls on wheat. and flour 33} per cent. â€" . The Lehigh Valley Rilots. Pumaogceura, April 1.â€"Affairs l.mo:{ tho â€" miners‘ / in ~ ‘the" / Lehigh â€" Valâ€" ley / continue in i ::flord»le state. â€" Reports of violence arson In reéference to a lettor which appeared in a morning : paper toâ€"«day accusing. some of the Montreal brokers with bogus trans actions in stocks &'-m’u taken up this morning by t.hl Exchangs, who decided by vote that »all transactions reported between the members were bona fide, and it is u that: a public and official denial to statement in the aboveâ€"mentioned 1: : will: be made. Sales of stock at the afternoon boardâ€" Montreal 1873 ; Toronto 190. 17 . The Bank Swindio~ Epizootic. C Wartrax, April 1. 1 The six thousand dollir. swindle on the Halifax Bank:is the talk of the town. * No: iwace of the fgrger has been discovered, and . it is . probable mnoue will be, the general impression Lbeing that a rascal clever enough to suceessfully | carry out the swiadle will be able to. elude the police officers .. The last seen of him in: the city was about two o‘clock ..on Monâ€" day â€" afternoon,. and the forgery was not discovered till Tuesday morning, and: no . steamer . had.. left Kfl in _ that time., The gentleman who i c Luliing at. the . Bank was . Mr,. m rryoqfin_u.-}y President, and who had boen deceiv i lJob m« wl coo mdng af ie Aekicic t 1 secure h ) V ncl . Ol . . Bank of British N Amu the Manager,to!ling him he _ would,, > xflm the agents at New York, lwil ;h-linlnm in no , hurry would call . HOXLdAY. _ ;:> siews 1m Py‘ CANAUIAN INTELLIGENCE CBy Telegraph.) TORONTO. "‘,i;‘l;; SR C "‘.â€""'E;.‘ & im Picton muuty, and several E hLorses have fallen victims to it. mss #pring: A loodâ€"Fire ~Railway Accidentâ€" Local Jtems. .. ie 0 Ts "Kaxpon, ApHLL i ~©K onvingtow »sulairb nm-fl from the usual spring flood; in many mmmmhmw on the MONTREAL. HALIFAX. Cimmes . LONDON. Toroxto, April 1 The Bar of Kingston have invited Jus tice Patterson to a complimentary dinne at the British American Hotel toimorrow evening. * Organization of a Yacht Ciub.: Broogviuue, April 1. A yacht club has been ‘organized ‘in this town. : Some twenty gentlemen, ownâ€" ing ekvm boats,have already anroliâ€" ed their as. members... This move ment has resulted from (he gererous ofter of a medal made by His Excellency the Governor General when in Brockvilie The Assizes oz»ened yestard Onario Hall, before His L ordsh Patterson. *T Embesuler Escapod from Jail. Bmuwersvines, April 4. A salesman in th; loy of Barber Bros. was arrested 0: u. , tharged magistrate an t-emandon unti yestorday, but in the meantimie he o} caped out of gaol an|l has not been r6 captured. h f , k last fall imeeting of the Metropolitan Lodge of the ing in their hall, Rideau * The Rev. J. W. Smythe, of Christ hurch, here, and the Rev. J. W.1P. Smythe, of Strathroy, have changed parishes by the consent of the Bishop. * The Ontario Car Company havre recoived the contract for supplying cars for the street railway here ; the cars will be the first made by a Canadian firm. The Bishop Eloct of Ningara«â€"A Witness for Tiltan Wanted. Cirx Counou.â€"Thers will be, a regula meeting of the City Council oh Mosday eyening next. .. .. sitake neriotdin ho io ast might t 20 e arnivedgn the city Jast At: tend the sittimng of the fipmfi ‘ircuit of the Court of Chaucery, which l 51(::‘ b&ny in the Court House in this city. Auif Yesterday morning a fire broke out in Westlake‘s dry goods store and hoop skirt factory on Dundas street, near Talbot street. Stock destroyed u;lirrl\e interior of the building burned. Westlake estimates his loss close on $8,000), which is partly covered by insurance. The house was owned by Mrs. Young, who lives in England. â€" Damage fully covered by insurâ€" ance in the Phcooix Co,, for $1,500. An accident occurred at Eastwood on Tuesday night, by which two froimrs were thrown off the truck.. The o câ€" tion detained the. express train yesterday New Aprararus.â€"Mr. J, P. Robertson, Chairman mlm Furnishing Committee,has been deputed by the Board of Public School Trustees.to procecd to ')‘ardttlo to select mow maps and apparatus for ho}l’g‘:_'nry Echools recently orected, and. also for the ‘Gentral Schools. a . lukum-.â€".& mm%m were employéd yesterday rovéhnentogmllon the south ond g; Major‘s Mill... This will . make a material improvement â€" in ‘ this Tocality when finâ€" veareuge bf o trompo" Dumpty Touls { e Humpt t j was gree‘g with a f::fi mtynightli: Gowan‘s 0 House, . ‘Those present ‘were ddiqhmhwith the character of the onurmfiuw There will doubtless be a large altenduace again U;is evening. OS CRARRRTIICCEGIOR WE LINRC CItY 18 wtc&,ommby.hngdmhmflm country, |. m + h ! s o S t C *â€"â€"-â€"qâ€"â€" oant J nirnant hay a I-.-Y{‘i‘:d}h-.;..?.i.‘l”-l.l: 1 AA..II?‘l:,l‘_.AA:__ .‘-n."!.‘.. '_'#. .“ Acaix in Trousiz,â€"The noiorious May Dohertyâ€"has again got into trouble by visiting a Ro on Mariga \street and breaking | w s, .She was lodged in the polia station for the night, and will have to file an .&Qurwco before the poâ€" lice msgl:ute is morning. ‘ Cueayina PuarPomns,. â€" Nearly: overy muw iniho;ulyhuhul more or lass to with cleaning sidowalks for the past few days. As a result of the assiduity with w£m'Jl the work has been dono,cm ple are, bow enabled to walk on sidewalks. ‘Pf rain. of last night and yesterday rnoon did much to assist in the work of removal of ice and snow. Tuiar or Excixks.â€"Mr. Dennio, a for the Bilsby Steam Fire Engine t pany, has been in Carlcton Place for mst two at the trial of a new er ilnv %p\. (.Il}: will urri;',e in tow! day, ; new Siisby oofie. clmllh_te'gforufi City of Hull. Eddy has beca away for someâ€"time, the trial was. postponed till toâ€"ds await his return. | . Mexperssoux .. Quixtepte. â€"Lovers 0o musi¢ will be delighted to Joarn (irom a friend of l:;*b'{rl;“wlm).tm‘uu old Th;d esteemed is favourites farmn{ i accomplished sogiety will give. two choic conserts in this city on the Zist and ~Ama of next month. .‘Xhey will be. accompan ed by Miss Fannys. Koliogg, a. younger :ld crxi mmli\. 'flw.:‘ will be. accompan y Miss Fanuys @ & .4 sister of the fammous m.‘“%alloa "m club prowmises some new and remarkable compositious. s closed up by written examination, with the view of ascertaining who are to be the prize: takers. ‘The cxemisation in English grammar and English . literature will take c.oflpen_ump lt has . been decided .flnwu-t:lfifimwiflbedl tributed about the mi of the mouth, when the Mayor. and other gentlemen in teresied in: the: institution will. give the prizes promised by them. â€"Bomurmw1o Soommtr. Ciassss.â€"The prac tical classes in connection with the OLiawa Ruxaways.â€"A couple of runaways yesâ€" terday afternoon somewhat startled the people of stideau streot.: .A double team started| ; from (::zn street and came a ‘lively | pace, starting .amother horse in {ront of Baskerville . Bros.‘: grocery . store. The latter was , eaught aftor a sbort rum mear the St. Lawrence Hotel, . The other team ran in the opposite. direction and turned dowit.Bussexstzeet at a furious rate. â€"Luckily they were stopped without nyv-ynr'muqinryhdn‘dm- C. 0. .0. F.â€"There will be, a. regular Assizes â€"Complimentary Binnerâ€" a,3€ STREETSVILLE. BROCKVILLE y HAMILT ON KIinCsTOoNn HMaxmirox, April 1 Kinesrox,. April r. JJenmio, agont | ‘ 44 ‘ire Engine wml o on Place for the 1 ~, | of a new engine | Ee ;‘";’;"“ town toâ€" | Br isby ) urp~ | ue stmp t |= some â€" time, and | Mr ad ‘till toâ€"day, to | M\ }4 i the istice fendant. _ ~ ® Bryson vs. Hunti .â€"U‘Connor and Hogg for )hm Kerr and Boyd tor defondaubts + â€" + Foley vs. Foley.â€"Gemmell and McDonâ€" ald for plaintiff Radenburst and Douglas for defendant. :; ; € n x ® (George Beatty, another drunk and disâ€" orderly,. was ordered. h‘cn.finof&'t and costs. Not having needful, he wentdownul'or-wuknuhb:‘.‘ G was arrai i doone Indiaimrinieentapige poing in the discharge of duty. ~â€"He was sent to gaol for two weeks at hard Iabour, George Pooley was arrai on a charge ofbeingdmkdm for which he was fined $3 antl costs. John Pooley, a brother of the previous urisonor, was. cusrged with a" similer offence, but was discharged. > About the same time the mail ‘train which leaves Prescott in the afternoon, aud is due here at 1:l0m‘b.jlh’.0‘ in-m en route :WM. ‘The L:d in, consisting en f'“"" ??&'Mmflwqmmk Houcester e & At ran off the track. About four of the Eecles ys. Lomy.â€"Taillon and Chrysler 2'5’.':‘""" lees and Gemmell for de ndant. h98 3 18 ”""c"‘.;,.,' foam, SHomneal . Alfieg "Rot ville ; C. 4 ; Al Potâ€" ter, New ork ; W. C. K‘nnody. Pemâ€" broke ; Jessie Robertson, Brockville; J; H. Jamieson and wife, Karr; M. McLeod, Aylmer; T. H. Shfllh&m. N.Y : .Ilrs.C.iLShwnfl., Stewart, Fond du lac; Wm. R. Thistle, Aylimer ; Mr. Head, thpotown ; John Brown, H. Brown, Pres ©ott. L terly meeting of the United Total Abstinâ€" ence Society was beld in &‘I‘*.p lall on Tuesday evening Jas‘, the 'olla-ing persons elected office bearers for unmnx.vlhrvâ€"l‘m- dent, J. P. Taylor; ist Viceâ€"President, Hector Mclean; 2nd Viceâ€"President, J. : Johnson; | Chaplain, E. Storr ; Treasurer, w. Porter ; , Hugh Mclean ; Executive i E. McGillivray, J. .Kearn, A. G, , J. Mumpthries H. Hinds, | mm;’m J. M. T. Han» Bertram, R. Wheatly, J. Clifferd. Spendlow. Before M. O‘Gara, P. M The Court of Chancery opens its Spring itting before Viceâ€"Chancellor Blake toâ€" lay. ‘The following "are the cases to »e disposed of :â€" o Blaisdell vs. MoGee.â€"Lees and Gemmell pr plaintiff; Pinhey, Christie and Hill for ivrflmlfll‘. Shaw vs. Shaw.â€"Pimhey, Christie and Jill for plaintiff; J. Jamieson for déf A ~Select Assembly â€"Gaily Becornied Ioom â€"A Fifet Class Supper =A Fine Quadrilic Band. Among one of the.most pleasing inci< bents of social libinflnmfidlum: iime was the ball Ze Royal Enâ€" ineers at in‘ city, ‘at‘ the finion Hon#e, last: night. The room ‘was profusely decorated with Aags and â€"other devices iar to such cccasions. _A noteworthy fact was the character of the room and the presence here and there throughout the room of vases of natural flowers from some of the city conservaâ€" oflicers were into the y idea of last night by the couru‘L lhad experienced ut hands of â€" zuns of Ottawa for the past fow â€"weoks. Among the guests of the officers were the following :â€" n M Premier and Mrs. Mackentie, Hon. 1. A. Macdonald and the Misses Macdonald, Hon. Mr. Mrs. and Miss ml-.m Miss Leowis, Hon. Mr. and ] ail, Gen. Capt.â€" Warg, A.D.C; Lieut..Hamilton, A. * mree Renemastai +. ...3 and the Miss i;;-....u',u:i'a Oan&n‘,-.lh Gordon own, â€" a Sergeantatâ€"Arms and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. O‘Meara and Miss » Mr., and Mrs. Cassels, Mr. und Mrs. i Mr., Mrs. and . Miss ‘m Moâ€" reve S Mre. sud Mesahedienthige irand 4 ; ; Mizs and Mrs. Powell and Miss Andrewes, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. 8. IT‘ Merbort, Mr. Korsyth Grant, Mr. J. B. Macdonald, Mr. Amml:x:.an. ewin, Dr. rl, 7A . New Ig, Mr. a 1d ‘the Russell, t. Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, and a: number .of .. others, whose . names we did . not learn. ‘The band of the Gov ernor General‘s Foot Guards snpplied exâ€" cellent music. â€" The attife and toilette of the ladies was something superb. â€" Mr. John (Grabam did his utaaost . last â€"night io provide for the comfort of his guesis, aird it is but just to say that he suceeeded well in this respect. _ Mr. Desianrier, with an efficient staff of waiters, were .kq-tlu:!‘ for a considerable jength . 0 tinxe, -gnu:i no pains in laying & good table. ball was .W-‘m cess, and the audience, which about 100 couple, enjoyed themselves exâ€" & I1 . “ ) adlo n aha Wirs Rendiord Peating Col. Wily, Cel. Stewart, Col. Ross, Major Macdonald, Capt. Hon. Niles Biapleton, ceedingly well Mi. Nilsson says LD warmer climale than lived in for some moi aware of it. s Nellic Sartoris ‘has joined the . W as ington Gymmasium. 1t is not the punâ€"f we have used, that beforeâ€"but “"‘i ty Eit hapalt s se M y -tg'n-rk&dflfl vvimnastics are Sartorisky. FRELGWMT TRAIN WRECKED. PRICE 3 CENTS. COURT OF CHANCEERYX MOTEL ARRIVAL®. MILIFTARYX BALL. Wheatly, J. Clifford, â€"and W POLICE COURT. <<li 64 o 4oâ€"â€" warmer . oli 4. P ;Mildrv'i- than the one he h Trurspay, April 1 by hes bult

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