Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Sep 1874, p. 2

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§ p 54 5 t3 t Wb3 $y §1!. a4 *tig #} § 4 wa § 59 gossarh> \) MOusuNâ€"s CELBESEATED Ro=aE q9 W Arrangement. Lave been made With the several R«ilway Compa 108 for the con® veyance to Uitaws of intending competi~ tors at the Dominion Rifle Association Match, which takes place next week, nmunnd.lwdfwthodwm jouney, Passage *t this rate can b* secured upon production of . member‘s wicket and commanding officâ€"r‘s cervificate a1 any station. 4 Late exchanges from Manitoba npo:l that ‘he Hon. Mr. Laird, prev1}U8 , startimg on his treaty mission to the Plain and Wood Cree Indians, had, with studious impartiality, giveo audiences 16 all sorts and conditions of umen. He hw had to listen to grievances of every imaâ€" g nable sort anod kind fom redâ€"skins. half. breeds, and white, and his prtience i= des mbed by journals of voth parties as of the moit extwasordinary length _ U+ sourse erery body was not satisfied, That gA}UR would be umpowsible where legislation reâ€" garaing rghw of property his bitherte been so lo se snd ‘so conradictory in character, 1t seems. how«vor, that even in Winnip. g there is no l1ck of unscrupulousâ€" ness »«mong the writers for the Upposition press, and some of the usterances of the Miunster of the [nterior hare been vicious ly perverted. A Wicnipeg coniemporary; nowever, is careful 10 give the lis direct io wume ) these false assertions,! and th jurnal «t faals, with a sprit of fairner which might be c0, ied to some advantage" by the Uppositivn press in this Province, has beea cireful to put the maitter right. before the public through its. own Under the need «+A «*Cor P .obo Works Dep« tment, MOLAO & lurus. T.lkgraph undertikes to eonlirm .Ihe charges mi.de in the Ottaws correspon dence of the Hamilton Times against Mr Arsoldi. Mechsuical Eogioeer in the Pubplic Works Depar:ment,. . Our Prescot! contemporiry says, @the proofs of Mr Arvol iis guilt are clear and explicit, ang samit of no Uenial whatever," and then are much stronger thin the. ‘acts w jurtify. But th.t the Prescort Telegroph T J L eodo n ic C proceeds to particularize the charges, which ure unquestionabiy of.a very graÂ¥ve character. We are not surprised that the st«tements in the correspondence 0t the Hamilton 1m.m.utbydo&o-: prejadiced, if not an ungcrup alous quarter & e erver e\ d should editori«lly «nubstantiate them iD a way that insplies acour.te personal know» loige of the ‘Tacts, and ..,hym» Mr. Arpoidi allusions that are gross!y offensive| in s personal sense, sur pries us very much.. . . The. wâ€"‘ son so grossly as ailed is one of the mos: efficiens men in hbis department; an | mace an uq':ty has been instituted and bacM ipg on. he is â€"urely. entitled t>a cessation of chirges until a decisi n either fo: or against hm shall have beer given. We do not believe, trom such inâ€" formation as we can command, that the: ehrgumh-uuh“lnuypcuwhr‘ 1t y turn out that journals so superâ€" sealous in the public intetest, or so care lessiy asecessible so persous who have axes to grind or spieen to gratity, as to allow charges of felony und leeser orimes to be wantonly made against imdividuale, wil: bave yet to answer for their conduct, > CKi Esaa! vouNJER® We deny every statement made by the GMMinlnmflnocvuhfi own exâ€" planation of the Renfrew Mail contract matter as given in our issue of yesterda. The ouly one of our contemporary‘s i faets" which pernaps should be dealt with otherwie than by the above general de: inl, is stated in the tollowing terms :â€" a ND July th. Now Advertisom: # M , MacDougâ€"l11 wrots to the Postâ€" master Gâ€"neral afier the clection, wher f _! ticularly concerned, for in the very ie CRLERNATED ALEORPM®® ) ), " L ;lovanzat Governor becoming the 0202000 . lawina nam. K.;E'l-'\;(‘ ana iuflaence were hayond persdven : ure., and the» coutract, withou: tender, was given to bim. ‘ * UBUIN . This is one of shose ~facgss" 'hlcbl the p overb to‘ls us, requires another to back it lhe regewed contract wis forâ€" ma«lly execuced one clear month be fore the election. and tock effect trom the first day of Junuary. ~ We hare no thought of. _ #couvicting Mr. . MeDougall ‘ of falsebood ;‘ there ° ars people neater home upon w} ow we can ¢ fry ‘~us; thas design eve:y twentyâ€"lour bours, .. But the At CAMPBELL & ALMAS, * 84 Hparksâ€"91. THE MAIi CONTRACT AGAIN. pupers in the . ost uflse Department will convies, we need not »147 whom. of doliber ate falsebood with egard to thism«tie:, uniess it be made clearer than . it is how $r Macdougail‘s lower written after the election could _ hare . secured ~ ® contract that _ was . sigoed, _ sealed, sad d livered s month beture that event Mucu awees is put upon the circumstance tuat this ounirac: was renewse i +* wichout eader" When « mail contract is ratisâ€" factory in respect of the contracior and his prise, and we shewed yesterday that this one was so, it is Mpneu‘ of the Department, of loug standing, to renew tor a secoud term.. Let us bare a few wore such ( ots; i1 our coni@mporary tan stands the cons»qieaces us well as the Posimaster General there will not be much 1s CBLEBSRATED PORTE® aY, SEP!EMBER 12 1874 and a fu‘l list of BLA: KW ELL® eom Htios) 1 UT 1NBURGH «f "m in the «tment‘" the Prescot ALE. ndon Qood® AL" |\ We gave in these coltimins yesterday & list whoh has the appeatancée of being | pretty nearly correct, showing the com« position of the new Quebes Qovernment, As to the ‘particular persons Wwho may be galled on to become members of the Gorâ€" oo! of designing politicians, throwing conâ€" | de stitutiopal â€" prootide and »constitutional | th procedent to the tour winds of beatrén) | ar and calling upon other than the Leader of | bi Her Majesty‘s Opposition to form an Ad=~| P. ministration, we see the elements of early | b failure, ndshdbmkh‘updm K Copservative. party . of the : Province Of | p Quebes. It has been said that by resignâ€" | y ing before meeting Parliament; â€"and thus | C avoiding Mdmlfldil"id'd“m* p CUonservatives have shown that they have | r ‘profimd by tb.!pfli.flxiol.twftkfll i ot the late Federal Jovernment. 11 they | : had resigced, as they hare done, but *#| 1 little earier, and the Governor had pur= | 1 sued ‘a â€" constitutional _ doutse and | 1 a.lled upon Mr.:| Joly~ in. <the dust | instance, then we should say they‘| had indeed profiiced by the exparience | ; quoted, , but. as matters stand. it is, far | iroin ‘d.tflcult to see that instead of having done that.which is wise, they have most : | effectizely destroyed their own credit be« ‘ | fote ihe sountry. + 1t h',,rbhhly‘ unfair to , | use ‘the tetm "‘They,/! ‘for weshare the authority of ye, Qhebeo. Cironiale for say« ing *hat alr: iJuimetâ€" offered no advice to i .Hi Honour regarding the choice of a sucâ€" â€" | cessor. °. t he : Ohronfols furthor ‘confesses that the endearodt to patch ap an Admi1* â€" | tration oug or the Conservative party in \,, | suicidal policy. Is admits that they are g~ | divided amongst themselves, whilé the 1â€" | Upposition are united to a man, and asserts pp | Shst no course was consii.utmonally open ,, | to the Governor, but to send for the ®‘1, _ sa» otthe united party. Trae, it augâ€" THE QUBBHO GOVSRNMENT. w» the Governor, but to Se€BG 206 S9W | leader of the united party. Trae, it aug»| a gosts a co«lition. in that event, which 18| t quire patucal to a Tory orgi, but we have | | less to do with the suggestion than with | | the admissions Exoept for theâ€"dishonour | and disgrace which the representative of |" the Crown in Quebec hasâ€"cast upon bis bigh oftice, we can scarcely say that from a party point of view we regret the new turn which bi been givon to aftairs. While we sincarely regret that the execuâ€" | tive head of‘a government,: scting under the British constitution, has degraded him« self by playing into th4: hands of politicai conspirators, and. acted in ‘a manner for which the history of Great Britain «ffords ho precedent, we must: admit that he has also played into the hands of , their oppoe nents and our friends. innocently enough on his own part, but apparently to good purp, se. . To endeavour t patch up the {ottering structure at this late day is mereâ€" iy to in ure its complete annibilation when at nodistant hour is f.lis to the ground | with a crash. | Is the new government | friendly to Mr. Ouimet and hi corrupt tollowers ? Then, indeed, hare the people of the Provinee of Quebec need to feat their rulers, Sball we tind our frieng Mr. Quimet and the heroes of the Land Sws$ «upporting the De Bouchervilie Admini« tiation ?© If we do, we are bound o wish them joy of their company. But, on the ovher aund, if they refuse to support this bybria governmentâ€"made up as it is ol1 waitors to their colleagues and greedy officeâ€"seekers â€"what can â€" the resuls be ! Way, defeat of course. © Truly QnL politics are in a deplorable muddie, but the meetiog of Parliament and a new oleoâ€" tion may perhaps do something towards puiting toings right. : t tm his dutles;; and possessed of a listle more discretion and beiter command of temper. . However, our public men are vlessed with a large measure of long suf: fering sometimes, and unfortunstely‘ the best interssis of the Provinee have‘in vhis case had to suftsr therefor, * We repeat thet when new bléod was proposed io be infused into the Council of cublie Instruction, people hailed the proâ€" position â€" with donsiderable â€" »wlflmf&“m?uflm hoping tha. it was a preluade to the inaug P‘“"‘nm. ting the ge> uration of a new system and order of mm '"'".“ mw-‘ things, that the wmngs ot the au ecrati¢ cmfiwrdlm%‘: uhiet Superintendent #would be «somewhat | prackuge. t uu,u. vat tor @anadea. c‘ipped, asd that the education of a great M Ar m Province like Unturio would be pleeed | R 'm‘-“"‘.tj ii H upon a foot!‘g comsomant with its imp tâ€"|" Praext Darns‘ _‘.Gj tance and somewhat consiatent with the ad« | are almost W m“.,] v.ncemeat aud requirements of the, l‘r:l the nn:' .pll- s age. . The character of the men whn bare wm.“ ® MM& o .‘nm been elected by the respectire bodiga neotly the people‘s trend, and entitled by the new Abt to reprasentation | apould hare it With “:‘. in the Council gave hope that.so far as they :Ju't..u&.- + ‘ mmod.ulor-ndb.::n:d\ un » would not lack for advocntes, we have "'me-OII.h uis no doubt, were the means of verification umgw&w.a placed mibin reach of their eomumonl;,. suitable presen‘ f 881. their avery : expectation would prove Radford & _g asle. .This is \ hare been fuillled: . The prod®edi28® 9f | uoued euen Wm‘fl ty mak 8 mwmmmmmlg%, red.;; Only a --wpummmm qrikaiam k r ietseda wen _ ‘bfil responsibility w we are not Aecustofadd to ( delight ; and is but too that evilâ€"doing w shy and courts the cover walid ‘ | blackness of night." Resp$ : | Parliament nor people, ‘ | business with a. ch ‘| Ku Klux, pawning up$ ( | proper manuals for §he in ‘ | young the pro * | Chief mpflh“l‘m &D | perpotuating the abuses « a | ration. and stediastly I the * p‘f“ of %b[. m“'. but atter a tashiot W'W" teney, jobbéry, favouritiem, and etery spe: ies of irrégular and goryupt reanniite~ mont upon the very face of it. The Star Chamber system of legislation is natur» ‘ally repugnant to the British â€"mind, or it sawours of a period in the *‘f" :&:;m-unm freedom . and govâ€" tal responsibility which as a nlm 1 we are not aecustofnéd to dwell w delight ; and is mmmm:rh”fio of that evilâ€"doing w shuss the day light and courts the cover waidh is lent by the blackness of night." Responsible 10 neither Parliament nor people, condisting their business with a secresy charaoferistic of a .cc ar ty J ofnnt andechintentiinsat ing was to have opelt the representatives ( let in upon the dark tions the light of py | the public an oppot | they did" their busit | they didâ€"to have 1 ‘ pnblhlohluol’d ‘ | which so largely a6 *\ Province. sand : §0 Counci! sacrificed and made subservient to the seifish purposes of a doited autocrat . who, baving bego boisted into a position of trust and responsibility, defies public sen~ timent openly and avowedly, and will conâ€" tinue to defy it to the end ? Apparentiy 10 long as they are Willing to suffer, the inflletion will be â€" contisued ~without l.\momt. In â€" a» <renewed Counâ€" ci1, where: hopes of improvement Were: centred, there is evidently no ‘virthe. | 4: then beboves us to cast about for ‘aptneâ€" thing which has. ui tak T ‘The Counc:1 in 1ts condescension has rgâ€" solved. to give us just that publication of tbeir procerdings which ‘the “U‘"" bouse, ard, rising: above those: 1 and in some respects merciful :F tions which have hitserto made loth io initiate a measure of redical . reform, procssed to reâ€"furnish . it . from : ; smalleat urtiole .to the greatest. As it ‘Toronto were the whole Provinee;â€"and as if there were not & newspaper ‘Otifiide of its boundaries, the Coundil bare ra#olved, ‘and put their resolution Bpoii reeord, thet ghe‘ @lobe, Mail and Leader shail be fur®. ished with s copy of the â€"minuies, in the form prepared for© publicati¢A" ‘in § Journal of Lducation | What dlfllflt: Â¥i. Cathermes, Bnnu‘ud,(hd.l,’ur don, Brookvilie and Ottawa, aéon with its one, two and three daily ‘pxpar®, lnluehfi just as well entitled to be furnished with® a report as the ‘Forouto journals ? Verily thibgs have comeé to s \pretty|pass. No\ content with continuing. the. -lqiehnn‘rq’ system of gondusting business; not‘e8nâ€" tent with shu‘ting out the p o'h.d the press from witnessing. their ‘deliberations» | they now zo farther, ‘snd © convert . the | Gouncil into an ‘institution for furnishing special newsâ€"of a questionable kigd jro; '-n.udmis-â€"nmrm'»vwm.- news from the posséassion of w on equal terms "the press : of the rest of the Dominion und even: other.. gapers | it P8~ ronto than thoss named, are thus openly and avowedly exoluded : > _ How slong;" Out masters, bowlong? view at & wnuwl;gâ€";-vmâ€"u::g not f and who knows but that their are rejouing as well ; who can prof coutrary 1 M"‘""‘"‘" because of the : astonishing‘ and almost Mm“uuwdflw u,-.onwmmmmm zemedy.‘‘ wome were losm. and poor having no appetite, others would derour uuirhbvnoflm yet """"m iit fremm it ; some were: hideâ€"bound, with rol&hudlhwhb| others had severe colds and scoughs ; imany had the heares and other complaints pulhfbm* o-dhlomudun charm, the dil or complaint was speedily remored, the are rejouing as well ; who can prov fe in antevani eouln’:‘yf.llttlfl)lmmu'o c mfim:"‘ beenuse of the : astonishing" aad almost | quartor tatle, the miraculous effects on their nerses of «Darâ€" mfl x: loy‘s Condition Porders and Arabisn Meare a szemedy.‘" wome were lesm. and poer Dufty again too} having no appetite, ethers would derour second. * TB their food râ€" renoaly, yet derive no beme» | Biwaid U #+ fua« it . ‘anme ware hideâ€"bound, or 4 8 appetice and tive orf mu‘.“mm * mmummuflwl\houz danger to, or preventing the horse being that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on the paskege. ~Rorthrop & " Urma, Toronto, Wfllhw Bokd by Aemib¢ | ~~(T NA | | in . ~ price‘ tars Pain Elolin _ t ldidhid are almost instantaneOu» ‘fi"w rest «nd quiet nm-m.w nenutly the people‘s trend, and every ene nd the people good of them â€" how kind \ _ | Roberts, at 'l |“J0{flfl' 1 1»® | toâ€"day n'o‘ m variety 0 % ao f:.:'.’.a"‘n- ve 9 FA« Recoxyt? ren | lition on t o# sgle estab lore Mutchmor * | the worku oo | k for ty more :: deavor. 1 OITYâ€" AND a.. "ot Covan *4 0 West Wesloy; Bept. 20th. Ti hk h abrae io [# F4 10 0 d MTDi We t 2 give short a@dre@s08, }8! musio, . Tickely 20 cents, #A & i PC L4 d e ' rmo"],, -.m R.'o m- fi.fi m‘d‘y hare returned from their w ”n Tne revr gentloman looxs aftor éxtensive tour, and will doubtless receive ~ fHk OPtawa Recoxstruoneo®.=â€"The work of â€"demo« lition on the : detective wall in the hole~ sgle establishment of Mesars, Gzla’d.‘ igu< cA o mgronc n ’f:.:, © M, re f wall when uhfio‘a hoped thgym;ul be more fortunate than in mpnflou"?: e uo taernd h wor uow been m.h&m '{' M’ CrmeHatz»Gorrnagr, â€"The contract for the building of the new City Hall w.il be the building of the 'â€"gn Hall w n‘::"!\ ow * 4 . af-au-&?‘ 'l\lndnluu’vflw with their sureties, are na%mo sxecute the nmaprgmmuh.h' ds h':':l‘:mfi romising,‘aud . ggound w ; oubtless be broken early‘ neXt ~week, ‘iu old u?x‘, ‘which it‘ls intended to‘still use, will"be removed to.anothe: corner of the square unul the completion of the now ie Covrt. There was only one case ces Te Vakh yenring, »tim. of n man named John Jackson, who undertook, to undor:lho ‘lht..h:‘ eer on one of the loâ€" comotives 0 &?M & same was in mution." 1t would ig.lg by the use of a stick of cordwood he suc= cseded it his object. P.â€"C. Graves, who is ipalanmpeni ty ’hfi y lnu'flo.‘.&’ho . was gjeour 4 q for a week. Sfhrudiads‘s x «. wampmmmen. oi t 6A A Warir Worrs‘~The hydrants pro being logated in the lower. part of y wery tast. â€" in Ualbousie street and r back streets, the w ark progresses .. , 1 he | Mains are being put amn on Hi ifll“w:l’ii’“ bein ‘ “ ‘ x itreat. ~ Rvery exertion is € P t n the water next month. : . . protecâ€" tion than seeas 'oa:;“'m_ heve 10 â€"be provided tor many the housé servicus Sre the frost ets in. If these be. not 0 .Oausmaa «â€"At ing ,':f%uu:mflodp or"oad Somartx:gotving . ap a grand piomic., in nomardn 60006 u0. A.£ "ia proponed to have a quoiting tournament. ‘The arrangeâ€" ments are, however, not enjered upon yot. ‘WAt ore many days further details will be h«d. Auy entertainment got nfl undsr ‘The nuspises of the:Oadâ€"Fellows wi doubt~ uu-oo:.:ishmhunl patronage of the public consequently . prove aA. e lrmgnmhn 1t will not Ts To Nok mportant celebraiion ol the.season.... ... Cmiore® Marce.â€"A scratch match be tween the Ciril Sermee and ‘ U)ttawa Cily elubs, will be played this afterncem on the am::m f ‘The band of the Gore # . @aards will ve in atiendance from o‘clock and play the foliowing | rogrammée : & seses vaes" DNROUOO s y v en ner 8 C RUUUT twn ‘#i "...';-......v.ouo:. 6. Walts. i. .. .. ... * Fo .m 4. Belection......." Les H ate ‘*.. Uonizetti, 7. Lancers . ...‘ Romebed .m"n'_"..‘nnm. 8. Galop . ...... .. Wings of Love *~...Germain. ‘"hs Regimental Quick fStep and Mitional An« Pusiie Soxoors‘ Pioâ€"N10.â€"Yesterday the children iof the Public Schools enjoyed a plessant ‘time, it "being the occasion â€"of C y t o n n Tha | Insnantar. pMe esnt C AONT o ne H ts } & qmn.l pic nic. The h'_P‘W"f i es aremane l‘ i * 449 k: AF. .' Snad stBGS sB . and in lam thma ab Te PPRRRTT CCC LICIf r - T ant d:"wn spent ‘by the ‘fl*&m ustil tho nrriva! of. the +:Pgetlesa‘ "& evening, when all got an‘t reaghed \he city,.safely about 7 q‘slock pâ€"m., well AND . JC ? L. j> * .’ E fl‘g 0 "’ i v" 48 ile "4‘ ,‘k o BM : M i. v uced ME . ..L"‘ t vuremmmmmcin 9 Raixe 0P aw Inos G:apa®.»Yesterday. 80 little excitement was oceasioned in the iinice 2 tar fathes aedet taot ho ng t ginder, $hat is to «pen the Canal, ln'wnm:‘im& ‘the i ts of that structure, â€" The \ [ R;:fl ‘massive ,ozu,;}gn sh to the capasity of n dol on tn capfainaer it an The the gearing emeployed in raising it to its place. W'M € 1y -""Ml!k but l"nmm:. the tension l'i'i.hmthoh w.k nearly : wori the Mm’ dn the wise maxim of _« hlow but sure." â€"There is adother gitailar girder to ra1s0, AFLOr the work on the bridge will scon bo'.pf,':; | Akupiio® Aeuivikwkas Fan Gasno.â€"â€" MMeabnr dneent Sgrientrandt Sn clon, Nki Bissark‘ Wonoor Convanriox, â€"A “.;.qu Association otf a;‘g:; in the ‘Ortama &o Â¥8 OW m'“m't M_ gilter ,.r.‘n'!{!(‘?_!"ié with..tbe: bohda; Abe! bohday* and ‘the‘ day* and ‘the day‘s #" Nabuso" Be ‘inevitably a Hamn .Â¥eidi A BE Ld | 4. 4 â€" o tA Asio® t clair on the Ml‘;roououonof «Jartine the Pride of the 14th." t‘bhe piece is a vehicle for in t odusing the varied lp.cldl‘l.lil:‘of ‘K.dllo. L "ou m t n d sn abadwa c PAREPTUET®AT CC O coits Ravel, but is remarkably full ot melodra« wistic effects and situatons; in fact, in« cidect â€" succeeded incident with such rapidity that the mind of the spectator gote somewhat contused as to the plot 0f the drama® This accounts, in fact, tor the piece somewhat banging fre towards tne close, but every exouse must be made tor ‘the first night of a most intricite drams, wad;we doubt not that on its second reâ€" M everything will run smoother. hese remarks do not, however, «ppiy to the Star, who, of course, was to the fore always. Mert Lighining Drill seemed to srouse the military ardour of the audience, "for perfect storms of * applm?r. ploouu her I "C C Cmualcx__ 1,6% WfFaat lucst avan. AFT Eoo Mn ic g o EC hfiot.':l. Probably her best effect last evenâ€" ing was her Pas d'hg;rnol. wuich is de« st «edly the most grace realization of the * pue ty of motian‘ {ot seen in Oitawa. It is a.perfect marvel of terpsichorean «rt, and we are surprised our civizens did not civa it better apprecisation. The tight 10pe yive it beiter appreciation. LN@ UgA® i7j" eftect was also weli received. The piece is repested this evening, :nd lboing d;‘o last olicts ‘14 44â€" n w wha $s uNe 7 oeeoe n e PCMA ~ i appearance of Mdlle, Ravel, who is uns doubtedly the best pantomimic star on the Sl&ge, yvohopotomaomwdod house. Rmx Musio Haru,â€"Last evening A Pupil Grossly Maitroatsd By Anr Officiel, The public schools of Uttawa have since their foundation, justly elieited the envy and miration of similar education» al. onta ts in other mnm of the Domicion. owing to the admirable system of ion carried on within their wall«, 4e . 24.3 6 otstvrdinnints e hnb ger e y and the able and painstaking staff â€" of teachers anit cfficiils connected with these estab.ishments for the education and train« ing of young people of both sexes. Up 10 ‘the,. present time, ~complaints from either pupil or teacher, were fow and far Mwm and were in almost every case of very mf aecount, so as not to call for speci.l notice _ It is, therefore, with x’u& regret m&:‘n our roporu' r hmenlhd to e a case of gross no« j:’fifl-blo cruelty towards a pupil. of ‘uhe City Echools in which one of the fficials is the only participant. Yesterday ourreporter having been made acquainted wiuh some facts relating to the case, visited the : parents of the boy, alleged to have been maltreated and from them obtained the following particulars :« _ _| _ _ . ____ oc a Aaciccudidert. _A tds ~toâ€"cutPad Mr.‘and Mrs. Coilins the father and mother of the boy reside on Sussex streoi, where they carry on business in the gr0â€" cery line. Mr. Collios is an invalid, having been partially paralyzed for some time in mtc CobaiNhds ace 1 been partially . paralyzed for some time | ‘ past, and 00 â€"sequently unableé to take any | very active part in business or attend to I the bringing upnndmhiuofuflmuy.x' ‘z whole orius therefore is thrown upon | . . Collins, who has her hands pretty | full.in »ttending to .the store, .and Jook= | ! ing after Ber children. Un mMonday last | : it â€" «would -.fpur, her _ little â€" son | Namue!, aged 0,:: who had been for | some t:me past at ing the Bramch of | the Central School East, om Bolton street, | A%dwnoon recess, determined with | ser companions to play * hookey." For that purpose, and to avoid coming in eontact w*v.ho master, they hidâ€" them: selves in the second storey of a kind of a shed in rear of thonhooi Unfortunately for their designs, the Superintendent, Mr. ‘Tubman, beard the truants conversing alone and went to bring the boys down. the ‘latter, however, . were not to. be foiled in their intentions. . They wade for an open window, lesped out a considerable beight‘fr.um the ground, and seampered of as fast as their legs would carry them Mr. Tubman thereupon gave intormation to the Traant : fillser, lr."udofld])::l: who went in pursuit of the boys. It would now seem that all except the little teilow Collins made cod their escape for the time being. ‘The latter, however, was not so fortunate. He was houy purâ€" \ sued , by. Mr. Datris, and . after a very bard run, Was ea ptured ‘ mbolur All would have now been ‘ , but for the circumstances which ‘followed : â€" Mr.â€"Davis, doubtloss greatly . mmud at the dance which the terâ€" boy ~had . led â€"him, commenced to | vent his wrath upon him, in a most un« l juahbbndmmlymw. Accordâ€" ‘â€"| ing to Mre. Collins, the officer beat the !\.poor little feliow on the head with his fist $ UAE mRA ies â€" Lonslob.â€"mnk . (akw HAEL ingndallireinks mes‘s + wore uht dhrapty /ob o+ 6 or handsé ~sbhe eould not say posiâ€" mmhuâ€"um he became umpp::d. ‘The child in his terror and despair, cluiched a fenee on the side of tha street, actually b“filf“m mm hi struggles to free himseit from the clutches 6t his captor. Mr. Davis also repeatediy jorked the lad viclently, and several times throw him to ‘the ground on his faee, The screames of 1HE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, lame ulc under th L'::hdxnox': 19 109M on LHs UeFs commenced to Buramion Arrsuizs Cartusa will be sold n a most un« at the Exhibiuon in this city by Mr. Woa. amer. Accordâ€" Rodaen, as he intends Mndn&holm Hoer beat the ber of his herd because of the o? fire. id with his fist fl:dmhrn';:“uh“lru contents of farm not say posi. | produce,. will afford purchasers an ame stupified. epportunity of securing some really. fine mepair, claiched young stock from one of the best herds in street, actually | this country. _ The numver of prize: :f‘“ to iree | taken here and at other exhibiuons by his captor. apimals from Mr. Rodden‘s herd have Pilce fam 19| Shtk A dn f..':"‘.mu."“ Suboik pige ano I w him to , ® and The screame of | Leigester sheop dnhnu."&u the boy now attracted a large crowd of perâ€" sons, cmefly temales, and among them the mother of young Collin®, who eptreated , Davis to hand orer the child to her care. ; promising at the same time, that she ‘ would answer for his return to school. | ‘he lady, however, was answered with abuse, and old by this overâ€"efficient officer thit »she encouraged that kind of work." ‘The child, now exhausted, was at length taken to the school, where be had once more to undergo a whippir g at the hands of the master, and be otherwise degra led before his companions in \ the school. No blame can be attach ed to Mr. Tubman who only punished his pupil in th: ordinary way, for playinog truant. Doubtless ha« he been aw«re j the treatment which he had received a the hands of . Mr â€" Davis, he would have been satisfied, that the boy had ho: more than sufficiently punished, for offence which nfter ali was ohnrnnlmt and parnionable nature Young Collins m gut be stated h‘omwhn incorrigible, which bis pacents fraokly admit, at the same they h«ve stroog onjections to amy outide their own family circle, taking upon themselves to castigate their chilâ€" dren, e«pecialiy in sueh a brut«l manner. It is to be hoped what in tne interest of the parties concerned in this untortumate aif:ir, that a searohing enquiry will be made by the proper authorities, so that in future the public may know wheiher officials connectied with the public »chools ol the city bave author‘y to malâ€" treat the pupils placed in their charge, on | the public streew. BEECHEEK SCANDAL Nuw Yorr, sept. 11,â€"The Herald g: the following as the main rul £ Moulton‘s statement to be published this .t‘.'m'!_ * P . & & 1 L ns Firstâ€"He proves nbuluu.l{ that he did 1 render effi sient counsecl and aid to Beecher ufrer the Mrubuonxon of Bacon‘s leiter, and avoiding im this respect a wilful falsebood, Second â€"He shows also tat be was hot a blackwmailer, and that Beecher was blackâ€" mailed in that he availed himseelf of he power whicn.lilton bhad over Bowen to exiort through Ciuflin from Bawen, a cerâ€" tifioate of character. " Thirdâ€"He shows that the devices to Thirdâ€"He shows that the devices to whicn be resorted were Beecher‘s own anggestions and made in the eff>ry to help an : save Bescher ‘ Fourth ~ He gives specifisally in words the justification which ac:uwpn to bium tor bis aduitery with Mrâ€". Tilo;, namely uhis, that +*this physic«1 expression of love was as natural as the words of endesrment he used ioward her." This M;. oulton ays wasâ€" First; Enpuncistion of the dostrine of free love that he had ever beard, and i therefore became deejly impressed upon his meniory. | ied o us y Anothor Charge Against Beocher. L B Libcadnts Ad Fifthâ€"Moulton says that when he read to Heesher from the letters of Tilton to Bowen, the charge of rape made by Bowen. thiat Bsecher deemed it necessary to tell the,truth with reference to the woman who was mentioned by Bowen Beecher sayâ€" ~+Ididn‘s commit arape; it is true I had intercourse with the woman.‘"‘ see Moulton said, If you are on triendly terms you had beiter have & retraction. else yC4u may be at Bowen‘s merey: *‘ Beecher did go and obtain the best retrac« tion be could. which appours in the stareâ€" ment. s it appears also from Moulton‘s stateâ€" ment mm efforts of Gen. Butier have been to‘ the safety of Beecher, in order to save him and the Courts from the shame that would ensue from the publicaâ€" tion of the wh Je truth. ~Gen. Butierâ€"trow the beginning seemed to regard the down= fall otf Reecher as a national c@iamity . _ | MOULTON‘S STATEMENT Moulton‘s st tament is just tssued. it is muinly a detence of hicwel! against in« «inustiouns in Beecher‘s statement . and an attempt to ,râ€"ve by documents, dates. 4s , tne raisity of some of Bescher‘s stite~ mente. No outside parties are brough: in by name, but Beecner is charged with adultery with another wom.«n usnam=d substantially, as statedjin the â€"Herald s synopuis of this nlomia‘ h . ht S t mt o e l‘hrn;â€"withpo-o letiers from Mis. Morse the mother of Mrs: Tilton, in which she cslis Beesuer ber son, and asks him tor money “T- Mrs. Tilon‘s support, is about all there is new in the statement.. â€" Its tenor is that of a personal defercs of him sel: as a man who has triel to aot bhonorâ€" ably through the whole «ff.ir, rather thas an additional attack on Beechr. Additional Particularsâ€"Mrs. Morse‘s Letter. . New Yorr, Sept.. 11 â€" Mouiton begins his statement by apulogy for its produc ton in which he says he had hoped¢ Mr. Beecher himself would make a denial of apy intimation, iusinuation in this averred statement that he (Mouiton) had acted in any way dishonorably towara him. hil:: in this hope it seems to Mr. Moulton his friends that the question of veracity made by Beecher oughbt to besâ€"tiled. The statement, for as it seln:es to the Beacher Tilton mautter, is an argument by Moulien based ng:' alleged facts which hare already published, and a compariâ€" son of his (Moniton‘s) previousstatement with that made by Beecher. The only new documenta«ry evidence is a letser from Mrs. Morse to Mr. Beecher. and a paraâ€" graph in a letter from Beecher to Moul« toun, sayig , L enclose a cheque subject o your discretion." ‘ ‘The following is Mrs. Morse‘s letter ; ‘October 21s4. Myr Dear Sox,â€"You must purdonâ€"me for the request I now make. Can you help me in any way by the first of Novem ber. 1 am suili alone with no prospect of any one with a rent of $1,500, and an in come of $1,000 : The consequence is with other expenses I sh«ll be I:{ vhe fir:t of the month terribly behind hard. as I agreed ‘;"‘;{"'fi"?n monthly instalments â€"I know full well I bave mo claim ngnmi. any way, excep:ingSyour sympathy for my lo ely and isoiated condition. . If I could EVC Oe enc Pss Th d F be released from the house I sHBould gladly do so, for I am convinced it is wofuout;unwho::vl:.:cn wmn;y‘ rooms tay 80. r apent most yuuld‘:y’wiot‘hn&’ She eaid all she bad in the way of money was per week, w-nhr frod .-aumum expenses aside from rent, w-‘lvenhrbymndd”nb‘mu‘- every raturday. It you know anything of the amount it takes ioflldloodfcrum people, you must know there is â€" little (or ciothing. (Bhe told me he (Tilton) did nt take any meals at home, from the fact that she gould not get such food as he iiked to pourish hhbuln,..d.oug.’ his meals at Menlion‘s.) Just thick thatâ€"L am almost crazy with the thought D. come and see me. I will promise that‘ the secret of her life, as | she calls ‘it, shall: not â€" be. mentioned Do you pray for me?â€"It . not pray do, I never felt more rebellious than now, more need 0‘ Goa‘s and humantuel y3 mmmlmnwpub&‘ u«k me to call you +son‘ when [ have soid my dariing 1 felt if you could hmw yoursel! and ail concerned, you : be to me all this endearing name. . â€" (Bigned,) + Morazn. The concluding portions of the stateâ€" ment relate to accusations against Beecher f nuwhnboupusm'ynonn,ul‘ are of a grosely indecent character, w2 sc % i (From the Halifaz Chronicle.) ",, ‘ The ways of Conservatives are In‘-‘ ing out ; they are mysterious to & 4 they bâ€"ffi> the most patient inquiry, thâ€" Sontertative paer" witl exrnently hdri Conervative pa er will advise \ufinywdofio one thing, but mean while will itself do the other ; The cdurse it recommends to ludfipbhmm 1:onno I:oqfollo'l It ‘wiil |‘m.oh with rothy eloquence on a text of retrogres» sion, but is will practice a different theory altogether. . It will abu»e lmoâ€"m. look you, ‘tis the Keformed t that suppor‘s free trade,â€"and exiol Protec tion; but pone the less. in its owa comâ€" mercial dealings, it will carefully eschew protection and cleave unto free trade.. It .will wildiy clamour for the encoutugement of home industry, but let uwn.t.:oon modiiy ma«nutactured «broad.. onapor.undcw_ wn’b‘lo-‘ung paper will not be deluded inw enopurages ment of home industy Th: mey be go d enough as a preceptâ€"it is very bad us practice, . (=~ . gra certain Yes, the Mail certainly teok this high ground ma»::uuu-t.- it abused unmercifully the Free Trade 0 «ut devored its columns and th% is editors to proving M& patriotic, anadian,: national i that which fustered aod> protected industries, and that was the policy the practice: of ~the Mail. â€"â€" And ‘w.uâ€"mouu!um--um o on alen e emarenanty seivative paper who were ‘ ful wmmm'nfln’&:‘ anadiap ma«nafacturers.‘ nds i ‘ But what the Mail pl-fl_-l}“A“ um viee Proiecvan us prackoy aon wade. â€" This is no libel, a Arue whereof here is the proof 1â€"â€" â€" â€"©> 6 To PURLISEERS. E> ‘The type from which the Muil is now printed naving veen ‘found a %vmmyformmd the and M .::n,mm:u.m paper, is or sale in quan! 1o suit p-nl-l= wither in or out of case. Delivery ? ;mulef mhhmuu% es iÂ¥ ‘Tnos. C. Parrnsgx, "" ‘That last sentence ought to gladden the‘ ;Iul,,i‘o"-“w -"ifi‘“ sald in #» C 3. vmils ut adnorary maes type, you see, it buys it sbrdid, bit Mn« courages home industry by seliing o8 its piaye1 out jonts to Other C@uservative or» ginsâ€"Clever and characterlatic. ; .. A German Joke at Alnerican Progré®» humorous people; but a Berlin paper his the following ury' goud builésque on the American tendency to vasf cerprises : L‘he latest American m‘lmuuu wiil be the -'M.__M" ‘ soon to be erected in Uhionge. The m hbotel! is «0 have a froutage of three miles long, abd a Geptn of six miles; the he‘i&l)n am“.-.&-m be 8. Iwme‘ to the root. The hotel wil}: ‘mo stairs, but five hundred balloons will always be ready to take ‘visitor up to their roots, : Ne room waiters are to be employed, but vis« ivors will be served b'y': u.;ly pnn't:: «ut>m£0, «p in 7 room, wiil do all m wux.» mpqubyt:vg_y‘ “L‘m;m Precept and Pradtice. the guests by @very «simple ah : ingenious mechanicism. ~ _ Supposiny ~Abe ""d require hot water, the automatio _#.4 o.li down stairs, ~ A busckes rof ware: to roem No. 1,002,107 ":ld the water will be insn.mo& AJ cloraâ€" m."nm--mm-’mu,- stead of the maging of velli, a gus (twentyâ€" four pounder) will be fired on each fioor 10 tables in the dining rooms will Mm““.llm._’.x ed by tweive wuiters on horseba¢k on eitber side jof ‘The table." Musne"during tahle © d hoie will be playeaâ€"grati«« by eight bundes d_:“_":nn men enh.. To o P oc . #or the mmd vitors a railw :y frlpe clthees »The »pree Shciendintroess mfi“ The prige of be fro‘m ene to ten ‘doliare;> The cost of\hilbuihfil‘!lMd“m 000 000. .. The pilliard ream will uine| bundred , American, nl':_-:h' Frenth and ons‘ Mnglith "aMiles, dod as most of the visitors are |to be mmg.unmfa-wmumu \msm.mgmwmm circumterence, o n The Germans are not considered a « lon . list of kindred «isenses, Are Alitls buted 1o a low state of the nervous system : e'm:.mtumr-.m:uw ers Feliows nounlbypu-uhbv:&n- der these GisO8888. . ... , Hniant D-u-.â€"%fib.lfl. 1874, Mr, James 1, Fellowsâ€" ::,um Mw.om-ubt:”-sy huu;:, you are ab w dlovier ’l::ty. hflwdl#fm:h. ill with Dissase of the M&m. wdbyml‘twnd s eontinued professional atten= dance, up to a. few weeks ago, when your JUompound Syrup of l’&"’ recommended to me, use of it durâ€" ing a very short time ensbled pie to re« sume my usual work, and now [ am as well, fiu, and hearly as 3 , Tours, u',-'- mw 'hohl:z &';r ususstilar or, mmu ons fououâ€"fl it. As F s Hypophosphites restores the mn:h.ou-ut. n--l:l always strengtben heart weasen« fll# u:.&tln element,â€"The Inventor. | fuly, 6. 4 4 vl>a.l J“ulfl:‘l&"&:’lfi.‘:‘ on. â€"Urange Buree 1869 -l:.l‘:m-z.nln bound to amt:pd- of meritto the bg t mm £ lmmnmkwh"“’-“‘ Aphonis which --H_"-;t-mg'n“‘" ana mm clamed f:’&m aoted with expedition and entire satisiacâ€" tion. 1tee calles upon to publish the fact, that the projession may «vail them» soives of / a â€" remedy in your +Compound .w-.'“'l_'i of 6 mm / tuly, 8. m Â¥ us 1~gould wish to be, ». Yous, w# Ilrhwduj i i.“m Ni| tiom in our h favourite mn.‘q in heatben lands, whar b..' CC san 1 °C be) p *3 nzr:u Jor ?:u "h& L“ Weekly i .F[ldl,“ o o 4 “‘:; me .bs-:'fl'flp g House ; ~Lacy, 7 1 Hull ; t N uw.'moguu“"‘....'l [ _ Canome Seummitis. © Physigngt .. * of i Trs Parâ€"EKiuuge _ 3° on. I put hiw Budae men t, prumbdyl:nr Oe B &y.pfloophuo uns after uelny to Wan * alnd it how paricsily td o was given up oy tour 3 “"hmh l.’tt.l.l«:fl. and .Y 100n acren d “l:nl from 136 to 148 pounds w nn‘yonthiflouh'*‘ . ing what use you please m-n”shgg*.“ d fit of sufleri . ‘ Sin | in any way Lisoase Or whiky _ METCALP® . 8P M ’E £$:‘ w.auu'ufi;n ing service atl * Welock." Pastor vumll M.As & Orrawa Wher WasisYaA® Br.: ANDREW‘8 sB a ym at 7 Â¥ » { Poâ€"mortuw wi! be Oom: â€" wA w " 0 1. 7 woicle Pegie Kxox‘s . PRESByTERIAN â€" Fty i FaegNapi~+ _ _Daur _Equ®ir Pul mor Sigg gommoge: 11 c ut 7 + &Elook;" Trouing : erv 08 al , 4 . 10088 OMURC t o cives ; Eyem forencon «nd i .uch ob w caite t «in.; Mass ut 8 n. Verp at + caloolt, $ * Rrronuch Epi00t nerv 11 _o‘ciock ; m,m T suon :M c0o ‘HAMC, > ; >> ‘ORK=â€"BT.. M. CE suvuej ~enlug | Pastor Â¥. A OnAuprers M. E. C vice at 11 ‘ wclock. l d wn Eveni vie gfi.m‘n TIQ®: CHC atoll o‘ciock; Eveniog Sock t Bvoulng Service ab Je TeV. J B. Landel. _ L mzomm“n‘-: _CaTmoLId, APOSTOLIO: ol prtning. ave k DIBRECTORY a £4 iD t Bt. nR ts irei en a m.; Vesp: 97â€" 'a of any ob ie ! : ::-3':1,_‘ ,fi;.: N iiredtOry :uu&ufla'mfi‘g ‘The fumerai will i«ke place, futher‘s resicen06, 0+ quaintances are eq= 0s denoe, years. s The funeral will â€" \mm . uotice. . â€" JARTINE the MDLLE. RAYELOX MDLLEF, RaAYVEL woLL® waviL 18 se MDLLE #4 YEL, £X PAS MVLLE, BAYEL 1X 008 Madlie,: “. €HIB AYI si , near Bapk «L FRESH * n Lo oohids 14 5 »arTool Making and Outfits weveing‘ B ue Wine Eesnt AG BLOVLTÂ¥RAL k«pAiixk or PRINYN® mmpctmemmmetusmamammemee e 0 ~usroMs pEPASDEE NK M Pau & BARKMET, MNECHANICAI T n on Dal NEW BOARD ANO LASF APPEAKANCR O® Â¥r woluok, p. M. *"â€" *4 Ne «~QÂ¥ 3. H, W #nov; Pu Em p10y 3659 wo TC U A K D. ¢ &0 ied o ® Animai® H.ck@9 : M. A fence wase 404 â€" man who the indipl®n" ‘.p.-.d A1 a . ap® A«e detion cormer . of streets, last # his board bil recamiy WT" ace wlose D 1 is the cbaif, :.".w" cintion ; the ”“- the mer LiDs Mesat®» B + Geogheg=B j rgh P upe hy we we ty #* .......'% hother heve a walk proceeded Hoa. the oity Four quentily away 4/ go4 ment pray\iB sâ€"quence of regu arly go h"“." M’w day, ®: die: treal also gs inom the about the mle, the 1 dollarss petion he had no refund it « The request Uwindior ene atuer their r heard of, out for bim enair. . Vint been ammou was earried the course Ci ty inisves ®f type in wh to 0 % E A most sistion of Â¥ t oo on T day u“' evening dience. * and lively ;;wn: raG 6 ht t in atatec meRDer | hore 94 UBtIO aM0 the ing profi for be Dg it day at row disap Objeo they n of Lie® Olaiuge fo The who He D 10

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