Ontario Community Newspapers

Ottawa Times (1865), 1 Sep 1874, p. 2

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$at 135. i $ + ad i1j $* 4 UUSRGRAVE®S CELEBRATED condition.) A|western contemporary, of the genus Tory, relerring to a recent article in our columns on the unwarranted strictures of the London Standard, wants to know the organ‘s treason «* comes in," .d?y-u Only stood up for the carrying out of the Canadian Pacitic Railway scheme in its integrity. Had our contemporary sopied another couple of lines from our article, and not garbled |X quotation, there would bave appeared t readers 0i ordinary intelligence little reason for put~ ting the foregoing question, and sufficient cause to doubt the accuracy of the sum. mary presented to them of the actua; views of the Lopdon Tory otgan; or at any rate they might have been ipduced to read the document whose import was disâ€" puted and interpret its ing for them. selve=. If to counsel British Columbis, in ease the unreasonable and exorbitant de, mands of Mr: Walkem were not a0cdeeded to, to secede from the Canadian coufederation, be standing up for the carâ€" rying out of the Canadian Pacific Railway sehbeme in acy shape or form, it will surâ€" prise quite a few, even to . the most rabid "terms" advocates in the Pacific Provinceâ€" We repeat that it is a treasonable sentiâ€" ment towards C:nada to counsel its disin. tegraties, and that to stir up disaffection and discord amongst the subjects of Her Majesty in any portion of the British Emâ€" pire, colonial or imperial, is disloyalty to the Sovereign of this realm. We have been told by the Tory press time and again that Independence for Canada meant an= nexation to the United States. If the indeâ€" nee of the whole Confederation, ‘ ht about by pesceable meansâ€"and it never be brought about by any other it it could be brought about at allâ€"meant annexation, what could the forcible separation of ~British Columbia from the rest of Canada msan? Either the argument regarding the independence of Canada means nothing, or the secession of sny individual province, especially one so far separate from the rest of the voâ€" minion as British Columbia, means a very great deal. U RER®,. DUBLLN 3 UROSSE AND BLACKWELI We understand the Hon. George Brown has denied upon Oath, not only the charge of seduction made against him through the columns of the National but also all the statements of a libellious nature pubâ€" hhd‘ connection‘ therewith. . 1t will now! upon Messrs. Thompson and Smallpicce to make affidavit to the truth of their scousations, and of course their doing so will render them liable to a proâ€" secution for perjury, with which such action on their part will be followed. Royal Mail Lineâ€"I. C. CassO®â€" The Aunual Exhibitionâ€"James Bell Lostâ€"3. P. Parent. . Rink Music Hallâ€"Harry Lindley. Auction Saleâ€"A. B Macdonald. The Ottawa Ciaes ‘The report that the contract for the conmstruction of the section of the Pacific Telegraph Line, east of Fort Garry, has been awarded is premature. Our Tory contemporaries, under the impression, no doubt, that they can mkn‘ a point for their party by it, have been bandying about charges of disloyalty against their opponents of late without, we should charitably be disposed to hope, fuily realizing the grave importance which in some quarters may be attached to their false accusations, Of course the people | of Canada fully appreciate the motive which inspires such charges, and the utter hopelessness of the cause they are designâ€" ed to revire; but it should never be forâ€" gotten that people outside of Canada are not equally well informed in this resâ€" pect. it is impossible, for instance, for a writer on the British press who has never lived in Canada, and is sequainted with it only by the newspaper exchanges, to know bow much truth or how much falsehood there may be in the sweeping and wholeâ€" sale impeachments of Canadian statesmen ‘ _which from day toâ€"day make their appearâ€" ance in the colummns of rabid party jour. nale. With a pesversity common to human natufe, the tendency is to believe the worst that is charged, and even all that is insinuated, The _ wriiters we bave referrel to know that the present Government of Canada is supported by a m»jority in Parliament proportionately greater than ever owed allegiance to either Mr. Giadstons or Mr. Disrseli; they know that the pposition is a body of such small proportions that it can do practically nothing to check the legislation of the dominant party, either for good or evil ; they know that a government, just freab from the people, and supported by theni Clintoon. This gentlemon, . it will be reâ€" membered, represâ€"nted North Huron in the Commons during the first Parliament. ary term after Confederation. He :s a rail â€" way contractor of great experience and success. > THE BRITISH PRESS ON CANAâ€" | DIAN LOYALTY. Reciprocity Treaty, but aiter very little deliberation, they relegated the matter in the meantime to a committee represent~ ing the various interests affected, who were instructed to report to the Board at a future day. The committee was tohave Imt yesterday for a first time. ‘The St. John Board of Trade met last week for the purpose of discussing the The contract for the grading of the brarch of the Canadian Pacific Railway from Pembina to Fort Garry has been awarded to Mr. Joseph Whitehaad, of ttawa Ladies‘ Colleg teâ€"Nio â€"W. 0. MoKa Mtawa, July Sth, 1574 MOLSON‘8 CELEBRATED ALE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1874 OWSs CELEBRATED ALE. YoUuNgERs EDJINBURGH ALE, MUOLSQN‘8 CELEBR New Advortisements At CAMPBELL & ALMAS, 5 86 Sparksâ€"St. ogeâ€"E fu‘l list of P. Juckson, M. A EMGLISH ALE. ATED PORTER London Geods ALE (in prime with a cordiality never before axtended to public men in this country, are charged with disloyalty to Britain and British in« terests ; and, taking for granted that those allegations have more or less foundation in fact, they naturally conclude that a large majority of the people of Canada are also disloyal. If they attach the slightest importance to the ravings of the Upposi â€" tion pnu-:i.it would be too much to expect that of them would not do #o â€"they could come to no other conclusion. That such a deduction is a slander upon the people of Canad« we defy the Opposi« tion to contradict _ They dare not cast such an imputation upon the nation openâ€" ly, and yet when such papers as the Stanâ€" dard and the Saturdey Review «do so, they are:imply drawing a logical inference from the utterances of their political prototypes on this side of the water. Some of the latter are beginning to awaken, if not to the folly pf the course they are themselves pursuing, at least to the pernicious nature of its consequences. . We take the Halifax Express, the pocket organ and mouth» picce of Dr. Tupper, as an example. No journal has been more profuse in its abuse, none more prolific in inventing pretexts for charges of disloyalty against the Govâ€" ernument and the party which supports them, than this :ame organ ; yet it finds the pw by the Saturday Review, so __ergerly . swallowed by the Toriee of the inland proâ€" vinces, by far too bitter ; and it speaks otf it as one of * those exasperating articles © which a Colonist always wishes to tear up i*We do not know how to characterize this flippant impertinence with an underâ€" tone of cowardice. Great Britain has never ‘had any "difficuity" in f;::fing Canada to accept whitever was for the benefit of the emnire ; and has never experienced any "difficulty" in «preventâ€" ing‘" Canada from doing anything in= jurious to the empire. And it there is anything certain in the future, from the historical indications of the past, it is that the North American oonuml never will be united in a single federation .‘ And the suggestion of the Beview that auy attempt to obstruct a treaty mi,ht furnish ©a pretext for annexation "‘â€" does he mean & forcitle© annexation we wonder?â€" is the simplest and most shameless cowardiceâ€"it the Can~! adians had better consert be robbed lest worse things befall ! An article‘ of that sort may win a man the bluae rib= bou of the Seturday Revuw, but in Canada it would certsinly deserve and bly reâ€" ceive a ducking in a horse| Aj as the Revieae attacks the Reciprocity Treaty, this condemnation must to some degree be qualified, or the organ would be ‘ committed to a support of the very. measure it has so blindly and with so â€" little: reasoning opposed ; se it teils© us there is a good deal of truth in the article, and. also a good deal of insult, | The effect of the latter qualificaâ€" tion, however, must certainly be held to negative the commendation. *Canada," says the writar in the Review "is loyal to ©Eagland, on the well understood . conâ€" 4# dition that the Colony is never to make © a sacrifice for the benefit of the Mother & country." "It this exasperating stateâ€" * ment were true," says the Axzpress in reâ€" ply, © the Mother country would not have " any Canada to be loyal in any shape to «her. Cenada has been, all her ‘national #©lite long, making sacrifices for the Mother country â€"from the time when « the Cznadians turned back the tide cf #© invasion from the walls of Quebec to @ the time when their Parliament passed " the Washington Treaty, making a deci. * ded sacrifice for the Mother Couatry in *« doing so."‘ The writer in tlle. Review goes on to speak of the probabilities of annexation arising from reciprocity, and hints that if Canada could only be induced to abandon the idea of free trade by & threat of coerâ€" cion, it would not be wise on the part of the Mother Country to make use of that means, as it might furnish a powerful and plausible argument|for annexation. To which our Halifax contemporary makes the following bitter rejoinder: â€" Standard and the London clique it leads. Until the Torics learn to place their country before their party, until they learn to sustain defeat with becoming composure, and until they begin to comâ€" prehend that some of the mud they throw about them #0 prowmiscuously is sure to stick where they do not desire it, the who‘esale conderonation dealt out by British journals to the people of Canada need neither surprise nor irritate them. (Our contemporary should remember, in the midst of its indigeation, that it is, in company with its political confreres in C:nada, enfirely responsible for the assev. erations of the Amview, as well as for the base insinuations and accusations of the © and fling in the face of the writer as the ©best answer to his arguments." Of course Caroxio Srumxitis. â€" Physician‘s report of a remarkable case,. Gagetown, N. B , Jaly 22%, 1868. . Mr. James L. Felions, Chemist. Dear Sir: Allow me to bear testimony in fayor of your Compound Syrup of Hypo'g‘holphim. 1 have used it myselt for Tuberculosis with marked benefit, and have given it to a great numâ€" ter of my pitients, with the same results as I _ experienced from its use. The most marked was a case which was under my care in March last. This was a patient who bad been under treatment nine monts with no. beneficial results. W hen I first saw him be was so feeble that he could not sit up long enough to have his heart and lungs examined, He h «d a severe Cough, Dyspecers, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Digestion, and w«mmt genâ€". eral maciaton. â€" I put bim er _ ireat. ment, &r:cnbed your Compound Syrup otf Hypophosphites. an‘t after using four bot« ties he was able to attend to his farm and is now perfectly well. In March he was given up oy four Ehynahu respecâ€" tively; in May he ted in ploughing eighteen acres of land. and had run up in 'uuh from 136 to 14$ pounds weight. 1 send you this for the purpose of your makâ€" ing what use you please of it, and wish Rat Z.o.n.."“""-....:?"" mrag * un of s s re. commending the use of your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites to all who suffer in any way from disease or weakness of the Lung», Bronchial Tubes, or general deâ€" 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1813 1874 ~68 869 810 8171.... NT Zvseese $5 118,283,04. ... 3.689.733, 14. ... NHidh .. 3 y CUsessen 3 308.686,00. . . . 6,434 360,00...... 5 331,447 00...... 2 019,490,00 ... 2,555 558 00. ... 4 470,207.00...... 5 0Us185 00...... 5,268 171 00..... 5,178,019 00...... 6‘141,140 00. . .. 5 610,3320). ... 6,211,310,00 ... 6,908,155 00...... 1,420 662 00...... Â¥e me, you; obedient servant. ... _ 145864 14 :.uzm.so .2X 6252184 0) ls... â€" § 881. 290,00 2. T.271.950 00 vis. 8 316,322 00 le. ~68‘3.164,50 ... 3192 T98 00 [1lâ€" 3133 623 00 ..... 10.671,861 00 ... 6.029 $29 00 hea. 8 751,579.00 h mt om4§4w ... 9629,531,00 ... 10,131,165,00 1. 12683,904,00 c.... 12587,176,( 0 ve... 12,746/135 00 $1,796,556,93 6.585,649 T0 5 444 079.87 9.774.831 80 10,047 069 47 6 234. 81015 ReurxsE® the Auction Sale this aiterâ€" moon, on Albert street West, in of ! Jamieson‘s Bakery, of household i+ ture, eto. _ A. B. Macdonald, auctioneer. Armiv i or Ho+sm â€"1,500 feet of 2} inch Carbolised Rubber Hose has arrived from New York to be used in connection with . the steam tire engine "John Heney." | Ihis will contribute materially to the apâ€" pliancss for the subjugation of Hree. . Tui "Joax Hexsr,"â€"This Steam Fire Engine w .s out for practice last mght at â€" the Canal Basin, Owing to the lateness of â€" the hour, it was impossible to observe closely the working of the machine. 8x hundred feet of the new 24 inch rubber â€" hose was attached to the engine, and a most effective stream thrown. Oxtario Rircs Marou â€"The Oatario Pro«â€" vincial Rifle Association match begins this morning at Toronto. Several crack shots trom the C pital have gone to tury their skill, amongâ€"t whom we might name, M+jor Egleson, Liout. Harris, Gunner Mor« rison, Quarterâ€"Master a»,nm Yeoman, and Gunner Lambert, all ct the Garrison Artilliery. § ‘Cour at Lastâ€"»At a meeting of the Council held last night it was decided to construct a plattorm on the north side of Besserer street, from King to Aupusta streete. ‘This improvement was sadly needed, and wien completed will confer an inestimable boon upon the people living on that much neglected street. Orfiwa Laptss Counses axp Coxs®ariâ€" worr or Mcsio â€"The fair students of this popular institution are begining to return from their summer migration«, and soon the sombre appearance which the college windows have presented dnd:’ltho evenâ€" ings of the â€"past ten weeks, 1 be en« tirely changed. A large accesiion to the number of pgpfll‘_il._.lpoflbd at the ensuâ€" ESsmousir Ii1. â€"Judge Armstrong is reported to be seriously ill. _ His physiâ€" cian considers his condition so . p: ious that there is l.ttle hope of his recovary. (Wednesday) morning. OITY AND VICINITY Hossz Towsz.â€"Work has bean commenâ€" ced om the new hose tower on George street, giving evidence of the determinaâ€" tion of the Corporation to infringe on the recently purchased Market Equare. A good deal of dissatistaction extists at the expenditure of so large an amount of monâ€" ey, on what is at bâ€"st. but a temporary site. â€" The moment the market extension is begun, the present temporary fire station will insvitably be removed. Mary Sewse.â€"This work is being prose. cuted vigorously by the contractors. * The excavation has reached Bear street, & considerable distance from the Ottawa river, the outlet oft the sewer. The conâ€" tractors for the supplying of brick have notified the engineer that they are pre, paied to furnish material in such quantiâ€" ties as may be found necessary to Jmo‘ cute the work. An inspection the brick will be made at opce with a view to test its suitableness for the main sewer. Lacwca® Tarcor â€"It is announced that inaoneomk en nlekan Aalk ty the pulpit Metcalfe Stroofi' ghgl Charch next Sunday norniafi The Dr. is about start= ing for Europe in furtherance olhu'n Emiâ€" oo o o e oo e ty‘ gration interests of the Ontario Governâ€" ment, he having recently been fiomhd to that bureau. Many will doubi go to hear the Dr. preach. as it will be his last Canadian sermon for at. least several Rirx Musio Hia.m â€"Last evening Miss Clars made her first appesrance for a season of four nights in a new dramas nfiM" Dick the Chevalier." The Lfih“ is of the Jack Sheppard order, trea Ji:r‘ the esmpes of a Certain noted Thev d‘ludustrie. ‘Llhe hdfi is pretty, young, and vivacious, and full of espieglerie and dash. â€" Her vocalisition is excellent, and in her two songs made a marked impresâ€" sion. A few hitches as regaras the scen‘c department were & little noticeable, and the wairs between the acts were longer than usual _ Several of the tableaux were recalled. This eveaing Chevalier Dick will be repested, in which Miss Clara w.ll introâ€" duce several new songs, anod is will be supplemented by a few dram1 entitled Tez Hroziaxts,â€"The hydratits are being :pldlyho.ud throughout the city for the ater Works,. â€" Insome instances they are placed in the mid.dle of the platform, renâ€" dering their appearance very unsightly, not to speak ef the lisbility of people run» ning ug:*thonnum,fllhh It would be wil‘, if at all possible, to place them at the outer extremity of all plat. forms, It is now generally conceded that water for all purposes will be let on about the first day of Uctober, OF wORks. The Board of Works in this their ninth report, respectfully submit that they hive taken into consideration the ~various tend~ ers for the eraction of the proposed City Hall, . fhe majority of your Board not beâ€" ing able to agree upon anyZone of the folâ€" lowing bulk or separate tenders, do decide that unyc:n the only ones from which the Corporation may & sush tenders,as may seem most dn:m in the interests of the city. _ < _ __ $ Crane & Lm‘" sescesnes . s + «e00008 68 “l W P. Rocque® . .... .. ... . .sâ€"+»»»»»» 68,900 00 The three lowest separate tenders are as follows :â€" W. Stutford, Mason Work. . . ..$30,000 00 Jehnson & Reid, Carpenters‘ mk....----.--.--a-..’m 21013 00 Thomas Duan, Plastering........ 8.110 00 H. Roche, Garfitting :......... 4890 0O H. Gallagher, Gaefitting....... 2890 UO A special meeting of the (fi:{.’.}onoil for the purpose of considering Oi&y Hall tenders, was held last night, His Worship the Mayor in the Chair. Present, Alderâ€" men Waller, U‘Connor, Rocque, Robertâ€" son, Birkett, Christis, Pratt, Bangs, David, MoDougal, Groulx, Heney and Durocher. UITY BALL TENDBRSâ€"REPORT OP THZ Boirp Jacobi Fink......... < Leatherstocking." _ The three lowest of the bulk tenders are as follows :â€" George Adams, Mason work.. . .$31.256 00 Johnson & Reid, Carpenters.... 22 073 00 Tho#. Dunn, Plastering. .. ....... 38110 00 H. Roche, Gasfitting........... 4390 0V H. Uallagher, Painting. .. ....... 2,890 00 P. C:ssidy, Mason work...........$32474 00 Johnston & Rold,ss000 . cssssers«»»» 22,078 00 Thos, Dunn, Piastering.... ... . $5, 110 00 H. Roohe, u"-llfin‘uunnnuuh $4.390 00 H4. W' Pllllfil‘...m + «> 03,”0 @0 Your Board would recommend that a small drain be constructed from the corner of Wellington street to >parks street, at a cost pot exceeding $150. x < § h;liomonm&io'dm.phfimbo laid upon Augusta street, opposite to the Wesloyan Methodist Church, at a sost of hundreds of dollars, _ ~ â€" hesls. lint ihe remiet of Geurke ‘Admas @r 0 for mason work, at m.mmu & e p e o is Or $ â€" amiiting, ‘ &¢., $4.500 ; ‘H. Gallagber for Total..... The College opens toâ€"morrow Total $2 800. â€" Total, $63,119 be City Council .........“3,“3 w $63,416 00 Ald. Waller again remarked that he was desirous that everything be done in order by the Board. If he would be obliged to move an ameniiment that that portion of the report be jstruck out. Ald. Robertson said that heobserved by & resolution at the last m mqm’ Counscil, that the tenders had. referâ€" red to the architects as well as the Board Ts Continess, tee opigien af Ahements hairman, the 0 C teots on the practicability of working the separate tenders® After some discussion | Ald. Walier in amendment moved, seconded by Ald. Robertson, that the folâ€" lowing ten iers be r:gsived: ® Y. . . . .\ .« . «cesssanie. «4 & & Ek. BHOGBG sives. cxeees +. irckee. . s MA ‘ Thos. DUBH.........s«si«.â€"++zt 3.23 } Ald. Waller said that atter paying conâ€" | siderable attention to the matter, he came 1wthe conclusion that the above were the | jowest and only bona fide tenders. He had | taken the trouble to look into the mefits ’ot the respective tenderers, and found that | they were all ready to come forward and | give the necessary security. 2 *a accepled, and that each m whose tenders are 80 Mflm to sign the necessary contract and g‘ve the necessary security to the sath faction of the Board of Works and City Solicitor, on or before the 7th September ne xt Ald McDougal remarked that the Re port was out of order. 1t had not lain the usual two days in the City Clerk‘» office, for in peotion by the members of the Council, ; ml.:ld.‘Wnl.l:r said the moonn:’ had been | ed for the special purpose consider« ing the City Hail tenders. . Otheriwprove | ments were mentioned in the Bopota which necessitated the expenditure . money. He contended th.t the Report was out of order, ___ * spee ogt}. His Worship the Mayor "“"“‘iâ€"-“-‘n" as the mn'mwu called for a spt object, it be betier for the Council to confine itself to the consideration of _ After some further discussion the amendment was lost on the following division : f "% _ Naysâ€"Ald. Pratt, Bangs, MoDougal, Nays â€"Ald. Pratt, Bangs, MoDougal, Rooque, Greulx, O‘Connor and Darid. Yeasâ€"Ald. Heney, Waller, Robertson, Birkett and Durocher, Lo#‘ ‘The mover contended»that the adoption of a buik tender would obviaste much difficulty and eventually saye the Corpora« tion in the way of extras. â€" > oo Ald. O‘Connor moved . in lm seconded Ald. Grouilx, the f the bulkb’u-dor of Jacob Fink for the sam 06 §08,000. .: ._". """ _ _ 00 .k Ald. Christie moved, seconded by Ald. Heney, the adoption of the bulk tender of Crain and Lyons for $68,341. . . A sharp dispussion followed this resolu= tion, in ~which some . persons} reori= minations were indulged in, and insinus. tions freely made that two or three Alder: men were interested in the two. lowest bulk tenders. Johnson & #eid, Carpenters... 22073 00 H. MQ' GasfittOr .. .. ;s0e0«+ ‘”0 00 Thor; Dunn, Piasterer........ 3,110 00 H. Gllh‘b.!, P“m.- «« «vessee ’.m 00 This resolution was voted down, and the amendment also . At this stage a resolution to extend the time of the Council two hours was lost, Ald. Pratt then moved, seconded by Ald. Bangs, in amendment to the original resolution, that the tender proposed by h.m in a previous resolution be accepted, subâ€" stituting Keough & Strang‘s p.lnnla‘m- der of $3,531, making a total of $64410 Ald. Waller moved “I: :uud-nt 02 the amendment, that ellowing . ders be accepted, ~provided the ofi‘ security be given to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and His Worship the Mayor, City Bolicitor and His Worship the M A. Sparks, Masoury. . . . ... . (§88 650 00 61. w Greer‘ess, a carte, v.uhrg:d with a violation ofr the 1 uies for regulating the action of carters at the Depot of the 8+, L. & 0. Railway, The case was ad. journed‘until Monday next. On motion of Ald. Christie, the time of the Council was extended for one hour. Thocougrd:’m .djonm?bull Mux ening at clock, when ;:}lqd:oomoupfocw‘.. * Moxvar, Aug. 31. John Gat charged with stealing a coat from Ald. ue, was remanded till t;‘lulnmorlg° of a p:l.r of boots: one ing. / ohn:sc been sustained ho:uoqmmi‘n wmhhhhhtun a frmhm' ssizes A ames Burns was chirged wm-\-uuuu and wounding one James Baillies _ The ouowum-uy‘om into, butat the ‘teâ€" quest of Mr. Gibb. was adjourned till this morning. _ 3 3 O mt Joseph Sullivan, ori similar, charge was discharged : s Cesgire Ethier, charged with being drunk and dlaordorl{,’ was fined $10 apd costs ouhno weeks in gaol. He was committed. w B was remanded for a w hm“mbb%w regain his "m rette charged by Inspec. iÂ¥ was tor McVeitly with selling liquor without a 1 . . He wis muloted. in $20 and costs. |_ £â€" P. Cabaille, charged with having stolen a horse from Dr, McGillivray, was remanâ€" ded for h week. » $65,997 This amendn.ent was vored down, as was also the resolution of Ald. Pratt, Isadore Joannisse, charged with drank and disorderly conduct, was fined $3 and Patrigk Flood, for was fined sxoq@uu. e . wa io difgilt and went down for three weeks. The Belfast corres; ent of the Dub» lin Peeman‘s Jouruf?‘rh-n under: > The Phcenician steamer, of the Allan line, sailed at two :’m:hh afternoo : from this port, wit 4 of cabin aud steerage m bes, Canada, and amongst her cabin list [ noticed fmm“. ecelesinatics for the diocese of ton, in the Province of Ontario, Canada, under the care of the Ker. Father Brennan. Mr. Larkin, the Canadian Government Emigration ‘Agent at Dublin, came down specially to brnnr all the details tor their departure, "and he and Mr. Munro (the special 50“ of the Allaos in Belfast) eaw them all suitably bertned and provided for before the steamer sailed on her voyage. The good Bishop of Hamilton (the Most Rer, Dr. Crinnon) also sailed from Queenstâ€"wn this afternoon for his new diocese in Canada, zttor having received a telegram fromâ€"Mr, arkin that all his young Levites had sail. ed at the expected hour, thus leaving the shores of his native land (vhich be had not visited forthirty..five years) with the fi-ll‘ & to which was earnestly engaged for the lest three months, mthhh;pd&m, the Rey. l‘.::u Hamnett, lbd‘i:md Alh:g who kindly yolun worthy bishop um of m in :M for all our emigrating who us see 4 bouses to ue West for. their splitual ar well as their teniporal intexdets, â€" < = * > ~ Police Court. Betore M. O‘Gara, Keq , P. M. TOUkL: cevrestarc‘s‘s «462000546 THE OTHAWA TIMEABEPTEUBER 1, 1894 Canade and Ireland $06,113 00 any jalse statements... NSome returned ¢emigran‘s receutly told the story of their lunfnhipn to their parish clergyman, who wrote to an English paper detâ€"iling the woes to which the wandorers from his fold had been subjected. ‘fion. William Mc. Dowll replied in the London Stendard alludiog particularly to the compiaints ltluuho work is harder in Canada than in England,. and that Cana=a is partially ir« religious. From his able statement we | extract : , They must learn the quick step if they intena to win the race in the new world ; and uptil they have thrown away thâ€"ir hobnailed shoes, and recovered from the debilitating effects of tooâ€" little loodLmd the stupefying effects of too much beer, lbnun%no doubt, complain of the hard work of the Canadian farm, But ask any of the octogenarians to be found in every settiement, once emigrant farm labourers, now living in ccomfort on their own farms, with their chiidren and grandchildren settied about them as independent proprietors of the soil, whether the hard work â€" they encountered â€" ever seriously aftected their health ? Whether good food and plenty of it, with a bracing climate, and the knowleuge that the truits of their labors would fill their own garners, and lay up a store for wife and chiidren in the distant as wel! as the near winter time, and not make that work easy â€" ‘;p‘uuro rather than a task ? Ask them if they would exâ€" change their homes and ‘fields and flocks, the social, educational, political, and (reâ€" ligious privileges in Canada for the best cottage and the highest wages obtainable, :rdu the best lanaiord in tnese kingdoms, th all the blessings which are to be found here, including Sunday ministrations and weekâ€"day " cups of te«"" wich the. vicar of two or any number of parimshes ? _ I have beard the answer at muoy a Canadian fire» side. 1t wis slways ho same. Kren the poor Scotchman, driven from his, native mxm make room for sheep and cattle ed God the cruelty of the landlord that compelled him to cross the sea had been turned to a blessi Many revisit the‘okt Home, Pubopl? tho.diaker, as a rule, mug_-u;?. who have acoumuâ€" lated wealth, and, it ‘may be, having lost their children, prefer to end their days among relativés in their village, and those who, like the.vicar‘s parishioners, fail into evil courses, complain of hard work, and after ‘loafing‘ about the country for a tew months, beg or steal mfi to pay w‘o back to the orta‘ and blessings to be found here, ; Canada cannot be misrepresented in England without a prompt refutation of I admit at once that, if religion counsiste of a Ftate paid priesthood, and uniformity ot faith and practice, enforced by Acts of Parliament, with a . special.. judicial machinery to prevent the established clergy from teaching lugouuum, we hare none of it in Janada. Buat if religion conâ€" sists of a conscientious behalf in the grea t truths of Christianity, and the willing pbservance of those forms and ipractiges that give evidence of its existence in the hearts of the people, then the vicar of two ‘parishes have groâ€"sly siandered four milâ€" lions of B:itish sutjects on the other side offl\'ohhm. luilnury'to produce statisticnl wu.u;::l witnesses to prove bath tter obnu,‘,. &‘ngbdn churches, places of »b‘ lio worship, and churoh?u, that &n is le«s drunkenness and fewer crimes, in proportion to the population, in Canada {From the St. John Telegraph.] It -%pun certain from m statement made by Mr. Distaeli in the House of Commons, in answer to the question of & member just belore the prorogation of Parliament, that the Government of Great Britain intends to annex the Fecjee Is, tands, ‘This is done agreeably to the deâ€" sire of the people of m?hldnd.dm:; seives, who are of ru.e of pe dh.b.' dnd desire to Z. under the protect~ ing arm of a strong Govc:tmt. Very few people in this latitude, we may assume M:'ml ams‘d:o.::oju l-?:dn *beâ€" yond mcnl t someâ€" where in Indian Ucean -&‘ n’n inhabit» ed by caunibals. They are situated beâ€" $ween the 16th and 18th degraes Of soulh. ern. latitude, and lie about 1,100 geogra â€" hical miles east of Australia. The largest E:..a of the group is Vitiâ€"Leva, with an area of about 3, 750 l&mn miles â€"conaidâ€" erably more than "that of Prince Kd«â€" ward Island, and the next in point of size is Venue.L&avs, also larger than Prince Eq. ward Island, with an asrea of 38,000 -}m mites. â€"Thare are more than fitiy ilands in *tbe grouw>, but the others are much sspaller than those we have named. ‘Lheir total ..« . 1on is 150,0U0, and there sre u.w on the {slands several thousands of white settiers, mainly from Australia, who have been largely instrumental in agitating the question of maiking the Feejse lslands ;“Bfl'ilél Uoh::l. For l,aomo years the je» Grou been virtually governed by these whru settlers. There is, pchx, not in the whole world a more delightfui than inFEngland, olimate or a more fertile soil than these Isiands possess. Vopuu:rwm“o:nuy rapid; turnips,. radishes naue pur:bon ground 24 hours .mu?.'.: sown, and melops, cucumbers and pumpâ€" kins in <three days. Sea island cotton grows luxuriantly, and the pianters can compete successfully with the cotton of India and America in the European markets,. Sheep farming and sugar raising have also bâ€"en found profi:able. Cocoapnut oil can be raised in ‘large quintities, and coftee suceseds well. lLind can be bought at low ‘figures, and the climate allows a European to work out of doors the year round, the heat of the tropical sun being tempered by the surrounding ocean. The hottest months are Jai uary and February, when the thermometer sometimes reaches 100, but there is none of that p«rching heat which prevails in Australia â€"and the western paris of America. The natives are lazy and idle, finding sll their wants supplied by the bread fruit trees, the wild yams, buut:nurrowm::::h the fruit of the mangrove, but when t to work they are said to labor ~well, Such is Great Britain‘s new.colony. Sir Charles Dilke aad other radicais are oppo:ed to the Feejee Islands lm:mflr a part of the British Empire, but opmficn will not aff ct the measure in the degree. We havre no doubt this group of lslands will presently be filled with a numerous white population, and be one of the most Hmp«o\u colonies under the Imperial ‘g. do me & se 1t is reported in the Cowricr de Caseriec thit a certain Captain Salvatore Panio:li gave his son, in 1867, the name of Bius marck, and that this youth, now seven recently sent the following telegram :ak-n:: to enquire after the health of the : ©Honoured to bear your rlorious name, 1 hasten to obtain news of health, siace the hand of an assascin {:"-u-.- sttempt on your life an dear to Italy and to Prussia. and to the hmoq of modern civilization. Bremarox Paxtosiu: " To this message) Count Bismarck, the Prince‘s son, replied : «Piince m& thanks you for your sympathy. H d bm'flng" Inreference t> this exâ€" chban, courtesies, the J urnal de Paris uus‘- as genuine the subj>ined r.q,m, which it states has been written: by (the ‘German â€" Chancellor to a friend of his in N.ples : «* Dear Friendâ€"Among the compiiments which are gemerally paid to people in power, I hardly expected to see my name given to children at their baptism, It is only in Itsly t.htmo had that honor. Iam neither p/ d nor amused with it; I am only sorry for it. 1 recollect that in 1847 the name of Pius IX, was given to childâ€" ren, and mfi the Queens of Euro there is one called Pia. Then an.ti: rm’”"}u Mluon merebed ?nagi?x‘&;;; istle Napoleons were born forthwith among mhlh-l To.day it is my turn, and little Bismarcks are beginning to -pm 1 regard that as a bad augury, and o be airgid. l!youmomumu- ample of Caserts being f you â€"will Britain‘s New She Feeice Islandsâ€" The English in Conada, Little Bismarcks durs affectionately. ng‘pubu-hou; the sad event tookpluol at Rivers on Wednesday on-il& about seven o‘clock. The deceaed left Quebec only on Saturday afternpon last, by the steamer < Quebes,‘ hfll'ih‘m health, and intended to return by * day night‘s downward boat : but on Sunâ€" day. about noon, he was suddenly taken | ill and was shortly afterwards seized with ; paralysis of the brain. He became unconâ€" o;bn-nd in this state lingered until Ofl'fiflmwhuuwonm 4 p b a surprise to many who were in ignorance of the fact of his iliness â€" or absence from the, city, . 1t appears that Mr. Middletou, who has for> many years filled prominent positions in the Methodâ€" ist Church of this city, was called ; upon to go to Three Rivers, to conduct the serâ€" vice in connection with thet body there, and was suddenly stricken with paralysis whilst ofldulu on Sund:y last, He lingered until Wednesdsy, when he was relieved of his suffering: by death. Mr. Middleton edited the Quebes Gasctis, of which he was.part proprietor for many ”u::,nd wlthwhlatw!:o \::.domnnd he was conneoted pnmouo ship of Hon, J’ohuofinn-nd sop, Mr. Samuel Neilson. Queen‘s Printers, and tor some time was one of the original proa tors of the Curomous. As a jourmaiâ€" he was distinguished for the delicate ;nd careful m-:rnwlth which he msg is subjeots, at times thoroughly bued with the importance of acouracy | in statement», made through the medium oi the press. His journal: was conducted in a manner which reflected the highest mdlu:dhl:mjndp?tw n%hm sense, with much tv. decersâ€" ed we learn has been a resident of Queâ€" beo for a period extending over fort years. He was highly esteemed by sl{, particularly by those who had . the privilâ€" ege of a personal acquaintance. His loss will be ‘keenly felt by the Methodist body here, as he has been one of its most active, mufimmmm o tb! to Shurch,. We dodrotol!.p‘m with his family in their +fMition. The funeral will leave his late residence, No 80 St. John street (without), at :30 p. m to.day, 29th, for the Wo!lqucmuck thenge to Mount Hermon Cemetery. OB PDC PN0Y MIG., ®D CBP Rev. H. Poliard, Dhas. H. Carrier Tres mond, aidant anughtor "of i Milis, aged 16 [faty Ameria, rellot of the fave Paxt Hugp, aged . Enefhorsi wilt unuu'«m. Fin street, on Wednesday morning at . &â€"Â¥0,; t0 R. C. Cemetary. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend without further CONSERYVATUORY OF MUSIC. The third will open on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 3 Beveral important improvements have been mad~. A French Go'urnâ€"flpn. ::&ou-oolmdmumo-mh Bee catalogue and at Book and uuemmumm NEW SONGS......... . :. NEW DANCES, Orrawa Lapies Gourrer Admission 2#cts. to be had from memâ€" m«m-m«%umm s WEDNESDAY. 2nd SEPTEMBER The Capiain of the F’nryln:hn kindly conâ€" sented to un bouts unlis 12 0‘ midnight, to convey passengers. SAPEURS‘ +FIRE COMPANY, To be held at : â€" LEDUOU‘S GARDENS, HULL, H. CHARLEBO! OF THE ARNPRIOR ~UNION AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, and INDUSâ€" TRIAL A88OCIA FION, Will be held on m-nousmomot d\h: Anq:auon. in Village of Arnprior, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 8th, 9th and 10th days ot Be;tember next. When there will be awarded five grade Cows. During the days of Exhibition, finhu:x Products at 1 1â€"3 fare, and Steamers, Passenâ€" gers at oNE FARE, and (;:lo aad P roducts at UNEâ€"HALF FARE. black ber_ribs and horn :IJMMWM &.P. rLll'.‘l?}mm Bept, 1, 1874. 2600 MISFS ~CLARA. GRANU SPECIAL. PRIZFs. A BmyE®R Q’. valued at $50, for the best Stallion horse, of any age. . vE® CUP, valued ai $50, best fi%u'&mu-fifim Arnprior, 28th August, 1874 CUSI’UI' WAP. E XHIBITION P I C ~N:PC On the Slst ult., at the 1874 ELEVENTH ANKUAL 1874 Inthis city on the Sist nit.. after a long and Inthis city, on the Sist of August, Joseph DICK THE OHEVALIER! Or the Indian‘s Revenge. \em.Seats way be secured at Nordheimer‘s, Bept. 1, 874. Bept. 1, 1874 Marier‘s Brass and Quadrille Bands will attead. THIS EVENLNG, Sad appearance and immense success Death of Mr. Robert Middleton AXD THE PIReT TIME OP LEATHERSTOCXKIN G, INK MUSIQ KALL. HE ANNUAL NEW ADVERTISREMKENTS. [From the Quebes Budge!.] $150000 in â€" Friges. Otews, August 1, 174. lhc.fl,..uwm Miss CLARA in K. P. JACKSON, M. A. OF THE JAMES BELL. ‘ W. O. MOKAY sl, by the . formerâ€" , to mary UNIOK FORWARDIENG AND RAILâ€" WAY COMKPANKY, m‘l‘nom«lu'onr.u‘:bv-n-‘v'“ and interm at 7 fl* &. M., returning, ieaves. Village at 1o‘clock p m. samé day, o _ A comnection made on the Brockvills and M?anmuaum-_* ioi met m auaet Poctardes (ain steamers of the line for Kocher Capitaine and intermediate ports, € Fort daily (sundays om)lzv'l-d“ & e e‘u‘uneunc with steamer Jessie Cassells = dably m.fi‘m at rt‘fx‘ ’a‘E Des Joachim ; umm l‘vll.hl-l. ow "'-'?& lonves ;onbm% at 2 o‘ciock p m.; passengers arriving at P #teage du Fort sams evening ; â€"__ SEALED TEND to the unâ€" demlgod and omu?’snfi% W orks," wili be received at this untll Noon of BATUKDAY, the 12th day of Meptember next, for eumm,' two of the Piers on the Riviere des Pratries, in mm-lm‘. »laus and Specifications ban be seen at the officé ~f the »uperintendent of the Ottawa River Wornvnonmnlrm:.ntu-hr-nm mmwdtwm willing to mmmhmhmm ormowutum-u:.. Tue (De: artment not bind iteelf to uccept the lowest, or any uender, Department of Public W Ottawa, “‘E,£ NOTICE is hereby given, that in of the mdmxmdw loo, all Rafts down the from the 1st of next till the close of nvm Te Lrontal or winernith Carlilon Wlmammm By H. R. PaLrM®E®, assisted by L. 0. Exzrson. Just issuedâ€"and ready for sale.â€"Its dn-.q‘m Its price is a return to ud r enb( fall of winning a bearty endote from choir masters â€"the musical profession and bearing date the 10th instant, and © Enorliy restes to Bm u7 the Bri wessioe orgae Ni diger in cnar ihamormnterpramente mo.auuum«m. vis: * " Buffalo Hair" for the m»nufecture of Seit. * By Command, the musical public. . Specimen pages free on apâ€" * on Sik aup. T NOTH Bis Tho Surpiner omices ty on ol To RIV ER OF LIFE . FOR RABBATH FCHOOLS. «h in ch orte Pn do en thes, ue en o confident that no betier @chool = mw-n‘-‘-â€"om entire PRICE IN BOARDS, $2.50, CLOTH, $8.00, oLv &00, T on‘#}.:%!aob.m‘m. =. Y PRICE smrn‘g.flmw. 380 i on apgn t en n ped be :fl indispensable. NMMWMQ%TM uqiaolwhu lamented Monsigâ€" muéuogwu ...:.',:_ various branches nth fuifl such a posiâ€" “:flomdmm @ 3 THE LEADER! .?E câ€"keepl &.; i:lfi" the latest and most m ons Ne ooapient Roliher Rieh P uioh Atasted bra This School reâ€"open on WEDNESDAY Beptam ber u.'m f Apeubntiont to be made to the Lady Principai ne Av y N + 4 e * regeagnensia 2007. Jns Â¥F party having a lot within A reasunable distance of the buildings, or a l0t with a moderate sized dweliing thereon, â€"If rerms are not too find a cash pur» Sha ser by seuding and price to A Y A Tiawcer will be rexnwen on rRibAY. ts hy ® int,, ut Iv o‘clock. Behopl Room ; Gor, woak Met ho o Eit maninurpn, pa L _ J Fose in ts Rriciin‘s spuaine NP aiinar m'l:bv -AM!_E. eros ces LADIES‘ SCHOOL YOUNG LADIES LITERARY 1NSTIâ€" TUTEK. NOTRE DAME DE SAORE OGUZR Reopons on Tussday, 1st September, Ottawsa, Bopt, 1 , 1074 ntrine Soanie Cnireihs wl faave Apitem (hon CHANGE OF TIME. This da blished .â€"Has been years in ropmation t will o welgomen by af ho mq-mmmn E ‘n , [for the course‘) F 0 ”mumiumllq-o For particulars, apply to t nmfi August 25, 1874. Sib! mB (3066â€"181 Aug. #, 1874. Aug. 26, 1874 ;mmnmm(mu 8T. KARYVE A0iADEXY, HURCH OF ENGLAND Weuutworo® Sraxer. ON TUESDAY, 11t SEPTHNMBER. HRISTIAN BRUTHKRS COMMKEER ~CLlAL ACADEMY, OTICE TO CONTRACTORE. RIVATE CLASSICAL COMMERCIAL â€"SCHOOL. OTICE TO LUMBERMEN. OTICE. EW CHURCH KUSIC BOOK PRICE$1.8. $12.00 PER DOEEN 200 Wellington Street, Ottaws. QUSTOMA DEPARTMENT. ~ o Ortawa, Zith Aug. 187%, J. JOHNBON, Asst. Commissioner of Customsâ€" FOR 1874â€"1876 By order, F BRAUN, SEPTEMBER 4th & so, JOHN H. MURnta GREAT raruroap _ _ CIRCU s convince t . e e 3 B Te inghere‘s Eomepeamen t ?lfi'l%OBA ormque O ies aes. . make their first umfi. peape+ We aituse the litt rea w il [ ue Co ELETVENPE ANNUAL PC Pm "l?zlllo GoOoLD NEEpe NO and i orray, requires nt enpprinnnt Bareback Eider anu bandtse ~ 4 t i hi 1. JOEN wBkA, : * <s s Peie se Trick Olown, Versatile > Bareback Bider anu ex For the role of * o e RBBC Pagmane. | oo e oo uienss t THE GRKEAT GOLDEN CAR "THI TOM BARRY, t woukherCirertonanty N aither g?mil' t:’.!ld" e ;Eer} * se los L&n > Botties, eto. 0 Kok Clatres, in y omey m"‘& m‘:onw y sPeviter im _ _ eeeiee ied tentses_ Hitle Suntiand Pooke, iR pick TURPIN‘s F1FTEEN TRICK hoRA :=t.-r=u- _....s:fi' e .L.fi «fopeen irantine t sop loge: sure sRER. .. _0 .: ~" C ds ramofteis ie s open as 1 and 7 o*e.ook p.m. Com een 19g0 5) pomerth L. mept a} The lt:. Books of m;&:un is tatana s e burporne, purpridgs « Co, Ootemen sreet 149 am“ 7 m’ fl.m gn ts ifi%.. & 0o Montresiâ€"_Piimane, on Hailinyâ€" Avery Brown + James rrâ€"ser, & A _ Also at th« tem por Medicine vendors CaLDWELL &# 00, â€" â€" Mills‘ Supply Agenty, March 26, 1894. Reâ€"engegement of § SENORITA MILL®E ’nâ€"nâ€"-~-ug~ m« M:fl--u“ifi‘ "**~~ / TaANMES E. g00K% _ . * * i1 oino0e ma umt im paro 4. Smoking in the grand ge«â€"lit pevilion FRIDA Â¥ viars, M::E‘&f, es “d Wil June 80, 1894. FIRBT No. 11 Aparkeaâ€"st., Nee Busscii Hets 10. on C BE UOTTAWA LOAN AND 1 KENT OOMPANY. 3 TTAWA ‘AY AND SATURBDay (Ahn--.w : vakly‘P MLLE. LOUISE, _ u F "" e oo TO LO A Kâ€"1p large or small 2448 lfgh&@ the idi ag SIX HORSE aCÂ¥ ! 3 i oite ies rrocmmm OTTaWA Out APPEARA®XQ; siiend the ladies to ement of RIDE TO Â¥ j, a Wa use «4@ _ "~ # 14 pahvess Sauge | ags <<+ Cli o Emm *X and Oit OWP _" _ smst9t pemed Shaftec DUIJ oi New York por o8 *"" «pousini0®) . ._" To Saraiicaes for beel ooo“ Pler pressed "** _ :;‘::1-:;1-;1 10 x the same without HMr. Hodgina, Q C., az both of the newly‘ live been placed 68 oA mmagers Cailerine srreet, was o cock this morping tine M w s as nemver Of 120108 Wel Joha Golgen was Police Magistrste, on it $ pioberd® ince of dfll.cn,m papions «o & & cargo of Otiaw hi-fl: nol on Seturday . o t e e u“-r-v.i-:l the purpose of 1 T Sm Bose timand tntiebod ht V «:rmont Central :"n-fiunn ? m« gâ€"ChieL peeoat, »ue4 absolute.® we understand, rea . She market here - 2 On0 neme :h_“‘m‘ Toronto clos ue wtisk 9--:-‘.“.’:2 North V the COS from the survey of trveand Quabee lhe gÂ¥ Plember next enruesn, a, ""© *exkion of tbe WTiA . °_V * tude 0nlyâ€"bory, , Spor, c 2o H Abglition of Yisld Dundas, are were ‘ME The apd RHe pate lis new on ELE Tle x a while To tw y cbat pibers oun VUb £ leotu q C 204 igh ; to #

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