RY & MooRr, 'wm Upoq y *2 Oing, R m wellery and Plato «44 16 H Shippors and Cluos mig. | and Sleigh inish and durability, say market. PANCBREATHY. IC nnn..?yp ;,"‘suo i9 Broduc, dale & €o LETOR3 | _ Pancreatio q. ""ibe ‘ilhnu..hi: roduced ‘the usual sa, a. ." le forming a grasyg a04 -u':'.."ï¬"'",.w, ant mhn .::..,P“' besides being rich .. have the 3 .-’m reol, Otlawa, comistency spd . nt. o cPuap ~l-lp.h.. e Clothing * hpt 40. g:pu.vdm t * *‘ 477 Aill wayCom 1w , Aoid.â€" 14 _ Quisses, [E3 AND SLEIGHS ution, W _\ #MULSIOy: $hese Medicmes .. A & CO. K 18%73 it of new and un rag Ae s el en so supplied in this Leon Corell}, MEAiRA &4 . ueen, H.R u "all eapoie T, QTTAYÂ¥ 2, will be fourd on a . e Tus OTfaWA carefully apomrignn. » ND CBhe ~*CTu wil Tagg T EBA EV ECC %flfl%ï¬u’&“un‘; “â€"-M‘".’ ‘ u"uu;lcw& | P. P1 rrmwp & CHRYSLEB, buristers and Attorneyzatâ€"lLaw. ~WILSON & ORR, (arvers & Gilder®» 1t 1' WBEs, J‘GARA, LaPIERKE & Sqlloit: ug'-;m &e. Offcesâ€" E:-. Chawa, Ontarte, (beat Russoli i1; retgbwe, a.0., | HoRracE LAPIERR®E, MikistER3, ATTORNIES, 80LI0Tâ€" ~ 1023 CONVEYANCERS, &e., O the late firm of Lewis & Pinhey.) Irmomâ€"migio Strget, Ottawasl _ â€"__â€"__ _ U + AMoruey, Solistior, &0. . Oflee â€"Over !;iâ€"n"'b- Store, curner of Sussex oi Terstcoeta, Ollawa. U92â€"«v. #6 mItty J@ARA LLPume®. ; A. J. Caxistre. | H.P. Hius. No Li â€"* 4g4â€"Sma . Wireh 14 14. ajust(s® kWm is Chancery, Notaries, &6. Meâ€"Haniy‘s Elook, Kileau Strsok Y.MARSHAL MATHESON, Rartuter, Au:::;:y. Notary, &c¢ LC Jeb : v & BBUNEL, turn& ATTORNEY® tellciters in Chaneery, &e. LEEELL MA. |. G. BRUNEL, M.A uze 34 1994 NLRWTER, SOLICITOR, 44. (@Bueesufto Williiam Mosgrove, EsQâ€".) m \orove‘s Building, Ottawa. Mareh 3 174. semammmysigct .__.. wANUFAOT URZERS #s0o 8vner k# mow cases wa o® To 0 NS & Tun1ox D viyos & aBaL BsTATE AGBMT Pap mnamares and Lonkt oot es mMCTURE ‘.“flllu L3 %, . ANDREW LeAXY, Cb on Advocals. %ï¬ow&t}luu‘:"l‘b yilage u. Quesed, for Ek Oogern uueree. jor ine frantdetion ADVOCATE, soL1CITOR.&c¢c Watochmakex piseas , ttipaihie Poysicta and Adcouâ€" gm:»-.:‘n;-::s:?n Office hours to n Bpeeia® attention J;m t diseased and tiths ctegis. 1754 gyNERA, comms * . + yÂ¥ lLllIAQi L1I0OEN#ES. “ â€" .4 OA Rrignam, Eiq. Buse *L @naxts: riwaptoant Aursiers Autch thundvaliefcticts Arrtrctead | oxtrm. _ .ad Residenge â€"U‘Counor Straet, | _ Pussengers leaving.Otitawna b; w **" | steamers will DESCEND tumr‘n&om * _ o9 | PPSAERnrker and ecovoms or" bis Live are an> U‘- P. LYXNXH, } whilet the ronts is one of the most a ï¬-mm. 1 ourists wiii find tais a tfldd&'o.‘“ af ml EÂ¥e _mmpotmum through with desâ€" Tsw i1 187. Mute in Chancery Chambers, w‘quim“ of OConâ€" ~.._"* 0Ct. 34 1878, $401â€"8m. # W â€"WaRD, Jn 4 St. Jamaes a Sapt. 3, 1973 Y A LMKERs d W. R.OMLES, B.C. L, BABEWTER, aDVCCATE, &e., ind _ _ .. _ §~ Residence ~â€"Corner of Hugh Eotary Public und Advocates. DE%G woo5 Ab@ical Garbs. 20888X «ofacrURix® "Hfathic Physician, Surgton, Ac* mukour, &c., . C. P . £ 8., Ount. k _ * *" W wcomnen, EY, CHRISTIE & ALLL, OTTAWA ff' BU B EO w s, I»I‘:-'i' LC P.8. L C, Â¥. C. P. 8. 0. :-â€"."z.'fl.‘&!‘_-!!-: BStrgeon | _*** OMaS P. foran, LOOKINGâ€"@OLASS amd beaat erbs. ikits do. d tierba t . Uthew s Hiogk, No. % Spariceâ€"st , Otiawa a1 _ UNDERTAKING (Iker, shroude, &c. NG, w 6 p.MA JOHN UCONNOR, Q4C,, Eo . « spaRKA 8T casBELS & PEXXOCK, cariotmoRe. ATTORNEY® Mainâ€"§t., wemain * retail business to Messrs. 0. Brignam, Ei. Bussex o cuite Rosse!! Hoos opposlte Rossall Hoose. sekLe,Jr. | P. P x»PEOCEK ou haud and Jeweller. EDW ARD P. ®BMOX, F. H, CHBYALE®, CBarbs.| F R A M E N G U ks â€"st. TO ORDEK OANAQA MONTREAL w. YoUNG. tousâ€"6 un 2556â€"6m aund From 1 Bot riony baRh 4n mt learing OF ROVIL MAILL sSTEANSHIPS, ‘The shortest, cheapest and quickest to o " e oeamioiain en one ## workk. \’...Im despatehed as follows :â€"â€" |1818. 1874. IOttawa River Navigation Co. ‘ _Royal Mail Line of Steamers. 1 OTTAW A TO MONTREAL 4 BATES QF PASSAGEâ€"LIVERPOOL LINE From or Quebes m to Pures from Ottawa, Cablu........$77 50 to $57 50 BA# An erporienced Surgeon carried on each wease _ Berths not secured until paid for Perm.os wishing to send for their friends can nmmnbvmmm Ire or Seotland, to any rallway io C«~ada or the United States, [When tiokets are not osed the amount is returned, less .nnnudooflu.cL _For through tickets and every i /ormation Prince Arthur m.,...‘.....' Jason Gould. . 8ir John.. Y ou: Jonn STHAM ER®, 4 Jessic Cassols ... _ / a1 1 e s s y " Et rarvBer particuiar appiy at the office of TEMPERLEY â€" LINE M.fluflum other firstâ€"class WT.. La&WREXC sCo ND, T uasue "~O" |â€" REVRRNS, DELTA, J HBLLO8. ThAMeS........... â€"......... Thursday, Juiy 2 D€:&....................... Thursday, Jaly . 9 Melios................. ......Thursday, July 23 s&.uvu%eo..........‘....’*‘.nursd:.;,axu. s“. BEUUUEU RATES. Cenmcnuh.md:"gsl: s ms % of bringing out their friends, of Lndiog issued on the Continent rflu for all parts of Canada and in the ntred bDnm# Milwaukee, Chicago .-l' M’Mm:lnm :&.x’w or e ; reseerteys "Caldril 3 Darke a Dav iB 5K A W, Mootrexy or 3e C. R. CUNNINGHAM, EIOPRIG.... ss2221044+ UKXION FORWARDING AND RAILâ€" WAY COMPANY. T . BEVERN,, â€" DELTA, _ , HBLiO®.‘ ThefSteamers of this Linesre Intended to sa .umdmumnuonotu;}nuo.am to and frou London, Quebec and Montreal, cal ing «t Plymoutb, outward, for passengers, FROM ‘NEW YORK WEDNES. AI NB SATURUVAY. PA8SSL °V ‘%omnarmu UNSURâ€" PASSED, | BOOTS AND SHOES Madiore‘ xï¬c“&‘v’u ne®: ï¬'nopulrï¬ * nBR VIOTORTA, P. T. NMacaunneil «+ ?mxcm............r....r. a cGowan ‘naudiere Passengers fl Ottawa at 7.30 a. m., and 5 p.t by St eeriess" and "Queen Victoria tor Montrea! and intermediae landings, Passengors leave by the 7 a.m. and 5 p. m gn- tor Lachine by ‘an-mm euana?' with Bteamers " Prince cf Wales" and * i‘rincess" for Ottawa and intermediate land .ngs. BCA NDLNA VIAN OIRCASBIAN,... .. y$ Retarn Tickets may be bad at the on offlce, Queen‘s Wharf and from Ottawa July 22 1873 Ottaws, June 4 14 _______________ 2284 _ F QOXDON, QUEBEC aNp MONTREAL Bt. Lawrence.. Slightly damaged by the late fire on Wellingtonâ€" June 13, 1874 Eun“' th must be soid at once, and therefore URKAT BaRGAINS, SBale will commence On Monday, February 2nd, 1874, uov;lul. n.n.a‘nd continue until the whole o BROS, we. Remember the place, P%A‘l'l' Next door to Hardy Bros,, and 3 doors east of r_c.mhim Feb. 6, 1874 MBSâ€"ly Rot B‘!Bll Fi ME 3 C PRATT BROS. Baggage Ottaws, Eay 21. 1874 LLANX LLNE Rates of wlron_gupemulruu ~IRE! . FIRK! paY AND NIGHT LINE, GL&SG@ow LINE. ANCHOR LINE. Steamships. chooked. Meals and Stateâ€"room Have had $10,000 worth of FROM LONDON «.«++««.« ... Wednesday, June 8 gnneun' 4une 17 e ver. ccc+,. « Wednesday, .lm; 15 FROM qQUEBEC. ~0 _0 _ UPWARDK WNWARDS D. W. COW ARD & CO,, Agents, 17, Sparksâ€"st, . W uw% C 2576â€"41 &. 3. CASARLE, sailing from Quebe¢ Toh‘ Augus fk *AI"" lath * CAPTAL Ottows, Mutligan ... Smaith Murphy ... .Toner Muligaq Beattlo Duggan .Muno @5 CANADA CENTRAL # retusth (€ «Tht ALT On or RUNNING TIM n:sm ot trains, ‘.. Exâ€" press Sure connections with Grand Trunk i und from toth Rai ane (pgee Ahoek 4nf Time faster than by any other route. | Trains uomu‘twm | z LEAVE! .‘ h ‘x“vuuo. T._Jnflotfe s 9.10 a.m. g::mw s s J_z.hs-.. 5& T34 FPRING ARRANGEMENTS. 147B r&!hm.‘.tm‘q all "and C over the whole line. ‘Trains now leave Montreal as follows : press Brockville & Ottawa Railways For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EXLPRESS TRAINS DAILI i be Msed PSE fouait®. T"i'% ‘ï¬â€˜Ã©."o‘&?'::.. Tw fa, and Trains leave Lachine for Montreal at 5.3 am., 10.00 am., 3.00 pam., and Tbe;..tllp. Train runs through to '"""aA: ""SSHTNG EAST. * > : Train for Istand ‘.m intermediate Stations......... Mail Train for Island Popd and interâ€" Mail for Prescott, Ogden *T ie noale ‘32‘2}«.. (mo. and all points __~ WB Bb. ar4 6 wank inb uns erlne 6 a n 8 dans 5 mediate Buth-.i coul passenger traun Night for 1s White A and the Lower Night Mail for Hilaire H _ _ Intermediate Stations............. . Mixed train for Vandrelul on Saturday mrmï¬m s Point connecting with Stanstead, As the punct of the trains depends on connections wlmr lines the Company will no be responsible for trains not mï¬ at or leaving any station at the hours named. _ _ _ _ _ ‘The International Company l\unu% ers, also mnn‘:n“ln connection 'm .nnd k Railway, leaves Portland every Monday and Thursday at 400. prm, for St. John, N+B., &o. â€" ‘The Steamship *KFalmouth," deayes Portiand o vory "wturany 2t $08 pams 10F thkinkesy NMom :. Raggage checked through. m&‘h Tickets lnnod at the Company‘s pl‘ormmerl and time of arrival mddewwtug â€" the and Wey nmxoo:xoa y at the Bonaâ€" veuture Station, or at No. 1 J nmm â€" ME 8 .ns EOME .E.“'-, .’....."I. * !x%t;a'i&'ie"" York and Boston via ermont Central, &b......, 1...e++7 Montreal, MaroH 26rd, 1874. __ _ _ ___ W. A*" G%AVB ‘ouo"g. , ipest i Pcmoalie .. . sagent 408 6 and 7 Nicholas«3t,, Ottawa. smm ‘,J-'uncnh furnished with every requisite (\;gn ry om-:’ prom: to. Crapes Hacrbands. SCarm® &6, can have them rec "ulupr sel Cankol n procy deseripise afad) 0 0o 0 emar se irregs July 18, 174 Pullman or Sof(a Cars onâ€"Nos, 7 and 8. Or any other Extinguisher, send for the 9 "iF, Ciatrepeatioine ieorvigry, of Wae BUYING A BABCOCK COMPETITIVE TRIAL Johnson Forge Pumo st&.lnflnfl_ Agent for Ottawa 8 | 930 p.3. & |10 45 A.M. Y EAND TRUNK RAILWAYâ€"COMPY I OF CANADA. tm snï¬ Nir es on . of the p8.~ B on * »-l"; old reliable, quickest route. . TDi mmmu:o&mnnnm.‘uw’n"“. Point coaefln‘ with shefford Chambly â€" Easiern Countios J j 1» ways,and Lake Cham; Steamâ€" es S‘ ROGERS, U NDER T AK E R wl Qlaiitonbs. @Go To THE HXPENSE 18 GoLNG WEST traun for Kichmond at Tor ifland. Pond ins :‘ï¬vm-a. M e E«st and West....»« AND TRE oF THE Or esnt es cor as« sec<tstns +3.10 p.m A,. H. TAYLOR, eee se«»»â€"»â€"11,00 pm «++ . .10.00 p,m1. .. 3.00 p.m. at 6.16 p.im. 5.00 p.m 1.00 P: M 1.80 A. M. 8,45 a.m 8.4 p.m 1.% p. m Orrawa MarBuor & GRAxiIPE Works + comhn pop on 5 ind a Ei N k * boulih uces * P. A. TAYLOR, ~â€"»_«~«* Wot'; "~ ts : The largest and bestsefécted assortment, of ~ Monuments, KHeadstones (Obelisks, * 40. in Marble, Heotiish GranIté, Or Sanastone. LA The newest dosign in CRMETERY FENOANG, fuitab efor the varicus Cometlerics. BS, _" mtc o itA cnire Uanpdian Hoqrew Reqeding of Erigeota either Plain or Mounted June 18, 1874. Andseeths M _ NESRD COOK STOVW H}, the best In Ahe Deminion. Hurns coal or wood. Also for REFRIGERATOR®, WATER ~COOLERS, FILTRRS, BIRD CaGBS, BABY CARRIAGES, «c. 4 . i4 May 3 1874. . ¢ e %530y Has conslantiy oa hand and to order= poors 4 L WM ~MNOULDLNG®, i With a and varied t . such as are found in 4 "Asiiesiendayieareraec en BHOW ROUM ON. uanmoon‘m *4%We have sectred the services of a ï¬meémi ass "Dressmaker from f T. Stewart‘s, New York, also a‘i(nllmar from Paris. ..m:.uv,m lflu_m orders. ;â€"Mbnfl the Times, ; TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT :. ~Sills stosk of Oloths, Heotch and Csnadian Tweeds, M 4, Faney Vestings, &o,, is unequalled 1y mlnh.m. $ @Â¥G% » SPECIAL FEATUREâ€"A good 6t gu or ne saile, * .. saaideau Btrdot _ s cis Fcppe * mmge=r>4 RGB reapect/ully to inform his eustomers and tha publ gengtally, 'tmhl’u ‘oponed a Dress Makingâ€"and Millineryâ€" Establishment 234 WELLINGTONâ€"ST. 234 HAVE OPENED A NEW ESTABLISHMENT OX SPARKSâ€"3+ e 42 Atk. & ':x €f Wl aad _ | Res! _ ~ Now opening, a and varied sto 1MPORTED HA RDWA RE, also CHANLDELIERS i ioonooont . TorvaMIzED tRoRX NMSoriRarac/ ht 2 BERCIADTY . s June 2% 1874. 4 2003 y a OTI1AWA, IUESDAY, SEPTEMBER ), 1874. r:,.*'l‘ho whole stock to be disposed offhy 1st of August, at J¢ than wholesale prices,{at a No aizne | raw mceet sitateite _ "BADFORDP & GOYER‘8,. AsiAPARKAâ€"ST,, HBIPT DOOR TQ OHRISTLE® PRUG PEQAK, M OO0ORE ~BROS‘. Feb. 18, 1874. ~MQULDILNG®, BABES, . _ . â€"_ BROOFING., ) j . #"~ > 4 »HINGLES,â€"X, XX%, XXX~THE SEBTIX oTTi WA. ll.l.--AlwluA-MI\O.'wml“â€"l#y’. ts aisois RIDEAVâ€"8t,, CORNER OFPraw aâ€"s:. | : â€"_1MPORTER aND DEALER INâ€" | Mantio:, Grates, Drain Pipeos8, l‘l!oony Geode, And General Building Bupplies â€" AVING purchased MR to seil tne same al In returning thanks to their friends and the public, beg leave (o inform theim that they CLOCK8â€"30â€" HOURS AND â€" Asi i wmmmmamen MASONIC ©O0BD8â€"Blue Aprons, Collars and Jewels, Psporm. ne # ym >>> : pager pasnine dose, | . C J (cn.." fnfapet anooty Tu(m Krouse Furnishing Bsetablishament, CoRNER SPARK® aXp OdonxXNoRâ€"stTs, â€" _ Wlï¬nnvfllmmqflm L 4 â€"CBG * Plain and Fancy Furniture, rotured by the bost FHoasse in Canada and theUuitéd Statél, which they will se at a man® wA L 1. < a D VY awo® 6N. .0 0st e .} . , 11 ¢> for yoursalves. Remomber the place, â€"#€ 4 RKSâ€"#r , uND DOOK! WEsT O# JOSEPH DIMBLEBY, Bege to inform uis friends and the general public that he wopud a Arst claaa RADFORD & GOYER: W. â€"M. SOMBERVILLE; HARRIS & CAMPBELL Cake Basketh .. Hroaches and Ear At the premises adjoining Mr, J. B. Taylor‘s Printing Ofice, | R i doe au 6 t r e J.*"W .R Â¥ AX‘N REDUCED â€"PRICOES CGHaAaAs. BRYSHSON‘» BLANKETS THAN WHOLESALE PRICESâ€" 14, * git All Goods Wartanged Snronk . "wit 3%} EPARKAAT, YTOUNO‘B:STOCKLA A GREAT_S#ACRIFIQEB jare nowLpropared BLYTH & CKERR, KLECTROPLATED WARE CALL _AT Rings‘in Hote, Bracelets, Har Rings, Cbaink 58 SPARKS STREET ESTABLISHED 1860, Btook Coasisting of 25 RIDEAUâ€"3ST., AT AC AND . EIGHT DiAYB, ‘ mnd iewelg, 1. A. Aproos, Suaben Aid Jowals, Tâ€"_‘ * p xl."'rw bal . enï¬ ?l aP Â¥#ruit Dishes, Water Keltice, Cruet Jugs, Water â€" J uge, Spoons and Forks Coloured Gotd Bleeys Buttans Urosées 201y at less A1so, 1Mucofu, Hennette & Co‘s and Ohristie® NiNETYâ€"THREE by Victor E:ï¬ | T@ï¬%ï¬- ':'S!L'L‘:ï¬ " aiomen soddolERNS aiviewsx" 'gus_psu"o NP Y Hikdha 4 delvered free to For ‘saie‘at sheâ€"out »rlees and defvered fte UBLIC NQTICE is berab o on P 'I'U&DA\}: the ist ? &g% next, at Noon, in the TCOW N of PRESBCOIT, wil be sold by Mr. Wlnhg Geraids, Auctioneer, & number of ‘valuable Bullding Lots, situated on ;.lh:-n Ordnance Reserve, surrounding â€" Fort Welâ€" ngton. s@lc. 6 Purchasers to oneâ€"tenth of the price at the time of ‘and the baiance in nine eq annual instelments, with Interest 'Iho rate six per cent. Forther particulars at the tme and place of HARDWARE NOTICE Ordnance Lands Sale, PRESCOTT. Ottawa, Ist August, 1874 ‘The undersigned have the honor to call the at« tention of Bailders, Carpenters, Cabluct Makers and others, to their new and élegant Polygonal Table Turn» ing, consisting of , m NEWELS STAIR _BALUST BRS.. T ABLE cigs AT ~P.¢ NAUGKHTRN‘8 * Emm Of Titerature, Ridediâ€"st., Ottawa. WILLIAM F, COFFIN, Commissioner of Ordnance avud Admiralty Lands. ____ LRGS AND BEDSTEAD POSTS, _ _ anufectured by them under pateats granted to Jm MAUDIY‘;: Canada -nlm umï¬m They are prepared to furnish Square or Octagon Mewels‘ Railings, Table to net Im and at which will defy com M B0 piio w es wl 04 t comir usn aee o4 Bparks Street, near O‘Connor Street, who is authorized to receive orders. Samples sentat w holesale price. ig u:é E:-&oonm will be allowed to the Agents Wanted in all Parts of Canada, to sell on commission. JOSEPH BEAUDRY & Co, & New and t An w c 5 d reeie c on ait Hecat o M ce n e July 21, 1874 The . .mw has opened a BLACKâ€" “ï¬'fl':l.dsw.l on Bnnalp. Btreet, betweed :"l.'i‘;&snaonm done in FRST CLASS IRUN PLOVOHS Made and R MASORN aud qUARLY TOULS Made and "*P* ftods of GENERAL JOBBILNG done with SILTLI¢T© ETA T‘S, Otinwa. A vril 10. 1674 Shif and Heavy Hardware, Oppt * Just reâ€" IJon‘ a .lrwi‘:::.h Aull -â€"m Promptness and Dispatch. :B_ngï¬,_ BO,OI" & r).AT THE USUAL PRICKS, YA N. B.â€"Hemember the place, & bign of the Anvil, Hidegau Street. Superior and Ch tha PeflrOliveOi?..p" P FELT HATS | Light Rnginesand General Machinery A pril 18. Meadow teel Works, Sheffield â€"-â€"â€""""‘Eâ€"'iinfs; nn'r. nomes _ Of ts se o mate "eak NEW BOOKS! HENDOERSON & Co Nfllllï¬r} f ttibice it 20. â€" Ruth srRING_ 1874 f ‘ A Murvelious Esoape. H. HobnaEs, t..mmr.‘.'i:m*: 56 SPARKA "TREET, s reanork e e o ie $5 10 $20 dtadteale 4 or Bpring Trade, M m cly 18, & 8TOCKS AND MACHiNE OLL. A G 8 1 C U L T U B A L KRPAIRS OF PRINTING PRESSES And other appliances, Oitawa, Aug. 15. 187# lans will boe shown allthe Ume and place of couyue $r Paty a9D RhLsop.ars. UOKS ! OLYGONAL TURNING Har d w are‘ Mercha nit, _ .. SPARKSâ€"ST, OTTAWA. °_ HOX. 3. BARNEY, MECHANICA!I â€" HNGINEEH WHOLESALE AND RETALL "T‘rade Marlt EW BLACKSMITH‘S SHOP 16500 KEG3 CUT NAILS, NULI®H AND AMEKRICAN ; A camplete assortment of C. P. DOoRIonNn E. A. MERRDITH, Deputy of the Minister ofâ€"the boterior Bpecia! attention given to By Order, N U L Lyâ€" P. q. J N, CHARLES MACPARBSOM aA G & N 7 For Siie by e ‘THOS: BURKETT. ar® Allen & Uo., Weil M A 0 H I N1 #T 2647â€"1um y $1.75 ‘Blackwood was still asieep, and I knock:â€" ed him up, md:rndd:p door of the reom. . A cargo of raw sugar and malnsses had just been taken in, and this was piled mc- each side of the vaulted pessige t led from the main door of the refinery This mass was on fire, a xi was sending out dense volumes of smoke ; on the other side Saing l&owmh;nd“t:: various parts o wereâ€"also in Hames, ‘The refinery had nudmho-onï¬nfarfln‘ï¬-r,m we hear the shouts of the people without. We were surrounded by the fAames, and ihe heat was so great thalt it was certain that we could not survive long. W.:db:ym ntudb:unr in ismay. H z‘nflb calmer than gither of as, suddenmily cried out l“!‘,‘:lr. the beer callar |" â€" . â€"_ in Britain, ‘That in which I was engaged was the largest in the place, and on ac« coun&u.hflhn was auother watchâ€" man es myself, ~liis name was Blackâ€" wood; he was a widower; and his only unnotm wwelre, used often to sleep in the little room where be kept watch. Blackwood had promised 10 take bis son for a sail, aod asked me ane day if 1 would aceompany them. 1 dia so, and we went to Loch Lomond, and apent a very plessunt day, and returned just in time to go to the sugirâ€"house 1t was hot weather at the iime, and baving done without our usual sleep we felt very tired... The hest of the ‘ll’bbfl."“t calculated to refresh m,nd;mldhrdly keep m:‘-i-‘ D. e tried nsdh..u 'xuuhw Mlu- ddo-:}lul- wood was asleep. determined W awake, and lnrwdd, afier a couple of hours or 1o, to rouse my companion, and take a aleep mysel{, for [ felt it would be impossible to kerp watch all night. 1 must, hewever, have fallen, sieep unconâ€" -aoul'.udhnmuind so for several hours." I dreamt thet 1 was in the cabin of a steamer in which [ had been thas day, Mm'wuaw?‘u: was not out. . Lawoke as if 1 m-mgr ual::d nl‘rlc mtut.n: ® Â¥apor, au 1 heard d&'-&.nundlh;dh-. The sugarâ€"house was on fire. . _ _ _ _ The men who worked in the refinery, on mnoftho{:thnl to which they were subjected, a daily aliowanse ofâ€" bec.whhlw-hptinndlunbuti »Nuzfmwtn&mw. 3 was to. this place the boyrhnod. Thq top of Abe stone stair which led to it was surrounded by fire, but we at once rushed to it, and dessended the steps.> â€"ln paseâ€" ing the fames at the top :of the siair, my face was scorched and my hiir singed. IWd the o;unu M;.d. but with the.strength of sesperstion we dash= ,ï¬wmmnn,umuq- How.cool it: felt: after the fearful heat . of ie nane Ireonl m mos tht uatiiee won e0, mMMIMh A?nhr- ried . words. We hadhardly closed the door. when we heard the fright{al.orash of erwews 340 n¢ blning sod aaoaile ‘ came or down the stair. Wm two MJ behind the door, which <we> did: not fear would:catch fire, as it was oovered with en, and then we waited while it began to po-m:dmm, It was quite dark there ‘we were so close 10 the bright Mames, . 1 could hear Blackwood pnyh.-li.b knelt on the figor of the cellar, | was a good man, I beliere, aad well ed for the death that met him that I soon felt the choking stench of the burnt sugar, and on putting my hband ;:.tho-d‘op I ‘wes burnt severely. sugar stairs, and filling the place where we were. The f#ocor sloped considerably, and I reâ€" treated to the end farthest from the door. ’bohuwupwi(u intense, and the and how long 1 remsined so I cannot When J resorered my senses the heat had not gone, and there were about siz inches of water:in the place where [ was lying. This had come from the fire engines, and was lukewarm. 1 could not feel this with nyhnda,-dny,nd%momm fally scorched, but I did so with my tongue,. : I had called on Black butâ€" there was no answer, and by over with great pain for a lew 4 found both him and his son lying dead. The they were, and had .E.'. stopped there. 1 could feel hrg’nd.h under the water. â€" I conjédtured that they," like myseilf, had become unconscious, and Mb.nmbu:dhdul&wubtbu†sugar. . agony 1 was me then. f ‘l‘houn--m";&hln-hflh this place seemed weeks, ‘} had no hope of : sscape, as 1 knew that above there must be an immense mass, formed by‘the pérts of the building which had fallen. ! had not strougth even to reach the door. At last, when my pain had deâ€" creased a little, 1 fell asieep or fainted, â€"I gzunot tell which, but when I awoke 1 felt somewhat relieved, and a longing for life. [ also for the first time felt hungry. 1 managed to get come beer, which revived me considerably . [ tried to open the door, but was unable, The silence which pervaded the place, and the consciousne«s of ‘the presence ot the two dead bodies, had their eSect on my weak state, and 1: know I was ~becoming dalirions. | L remember 1 Medlr-'- cally and began to shount. _ When I stopâ€" ped, 1 heard a faint sound. far abore me ; thir made me perfectly wild. There was s .‘.i'ua.-uwl mk-:.-u come , 1 heard a shout from above, but I was mmad now ; and I remember, as if it were yeaterâ€" day, that 1 attempted to _ strike my head with the hammer, and then I lost sli recol« lection : Wunim-uud-s- ness; 1 was in the .. They told me that when the men were clearing awar the rubbish they heard a sound, and reâ€" membering the cellar, had dug downto it. They thought at first that we were all dead ; and it wes not till a medicsl man had seeu the bodies, that it wasâ€"discoverâ€" ed that there was still sgme life left in me. lhymfun:ï¬.fl‘:'““‘ pected to recover. mml»m.m'-oh':’ stead ; and I was at last able to fill a very Mmï¬uflflï¬tmdl& refinery kindly procured for ‘me in Engâ€" refinery kindly procured for ‘me in Tingâ€" land. Ten years nave passed since then, Mx‘me‘fl&-mh“ hnave Chambers Journal. * R Owrurs or Hurses Resommye.â€"And why not ? and who knows but thet their horses are réjoicing as well ; who can prove the contrary T But their owners are rejoicing because of the astonishing and almost miraculous effects on their horses of «Dar= ‘w.mmumm Remedy.‘‘ Some were leen and poor mmm would devour their ravenously, yet derive no beneâ€" ft from it ; some were hideâ€"bound, with O 4 OcA t Phae ralicyh c dn eniiveic ds + + Aimmmep flndd-uyhdt; others had severe and coughs ; many had the heaves and other complaints peculiarâ€" to horses ; udlhm:ud-- *r-.tbdh-‘-: or com| was speedily removed, and digestive organs corrected, softened, and a sleek and shining apâ€" used.â€"Remember the ~name, und se‘ thst the signatare of Hurd & 00. is on the Pone® onerts 10 Canaala," " Botd by all z’rv-â€"â€"-va I- 1 II s P L er s io: k dealer , than any other i4 | To) Mope To# iraned en diogs 80 huomi:'plumâ€"hwlmm The crops mostly secured, themselves them good, which may) be m- impiying more thap is expressed. â€" Markham Hoonomist The crops in old Prince Kdaward nerer looked betier, fruit is geod and plentiful, ap; les are ripening, some hive been taken to market and commanded a high figure. Wheat, rye, hu'IoNy, oates. and root crops are exceliont . â€"Napanee Beaser, m:m. huv.t: in aplendid order, ves promise of a hub:c&dm-_mm partial failureâ€"few apple«, comparatively, and no plams worth spesking of. ~Root crops need rain. â€"Bowmanville Stateeman. tarik The bay hlb.l'n‘dluu“d, M%n‘hflq T;:Ahou- j tent i i uuyw.:unloohhï¬.:.dl:.dthm were never better in spirite.â€"Orawall Onr h«rvest, upon the whole, will be the bert that we have had for years, and it is being githered in in spiendid condition . Alresdy several loads of fall wheat an‘d bar‘ey !nvoh.bv-t:flow-l our produce men may out for a heary tao ol on sfa n‘ 127 ol en nomen they wi prepmel for comes. â€"ian’nu Tribune. +â€" Harvesting bas made progress dur ing the past week Q-Jhm-_meâ€"d- ‘The spring crops around Heaforth have a very tine Fiax will make uoudl-tm Hay, which had made .mwuh%m thean an average: return epring M-h,pq_kc.,-flihodmm heavry. :ho farmers have hu:‘ud comâ€" 'Ifl.-. an w m_ dbhbn‘â€"lï¬"h‘pd. # From all parts of . the cn-t.?-oh. tbonwm“m tbr mising on of the crops. The farâ€" mere are now aotively engaged in outting down their hay, which is nexpestediy heavry this season. The only king of cereal in which there is a drawback is the oat crop. which, owing to the backwardness of the season and the inclemenoyof the W.win,‘n.hhuï¬,hu far whort of an potato crop promises an um;fld.nl-lb“-&- ““;jm.:um.?( 7 Tant spring" "Chipe Breion Adedoott® * â€" In the neighbourh 20d of Paris the grain harvcst was finished fully ten d-w in condition, though a shrank u-":.mam-s. Mapy otf our thrashing as far back as ll’fl‘. » three acres of barley yiclded 2. llb“t of beautifully plump and Mfl‘-"’ nearly 34 bushels per aore. The {2ll wheat (30 acres) yielded fourteen bushels to the sore. W:nno;&ufl-lt:mn:: oouoo&l.uhr- this ~year has been 'l‘hhwhldptinb‘umu and all mw“ Lt wilt be upon an average. Spring loakcmt. and a heavy yreld is Full whesat will axâ€" ssed early mflh‘. ; where it is abeltered it yield heavily, Root crop» bokï¬on&. Farmers in Burford are m‘u «and there be an average ï¬wm-nâ€"lhunu very good, but on light soil yisld wili be more than an average. Thoct-r rounding the t Burford nol look very but as some of us do not depend on ‘the tarm for wea mmumï¬m-%np :::‘. The . pea crop, which the i bm::dmw‘m lackbirds, w alight in groa! on the fislds. â€" Woedsteck Review. The wheat crop is threatened with seri~ ous damage from the weevil, We have heard frequent rumors to that effect roâ€" cenlly, but were rather chary about giving them credeuce. ‘The sintement is now says early ravages dmn lead to grave reflections as to the probable results of the attack of this very destractive paest. An abundant crop : of hay has been seoured in West Zorra. Fall wheat harvest has commencsd. uh-hhmh-::.uculhou- pected. Spring crops very promisâ€" Harvesting operations are progressâ€" ::,.u-d M:c‘:p (ngul(Ave .“.-2 seems likely to be realized. Even tall wheat with many is turning out better than was anticipated. With good gramin m.m::fl;cuâ€" for cheese. IM‘ cod« diuon.-:mufln-. from the commencement has been favour« able both for growith and harvesting Conâ€" sequently we have one of the best (if not mm)w:‘l:'flh that has ever been neighbourhood, the :wmrfl-‘:;mï¬-m colour. Spring whert promised one of the largest yields we have had for several years, but we regret to l:arn that along B MWP NUE TL Locmen x back . Late sown whest has ...,uï¬n-fl Tus Season t hue far has been favourable for securing this Onuip-oyï¬.um Field, fuily oneâ€"third more than an average, damage in the early somn fielde though we have heard DO ©UM! back counicy. Late sown M‘*fl far has been favourable PRICE 83 CENTS